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Full text of "The justification of the good; an essay on moral philosophy"

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WITH    A    NOTE 



First  Published  1918. 







IT  may  be  of  use  to  the  reader  approaching  Solovyof  for  the  first 
time  if  I  state  in  an  elementary  form  the  ideas  to  which  the 
Russian  philosopher  specially  consecrated  his  life  and  energies. 
They  were  : 

The  universal  Church,  the  idea  of  the  unity  of  Christendom, 
and  beyond  that  ultimately  the  conscious  unity  of  mankind. 
Not  a  world-republic,  however,  but  a  world-church. 

The  evolution  of  the  God-man,  not  the  superman  with  his 
greater  earth-sense  and  fierceness,  but  the  God-man  with  his 
greater  heaven-sense,  mystical  sense. 

The  Eternal  Feminine,  a  characterisation  of  all  humanity  at 
one  in  the  mystical  body  of  the  Church.  Woman  as  the  final 
expression  of  the  material  world  in  its  inward  passivity. 

Love  as  the  highest  revelation,  the  gleam  of  another  world 
upon  our  ordinary  existence.  Love,  therefore,  as  the  proof  of 
immortality,  the  guerdon  and  sense  of  it. 

Sancta  Sophia,  the  Heavenly  Wisdom,  the  grand  final  unity 
of  praise,  the  wall  of  the  city  of  God. 

The  Justification  of  the  Good  is  the  book  in  which  Solovyof 
elucidates  the  laws  of  the  higher  idealism.  It  is  a  classical  work 
of  the  utmost  importance  in  Russian  studies.  All  that  is  positive 
in  modern  Russian  thought  springs  from  the  teaching  of  Solovyof. 
Time  is  only  now  coming  abreast  of  him  and  he  appears  especially 
as  the  prophet  of  this  era,  with  his  vision  of  united  humanity  and 
the  realisation  of  the  kingdom.  All  students  of  thought  and 
religion,  both  here  and  in  America,  ought  to  feel  indebted  to 



Mrs.  Duddington  for  the  brilliant  translation  she  has  done. 
Tolstoy  we  know  ;  Dostoievsky  we  know  ;  and  now  comes  a 
new  force  into  our  life,  Solovyof,  the  greatest  of  the  three. 
Through  Solovyof  we  shall  see  Russia  better  and  Europe  better. 


THE  object  of  this  book  is  to  show  the  good  as  truth  and  righteous- 
nessj  that  is,  as  the  only  right  and  consistent  way  of  life  in  all 
things  and  to  the  end,  for  all  who  decide  to  follow  it.  I  mean  the 
Good  as  such  ;  it  alone  justifies  itself  and  justifies  our  confidence 
in  it.  And  it  is  not  for  nothing  that  before  the  open  grave, 
when  all  else  has  obviously  failed,  we  call  to  this  essential  Good 
and  say,  "  Blessed  art  Thou,  O  Lord,  for  Thou  hast  taught  us 
Thy  justification." 

In  the  individual,  national,  and  historical  life  of  humanity,  the 
Good  justifies  itself  by  its  own  good  and  right  ways.  A  moral 
philosophy,  true  to  the  Good,  having  discovered  these  ways  in  the 
past,  indicates  them  to  the  present  for  the  future. 

When,  in  setting  out  on  a  journey,  you  take  up  a  guide-book^ 
you  seek  in  it  nothing  but  true,  complete,  and  clear  directions  with 
regard  to  the  route  chosen.  This  book  will  not  persuade  you  to 
go  to  Italy  or  Switzerland  if  you  have  decided  to  go  to  Siberia, 
nor  will  it  provide  you  with  money  to  traverse  the  oceans  if  you 
can  only  pay  the  fare  down  to  the  Black  Sea. 

Moral  philosophy  is  no  more  than  a  systematic  guide  to  the 
right  way  of  life's  journey  for  men  and  nations ;  the  author  is 
only  responsible  for  his  directions  being  correct,  complete,  and 
coherent.  But  no  exposition  of  the  moral  norms — of  the  con 
ditions,  i.e.  for  attaining  the  true  purpose  of  life— can  have  any 
meaning  for  the  man  who  consciously  puts  before  him  an  utterly 


different  aim.  To  indicate  the  necessary  stations  on  the  road  to 
the  better,  when  the  worse  has  been  definitely  chosen,  is  not 
merely  a  useless  but  an  annoying  and  even  insulting  thing  to  do, 
for  it  brings  the  bad  choice  back  to  one's  mind,  especially  when 
in  our  inmost  heart  the  choice  is  unconsciously  and  in  spite  of 
ourselves  felt  to  be  both  bad  and  irrevocable. 

I  have  not  the  slightest  intention  of  preaching  virtue  and 
denouncing  vice  ;  I  consider  this  to  be  both  an  idle  and  an  immoral 
occupation  for  a  simple  mortal,  since  it  presupposes  an  unjust  and 
proud  claim  to  be  better  than  other  people.  What  matters,  from 
the  point  of  view  of  moral  philosophy,  are  not  the  particular  devia 
tions  from  the  right  way,  however  great  they  may  be,  but  only 
the  general,  definite,  and  decisive  choice  between  two  moral  paths, 
a  choice  made  with  full  deliberation.  The  question  may  be  asked 
whether  every  man  makes  such  a  choice.  It  certainly  is  not  made 
by  people  who  die  in  their  infancy,  and,  so  far  as  clear  conscious 
ness  of  self  is  concerned,  many  grown-up  people  are  not  far 
removed  from  babes.  Moreover,  it  should  be  noted  that  even 
when  conscious  choice  has  been  made,  it  cannot  be  observed  from 
outside.  The  distinction  of  principle  between  the  two  paths  has 
no  empirical  definiteness^  and  cannot  be  practically  defined.  I  have 
seen  many  strange  and  wondrous  things,  but  two  objects  have  I 
never  come  across  in  nature  :  a  man  who  has  finally  attained 
perfect  righteousness,  and  a  man  who  has  finally  become  utterly 
evil.  And  all  the  pseudo-mystical  cant  based  upon  external  and 
practically  applicable  divisions  of  humanity  into  the  sheep  and 
the  goats,  the  regenerate  and  the  unregenerate,  the  saved  and  the 
damned,  simply  reminds  me  of  the  frank  words  of  the  miller — 

Long  have  I  travelled 

And  much  have  I  seen, 
But  copper  spurs  on  water  pails 

Saw  I  never  ne'en. 

At  the  same  time  I  think  of  the  lectures  I  heard  long  ago 
at  the  University  on  embryology  and  zoology  of  the  inverte- 


brate.  These  lectures  enabled  me,  among  other  things,  to  form  a 
definite  conception  of  the  two  well-known  truths,  namely,  that 
at  the  lowest  stages  of  organic  life  no  one  but  a  learned  biologist, 
and  sometimes  not  even  he,  can  distinguish  the  vegetable  from  the 
animal  forms,  and  that  at  the  early  stages  of  the  intra-uterine  life 
only  a  learned  embryologist  can  tell,  and  not  always  with  certainty, 
the  embryo  of  man  from  the  embryo  of  some  other  creature,  often 
of  a  distinctly  unpleasant  one.  It  is  the  same  with  the  history  of 
humanity  and  with  the  moral  world.  At  the  early  stages  the  two 
paths  are  very  close  together,  and  outwardly  indistinguishable. 

But  why,  it  will  be  asked,  do  I  speak  with  regard  to  the  moral 
world,  of  the  choice  between  two  paths  only  ?  The  reason  is,  that 
in  spite  of  all  the  multiplicity  of  the  forms  and  expressions  or 
life,  one  path  only  leads  to  the  life  that  we  hope  for  and  renders  it 
eternal.  All  other  paths,  which  at  first  seem  so  like  it,  lead  in  the 
opposite  direction,  fatally  draw  farther  and  farther  away  from  it, 
and  finally  become  merged  together  in  the  one  path  of  eternal 

In  addition  to  these  two  paths  that  differ  in  principle,  some 
thinkers  try  to  discover  a  third  path,  which  is  neither  good  nor 
bad,  but  natural  or  animal.  Its  supreme  practical  principle  is  best 
expressed  by  a  German  aphorism,  which,  however,  was  unknown 
both  to  Kant  and  to  Hegel  :  "Jedes  Tierchen  hat  sein  Plaisirchen. 
This  formula  expresses  an  unquestionable  truth,  and  only  stands  in 
need  of  amplification  by  another  truth,  equally  indisputable  :  Allen 
Tieren  fatal  ist  zu  krepiren.  And  when  this  necessary  addition 
is  made,  the  third  path — that  of  animality  made  into  a  principle — 
is  seen  to  be  reduced  to  the  second  path  of  death.1  It  is  impos 
sible  for  man  to  avoid  the  dilemma,  the  final  choice  between  the 
two  paths — of  good  and  of  evil.  Suppose,  indeed,  we  decide  to  take 
the  third,  the  animal  path,  which  is  neither  good  nor  bad,  but 

1  The  pseudo-superhuman  path,  thrown  into  vivid  light  by  the  madness  of  the 
unhappy  Nietzsche,  comes  to  the  same  thing.  See  below,  Preface  to  the  First 


merely  natural.  It  is  natural  for  animals,  just  because  animals  do 
not  decide  anything,  do  not  choose  between  this  path  and  any 
other,  but  passively  follow  the  only  one  upon  which  they  have 
been  placed  by  a  will  foreign  to  them.  But  when  man  actively 
decides  to  follow  the  path  of  moral  passivity^  he  is  clearly  guilty  of 
falsehood,  wrong,  and  sin,  and  is  obviously  entering  not  upon  the 
animal  path,  but  upon  that  of  the  two  human  paths  which  proves 
in  the  end,  if  not  at  the  beginning,  to  be  the  path  of  eternal  evil 
and  death.  It  is  indeed  easy  to  see  from  the  fijst  that  it  is  worse 
than  the  animal  path.  Our  younger  brothers  are  deprived  of 
reason,  but  they  undoubtedly  possess  an  inner  sense  ;  and  although 
they  cannot  consciously  condemn  and  be  ashamed  of  their  nature 
and  its  bad,  mortal  way,  they  obviously  suffer  from  it ;  they  long 
for  something  better  which  they  do  not  know  but  which  they 
dimly  feel.  This  truth,  once  powerfully  expressed  by  St.  Paul 
(Rom.  viii.  19-23),  and  less  powerfully  repeated  by  Schopen 
hauer,  is  entirely  confirmed  by  observation.  Never  does  a  human 
face  bear  the  expression  of  that  profound,  hopeless  melancholy 
which,  for  no  apparent  reason,  overshadows  sometimes  the  faces 
of  animals.  It  is  impossible  for  man  to  stop  at  the  animal  self- 
satisfaction,  if  only  because  animals  are  not  in  the  least  self-satisfied. 
A  conscious  human  being  cannot  be  an  animal,  and,  whether  he  will 
or  no,  he  must  choose  betweeji  two  paths.  He  must  either  become 
higher  and  better  than  his  material  nature,  or  become  lower  and 
worse  than  the  animal.  And  the  essentially  human  attribute 
which  man  cannot  be  deprived  of  consists  not  in  the  fact  that  he 
becomes  this  or  that,  but  in  the  fact  that  he  becomes.  Man  gains 
nothing  by  slandering  his  younger  brothers  and  falsely  describing 
as  animal  and  natural  the  path  of  diabolical  persistence  in  the 
wrong — the  path  which  he  himself  has  chosen,  and  which  is 
opposed  both  to  life  and  to  nature. 

What  I  most  desired  to  show  in  this  book  is  the  manner  in 
which  the  one  way  of  the  Good,  while  remaining  true   to  itself, 

PREFACE  xiii 

and,  consequently,  justifying  itself,  grows  in  completeness  and 
definiteness  as  the  conditions  of  the  historical  and  natural  environ 
ment  become  more  complex.  The  chief  claim  of  my  theory  is  to 
establish  in  and  through  the  unconditional  principle  of  morality 
the  complete  inner  connection  between  true  religion  and  sound 
politics.  It  is  a  perfectly  harmless  claim,  since  true  religion 
cannot  force  itself  upon  any  one,  and  politics  are  free  to  be  as 
unsound  as  they  like — at  their  own  risk,  of  course.  At  the  same 
time  moral  philosophy  makes  no  attempt  to  guide  particular 
individuals  by  laying  down  any  external  and  absolutely  definite 
rules  of  conduct.  If  any  passage  in  the  book  should  strike  the 
reader  as  'moralising'  he  will  find  that  either  he  has  misunder 
stood  my  meaning  or  that  I  did  not  express  myself  with  sufficient 

But  I  have  done  my  best  to  be  clear.  While  preparing  this 
second  edition  I  read  the  book  over  five  times  in  the  course  of 
nine  months,  every  time  making  fresh  additions,  both  small  and 
great,  by  way  of  explanation.  Many  defects  of  exposition  still 
remain,  but  I  hope  they  are  not  of  such  a  nature  as  to  lay  me 
open  to  the  menace,  "  Cursed  is  he  who  doeth  the  work  of  God 
with  negligence." 

Whilst  I  was  engaged  in  writing  this  book  I  sometimes  ex 
perienced  moral  benefit  from  it ;  perhaps  this  is  an  indication  that 
the  book  will  not  be  altogether  useless  for  the  reader  also.  If  this 
should  be  the  case  it  will  be  enough  to  justify  this  'justification 
of  the  good.' 


Moscow,  December  8,  1898. 



Is  there  any  meaning  in  life  ?  If  there  is,  is  that  meaning  moral 
in  character,  and  is  its  root  in  the  moral  sphere  ?  In  what  does 
it  consist,  and  what  is  the  true  and  complete  definition  of  it  ? 
These  questions  cannot  be  avoided,  and  there  is  no  agreement 
with  regard  to  them  in  modern  consciousness.  Some  thinkers 
deny  all  meaning  to  life,  others  maintain  that  the  meaning  of  life 
has  nothing  to  do  with  morality,  and  in  no  way  depends  upon  our 
right  or  good  relation  to  God,  men,  and  the  world  as  a  whole  ; 
the  third  admit  the  importance  of  the  moral  norms  for  life,  but 
give  conflicting  definitions  of  them,  which  stand  in  need  of  analysis 
and  criticism. 

Such  analysis  cannot  in  any  case  be  dismissed  as  unnecessary. 
At  the  present  stage  of  human  consciousness  the  few  who  already 
possess  a  firm  and  final  solution  of  the  problem  of  life  for  themselves 
must  justify  it  for  others.  /An  intellect  which  has  overcome  its 
own  doubts  does  not  render  the  heart  indifferent  to  the  delusions 
of  others. 


Some  of  those  who  deny  the  meaning  of  life  are  in  earnest 
about  it,  and  end  by  taking  the  practical  step  of  committing 
suicide.  Others  are  not  in  earnest,  and  deny  the  meaning  of  life 
solely  by  means  of  arguments  and  pseudo-philosophic  systems.  I 


am  certainly  not  opposed  to  arguments  and  systems,  but  I  am 
referring  to  men  who  regard  their  philosophising  as  a  thing  on  its 
own  account^  which  does  not  bind  them  to  any  concrete  actions  or 
demand  any  practical  realisation.  These  men  and  their  intellectual 
exercises  cannot  be  taken  seriously.  Truths  like  the  judgment 
that  the  angles  of  a  triangle  are  together  equal  to  two  right  angles 
remain  true  quite  independently  of  the  person  who  utters  them 
and  of  the  life  he  leads ;  but  a  pessimistic  valuation  of  life  is  not 
a  mathematical  truth — it  necessarily  includes  the  personal,  sub 
jective  attitude  to  life.  When  the  theoretical  pessimist  affirms 
as  a  real  objective  truth  that  life  is  evil  and  painful,  he  thereby 
expresses  his  conviction  that  this  is  so  for  every  one^  including 
himself.  In  that  case,  why  does  he  go  on  living  and  enjoying 
the  evil  of  life  as  though  it  were  a  good  ?  It  is  sometimes  urged 
that  instinct  compels  us  to  live  in  spite  of  the  rational  conviction 
that  life  is  not  worth  living.  But  this  appeal  to  instinct  is  vain. 
Instinct  is  not  an  external  mechanically  compelling  force,  but  is 
an  inner  condition  which  prompts  every  living  creature  to  seek 
certain  states  which  appear  to  it  to  be  pleasant  or  desirable.  The 
fact  that  in  virtue  of  his  instinct  the  pessimist  finds  pleasure  in 
life  seems  to  undermine  the  basis  of  his  pseudo-rational  conviction 
that  life  is  evil  and  painful.  He  may  say  that  the  pleasures  of  life 
are  illusory.  What,  however,  can  be  the  meaning  of  these  words 
from  his  point  of  view  ?  If  one  recognises  the  positive  meaning 
of  life  many  things  may  be  dismissed  as  illusory  in  comparison,  as 
drawing  our  attention  away  from  the  chief  thing.  St.  Paul  could 
say  that  by  comparison  with  the  kingdom  of  heaven,  which  is 
won  through  a  life  of  renunciation,  all  carnal  affections  and 
pleasures  are  as  dung  and  rubbish  in  his  eyes.  But  a  pessimist 
who  does  not  believe  in  a  kingdom  of  heaven,  and  attaches  no 
positive  significance  to  a  life  of  renunciation,  can  have  no  standard 
for  distinguishing  illusion  from  truth. 

From  this  point  of  view  everything  is  reduced  to  the  state  of 
pleasure  or  of  pain  which  is  being  actually  experienced  ;  but  no 

PREFACE  xvii 

pleasure  while  it  is  being  experienced  can  be  an  illusion.  The 
only  way  to  justify  pessimism  on  this  low  ground  is  childishly  to 
count  the  number  of  pleasures  and  pains  in  human  life,  assuming 
all  the  time  that  the  latter  are  more  numerous  than  the  former, 
and  that,  therefore,  life  is  not  worth  living.  This  calculus  of 
happiness  could  only  have  meaning  if  arithmetical  sums  of  pleasures 
and  pains  actually  existed,  or  if  the  arithmetical  difference  between 
them  could  itself  become  a  sensation  ;  since,  however,  in  actual 
reality  sensations  exist  only  in  the  concrete,  it  is  as  absurd  to 
reckon  them  in  abstract  figures  as  to  shoot  at  a  stone  fortress  with 
a  cardboard  gun.  If  the  only  motive  for  continuing  to  live  is  to 
be  found  in  the  surplus  of  the  pleasurable  over  the  painful  sensa 
tions,  then  for  the  vast  majority  of  men  this  surplus  is  a  fact : 
men  live  and  find  that  life  is  worth  living.  With  them,  no  doubt, 
must  be  classed  such  theoreticians  of  pessimism  who  talk  of  the 
advantages  of  non-existence,  but  in  reality  prefer  any  kind  of 
existence.  Their  arithmetic  of  despair  is  merely  a  play  of  mind 
which  they  themselves  contradict,  finding,  in  truth,  more  pleasure 
than  pain  in  life,  and  admitting  that  it  is  worth  living  to  the  end. 
From  comparing  their  theory  with  their  practice  one  can  only 
conclude  that  life  has  a  meaning  and  that  they  involuntarily  sub 
mit  to  it,  but  that  their  intellect  is  not  strong  enough  to  grasp 
that  meaning. 

Pessimists  who  are  in  earnest  and  commit  suicide  also  involun 
tarily  prove  that  life  has  a  meaning.  I  am  thinking  of  conscious 
and  self-possessed  suicides,  who  kill  themselves  because  of  disap 
pointment  or  despair.  They  supposed  that  life  had  a  certain 
meaning  which  made  it  worth  living,  but  became  convinced  that 
that  meaning  did  not  hold  good.  Unwilling  to  submit  passively 
and  unconsciously — as  the  theoretical  pessimists  do — to  a  different 
and  unknown  meaning,  they  take  their  own  life.  This  shows,  no 
doubt,  that  they  have  a  stronger  will  than  the  former,  but  proves 
nothing  as  against  the  meaning  of  life.  These  men  failed  to 
discover  it,  but  what  did  they  seek  it  in  ?  There  are  two  types 



of  passionate  men  among  them  :  the  passion  of  some  is  purely 
personal  and  selfish  (Romeo,  Werther),  that  of  others  is  connected 
with  some  general  interest  which,  however,  they  separate  from 
the  meaning  of  existence  as  a  whole  (Cleopatra,  Cato  of  Utica). 
Neither  the  first  nor  the  second  care  to  know  the  meaning  of 
universal  life,  although  the  meaning  of  their  own  existence 
depends  upon  it.  Romeo  killed  himself  because  he  could  not 
have  Juliet.  The  meaning  of  life  for  him  was  to  possess  that 
woman.  If,  however,  this  really  were  the  meaning  of  life,  it 
would  he  wholly  irrational.  In  addition  to  Romeo  forty  thousand 
gentlemen  might  find  the  meaning  of  their  life  in  possessing  that 
same  Juliet,  so  that  this  supposed  meaning  would  forty  thousand 
times  contradict  itself.  Allowing  for  difference  in  detail,  we  find 
the  same  thing  at  the  bottom  of  every  suicide  :  life  is  not  what  in 
my  opinion  it  ought  to  be,  therefore  life  is  senseless  and  is  not  worth 
living.  The  absence  of  correspondence  between  the  arbitrary 
demands  of  a  passionate  nature  and  the  reality  is  taken  to  be  the 
result  of  some  hostile  fate,  terrible  and  senseless,  and  a  man  kills 
himself  rather  than  submit  to  this  blind  force.  It  is  the  same  thing 
with  persons  belonging  to  the  second  type.  The  queen  of  Egypt, 
conquered  by  the  world-wide  power  of  Rome,  would  not  take  part 
in  the  conqueror's  triumph,  and  killed  herself  by  means  of  a 
poisonous  snake.  Horace,  a  Roman,  called  her  a  great  woman  for 
doing  it,  and  no  one  would  deny  that  there  is  a  grandeur  about 
her  death.  But  if  Cleopatra  was  looking  to  her  own  victory  as 
to  a  thing  that  ought  to  be,  and  regarded  the  victory  of  Rome  as 
simply  the  senseless  triumph  of  an  irrational  force,  she,  too,  took 
her  own  blindness  to  be  a  sufficient  reason  for  rejecting  the  truth 
of  the  whole. 

The  meaning  of  life  obviously  cannot  coincide  with  the 
arbitrary  and  changeable  demands  of  each  of  the  innumerable 
human  entities.  If  it  did,  it  would  be  non-meaning— that  is,  it 
would  not  exist  at  all.  It  follows,  therefore,  that  a  disappointed 
and  despairing  suicide  was  not  disappointed  in  and  despaired  of  the 


meaning  of  life,  but,  on  the  contrary,  of  his  hope  that  life  might 
be  meaningless.  He  had  hoped  that  life  would  go  in  the  way  he 
wanted  it  to,  that  it  would  always  and  in  everything  directly  satisfy 
his  blind  passions  and  arbitrary  whims,  i.e.  that  it  would  be  sense 
less — of  that  he  was  disappointed  and  found  that  life  was  not  worth 
living.  But  the  very  fact  of  his  being  disappointed  at  the  world 
not  being  meaningless  proves  that  there  is  a  meaning  in  it.  This 
meaning,  which  the  man  recognises  in  spite  of  himself,  may  be 
unbearable  to  him  ;  instead  of  understanding  it  he  may  only  repine 
against  some  one  and  call  reality  by  the  name  of  a  c  hostile  fate,' 
but  this  does  not  alter  the  case.  The  meaning  of  life  is  simply 
confirmed  by  the  fatal  failure  of  those  who  reject  it :  some  of  them 
(the  theoretic  pessimists)  must  live  unworthily^  in  contradiction  to 
their  own  preaching,  and  others  (the  practical  pessimists  or  the 
suicides)  in  denying  the  meaning  of  life  have  actually  to  deny 
their  own  existence.  Life*  clearly  must  have  a  meaning,  since 
those  who  deny  it  inevitably  negate  themselves,  some  by  their 
unworthy  existence,  and  others  by  their  violent  death. 


"  The  meaning  of  life  is  to  be  found  in  the  aesthetic  aspect  of 
it,  in  what  is  strong,  majestic,  beautiful.  To  devote  ourselves  to 
this  aspect  of  life,  to  preserve  and  strengthen  it  in  ourselves  and  in 
others,  to  make  it  predominant  and  develop  it  further  till  super 
human  greatness  and  new  purest  beauty  is  attained,  this  is  the 
end  and  the  meaning  of  our  existence."  This  view,  associated  with 
the  name  of  the  gifted  and  unhappy  Nietzsche,  has  now  become  the 
fashionable  philosophy  in  the  place  of  the  pessimism  that  has  been 
popular  in  recent  years.  Unlike  the  latter,  it  does  not  require 
any  criticism  imported  from  outside,  but  can  be  disproved  on  its 
own  grounds.  Let  it  be  granted  that  the  meaning  of  life  is  to  be 
found  in  strength  and  beauty.  But,  however  much  we  may 
devote  ourselves  to  the  aesthetic  cult,  we  shall  find  in  it  no  protec- 


tion,  nor  the  least  hope  of  protection,  against  the  general  and 
inevitable  fact  which  destroys  this  supposed  independence  of 
strength  and  beauty,  and  renders  void  the  divine  and  absolute 
character  they  are  alleged  to  possess.  I  mean  the  fact  that 
the  end  of  all  earthly  strength  is  impotence,  and  the  end  of  all 
earthly  beauty  is  ugliness. 

When  we  speak  of  strength,  grandeur,  and  beauty  there  rises 
to  the  mind  of  every  one,  beginning  with  the  Russian  provincial 
schoolmaster  (see  Gogol's  Inspector- General]  and  ending  with 
Nietzsche  himself,  one  and  the  same  image,  as  the  most  perfect 
historical  embodiment  of  all  these  aesthetic  qualities  taken  together. 
This  instance  is  sufficient. 

"And  it  happened  after  that  Alexander,  son  of  Philip,  the 
Macedonian,  who  came  out  of  the  land  of  Chittim,  had  smitten 
Darius,  King  of  the  Persians  and  Medes,  that  he  reigned  in  his 
stead,  the  first  over  Greece,  and  made  many  wars,  and  won  many 
strongholds,  and  slew  the  kings  of  the  earth,  and  went  through  to 
the  ends  of  the  earth,  and  took  spoils  of  many  nations,  insomuch 
that  the  earth  was  quiet  before  him,  whereupon  he  was  exalted,  and 
his  heart  was  lifted  up.  And  he  gathered  a  mighty  strong  host, 
and  ruled  over  countries,  and  nations,  and  kings,  who  became 
tributaries  unto  him.  And  after  these  things  he  fell  sick,  and 
perceived  that  he  should  die  "  (Book  I.  of  the  Maccabees). 

Is  strength  powerless  before  death  really  strength  ?  Is  a 
decomposing  body  a  thing  of  beauty  ?  The  ancient  pattern  of 
beauty  and  of  strength  died  and  decayed  like  the  weakest  and  most 
hideous  of  creatures,  and  the  modern  worshipper  of  beauty  and  of 
strength  became  in  his  lifetime  a  mental  corpse.  Why  is  it  that 
the  first  was  not  saved  by  his  strength  and  beauty,  and  the  second 
by  his  cult  of  it  ?  No  one  can  worship  a  deity  which  saves 
neither  those  in  whom  it  is  incarnate,  nor  those  who  worship  it. 

In  his  last  works  the  unhappy  Nietzsche  turned  his  views  into 
a  furious  weapon  against  Christianity.  In  doing  so  he  showed 
a  low  level  of  understanding  befitting  French  free-thinkers  of 


the  eighteenth  century  rather  than  modern  German  savants.  He 
looked  upon  Christianity  as  belonging  exclusively  to  the  lower 
classes,  and  was  not  even  aware  of  the  simple  fact  that  the  Gospel 
was  from  the  first  received  not  as  a  doubtful  call  to  rebellion  but 
as  a  joyful  and  certain  message  of  sure  salvation^  that  the  whole 
force  of  the  new  religion  lay  in  the  fact  that  it  was  founded  by 
c  the  first  fruits  of  them  that  slept,'  who  had  risen  from  the  dead, 
and,  as  they  firmly  believed,  secured  eternal  life  to  His  followers. 
To  speak  of  slaves  and  pariahs  in  this  connection  is  irrelevant. 
Social  distinctions  mean  nothing  when  it  is  a  question  of  death 
and  resurrection.  Do  not  c  the  gentle  '  die  as  well  as '  the  simple'  ? 
Were  not  Sulla  the  Roman  aristocrat  and  dictator,  Antioch  the 
king  of  Syria,  and  Herod  the  king  of  Judaea  eaten  up  by  worms 
while  still  alive  ?  The  religion  of  salvation  cannot  be  the  religion 
for  slaves  and  c  Chandals  '  alone — it  is  the  religion  for  all,  since  all 
need  salvation.  Before  beginning  to  preach  so  furiously  against 
equality,  one  ought  to  abolish  the  chief  equaliser — death. 

Nietzsche's  polemic  against  Christianity  is  remarkably  shallow, 
and  his  pretension  to  be  c  antichrist '  would  be  extremely  comical 
had  it  not  ended  in  such  tragedy.1 

The  cult  of  natural  strength  and  beauty  is  not  directly  opposed 
to  Christianity,  and  it  is  not  Christianity  that  makes  it  void,  but 
its  own  inherent  weakness.  Christianity  does  not  by  any  means 
reject  strength  and  beauty,  but  it  is  not  satisfied  with  the  strength 
of  a  dying  invalid  or  the  beauty  of  a  decomposing  corpse.  Chris 
tianity  has  never  preached  hostility  to  or  contempt  for  strength, 
grandeur,  or  beauty  as  such.  All  Christian  souls,  beginning  with 
the  first  of  them,  rejoiced  at  having  had  revealed  to  them  the  in 
finite  source  of  all  that  is  truly  strong  and  beautiful,  and  at  being 
saved  by  it  from  subjection  to  the  false  power  and  grandeur  of  the 
powerless  and  unlovely  elements  of  the  world.  "  My  soul  doth 
magnify  the  Lord,  and  my  spirit  hath  rejoiced  in  God  my  Saviour. 

1  It  will  be  remembered  that  after  passing  through  a  mania  of  greatness  this  un 
fortunate  writer  fell  into  complete  idiocy. 


.  .  .  For  He  that  is  mighty  hath  done  to  me  great  things  ;  and  holy 
is  His  name.  .  .  .  He  hath  shewed  strength  with  his  arm  ;  He 
hath  scattered  the  proud  in  the  imagination  of  their  hearts.  He 
hath  put  down  the  mighty  from  their  seats,  and  exalted  them  of 
low  degree.  He  hath  filled  the  hungry  with  good  things,  and 
the  rich  He  hath  sent  empty  away."  It  is  obvious  that  the  con 
tempt  here  is  only  for  the  false,  imaginary  strength  and  wealth, 
and  that  humility  is  not  the  absolute  ideal  or  the  final  end  but 
only  the  necessary  and  the  right  way  to  heights  unattainable  to 
the  proud. 

Strength  and  beauty  are  divine,  but  not  in  themselves  :  there 
is  a  strong  and  beautiful  Deity  whose  strength  is  never  exhausted 
and  whose  beauty  never  dies,  for  in  Him  strength  and  beauty  are 
inseparable  from  the  good. 

No  one  worships  impotence  and  ugliness  ;  but  some  believe 
in  the  eternal  strength  and  beauty  which  are  conditioned  by  the 
good  and  which  actually  liberate  their  bearers  and  worshippers 
from  the  power  of  death  and  corruption,  while  others  extol  strength 
and  beauty  taken  in  the  abstract  and  fictitious.  The  first 
doctrine  may  be  waiting  for  its  final  victory  in  the  future,  but 
this  does  not  make  things  any  better  for  the  second  ;  it  is  con 
quered  already,  it  is  always  being  conquered — it  dies  with  every 
death  and  is  buried  in  all  the  cemeteries. 


The  pessimism  of  false  philosophers  and  of  genuine  suicides 
inevitably  leads  us  to  recognise  that  life  has  a  meaning.  The 
cult  of  strength  and  beauty  inevitably  shows  that  that  meaning 
is  not  to  be  found  in  strength  and  beauty  as  such,  but  only  as 
conditioned  by  the  triumphant  good.  The  meaning  of  life  is  in 
the  good  ;  but  this  opens  the  way  for  new  errors  in  the  definition 
of  what  precisely  we  are  to  understand  by  the  good. 

At  first  sight  there  appears  to  be  a  sure  and  simple  way  of 

PREFACE  xxiii 

avoiding  any  errors  in  this  connection.  If",  it  will  be  urged,  the 
meaning  of  life  is  the  good,  it  has  revealed  itself  to  us  already  and 
does  not  wait  for  any  definition  on  our  part.  All  we  have  to  do 
is  to  accept  it  with  love  and  humility,  and  subordinate  to  it  our 
existence  and  our  individuality,  in  order  to  make  them  rational. 
The  universal  meaning  of  life  or  the  inner  relation  of  separate 
entities  to  the  great  whole  cannot  have  been  invented  by  us  ;  it 
was  given  from  the  first.  The  firm  foundations  of  the  family 
have  been  laid  down  from  all  eternity  ;  the  family  by  a  living, 
personal  bond  connects  the  present  with  the  past  and  the  future  ; 
the  fatherland  widens  our  mind  and  gives  it  a  share  in  the  glorious 
traditions  and  aspirations  of  the  soul  of  the  nation  ;  the  Church, 
by  connecting  both  our  personal  and  our  national  life  with  what 
is  absolute  and  eternal,  finally  liberates  us  from  the  limitations  of 
a  cramped  existence.  What,  then,  is  there  to  trouble  about  ? 
Live  in  the  life  of  the  whole,  widen  on  all  sides  the  limits  of  your 
small  self,  'take  to  heart'  the  interests  of  others  and  the  interest 
of  all,  be  a  good  member  of  the  family,  a  zealous  patriot,  a  loyal 
son  of  the  Church,  and  you  will  know  the  good  meaning  of  life 
in  practice  and  have  no  need  to  seek  for  it  and  look  for  its  defini 
tion.  There  is  an  element  of  truth  in  this  view,  but  it  is  only 
the  beginning  of  truth.  It  is  impossible  to  stop  at  this — the  case 
is  not  so  simple  as  it  looks. 

Had  life  with  its  good  meaning  assumed  at  once,  from  all 
eternity,  one  unchanging  and  abiding  form,  then  there  would 
certainly  be  nothing  to  trouble  about.  There  would  be  no  prob 
lem  for  the  intellect,  but  only  a  question  for  the  will — to  accept 
or  unconditionally  to  reject  that  which  has  been  unconditionally 
given.  This  was  precisely,  as  I  understand  it,  the  position  of  one 
of  the  spirits  of  light  in  the  first  act  of  the  creation  of  the  world. 
But  our  human  position  is  less  fateful  and  more  complex.  We 
know  that  the  historical  forms  of  the  Good  which  are  given  to  us 
do  not  form  such  a  unity  that  we  could  either  accept  or  reject 
them  as  a  whole.  We  know  also  that  these  forms  and  principles 


of  life  did  not  drop  down  ready  made  from  heaven  but  were 
developed  in  time  and  on  earth.  And  knowing  that  they  had 
become  what  they  are,  we  have  no  rational  ground  whatever  for 
affirming  that  they  are  finally  and  wholly  fixed,  and  that  what  is 
given  at  the  moment  is  entirely  completed  and  ended.  But  if 
it  is  not  ended,  it  is  for  us  to  carry  on  the  work.  In  the 
times  prior  to  ours  the  higher  forms  of  life — now  the  holy 
heritage  of  the  ages — did  not  come  to  be  of  themselves  but  were 
evolved  through  men,  through  their  thought  and  action,  through 
their  intellectual  and  moral  work.  Since  the  historical  form  of 
the  eternal  good  is  not  one  and  unchanging,  the  choice  has  to  be 
made  between  many  different  things,  and  this  cannot  be  done 
without  the  critical  work  of  thought.  It  must  have  been 
ordained  by  God  Himself  that  man  should  have  no  external 
support,  no  pillow  for  his  reason  and  conscience  to  rest  on,  but 
should  ever  be  awake  and  standing  on  his  own  legs.  "What  is  man, 
that  Thou  art  mindful  of  him  ?  and  the  son  of  man,  that  Thou 
visitest  him  ?  "  Piety  itself  forbids  us  to  despise  in  ourselves  and 
in  others  that  which  God  Himself  respects,  for  the  sake  of  which 
He  remembers  and  visits  us — namely,  the  inner,  unique,  and 
invaluable  dignity  of  man's  reason  and  conscience.  And  those 
who  are  guilty  of  such  contempt  and  seek  to  replace  the  inner 
standard  of  truth  by  an  external  one,  suffer  natural  retribution  in 
the  fatal  failure  of  their  attempt.  The  concrete,  clear,  and 
consistent  minds  among  them — minds  that  cannot  be  content 
with  vague  phrases — accomplish  with  remarkable  rapidity  a 
direct  descent  from  the  certain  to  the  doubtful,  from  the  doubt 
ful  to  the  false,  and  from  the  false  to  the  absurd.  "God," 
they  argue,  "  manifests  His  will  to  man  externally  through 
the  authority  of  the  Church ;  the  only  true  Church  is  our 
Church,  its  voice  is  the  voice  of  God  j  the  true  representatives  of 
our  Church  are  the  clergy,  hence  their  voice  is  the  voice  of  God  ; 
the  true  representative  of  the  clergy  for  each  individual  is  his 
confessor  ;  therefore  all  questions  of  faith  and  conscience  ought 


in  the  last  resort  to  be  decided  for  each  by  his  confessor."  It  all 
seems  clear  and  simple.  The  only  thing  to  be  arranged  is  that 
all  confessors  should  say  the  same  thing,  or  that  there  should  be 
one  confessor  only — omnipresent  and  immortal.  Otherwise,  the 
difference  of  opinion  among  many  changing  confessors  may  lead  to 
the  obviously  impious  view  that  the  voice  of  God  contradicts  itself. 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  if  this  individual  or  collective  repre 
sentative  of  external  authority  derives  his  significance  merely 
from  his  official  position,  all  persons  in  the  same  position  have 
the  same  authority  which  is  rendered  void  by  their  contradicting 
one  another.  And  if,  on  the  other  hand,  one  or  some  of 
them  derive  their  superior  authority  in  my  eyes  from  the  fact  of 
my  confidence  in  them,  it  follows  that  I  myself  am  the  source  and 
the  creator  of  my  highest  authority,  and  that  I  submit  to  my 
own  arbitrary  will  alone  and  find  in  it  the  meaning  of  life.  This 
is  the  inevitable  result  of  seeking  at  all  costs  an  external  support  for 
reason,  and  of  taking  the  absolute  meaning  of  life  to  be  some 
thing  that  is  imposed  upon  man  from  without.  The  man 
who  wants  to  accept  the  meaning  of  life  on  external  authority 
ends  by  taking  for  that  meaning  the  absurdity  of  his  own 
arbitrary  choice.  There  must  be  no  external,  formal  relation 
between  the  individual  and  the  meaning  of  his  life.  The  ex 
ternal  authority  is  necessary  as  a  transitory  stage,  but  it  must  not 
be  preserved  for  ever  and  regarded  as  an  abiding  and  final  norm. 
The  human  ego  can  only  expand  by  giving  inner  heartfelt  re 
sponse  to  what  is  greater  than  itself,  and  not  by  rendering  merely 
formal  submission  to  it,  which  after  all  really  alters  nothing. 


Although  the  good  meaning  of  life  is  greater  than  and  prior 
to  any  individual  man,  it  cannot  be  accepted  as  something  ready 
made  or  taken  on  trust  from  some  external  authority.  It  must  be 
understood  by  the  man  himself  and  be  made  his  own  through 



faith,  reason,  and  experience.  This  is  the  necessary  condition 
of  a  morally-worthy  existence.  When,  however,  this  necessary 
subjective  condition  of  the  good  and  rational  life  is  taken  to  be  its 
essence  and  purpose,  the  result  is  a  new  moral  error,  namely,  the 
rejection  of  all  historical  and  collective  manifestations  and  forms 
of  the  good,  of  everything  except  the  inner  moral  activities  and 
states  of  the  individual.  This  moral  amorphism  or  subjectivism  is 
the  direct  opposite  of  the  doctrine  of  the  conservative  practical 
humility  just  referred  to.  That  doctrine  affirmed  that  life  and 
reality  in  their  given  condition  are  wiser  and  better  than  man, 
that  the  historical  forms  which  life  assumes  are  in  themselves 
good  and  wise,  and  that  all  man  has  to  do  is  reverently  to  bow 
down  before  them  and  to  seek  in  them  the  absolute  rule  and 
authority  for  his  personal  existence.  Moral  amorphism,  on  the 
contrary,  reduces  everything  to  the  subjective  side,  to  our  own 
self-consciousness  and  self-activity.  The  only  life  for  us  is  our 
own  mental  life  ;  the  good  meaning  of  life  is  to  be  found  solely 
in  the  inner  states  of  the  individual  and  in  the  actions  and  rela 
tions  which  directly  and  immediately  follow  therefrom.  This 
inner  meaning  and  inner  good  is  naturally  inherent  in  every  one, 
but  it  is  crushed,  distorted,  and  made  absurd  and  evil  by  the 
different  historical  developments  and  institutions  such  as  the  state, 
the  Church,  and  civilisation  in  general.  If  every  one's  eyes  were 
open  to  the  true  state  of  things,  people  would  be  easily  persuaded 
to  renounce  these  disastrous  perversions  of  human  nature  which 
are  based  in  the  long  run  upon  compulsory  organisations,  such  as 
the  law,  the  army,  etc.  All  these  institutions  are  kept  up  by 

intentional  and  evil  deceit  and  violence  on  the  part  of  the 
fninority,  but  their  existence  chiefly  depends  upon  the  lack  of 
understanding  and  self-deception  of  the  majority  which,  besides, 
employ  various  artificial  means  for  blunting  their  reason  and  con 
science — wine,  tobacco,  etc.  Men,  however,  are  beginning  to 
realise  the  error  of  their  ways,  and  when  they  finally  give  up  their 
present  views  and  change  their  conduct,  all  evil  forms  of  human 

PREFACE  xxvii 

relations  will  fall  to  the  ground  ;  evil  will  disappear  as  soon  as 
men  cease  to  resist  it  by  force,  and  the  moral  good  will  be 
spontaneously  manifested  and  realised  among  the  formless  mass  of 
*  tramping '  saints. 

In  its  rejection  of  different  institutions  moral  amorphism  for 
gets  one  institution  which  is  rather  important — namely,  death, 
and  it  is  this  oversight  which  alone  renders  the  doctrine  plausible. 
For  if  the  preachers  of  moral  amorphism  were  to  think  of  death 
they  would  have  to  affirm  one  of  two  things  :  either  that  with  the 
abolition  of  the  law  courts,  armies,  etc.,  men  will  cease  to  die,  or 
that  the  good  meaning  of  life,  incompatible  with  political  kingdoms, 
is  quite  compatible  with  the  kingdom  of  death.  The  dilemma  is 
inevitable,  and  both  alternatives  to  it  are  equally  absurd.  It  is 
clear  that  this  doctrine,  which  says  nothing  about  death,  contains 
it  in  itself.  It  claims  to  be  the  rehabilitation  of  true  Christianity. 
It  is  obvious,  however,  both  from  the  historical  and  from  the 
psychological  point  of  view,  that  the  Gospel  did  not  overlook 
death.  Its  message  was  based  in  the  first  place  upon  the  resurrec 
tion  of  one  as  an  accomplished  fact,  and  upon  the  future  resurrec 
tion  of  all  as  a  certain  promise.  Universal  resurrection  means  the 
creation  of  a  perfect  form  for  all  that  exists.  It  is  the  ultimate 
expression  and  realisation  of  the  good  meaning  of  the  universe, 
and  is  therefore  the  final  end  of  history.  In  recognising  the 
good  meaning  of  life  but  rejecting  all  its  objective  forms,  moral 
amorphism  must  regard  as  senseless  the  whole  history  of  the  world 
and  humanity,  since  it  entirely  consists  in  evolving  new  forms  or 
life  and  making  them  more  perfect.  There  is  sense  in  rejecting 
one  form  of  life  for  the  sake  of  another  and  a  more  perfect  one, 
but  there  is  no  meaning  in  rejecting  form  as  such.  Yet  such 
rejection  is  the  logical  consequence  of  the  anti-historical  view. 
If  we  absolutely  reject  the  forms  of  social,  political,  and  religious 
life,  evolved  by  human  history,  there  can  be  no  ground  for  recog 
nising  the  organic  forms  worked  out  by  the  history  of  nature  or 
by  the  world  process,  of  which  the  historical  process  is  the  direct 


and  inseparable  continuation.  Why  should  my  animal  body  be 
more  real,  rational,  and  holy  than  the  body  of  my  nation  ?  It 
will  be  said  that  the  body  of  a  people  does  not  exist,  any  more 
than  its  soul,  that  the  idea  of  a  social  collective  organism  is  merely 
a  metaphor  for  expressing  the  totality  of  distinct  individuals. 
If,  however,  this  exclusively  mechanical  point  of  view  be  once 
adopted,  we  are  bound  to  go  further  still  and  say  that  in  reality 
there  is  no  individual  organism  and  no  individual  soul,  and  that 
what  exists  are  merely  the  different  combinations  of  elementary 
particles  of  matter,  devoid  of  all  qualitative  content.  If  the  prin 
ciple  of  form  be  denied,  we  are  logically  bound  to  give  up  the 
attempt  to  understand  and  to  recognise  either  the  historical  or 
the  organic  life  or  any  existence  whatever,  for  it  is  only  pure 
nothing  that  is  entirely  formless  and  unconditional. 

I  have  indicated  two  extreme  moral  errors  that  are  contra 
dictory  of  one  another.  One  is  the  doctrine  of  the  self-effacement 
of  the  human  personality  before  the  historical  forms  of  life  recog 
nised  as  possessing  external  authority, — the  doctrine  of  passive 
submission  or  practical  quietism  ;  the  other  is  the  doctrine  of 
the  self-affirmation  of  the  human  personality  against  all  historical 
forms  and  authorities — the  doctrine  of  formlessness  and  anarchy. 
The  common  essence  of  the  two  extreme  views,  that  in  which, 
in  spite  of  the  opposition  between  them,  they  agree,  will  no  doubt 
disclose  to  us  the  source  of  moral  errors  in  general,  and  will  save 
us  from  the  necessity  of  analysing  the  particular  varieties  of  moral 
falsity  which  may  be  indefinite  in  number. 

The  two  opposed  views  coincide  in  the  fact  that  neither  of 
*  them  take  the  good  in  its  essence,  or  as  it  is  in  itself^  but  connect 
it  with  acts  and  relations  which  may  be  either  good  or  evil  accord 
ing  to  their  motive  and  their  end.  In  other  words,  they  take 
something  which  is  good,  but  which  may  become  evil,  and  they 

PREFACE  xxix 

put  it  in  the  place  of  the  Good  itself,  treating  the  conditioned  as  the 
unconditional.  Thus,  for  instance,  it  is  a  good  thing  and  a  moral 
duty  to  submit  to  national  and  family  traditions  and  institutions 
in  so  far  as  they  express  the  good  or  give  a  definite  form  to  my 
right  relation  to  God,  men,  and  the  world.  If,  however,  this 
condition  is  forgotten,  if  the  conditional  duty  is  taken  to  be 
absolute  and  '  the  national  interest '  is  put  in  the  place  of  God's 
truth,  the  good  may  become  evil  and  a  source  of  evil.  It  is 
easy  in  that  case  to  arrive  at  the  monstrous  idea  recently  put 
forth  by  a  French  minister  :  "  It  is  better  to  execute  twenty 
innocent  men  than  to  attack  (porter  atteinte]  the  authority  of  a 
national  institution."  Take  another  instance.  Suppose  that  in 
stead  of  paying  due  respect  to  a  council  of  bishops  or  to  some 
other  ecclesiastical  authority,  as  a  true  organ  of  the  collective 
organisation  of  piety,  from  which  I  do  not  separate  myself, — 1 
submit  to  it  unconditionally,  without  going  into  the  case  for 
myself.  I  assume  that  this  particular  council  as  such  is  an  unfailing 
authority,  that  is,  I  recognise  it  in  an  external  way.  And  then 
it  turns  out  that  the  council  to  which  I  submitted  was  the  Robber 
Council  of  Ephesus,  or  something  of  the  kind,  and  that  owing  to 
my  wrong  and  uncalled-for  submission  to  the  formal  expression 
of  the  supposed  will  of  God,  I  have  myself  suddenly  become  a 
rebellious  heretic.  Once  more  evil  has  come  out  of  the  good. 
Take  a  third  instance.  Not  trusting  the  purity  of  my  conscience 
and  the  power  of  my  intellect,  I  entrust  both  my  conscience  and 
reason  to  a  person  vested  with  divine  authority  and  give  up 
reasoning  and  willing  for  myself.  One  would  think  nothing 
could  be  better.  But  my  confessor  proves  to  be  a  wolf  in  sheep's 
clothing,  and  instils  in  me  pernicious  thoughts  and  evil  rules. 
Once  more,  the  conditional  good  of  humility,  accepted  uncon 
ditionally,  becomes  an  evil. 

Such  are  the  results  of  the  erroneous  confusion  of  the  good 
itself  with  the  particular  forms  in  which  it  is  manifested.  The 
opposite  error,  which  limits  the  nature  of  the  good  by  rejecting 


the  historical  forms  of  its  expression,  comes  to  the  same  thing. 
In  the  first  case  the  forms  or  institutions  are  taken  to  be  the 
absolute  good,  which  does  not  correspond  to  truth  and  leads  to 
evil.  In  the  second  case  these  forms  and  institutions  are  un 
conditionally  rejected,  and  therefore  are  recognised  as  uncon 
ditionally  evil,  which  is  again  contrary  to  the  truth,  and  can 
not  therefore  lead  to  anything  good.  The  first  maintain,  for 
instance,  that  the  will  of  God  is  revealed  to  us  through  the  priest 
only  ;  the  second  affirm  that  this  never  happens,  that  the  Supreme 
will  cannot  speak  to  us  through  the  priest,  but  is  revealed  solely 
and  entirely  in  our  own  consciousness.  It  is  obvious,  however, 
that  in  both  cases  the  will  of  God  has  been  left  out  of  account  and 
replaced,  in  the  first  instance,  by  the  priest,  and  in  the  second  by 
the  self-affirming  ego.  And  yet  one  would  think  there  could  be 
no  difficulty  in  understanding  that  once  the  will  of  God  is 
admitted  its  expression  ought  not  to  be  restricted  to  or  ex 
hausted  by  the  deliverances  either  of  the  inner  consciousness  or 
of  the  priest.  The  will  of  God  may  speak  both  in  us  and  in  him, 
and  its  only  absolute  and  necessary  demand  is  that  we  should  in 
wardly  conform  to  it  and  take  up  a  good  or  right  attitude  to 
everything,  including  the  priest,  and  indeed  putting  him  before 
other  things  for  the  sake  of  what  he  represents.  Similarly,  when 
the  first  say  that  the  practical  good  of  life  is  wholly  contained  in 
the  nation  and  the  state,  and  the  second  declare  the  nation  and 
the  state  to  be  a  deception  and  an  evil,  it  is  obvious  that  the  first 
put  into  the  place  of  the  absolute  good  its  conditional  manifesta 
tions  in  the  nation  and  the  state,  and  the  second  limit  the 
absolute  good  by  rejecting  its  historical  forms.  In  their  view  the 
rejection  is  unconditional,  and  the  good  is  conditioned  by  it. 
But  it  ought  to  be  obvious  that  the  true  good  in  this  sphere 
depends  for  us  solely  upon  our  just  and  good  relation  to  the  nation 
and  to  the  state,  upon  the  consciousness  of  our  debt  to  them, 
upon  the  recognition  of  all  that  they  have  contained  in  the  past 
and  contain  now,  and  of  what  they  must  still  acquire  before  they 

PREFACE  xxxi 

can  become  in  the  full  sense  the  means  of  embodying  the  good 
that  lives  in  humanity.  It  is  possible  for  us  to  take  up  this  just 
attitude  to  the  Church,  the  nation,  and  the  state,  and  thus  to 
render  both  ourselves  and  them  more  perfect ;  we  can  know  and 
love  them  in  their  true  sense,  in  God's  way.  Why,  then,  should 
we  distort  this  true  sense  by  unconditional  worship,  or,  worse  still, 
by  unconditional  rejection  ?  There  is  no  reason  why,  instead  of 
doing  rightful  homage  to  the  sacred  forms,  and  neither  separating 
them  from,  nor  confusing  them  with,  their  content,  we  should 
pass  from  idolatry  to  iconoclasm,  and  from  it  to  a  new  and  worse 

There  is  no  justification  for  these  obvious  distortions  of  the 
truth,  these  obvious  deviations  from  the  right  way.  It  is  as  clear 
as  day  that  the  only  thing  which  ought  to  be  unconditionally 
accepted  is  that  which  is  intrinsically  good  in  itself,  and  the  only 
thing  which  ought  to  be  rejected  is  that  which  is  wholly  and 
essentially  evil,  while  all  other  things  ought  to  be  either  accepted 
or  rejected  according  to  their  actual  relation  to  this  inner  essence 
of  good  or  evil.  It  is  clear  that  if  the  good  exists  it  must  possess 
its  own  inner  definitions  and  attributes,  which  do  not  finally  depend 
upon  any  historical  forms  and  institutions,  and  still  less  upon  the 
rejection  of  them. 

The  moral  meaning  of  life  is  originally  and  ultimately  deter 
mined  by  the  good  itself,  inwardly  accessible  to  us  through  our 
reason  and  conscience  in  so  far  as  these  inner  forms  of  the  good 
are  freed  by  moral  practice  from  slavery  to  passions  and  from  the 
limitations  of  personal  and  collective  selfishness.  This  is  the 
ultimate  court  of  appeal  for  all  external  forms  and  events.  "  Know 
ye  not  that  we  shall  judge  angels  ?  "  St.  Paul  writes  to  the  faithful. 
And  if  even  the  heavenly  things  are  subject  to  our  judgment,  this 
is  still  more  true  of  all  earthly  things.  Man  is  in  principle  or  in 
his  destination  an  unconditional  inner  form  of  the  good  as  an  uncon 
ditional  content ;  all  else  is  conditioned  and  relative.  The  good 
as  such  is  not  conditioned  by  anything,  but  itself  conditions  all 


things,  and  is  realised  through  all  things.  In  so  far  as  the  good 
is  not  conditioned  by  anything,  it  is  pure  ;  in  so  far  as  it  con 
ditions  all  things,  it  is  all-embracing  ;  and  in  so  far  as  it  is  realised 
through  all  things,  it  is  all-powerful. 

If  the  good  were  not  pure,  if  it  were  impossible  in  each  practical 
question  to  draw  an  absolute  distinction  between  good  and  evil, 
and  in  each  particular  case  to  say  yes  or  «0,  life  would  be  altogether 
devoid  of  moral  worth  and  significance.  If  the  good  were  not  all- 
embracing,  if  it  were  impossible  to  connect  with  it  all  the  concrete 
relations  of  life,  to  justify  the  good  in  all  of  them,  and  to  correct 
them  all  by  the  good,  life  would  be  poor  and  one-sided.  Finally, 
if  the  good  had  no  jxnvec,  if  it  could  not  in  the  end  triumph  over 
everything,  including  '  the  last  enemy  death,' — life  would  be  in 

The  inner  attributes  of  the  good  determine  the  main  problem 
of  human  life  ;  its  moral  meaning  is  to  be  found  in  the  service  or 
the  pure,  all-powerful,  and  all-embracing  good. 

To  be  worthy  of  its  object  and  of  man  himself,  such  service 
must  be  voluntary^  and  in  order  to  be  that  it  must  be  conscious. 
It  is  the  business  of  moral  philosophy  to  make  it  an  object  of 
reflective  consciousness,  and  partly  to  anticipate  the  result  which 
our  reflection  must  attain.  The  founder  of  moral  philosophy  as  a 
science^  Kant,  dwelt  upon  the  first  essential  attribute  of  the  absolute 
good,  its  purity,  which  demands  from'  man  a  formally  uncon 
ditional  or  autonomous  will.  The  pure  good  demands  that  it 
should  be  chosen  for  its  own  sake  alone  j  any  other  motives  are 
unworthy  of  it.  Without  repeating  what  Kant  has  done  so  well 
with  regard  to  the  question  of  the  formal  purity  of  the  good  will, 
I  have  paid  particular  attention  to  the  second  essential  attribute  of 
the  good,  namely,  its  all-embracing  character.  In  doing  so  I  did 
not  separate  it  from  the  other  two  attributes  (as  Kant  had  done 
with  regard  to  the  first),  but  directly  developed  the  rational  and 
ideal  content  of  the  all-embracing  good  out  of  the  concrete  moral 
data  in  which  it  is  contained.  As  a  result,  I  obtained  not  the 

PREFACE  xxxiii 

dialectical  moments  of  the  abstract  Idea,  as  in  Hegel,  nor  the 
empirical  complications  of  natural  facts,  as  in  Herbert  Spencer,  but 
complete  and  exhaustive  moral  norms  for  all  the  fundamental 
practical  relations  of  the  individual  and  the  collective  life.  It  is 
its  all-embracing  character  alone  which  justifies  the  good  to  our 
consciousness ;  it  is  only  in  so  far  as  it  conditions  all  things  that 
it  can  manifest  both  its  purity  and  its  invincible  power. 




EDITOR'S  NOTE  .  .  .  .  .  vii 

PREFACE  TO  THE  SECOND  EDITION  .  .  .  .         ix 

PREFACE  TO  THE  FIRST  EDITION  (A  Preliminary  Conception  of  the 

Moral  Meaning  of  Life}       .  .  .  .  xv 


I.  Two  ways  of  denying   the   meaning  of  life. — Theoretical 
pessimism. — The  inner  inconsistency  of  persons  who  argue  about 
the  advantages  of  non-existence,  but  in  truth  prefer  existence. — 

S  The  fact  that  they  cling  to  life  proves  that  life  has  a  meaning 
though  they  do  not  understand  it.-^Practical  pessimism  which 
finds  its  final  expression  in  suicide. — Suicides  also  involuntarily 
prove  that  life  has  a  meaning,  for  their  despair  is  due  to  the  fact 
that  life  does  not  fulfil  their  arbitrary  and  contradictory  demands. 
These  demands  could  only  be  fulfilled  if  life  were  devoid  of 
meaning  ;  the  non-fulfilment  proves  that  life  has  a  meaning  which 
these  persons,  owing  to  their  irrationality,  do  not  wish  to  know 
(instances  :  Romeo,  Cleopatra)  .....  xv 

II.  The  view  that  life  has  an  exclusively  aesthetic  meaning,' 
which  expresses  itself  in  whatever  is  strong,  majestic,  beautiful, 
without  relation  to  the  moral  good. — This  view  is  unanswerably 
refuted  by  the  fact  of  death,  which  transforms  all  natural  strength 
and  greatness  into  nothingness,  and  all  natural  beauty  into  utter 
ugliness   (explanation  :   words   of  the   Bible  about  Alexander  of 
Macedon).  —  Nietzsche's  pitiful   attacks   on   Christianity. — True 
strength,  grandeur,  and  beauty  are  inseparable  from  the  absolute 

III.  The  view  which  admits  that  the  meaning  of  life  is  to  be 
found  in  the  good,  but  affirms  that  this  good,  as  given  from  above, 
and  realised  in  forms  of  life  laid  down  once  for  all  (family,  father 
land,  Church),  merely  demands  that  man  should  submit  to  it 
without  asking  any  questions. — The  insufficiency  of  this  view, 
which  forgets  that  the  historical  forms  of  the  good  possess  no 
external  unity  and  finality. — Man  therefore  must  not  submit  to 



them  implicitly,  but  must  know  their  nature  and   further   their 
growth  and  development    ,  .  .  .  .  .     xxiii 

IV.  The  opposite  error  (moral  amorphism),  which  asserts  that 
the  good  is  to  be  found  only  in  the  subjective  mental  states  of 
each   individual  and  in   the  good  relations  between  men  which 
naturally  follow   therefrom,   and   that   all   collectively  organised 
forms  of  society  lead  to  nothing  but  evil,  since  they  are  artificial 
and  make  use  of  compulsion. — But  the  social  organisation  brought 
about  by  the  historical  life  of  humanity  is  the  necessary  continua 
tion  of  the  physical  organisation  brought  about  by  the  life  of  the 
universe. — All  that  is  real  is  complex,  nothing  exists  apart  from 
this  or  that  form  of  collective  organisation  ;  and  the  principle  of 
moral  amorphism  consistently  worked  out,  logically  demands  the 
rejection  of  all  that  is  real  for  the  sake  of  emptiness  or  non-being  .       xxv 

V.  The  two  extreme  forms  of  moral  error — the  doctrine  of 
absolute  submission  to  the  historical  forms  of  social  life  and  the 
doctrine  of  their  unconditional  rejection   (moral  amorphism) — 
coincide  in  so  far  as  neither  of  them  takes  the  good  as  such,  and 
both  regard  as  unconditionally  right  or  as  unconditionally  wrong 
things  which  in  their  nature  are  conditional  (explanatory  examples). 
— Man  in  his  reason  and  conscience  as  the  unconditional  inner 
form,   the    unconditional   content  of  which  is  the  good. — The 
general   inner   properties   of  the   good   as   such  :    its   purity   or 
autonomy,  in  so  far  as  it  is  not  conditioned  by  anything  external 
to  it  ;  its  fulness  or  its  all-embracing  character  in  so  far  as  it  con 
ditions  everything  ;  its  power  or  actuality,  in  so  far  as  it  is  realised 
through    all    things. — The    purpose    of    moral    philosophy,    and 
especially  of  the  system  put  forward  in  the  present  work  .  .    xxviii 



I.  The  formal  universality  of  the  idea  of  the  good  at  the  lower 
stages  of  moral  consciousness  independently  of  its  material  content 
(examples  and  explanations). — The  growth  of  moral  consciousness, 
gradually  introducing  into  the  formal  idea  of  the  good  a  more 
befitting    content   which    is   more    connected    with    it   inwardly, 
naturally  becomes  the  science  of  Ethics  or  Moral  Philosophy 

II.  Moral  philosophy  does  not  wholly  depend  upon  positive 
religion. — St.  Paul's  testimony  as  to  the  moral  law  '  written  in  the 
hearts '   of  the  Gentiles. — Since  there  exist  many  religions  and 
denominations,    disputes   between    them    presuppose   a   common 
ground  of  morality  (explanations  and  examples),  and,  consequently, 

CONTENTS  xxxvii 


the   moral  norms  to  which  the  disputing  parties  appeal  cannot 
depend  upon  their  religious  and  denominational  differences  .  3 

III.  The   independence   of   the   moral   from    the    theoretical 
philosophy    (from    epistemology   and    metaphysics). — In    moral 
philosophy  we  study  our  inner  attitude  to  our  own  actions  (and  j 
that  which  is  logically  connected  with  it),  i.e.  something  unquestion 
ably  knowable  by  us,  since  it  is  produced  by  ourselves  ;  the  dis 
puted  question   as  to  the  theoretical  certainty  concerning  other 
kinds  of  being,  not  connected  with  us  morally,  is  in  this  respect 
irrelevant. — The  critique  of  knowledge   can   go  no  further  than 
doubt  the  objective  existence   of  that  which  is  known,  and  such 
theoretical  doubt  is  insufficient  to  undermine  the  morally  practical 
certitude  that  certain  states  and  actions  of  the  subject  are  binding 
as  possessed  of  inner  worth. — Besides,  theoretical  philosophy  itself 
overcomes  such  scepticism  in  one  way  or  another. — Finally,  even 
if  it  were  possible  to  be  perfectly  certain  of  the  non-existence  of 
the  external  world,  the  inner  distinction  between  good  and  evil 
would  not  thereby  be  abolished  ;  for  if  it  be  wrong  to  bear  malice 
against  a  h  uman  being,  it  is  still  more  so  against  an  empty  phantom  ; 
if  it  be  shameful  slavishly  to  surrender  to  the  promptings  of  actual 
sensuality,  to  be  slave  to  an  imaginary  sensuality  is  worse  still        .  9 

IV.  Moral  philosophy  does  not  depend  upon  the  affirmative 
answer  to  the  metaphysical  question  of  '  free  will,'  since  morality 
is  possible  on  the  hypothesis  of  determinism,  which  asserts  that 
human   actions  have  a  necessary   character. — In    philosophy  we 
must  distinguish  the  purely  mechanical  necessity,  which  in  itself 
is   incompatible  with   any  moral   action,  from    the  psychological 
and  the  ethical  or  the  rationally  ideal  necessity. — The  unquestion 
able  difference  between  mechanical  movement  and  a  mental  reaction 
necessarily  called  forth  by  motives,  i.e.  by  presentations  associated, 
with  feelings  and  desires. — Difference  in  the  quality  of  motives  that 
prevail  in  the  life  of  this  or  of  that  individual  enables  us  to  dis 
tinguish  a  good  spiritual  nature  from  a  bad  one,  and,  in  so  far  as 
a  good  nature,  as  we  know  from  experience,  can  be  consciously 
strengthened  and  developed,  and  a  bad  consciously  corrected  and 
reformed,  we  are  given  in  the  domain  of  psychological  necessity 
itself  certain  conditions  for  ethical  problems  and  theories   .  .          14 

V.  In  the  case  of  man,  the  universal  rational  idea  of  the  good, 
expressing  itself  as  the  consciousness  of  absolute  duty  to  conform 
to  it,  may  become  the  prevailing  motive  of  action,  over  and  above 
different  psychological  impulses.     Man  may  do  good  quite  irre 
spectively  of  considerations  of  pleasure  and  pain,  for  the  sake  of 
the  good  as  such  or  of  the  unconditionally  excellent. — The  con 
ception  of  moral  necessity  or,  what  is  the  same  thing,  of  rational 
freedom. — Just  as  the  psychological  necessity  (due  to  mental  affec 
tions)  is  superior  to  mechanical  necessity,  and  means  freedom  from 



it,  so  the  moral  necessity  (due  to  the  idea  of  the  good  as  the  pre 
vailing  motive),  while  remaining  necessary,  is  superior  to  the 
psychological  necessity  of  mental  affections,  and  means  freedom 
from  the  lower  motives. — In  order  that  the  absolute  idea  of  the 
good  should  be  a  sufficient  ground  for  human  action,  the  subject 
must  have  a  sufficient  degree  of  moral  receptivity  and  a  sufficient 
knowledge  of  the  good  (explanations  and  Biblical  examples).— It 
is  metaphysically  possible  that  absolute  evil  may  be  arbitrarily  pre 
ferred  to  the  absolute  good. — Moral  philosophy,  being  a  complete 
knowledge  of  the  good,  is  presupposed  in  the  correct  formulation 
and  solution  of  the  metaphysical  question  concerning  the  freedom 
of  choice  between  good  and  evil,  and  its  content  does  not  depend 
upon  the  solution  of  that  question  .  .  .  .17 

PART    I 



I.  The  feeling  of  shame  (originally  of  sexual  modesty)  as  the 
natural  root  of  human  morality. — Actual  shamelessness  of  all  animals 
and  the  supposed  shamelessness  of  certain  savage  peoples  ;  the  latter 
indicates  difference  in   external  relations  and  not  in   the  feeling 
itself. — Darwin's  erroneous  inference  from  phallism  .  .          25 

II.  The  profound  meaning  of  shame  :  that  which  is  ashamed 
in  the  mental  act  of  shame  separates  itself  from  that  of  which  it 
is  ashamed.     In  being  ashamed  of  the  fundamental  process  of  his 
animal  nature,  man  proves  that  he  is  not  merely  a  natural  event  or 
phenomenon,  but  has  an  independent  super-animal  significance  (con 
firmation  and  explanation  out  of  the  Bible).    The  feeling  of  shame 

is  inexplicable  from  the  external  and  the  utilitarian  point  of  view.         28 

III.  The  second  moral  datum  of  human  nature — pity  or  the 
sympathetic  feeling  which  expresses  man's  moral  relation  not  to 
the  lower  nature  (as  in  shame)  but  to  living  beings  like  himself. — 
Pity  cannot  be  the  result  of  human  progress,  for  it  exists  among 
the  animals  also. — Pity  is  the  individual  psychological  root  of  the 
right  social  relations  .  .  .  .  .  .32 

IV.  The  third  moral  datum  of  human  nature — the  feeling  of 
reverence  or  of  piety,  which  expresses  man's  due  relation  to  the 

CONTENTS  xxxix 


higher  principle  and  constitutes  the  individual  psychological  root 
of  religion. — Darwin's  reference  to  the  rudiments  of  religious  feel 
ing  in  tame  animals  ......  34 

V.  The   feelings   of  shame,   pity,  and  reverence  exhaust  the 
whole  range  of  moral  relations  possible  for  man,  namely,  of  rela 
tions  to  that  which  is  below  him,  on  a  level  with  him,  and  above  him. 
— These  normal  relations  are  determined  as  the  mastery  over  material 
sensuality,  as  the  solidarity  with  other  living  beings,  and  as  the  inner 
submission  to  the  superhuman  principle. — Other  determinations  of 
moral  life — all  the  virtues — may  be  shown  to  be  modifications  of 
these  three  fundamental  facts,  or  as  a  result  of  the  interaction 
between  them  and  the  intellectual  nature  of  man  (example)  .         35 

VI.  Conscience  as  a  modification  of  shame  in  a  definite  and 
generalised  form. — The  supposed  conscience  of  animals     .  .         37 

VII.  From  the  fundamental  facts  of  morality  human  reason 
deduces  universal  and  necessary  principles  and  rules  of  the  moral 

life  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  -39 



I.  The  moral  self-affirmation  of  man  as  a  supermaterial  being, 
half-conscious  and  unstable  in  the  simple  feeling  of  shame,  is,  by 
the  activity  of  reason,  raised  into   the  principle  of  asceticism. — 
Asceticism  is  not  directed  against  the  material  nature  in  general  : 
that  nature  cannot,  as  such,  be  recognised  as  evil  from  any  point  of 
view  (proofs  from  the  chief  pessimistic  doctrines — the  Vedanta,  the 
Sankhya,  Buddhism,  Egyptian  gnosis,  Manicheism)  .  .         41 

II.  The  opposition  of  the  spiritual  principle  to  the  material 
nature,  finding  its  immediate  expression  in  the  feeling  of  shame  and 
developed  in  asceticism,  is  called  forth  not  by  the  material  nature 
as  such,  but  by  the  undue  preponderance  of  the  lower  life,  which 
seeks  to  make  the  rational  being  of  man  into  a  passive  instrument  or 
a  useless  appendage  of  the  blind  physical  process. — In  analysing  the 
meaning  of  shame,  reason  logically  deduces  from  it  a  necessary, 
universal,  and   morally  binding   norm  :  the  physical  life  of  man 

must  be  subordinate  to  the  spiritual  .  .  .  .44 

III.  The  moral   conception   of  spirit  and  of  flesh. — Flesh  as 
excited  animality  or  irrationality,  false  to  its  essential  definition 
to   serve  as   the   matter  or   the   potential    basis  of  the  spiritual 
life. — Real  significance  of  the   struggle    between  the  spirit   and 

the  flesh      .  ...  .  .  .  .  .45 

IV.  Three  chief  moments  in  the  conflict  of  the  spirit  with  the 
flesh  :  (i)  inner  distinction  of  the  spirit  from  the  flesh;   (2)  actual 



struggle  of  the  spirit  for  its  independence  ;  (3)  clear  preponder 
ance  of  the  spirit  over  the  flesh  or  abolition  of  the  evil  carnal 
element. — Practical  importance  of  the  second  moment,  which  gives 
rise  to  the  definite  and  binding  demands  of  morality  and,  in  the 
first  place,  to  the  demand  for  self-control  .  .  .  .47 

V.  Preliminary  tasks  of  asceticism  :  acquisition  by  the  rational 

will  of  the  power  to  control  breathing  and  sleep     .  .  .49 

VI.  Ascetic  demands  with  regard  to  the  functions  of  nutrition 
and  reproduction. — Misunderstandings  concerning  the  question  of 
sexual  relations. — Christian  view  of  the  matter       .  .  .50 

VII.  Different  aspects  of  the  struggle  between  the  spirit  and 
the  flesh. — The  three  psychological  moments  in  the  victory  of  the 
evil  principle  :  thought,  imagination,  possession. — The  correspond 
ing  ascetic  rules  intended   to  prevent  an  evil  mental  state  from 
becoming  a  passion  and  a  vice  :  "  dashing  of  the  babes  of  Babylon 
against  the  stones  "  ;  thinking  of  something  different  ;  performing 

a  moral  action         .......         54 

VIII.  Asceticism,    or   abstinence   raised   into   a    principle,    is 
unquestionably  good. — When  this  good   is  taken,  as  such,  to  be 
the  whole  good,  we  have  evil  asceticism  after  the  pattern  of  the 
devil,  who  neither  eats  nor  drinks,  and  remains  in  celibacy. — Since 
an  evil  or  pitiless  ascetic,  being  an  imitator  of  the  devil,  does  not 
deserve  moral  approbation,  it  follows  that  the  principle  of  asceticism 
itself  has  a  moral  significance  or  is  good  only  on  condition  of 
its  being  united  with  the  principle  of  altruism,  which  has  its  root 

in  pity         .  .  .  .  .  .  .  -57 



I.  The  positive  meaning  of  pity. — Just  as  shame  singles  man 
out  from   the  rest  of  nature  and  opposes   him  to  other  animals, 
so  pity   inwardly  connects    him   with    the  whole   world    of  the 
living  .  ....         59 

II.  The  inner  basis  of  the  moral  relation  to  other  beings  is  to  be 
found,  apart  from  all  metaphysical  theories,  in  compassion  or  pity 
only,  and  not  in  co-pleasure  or  co-rejoicing. — Positive  participation 
in  the  pleasure  of  another  contains  the  approval  of  that  pleasure, 
which  may,  however,  be  evil. — Participation  in  it  may  therefore  be 
good  or  evil  according  to  the  object  of  the  pleasure. — Since  the  co- 
rejoicing  may  itself  be  immoral,  it  cannot  in  any  case  be  the  basis 

of  moral  relations. — Answer  to  certain  objections  .  .  .60 

III.  Pity  as  a  motive  of  altruistic  action  and  as  a  possible  basis 

of  altruistic  principles         .  .  .  .  .  .63 



IV.  Schopenhauer's  theory    of    the   irrational   or    mysterious 
character  of  compassion  in  which,  it  is  urged,  there  is  an  immediate 
and  perfect  identification  of  one  entity  with  another,  foreign  to  it. — 
Criticism  of  this  view. — In  the  fundamental  expression  of  compas 
sion — the  maternal  instinct  of  animals — the  intimate  real  connec 
tion  between  the  being  who  pities  and  the  object  of  its  pity  is 
obvious. — Speaking   generally,    the    natural   connection  given   in 
reason  and  experience  between  all  living  beings  as  parts  of  one 
whole  sufficiently  explains   its   psychological  expression  in   pity, 
which  thus  completely  corresponds  to  the  clear  meaning  of  the 
universe,  is  compatible  with  reason,  or  is  rational. — The  erroneous 
conception  of  pity  as  of  an  immediate  and  complete  identification 
of  two  beings  (explanations)  ..... 

V.  Infinite  universal  pity  described  by  St.  Isaac  the  Syrian 

VI.  Pity  as  such  is  not  the  only  foundation  of  all  morality, 
as  Schopenhauer    mistakenly  asserts. — Kindness  to  living  beings 
is  compatible  with  immorality  in  other  respects. — Just  as  ascetics 
may  be  hard  and  cruel,  so  kind-hearted  people  may  be  intemperate 
and  dissolute,   and,   without  doing   direct   and    intentional   evil, 
injure  both   themselves  and  their  neighbours  by  their   shameful 
behaviour   ........         69 

VII.  The  true  essence  of  pity  is  not  simple  identification  of 
oneself  with  another,  but  the  recognition  of  another  person's  inner 
worth — of  his  right  to  existence  and  to  the  greatest  possible  happi 
ness. — The  conception  of  pity,  taken  in  its  universality  and  inde 
pendently  of  subjective  mental  states  connected  with  it  (i.e.  taken 
logically  and  not  psychologically),  is  the  conception  of  truth  and  of 

justice  :  it  is  true  that  other  people  are  similar  to  me  and  have  the 
same  nature,  and  it  is  just  that  my  relation  to  them  should  be  the 
same  as  my  relation  to  myself. — Altruism  corresponds  to  truth  or 
to  that  which  is,  while  egoism  presupposes  untruth  or  that  which 
is  not,  for  in  reality  an  individual  self  does  not  possess  the  exclusive 
and  all-important  significance  which  it  egoistically  assigns  to  itself. 
— The  expansion  of  personal  egoism  into  the  family,  national, 
political,  and  religious  egoism  is  a  sign  of  historical  progress  of 
morality,  but  does  not  disprove  the  false  principle  of  egoism,  which 
contradicts  the  absolute  truth  of  the  altruistic  principle  .  .  71 

VIII.  Two  rules — of  justice  (to  injure  no  one)  and  of  mercy  (to 
help  every  one) — that  follow  from  the  principle  of  altruism. — The 
mistaken  division  and  opposition  of  mercy  and  of  justice,  which  are 
in  truth  merely  the  different  aspects  or  manifestations  of  one  and 
the  same  moral  motive. — The  moral  principle  in  the  form  of  justice 
does  not  demand  the  material  or  qualitative  equality  of  all  indi 
vidual  and  collective  subjects.      It  merely  demands  that   in   the 
presence  of  all  the  necessary  and  desirable  differences  there  should 
be  preserved  something  that  is  unconditional  and  the  same  for  all, 



namely,  the  significance  of  each  as  an   end  in  himself,  and  not 
merely  as  a  means  for  the  purposes  of  others  .  .  .74 



I.  The  peculiarity  of  the  religiously-moral  determinations. — 
I  Their  root  is  in  the  normal  relation  of  children  to  parents,  based 

upon  an  inequality  which  cannot  be  reduced  to  justice  or  deduced 
from  pity  :  a  child  immediately  recognises  the  superiority  of  his 
parents  to  himself  and  his  dependence  upon  them,  feels  reverence  for 
them  and  the  necessity  of  obeying  them  (explanation)  .  .  77 

II.  The  original  germ  of  religion  is  neither  fetishism  (proof), 
nor  naturalistic  mythology  (proof),  but  pietas  erga  parentes — first  in 
relation  to  the  mother  and  then  to  the  father          .  .  .80 

III.  The  religious  relation  of  children  to  parents  as  to  their 
immediate  providence  becomes  more  complex  and  is  spiritualised, 
passing  into  reverence  for  the  departed  parents,  lifted  above  ordinary 
surroundings  and  possessed  of  mysterious  power  ;  the  father  in  his 
lifetime  is  only  a  candidate  for  a  god,  and  a  mediator  and  priest 
of  the  real  god — of  the  dead  grandparent  or  ancestor. — The  char 
acter  and  significance  of  ancestor-worship  (illustrations  from  the 
beliefs  of  ancient  peoples)  .  .  .  .  .  .82 

IV.  Whatever  the  difference  in  the  religious  conceptions  and 
manner  of  worship  may  be, — from  the  primitive  cult  of  tribal 
ancestors  up  to  the  Christian  worship  in  spirit  and  in  truth  of  the 
one   universal   Heavenly    Father, — the  moral  essence  of  religion 
remains  the  same.     A  savage  cannibal  and  a  perfect  saint,  in  so  far 
as  both  are  religious,  are  at  one  in  their  filial  relation  to  the  higher 
and  in  their  resolution  to  do  not  their  own  will  but  the  will  of  the 
Father. — Such  natural  religion  is  the  inseparable  part  of  the  law 
written  in  our  hearts,  and  without  it  a  rational  fulfilment  of  other 
demands  of  morality  is  impossible  .  .  .  .  .85 

V.  Supposed  godlessness  or  impiety  (example). — Cases  of  real 
impiety,  i.e.  of  not  recognising  anything  superior  to  oneself,  are  as 
little  proof  against  the  principle  as  piety  and  its  binding  character, 
as  the  actual  existence  of  shameless  and  pitiless  people  is  a  proof 
against  the  duties  of  abstinence  and   kindness. — Apart  from  our 
having  or  not  having  any  positive  beliefs,  we  must,  as  rational 
beings,  admit  that  the  life  of  the  world  and  our  own  life  has  a 
meaning,  and  that  therefore  everything  depends  upon  a  supreme 
rational  principle  towards  which  we  must  adopt  a  filial  attitude, 
submitting  all  our  actions  to  'the  will  of  the.  Father,'  that  speaks 

to  us  through  reason  and  conscience  .  .  .  .87 

CONTENTS  xliii 


VI.  In  the  domain  of  piety,  as  of  all  morality,  higher  demands 
do  not  cancel  the  lower,  but  presuppose  and  include  them  (examples). 
— Our  real  dependence  upon  the  one  Father  of  the  universe  is  not 
immediate,  in  so  far  as  our  existence  is  determined  in  the  first 
instance  by  heredity,  i.e.  by  our  ancestors,  and  the  environment 
created  by  them. — Since  the  Supreme  Will  has  determined  our 
existence  through  our  ancestors,  we  cannot,  in  bowing  down  before 
Its  action,  be  indifferent  to  Its  instruments  (explanations). — The 
moral  duty  of  reverence  to  providential  men  .  .  89 



I.  Three  general  aspects  of  morality  :   virtue  (in  the  narrow 
sense — as  a  good  natural  quality),  norm  or  the  rule  of  good  actions, 
and   moral  good  as  the   consequence  of  them. — The  indissoluble 
logical  connection  between  these  three  aspects  permits  us  to  re 
gard  the  whole   content  of  morality  under  the  first  term — as  a 
virtue  (in  the  wide  sense)    .  .  .  .  .  .92 

II.  Virtue    as    man's    right    relation    to    everything.      Right 
1  relation   is   not   an    equal   relation   (explanation). —  Since  man   is 

neither  absolutely  superior  nor  absolutely  inferior  to  everything 
else,  nor  unique  of  his  kind,  but  is  conscious  of  himself  as  an 
intermediary  being  and  one  of  many  intermediary  beings,  it  follows 
with  logical  necessity  that  the  moral  norms  have  a  triple  character, 
or  that  there  are  three  fundamental  virtues  in  the  proper  sense  of 
the  term. — These  are  always  alike  in  all,  since  they  express  the 
essential  moral  quality,  determined  in  the  right  way  and  giving 
rise  to  right  determinations. — All  the  other  so-called  virtues  are 
merely  qualities  of  the  will  and  manners  of  action  which  have  no 
moral  determination  within  themselves  and  no  constant  corre 
lation  with  the  law  of  duty,  and  may  therefore  be  sometimes 
virtues,  sometimes  indifferent  states,  and  sometimes  vices  (explana 
tions  and  examples)  ...  93 

III.  Moral  valuation  depends  upon  our  right  attitude  to  the 
object  and  not  upon  the  psychological  quality  of  volitional  and 
emotional   states. — The  analysis — from   this  point    of  view — of 
the   so-called   cardinal   or   philosophical   virtues,    and   especially 
of  justice. — It  is  understood  as  rectitude,  as  aequitas,  as  justitia, 
and  as  legalitas. — In  the  first  sense — of  what  is  right  in  general 
— it  goes  beyond  the  boundaries  of  ethics  ;  in  the  second,  of  im 
partiality,  and  in  the  third — of  'injuring  no  one' — justice  corre 
sponds  to  the  general  principle  of  altruism  (since  the  rules  'injure 
no  one '  and  '  help  all '  are  inseparable)  ;  in  the  fourth  sense — of 


»  PAGE 

absolute  submission  to  existing  laws — justice  is  not  in  itself  a  virtue, 
but  may  or  may  not  be  according  to  circumstances  (classical 
examples  :  Socrates,  Antigone)  .  .  .  .  -95 

IV.  The  so-called  '  theological  virtues '  have  moral  worth  not 
unconditionally  and  in  themselves,  but  in  relation  to  other  facts. — 
Faith  is  a  virtue  only  on  three  conditions  :  (i)  that  its  object  is  real ; 
(2)  that  it  has  worth  ;  (3)  that  the  relation  of  faith  to  its  real  and 
worthy  object  is  a  worthy  one  (explanations). — Such  faith  coincides 
with  true  piety. — The  same  is  true  of  hope. — The  positive  com 
mandment  of  love  is  conditioned  by  the  negative  :  do  not  love  the 
world,  nor  all  that  is  in  the  world  (demand  for  abstinence  or  the 
principle  of  asceticism). — Love  to  God  coincides  with  true  piety, 
and  love  to  our  neighbours  with  pity. — Thus  love  is  not  a  virtue, 
but  the  culminating  expression  of  all  the  fundamental  demands  of 
morality  in  the  three  necessary  respects  :  in  relation  to  the  higher, 

to  the  lower,  and  to  the  equal         .  .  .  .  .100 

V.  Magnanimity   and    disinterestedness   as   modifications    of 
ascetic  virtue. — Liberality  as  a  special  manifestation  of  altruism. — 
The  different  moral  significance  of  patience  and  tolerance,  accord 
ing  to  the  object  and  the  situation      .         .  .  .  102 

VI.  Truthfulness. — Since  speech  is  the  instrument  of  reason  for 
expressing  the  truth,  misuse  (in  lying  and  deception)  of  this  formal 
and  universally-human  means  for  selfish  and  material  ends  is  shame 
ful  for  the  person  who  lies,  insulting  and  injurious  to  the  persons 
deceived,  and  contrary  to  the  two  fundamental  moral  demands  of 
respect  for  human  dignity  in  oneself  and  of  justice  to  others. — 
Consistently  with  the  conception  of  truth,  the  reality  of  a  parti 
cular  external   fact  must   not  be  arbitrarily  separated   from   the 
moral  significance  of  the  given  situation  as  a  whole. — Difference 
between  material  falsity  and  moral  falsehood. — Detailed  analysis  of 
the  question  as  to  whether  it  is  .permissible  to  save  a  man's  life  by 
verbally  deceiving  the  murderer      .  :  .  .  .104 

VII.  The  conception  of  truth  or  Tightness  unites  in  a  supreme 
synthesis  the  three  fundamental  demands  of  morality,  in  so  far  as 
one  and  the  same  truth  demands  from  its  very  nature  a  different 
attitude  to  our  lower  nature  (the  ascetic  attitude),  to  our  neighbours 
(the  altruistic  attitude),  and  to  the  supreme  principle  (the  religious 
attitude). — Opposition  between  the  absolute  inner  necessity  or  the 
binding  nature  of  truth  and  its  accidental  and  conditional  character 
as  a  sufficient  motive  of  human  actions. — Hence  the  desire  to  re 
place  the  conception  of  the  moral  good  or  the  unconditional  duty 

by  the  conception  of  happiness  or  of  the  unconditionally  desirable       1 1 1 




THE     SPURIOUS    BASIS    OF    MORAL    PHILOSOPHY    (A    Critique    of 
Abstract  Hedonism  in  its  Different  Forms). 

I.  In  so  far  as  the  (moral)  good  is  not  desired  by  a  person  and 
is  not  regarded  by  him  as  desirable,  it  is  not  a  good  for  him  ;  in  so 
far  as  it  is  regarded  by  him  as  desirable,  but  does  not  determine  his 
will,  it  is  not  an  actual  good  for  him  ;  in  so  far  as  it  determines  his 
will  but  does  not  give  him  the  power  to  realise  in  the  whole  world 
that  which  ought  to  be,  it  is  not  a  sufficient  good.  —  Owing  to  such 
empirical  discrepancy  the  good  is  regarded  as  distinct  from  the 
right,  and  is  understood  as  welfare,  (eudaemonia).  —  The  obvious 
advantage  that  the  eudaemonic  principle  has  over  the  purely  moral 
one  is  that  welfare  is  from  the  very  definition  of  it  desirable  for  all. 
—  The  nearest  definition  of  welfare  is  pleasure,  and  eudaemonism 
becomes  hedonism  .  .  .  .  .  .  .114 

II.  The  weakness  of  hedonism.  —  Universality  involved  in  the 
conception  of  pleasure  is  formal  and  logical  or  abstract  only,  and 
does  not  express  any  definite  and  actual  unity,  and  therefore  supplies 
no  general  principle  or  rule  of  action.  —  Man  may  find  real  pleasure 
in  things  which  he  knows  lead  to  destruction,  i.e.  in  things  which 
are  most  undesirable.  —  Transition  from  pure  hedonism  to  extreme 
pessimism  (Hygesias  of  Cyrenae  —  '  the  advocate  of  death  ')  .        1  1  6 

III.  Analysis  of  pleasure.  —  What  is  really  desired   (or  is  an 
object   of  desire)    are   certain    represented    realities   and    not   the 
pleasurable  sensations  aroused  by  them  (proof).  —  The  desirability 
of  certain  objects  or  their  significance  as  a  good  depends  not  upon 
the  subjective  pleasurable  states  that  follow,  but  upon  the  known 
or  unknown  objective  relation  of  these  objects  to  our  bodily  or 
mental  nature.  —  Pleasure  as  an  attribute  of  the  good.  —  From  this 
point  of  view  the  highest  welfare  consists  in  possessing  such  good 
things  which  in  their  totality  or  as  a  final  result  give  the  maximum 
of  pleasure  and  the  minimum  of  pain  —  the  chief  practical  signifi 
cance  here  belongs  not  to  pleasure  as  such,  but  to  a  careful  con 
sideration  of  the  consequences  of  this  or  of  that  line  of  conduct  ; 
prudent  hedonism   .  .  .  .  .  .  .117 

IV.  If  the  final  end  is  welfare,  the  whole  point  is  the  actual 
attainment  and  the  secure  possession  of  it  ;  neither  the  one  nor 
the  other,  however,  may  be  ensured  by  prudence  (proof).  —  The 
insufficiency  of  ideal  (intellectual  and  Aesthetic)  pleasures  from  the 
hedonistic  point  of  view.  —  Since  pleasures  are  not  abiding  quan 
tities  which  can  be  added  together,  but  merely  transitory  subjective 
states  which,  when  past,  cease  to  be  pleasures,  the  advantage  of 
prudent  hedonism  over  reckless  enjoyment  of  life  is  apparent  only        izo 



V.  Self-sufficient  hedonism,  whose  principle  is  the  inner  freedom 
from  desires  and  affections  which  render  man  unhappy. — Being 
purely  negative,  such  freedom  can  only  be  a  condition  of  obtaining 

a  higher  good  and  not  that  good  itself       .  .  .  .123 

VI.  Utilitarianism    affirms    as   a  supreme    practical    principle 
the  service  of  the  common  good  or  of  general  happiness,  which 
coincides  with   individual    happiness   rightly  understood. — Utili 
tarianism  is  mistaken  not  in  its  practical  demands,  in  so  far  as 
they  correspond  with  the  demands  of  altruistic  morality,  but  in  its 
desire  to  base  these  demands  upon  egoism,  contrary  to  the  testimony 
of  experience    (self-sacrifice   of  individual   entities   to   the   genus 
among    animals    and    savage    races  ;   '  struggle    for    the    life   of 
others')       .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .124 

VII.  It  is  logically  erroneous  to  establish  the  connection  utili 
tarianism  establishes  between  personal  gain  and  general  happiness. 
— General  weakness  of  utilitarianism  and  all  hedonism. — Happi 
ness  remains  an  indefinite  and  unrealisable  demand,  to  which   the 
moral  demand  of  the  good  as  duty  is  in  every  respect  superior. 

— Transition  to  Part  II.  126 




I.  Conscience  and  shame  .  .  .  .  .135 

II.  The  feeling  of  shame,  primarily  and  fundamentally  con 
nected   with    the  sexual   life,  transcends   the    boundaries  of  the 
material  existence,  and,  as  the  expression  of  formal  disapprobation, 
accompanies  every  violation  of  the  moral  law  in  all  spheres  of  activity       136 

III.  For  an  animal  entity  the  infinity  of  life  is  given  in  geni- 
talibus  only,  and  the  entity  in  question  feels  and  acts  as  a  limited, 
passive  means  or  instrument  of  the  generic  process  in  its  bad  in 
finity  ;  and  it  is  here,  in  this  centre  of  the  natural  life,  that  man 
becomes  conscious  that  the  infinity  of  the  genus,  in  which  the  animal 
finds  its  supreme  destination,  is  insufficient. — The  fact  that  man  is 
chiefly  and  primarily  ashamed  of  the  very  essence  of  the  animal 
life,  of  the  fundamental  expression  of  the  physical  nature,  directly 
proves  him  to  be  a  super-animal  and  super-natural  being. — In  sexual 
shame  man  becomes  human  in  the  full  sense  of  the  term   .  ..        137 

CONTENTS  xlvii 


IV.  The  eternal  life  of  the  genus  based  upon  the  eternal  death 
of  individual  entities  is  shameful  and  unsatisfactory  to  man,  who 
both  wants,  and  feels  it  his  duty,  to  possess  eternal  life,  and  not 
merely  to  be  its  instrument. — The  true  genius       .  .  .138 

V.  The  path  of  animal  procreation  or  of  the  perpetration  of 
death,  felt  at  the  beginning  to  be  shameless,  proves  subsequently 
to  be  both  pitiless  and  impious  :  it  is  pitiless,  for  it  means  the  ex 
pulsion  or  the  crowding  out  of  one  generation  by  another,  and  it 

is  impious  because  the  expelled  are  our  fathers       .  .  .140 

VI.  Child-bearing  as  a  good  and  as  an  evil. — The  solution  of 
the   antinomy  :    in  so   far  as   the   evil  of  child-bearing  may  be 
abolished  by  child-bearing  itself,  it  becomes  a  good  (explanation)  .        141 

VII.  The  positive  significance  of  the  ecstasy  of  human  love. — 
It  points  to  the  hidden  wholeness  of  the  individual  and  to  the  way 
of  making  it   manifest. — Uselessness  of  the   ecstasy  of  love  for 
animal  procreation  .  .  .  .  .  .142 

VIII.  The  essential  inner  connection  between  shame  and  pity. 
Both  are  a  reaction  of  the  hidden  wholeness  of  the  human  being 
against  (i)  its  individual  division  into  sexes  ;  and  (2)  a  further 
division — resulting  from  that  first  one — of  humanity  into  a  number 
of  conflicting  egoistic  entities  (shame  as  individual  and  pity  as 
social  continence)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .143 

IX.  The  same  is  true  with  regard  to  (3)  piety  as  religious  con 
tinence  which  opposes  man's  separation  from  the  absolute  centre 

of  life          ........        145 

X.  The  one  essence  of  morality  is  the  'wholeness  of  man  rooted 
in  his  nature  as  an  abiding  norm,  and  realised  in  the  individual 
and  historical  life  as  right-doing  and  struggle  with  the  centrifugal 
and  dividing  forces. — The  norm-preserving  element  in  shame. — 
Modifications    of    the   original    (sexual)    shame :     conscience    as 
essentially  inter-human  shame,  and  the  fear  of  God  as  religious 
shame         .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       146 

XI.  In  so  far  as  the  wholeness  of  the  human  being  (attained 
in  three  directions)  becomes  a  fact,  the  good  coincides  with  happi 
ness. — Since  true  happiness  is  conditioned  by  the  moral  good,  the 
ethics  of  pure  duty  cannot  be  opposed  to  eudaemonism  in  general, 
which  necessarily  enters  into  it. — Human  good  fails  to  give  com 
plete  satisfaction  and  happiness  simply  because  it  itself  is  never 
complete  and  is  never  fully  realised  (explanations)  .  .150 

XII.  To  be  truly  autonomous  the  good  must  be  perfect,  and 
such  a  good  is  bound  to  involve  happiness. — If  the  good  and  happi 
ness  are  wrongly  understood,  empirical  cases  of  virtue  coinciding 
or    not   coinciding   with    happiness    are   of    no    moral    interest 
whatever  (instances)  .  .  .  .  ,  .  .152 

XIII.  Critical  remarks  concerning  the  insufficiency  of  Kantian 
ethics          .  .  .  .  .  .  .  -153 



XIV.  Kant's  religious  postulates  ill-founded. — Reality  of  the 
super-human  good,  proved  by  the  moral  growth  of  humanity        .        156 



I.  Morality  and  the  world  of  fact. — In  shame  man  actually 
separates   himself  off  from  material   nature ;    in  pity  he  actually 
manifests  his  essential  connection   with  and  similarity  to   other 
living  beings  .  .  .  .  .  .  .160 

II.  In  religious  feeling  the  Deity  is  experienced  as  the  actuality 
of  the  perfect  good   (  =  happiness)   unconditionally  and   entirely 
realised    in   itself. — The   general   basis  of  religion   is  the    living 
experience  of  the  actual  presence  of  the  Deity,  of  the  One  which 
embraces  all  (explanation)  .  .  .  .  .  .161 

III.  The  reality  of  God  is  not  a  deduction  from  religious  ex 
perience  but  its  immediate  content — that  which  is  experienced. — 
Analysis  of  this  content,  as  of  a  given  relation  of  man  to  God, 
from  the  point  of  view  of  (i)  the  difference  between  them  ('the 
dust  of  the  earth'  in  us)  ;  (2)  their  ideal  connection  ('the  image 
of  God  '  in  us)  ;  and  (3)  their  real  connection  ('  the  likeness  of  God  ' 
in  us). — The  complete  religious  relation  is  logically  resolvable  into 
three  moral  categories:  (i)   imperfection  in   us;   (2)  perfection  in 
God;  (3)  attaining  perfection  as  the  task  of  our  life  .  .164 

IV.  The  psychological  confirmation  :  'joy  in  the  Holy  Spirit' 
as  the  highest  expression  of  religion. — The  formally  moral  aspect 
of  the  religious  relation. — The  duty  '  to  be  perfect,'  its  ideal  exten 
sion  and  practical  significance — '  become  perfect '.  .  .166 

V.  Three  kinds  of  perfection  :  (i)  that  which  unconditionally 
is  in  God  (actus  purus)  ;  (2)  that  which  potentially  is  in  the  soul ; 
(3)  that  which  actually  comes  to  be  in  the  history  of  the  world. — 
Proof  of  the  rational  necessity  of  the  process.     A  mollusc  or  a 
sponge  cannot  express  human  thought  and  will,  and  a  biological 
process   is  necessary  for  creating   a  more   perfect  organism  ;   in 
like    manner    the    supreme    thought    and    will    (the    Kingdom 
of  God)  cannot   be  revealed  among   semi -animals,  and   requires 
the    historical    process    of    making     the     forms    of    life    more 
perfect         .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .168 

VI.  The  necessity  of  the  universal  process  which  follows  from 
the  unconditional  principle  of  the  good. — The  world  as  a  system 
of  preliminary    material    conditions    for    the    realisation    of    the 
kingdom  of  ends. — The  moral  freedom  of  man  as  the  final  condition 

of  that  realisation    ....  170 



VII.  The  demands  of  religious  morality  :  '  have  God  in  you ' 
and  '  regard  everything  in  God's  way.' — God's  relation  to  evil. — 
The  full  form  of  the  categorical  imperative  as  the  expression  of 

the  unconditional  principle  of  morality       .  .  .  173 

VIII.  The  higher  degrees  of  morality  do  not  abolish  the  lower, 
but  when  being  realised  in  history  presuppose  them  and  are  based 
upon  them. — Pedagogical  aspect  of  the  matter       .  .  1 74 

IX.  Natural  altruism  becomes  deeper,  higher,  and  wider  in 
virtue  of  the  unconditional  principle  of  morality. — The  determining 
power  of  that  principle  in  relation  to  collective  historical  institu 
tions  intended  for  serving  the  good. — Our  highest  duty  is  not  to 
serve  these  institutions  uncritically  (since  they  may  fail  to  fulfil  their 
destination),  but  to  help  them  to  serve  the  good  or,  if  they  swerve 

from  the  right  course,  to  point  out  their  true  duties  .  .176 

X.  When  man's  relation  to  the  Deity  is  raised  to  the  level  of 
absolute  consciousness,  the  preserving  feeling  of  continence  (shame, 
conscience,  fear  of  God)  is  finally  seen  to  safeguard  not  the  relative 
but  the  absolute  dignity  of  man — his  ideal  perfection  which  is  to 
be   realised. — Ascetic   morality  is    now  seen   to  have  a  positive 
eschatological  motive,  namely,  to  re-create  our  bodily  nature  and 
make  it  the  destined  abode  of  the  Holy  Spirit        .  .  .       178 



I.  Since  the  reality  of  the  spiritual  is  inseparable  from  the 
reality  of  the  material,  the  process — to  be  considered  by  moral 
philosophy — whereby  the  universe  attains  perfection,  being  the 
process  of  manifestation  of  God  in  man,  must  necessarily  be 
the  process  of  manifestation  of  God  in  matter. — The  series  of  the 
concrete  grades  of  being  most  clearly  determined  and  characteristic 
from  the  point  of  view  of  moral  purpose  realised  in  the  world- 
process— the  five  '  kingdoms '  :  the  mineral  or  inorganic,  the 
vegetable,  the  animal,  the  naturally  human,  and  the  spiritually 
human  or  the  kingdom  of  God. — Description  and  definition  of 
them. — Their  external  interrelation  :  inorganic  substances  nourish 
the  life  of  plants,  animals  exist  at  the  expense  of  the  vegetable 
kingdom,  men  at  the  expense  of  animals,  and  the  kingdom  of  God 
consists  of  men  (explanations). — The  general  character  of  the 
ascent  :  just  as  a  living  organism  consists  of  chemical  substance 
which  has  ceased  to  be  mere  substance,  so  natural  humanity  con 
sists  of  animals  who  have  ceased  to  be  mere  animals,  and  the  king 
dom  of  God  consists  of  men  who  have  ceased  to  be  merely  human 




but  have  entered  into  a  new  and  higher  plan  of  existence  where 
their  purely  human  objects  become  the  means  and  instruments  of 
another,  final  purpose  ......  180 

II.  The  stone  exists  ;  the  plant  exists  and  lives  ;  the  animal, 
in  addition  to  this,  is  conscious  of  its  life  in  its  concrete  states  and 
correlations,  the  natural  man,  existing,  living,  and  being  conscious 
of  his  actual  life,   comes,   besides,  to  be  gradually  aware  of  its 
general  meaning  according  to  ideas  ;  the  sons  of  God  are  called 
to  realise  this  meaning  in  all  things  to  the  end  (explanation).— The 
development  of  the  human  kingdom  in  the  ancient  world. — The 
real  limit — a  living  man-god  (apotheosis  of  the  Caesars). — As  in 
the  animal  kingdom  the  appearance  of  the  anthropomorphic  ape 
anticipates  the  appearance  of  the  real  man,  so  in  natural  humanity 

the  deified  Caesar  is  the  anticipation  of  the  true  God-man  .       183 

III.  The  God-man  as  the  first  and  essential  manifestation  of 
the  kingdom   of  God. — Reasons  for  believing  in   the   historical 
existence  of  Christ  (as  the  God-man)  from  the  point  of  view  of 

the  evolution  of  the  world  rationally  understood    .  .  .186 

IV.  Positive  unity  of  the  world -process  in  its  three  aspects  :  (i) 
the  lower  kingdoms  form  part  of  the  moral  order  as  the  necessary 
conditions  of  its  realisation  ;  (2)  each  of  the  lower  forms  strives 
towards  a  correspondingly  higher  form  ;  (3)  each  of  the  higher 
forms  physically  (and  psychologically)  includes  the  lower. — The 
process  of  gathering   the    universe   together. — The   task  of  the 
natural  man  and  humanity  is  to  gather  together  the  universe  in 
idea  ;    the  task  of  the  God-man  and  the  divine  humanity  is  to 
gather  the  universe  together  in  reality        ....       188 

V.  Positive  connection  between  the  spiritual  and  the  natural 
man,  between  grace  and  natural  goodness. — Historical  confirmation 

of  the  essential  truth  of  Christianity  .  .  .  .190 

VI.  Christ  as  the  perfect  individual. — Reason  why  He  first 
appeared  in  the  middle  of  history  and  not  -at  the  end  of  it  .193 

VII.  The  perfect  moral  order  presupposes  the  moral  freedom 
of  each   person,  and  true  freedom  is  acquired  by  a  finite  spirit 
through  experience  only  :  hence  the  necessity  of  historical  develop 
ment  after  Christ. — The  ultimate  significance  of  that  development. 
— The  actual  task  morality  has  before  it  inevitably  brings  us  into 
the  realm  of  conditions  which  determine  the  concrete  historical 
existence  of  society  or  of  the  collective  man  .  .  -193 






I.  The  separation  between  the  individual  and  society  as  such 

is  nothing  but  a  morbid  illusion  (explanation)        .  .  .199 

II.  Human  personality  as  such,  in  virtue  of  the  reason  and 
will  inherent  in  it,  is  capable  of  realising  unlimited  possibilities,  in 
other    words,  it   is  a  special  form   with   infinite   content. — The 
chimera  of  self-sufficient  personality  and  the  chimera  of  impersonal 
society. — Society  is  involved  in  the  very  definition  of  personality  as 
a  rationally  knowing  and  morally  active   force,  which  is  only 
possible  in  social  existence   (proofs). — Society  is  the  objectively 
realisable  content  of  the  rational  and  moral  personality — not  its 
external   limit,   but  its  essential   complement. — It   embodies   the 
indivisible    wholeness    of   universal    life,    partly   realised    already 
in  the  past  (common  tradition),  partly  realisable  in  the  present 
(social   service)   and    anticipating   the   perfect    realisation   in   the 
future  (the  common  ideal). — To  these  abiding  moments  of  the 
individually  social   life    there   correspond    three   main    stages   in 
the    historical   development  :    the   tribal   (past) ;    the   nationally- 
political  (present)  ;  and  the  world-wide  (future). — A  clear  distinc 
tion    between    these  grad' ..   and  aspects  of    life    actually   shows 
itself  in    history   as   the   successive   transformation  of  one    into 
another  and  not  as  the  exclusive  presence  of  any  one  of  these 
forms          ........       200 

III.  Society  is  the  completed  or  the  expanded  individual,  and 
the  individual  is  the  compressed  or  concentrated  society. — The 
historical  task  of  morality  lies  not  in  creating  a  solidarity  between 
the  individual  and  society  but  in  rendering  this  solidarity  conscious, 
in  transforming  it  from  involuntary  into  voluntary,  so  that  each 
person  should  understand,  accept,  and  carry  out  the  common  task 

as  his  own  .......       203 

IV.  True  morality  is  a  right  interaction  between  the  individual 
and   his  environment. — Man   is  from   the  first  an  individually- 
social   being,   and   the  whole    history  is  a  process  of   gradually 
deepening,  widening,  and  raising  to  a  higher  level  this  two-sided, 
individually-social  life.     Of  these  two  indivisible  and  correlative 
terms    the    individual    is    the    movable,    the   dynamic    element, 



while  society  is  the  inert,  conservative,  and  static  element  of 
history. — There  can  be  no  opposition  of  principle  between  the 
individual  and  society  but  only  between  the  different  stages  of  the 
individually-social  development  .....  204 

V.  The  clan  (in  the  wide  sense)  as  the  rudimentary  embodi 
ment  of  morality  as  a  whole  (religious,  altruistic,  and   ascetic), 
or  as  the  realisation   of  the   individual    human   dignity  in    the 
narrowest  and  most  fundamental  social  sphere  (explanations  and 
proofs)        ........       206 

VI.  The  moral  content  of  the  clan  life  is  eternal,  the  form  of 
the  clan  is  broken  up  by  the   historical  process. — The  general 
course  of  this  breaking  up. — Transition  from  the  clan  through  the 
tribe  to  the  nation  and  the  state. — The  profound  significance  of 

the  word  '  fatherland '         ......       207 

VII.  When  a  new  and  wider  social  whole  (the  fatherland)  is 
formed,  the  clan  becomes  the  family  (explanation). — The  signifi 
cance   of    the   individual   element   in   the    transition    from    the 

clan  to  the  state     .  .  .  .  .  .  .210 

VIII.  Every  social  group  has  only  a  relative  and  conditional 
claim  on  man. — Social  organisation,  even  of  a  comparatively  high 
type — e.g.  the  state — has  no  right  at  all  over  the  eternal  moral 
content  which   is  present  even  in  the  relatively  lower  forms    of 
lite — in  the  clan  life,  for   instance   (detailed   explanation   out   of 
Sophocles's  Antigone)  .  .  .  .  .  .213 



I.  Moral  progress  (on   its  religious  and  altruistic  side)  corre 
sponds  to  the  social  progress  (explanatory  remarks) 

II.  Achievements  of  civilisation  as  a  condition  of  progress  for 
ascetic  morality,  which  is  not  the  work  of  individuals  taken  as 
such,  but  of  man  as  an  individually-social  being  (historical  ex 
planation  and  confirmation). — Conditions  which  render  conscious 
ness  of  spiritual  independence  possible 

III.  Recognition    by   the    human    personality   of    its    purely 
negative  or  formal  infinity  without  any  definite   content. — The 
religion  of  Awakening  :  "  I  am  above  all  this  ;  all  this  is  empty."— 
Buddhist  confession  of  the  '  three  treasures  '  :  I  believe  in  Buddha, 
I  believe  in  the  doctrine,  I  believe  in  the  community  " — i.e.  all  is 
illusion  with  the  exception  of  three  things  worthy  of  belief :  the 
man  who  is  spiritually  awake,  the  words  of  awakening,  and  the 
brotherhood    of  the   awakened. — Buddhism    as    the    first   extant 



stage  of  human  universalism  rising  above  the  exclusive  nationally- 
political  structure  of  pagan  religion  and  society. — The  moral 
essence  of  the  Buddhist  doctrine  :  reverence  for  the  first  awakened, 
the  commandment  of  will-lessness  and  of  universal  benevolence  .  227 

IV.  Criticism  of  Buddhism  :  its  inner  contradictions   .  .       230 

V.  Final  definition  of  the  Buddhist  doctrine  as  religious  and 
moral  nihilism  (in  the  strict  sense),  which  denies  in  principle  every 
object  and  every  motive  for  reverence,  pity,  and  spiritual  struggle       233 

VI.  Logical  transition  from  Hindu  nihilism  to  Greek  idealism. 
— Greeks  no   less   than    Hindus  felt  the  emptiness   of  sensuous 
being  :  the  pessimism  of  Greek  poetry  and  philosophy. — But  from 
sensuous  emptiness  Greeks  passed  to  the  intelligible  fulness  of  the 
Ideas. — Statement  of  the  Ideal  theory  (historical    instances  and 
explanations)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .236 

VII.  The   impossibility  of  consistently   contrasting   the  two 
worlds. — Three  relative  and  analogous  wrongs  (anomalies)  of  the 
phenomenal  world  :    the  psychological  (the  subjection  of  reason 
to  passions),  the  social  (the  subjection  of  the  wise  man  to  the  mob), 
and  the  physical  (the  subjection  of  the  living  organic  form  to  the 
inorganic   forces  of  substance    in  death). — Idealism  attempts   to 
combat  the  first  two  anomalies  but  is  blind  and  dumb   to   the 
third. — The  whole  of  our  world  (not   only  the  mental  and   the 
political  but  the  physical  as  well)  is  in  need  of  salvation,  and  the 
Saviour  is  not  the  Hindu  ascetic  or  the  Greek  philosopher  but  the 
Jewish  Messiah — not  one  who  rejects  life  in  the  name  of  non-being 
or  in  the  name  of  abstract  Ideas,  but  one  who  makes  life  whole 

and  raises  it  up  for  eternity  .....       240 

VIII.  Comparison  between  Buddhism,  Platonism,  and  Christi 
anity  :  negative  universalism,  one-sided  universalism,  and  positive, 
complete,  or  perfect  universalism. — The  weakness  of  Platonism 
from  the  moral  point  of  view. — Preparatory  significance  of  Buddh 
ism  and  Platonism  ;   their  fruitlessness  when  they  are   taken   to 
be  doctrines  complete  in  themselves. — Christianity  as  an  absolute 
event,  an  absolute  promise,  and  an  absolute  task      .  .  .       244 



I.  The  erroneous  view  which  denies  as  a  matter  of  principle 
that  morality  has  an  objective  task  or  is  the  work  of  the  collective 

man. — Statement  of  the  question    .....       248 

II.  The  insufficiency  of  morality  as  subjective  feeling  only. — 
Historical  confirmation       .  .  .  .  .  .250 

III.  The  insufficiency  of  morality  which  addresses  its  demands 

to  individuals  only. — Historical  confirmation          .  .  .       254 



IV.  The  demand  for  organised  morality  (theoretical  explana 
tion). — The  degree  of  the  individual's  subordination  to  society 
must  correspond  to  the  degree  to  which  society  itself  is  subordinate 
to  the  moral  good.  Apart  from  its  connection  with  the  moral 
good,  social  environment  has  no  claim  whatever  upon  the  individual.  258 



I.  The  error  of  social  realism,  according  to  which  social  in 
stitutions  and  interests  have  a  supreme  and  decisive  significance 
in  themselves. — Man  is  not  merely  a  social  animal. — The  concep 
tion  of  a  social  being  is  poorer  in  intension  but  wider  in  extension 

than  the  conception  of  man. — Description  of  the  social  life  of  ants       261 

II.  The  unconditional  value  of  the  individual  for  society. — No 
man  under  any  circumstances  and  for  any  reason  may  be  regarded 
as  merely  a   means  or  an   instrument — neither  for  the  good   of 
another  person,  nor  for  the  good  of  a  group  of  persons,  nor  for  the 
so-called  '  common   good  '  (explanations). — Religion,  family,  and 
property  in  relation  to  the  unconditional  moral  norm        .  .       264 

III.  Rights  of  man  wrongly  understood  as  the  privilege  of  the 
one  (eastern  monarchies)  or  of  the  few  (classical  aristocracies)  or 
of  the  many  (democracies). — The  three   chief  anomalies  of  the 
ancient  society  —  the  denial  of  human  dignity  to   the   external 
enemies,  to  slaves,  and  to  criminals. — Progress  of  social  morality 
in  the  consciousness  of  the  ancient  world. — The  absolute  affirma 
tion  of  human  dignity  in  Christianity        ....       268 

IV.  The  task  of  the  present  is  to  make  all  social  institutions 
conformable  to  the  unconditional  moral    norm  and   to  struggle 

with  the  collective  evil        .  .  .  .  .       272 



The  collective  evil  as  a  threefold  immoral  relation  :  between 
different  nations,  between  society  and  the  criminal,  between 
different  classes  of  society  .  .  .  .  .  .276 

I.  Nationalism    and    cosmopolitanism.  —  Moral  weakness   of 
nationalism  .......       277 

II.  The  absence  of  strictly  national  divisions  in  the  ancient 
world.  —  Eastern    monarchies    and   western    city   states    did    not 
coincide  with  nations  (historical  references)  .  .  .279 



III.  Jews  have  never  been  merely  a  nation. — Christianity  is 
not  negative    cosmopolitanism,  but  positive  super -national   and 
all-national  universalism.     It    can    as   little   demand    absence    of 
nationality   as    absence    of    individuality    (explanation  and    his 
torical  instances)     .......       282 

IV.  Universalism  of  new  European  nations. — Historical  survey : 
Italy,  Spain,  England,  France,  Germany,  Poland,  Russia,  Holland, 
Sweden       ........       286 

V.  Deduction  from  the  historical  survey  :  a  nation  as  a  parti 
cular  form  of  existence  derives  its  meaning  and  its  inspiration 
solely  from  its  connection  and  its  harmony  with  what  is  universal. 
— Moral  weakness  of  cosmopolitanism. — Positive  duty  involved  in 
the  national  question  :  love  (in  the  ethical  sense)  all  other  nations 

as  your  own  (explanation)  .  ....       295 



Statement  of  the  question          .....        299 

I.  To  be   ethically  right   the  opposition  to  crime  must  give 
moral  help  to  both  parties. — The  duty  to  defend  the  injured  and 
to  bring  the  injurer  to  reason.  —  The    two  prevalent  erroneous 
doctrines  deny  either  the  one  or  the  other  aspect  of  the  matter       .       300 

II.  The  conception  of  punishment  as  retribution. — Its  root  is  in 
the  custom  of  blood  vengeance  of  the  patriarchal  stage. — The  trans 
formation  of  this  custom  into  legal  justice,  and  the  transference  of 

the  duty  of  vengeance  from  the  clan  to  the  State    .  .  .       302 

III.  The  genesis  of  legal  justice  is  wrongly  taken  to  be  its  moral 
justification. — Absurd  arguments  in  favour  of  the  savage  conception 

of  punishment  as  revenge  or  retribution     ....       306 

IV.  Immoral  tendency  to  preserve  cruel  penalties. — Since  the 
absurdity  of  retribution  is  universally  recognised,  cruel  penalties 
are  justified  upon  the  principle  of  intimidation. — The  essential 
immorality  of  this  principle. — Fatal  inconsistency  of  its  adherents  .       310 

V.  The  chaotic  state  of  modern  justice. — The  doctrine  of  non- 
resistance    to    evil   as  applied   to  the  penal  question.  —  Detailed 
analysis  and  criticism  of  this  doctrine         .  .  .  .314 

VI.  The   moral   principle  admits   neither  of  punishment   as 
intimidating  retribution,  nor  of  an  indifferent  relation  to  crime  and 
of  allowing  to  commit  crimes  unhindered. — It  demands  real  opposi 
tion  to   crime  as  a  just  means  of  active  pity,  which  legally  and 
compulsorily  limits  certain  external  manifestations  of  the  evil  will 
not  only  for  the  sake  of  the  safety  of  the  community  and  of  its 
peaceful  members,  but  also  in  the  interest  of  the  criminal  himself. — 



Normal  justice  in  dealing  with  crime  must  give,  or  at  any  rate  aim 
at,  equal  realisation  of  three  rights  :  of  the  right  of  the  injured 
person  to  be  protected,  of  the  right  of  society  to  be  safe,  and  of 
the  right  of  the  injurer  to  be  brought  to  reason  and  reformed. — 
Temporary  deprivation  of  liberty  as  the  necessary  preliminary  con 
dition  for  carrying  out  this  task. — The  consequences  of  the  crime 
for  the  criminal  must  stand  in  a  natural  inner  connection  with  his 
actual  condition. — The  necessity  of  reforming  the  penal  laws  in  a 
corresponding  way  :  '  conditional  sentences  '  as  the  first  step  towards 
such  reformation     .  .  .  .  .  .  .322 

VII.  The  possibility  of  reforming  the  criminal  ;  the  right  and 
the  duty  of  society  to  care  about  it. — The  necessary  reform  of 
penal  institutions  .  .  .  .  .  .  .324 



I.  The  connection  of  criminality  and  national  hostility  with 
the    economic  conditions. — The  simple  nature  of  the  economic 
problem. — Theoretically  wrong   solutions  of  it  on    the   part  of 

the  orthodox  economists  and  of  the  socialists  .  .  .326 

II.  Erroneous  and  immoral  isolation  of  the  economic  sphere  of 
relations  as  though  it  were  independent  of  the  moral  conditions  of 
human  activity  in  general. — Free  play  of  chemical  processes  can 
only  take  place  in  a  dead  and  decomposing  body,  while  in  the 
living  organism  these  processes  are  connected  together  and  deter 
mined  by  biological  purposes. — There  is  not,  and  there  never  has 
been,  in  human  society  a  stage  so  low  that  the  material  necessity 
for  obtaining  means  of  livelihood  was  not  complicated  by  moral 
considerations  (explanations)  .  .  .  .  .327 

III.  In  its  economic  life,  too,  society  must  be  an  organised 
realisation    of  the  good. — The  peculiarity   and  independence  of 
the  economic  sphere  lies  not  in  the  fact  that  it  has  inexorable  laws 
of  its  own,  but  in  the  fact  that  from  its  very  nature  it  presents  a 
special  and  peculiar  field  for  the  application  of  the  one  moral  law. 
— The  ambiguous  beginning  and  the  bad  end  of  socialism. — The 
principle  of  the  St.  Simonists  :  the  rehabilitation  of  matter. — The 
true  and  important  meaning  of  this  principle  :  matter  has  a  right 
to  be  spiritualised  by  man. — This   meaning  soon   gave  way  to 
another :  matter  has  the  right  to  dominate  man. — Gradual  degenera 
tion  of  socialism  into  economic  materialism,  which  is  inwardly  and 
essentially  identical  with  plutocracy  (explanation)  .  .  -332 

IV.  The  true  solution  of  the  economic  question  is  in  man's 
moral  relation  to  material  nature  (earth),  conditioned  by  his  moral 



relation  to  men  and  to  God. — The  commandment  of  labour  :  with 
effort  to  cultivate  material  nature  for  oneself  and  one's  own,  for  all 
humanity,  and  for  the  sake  of  the  material  nature  itself. — The  insuf 
ficiency  of  the  '  natural  harmony  '  of  personal  interests. — Criticism 
of  Bastiat's  doctrine  .  .  .  .  .  •  33^ 

V.  The  duty  of  society  to  recognise  and  to  secure  to  each  the 
right  of  worthy  human   existence. — The  immorality  of  certain 
conditions  of  labour  (instances,  confirmations,  and  explanations)    .       340 

VI.  The  main  conditions  which  render  human  relations  in  the 
sphere  of  material  labour  moral  :  (i)  material  wealth  must  not  be 
recognised  as  the  independent  purpose  of  man's  economic  activity  ; 
(2)  production  must  not  be  at  the  expense  of  the  human  dignity 
of  the  producers,  and  not  a  single  one  of  them  must  become  merely 
a  means  of  production  ;  (3)  man's  duties  to  the  earth   (material 
nature  in  general)  must  be  recognised  (explanations). — The  rights 
of  the  earth. — Man's   triple  relation  to  the  material  nature:  (i) 
subjection  to   it  ;   (2)  struggle   with   it  and  its  exploitation  j    (3) 
looking  after  it  for  one's  own  and  its  sake. — Without  loving  nature 
foi  its  own  sake  one  cannot  organise  the  material  life  in  a  moral 
way. — The  connection  between  moral  relation  to  the  external  nature 

and  the  relation  to  one's  body         .....       345 

VII.  It  is  insufficient  to  study  the  producing  and  the  material 
causes  of  labour. — Full  definition  of  labour  from  the  moral  point 
of  view  :  labour  is  the  interrelation  of  men  in  the  physical  sphere, 
which   interrelation    must,  in    accordance  with    the   moral    law, 
secure  to  all  and  each  the  necessary  means  of  existing  worthily  and 

'  of  perfecting  all  sides  of  one's  being,  and  is  finally  destined  to  trans- 

,  form  and  spiritualise  material  nature  ....       348 

VIII.  Analysis  of  the  conception  of  property. — The  relativity 

of  its  grounds          .  .  .  ...  .  .       349 

IX.  The  right  of  each  to  earn  sufficient  wages  and  to  save. — 
The  normal  origin  of  capital.- — The  right  and  the  duty  of  society 
to  limit  the  misuse  of  private  property. — The  striving  of  socialism 
for  an  undesirable  extension  of  this  public  right  and  duty. — The 
moral  meaning  of  the  handed  down  or  inherited  (family)  property. 
— The  special  significance  of  family  inheritance  with  regard  to 
landed  property  :    it  is  necessary  not  to  limit  it,  but,  as  far  as 
possible,  to  secure  it  to  each  family. — Objections  answered  .       354 

X.  Exchange  and  fraud. — Commerce  as  public  service  which 
cannot  have  private  gain  for  its  sole  or  even  its  main  object. — The 
right  and  duty  of  society  compulsorily  to  limit  abuses  in  this 
sphere. — Transition  to  the  morally-legal  question  .  .  358 





I.  The  unconditional  moral  principle,  as  a  commandment  of 
or  demand  for  perfection,  contains  in  its  very  nature  a  recognition 
of  the  relative  element  in  morality,  namely,  of  the  real  conditions 
necessary  for  the  attainment  of  perfection. — Comparative  predomin 
ance  of  this  relative  element  constitutes  the  legal  sphere  of  relations 
and   comparative  predominance  of  the   unconditional  side — the 
moral  sphere  in  the  strict  sense       .  .  .  .  .362 

II.  Alleged     contradiction    between    legality    and     morality 
(examples  and  explanations)  .  .  .  .  .364 

III.  The  different  grades  of  moral  and  legal  consciousness. — 
The  unchangeable  legal  norms  or  the  natural  right. — Legal  con 
servatism. — Progress  in  legality  or  the  steady  approximation  of  the 
legal  enactments  to  the  norms  of  legality  conformable  to,  though 

not  identical  with,  the  moral  norms  .  .  .  -3^5 

IV.  The  close  connection  between  morality  and  legal  justice, 
vitally  important   for  both  sides. — Verbal  and  etymological  con 
firmation  of  it         .  .  .  .  .  .  .        367 

V.  Difference  between  legal  and  moral  justice  :    (i)  the  un 
limited  character  of  the  purely  moral  and  the  limited  character  of 
the  legal  demands — in  this  respect  legal  justice  is  the  lowest  limit 
or  a  definite  minimum  of  morality  ;  (2)  legal  justice  chiefly  demands 
an  objective  realisation  of  this  minimum  of  good,  or  the  actual  aboli 
tion  of  a  certain  amount  of  evil  ;  (3)  in  demanding  such  realisation 

legal  justice  admits  of  compulsion     .....       369 

VI.  A  general  definition  :  legal  justice  is  a  compulsory  demand 
for  the  realisation  of  a  definite  minimum  of  good,  or  for  an  order 
which  does  not  allow  of  certain  manifestations  of  evil. — The  moral 
ground  for  this  :  interests  of  morality  demand  personal  freedom 
as  a  condition  of  human  dignity  and  moral  perfection  ;  but  man 
can  exist  and   consequently  be  free  and  strive  for  perfection  in 
society  only  ;  moral  interest,  therefore,  demands  that  the  external 
manifestations  of  personal  liberty  should  be  consistent  with  the 
conditions  of  the  existence  of  society,  i.e.  not  with  the  ideal  perfec 
tion  of  some,  but  with  the  real  security  of  all. — This  security  is  not 
safeguarded  by  the  moral  law  itself,  since  for  immoral  persons  it 
does  not  exist,  and  is  ensured  by  the  compulsory  juridical  law  which 

has  force  for  the  latter  also  .  .  .  .  -371 

VII.  Positive  legal  justice  as  the  historically-movable  definition 
of  the  necessary  and  compulsory  balance  between  the  two  moral 
interests  of  personal  liberty  and  of  the  common  good. — The  moral 
demand  that  each  should  be  free  to  be  immoral ;  this  freedom  is 



secured  by  positive  laws  (explanations). — The  necessary  limit  to 

the  compulsion  exercised  by  all  collective  organisations      .  .374 

VIII.  The  legal  view  of  crime  ....       378 

IX.  From  the  very  definition  of  legal  justice  it  follows  that  the 
interest  of  the  common  good  can  in  each  case  only  limit  personal 
liberty,  but  can  never  abolish  it  altogether. — Hence  capital  punish 
ment  and  imprisonment  for  life  is  impermissible    .  .  .       379 

X.  The  three  essential  characteristics  of  law  (publicity,  con- 
creteness,  real  applicability). — The  sanction  of  the  law. — Public 
authority. — The  three  kinds   of  authority   (legislative,  juridical, 
executive). — The  supreme  authority. — The  state  as  the  embodiment 

of  legal  justice. — Limits  to  the  legal  organisation  of  humanity       .       380 



I.  Three  questions  are  involved  in  the  question  of  war  :  the 
generally  moral,  the  historical,  and  the  personally-moral.— The 
answer  to  the  first  question  is  indisputable  :   war  is  an  anomaly 

or  an  evil    .  .  .  .  .  .  .  -385 

II.  War  as  a  relative  evil  (explanations). — Transition  to  the 
question  as  to  the  historical  meaning  of  war  .  .  -387 

III.  Wars  between  clans  naturally  led  to  treaties  and  agree 
ments  as  guarantees  of  peace. — The  formation  of  the  state. — The 
organisation  of  war  in  the  state  as  an  important  step  towards  the 
coming  of  peace. — '  The  world  empires ' — their  comparative  char 
acteristic. — Pax  Romana. — Wars  in  which  ancient  history  abounds 
increased  the  sphere  of  peace. — Military  progress  in  the  ancient 
world  was  at  the  same  time  a  great  social  and  moral  progress,  since 

it  enormously  decreased  the  proportion  of  lives  sacrificed  in  war    .       389 

IV.  Christianity  has  abolished  war  in  principle  ;  but  until  this 
principle    really    enters    human    consciousness,   wars   are    inevit 
able,   and   may,   in   certain    conditions,   be   the  lesser  evil,  i.e.   a 
relative  good. — The  Middle  Ages. — In  modern  history  three  general 
facts  are  important  with  reference  to   the  question  of  war:  (i) 
Most  nations  have  become  independent  political  wholes  or  '  perfect 
bodies '  ;   (2)  international  relations  of  all   kinds   have  been  de 
veloped  ;  (3)  European  culture  has  spread  throughout  the  globe 
(explanations). — The  war-world  of  the  future       ..  .  .       394 

V.  The  general  historical  meaning  of  all  wars  is  the  struggle 
between  Europe  and  Asia — first  local  and  symbolical  (the  Trojan 
war),  finally  extending  to  the  whole  of  the  globe. — The  end  of 
external  wars  will  make  clear  the  great  truth  that  external  peace  is 



not  as  such  a  real  good,  but  becomes  a  good  only  in  connection 

with  the  inner  (moral)  regeneration  of  humanity  .  .  .       399 

VI.  The  subjectively  moral  attitude  to  war. — False  identifica 
tion  of  war  and  military  service  with  murder. — War  as  the  conflict 
between  collective  organisms  (states)  and  their  collective  organs 
(armies)  is  not  the  affair  of  individual  men  who  passively  take  part 
in  it  ;  on  their  part  possible  taking  of  life  is  accidental  only. — 
Refusal  to  perform  military  service  required  by  the  state  is  of 
necessity  a  greater  moral  evil,  and  is  therefore  impermissible. — 
Moral  duty  of  the  individual  to  take  part  in  the  defence  of  his 
country. — It  is  grounded  on  the  unconditional  principle  of  morality 
(explanatory  instances). —  Unquestionable   dangers  of  militarism 
are  not  an  argument  against  the  necessity  of  armaments. — Biblical 
illustration  .......       402 

VII.  It  is  our  positive  duty  not  merely  to  defend  or  protect 
our  fatherland,  but  also  to  bring  it  to  greater  perfection,  which  is 
inseparable  from   the  general  moral  progress  of  humanity. — To 
approach  a  good  and  lasting  peace  one  must  act  against  the  evil 
root  of  war,  namely,  against  hostility  and  hatred  between  the  parts 
of  the  divided  humanity. — In  history  war  has  been  the  direct  means 
of  the  external  and  the  indirect  means  of  the  internal  unification 
of  humanity  ;  reason  forbids  us  to  throw  up  this  means  so  long  as 
it  is  necessary,  and  conscience  commands  us  to  strive  that  it  should 
cease  to  be  necessary,  and  that  the  natural  organisation  of  humanity, 
divided  into  hostile  parts,  should  actually  become  a  moral  or  spiritual 
unity          ........       406 



I.  Differences  between  the  natural  and  the  moral  human  solid 
arity,  which  Christianity  puts  before  us  as  a  historical  task,  de 
manding  that  all  should  freely  and  consciously  strive  for  perfection 
in  the  one  good. — The  true  subject  of  this  striving  is  the  individual 
man  together  <with  and  inseparably  from  the  collective  man. — The 
three  permanent  embodiments  of  the  subject  striving  for  perfection, 
or  the  three  natural  groups  which  actually  give  completion  to  the  in 
dividual  life  :  the  family,  the  fatherland,  humanity. — Corresponding 
to  them  in  the  historical  order  we  have  the  three  stages — the  tribal, 
the  nationally  political,  and  the  spiritually  universal ;  the  latter  may 
become  actually  real  only  on  condition  that  the  first  two  are  spiritual 
ised. — The  concrete  elements  and  forms  of  life  as  conditional  data 
for  the  solution  of  an  unconditional  problem. — The  given  natural 
bond  between  three  generations  (grandparents,  parents,  children) 
must  be  transformed  into  the  unconditionally  moral  one  through  the 
spiritualisation  of  the  family  religion,  of  marriage,  and  education  .  409 



II.  Homage  paid  to  the   forefathers. — Its  eternal  significance 
recognised  even  in  the  savage  cults. — Christian  modification  of  the 
ancient  cult  .  .  .  .  .  .  .411 

III.  Marriage. — It  unites  man  with  God  through  the  present, 
just  as  religious  regard  for  the  forefathers  unites  man  with  God 
through  the  past. — In  true  marriage  the  natural  sexual  tie  is  not 
abolished  but  transubstantiated. — The  necessary  data  for  the  moral 
problem  of  such  transubstantiation  are  the  natural  elements  of  the 
sexual  relation  :  (i)  carnal  desire  ;   (2)  being  in  love  ;  (3)  child- 
bearing. — Marriage  remains  the  satisfaction  of  the  sexual  desire, 
but  the  object  of  that  desire  is  no  longer  the  satisfaction  of  the 
animal  organism,  but  the  restoration  of  the  image  of  God  in  man. — 
Marriage  as  a  form  of  asceticism,  as  holy  exploit  and  martyrdom. 
—  Child  -  bearing,    unnecessary    and    impossible    in    a    perfect 
marriage,  is  necessary  and  desirable  in  a  marriage  which  strives 
after  perfection  ;  it  is  a  necessary  consequence  of  the  perfection  not 

yet  attained,  and  a  natural  means  of  attaining  it  in  the  future        .       415 

IV.  The  purpose  of  the  bringing  up  of  children  in  a  spiritually 
organised  family  is  to  connect  the  temporary  life  of  the  new  genera 
tion  with  the  eternal  good,  which  is  common  to  all  generations, 

and  restores  their  essential  unity     .  .  .  .  .418 

V.  True  education  must  at  one  and  the  same  time  be  both 
traditional  and  progressive. — Transferring  to  the  new  generation  all 
the  spiritual  heritage  of  the  past,  it  must  at  the  same  time  develop 
in  it  the  desire  and  the  power  to  make  use  of  this  heritage  as  of  a 
living  moving  power  for  a  new  approach  to  the  supreme  goal. — 
Fatal  consequences  of  separating  the  two  aspects. — The  moral  basis 
of  education  is  to  inspire  the  descendants  with  a  living  concern  for 
the  future  of  their  ancestors  (explanation). — Moral  progress  can  only 
consist  in  carrying  out  further  and  better  the  duties  which  follow 
from  tradition. — The  supreme  principle  of  pedagogy  is  the  indis 
soluble  bond  between  generations  which  support  one  another  in 
carrying  out  progressively  the  one  common  task  of  preparing  for  the 
manifestation  of  the  kingdom  of  God  and  for  universal  resurrection       421 

VI.  The  normal  family  is   the  immediate  restoration  of  the 
moral  wholeness  of  man  in  one  essential  respect — that  of  succession 
of  generations  (the  order  of  temporal  sequence). — This  wholeness 
must  be  also  restored  in  the  wider  order  of  coexistence — first  of  all 
within  the  limits  of  the  nation  or  the  fatherland. — In  accordance 
with    the    nature   of  moral   organisation,    the    nation    does    not 
abolish  either  the  family  or  the  individual,  but  fills  them  with  a 
vital  content  in  a  definite  national  form,  conditioned  by  language. 
— This  form   must  be  peculiar  but   not   exclusive  :   the  normal 
multiplicity   of  different   languages   does    not    necessitate    their 
isolation    and   separateness.  —  The    Babylonian    principle   of   the 
division  of  humanity  through  identity  in  confusion  and  the  Sion 



principle  of  gathering  mankind  together  through  unanimity  in 
distinctness. — The  true  universal  language  means  the  community 
and  understandability  of  many  separate  languages  which,  though 
divided,  do  not  divide  .  .  .  .  .  .423 

VII.  The  unity  of  mankind. — All  the  grounds  which  justify 
us  in  speaking  of  the  unity  of  a  people  have  still  greater  force  when 
applied  to  humanity. — The  unity  of  origin  ;  the  unity  of  language, 
irrespective   of  the   number  of  different  tongues  ;   the   unity  of 
universal  history  apart  from  which  there  can  be  no  national  history 
(proofs  and  explanations). — The  indivisibility  of  the  moral  good. 
— The  evil  of  exclusive  patriotism. — Humanity  as  the  subject  of 
moral  organisation. — Transition  to  the  discussion  of  the  universal 
forms  of  the  moral  order     ......       426 

VIII.  The   universal    Church   as   the   organisation    of   piety 
(explanation). — The  essence  of  the  Church  is  the  unity  and  holiness 
of  the  Godhead  in  so  far  as  it  remains  and  positively  acts  in  the 
world  through  humanity  (or,  what  is  the  same  thing,  the  Church 
is  the  creation  gathered  together  in  God). — The  unity  and  holiness 
of  the  Church  in  the  order  of  coexistence  is  its  catholicity  or  whole 
ness  and,  in  the  order  of  succession,  is  the  apostolic  succession. — 
Catholicity  abolishes  all  divisions  and  separations,  preserving  all 

the  distinctions  and  peculiarities    .....       432 

IX.  Participation  in  the  absolute  content  of  life  through  the 
universal  Church  positively  liberates  and  equalises  all,  and  unites 
men  in  a  perfect  brotherhood  which  presupposes  a  perfect  father 
hood  435 

X.  The  religious  principle  of  fatherhood  is  that  the  spiritual 
life  does  not  spring  from  ourselves. — Hence  messengership  or  apostle- 
ship  in  contradistinction  to  imposture. — Christ  'sent  of  God  '  and 
doing  the  will  of  the  Father  who  sent  Him  and  not  His  own  will 
is  the  absolute  prototype  of  apostleship. — Its  continuation  in  the 
Church  :  "  As  my  Father  sent  me,  so  I  send  you." — Since  filial 
relation  is  the  prototype  of  piety,  the  only-begotten  Son  of  God 
— the  Son  by  pre-eminence — being  the  embodiment  of  piety  is  the 
way,  the  truth,  and  the  life  of  His  Church,  as  of  an  organisation 
of  piety  in  the  world. — The  way  of  piety  is  the  way  of  hierarchy 
— it  is  from  above  (the  significance  of  ordination  and  consecration). 
— The  truth  of  the  Church  is  not,  at  bottom,  either  scientific,  or 
philosophical,  or  even  theological,  but  simply  contains  the  dogmas 
of  piety  ;  the  general  meaning  of  the  seven  CEcumenical  Councils. 

— The  life  of  piety  ;  the  meaning  of  the  seven  sacraments  .  437 

XL  The  question  as  to  the  relation  of  the  Church  to  the  state 

or  the  problem  of  the  Christian  state. — Important  instance  in  the 

New  Testament  (the  story  of  Cornelius  the  centurion)  .  .  440 

XII.  Moral  necessity  of  the  state. — Explanations  with  regard 

to  Christianity        .......       443 



XIII.  The    state    as   collectively -organised    pity.  —  Vladimir 
Monomakh  and  Dante  (explanation)          .  .""          .  .       447 

XIV.  Analysis  of  the  objection  generally  urged  against  the 
definition  of  the  normal  state          .....       449 

XV.  Analysis  of  legal  misunderstandings          .  .  .451 

XVI.  In  addition  to  the  general  conservative  task  of  every 
state — to   preserve  the  essentials  of  common  life,  without  which 
humanity  could  not  exist — the  Christian  state  has  also  a  progressive 
task  of  improving  the  conditions  of  that  life  by  furthering  the  free 
development  ot  all   human   powers  destined  to  bring  about  the 
coming  of  the  kingdom  of  God  (explanation)         .  .  -455 

XVII.  The  normal  relation  between  the  Church  and  the  state. 
:  — From  the  Christian  (the  divinely-human)  point  of  view  both  the 

independent  activity  of  man  and  his  whole-hearted  devotion  to 
God  are  equally  necessary  ;  but  the  two  can  only  be  combined  if 
the  two  spheres  of  life  (the  religious  and  the  political)  and  its  two 
immediate  motives  (piety  and  pity)  are  clearly  distinguished- 
corresponding  to  the  difference  in  the  immediate  objects  of  action, 
the  final  purpose  being  one  and  the  same. — Fatal  consequences 
of  the  separation  of  the  Church  from  the  state  and  of  either 
usurping  the  functions  of  the  other. — The  Christian  rule  of  social 
progress  consists  in  this,  that  the  state  should  as  little  as  possible 
coerce  the  inner  moral  life  of  man,  leaving  it  to  the  free  spiritual 
activity  of  the  Church,  and  at  the  same  time  secure  as  certainly 
and  as  widely  as  possible  the  external  conditions  in  which  men  can 
live  worthily  and  become  more  perfect  ....  457 

XVIII.  The  special  moral  task  of  the  economic  life  is  to  be 
the  collectively-organised  abstinence  from  the  evil  carnal  passions, 
in  order  that  the   material  nature — individual  and   universal — 
could  be  transformed  into  a  free  form  of  the  human  spirit. — The 
separation  of  the  economic  life  from  its  object  at  the  present  time 

and  historical  explanation  of  that  fact         ....       460 

XIX.  Moral  significance  of  the  law  of  conservation  of  energy. 
— The  value  of  the  collectively-organised  abstinence  depends  upon 
the  success  of  the  collective  organisations  of  piety  and  pity. — The 
unity  of  the  three  tasks       ......       465 

XX.  Individual  representatives  of  the  moral  organisation  of 
humanity. — The  three  supreme  callings — that  of  the  priest,  the 
king,  and  the  prophet. — Their  distinctive  peculiarities  and  mutual 
dependence  .......       467 






THE  subject-matter  of  moral  philosophy  is  the  idea  of  the  good ; 
the  purpose  of  this  philosophical  inquiry  is  to  make  clear  the 
content  that  reason,  under  the  influence  of  experience,  puts  into 
this  idea,  and  thus  to  give  a  definite  answer  to  the  essential 
question  as  to  what  ought  to  be  the  object  or  the  meaning  of 
our  life. 

The  capacity  of  forming  rudimentary  judgments  of  value  is 
undoubtedly  present  in  the  higher  animals,  who,  in  addition  to 
pleasant  and  unpleasant  sensations^  possess  more  or  less  complete 
ideas  of  desirable  or  undesirable  objects.  Man  passes  beyond 
single  sensations  and  particular  images  and  rises  to  a  universal 
rational  concept  or  idea  of  good  and  evil. 

The  universal  character  of  this  idea  is  often  denied,  but  this 
is  due  to  a  misunderstanding.  It  is  true  that  every  conceivable 
kind  of  iniquity  has  at  some  time  and  in  some  place  been 
regarded  as  a  good.  But  at  the  same  time  there  does  not  exist, 
nor  ever  has  existed,  a  people  which  did  not  attribute  to  its  idea 
of  the  good  (whatever  that  idea  might  be)  the  character  of  being 
a  universal  and  abiding  norm  and  ideal.1  A  Red  Indian  who 
considers  it  a  virtue  to  scalp  as  many  human  heads  as  possible, 
takes  it  to  be  good  and  meritorious,  not  for  one  day  merely  but 

1  In  these  preliminary  remarks,  which  are  merely  introductory,  I  intentionally  take 
the  idea  of  the  good  in  its  original  complexity,  i.e.  not  merely  in  the  sense  of  the  moral 
worth  of  our  actions,  but  also  in  the  sense  of  objects  which  are  generally  regarded  as 
desirable  to  possess  or  to  enjoy  ("  all  one's  goods,"  etc.).  Some  doctrines  deny  that 
there  is  any  such  distinction,  and  I  cannot  presuppose  it  before  the  matter  has  been 
subjected  to  a  philosophical  analysis. 

I  B 


for  all  his  life,  and  not  for  himself  alone,  but  for  every  decent 
man.  An  Esquimo  whose  idea  of  the  highest  good  is  the 
greatest  possible  supply  of  putrid  seal  and  cod-fish  fat,  undoubtedly 
regards  his  ideal  as  of  universal  application  ;  he  is  convinced  that 
what  is  good  for  him  is  also  good  for  all  times  and  all  people, 
and  even  for  the  world  beyond  the  grave  ;  and  if  he  be  told  of 
barbarians  to  whom  putrid  fat  is  disgusting,  he  will  either  dis 
believe  that  they  exist  or  will  deny  that  they  are  normal.  In 
the  same  way,  the  famous  Hottentot  who  maintained  that  it  is 
good  when  he  steals  a  number  of  cows  and  bad  when  they  are 
stolen  from  him^  did  not  intend  this  ethical  principle  for  himself 
only,  but  meant  that  for  every  man  the  good  consisted  in 
successful  appropriation  of  other  people's  property,  and  evil  in 
the  loss  of  one's  own. 

Thus  even  this  extremely  imperfect  application  of  the  idea 
of  the  good  undoubtedly  involves  its  formal  universality,  i.e.  its 
affirmation  as  a  norm  for  all  time  and  for  all  human  beings, 
although  the  content  of  the  supposed  norm  (i.e.  the  particular 
answers  to  the  question,  What  is  good  ?)  does  not  in  any  way 
correspond  to  this  formal  demand,  being  merely  accidental, 
particular,  and  crudely  material  in  character.  Of  course  the 
moral  ideas  even  of  the  lowest  savage  are  not  limited  to  scalped 
heads  and  stolen  cows :  the  same  Iroquois  and  Hottentots  manifest 
a  certain  degree  of  modesty  in  sexual  relations,  feel  pity  for  those 
dear  to  them,  are  capable  of  admiring  other  people's  superiority. 
But  as  long  as  these  rudimentary  manifestations  of  true  morality 
are  found  side  by  side  with  savage  and  inhuman  demands,  or  even 
give  precedence  to  the  latter,  as  long  as  ferocity  is  prized  above 
modesty,  and  rapacity  above  compassion,  it  has  to  be  admitted  that 
the  idea  of  the  good,  though  preserving  its  universal  form,  is 
devoid  of  its  true  content. 

The  activity  of  reason  which  gives  rise  to  ideas  is  inherent  in 
man  from  the  first,  just  as  an  organic  function  is  inherent  in 
the  organism.  It  cannot  be  denied  that  alimentary  organs  and 
their  functions  are  innate  in  the  animal ;  but  no  one  takes  this 
to  mean  that  the  animal  is  born  with  the  food  already  in  its 
mouth.  In  the  same  way,  man  is  not  born  with  ready-made 
ideas,  but  only  with  a  ready-made  faculty  of  being  conscious 
of  ideas. 


The  rational  consciousness  in  virtue  of  which  man  possesses 
from  the  first  a  universal  idea  of  the  good  as  an  absolute  norm, 
in  its  further  development  gradually  supplies  this  formal  idea  with 
a  content  worthy  of  it.  It  seeks  to  establish  such  moral  demands 
and  ideals  as  would  in  their  very  essence  be  universal  and 
necessary,  expressing  the  inner  development  of  the  universal 
idea  of  the  good  and  not  merely  its  external  application  to 
particular  material  motives  foreign  to  it.  When  this  work  of 
human  consciousness  developing  a  true  content  of  morality,  attains 
a  certain  degree  of  clearness  and  distinctness,  and  is  carried  on 
in  a  systematic  way,  it  becomes  moral  philosophy  or  ethics.  The 
different  ethical  systems  and  theories  exhibit  various  degrees  of 
completeness  and  self-consistency. 


In  its  essence  moral  philosophy  is  most  intimately  connected 
with  religion,  and  in  its  relation  to  knowledge  with  the  theoretical 
philosophy.  It  cannot  at  this  stage  be  explained  what  the 
nature  of  the  connection  is,  but  it  is  both  possible  and  necessary  to 
explain  what  it  is  not.  It  must  not  be  conceived  of  as  a  one 
sided  dependence  of  ethics  on  positive  religion  or  on  speculative 
philosophy — a  dependence  which  would  deprive  the  moral  sphere 
of  its  special  content  and  independent  significance.  The  view 
which  wholly  subordinates  morality  and  moral  philosophy  to  the 
theoretical  principles  of  positive  religion  or  philosophy  is  extremely 
prevalent  in  one  form  or  another.  The  erroneousness  of  it  is 
all  the  more  clear  to  me  because  I  myself  at  one  time  came 
very  near  it,  if  indeed  I  did  not  share  it  altogether.  Here  are 
some  of  the  considerations  which  led  me  to  abandon  this  point  of 
view  j  I  give  only  such  as  can  be  understood  before  entering 
upon  an  exposition  of  moral  philosophy  itself. 

The  opponents  of  independent  morality  urge  that  "only  true 
religion  can  give  man  the  strength  to  realise  the  good  ;  but  the 
whole  value  of  the  good  is  in  its  realisation  ;  therefore  apart  from 
true  religion  ethics  has  no  significance."  That  true  religion 
does  give  its  true  followers  the  strength  to  realise  the  good, 
cannot  be  doubted.  But  the  one-sided  assertion  that  such 
strength  is  given  by  religion  alone^  though  it  is  supposed  to  be 


made  in  the  higher  interests  of  religion,  in  truth,  directly 
contradicts  the  teaching  of  the  great  defender  of  faith,  St.  Paul, 
who  admits,  it  will  be  remembered,  that  the  heathen  can  do  good 
according  to  the  natural  law.  "  For  when  the  Gentiles,"  he 
writes,  "which  have  not  the  law,  do  by  nature  the  things 
contained  in  the  law,  these,  having  not  the  law,  are  a  law  unto 
themselves :  which  show  the  work  of  the  law  written  in  their 
hearts,  their  conscience  also  bearing  witness,  and  their  thoughts 
the  meanwhile  accusing  or  else  excusing  one  another."  l 

In  order  to  receive  the  power  for  realising  the  good,  it  is 
necessary  to  have  a  conception  of  the  good — otherwise  its  realisations 
will  be  merely  mechanical.  And  it  is  not  true  that  the  whole 
value  of  good  is  in  the  fact  of  its  realisation  :  the  way  in  which 
it  is  realised  is  also  important.  An  unconscious  automatic 
accomplishment  of  good  actions  is  below  the  dignity  of  man 
and  consequently  does  not  express  the  human  good.  The 
human  realisation  of  the  good  is  necessarily  conditioned  by  a 
consciousness  of  it,  and  there  can  be  consciousness  of  the  good'apart 
from  true  religion  as  is  shown  both  by  history  and  by  everyday 
experience,  and  confirmed  by  the  testimony  of  so  great  a 
champion  of  the  faith  as  St.  Paul.2 

Further,  though  piety  requires  us  to  admit  that  the  power 
for  the  realisation  of  the  good  is  given  from  God,  it  would  be 
impious  to  limit  the  Deity  with  regard  to  the  means  whereby 
this  power  can  be  communicated.  According  to  the  witness 
both  of  experience  and  of  the  Scriptures,  such  means  are  not 
limited  to  positive  religion,  for  even  apart  from  it  some  men  are 
conscious  of  the  good,  and  practise  it.  So  that  from  the  religious 
point  of  view  also,  we  must  simply  accept  this  as  true,  and 
consequently  admit  that  in  a  certain  sense  morality  is  independent 
of  the  positive  religion  and  moral  philosophy  of  a  creed.3 

1  "Orav  yap  t6vi)  TO.  /J.T]  v6fj.ov  ^x°VTa  4>6(rei.  TO,  TOV  vb/j-ov  TTOITJ,  OVTOL  VO/JLOV  (JLT) 
€~XOVT€S  eaurots  fieri  t>6/j.os'  oinves  ^vdfiKvvvrai.  TO  £pyov  TOV  v6/j.ov  ypawTov  kv  rat's 
Kapdlau   avTwv,   <rvfJ,/J.apTvpovffrjs   avTu>i>  TJJS  crwetS^crews  Kal  fieTa^v  dXX^Xwv   rCiv 
\oyiGp.<Ji}v  Ka.TT)yopovvTWi>  ?)  Kal  a,Tro\oyov/j.4vit)j'. — ROM.  ii.  14-15. 

2  What  St.  Paul  says  of  the  Gentiles  of  his  time  is  no   doubt  applicable  to  men 
who  in  the  Christian  era  were  unable  to  accept  Christianity  either  because  they  had 
not  heard  of  it  or  because  it  had  been  misrepresented  to  them.     And   when  they  do 
good  they  do  it  according  to  the  natural  law  "written  in  their  hearts." 

8  Of  course,   what   is   here   denied   is  dependence   in   the   strict  sense,  i.e.  such  a 
relation  between  two  objects  that  one  of  them  is  entirely  presupposed  by  the  other  and 


A  third  consideration  leads  to  the  same  conclusion.  However 
great  our  certainty  of  the  truth  of  our  own  religion  may  be, 
it  does  not  warrant  our  overlooking  the  fact  that  there  exists  a 
number  of  religions,  and  that  each  of  them  claims  for  itself  to  be 
the  only  true  one.  And  this  fact  creates  in  every  mind  that  is 
not  indifferent  to  truth  a  desire  for  an  objective  justification  of 
our  own  faith — for  such  proof  in  favour  of  it,  that  is,  as  would  be 
convincing  not  only  to  us  but  also  to  others,  and,  finally,  to  all. 
But  all  the  arguments  in  favour  of  religious  truth  which  are 
universally  applicable  amount  to  a  single  fundamental  one — the 
ethical  argument,  which  affirms  that  our  faith  is  morally 
superior  to  others.  This  is  the  case  even  when  the  moral 
interest  is  completely  concealed  by  other  motives.  Thus  in 
support  of  one's  religion  one  may  point  to  the  beauty  of  its 
church  services.  This  argument  must  not  be  dismissed  too 
lightly.  Had  not  the  beauty  of  the  Greek  service  in  the 
cathedral  of  St.  Sophia  impressed  the  envoys  of  prince  Vladimir 
of  Kiev  as  much  as  it  did,  Russia  would  probably  not  have 
been  Orthodox  now.  But  whatever  the  importance  of  this 
side  of  religion  may  be,  the  question  is  in  what  precisely  does 
the  aesthetic  value  of  one  service  as  compared  with  another 
consist  ?  It  certainly  does  not  lie  in  the  fact  that  its  form  and 
setting  should  be  distinguished  by  any  kind  of  beauty.  Beauty 
of  form  as  such  (i.e.  the  perfection  of  the  sensuous  expression  of 
anything)  may  attach  to  the  most  diverse  objects.  A  ballet,  an 
opera,  a  military  or  an  erotic  picture,  a  firework,  may  all  be 
said  to  have  a  beauty  of  their  own.  But  the  introduction  of 
such  manifestations  of  the  beautiful,  in  however  small  a  degree, 
into  a  religious  cult,  is  rightly  censured  as  incompatible  with  its 
true  dignity.  The  aesthetic  value  of  a  religious  service  does  not 
then  lie  merely  in  the  perfection  of  its  sensuous  form,  but  in  its 
expressing  as  clearly  and  as  fully  as  possible  the  spiritual  contents 

cannot  exist  apart  from  it.  All  I  maintain  so  far  is  that  ethics  is  not  in  this  sense 
dependent  upon  positive  religion,  without  at  all  prejudging  the  question  as  to  the 
actual  connection  between  them  or  their  mutual  dependence  in  concreto.  As  to  the 
so-called  natural  or  rational  religion,  the  very  conception  of  it  has  arisen  on  the 
ground  of  moral  philosophy  and,  as  will  be  shown  in  its  due  course,  has  no  meaning 
apart  from  it.  At  present  I  am  only  concerned  with  the  view  which  has,  of  late, 
become  rather  prevalent,  that  the  moral  life  is  wholly  determined  by  the  dogmas  and 
institutions  of  a  positive  religion  and  must  be  entirely  subordinate  to  them. 


of  true  religion.  These  contents  are  largely  dogmaticj/but  chiefly 
ethical  (in  the  wide  sense) — the  holiness  of  God,  His  love  for 
men,  the ,  gratitude  and  the  devotion  of  men  to  their  Heavenly 
Father,  their  brotherhood  with  one  another.  This  ideal  essence, 
embodied  in  the  persons  and  events  of  sacred  history,  finds,  through 
this  sacred  historical  prism,  new  artistic  incarnation  in  the  rites, 
the  symbols,  and  the  anthems  of  the  Church.  The  spiritual 
essence  of  religion  appeals  to  some  men  only  as  thus  embodied  in 
the  cult,  while  other  men  (whose  number  increases  as  conscious 
ness  develops)  are  able,  in  addition,  to  apprehend  it  directly  as  a 
doctrine ;  and  in  this  case  again  the  moral  side  of  religious 
beauty  clearly  predominates  over  the  dogmatic  side.  The  meta 
physical  dogmas  of  true  Christianity,  in  spite  of  all  their  inward 
certainty,  are  undoubtedly  above  the  level  of  ordinary  human 
reason,  and  therefore  have  never  been,  nor  ever  can  be,  the 
original  means  of  convincing  non-Christians  of  the  truth  of  our 
religion.  In  order  to  realise  the  truth  of  these  dogmas  by  faith, 
one  must  already  be  a  Christian  ;  and  in  order  to  realise  their 
meaning  in  the  sphere  of  abstract  thought,  one  must  be  a  philo 
sopher  of  the  school  of  Plato  or  of  Schelling.  And  as  this  cannot 
be  possible  for  every  one,  all  that  remains  for  persuading  people 
belonging  to  other  religions  of  the  truth  of  our  faith  is  its  moral 
superiority.1  And  indeed,  in  the  disputes  between  the  different 
branches  of  one  and  the  same  religion,  as  well  as  between 
different  religions,  each  side  seeks  to  justify  its  own  faith  by 
means  of  moral  and  practical  arguments.  Thus  Roman 
Catholics  most  readily  quote  in  their  own  favour  the  solidarity 
and  the  energetic  work  of  their  clergy,  united  by  the  religious 
and  moral  power  of  the  papal  monarchy,  the  unique  moral 
influence  of  their  clergy  on  the  masses  of  the  people,  the  part  the 
Pope  plays  as  the  defender  of  universal  justice  and  the  supreme 
judge  and  peacemaker  ;  and  they  especially  point  to  the  multitude 
of  works  of  charity  in  their  missions  at  home  and  abroad. 
Protestants,  who  originally  separated  off  from  the  Roman  Church 
precisely  on  the  ground  of  moral  theology,  claim  in  their  turn  as 
their  essential  advantage  the  moral  loftiness  and  purity  of  their 

1  One  of  my  critics — heaven  judge  him  ! — took  me  to  mean  that  that  religion  is 
true  to  which  the  greatest  number  of  good  people  belong.  I  wish  he  had  suggested 
some  method  for  such  moral  statistics  ! 


doctrine  which  liberates  the  individual  conscience  and  the  life  of 
the  community  from  many  practical  abuses  and  from  slavery  to 
external  observances  and  to  traditions,  in  their  view,  senseless. 
Finally,  the  champions  of  Orthodoxy  in  their  polemic  against 
Western  Christianity  generally  have  recourse  to  moral  accusa 
tions.  They  accuse  the  Roman  Catholics  of  pride  and  love  of 
power,  of  striving  to  appropriate  for  the  head  of  their  Church  that 
which  belongs  to  God  as  well  as  that  which  belongs  to  Caesar  ; 
they  accuse  the  Roman  Catholic  clergy  of  fanaticism,  of  loving  the 
world  and  of  cupidity,  make  it  responsible  for  the  sin  of  persecut 
ing  heretics  and  infidels.  Like  the  Protestants  they  lay  stress 
on  three  main  charges — the  Inquisition^  Indulgences,  and  Jesuit 
morality ;  and  finally,  independently  of  the  Protestants,  they 
bring  against  the  Roman  Catholics  the  charge  of  moral  fratricide 
which  found  expression  in  the  arbitrary  adoption  by  the  latter 
(without  the  knowledge  of  the  Eastern  Church)  of  the  local  Western 
traditions.  The  moral  charges  they  bring  against  Protestantism 
are  less  striking  but  just  as  serious.  They  accuse  it  of  in 
dividualism  which  does  away  with  the  Church  as  a  concrete  moral 
whole,  they  reproach  it  with  destroying  the  bond  of  love  not 
only  between  the  present  and  the  past  of  the  historical  Church 
(by  rejecting  the  traditions),  but  also  between  the  visible  and  the 
invisible  Church  (by  rejecting  prayers  for  the  dead,  etc.). 

Without  going  into  theology  or  pronouncing  on  the  value  of 
or  the  need  for  such  disputes l  I  would  only  draw  attention  to 
the  fact  that  neither  of  the  disputants  rejects  the  moral  principles 
proclaimed  by  the  other  side,  but  simply  tries  to  turn  them  to  his 
own  account.  Thus  when  the  Roman  Catholics  boast  of  works 
of  charity  which  especially  characterise  their  Church,  neither 
their  Protestant  nor  their  Greco-Russian  opponents  would  say 
that  charity  is  a  bad  thing  ;  they  would  merely  argue  that  the 
Roman  Catholic  charitable  institutions  serve  the  purposes  of 
ambition,  and,  being  thus  vitiated  by  extraneous  elements,  more 
or  less  lose  their  moral  worth.  In  answer  to  this,  the  Roman 
Catholics,  for  their  part,  would  not  say  that  ambition  is  a  good 
thing  or  that  Christian  charity  must  be  subordinate  to  worldly 

1  Concerning  the  reproach  in  '  moral  fratricide '  see  my  article  in  Dogmatitcheskoe 
Raxvitic  Tserkvi  (The  Dogmatic  Development  of  the  Church]  in  the  Pra-voslavnoe  Obozrenie 
for  1 88s. 


considerations,  but  would,  on  the  contrary,  repudiate  the  charge  of 
ambition  and  argue  that  power  is  not  for  them  an  end  in  itself, 
-but  only  a  necessary  means  for  carrying  out  their  moral  duty. 
Similarly  when  the  Orthodox — as  well  as  the  Roman  Catholics — 
reproach  the  Protestants  with  their  lack  of  filial  piety  and  their 
contempt  for  the  Patristic  tradition,  no  sensible  Protestant  would 
urge  that  tradition  ought  to  be  despised,  but  would,  on  the 
contrary,  try  to  prove  that  Protestantism  is  a  return  to  the 
most  honourable  and  ancient  traditions  of  Christianity,  freed 
from  any  false  and  pernicious  admixture. 

It  is  clear,  then,  that  the  disputing  parties  stand  on  one  and  the 
same  moral  ground  (which  alone  renders  dispute  possible),  that 
they  have  the  same  moral  principles  and  standards,  and  that  the 
dispute  is  merely  about  their  application.  These  principles  do 
not  as  such  belong  to  any  denomination,  but  form  a  general 
tribunal  to  which  all  equally  appeal.  The  representative  of  each 
side  says  in  fact  to  his  opponent  simply  this  :  "  I  practise  better 
than  you  the  moral  principles  which  you,  too,  wish  to  follow  ; 
therefore  you  must  give  up  your  error  and  acknowledge  that  I  am 
right."  The  ethical  standards,  equally  presupposed  by  all  denomi 
nations,  cannot  themselves,  then,  depend  upon  denominational 

But  morality  proves  to  be  just  as  independent  of  the  more 
important  religious  differences.  When  a  missionary  persuades  a 
Mahomedan  or  a  heathen  of  the  moral  superiority  of  the  Christian 
teaching  he  evidently  presupposes  that  his  listener  has  the  same 
moral  standards  as  his  own,  at  least,  in  a  potential  form. 

This  means  that  the  norms  which  are  common  both  to  the 
Christian  and  to  the  heathen,  and  are  '  written '  in  the  latter's 
heart,  are  altogether  independent  of  positive  religion.  Besides,  in 
so  far  as  all  positive  religions,  including  the  absolutely  true  one, 
appeal  in  the  disputes  to  the  universal  moral  norms,  they  admit 
that  in  a  certain  sense  they  are  dependent  upon  the  latter.  Thus 
during  a  judicial  trial  both  the  right  and  the  wrong  party  are 
equally  subordinate  to  the  law ;  and  inasmuch  as  they  have 
both  appealed  to  it,  they  have  acquiesced  in  such  subordination. 



Moral  philosophy  has  then  a  subject-matter  of  its  own  (the 
moral  norms)  independent  of  particular  religions,  and  even  in  a 
sense  presupposed  by  them  ;  thus  on  its  objective  or  real  side  it  is 
self-contained.  The  question  must  now  be  asked  whether  on  its 
formal  side — as  a  science — moral  philosophy  is  subordinate  to 
theoretical  philosophy,  especially  to  that  part  of  it  which  examines 
the  claims  and  the  limitations  of  our  cognitive  faculty.  But  in 
working  out  a  moral  philosophy,  reason  simply  unfolds,  on  the 
ground  of  experience,  the  implications  of  the  idea  of  the  good  (or, 
what  is  the  same  thing,  of  the  ultimate  fact  of  moral  consciousness) 
which  is  inherent  in  it  from  the  first.  In  doing  this,  reason  does  ^ 
not  go  beyond  its  own  boundaries  ;  in  scholastic  language  its  use 
here  is  immanent^  and  is  therefore  independent  of  this  or  of  that 
solution  of  the  question  as  to  the  transcendent  knowledge  of  things 
in  themselves.  To  put  it  more  simply,  in  moral  philosophy  we  are 
concerned  with  our  inward  relation  to  our  own  activities,  i.e.  with 
something  that  can  unquestionably  be  known  by  us,  for  it  has  its 
source  in  ourselves.  The  debatable  question  as  to  whether  we  can 
know  that  which  belongs  to  other  realms  of  being,  independent 
of  us,  is  not  here  touched  upon.  The  ideal  content  of  morality  is 
apprehended  by  reason  which  has  itself  created  it ;  in  this  case, 
therefore,  knowledge  coincides  with  its  object  (is  adequate  to  it) 
and  leaves  no  room  for  critical  doubt.  The  progress  and  the 
results  of  this  process  of  thought  answer  for  themselves,  pre 
supposing  nothing  but  the  general  logical  and  psychological 
conditions  of  all  mental  activity.  Ethics  makes  no  claim  to  a 
theoretical  knowledge  of  any  metaphysical  essences  and  takes  no 
part  in"  the  dispute  between  the  dogmatic  and  the  critical  philo 
sophy,  the  first  of  which  affirms,  and  the  second  denies,  the 
reality,  and  consequently  the  possibility,  of  such  knowledge. 

In  spite  of  this  formal  and  general  independence  of  ethics  of 
the  theoretical  philosophy,  there  are  two  metaphysical  questions 
which  may  apparently  prove  fatal  to  the  very  existence  of 

The  first  question  is  this.  The  starting  point  of  every  serious 
speculation  is  the  doubt  as  to  the  objective  validity  of  our  know- 


ledge  :  Do  things  exist  as  they  are  known  to  us  ?  The  doubt 
about  our  knowledge  gradually  leads  us  to  doubt  the  very  existence 
of  that  which  is  known^  i.e.  of  the  world  and  all  that  is  in  it. 
This  world  is  made  up  of  our  sense  perceptions  which  the 
understanding  unites  into  one  coherent  whole.  But  is  not  the 
perceived  merely  our  sensation  and  the  connectedness  of  things 
merely  our  thought  ?  And  if  this  be  so,  if  the  world  as  a  whole 
be  only  my  presentation,  then  all  the  beings  to  whom  I  stand  in 
the  moral  relation  prove  also  to  be  nothing  but  my  presentations, 
for  they  are  inseparable  parts  of  the  presented  world,  given  in 
knowledge  like  everything  else.  Now  moral  rules,  or  at  least  a 
considerable  number  of  them,  determine  my  right  relation  to 
other  people.  If  other  people  do  not  exist,  do  not  these  moral 
rules  themselves  become  objectless  and  unrealisable  ?  This 
would  be  the  case  if  the  non-existence  of  other  human  beings 
could  be  known  with  the  same  indubitable  certainty  which 
attaches  to  moral  precepts  in  their  sphere.  If  while  my  con 
science  definitely  compelled  me  to  act  morally  in  relation  to 
certain  objects,  theoretical  reason  proved  with  equal  definiteness 
that  these  objects  did  not  exist  at  all,  and  that  therefore  rules 
of  action  relating  to  them  were  meaningless — if  practical 
certainty  were  thus  undermined  by  equal  theoretical  certainty, 
and  the  categoric  character  of  the  precept  were  negated  by  the 
indubitable  knowledge  of  the  impossibility  of  carrying  it  out — 
then  indeed  the  position  would  be  hopeless.  But  in  truth  there 
is  no  such  conflict  between  two  equal  certainties,  and  there 
cannot  be.  Doubt  as  to  the  independent  existence  of  external 
things  is  not,  and  can  never  become,  certainty  of  their  non-exist 
ence.  Suppose  it  were  proved  that  our  senses  and  our  under 
standing  are  untrustworthy  witnesses  as  to  the  existence  of  other 
beings,  the  untrustworthiness  of  the  witnesses  mefely  makes  their 
testimony  doubtful,  but  does  not  make  the  opposite  true.  Even  if 
it  were  positively  proved  that  a  given  witness  had  falsely  testified 
to  a  fact  which  in  reality  he  had  not  witnessed  at  all,  it  would  be 
impossible  to  conclude  from  this  that  the  fact  itself  never  existed. 
Other  witnesses  might  vouch  for  it,  or  indeed  it  might  not  have 
been  witnessed  by  any  one  and  yet  be  a  fact.  Our  senses  and  our 
intellect  tell  us  of  the  existence  of  human  beings  other  than  our 
selves.  Suppose  that  investigation  were  to  show  that  this  is  false, 


and  that  these  means  of  knowledge  warrant  the  existence  of  objects 
as  our  presentations  only  and  not  their  existence  as  independent 
realities — which  we  consequently  begin  to  doubt.  But  to  go 
further  and  replace  our  former  certitude  of  the  existence  of  other 
beings  by  the  certitude  of  the  opposite  and  not  merely  by  doubt 
would  only  be  possible  on  the  supposition  that  whatever  is  not 
actually  contained  in  our  senses  and  our  thought  cannot  exist  at 
all.  This,  however,  is  quite  an  arbitrary  assumption,  for  which 
there  is  neither  logical  ground  nor  any  reasonable  foundation. 

If  we  cannot  in  relation  to  the  existence  of  other  selves  go 
further  than  doubt,  we  may  rest  satisfied  about  the  fate  of 
moral  principles ;  for  theoretical  doubt  is  evidently  insufficient  to 
undermine  moral  and  practical  certainty.  It  must  also  be 
remembered  that  critical  doubt  is  not  the  final  point  of  view  of 
philosophy,  but  is  always  overcome  in  one  way  or  another.  Thus 
Kant  draws  the  distinction  between  phenomena  and  noumena 
(appearances  and  things  in  themselves),  restoring  to  the  objects  of 
moral  duty  as  noumena  the  full  measure  of  independent  existence 
which  as  phenomena  they  do  not  possess.  Other  thinkers  dis 
cover  new  and  more  trustworthy  witnesses  of  the  existence  of  the 
external  world  than  sense  and  thought  (Jacobi's  immediate  faith ^ 
Schopenhauer's  Will  which  is  experienced  as  the  root  of  our  own 
reality,  and,  by  analogy,  of  that  of  other  beings),  or  they  work  out 
a  system  of  a  new  and  more  profound  speculative  dogmatism 
which  re-establishes  the  objective  significance  of  all  that  is. 
(Schelling,  Hegel,  and  others.) 

But  however  great  the  force  and  the  significance  of  the  critical 
doubt  as  to  the  existence  of  other  beings  may  be,  it  has  bearing 
merely  on  one  aspect  of  morality.  Every  ethical  precept  as  such 
touches  upon  the  object  of  the  action  (other  men)  only  with  its  outer 
end,  so  to  speak  ;  the  real  root  of  it  is  always  within  the  agent 
and  cannot  therefore  be  affected  by  any  theory — whether  positive 
or  negative — of  the  external  world.  And  the  external  aspect  of 
the  moral  law  which  links  it  to  the  object  belongs,  properly 
speaking,  to  the  sphere  of  legal  justice  and  not  of  morality  in 
the  narrow  sense.  As  will  be  shown  in  due  course  legal  justice 
depends  upon  morality  and  cannot  be  separated  from  it,  but  this 
does  not  prevent  us  from  clearly  distinguishing  the  two  spheres. 
When  one  and  the  same  action,  e.g.  murder,  is  condemned 


equally  by  a  criminologist  and  by  a  moralist,  they  both  refer  to 
one  and  the  same  totality  of  psychological  moments  resulting 
in  the  material  fact  of  taking  life,  and  the  conclusions  are 
identical,  but  the  starting  point  and  the  whole  train  of  reasoning 
is  entirely  different  and  opposed  in  the  two  cases.  From  the 
legal  point  of  view,  what  is  of  primary  significance  is  the 
objective  fact  of  murder — an  action  which  violates  another 
person's  rights  and  characterises  the  culprit  as  an  abnormal 
member  of  society.  To  make  that  characteristic  full  and 
complete,  the  inner  psychological  moments  must  also  be  taken 
into  account,  first  and  foremost  among  them  being  the  presence 
of  criminal  intention,  the  so-called  animus  of  the  crime.  But  the 
subjective  conditions  of  the  action  are  of  interest  solely  in  their 
relation  to  the  fact  of  murder,  or  in  causal  connection  with  it. 
If  a  man  breathed  vindictiveness  and  murder  all  his  life,  but  his 
subjective  mental  state  found  no  expression  in  actual  murder  nor 
attempt  at  one,  nor  in  any  violence,  that  person  in  spite  of  all 
his  diabolical  malice  would  not  come  wilhin  the  range  of  the 
criminologist  as  such.  On  the  contrary,  from  the  moral  point 
of  view,  the  slightest  emotion  of  malice  or  anger,  even  though  it 
never  expressed  itself  in  action  or  speech,  is  in  itself  a  direct 
object  of  ethical  judgment  and  condemnation  ;  and  the  fact  of 
murder  from  this  point  of  view  has  significance  not  on  its 
material  side,  but  simply  as  an  expression  of  the  extreme  degree 
of  the  evil  feeling  which  throughout  all  its  stages  is  deserving  of 
moral  condemnation.  For  a  criminologist  murder  is  an  infringe 
ment  of  right  or  a  loss  unlawfully  inflicted  upon  the  victim  and 
upon  the  social  order.  But  from  the  purely  moral  point  of  view, 
being  deprived  of  life  is  not  necessarily  a  loss,  and  may  even  be  a  gain 
for  the  victim  ;  murder  is  an  unquestionable  loss  for  the  murderer 
alone,  not  as  a  fact,  but  as  the  culminating  point  of  the  malice 
which  is  in  itself  a  loss  to  a  man  in  so  far  as  it  lowers  his  dignity 
as  a  rational  being.  Of  course,  from  the  ethical  point  of  view, 
too,  murder  is  worse  than  a  mere  outburst  of  anger.  But  this 
is  simply  because  the  former  involves  a  greater  degree  of  the 
same  evil  passion  than  the  latter,  and  it  is  certainly  not  because 
one  is  a  harmful  action  and  the  other  merely  a  feeling.  If  with  the 
firm  intention  of  causing  death  to  his  enemy  a  man  stabs  a  wax 
effigy,  he  is  from  the  "moral  point  of  view  a  full-fledged  murderer, 


though  he  has  killed  no  one  and  interfered  with  no  one's 
rights ;  but  for  this  very  reason,  from  the  legal  point  of  view 
his  action  is  not  even  remotely  akin  to  murder,  and  is  at  most 
an  insignificant  damage  to  another  person's  property. 

Extreme  idealism  which  recognises  the  subject's  inner  states 
as  alone  real  does  not  deny  that  there  exist  qualitative  differences 
between  these  states,  expressing  a  greater  or  lesser  degree  of 
activity  in  the  self.  Therefore  from  this  point  of  view  also  our 
actions,  in  spite  of  the  illusory  character  of  their  object,  preserve 
their  full  moral  significance  as  indicative  of  our  spiritual 
condition.  Thus  the  feeling  of  anger  or  malice,  e.g.,  indicates 
like  every  other  passion  the  passivity  of  the  spirit  or  its  inward 
subordination  to  the  illusory  appearances,  and  is  in  that  sense 
immoral.  It  is  clear  that  the  degree  of  immorality  is  directly 
proportionate  to  the  strength  of  the  passion  or  to  the  degree  of 
our  passivity.  The  stronger  the  passion,  the  greater  passivity 
of  the  spirit  does  it  indicate.  Therefore  a  passion  of  anger 
leading  to  premeditated  murder  is  more  immoral  than  a  passing 
irritability,  quite  apart  from  the  theoretical  question  as  to  the 
illusory  character  of  external  objects.  Even  from  the  point  of 
view  of  subjective  idealism,  then,  bad  actions  are  worse  than  bad 
emotions  which  do  not  lead  to  actions. 

The  conclusion  that  follows  from  this  is  clear.  If  the 
universe  were  merely  my  dream,  this  would  be  fatal  only  to  the 
objective,  the  external  side  of  ethics  (in  the  broad  sense),  and  not 
to  its  own  inner  sphere ;  it  would  destroy  my  interest  in 
jurisprudence,  politics,  in  social  questions,  in  philanthropy,  but  it 
would  not  affect  the  individually  moral  interests  or  the  duties 
to  myself.  I  should  cease  to  care  about  safeguarding  the  rights 
of  others,  but  would  still  preserve  my  own  inner  dignity.  Not 
feeling  any  tender  compassion  for  the  phantoms  surrounding  me, 
I  should  be  all  the  more  bound  to  refrain  from  evil  or  shameful 
passions  in  relation  to  them.  If  it  be  opposed  to  moral  dignity 
to  bear  malice  against  a  living  human  being,  it  is  all  the  more 
so  against  a  mere  phantom  ;  if  it  be  shameful  to  fear  that  which 
exists,  it  is  still  more  shameful  to  fear  that  which  does  not  exist ; 
if  it  be  shameful  and  contrary  to  reason  to  strive  for  the  material 
possession  of  real  objects,  it  is  no  less  shameful  and  far  more 
irrational  to  entertain  such  a  desire  with  regard  to  phantoms  of 

one's  own  imagination.  Quite  apart  from  the  theory  that  all 
that  exists  is  a  dream,  when  in  the  ordinary  way  we  dream  of 
doing  something  immoral  we  feel  ashamed  of  it  even  after 
awakening.  Of  course  if  I  dream  that  I  have  killed  some  one,  on 
waking  I  am  not  so  much  ashamed  of  my  action  as  pleased  at 
its  having  been  only  a  dream ;  but  of  the  vindictive  feeling 
experienced  in  the  dream  I  am  ashamed  even  when  awake. 

In  view  of  all  these  considerations,  the  following  general 
conclusion  seems  inevitable.  Theoretical  philosophy  (namely,  the 
critique  of  knowledge)  may  engender  doubt  as  to  the  existence 
of  the  objects  of  morality,  but  it  certainly  cannot  create  a 
conviction  of  their  non-existence.  The  doubt  (which,  however, 
is  disposed  of,  in  one  way  or  another,  by  the  theoretical 
philosophy  itself)  cannot  outweigh  the  certainty  which  attaches 
to  the  deliverances  of  conscience.  But  even  if  it  were  possible 
to  be  certain  of  the  non-existence  of  other  beings  (as  objects  of 
moral  activity),  this  would  only  affect  the  objective  side  of  ethics, 
leaving  its  own  essential  sphere  altogether  untouched.  This 
conclusion  sufficiently  safeguards  the  independence  of  moral 
philosophy  with  regard  to  the  first  point  raised  by  the  critique 
of  knowledge.  The  second  difficulty  arises  in  connection  with 
the  metaphysical  question  of  the  freedom  of  will. 


It  is  often  maintained  that  the  fate  of  moral  consciousness 
depends  upon  this  or  that  view  of  the  freedom  of  will.  It  is 
urged  that  either  our  actions  are  free  or  they  are  determined,  and 
then  it  is  affirmed  that  the  second  alternative,  namely,  deter 
minism,  or  the  theory  that  all  our  actions  and  states  happen  with 
necessity,  makes  human  morality  impossible  and  thus  deprives 
moral  philosophy  of  all  meaning.  If,  they  say,  man  is  merely 
a  wheel  in  the  world  machine,  it  is  impossible  to  speak  of 
moral  conduct.  But  the  whole  force  of  the  argument  depends 
upon  an  erroneous  confusion  between  mechanical  determinism 
and  determinism  in  general— a  confusion  from  which  Kant  himself 
is  not  altogether  free.  Determinism  in  general  merely  affirms 
that  everything  that  happens,  and  therefore  all  human  conduct,  is 
determined  (determinatur — hence  the  name  of  the  theory)  by  sufficient 


reasons^  apart  from  which  it  cannot  take  place,  and  given  which  it 
happens  with  necessity.  But  although  the  general  concept  of 
necessity  is  always  identical  with  itself,  necessity  as  actual  fact 
varies  according  to  the  sphere  in  which  it  is  realised  j  and 
corresponding  to  the  three  chief  kinds  of  necessity  (with  reference 
to  events  and  actions)  there  may  be  distinguished  three  kinds  of 
determinism  :  (i)  mechanical  determinism^  which  certainly  is 
exclusive  of  morality  ;  (2)  .psychological  determinism^  which  allows 
for  some  moral  elements  but  is  hardly  compatible  with  others  ; 
(3)  rationally  ideal  determinism^  which  gives  full  scope  to  the 
demands  of  morality. 

Mechanical  necessity  is  undoubtedly  present  in  phenomena, 
but  the  assertion  that  it  is  the  only  kind  of  necessity  that  exists 
is  simply  a  consequence  of  the  materialistic  metaphysics  which 
would  reduce  all  that  is  to  mechanical  movements  of  matter. 
This  view,  however,  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  conviction  that 
everything  that  happens  has  a  sufficient  reason  which  determines  it 
with  necessity.  To  regard  man  as  a  wheel  in  the  world  machine, 
one  must  at  least  admit  the  existence  of  such  a  machine,  and  by 
no  means  all  determinists  would  agree  to  this.  Many  of  them 
regard  the  material  world  merely  as  a  presentation  in  the  mind  of 
spiritual  beings,  and  hold  that  it  is  not  the  latter  who  are  mechanic 
ally  determined  by  real  things,  but  that  phenomena  are  mentally 
determined  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  inner  life  of  the 
spiritual  beings,  of  which  man  is  one. 

Leaving  metaphysics  for  the  present  on  one  side  and  confining 
ourselves  to  the  limits  of  general  experience,  we  undoubtedly  find 
already  in  the  animal  world  inner  psychological  necessity  essentially 
irreducible  to  mechanism.  Animals '  are  determined  in  their 
actions  not  merely  externally,  but  also  from  within,  not  by 
the  push  and  pressure  of  things,  but  by  impelling  motives,  i.e.  by 
their  own  ideas.  Even  granting  that  these  motives  are  caused 

1  In  a  certain  sense  of  course  the  same  may  be  said  of  plants  and  even  of  the  different 
parts  of  the  inorganic  world,  for  there  does  not  exist  in  nature  pure  mechanism  or 
absolute  soullessness  j  but  in  these  preliminary  remarks  I  wish  to  keep  to  what  is 
indisputable  and  generally  understood.  Concerning  the  different  kinds  of  causality 
or  necessity  in  connection  with  the  problem  of  the  freedom  of  will  see  in  particular 
Schopenhauer,  Grundprobl.  des  Ethik  and  Wille  in  der  Natur.  I  have  given  the  essence 
of  his  views  in  my  Kritika  ct-vletchonnih  natchal  (Critique  of  Abstract  Principles), 
chap.  ix. 


by  outer  objects,  they  nevertheless  arise  and  act  in  the  animal's 
mind  in  accordance  with  its  own  nature.  This  psychological 
necessity  is  of  course  not  freedom,  but  it  cannot  be  identified  with 
mechanical  necessity.  Where  Kant  attempts  to  identify  the  two, 
the  erroneousness  of  his  contention  is  betrayed  by  a  curiously  un 
fortunate  comparison  he  makes.  In  his  words  the  freedom  of 
being  determined  by  one's  own  ideas  is  in  truth  no  better  than 
the  freedom  of  a  roasting-jack  which  being  once  set  going  pro 
duces  its  movements  by  itself.  Not  only  Kant,  who  was  opposed  to 
any  kind  of  hyloism  (animation  of  matter),  but  the  most  poetically 
minded  Natur-philosoph  would  certainly  not  ascribe  to  such  an 
object  as  a  roasting-jack  the  power  of  spontaneously  producing  its 
movements.  When  we  say  that  it  turns  by  itself  we  simply 
mean  that,  owing  to  the  force  of  the  impetus  it  has  received,  it 
continues  to  move  alone.  The  words  "by  itself"  mean  here  "  with 
out  the  help  of  any  new  additional  agent " — the  same  as  the 
French  tout  seul1 — and  in  no  way  presupposes  that  the  "object 
moved  contributes  anything  of  itself  to  the  movement.  But 
when  we  say  of  an  animal  that  it  moves  by  itself,  we/ mean 
precisely  its  inward  participation  in  producing  movements.  It 
flees  from  an  enemy  or  runs  towards  food,  not  because  these 
movements  have  been  externally  communicated  to  it  beforehand, 
but  because  at  that  moment  it  experiences  fear  of  the  enemy  or 
desire  for  food.  Of  course  these  psychological  states  are  not  free 
acts  of  will,  nor  do  they  immediately  produce  bodily  movements  ; 
they  merely  set  going  a  certain  mechanism  which  is  already  there, 
fitted  for  the  execution  of  certain  actions.  But  the  special 
peculiarity  which  does  not  allow  of  anirhal  life  being  reduced  to 
mere  mechanism  is  that,  for  the  normal  interaction  between  the 

1  In  the  Polish  language  the  word  sam  has  kept  only  this  negative  sense — alone  without 
the  others  (the  derivative  samotny=  lonely)  ;  in  the  Russian  and  the  German  languages  both 
meanings  are  possible,  and  if  the  positive  (the  inner,  spontaneous  causality)  is  given  the 
negative  (absence  of  any  other  cause)  is  presupposed,  but  not  vice  versa.  Thus  the 
word  samouchka  (self-taught)  denotes  a  man  who  has  himself  been  the  cause  of  his  educa 
tion  and  who  studied  alone  without  the  help  of  others.  The  two  meanings  are  here 
combined  as  in  similar  words  in  other  languages,  e.g.  the  German  Selbsterziehung  or  the 
English  self-help.  But  when  we  say  that  a  roasting-jack  moves  (sam)  by  itself  (Se/bst),  the 
word  has  merely  the  negative  meaning  that  at  the  present  moment  nothing  external  is 
pushing  the  object.  But  it  is  certainly  not  meant  that  the  jack  is  the  spontaneous 
cause  of  its  movements  ;  the  cause  is  wholly  contained  in  the  previous  impetus,  external 
to  the  object. 


animal  organism  and  the  external  environment  to  take  place,  the 
latter  must  take  for  the  animal  the  form  of  a  motive  and 
determine  the  animal's  movements  in  accordance  with  its  own 
pleasant  or  unpleasant  feelings.  The  presence  or  absence  of  the 
capacity  for  feeling  which  is  inseparably  connected  with  the  two 
other  faculties  of  willing  and  of  representing — i.e.  the  presence 
or  absence  of  an  inner  life — is  the  most  important  difference  that 
we  can  conceive.  And  if  we  grant  the  presence  of  this  inner 
life  in  the  animal  and  deny  it  to  a  mechanical  automaton,  we 
have  no  right  to  identify  the  two  as  Kant  does.1 

The  psychical  life  as  manifested  in  the  different  species  and  in 
individual  animals  (and  in  man)  presents  qualitative  differences 
which  enable  us,  for  instance,  to  distinguish  between  the  ferocious 
and  the  meek,  the  brave  and  the  cowardly,  etc.  Animals  are  not 
aware  of  these  qualities  as  either  good  or  bad  ;  but  in  human 
beings  the  same  qualities  are  regarded  as  indicating  a  good  or  a 
bad  nature.  There  is  a  moral  element  involved  here,  and  experi 
ence  unquestionably  proves  that  good  nature  may  develop  and  bad 
be  suppressed  or  corrected  ;  we  already  have  here  a  certain  object 
for  moral  philosophy  and  a  problem  of  its  practical  application, 
though  of  course  there  is  as  yet  no  question  as  to  the  freedom  of 
will.  The  final  independence  of  ethics  of  this  metaphysical 
problem  is,  however,  to  be  discovered  not  within  the  sphere  of 
psychical  life  which  is  common  to  man  and  animal,  but  within 
the  sphere  of  human  morality  proper. 


Just  as  in  the  animal  world  psychological  necessity  is  super- 
added  to  the  mechanical  without  cancelling  the  latter  or  being 
reduced  to  it,  so  in  the  human  world  to  these  two  kinds  of 
necessity  is  added  the  ideally  rational  or  moral  necessity.  It 
implies  that  the  motives  or  sufficient  reasons  of  human  actions  are 
not  limited  to  concrete  particular  ideas  which  affect  the  will  through 

1  The  logical  right  to  doubt  the  presence  of  a  mental  life  in  animals  must  be  based 
upon  the  same  grounds  upon  which  I  doubt  the  existence  of  minds  other  than  my  own 
(see  above).  An  exact  solution  of  this  purely  theoretical  problem  is  impossible  in  the 
domain  of  ethics  and  is  not  necessary  for  it ;  it  is  a  question  for  epistemology  and 



the  pleasant  or  unpleasant  sensations^  but  may  be  supplied  by 
the  universal  rational  idea  of  the  good  acting  upon  the  conscious 
will  in  the  form  of  absolute  duty  or,  in  Kant's  terminology, 
in  the  form  of  a  categorical  imperative.  To  put  it  more  plainly, 
man  may  do  good  apart  from  and  contrary  to  any  self-interested 
considerations,  for  the  sake  of  the  good  itself,  from  reverence 
for  duty  or  the  moral  law.  This  is  the  culminating  point  of 
morality,  which  is,  however,  quite  compatible  with  determinism 
and  in  no  way  requires  the  so-called  freedom  of  will.  Those  who 
affirm  the  contrary  ought  first  to  banish  from  the  human  mind 
and  language  the  very  term  "  moral  necessity,"  for  it  would  be  a 
contradictio  in  adjecto  if  morality  were  possible  only  on  condition 
of  free  choice.  And  yet  the  idea  expressed  by  this  term  is  not  only 
clear  to  every  one,  but  follows  from  the  very  nature  of  the  case. 
Necessity  in  general  is  the  absolute  dependence  of  an  action 
(in  the  broad  sense,  ejfectus]  upon  a  ground  which  determines 
it,  and  is  therefore  called  sufficient.  When  this  ground  is  a 
physical  blow  or  shock,  the  necessity  is  mechanical ;  when  a 
mental  excitation,  the  necessity  is  psychological ;  and  when  the 
idea  of  the  good,  it  is  moral.  Just  as  there  have  been  futile 
attempts  to  reduce  psychology  to  mechanics,  so  now  an  equally 
futile  attempt  is  made  to  reduce  morality  to  psychology,  i.e.  to 
show  that  the  true  motives  of  human  action  can  only  be  mental 
affections  and  not  a  sense  of  duty — in  other  words,  to  prove  that 
man  never  acts  for  conscience'  sake  alone.  To  prove  this  is,  of 
course,  impossible.  It  is  no  argument  to  say  that  the  moral  idea 
is  comparatively  seldom  a  sufficient  ground  for  action.  Plants 
and  animals  are  only  an  insignificant  quantity  as  compared  with 
the  inorganic  mass  of  the  earth  ;  but  no  one  could  conclude 
from  this  that  there  is  no  fauna  and  flora  on  the  earth.  Moral 
necessity  is  simply  the  finest  flower  on  the  psychological  soil  of 
humanity,  and  for  this  reason  it  is  all  the  more  important  for 

Everything  that  is  higher  or  more  perfect  presupposes  by 
its  very  existence  certain  freedom  from  the  lower,  or,  to  speak 
more  exactly,  from  the  exclusive  domination  by  the  lower. 
Thus  the  capacity  of  being  determined  to  action  by  means  of 
i'deas  or  motives  means  freedom  from  the  exclusive  domination  by 
material  impact  and  pressure — i.e.  psychological  necessity  means 


freedom  from  mechanical  necessity.  In  the  same  way  moral 
necessity,  while  wholly  retaining  its  necessary  character,  means 
freedom  from  the  lower,  psychological  necessity.  If  a  person's 
actions'  can  be  determined  by  the  pure  idea  of  the  good  or  by  the 
absolute  demands  of  moral  duty,  it  means  that  he  is  free  from 
the  overpowering  influence  of  emotions  and  may  successfully 
resist  the  most  powerful  of  them.  But  this  rational  freedom  has 

nothing   in   common   with  the  so-called  freedom  of  will  which 

means   that    the    will    is    determined    by    nothing   except    itself, 

or,  according  to  the  incomparable  formula  of  Duns  Scotus, 
.  "  nothing  except  the  will  itself  causes  the  act  of  willing  in  the 
will "  (nlhil  aliud  a  voluntate  causat  actum  volendi  in  voluntate). 
I  do  not  say  that  there  is  no  such  freedom  of  will ;  I  only  say 
that  there  is  none  of  it  in  moral  actions.  In  such  actions  will  is 
determined  by  the  idea  of  the  good  or  the  moral  law  which  is 
universal  and  necessary,  and  independent  of  will  both  in  its 
content  and  in  its  origin.  It  may  be  thought,  however,  that 
the  act  itself  of  accepting  or  not  accepting  the  moral  law  as  the 
principle  of  one's  will  depends  on  that  will  alone,  and  that  this 
explains  why  one  and  the  same  idea  of  the  good  is  taken  by 
some  as  a  sufficient  motive  for  action  and  is  rejected  by  others. 
The  different  effects  are  due,  however,  in  the  first  place,  to  the 
fact  that  one  and  the  same  idea  has  for  different  people  a  different 
degree  of  clearness  and  completeness,  and  Secondly,  to  the  unequal 
receptivity  of  different  natures  to  moral  motives  generally.  But 
then  all  causality  and  all  necessity  presupposes  a  special  receptivity 
of  given  objects  to  a  certain  kind  of  stimuli.  The  stroke  of  a 
billiard  cue  which  moves  a  billiard  ball  has  no  effect  whatever  on 
a  sun  ray  ;  juicy  grass  which  excites  irrepressible  longing  in  a 
deer  is  not,  as  a  rule,  a  motive  of  willing  in  a  cat,  and  so  on.  If 
the  indifference  of  the  sun  ray  to  the  strokes  of  a  cue  or  the 
dislike  of  vegetable  food  by  a  carnivorous  animal  be  regarded  as  a 
manifestation  of  free  will,  then,  of  course,  man's  good  or  bad 
actions  must  also  be  considered  arbitrary.  But  this  is  simply  a 
gratuitous  introduction  of  misleading  terminology. 

For    the   idea    of  the  good   as   duty   to   become  a  sufficient 
reason  or  motive  for  action,  a  union  of  two  factors  is  necessary  : 
'. '    sufficient  clearness  and  fulness  of  the  idea  itself  in  consciousness     '.      •  •    • 

and  sufficient  moral  receptivity  of  the  subject.      Whatever  t 

— - 


one-sided  schools  of  ethics  may  say,  it  is  clear  that  the  presence 
of  one  of  these  factors  in  the  absence  of  the  other  is  insufficient 
for  producing  the  moral  effect.  Thus,  to  use  a  Biblical 
example,  Abraham,  who  had  the  greatest  moral  receptivity  but 
an  insufficient  knowledge  of  what  is  contained  in  the  idea  of  the 
good,  decided  to  kill  his  son.  He  was  fully  conscious  of  the 
imperative  form  of  the  moral  law  as  the  expression  of  the  higher 
will,  and  accepted  it  implicitly  ;  he  was  simply  lacking  in  the 
conception  of  what  may  and  what  may  not  be  a  good  or  an 
object  of  God's  will — a  clear  proof  that  even  saints  stand  in  need 
of  moral  philosophy.  In  the  Bible  Abraham's  decision  is 
regarded  in  two  ways — (i)  as  an  act  of  religious  devotion  and 
self-sacrifice,  which  brought  to  the  patriarch  and  his  posterity 
the  greatest  blessings,  and  (2)  as  involving  the  idea  that  God's  ^V- 
will  is  qualitatively  indifferent — an  idea  so  erroneous  and  so 
dangerous  that  interference  from  above  was  necessary  in  order 
to  prevent  his  intention  being  carried  out.  (I  need  not  here 
touch  upon  the  connection  of  the  event  with  heathen  darkness  nor 
upon  its  mysterious  relation  to  Christian  light.)  In  contradistinc 
tion  to  Abraham,  the  prophet  Balaam,  in  spite  of  his  being  fully 
conscious  of  the  right  course,  was  led  by  his  vicious  heart  to 
prefer  the  king's  gifts  to  the  decree  of  the  Divine  will  and  to 
curse  the  people  of  God. 

When  the  moral  motive  is  defective  in  the  one  respect  or 
the  other,  it  does  not  operate  ;  and  when  it  is  sufficient  in  both 
respects  it  operates  with  necessity  like  any  other  cause.  Suppose 
I  accept  the  moral  law  as  a  motive  for  action  solely  for  its  own 
sake,  out  of  reverence  for  it'  and  without  any  admixture  of 
extraneous  motives.  This  very  capacity  to  respect  the  moral 
law  so  highly  and  so  disinterestedly  as  to  prefer  it  to  all  else  is 
itself  a  quality  of  mind  and  is  not  arbitrary,  and  the  activity  that 
follows  from  it,  though  rationally  free^  is  entirely  subject  to  moral 
necessity  and  cannot  possibly  be  arbitrary  or  accidental.  It  is  free 
in  the  relative  sense,  free  from  the  lower  mechanical  and 
psychological  necessity,  but  it  is  certainly  not  free  from  the 
inner  higher  necessity  of  the  absolute  good.  Morality  and  moral 
philosophy  are  entirely  based  upon  rational  freedom  or  moral 
necessity,  and  wholly  exclude  from  their  sphere  the  irrational 
unconditional  freedom  or  the  arbitrary  choice. 

V  ;  vpOV.         ^— A 

S    M-  •  V '  *~  -1  i        V. 

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\  \  ,    _-  U   <V.,<vCU    *V    t(L  s, 

\>*Arf-.^*^-  • 


~~,    ..  .    \'   w^\ 


In  order  that  the  conscious  choice  of  man  might  be  deter 
mined  by  the  idea  of  the  good  with  full  inward  necessity  and  have  a 
sufficient  motive,  the  content  of  this  idea  must  be  sufficiently 
developed  j  the  intellect  must  present  the  idea  to  the  will  in 
its  full  force — and  to  do  this  is  precisely  the  function  of  moral 
philosophy.  Thus  ethics  is  not  only  compatible  with  deter 
minism,  but  renders  the  highest  form  of  necessity  possible. 
When  a  man  of  high  moral  development  consciously  subordinates 
his  will  to  the  idea  of  the  good,  which  is  completely  known  to 
him  and  has  been  fully  thought  out,  it  is  clear  that  there  is  no 
shadow  of  arbitrariness  in  his  submission  to  the  moral  law,  but 
that  it  is  absolutely  necessary. 

And  yet  there  is  such  a  thing  as  an  absolute  freedom  of  choice. 

* i  O 

It  is  found  not  in  the  moral  self-determination,  not  in  the  acts  of 
the  practical  reason  where  Kant  sought  it,  but  just  at  the  opposite 
pole  of  the  inner  life.  At  present  I  can  only  indicate  my  meaning 
partially  and  imperfectly.  As  already  said,  the  good  cannot  be  the 
direct  object  of  arbitrary  choice.  Granted  the  requisite  degree  of 
understanding  and  of  receptivity  on  the  part  of  the  subject,  its 
own  excellence  is  quite  a  sufficient  reason  for  preferring  it  to  the 
opposite  principle,  and  there  is  here  no  room  for  arbitrary  choice. 
When  I  choose  the  good,  I  do  so  not  because  of  my  whim  but 
because  it  is  good,  because  it  has  value,  and  I  am  capable  of 
realising  its  significance.  But  what  determines  the  opposite  act 
of  rejecting  the  good  and  choosing  the  evil  ?  Is  such  choice 
entirely  due  to  the  fact  that,  as  a  certain  school  of  ethics  supposes, 
I  do  not  know  evil  and  mistakenly  take  it  for  the  good  ?  It  is 
impossible  to  prove  that  this  is  always  the  case.  A  sufficient 
knowledge  of  the  good  in  combination  with  a  sufficient  re 
ceptivity  to  it  necessarily  determines  our  will  in  the  moral  sense. 
But  the  question  still  remains  whether  an  insufficient  receptivity 
to  the  good  and  a  receptivity  to  evil  is  merely  a  natural  fact,  or 
whether  it  depends  on  the  will,  which  in  this  case,  having  no 
rational  motive  to  determine  it  in  the  bad  direction  (for  to 
submit  to  evil  rather  than  to  good  is  contrary  to  reason),  is 
itself  the  ultimate  cause  of  its  own  determination.  For  a  rational 
being  there  can  be  no  objective  reason  for  loving  evil  as  such, 
and  the  will  therefore  may  only  choose  it  arbitrarily — on  the  con 
dition,  of  course,  that  there  be  full,  clear  consciousness  of  it ;  for 


when  there  is  only  half-consciousness,  the  bad  choice  is  sufficiently 
explained  by  a  mistake  of  judgment.  The  good  determines  my 
choice  in  its  favour  by  all  the  infinite  fulness  of  its  positive 
content  and  reality.  This  choice  is  therefore  infinitely  deter 
mined  ;  it  is  absolutely  necessary,  and  there  is  no  arbitrariness  in 
it  at  all.  In  the  choice  of  evil,  on  the  contrary,  there  is  no  deter 
mining  reason,  no  kind  of  necessity,  and  therefore  infinite 
arbitrariness.  The  question  then  assumes  the  following  form  : 
given  a  full  and  clear  knowledge  of  the  good,  can  a  rational  being 
prove  to  be  so  unreceptive  to  it  as  to  reject  it  utterly  and 
unconditionally  and  choose  the  evil  ?  Such  lack  of  receptivity  to 
the  good  that  is  perfectly  known  would  be  something  absolutely 
irrational,  and  it  is  only  an  irrational  act  of  this  description  that 
would  truly  come  under  the  definition  of  absolute  freedom 
or  of  arbitrary  choice.  We  have  no  right  a  priori  to  deny  its 
possibility.  Definite  arguments  for  or  against  it  may  only  be 
found  in  the  obscurest  depths  of  metaphysics.  But  in  any  case, 
before  asking  the  question  whether  there  can  exist  a  being  who, 
with  a  full  knowledge  of  the  good,  may  yet  arbitrarily  reject  it 
and  choose  the  evil,  we  must  first  make  clear  to  ourselves  all 
that  the  idea  of  the  good  contains  and  involves.  This  is  the 
task  of  moral  philosophy  which  is  thus  seen  to  be  presupposed  by 
the  metaphysical  question  as  to  the  freedom  of  will  (if  this  question 
is  to  be  treated  seriously),  and  certainly  not  to  depend  upon  it.1 
Before  going  into  any  metaphysics  we  can  and  must  learn  what 
our  reason  finds  to  be  the  good  in  human  nature,  and  how  it 
develops  and  expands  this  natural  good,  raising  it  to  the  significance 
of  absolute  moral  perfection. 

1  A  considerable  part  of  my  theoretical  philosophy  will  be  devoted  to  the  inquiry 
into  the  problem  of  free  will.  So  far,  it  is  sufficient  for  me  to  show  that  this  problem 
has  no  immediate  bearing  upon  moral  philosophy  which  is  concerned  with  the  conception 
of  the  good,  whether  the  good  be  regarded  as  an  object  of  arbitrary  choice  or  as  a 
motive  which  necessarily  determines  the  acts  of  rational  and  moral  beings.  In  what 
follows  I  shall  always  mean  by  human  freedom,  individual  freedom,  etc.,  either  moral 
freedom  which  is  an  ethical  fact,  or  political  freedom  which  is  an  ethical  postulate, 
without  any  more  referring  to  the  absolute  freedom  of  choice  which  is  merely  a 
metaph  sical  problem. 

PART    I 



HOWEVER  convincing  or  authoritative  a  moral  teaching  may 
be,  it  will  remain  fruitless  and  devoid  of  power  unless  it  finds 
a  secure  foundation  in  the  moral  nature  of  man.  In  spite  of 
all  the  differences  in  the  degree  of  spiritual  development  in  the 
past  and  in  the  present,  in  spite  of  all  the  individual  variations  and 
the  general  influences  of  race,  climate,  and  historical  conditions, 
there  exists  an  ultimate  basis  of  universal  human  morality,  and 
upon  it  all  that  is  of  importance  in  ethics  must  rest.  The 
admission  of  this  truth  does  not  in  any  way  depend  upon  our 
metaphysical  or  scientific  conception  of  the  origin  of  man. 
Whether  the  result  of  a  long  evolution  of  animal  organisms  or 
an  immediate  product  of  a  higher  creative  act,  human  nature, 
with  all  its  characteristic  features — the  most  important  among 
them  being  the  moral  features — is  in  any  case  a  fact. 

The  distinctive  character  of  the  psychical  nature  of  man  is 
not  denied  by  the  great  representative  of  the  evolutionary  theory. 
"  No  doubt  the  difference  in  this  respect  (between  man  and  other 
animals)  is  enormous,  even  if  we  compare  the  mind  of  one  of  the  \  * 
lowest  savages,  who  has  no  words  to  express  any  number  higher 
than  four,  and  who  uses  hardly  any  abstract  terms  for  common 
objects  or  for  the  affections,  with  that  of  the  most  highly 
organised  ape.  The  difference  would,  no  doubt,  still  remain 
immense,  even  if  one  of  the  higher  apes  had  been  improved  or 
civilised  as  much  as  a  dog  has  been  in  comparison  with  its  parent- 
form,  the  wolf  or  jackal.  The  Fuegians  rank  amongst  the 
lowest  barbarians,  but  I  was  continually  struck  with  surprise  how 



closely  the  three  natives  on  board  H.M.S.  Beagle,  who  had  lived 
some  years  in  England,  and  could  talk  a  little  English,  resembled 
us  in  disposition  and  in  most  of  our  mental  faculties."  l 

Further  on  Darwin  declares  that  he  entirely  agrees  with  the 
writers  who  hold  that  the  greatest  difference  between  man  and 
animals  consists  in  the  moral  sentiment,2  which  he,  for  his  part, 
regards  as  innate  and  not  as  acquired.3  But  carried  away  by  his 
desire — within  certain  limits  a  legitimate  one — to  fill  up  the 
*  immense'  distance  by  intermediary  links,  Darwin  makes  one 
fundamental  error.  He  regards  all  human  morality  as  in  the 
first  instance  social,  thus  connecting  it  with  the  social  instincts 
of  animals.  Personal  or  individual  morality  has,  according  to 
Darwin,  merely  a  derivative  significance,  and  is  a  later  result  of 
historical  evolution.  He  maintains  that  the  only  virtues  which 
exist  for  savages  are  those  that  are  required  by  the  interests  of 
their  social  group.4  But  one  simple  and  universal  fact  is  sufficient 
to  disprove  this  contention. 

There  exists  one  feeling  which  serves  no  social  purpose,  is 
utterly  absent  in  the  highest  animals,  but  is  clearly  manifested  in 
the  lowest  of  the  human  races.  In  virtue  of  this  feeling  the  most 


savage  and  undeveloped  man  is  ashamed  of — i.e.  recognises  as 
wrong — and  conceals  a  physiological  act  which  not  only  satisfies 
his  own  desire  and  need,  but  is,  moreover,  useful  and  necessary  for 
the  preservation  of  the  species.  Directly  connected  with  this  is 
the  reluctance  to  remain  in  primitive  nakedness ;  it  induces 
savages  to  invent  clothes  even  when  the  climate  and  the  simplicity 
of  life  make  them  quite  unnecessary. 

This  moral  fact  more  sharply  than  any  other  distinguishes 
man  from  all  the  other  animals,  for  among  them  we  find  not  the 
slightest  trace  of  anything  approaching  to  it.  Darwin  himself, 
discussing  as  he  does  the  religious  instinct  of  dogs,  etc.,  never 
attempts  to  look  to  animals  for  any  rudiments  of  shame. 
And  indeed,  not  to  speak  of  the  lower  creatures,  even  the  highly- 
endowed  and  well- trained  domestic  animals  are  no  exception. 
The  noble  steed  afforded  the  prophet  in  the  Bible  a  suitable 
image  for  depicting  the  shamelessness  of  the  dissolute  young  men 
of  the  Jerusalem  nobility  ;  the  loyal  dog  has  of  old  been  rightly 

1  Darwin,  The  Descent  of  Man  (beginning  of  chap.  iii.).  2  Ibid.  chap.  iii. 

3  Ibid.,  the  answer  to  Mill.  4  Ibid.,  on  social  virtues. 


considered  a  typical  example  of  utter  shamelessness  ;  and  among 
the  wild  animals,  the  creature  which  in  certain  respects  is  still 
more  developed,  the  monkey,  affords  a  particularly  vivid  instance 
of  unbridled  cynicism,  all  the  more  apparent  because  of  the 
monkey's  external  likeness  to  man,  and  its  extremely  lively 
intelligence  and  passionate  temperament. 

As  it  is  utterly  impossible  to  Discover  shame  among  animals, 
naturalists  of  a  certain  school  are  compelled  to  deny  it  to  man. 
Not  having  discovered  any  modest  animals,  Darwin  talks  of  the 
shamelessness  of  the  savage  peoples.1  From  the  man  who  went 
round  the  world  on  his  ship  Beagle  we  might  expect  the 
positive  and  definite  evidence  of  an  eye-witness ;  but  instead  he 
merely  makes  a  few  brief  and  unsupported  remarks,  convincing  to 
no  one.  Not  only  savages  but  even  the  civilised  peoples  of  Biblical 
or  Homeric  times  may  strike  us  as  shameless,  in  the  sense 
that  the  feeling  of  shame  which  they  undoubtedly  possessed 
did  not  always  express  itself  in  the  same  way,  nor  extend  to 
all  the  details  of  everyday  life  with  which  it  is  associated  in  our 
case.  So  far  as  this  goes,  however,  there  is  no  need  to  appeal  to 
distant  places  and  times  :  people  who  live  side  by  side  with  us,  but 
belong  to  a  different  class,  often  consider  permissible  things  of 
which  we  are  ashamed.  And  yet  no  one  would  contend  that  the 
feeling  of  shame  was  unknown  to  them.  Still  less  is  it  possible 
to  make  any  general  deductions  from  cases  of  absolute  moral 
deficiency  which  are  found  in  the  annals  of  crime.  Headless 
monsters  are  sometimes  born  into  the  human  world,  but  never 
theless  a  head  remains  an  essential  feature  of  our  organism. 

To  prove  his  contention  that  primitive  man  is  devoid  of 
shame,  Darwin  also  briefly  refers  to  the  religious  customs  of  the 
ancients,  i.e.  to  the  phallic  cult.  But  this  important  fact  is  rather 
an  argument  against  him.  Intentional,  exaggerated  shameless- 
ness — shamelessness  made  into  a  religious  principle — evidently 
presupposes  the  existence  of  shame.  In  like  manner  the  sacrifice 

1  The  Descent  of  Man.  When  dealing  with  savages  even  serious  scientists  sometimes 
show  remarkable  thoughtlessness.  The  other  day  I  saw  an  amusing  instance  of  it  in 
the  writings  of  the  anthropologist  Brocke.  He  affirms  that  the  aborigines  of  the 
Andaman  Islands  wear  no  clothes  ;  for,  he  says,  one  cannot  regard  as  such  a  thin  belt 
with  a  piece  of  leather  attached  to  it.  I  think  one  could  with  more  ground  deny  the 
essential  function  of  clothes  to  the  European  dress-coat. 


by  the  parents  of  their  children  to  the  gods  certainly  does  not 
prove  the  absence  of  pity  or  of  parental  loVe,  but,  on  the  contrary, 
presupposes  it.  The  main  point  about  these  sacrifices  is  that  the 
loved  children  were  killed  :  if  that  which  was  sacrificed  were  not 
dear  to  the  person  who  gave  it,  the  sacrifice  would  be  of  no  value 
and  would  lose  its  character  of  sacrifice.  (It  is  only  later,  as 
the  religious  feeling  became  weaker,  that  this  fundamental  con 
dition  of  all  sacrifice  came  to  be  avoided  by  means  of  different 
symbolical  substitutes.}  No  religion  at  all,  not  even  the  most 
savage  one,  could  be  based  upon  a  mere  absence  of  shame,  any 
more  than  upon  a  mere  absence  of  pity.  False  religion  as  much  as 
the  true  presupposes  the  moral  nature  of  man,  and  does  so  in  the 
very  demand  for  its  perversion.  The  demoniac  powers,  wor 
shipped  in  the  bloody  and  dissolute  cults  of  ancient  heathendom, 
were  nurtured  and  lived  by  this  real  perversion,  by  this  positive 
immorality.  These  religions  did  not  require  merely  the  natural 
performance  of  a  certain  physiological  act.  No,  their  essence 
was  the  intensification  of  depravity,  the  overstepping  of  all  bounds 
imposed  by  nature,  society,  and  conscience.  The  religious  char 
acter  of  the  orgies  proves  the  extreme  importance  of  this  circum 
stance.  If  they  involved  nothing  beyond  natural  shamelessness, 
what  could  be  the  source  of  the  strained,  the  perverted,  the 
mystical  element  in  them  ? 

It  is  obvious  that  it  would  not  be  necessary  for  Darwin  to  use 
such  unconvincing  indirect  arguments  in  support  of  his  view 
could  he  produce  any  trustworthy  facts  to  show  the  presence  of 
even  rudimentary  modesty  among  animals.  But  there  are  no  such 
facts,  and  shame  undoubtedly  remains,  even  from  the  external  and 
empirical  point  of  view,  the  distinguishing  characteristic  of  man. 


The  feeling  of  shame  (in  its  fundamental  sense)  is  a  fact 
which  absolutely  distinguishes  man  from  all  lower  nature.  No 
other  animal  has  this  feeling  in  the  least  degree,  while  in  man  it 
has  been  manifested  from  time  immemorial  and  is  subject  to 
growth  and  development. 

But  that  which  is  involved  in  this  fact  gives  it  a  further  and 
a  far  deeper  significance.  The  feeling  of  shame  is  not  merely  a 


distinctive  feature  whereby  man  is  separated  off  for  external 
observation  from  the  rest  of  the  animal  world  ;  in  it  man 
actually  separates  himself  from  material  nature,  his  own  as  well  as 
that  external  to  him.  In  being  ashamed  of  his  own  natural 
inclinations  and  organic  functions,  man  proves  that  he  is  not 
merely  a  material  being,  but  is  something  other  and  higher. 
That  which  is  ashamed  separates  itself  in  the  very  mental  act 
of  shame  from  that  of  which  it  is  ashamed.  But  material  nature 
cannot  be  foreign  to  or  external  to  itself.  Hence  if  I  am 
ashamed  of  my  material  nature,  I  prove  by  that  very  fact  that 
I  am  not  identical  with  it.  And  it  is  precisely  at  the  moment 
when  man  falls  under  the  sway  of  the  material  nature  and 
is  overwhelmed  by  it  that  his  distinctive  peculiarity  and  inner 
independence  assert  themselves  in  the  feeling  of  shame,  in  and 
through  which  he  regards  the  material'  life  as  something  other, 
as  something  foreign  to  himself,  which  must  not  dominate 

Even  if  individual  cases  of  sexual  shame  were  to  be  found 
among  animals,  it  would  simply  be  a  premonition  of  the  human 
nature.  For  in  any  case  it  is  clear  that  a  being  who  is  ashamed 
of  his  animality  in  that  very  fact  proves  himself  to  be  more  than  a 
mere  animal.  No  one  who  believes  the  story  of  the  speaking  ass 
of  Balaam  ever  denied,  on  that  ground,  that  the  gift  of  rational 
speech  is  a  characteristic  peculiarity  of  man  as  distinct  from  other 
animals.  But  still  more  fundamental  in  this  sense  is  the  meaning 
of  sexual  shame. 

This  fundamental  fact  of  history  and  of  anthropology — un 
noticed  or  intentionally  omitted  in  the  book  of  the  great  modern 
scientist  —  had  been  noted  three  thousand  years  before  in  an 
inspired  passage  in  a  book  of  far  more  authority  :  "  And  the 
eyes  of  them  both  were  opened  (at  the  moment  of  fall)  and  they 
knew  that  they  were  naked  ;  and  they  sewed  fig  leaves  together, 
and  made  themselves  aprons.  And  they  heard  the  voice  of  the 
Lord  God  .  .  .  and  Adam  and  his  wife  hid  themselves  from  the 
presence  of  the  Lord  God  amongst  the  trees  of  the  garden.  And 
the  Lord  God  called  unto  Adam,  and  said  unto  him,  Where  art 
thou  ?  And  he  said,  I  heard  Thy  voice  in  the  garden,  and  I  was 
afraid,  because  I  was  naked  ;  and  I  hid  myself.  And  He  said, 
Who  told  thee  that  thou  wast  naked  ?  " 


At  the  moment  of  fall  a  higher  voice  speaks  in  the  depth  of 
the  human  soul,  asking  :  Where  art  thou  ?  where  is  thy  moral 
dignity  ?  Man,  lord  of  nature  and  the  image  of  God,  dost  thou 
still  exist  ?  And  the  answer  is  at  once  given  :  I  heard  the 
Divine  voice  and  I  was  afraid  of  laying  bare  my  lower  nature.  I  am 
ashamed^  therefore  I  exist ;  and  not  physically  only,  but  morally 
— I  am  ashamed  of  my  animality,  therefore  I  still  exist  as  man. 

It  is  by  his  own  action  and  by  testing  his  own  being  that 
man  attains  to  moral  self-consciousness.  Materialistic  science 
would  attempt  in  vain  to  give,  from  its  point  of  view,  a  satis 
factory  answer  to  the  question  asked  of  man  long  ago  :  "  Who 
told  thee  that  thou  wast  naked  ?  " 

The  independent  and  ultimate  meaning  of  the  sense  of 
shame  would  be  explained  away  if  this  moral  fact  could  be 
connected  with  some  material  gain  for  the  individual  or  for  the 
species  in  the  struggle  for  existence.  In  that  case  shame  could  be 
accounted  for  as  a  form  of  the  instinct  of  animal  self-preservation 
— individual  or  social.  But  there  is  no  such  connection. 

The  feeling  of  shame  associated  with  the  sexual  act  might 
be  useful  to  the  individual  and  to  the  species  as  a  preventive 
against  the  abuse  of  this  important  organic  function.  In  the 
case  of  animals  which  follow  their  instincts  we  do  not  find  any 
injurious  excesses  ;  but  in  the  case  of  man,  owing  to  a  superior 
development  of  the  individual  consciousness  and  will,  excesses 
become  possible  ;  and  against  the  most  dangerous  of  them — the 
abuse  of  the  sexual  instinct — a  useful  check  is  provided  in  the 
feeling  of  shame  which  develops  under  the  general  conditions  of 
natural  selection.  This  is  a  plausible  argument,  but  it  is  not 
really  valid.  To  begin  with,  it  involves  an  inner  contradiction. 
If  the  strongest  and  the  most  fundamental  of  instincts — the  instinct 
of  self-preservation — is  powerless  to  prevent  man  from  dangerous 

excesses,  how  could  this  be  done  by  a  new  and  derivative  instinct 

.  . 

of  shame  ?       And    if  the   instinctive   promptings   of  shame   do 

not  have  sufficient  influence  over  man,  which  is  really  the  case, 
no  specific  utility  can  attach  to  shame,  and  it  remains  inexplicable 
./^  from  the  utilitarian  and  materialistic  point  of  view.  Instead  of 
checking  the  excesses,  which  are  a  violation  of  the  normal  order, 
it  itself  simply  proves  to  be  an  additional  object  of  such  a 
violation — i.e.  an  utterly  useless  complication.  Connected  with 


this  is  another  consideration  which  contradicts  the  utilitarian 
view  of  shame, — the  fact,  namely,  that  this  feeling  manifests  itself 
most  clearly  before  entering  upon  sexual  relations  :  shame  speaks 
most  clearly  and  emphatically  virginibus  puerisque^  so  that  if  shame 
had  a  direct  practical  significance,  so  far  from  being  useful,  it 
would  be  detrimental  both  to  the  individual  and  to  the  species. 
But  if  shame  has  no  practical  effect  even  when  it  is  felt  most, 
no  subsequent  effect  can  be  expected  from  it.  So  long  as  shame 
is  felt  there  can  as  yet  be  no  question  of  sexual  abuse ;  and  when 
there  is  abuse,  it  is  too  late  to  speak  of  shame.  The  normal 
person  is  sufficiently  safeguarded  from  dangerous  excesses  by 
the  simple  feeling  of  satisfied  desire,  and  an  abnormal  person  or 
one  with  perverted  instincts  is  least  of  all  noted  for  his  sense  of 
shame.  Thus,  speaking  generally,  where  shame  might,  from 
the  utilitarian  point  of  view,  be  useful,  it  is  absent,  and  where  it 
is  present  it  is  of  no  use  at  all. 

In  truth  the  feeling  of  shame  is  excited  not  by  the  abuse  of 
a  certain  organic  function,  but  by  the  simple  exercise  of  that 
function  :  the  natural  fact  is  itself  experienced  as  shameful. 
If  this  is  a  manifestation  of  the  instinct  of  self-preservation,  it  is 
so  in  quite  a  special  sense.  What  is  b'eing  safeguarded  here  is 
not  the  subject's  material  welfare,  but  his  highest  human  dignity  ; 
or  rather  that  dignity  evinces  itself  as  still  safe  in  the  depths  of 
our  being.  The  strongest  manifestation  of  the  material  organic 
life  calls  forth  a  reaction  on  the  part  of  the  spiritual  principle 
which  reminds  the  personal  consciousness  that  man  is  not  merely 
a  natural  fact,  that  he  must  not  as  a  passive  instrument  serve 
the  vital  purposes  of  nature.  This  is  only  a  reminder^  and  it 
rests  with  the  personal  rational  will  to  take  advantage  of  it.  As 
I  have  already  said,  this  moral  feeling  has  no  direct  real  effect, 
and  if  its  promptings  are  in  vain,  shame  itself  gradually  disappears 
and  is  at  last  completely  lost. 

It  is  clear,  then,  that  even  if  it  were  true  that  individual  persons 
or  entire  tribes  are  devoid  of  shame,  this  fact  would  not  have 
the  significance  ascribed  to  it.  The  unquestionable  shamelessness 
of  individual  persons  as  well  as  the  questionable  shamelessness 
of  entire  peoples,  can  only  mean  that  in  these  particular  cases 
the  spiritual  principle  in  man  which  lifts  him  above  material 
nature  is  either  still  undeveloped  or  is  already  lost — that  this 


particular  man  or  this  particular  group  of  men  have  either  not 
yet  risen  above  the  bestial  stage  or  have  once  more  returned  to 
it.  But  the  hereditary  or  acquired  animality  of  this  or  that 
person  or  persons  cannot  destroy  or  weaken  the  significance  of 
the  moral  dignity  of  man,  which  with  the  enormous  majority  of 
people  clearly  asserts  itself  in  the  feeling  of  shame — a  feeling 
absolutely  unknown  to  any  animal.  The  fact  that  infants  at 
the  breast,  or  the  mute,  are,  like  animals,  unable  to  speak,  does 
not  in  any  way  diminish  the  significance  of  language  as  the 
expression  of  a  distinctive,  purely  human  rationality,  not  found 
in  other  animals. 


Apart  from  all  empirical  considerations  as  to  the  genesis  of 
the  feeling  of  shame  in  humanity,  the  significance  of  that 
feeling  lies  in  the  fact  that  it  determines  man's  ethical  relation 
to  his  material  nature.  Man  is  ashamed  of  being  dominated  or 
ruled  by  it  (especially  in  its  chief  manifestation),  and  thereby 
asserts  his  inner  independence  and  his  superior  dignity  in 
relation  to  it,  in  virtue  of  which  he  must  possess  and  not  be 
possessed  by  it. 

Side  by  side  with  this  fundamental  moral  feeling  determining 
the  right  attitude  to  the  lower,  material  principle  in  each  of  us, 
there  exists  in  human  nature  another  feeling_which  serves  as  a 
basis  for  a  moral  relation  to  other  human,  or,  speaking  generally, 
to  other  living  beings  that  are  like  us — namely,  the  feeling  of  pity.1 
The  essence  of  it  lies  in  the  fact'  that  a  given  subject  is  conscious 
in  a  corresponding  manner  of  the  suffering  or  the  want  of 
others,  i.e.  responds  to  it  more  or  less  painfully,  thus  more 
or  less  exhibiting  his  solidarity  with  the  others.  The  ultimate 
and  innate  character  of  this  moral  feeling  is  not  denied  by  any 
serious  thinker  or  scientist,  if  only  because  the  feeling  of  pity 
or  compassion — in  contradistinction  to  that  of  shame — is  present, 
in  its  rudimentary  stage,  in  many  animals,2  and  consequently  from 

1  I  use  the  simplest  term,  the  most  usual  in  technical  works  on  the  subject  being 
the  terms  sympathy  or  compassion. 

2  A  number  of  facts  showing  this  are  to  be  found  in  works  of  descriptive  zoology 
(particularly    in    Brehm's    Life    of  Animals),    and    also    in  the    literature    on    animal 
psychology  that  has  of  late  been  considerably  developed. 


no  point  of  view  can  be  regarded  as  a  later  product  of  human 
development.  Thus  if  a  shameless  man  reverts  to  the  brute 
stage,  a  pitiless  man  falls  lower  than  the  animal  level. 

The  close  connection  of  the  feeling  of  pity  with  the  social 
instincts  of  men  and  animals  cannot  be  doubted  owing  to  the  very 
nature  of  that  feeling.  In  its  essence,  however,  it  is  an  individual 
moral  state,  and  even  in  the  case  of  animals  it  is  not  reducible  to 
social  relations,  much  less  so  in  the  case  of  man.  If  the  need  for 
a  social  unit  were  the  only  foundation  of  pity,  that  feeling  could 
only  be  experienced  towards  the  creatures  that  belong  to  one  and 
the  same  social  whole.  This  is  generally  but  by  no  means 
always  the  case,  at  any  rate  not  among  the  higher  animals. 
Numerous  facts  of  the  tenderest  love1  between  animals  (both 
wild  and  domestic)  belonging  to  different  and  sometimes  remote 
zoological  groups  are  well  known.  It  is  very  strange  that  in  the 
face  of  this  fact  Darwin  should  maintain — without  adducing  any 
evidence  to  prove  his  contention — that  among  savage  peoples 
sympathetic  feelings  are  limited  to  members  of  one  and  the 
same  narrow  group.  Of  course  among  the  cultured  nations, 
too,  most  people  show  real  sympathy  chiefly  towards  their 
own  family  and  most  intimate  friends,  but  the  individual 
moral  feeling  in  all  races  may  transcend  —  and  did  do  so 
of  old — not  only  these  narrow  limits,  but  all  empirical  limits 
altogether.  To  accept  Darwin's  contention  unconditionally 
would  be  to  admit  that  a  human  savage  cannot  attain  to 
the  moral  level  sometimes  reached  by  dogs,  monkeys,  and  even 

The  sympathetic  feeling  can  grow  and  develop  indefinitely, 
but  its  ultimate  essence  is  one  and  the  same  among  all  living 
beings.  The  first  stage  and  the  fundamental  form  of  all 
solidarity  in  the  animal  kingdom  and  in  the  human  world  is 

1  Love  in  the   purely  psychological  sense  (apart  from  the  materially  sexual  and  the 
aesthetic   relation)    is  firmly  established,  permanent    pity   or    compassion    (sympathy). 
Long  before  Schopenhauer  the   Russian    people  identified   these   two   things   in   their 
language  :  "  to  love  "  and  "  to   pity  "  is  one  and  the  same  for  them.     One  need  not  go 
so  far,  but  it  cannot  be  disputed   that  the  fundamental  subjective  manifestation  of  love 
as  a  moral  feeling  is  pity. 

2  It  is  obvious,  of  course,  that  such  cases  with   regard  to  wild  animals  can  only  be 
properly  observed  when  the  animals  are  in  captivity.     It  is  very  probable  indeed  that 
the  sympathetic  feelings  in  question  are  awakened  chiefly  in  captivity. 



parental  (and  in  particular  maternal)  love.  This  is  the  simple 
root  from  which  springs  all  the  complexity  and  multiplicity  of 
the  internal  and  external  social  relations ;  and  it  is  here  that 
we  see  most  clearly  that  the  individually-psychological  essence  of 
the  moral  bond  is  no  other  than  pity.  For  no  other  mental 
state  can  express  the  original  solidarity  of  the  mother  with  her 
weak,  helpless,  piteous  offspring  wholly  dependent  upon  her. 


The  feelings  of  shame  and  of  pity  essentially  determine  our 
moral  attitude  in  the  first  place  to  our  own  material  nature,  and 
in  the  second  to  all  other  living  beings.  In  so  far  as  a  man  is 
modest  and  pitiful  he  stands  in  a  moral  relation  c  to  himself  and  to 
his  neighbour '  (to  use  the  old  terminology) ;  shamelessness  and 
pitilessness,  on  the  contrary,  undermine  the  very  roots  of  his 
character.  Apart  from  these  two  feelings  there  exists  in  us  a 
third  one,  irreducible  to  the  first  two,  and  as  ultimate  as  they  ;  it 
determines  man's  moral  attitude  not  to  his  own  lower  nature 
and  not  to  the  world  of  beings  similar  to  him,  but  to  something 
different  recognised  by  him  as  the  higher ;  as  that  which  he  can 
be  neither  ashamed  of,  nor  feel  pity  for,  but  which  he  must  revere. 
This  feeling  of  reverence  (reverentia\  or  of  awe  (piety,  pietas\ 
before  the  higher  forms  in  man  the  moral  basis  of  religion,  and  of 
the  religious  order  of  life.  When  abstracted  by  philosophical 
reflection  from  its  historic. manifestations,  it  constitutes  the  so- 
called  c  natural  religion.'  The  ultimate  and  the  innate  character 
of  this  feeling  cannot  be  denied  for  the  same  reason  that  the" 
innateness  of  pity  is  not  seriously  denied  by  any  one.  In  a 
rudimentary  form  both  the  feeling  of  pity  and  of  reverence  are 
found  among  animals.  It  is  absurd  to  expect  to  find  among 
them  religion  in  our  sense  of  the  term.  But  the  general  element 
ary  feeling  upon  which  human  religion  is  ultimately  based — 
namely,  the  feeling  of  reverence  and  awe  in  the  presence  of  some 
thing  higher — may  unconsciously  spring  up  in  creatures  other 
than  ma,ix-  In  this  sense  the  following  remarks  must  be  said  to 
be  true  :[ "  The  feeling  of  religious  devotion  is  a  highly  complex 
one,  consisting  of  love,  complete  submission  to  an  exalted  and 
mysterious  superior,  a  strong  sense  of  dependence,  fear,  reverence, 


gratitude,  hope  for  the  future,  and  perhaps  other  elements.  No 
being  could  experience  so  complex  an  emotion  until  advanced  in 
his  intellectual  and  moral  faculties  to  at  least  a  moderately  high 
level.  Nevertheless,  we  see  some  distant  approach  to  this  state 
of  mind  in  the  deep  love  of  a  dog  for  his  master,  associated  with 
complete  submission,  some  fear,  and  perhaps  other  feelings.  The 
behaviour  of  a  dog  when  returning  to  his  master  after  an  absence, 
and,  as  I  may  add,  of  a  monkey  to  his  beloved  keeper,  is  widely 
different  from  that  towards  their  fellows.  In  the  latter  case  the 
transports  of  joy  appear  to  be  somewhat  less,  and  the  sense  of 
equality  is  shown  in  every  action." l  The  representative  of  the 
scientific  evolutionary  view  admits  then  that  in  the  quasi-religious 
relation  of  the  dog  or  of  the  monkey  to  a  higher  being  (from 
their  point  of  view)  there  is,  in  addition  to  fear  and  self-interest, 
a  moral  element  and  one  quite  distinct  from  the  sympathetic 
.feelings  which  these  animals  exhibit  in  relation  to  their  equals. 
This  specific  relation  to  the  higher  is  precisely  what  I  call 
reverence  ;  and  if  one  admits  it  in  dogs  and  monkeys  it  would  be 
strange  to  deny  it  to  man,  and  to  deduce  human  religion  from 
fear  and  self-interest  alone.  These  lower  feelings  undoubtedly 
contribute  to  the  formation  and  the  development  of  religion. 
But  the  ultimate  basis  of  it  is  the  distinctive  religiously  moral 
feeling  of  man's  reverent  love  to  what  is  more  excellent  than 


The  fundamental  feelings  of  shame^  pity^  and  reverence  exhaust 
the  sphere  of  man's  possible  moral  relations  to  that  which  is  below 
him,  that  which  is  on  a  level  with  him,  and  that  which  is  above 
him.  Mastery  over  the  material  senses,  solidarity  with  other 
living  beings,  and  inward  voluntary  submission  to  the  superhuman 
principle — these  are  the  eternal  and  permanent  foundations  of 
the  moral  life  of  humanity.  The  degree  of  mastery,  the  depth 
and  the  extent  of  solidarity,  the  completeness  of  the  inward 
submission  vary  in  the  course  of  history,  passing  from  a  lesser  to 

1  Darwin,  op.  cit.,  end  of  ch.  iii.  Darwin  had  been  speaking  before  of  the  intellectual 
side  of  religion — of  the  acknowledgment  of  an  invisible  cause  or  causes  for  unusual 
events.  He  finds  this  too  among  the  animals. 


a  greater  perfection,  but  the  principle  in  each  of  the  three  spheres 
of  relation  remains  one  and  the  same. 

All  other  phenomena  of  the  moral  life,  all  the  so-called  virtues, 
may  be  shown  to  be  the  variations  of  these  three  essentials  or  the 
results  of  interaction  between  them  and  the  intellectual  side  of 
man.  Courage  and  fortitude,  for  instance,  are  undoubtedly  exempli 
fications — though  in  a  more  external  and  superficial  form — of  the 
same  principle,  the  more  profound  and  significant  expression  of 
which  is  found  in  shame, — the  principle,  namely,  of  rising  above 
and  dominating  the  lower  material  nature.  Shame  (iiyits  typical 
manifestation)  elevates  man  above  the  animal  instinct  of  generic  self- 
preservation  ;  courage  elevates  him  above  another  anintal  instinct 
— that  of  personal  self-preservation.  But  apart  from  this  dis 
tinction  in  the  object  or  the  sphere  of  application,  these  two 
forms  of  one  and  the  same  moral  principle  differ  more  profoundly 
in  another  respect.  The  feeling  of  shame  necessarily  involves  a 
condemnation  of  that  with  which  it  is  associated  :  that  of  which  I 
am  ashamed  is  declared  by  me,  in  and  through  the  very  act  of  being 
ashamed,  to  be  bad  or  wrong.  But  a  courageous  feeling  or  action, 
on  the  contrary,  may  simply  express  the  nature  of  a  given  individual, 
and,  as  such,  contains  no  condemnation  of  its  opposite.  For  this 
reason  courage  is  found  among  animals,  having  in  their  case  no 
moral  significance.  As  the  function  of  obtaining  and  assimilat 
ing  food  gets  more  complex  and  developed  it  becomes  in  some 
animals  the  destructive  predatory  instinct  which  may  sometimes 
outweigh  the  instinct  of  self-preservation.  This  domination  of  one 
instinct  over  another  is  precisely -what  is  meant  by  animal  courage. 
Its  presence  or  absence  is  simply  a  natural  fact,  not  inwardly 
connected  with  any  self-valuation.  No  one  would  think  of 
saying  that  hares  or  hens  are  ashamed  of  their  timidity  ;  courage 
ous  animals  when  they  happen  to  be  afraid  are  not  ashamed 
of  it  either — nor  do  they  boast  of  their  courage.  In  man,  too, 
the  quality  of  courage  as  such  is  essentially  of  that  character.  But 
owing  to  our  higher  nature  and  to  the  intervention  of  the  in 
tellectual  elements  this  quality  acquires  a  new  meaning  which 
connects  it  with  the  root  of  the  distinctly  human  morality — with 
shame.  Man  is  conscious  of  courage  not  merely  as  of  the  pre 
dominance  of  the  predatory  instinct,  but  as  the  power  of  the  spirit 
to  rise  above  the  instinct  of  personal  self-preservation.  The 


presence  of  this  spiritual  power  is  recognised  as  a  virtue,  and  the 
absence  of  it  is  condemned  as  shameful.  Thus  the  essential  kin 
ship  between  shame  and  courage  is  seen  in  the  fact  that  the 
absence  of  the  second  virtue  is  condemned  in  accordance  with  the 
standard  set  by  the  first :  a  lack  of  courage  becomes  the  subject 
for  shame.  This  does  not  apply  with  the  same  force  to  other 
virtues  (charity,  justice,  humility,  piety,  etc.) ;  their  absence  is  < 
generally  condemned  in  a  different  way.  And,  when  judging 
other  people's  feelings  and  actions,  malice,  injustice,  haughtiness, 
impiety  strike  us  rather  as  hateful  and  revolting  than  as  shameful ; 
the  latter  definition  is  specially  restricted  to  cowardice  and 
voluptuousness,1  i.e.  to  such  vices  which  violate  the  dignity  of 
the  human  personality  as  such,  and  not  its  duties  to  others  or 
to  God. 

The  inner  dependence  of  other  human  virtues  upon  the  three 
ultimate  foundations  of  morality  will  be  shown  in  due  course. 


Of  the  three  ultimate  foundations  of  the  moral  life,  one,  as  we 
have  seen,  belongs  exclusively  to  man  (shame),  another  (pity)  is  to 
a  large  extent  found  among  animals,  and  the  third  (awe  or 
reverence  for  the  higher)  is  in  a  small  degree  observed  in  some 
animals.  But  although  the  rudiments  of  moral  feeling  (of  the 
second  and  third  kind)  are  found  in  the  animal  world,  they  differ 
essentially  from  the  corresponding  feelings  in  man.  Animals 
may  be  good  or  bad,  but  the  distinction  between  good  and  evil  as 
such  does  not  exist  for  their  consciousness.  In  the  case  of  man 
this  knowledge  of  good  and  evil  is  given  immediately  in  the  feel 
ing  of  shame  that  is  distinctive  of  him,  and,  gradually  developing 
from  this  first  root  and  refining  its  concrete  and  sensuous  form, 
it  embraces  the  whole  of  human  conduct  in  the  form  of  con 
science.  We  have  seen  that  within  the  domain  of  man's  moral 
relation  to  himself  or  to  his  own  nature,  the  feeling  of  shame  (which 
has  at  first  a  distinctly  sexual  character)  remains  identical  in 
form  whether  it  is  opposed  to  the  instinct  of  generic  or  of  indi- 

1  A  complex  wrong-doing  like  treason  is  recognised  both  as  revolting  and  as  shame 
ful  for  the  same  reason,  in  so  far  as  treason  includes  cowardice  which  prefers  secret 
treachery  to  open  enmity. 


vidual  self-preservation  :  a  cowardly  attachment  to  the  mortal 
life  is  as  shameful  as  giving  oneself  up  to  the  sexual  desire.  When 
from  the  relation  to  oneself  as  a  separate  individual  and  a  member 
of  a  genus  we  pass  to  the  relations  to  other  people  and  to  God — 
relations  infinitely  more  complex,  varied,  and  changeable, — the 
moral  self- valuation  can  no  longer  remain  a  simple  concrete 
sensation.  It  inevitably  passes  through  the  medium  of  abstract 
thought  and  assumes  the  new  form  of  conscience.  But  the  two 
facts  are  no  doubt  essentially  the  same.1  Shame  and  conscience 
use  different  language  and  on  different  occasions,  but  the  mean 
ing  of  their  deliverances  is  one  and  the  same  :  this  is  not  good^  this 
is  wrong^  this  is  unworthy. 

This  is  the  meaning  of  shame  ;  conscience  adds  to  it  the 
analytic  explanation,  "  if  you  do  this  wrong  or  unlawful  thing, 
you  will  be  guilty  of  evil,  sin,  crime." 

The  voice  of  conscience,  in  determining  as  good  or  as  evil  our 
relations  to  our  neighbours  and  to  God,  alone  gives  them  a  moral 
significance  which  otherwise  they  would  not  possess.  And  as 
conscience  is  simply  a  development  of  shame,  the  whole  moral  life 
of  man  in  all  its  three  aspects  springs,  so  to  speak,  from  one  root — 
a  root  that  is  distinctly  human  and  essentially  foreign  to  the 
animal  world. 

If  the  ultimate  foundation  of  conscience  is  the  feeling  of 
shame,  it  is  clear  that  animals  which  are  devoid  of  this  more 
elementary  feeling  cannot  possess  the  more  complex  development 
of  it — conscience.  The  presence  of  conscience  in  them  is  some 
times  deduced  from  the  fact  that  animals  which  have  done 
something  wrong  look  guilty.  But  this  conclusion  is  based  on  a 
misunderstanding — on  a  confusion,  namely,  between  two  facts 
which,  as  we  know  from  our  own  experience,  are  essentially  distinct. 
The  moral  state  of  being  reproached  by  conscience,  or  the  state  of 
repentance,  has  an  analogy  in  the  intellectual  sphere  in  the  con 
sciousness  of  mistake  or  miscalculation,  i.e.  of  an  act  which  from 
the  utilitarian  or  the  practical  point  of  view  is  purposeless  or 
unprofitable  and  is  followed  by  a  feeling  of  dissatisfaction  with 

1  The  expressions  ntnie  stydno  ('  I  am  ashamed  ')  and  mnie  so-viestno  ('  I  am  conscience- 
stricken  ')  are  used  in  the  Russian  language  as  synonymous,  and,  indeed,  from  the  nature 
of  the  case  it  is  impossible  to  draw  a  sharp  line  of  demarcation  between  the  two  mental 


oneself.  These  two  facts  are  similar  in  form,  and  both  express 
themselves  externally  as  confusion  (physiologically  as  the  flushing  of 
the  face).  But  although  they  sometimes  coincide,  their  nature  is 
so  different  that  often  they  exist  separately  and  even  directly 
exclude  one  another.  Thus,  for  instance,  when  the  town-captain 
in  Gogol's  Inspector  General  is  terribly  indignant  with  himself  for 
having  been  deceived  by  Hlestakov  and  not  having  deceived  the 
latter  instead,  or  when  a  card-sharper  in  sudden  confusion  curses 
himself  for  not  having  been  clever  enough  at  cheating,  such  self- 
condemnation  obviously  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  awakening 
of  conscience,  but  rather  proves  an  inveterate  absence  of  con 
science.  Intellectual  self-condemnation  is  undoubtedly  present 
in  the  higher  animals.  When  a  well-brought-up  dog  is  so  keenly 
conscious  of  its  own  misdemeanours  that  it  actually  tries  to  con 
ceal  them,  this  certainly  proves  its  intelligence,  but  has  no  relation 
whatever  to  its  conscience. 


The  highest  moral  doctrine  can  be  no  other  than  a  complete 
and  correct  development  of  the  ultimate  data  of  human  morality, 
for  the  universal  demands  involved  in  them  cover  the  whole  sphere 
of  possible  human  relations.  But  it  is  precisely  the  universality 
of  these  relations  that  forbids  us  to  stop  at  establishing  their 
existence  as  simply  given  in  our  nature  and  renders  a  further 
development  and  justification  of  them  necessary. 

The  primitive,  natural  morality  we  have  been  considering  is 
no  other  than  the  reaction  of  the  spiritual  nature  against  the 
lower  forces  —  fleshly  lust,  egoism,  and  wild  passions  —  which 
threaten  to  submerge  and  overpower  it.  The  capacity  for  such  a 
reaction  makes  man  a  moral  being  ;  but  if  the  actual  force  and  the 
extent  of  the  reaction  is  to  remain  indefinite,  it  cannot,  as  such,  be 
the  foundation  of  the  moral  order  in  the  human  world.  All  the 
actual  manifestations  of  our  moral  nature  are  merely  particular  and 
accidental  in  character.  Man  may  be  more  or  less  modest,  com 
passionate,  religious  :  the  universal  norm  is  not  given  as  a  fact. 
The  voice  of  conscience  itself  speaks  more  or  less  clearly  and 
insistently,  and  can  (in  so  far  as  it  is  a  fact]  be  binding  only  to 
the  extent  to  which  it  is  heard  in  each  given  case. 


But  reason,  which  is  as  innate  in  man  as  the  moral  feelings, 
from  the  first  puts  to  his  moral  nature  its  demand  for  universality 
and  necessity.  Rational  consciousness  cannot  rest  content  with 
the  accidental  existence  of  relatively  good  feelings  from  which  no 
general  rule  can  be  deduced.  The  primary  distinction  between 
good  and  evil  already  implies  an  idea  of  the  good  free  from  any 
limitations,  containing  in  itself  an  absolute  norm  of  life  and  activity. 
In  the  form  of  a  postulate  the  idea  of  the  good  is  inherent  in 
human  reason,  but  its  actual  content  is  determined  and  developed 
only  through  the  complex  work  of  thought. 

From  the  ultimate  data  of  morality  we  inevitably  pass  to  the 
general  principles  which  reason  deduces  from  them,  and  which  have 
in  turn  played  the  foremost  part  in  the  different  ethical  theories. 



THE  fundamental  moral  feeling  of  shame  psychologically  con 
tains  man's  negative  relation  to  the  animal  nature  which  seeks  to 
overpower  him.  To  the  strongest  and  most  vivid  manifestation 
of  that  nature  the  human  spirit,  even  at  a  low  stage  of  development, 
opposes  the  consciousness  of  its  own  dignity  :  I  am  ashamed  to 
submit  to  the  desire  of  the  flesh,  I  am  ashamed  to  be  like  an  animal, 
the  lower  side  of  my  nature  must  not  dominate  me — such  domina 
tion  is  shameful  and  evil.  This  self-assertion  of  the  moral  dignity 
— half-conscious  and  unstable  in  the  simple  feeling  of  shame — is 
worked  up  by  reason  into  the  principle  of  asceticism. 

The  object  of  condemnation  in  asceticism  is  not  material  nature 
as  such.  From  no  point  of  view  can  it  be  rationally  maintained 
that  nature  considered  objectively — whether  in  its  essence  or  in 
its  appearances — is  evil.  It  is  usually  supposed  that  the  so-called 
Oriental  religions,  which  are  noted  for  extreme  asceticism,  are 
specially  characterised  by  their  identification  of  the  principle  of 
evil  with  physical  matter,  in  contradistinction  to  true  Christianity, 
which  finds  the  source  of  evil  in  the  moral  sphere.  But,  strictly 
speaking,  such  identification  is  not  to  be  found  in  any  system  of 
Oriental  philosophy  or  religion.  It  is  sufficient  to  mention  the 
three  most  typical  systems  of  India,  the  classical  country  of 
asceticism  —  the  orthodox  Brahmin  Vedanta,1  the  independent 
Sankhya,  and,  finally,  Buddhism. 

1  It  assumed  its  present  form  only  about  the  time  when  Buddhism  disappeared  from 
India  (VIII.  and  XIII.  c.a.d.),  but  the  fundamental  conceptions  involved  in  it  are  to  be 
found  as  early  as  the  ancient  Upanishads. 



According  to  the  Vedanta,  evil  is  illusion  of  the  mind,  which 
takes  material  objects  for  entities  separate  from  one  another  and 
from  the  self,  and  takes  the  self  to  be  an  entity  separate  from  the 
one  absolute  Being.  The  cause  of  this  illusion  is  the  one  ultimate 
Spirit  itself  (Paramatman)  which  suddenly,  in  a  moment  of  incom 
prehensible  blindness  or  ignorance  (Avidya), conceived  the  possibility 
of  something  other  than  itself,  desired  that  other,  and  thus  fell  into 
an  illusory  duality,  from  which  sprang  the  world.  This  world 
does  not  exist  on  its  own  account  (as  external  to  the  One)  but  is 
erroneously  taken  so  to  exist — and  therein  lies  the  deception  and 
the  evil.  When  a  traveller  in  the  wood  takes  the  chopped-ofF 
branch  of  a  tree  for  a  snake,  or,  vice  versa^  a  snake  for  a  branch  of 
a  tree,  neither  the  image  of  the  snake  nor  of  the  branch  is  in  itself 
evil :  what  is  evil  is  the  one  being  taken  for  the  other,  and  both 
being  taken  for  something  external  to  the  self.  The  ignorant 
think  that  their  evil  works  are  distinct  from  the  one  Reality. 
But  the  evil  deed,  the  evil  doer  himself,  and  the  false  thought  about 
their  separateness  are  all  part  of  the  one  absolute  and  ultimate 
Spirit  in  so  far  as  it  partly l  is  in  the  state  of  ignorance.  Its 
self-identity  is  re-established  in  the  thought  of  the  wise  ascetics 
who  by  mortifying  the  flesh  have  conquered  in  themselves  the 
illusion  of  separateness  and  learnt  that  all  is  one.  According  to 
such  a  system  of  thought  evil  clearly  cannot  belong  to  material 
nature,  for  that  nature  is  regarded  as  non-existent.  Its  reality  is 
acknowledged  in  another  important  Indian  system — in  the  in 
dependent  or  atheistic  Sankhya.  In  it  the  pure  spirit  (Purusha), 
existing  only  in  the  multitude  of  separate  entities,  is  opposed  to 
first  matter  or  nature  (Prakriti).  But  the  latter  is  not  as  such 
the  principle  of  wrong  or  of  evil  :  evil  (and  that  only  in  the 
relative  sense)  is  in  the  abiding  connection  of  the  spirit  with  it. 
These  two  elements  must  be  connected,  but  only  in^a  transient 
fashion  :  nature  must  be  the  temporal  means,  and  not  the  purpose, 
of  the  spirit.  The  paralysed  man  who  can  see  (the  spirit)  must 
make  use  of  the  blind  athlete  (nature),  on  whose  shoulders  he  can 
attain  the  end  of  his  journey  ;  but  once  the  end  is  reached,  they 
must  part.  The  end  of  the  spirit  is  self-knowledge — that  is, 

1  Some  Hindu  books  determine  the  'part'  of  ignorance  arithmetically  as  forming 
one-fourth  (or,  according  to  others,  one-third)  of  the  Absolute.  Probably  in  order  that 
the  relation  may  remain  unaltered  the  birth  of  the  ignorant  is  equalised  by  the  en 
lightenment  of  the  wise. 


knowledge  of  itself  as  distinct  from  nature.  But  if  the  spirit  is  to 
learn  that  it  is  distinct  from  nature,  it  must  first  know  nature — 
and  this  is  the  only  justification  of  the  connection  between  the 
two.  Nature  is  the  dancer,  spirit  the  spectator.  She  has  shown 
herself,  he  has  seen  her,  and  they  may  part.  The  ascetic  who 
resists  natural  inclinations  is  simply  the  wise  man  who  refrains 
from  using  means  which  are  no  longer  necessary  once  the  end 
has  been  reached.  Orthodox  Brahmanism  affirms  that  only  the 
One  exists,  and  that  there  is  no  other  (the  principle  of  Advaiti — 
of  unity  or  indivisibility).  The  Sankhya  philosophy  admits  the 
existence  of  c  the  other  ' — i.e.  of  nature — but  maintains  that  it  is 
foreign  to  the  spirit,  and,  once  a  knowledge  of  it  has  been  attained, 
unnecessary.  Buddhism  reconciles  this  duality  in  a  general  in 
difference  :  spirit  and  nature,  the  One  and  its  other  are  equally 
illusory.  £  All  is  empty '  j  there  is  no  object  for  will ;  the  desire 
to  merge  one's  spirit  in  the  absolute  is  as  senseless  as  the  desire 
for  physical  enjoyment.  Asceticism  is  here  reduced  to  a  mere 
state  of  not  willing. 

Turning  from  the  Hindu  systems  to  a  different  type  of 
philosophy  developed  in  Egypt,  we  find  that  the  striking  and 
original  form  it  finally  received  in  the  gnosticism  of  Valentine's 
school,  involved  a  conception  of  the  natural  world  as  mixed  and 
heterogeneous  in  character.  The  world  is,  in  the  first  place,  the 
creation  of  the  evil  principle  (Satan),  secondly,  the  creation  of  the 
neutral  and  unconscious  Demiurgus  who  is  neither  good  nor  evil, 
and  thirdly,  it  contains  manifestations  of  the  heavenly  Wisdom 
fallen  from  higher  spheres.  Thus,  the  visible  light  of  our  world 
was  taken  by  the  thinkers  in  question  to  be  the  smile  of  Sophia  \  * 
remembering  the  celestial  radiance  of  the  Pleroma  (the  absolute 
fulness  of  being)  she  had  forsaken.  Materiality  as  such  was  not, 
then,  regarded  by  the  Gnostics  as  evil ;  light  is  material  and  yet  it 
is  a  manifestation  of  the  good  principle.  Matter  is  not  created  by 
Satan  because  it  is  in  itself  evil,  but,  on  the  contrary,  it  is  evil  only 
in  so  far  as  it  is  created  by  Satan,  i.e.  in  so  far  as  it  manifests  or 
externally  expresses  the  inward  nature  of  evil — in  so  far  as  it  is 
darkness,  disorder,  destruction,  death — or,  in  a  word,  chaos. 

The  Persian  system  of  thought  (Manicheism),  which  is  more 
pronouncedly  dualistic,  no  more  identifies  material  nature  with  evil 
than  does  the  Egyptian  gnosis.  The  natural  world  contains  the 


element  of  light,  which  proceeds  from  the  divine  kingdom  of  the 
good  ;  this  element  is  manifested  in  the  phenomena  of  light  and 
is  also  present  in  vegetable  and  animal  life.  The  highest  godhead  is 
imagined  by  the  Manicheans  in  no  other  form  than  that  of  light. 
None  of  these  £  Oriental '  systems,  then,  are  guilty  of  the 
meaningless  identification  of  evil  with  material  nature  as  such. 
But  the  contention  that  there  is  evil  in  the  material  nature  of  the 
world  and  of  man  would  be  granted  by  all  the  earnest  thinkers  both 
of  the  East  and  the  West.  This  truth  does  not  depend  upon  any 
metaphysical  conception  of  matter  and  nature.  We  ourselves 
share  in  material  nature  and  can  know  from  our  own  inner 
experience  in  what  respect  nature  can,  and  in  what  respect  it 
cannot,  satisfy  the  demands  of  the  spirit. 


In  spite  of  Plotinus's  well-known  assertion  to  the  contrary, 
the  normal  man  of  the  highest  degree  of  spiritual  development  is 
not  in  the  least  ashamed  of  being  a  corporeal  or  material  entity. 
No  one  is  ashamed  of  having  an  extended  body  of  a  definite  shape, 
colour,  and  weight ;  that  is,  we  are  not  ashamed  of  all  that  we 
have  in  common  with  a  stone,  a  tree,  a  piece  of  metal.  It  is  only 
in  relation  to  characteristics  we  have  in  common  with  beings 
which  approach  us  most  nearly  and  belong  to  the  kingdom  of 
nature  contiguous  to  us,  that  we  have  the  feeling  of  shame  and  of 
inner  opposition.  And  this  feeling  shows  that  it  is  when  we  are 
essentially  in  contact  with  the  material  life  of  the  world  and  may 
be  actually  submerged  by  it,  that  we  must  wrench  ourselves  away 
from  and  rise  above  it.  The  feeling  of  shame  is  excited  neither 
by  that  part  of  our  corporeal  being  which  has  no  direct  relation 
to  the  spirit  at  all  (such  as  the  above-mentioned  material  qualities 
which  the  spirit  has  in  common  with  inanimate  objects),  nor  by 
that  part  of  the  living  organism  which  serves  as  the  chief  expression 
of  the  specifically  human  rational  life — the  head,  the  face,  the 
hands,  etc.  The  object  of  shame  is  only  that  part  of  our  material 
being  which,  though  immediately  related  to  the  spirit,  since  it  can 
inwardly  affect  it,  is  not  an  expression  or  an  instrument  of  the 
spiritual  life,  but  is,  on  the  contrary,  a  means  whereby  the  pro 
cesses  of  purely  animal  life  seek  to  drag  the  human  spirit  dt>wn 


into  their  sphere,  to  master  and  overpower  it.  The  reaction  of 
the  spiritual  principle,  which  finds  an  immediate  expression  in  the 
feeling  of  shame,  is  evoked  by  material  life  thus  encroaching  upon 
the  rational  being  of  man  and  seeking  to  make  him  into  a  passive 
instrument  of  or  a  useless  appendage  to  the  physical  process.  The 
rational  affirmation  of  a  certain  moral  norm  assumes  psychologically 
the  form  of  fear  to  violate  it  or  of  sorrow  at  having  violated  it 
already.  The  norm  logically  presupposed  by  the  feeling  of  shame, 
is,  when  expressed  in  its  most  general  form,  as  follows  :  the  animal 
life  in  man  must  be  subordinate  to  the  spiritual.  This  judgment  is 
apodictically  certain,  for  it  is  a  correct  deduction  from  fact  and  is 
based  on  the  logical  law  of  identity.  The  very  fact  of  man's 
shame  at  being  merely  animal  proves  that  he  is  not  a  mere  animal, 
but  is  also  something  else  and  something  higher  ;  for  if  he  were 
on  the  same  or  on  a  lower  level,  shame  would  be  meaningless. 
Looking  at  the  matter  from  the  formal  side  alone  it  cannot  be 
doubted  that  clear  consciousness  is  better  than  blind  instinct,  that 
spiritual  self-control  is  better  than  the  surrender  to  the  physical 
process.  And  if  man  unites  in  himself  two  different  elements 
related  as  the  higher  and  the  lower,  the  demand  for  the  subordina 
tion  of  the  latter  to  the  former  follows  from  the  very  nature  of  the 
case.  The  fact  of  shame  is  independent  of  individual,  racial,  and 
other  peculiarities;  the  demand  contained  in  it  is  of  a  universal'- 
character;  and  this,  in  conjunction  with  the  logical  necessity  of 
that  demand,  makes  it  in  the  full  sense  of  the  term  a  moral  principle.-. 


Man,  like  the  animals,  participates  in  the  life  of  the  universe. 
The  essential  difference  between  the  two  lies  simply  in  the  manner 
of  the  participation.  The  animal,  being  endowed  with  conscious 
ness,  shares  inwardly  and  psychically  in  the  processes  of  nature 
which  hold  it  under  their  sway.  It  knows  which  of  them  are 
pleasant  or  unpleasant,  it  instinctively  feels  what  is  detrimental  to 
itself  or  to  the  species.  But  this  is  true  only  with  reference  to 
the  environment  which  immediately  affects  the  animal  at  a  given 
time.  The  world  process  as  a  whole  does  not  exist  for  the  animal 
soul.  It  can  know  nothing  of  the  reasons  and  ends  of  that  process, 
and  its  participation  in  it  is  purely  passive  or  instrumental.  Man, 


on  the  other  hand,  passes  judgment  on  the  part  he  takes  in  the 
world  process,  both  with  reference  to  the  given  events  that  affect 
him  as  psychological  motives^  and  to  the  general  principle  of  all 
activity.  That  principle  is  the  idea  of  worth  or  of  lack  of  worth, 
of  good  or  of  evil,  and  it  can  itself  become  the  ground  or  the 
motive  of  human  activity.  This  higher  consciousness  or  inward 
self-valuation  places  man  in  a  definite  relation  to  the  world  process 
as  a  whole,  the  relation,  namely,  of  actively  participating  in  its 
purpose  ;  for  in  determining  all  his  actions  by  the  idea  of  the  good, 
man  shares  in  the  universal  life  only  In  so  far  as  its  purpose  is  the 
good.  But  since  this  higher  consciousness  as  a  fact  grows  out  of 
the  material  nature  and  exists,  so  to  speak,  at  its  expense,  that  lower 
nature  or  the  animal  soul  in  man  is  naturally  opposed  to  it.  There 
thus  arise  two  conflicting  tendencies  in  our  life — the  spiritual  and 
the  carnal.1  The  spiritual  principle,  as  it  immediately  appears  to 
our  present  consciousness,  is  a  distinct  tendency  or  process  in  our 
life,  directed  towards  realising  in  the  whole  of  our  being  the 
rational  idea  of  the  good.  Likewise  the  carnal  principle  with 
which  in  our  inner  experience  we  are  concerned,  is  not  the 
physical  organism  nor  even  the  animal  soul  as  such,  but  merely  a 
tendency  excited  in  that  soul,  and  opposed  to  the  higher  conscious 
ness,  seeking  to  overpower  and  to  drown  in  the  material  process 
the  beginnings  of  spiritual  life. 

In  this  case  material  nature  is  indeed  evil,  for  it  tries  to  destroy 
that  which  is  worthy  of  being  and  which  contains  the  possibility 
of  something  different  from  and  better  than  the  material  life. 
Not  in  itself,  but  only  in  this  bad  relation  to  the  spirit,  man's 
material  nature  is  what  in  scriptural  terminology  is  called  the  Jlesh. 

The  idea  of '  flesh '  must  not  be  confused  with  the  idea  of c  body.' 
Even  from  the  ascetic  point  of  view  body  is  the  temple  of  the 
spirit ;  bodies  may  be  'spiritual,' c  glorified,' '  heavenly,'  but  (  flesh 
and  blood  cannot  inherit  the  kingdom  of  heaven.' 2  Flesh  is 
excited  animality,  animality  that  breaks  loose  from  its  bounds  and 

1  This  is  a  fact  of  our  inner  experience,  and  neither  its  psychological  reality  nor  its 
ethical  significance  depend  upon  the  metaphysical  or  any  other  view   which  may  be 
taken  of  the  essence  of  spirit  and  matter. 

2  Sometimes  in  the  Scriptures  the  word  '  flesh '  is  used  in  the  wide  sense  of  material 
being  in  general :  e.g.  *  The  word  became  flesh,'  i*.  became  a  physical  event,  which  did 
not  prevent  the  incarnate  Word  from  being  a  purely  spiritual  and  sinless  God-man.    But 
usually  the  terms  flesh  and  fleshly  are  used  in  the  Scriptures  in  the  bad  sense  of  material 


ceases  to  be  the  matter  or  the  hidden  (potential)  foundation  of  the 
spiritual  life — as  the  animal  life  ought  to  be  both  on  its  physical 
and  on  its  mental  side. 

At  the  elementary  stages  of  his  development  man  is  a 
spiritual  being  potentially  rather  than  actually  ;  and  it  is  just 
this  potentiality  of  a  higher  spiritual  life,  manifested  as  self- 
consciousness  and  self-control  in  opposition  to  blind  and  un 
controlled  physical  nature,  that  is  endangered  by  fleshly  lust. 
Flesh,  i.e.  matter  which  has  ceased  to  be  passive  and  is  striving 
for  independence  and  infinity,  seeks  to  attract  the  spiritual  power 
to  itself,  to  drag  it  in  and  absorb  it  in  itself,  increasing  its  own 
power  at  its  expense.  This  is  possible  because,  as  incarnate,  as 
actually  manifested  in  the  concrete  man,  spirit,  or  rather  the 
life  of  spirit,  is  only  a  transformation  of  material  existence 
(more  immediately,  of  the  animal  soul),  although  in  their  ideal 
essence  spirit  and  matter  are  heterogeneous.  Regarded  con 
cretely,  spiritual  and  material  being  are  two  kinds  of  energy 
which  can  be  transformed  into  one  another — just  as  mechanical 
motion  can  be  transformed  into  heat  and  vice  versa.  The 
flesh  (i.e.  the  animal  soul  as  such)  is  strong  only  in  the  weakness 
of  the  spirit  and  lives  only  by  its  death.  Therefore,  for  the 
spirit  to  preserve  itself  and  to  increase  in  power,  the  flesh  must 
be  subdued  and  transferred  from  the  actual  to  the  potential 
state.  This  is  the  real  meaning  of  the  moral  law  that  flesh 
must  be  subordinate  to  the  spirit,  and  the  true  basis  of  all  moral 


The  moral  demand  to  subordinate  the  flesh  to  the  spirit 
conflicts  with  the  actual  striving  of  the  flesh  to  subject  the 
spirit  to  itself.  Consequently  the  ascetic  principle  has  a  double 
aspect.  It  requires  in  the  first  place  that  the  spiritual  life  should 
be  safeguarded  from  the  encroachments  of  the  flesh,  arfd  secondly, 
that  the  animal  life  should  be  made  merely  the  potentiality  or 
the  matter  of  the  spirit.  Owing  to  the  intimate  inner  con- 
nature  which  violates  its  due  relation  to  the  spirit,  is  opposed  to  and  exclusive  of  it. 
Such  terminology  is  found  both  in  the  New  and  in  the  Old  Testament  ;  e.g.  "  My  spirit 
shall  not  dwell  in  these  men  for  they  are  flesh." 


nection  and  constant  interaction  between  the  spiritual  and  the 
carnal  aspects  of  the  human  being  as  a  whole,  these  two 
demands — the  preservation  of  the  spirit  from  the  flesh  and  the 
realisation  of  the  spirit  in  the  flesh — cannot  be  fulfilled  separately, 
but  inevitably  pass  into  one  another.  In  actual  life  spirit  can 
defend  itself  against  the  encroachments  of  the  flesh  only  at  the 
expense  of  the  latter,  that  is,  by  being  partially  realised  in  it  ;  at 
the  same  time  the  realisation  of  the  spirit  is  only  possible  on  the 
condition  of  its  constantly  defending  itself  against  the  continued 
attempts  of  the  flesh  to  destroy  its  independence. 

The  three  chief  moments  in  this  process  are :  (i)  the 
distinction  which  the  spirit  inwardly  draws  between  itself  and  the 
flesh  ;  (2)  the  struggle  of  the  spirit  for  its  independence  ;  (3)  the 
supremacy  achieved  by  the  spirit  over  nature  or  the  annihilation 
of  the  evil  carnal  principle  as  such.  The  first  moment,  which 
is  characteristic  of  man  in  contradistinction  to  animals,  is  directly 
given  in  the  feeling  of  shame.  The  third,  being  the  consequence 
of  the  moral  perfection  already  attained,  cannot  at  the  present 
stage  be  the  direct  object  of  the  moral  demand  or  rule.  It  is 
useless  to  confront  even  a  moral  man,  while  he  is  still  imperfect, 
with  the  categorical  imperative  "become  at  once  immortal  and 
incorruptible  !  "  Thus  only  the  second  moment  is  left  for  ethics, 
and  our  moral  principle  may  be  more  closely  defined  as  follows  : 
subordinate  the  flesh  to  the  spirit^  in  so  far  as  it  is  necessary  for  the 
dignity  and  the  independence  of  the  latter.  Hoping  finally  for  a 
complete  mastery  over  the  physical  forces  in  yourself  and  in  nature 
as  a  whole^  take  for  your  immediate  and  binding  purpose  not  to  be^ 
at  any  rate^  the  bondman  of  rebellious  matter  or  chaos. 

Flesh  is  existence  that  is  not  self-contained,  that  is  wholly 
directed  outwards  ;  it  is  emptiness,  hunger,  and  insatiability  ;  it 
is  lost  in  externality  and  ends  in  actual  disruption.  In  contradis 
tinction  to  it,  spirit  is  existence  determined  inwardly,  self-contained 
and  self-possessed.  Its  outward  expression  is  due  to  its  own 
spontaneity,  and  does  not  cause  it  to  become  external  or  to  be 
lost  and  dissolved  in  externality.  Hence  self-preservation  of  the 
spirit  is,  above  all  things,  the  preservation  of  its  self-control. 
This  is  the  main  point  of  all  asceticism. 

The  human  body,  in  its  anatomic  structure  and  physiological 
functions,  has  no  moral  significance  of  its  own.  It  may  be  the 


expression  and  the  instrument  both  of  the  flesh  and  of  the 
spirit.  Hence  the  moral  struggle  between  these  two  aspects  or 
our  being  takes  place  in  the  domain  of  the  bodily  or  the  organic 
life  as  well,  and  assumes  the  form  of  a  struggle  for  the  mastery 
over  the  body. 

v  / 

With  regard  to  the  corporeal  life  our  moral  task  consists  in 
not  being  passively  determined  by  fleshly  desires,  especially  in 
reference  to  the  two  most  important  functions  of  our  organism — 
nutrition  and  reproduction. 

By  way  of  preliminary  exercise,  which  in  itself,  however,  has 
no  moral  value,  it  is  important  for  the  spirit  to  acquire  power 
over  such  functions  of  our  animal  organism  as  are  not  directly 
related  to  the  '  lusts  of  the  flesh ' — namely,  over  breathing  and 

Breathing  is  the  fundamental  condition  of  life  and  the 
constant  means  of  communication  between  our  body  and  its 
environment.  For  the  power  of  the  spirit  over  the  body  it  is 
desirable  that  this  fundamental  function  should  be  under  the 
control  of  the  human  will.  Consequently  there  arose  long 
ago  and  everywhere  different  ascetic  practices  with  regard  to 
breathing.  The  practice  and  theory  of  breathing  exercises  is 
found  among  the  Indian  hermits,  among  the  sorcerers  of  ancient 
and  more  recent  times,  among,  the  monks  of  Mount  Athos  and 
similar  monasteries,  in  Swedenborg,  and,  in  our  own  day,  in 
Thomas  Lake-Harris  and  Laurence  Oliphant.  The  mystical 
details  of  the  matter  have  nothing  to  do  with  moral  philosophy. 
I  will  therefore  content  myself  with  a  few  general  remarks.  A 
certain  control  of  the  will  over  breathing  is  required  by  ordinary 
good  manners.  For  ascetic  purposes  one  merely  goes  further  in 
this  direction.  By  constant  exercise  it  is  easy  to  learn  not  to 
breathe  through  the  mouth  either  when  awake  or  when  asleep  ; 
the  next  stage  is  to  learn  to  suppress  breathing  altogether  for  a 
longer  or  shorter  time.2  The  power  acquired  over  this  organic 

1  I  mean  normal  sleep  ;  abnormal  will  be  dealt  with  further  on. 

2  The  so-called  '  nostril  breathing,'  and  also  complete  stoppage  of  breathing,  used 
to  be,  and   in   places  still   is  zealously  practised  by   Orthodox   ascetics,  as  one  of  the 
conditions  of  the  so-called  'meditation.' 



function  undoubtedly   increases   the  strength   of  the    spirit  and 
gives  it  a  secure  foundation  for  further  ascetic  achievements. 

Sleep  is  a  temporal  break  in  the  activity  of  the  brain  and  of 
the  nervous  system — the  direct  physiological  instruments  of  the 
spirit — and  it  therefore  weakens  the  tie  between  the  spiritual 
and  the  bodily  life.  It  is  important  that  the  spirit  should  not 
in  this  case  play  a  purely  passive  part.  If  sleep  is  caused  by 
physical  causes,  the  spirit  must  be  able,  for  motives  of  its  own, 
to  ward  it  off,  or  to  interrupt  sleep  that  has  already  begun. 
The  very  difficulty  of  this  task,  which  is  undoubtedly  a  possible 
one,  shows  its  importance.  The  power  to  overcome  sleep  and 
to  wake  at  will  is  a  necessary  demand  of  spiritual  hygiene. 
Moreover,  sleep  has  another  aspect,  which  distinguishes  it  from 
breathing  and  other  organic  functions  that  are  in  the  moral 
sense  indifferent,  and  connects  it  with  nutrition  and  reproduction. 
Like  the  two  latter  functions  sleep  may  be  misused  to  the 
advantage  of  the  carnal  and  to  the  detriment  of  the  spiritual 
life.  The  inclination  to  excessive  sleep  in  itself  shows  the 
predominance  of  the  material  or  the  passive  principle  ;  a  sur 
render  to  this  inclination  and  actual  abuse  of  sleep  undoubtedly 
weaken  the  spirit  and  strengthen  the  lusts  of  the  flesh.  This 
is  the  reason  why  in  the  history  of  ascetic  practices — for 
instance  in  Christian  monasticism — struggle  with  sleep  plays 
so  important  a  part.  Of  course,  the  loosening  of  the  bond 
between  the  spiritual  and  the  corporeal  life  (or  more  exactly 
between  the  conscious  and  the  instinctive  life)  may  be  of  two 
kinds  :  sleepers  must  be  distinguished  from  dreamers.  But  as  a 
general  rule  a  special  faculty  to  dream  significant  and  prophetic 
dreams  indicates  a  degree  of  spiritual  power  that  has  been  already 
developed  by  ascetic  practices — struggle  with  the  pleasure  of 
carnal  sleep  among  them. 


In  animals  the  predominance  of  matter  over  form  is  due  to 
excess  of  food,  as  can  be  clearly  seen  in  caterpillars  among  the 
lower,  and  fattened  pigs  among  the  higher,  animals.1  In  man  the 
same  cause  (excess  of  food)  leads  to  a  predominance  of  the  animal 

1  See  Krasota  -v  prirodie  (Beauty  in  Nature)  by  the  present  author. 


life,  or  the  flesh,  over  the  spirit.  This  is  why  abstinence  in  food 
and  drink — fasting — has  always  and  everywhere  been  one  of  the 
fundamental  demands  of  ethics.  Abstinence  has  reference,  in 
the  first  place,  to  the  quantity — with  regard  to  which  there  can  be 
no  general  rule — and  secondly,  to  the  quality  of  food.  In  this 
last  respect  the  rule  has  always  and  everywhere  been  abstinence 
from  animal  food  and  especially  from  meat  (i.e.  from  the  flesh  of 
warm-blooded  animals).  The  reason  is  that  meat  is  more  easily 
and  completely  converted  into  blood,  and  increases  the  energy  of 
the  carnal  life  more  powerfully  and  rapidly  than  other  foods  do.1 
Abstinence  from  flesh  food  can  unquestionably  be  affirmed  as  a 
universal  rule.  Objections  to  it  cannot  stand  the  test  of  criticism, 
and  have  long  ago  been  disposed  of  both  by  ethics  and  by  natural 
science.  There  was  a  time  when  eating  raw  or  cooked  human 
flesh  was  regarded  as  normal.2  From  the  ascetic  point  of  view 
abstinence  from  meat  (and  animal  food  in  general)  is  doubly 
useful,  first,  because  it  weakens  the  force  of  the  carnal  life,  and 
secondly,  because  the  hereditary  habit  has  developed  a  natural 
craving  for  such  food,  and  abstinence  from  it  exercises  the  will 
at  the  expense  of  material  inclinations  and  thus  heightens  the 
spiritual  energy. 

As  to  drinking,  the  simplest  good  sense  forbids  excessive  use 
of  strong  drinks  that  leads  to  the  loss  of  reason.  The  ascetic 
principle  requires,  of  course,  more  than  this.  Speaking  generally, 
wine  heightens  the  energy  of  the  nervous  system,  and,  through 
it,  of  the  psychical  life.  At  our  stage  of  spiritual  development 
the  soul  is  still  dominated  by  carnal  motives,  and  all  that  excites 
and  increases  the  nervous  energy  in  the  service  of  the  soul  goes 
to  strengthen  this  predominant  carnal  element,  and  is  therefore 
highly  injurious  to  the  spirit  j  so  that  here  complete  abstinence 
from  wine  and  strong  drink  is  necessary.  But  at  the  higher 

1  Another  moral  motive  for  abstaining  from  meat  food  is  not  ascetic  but  altruistic, 
namely,  the  extension  to  animals  of  the  law  of  love   or   pity.     This   motive  is  pre 
dominant  in  the  ethics  of  Buddhism  and  the  ascetic  one  in  the  Christian  Church. 

2  According  to  the  Biblical  teaching  the  food  of  the  normal  human  being  before  the 
Fall  consisted  solely  of  raw  fruits  and  herbs.     This  is  still  the  rule  for  the  strictest 
monastic  fast,  both  in  the  East  and  in  the  West  (the  trappists).      Between  this  extreme 
and  the  light  Roman  Catholic  fast  for  the  laity  there  are  many  degrees  which  have  a 
natural  foundation  (e.g.  the  distinction  between  the  warm-  and  the  cold-blooded  animals, 
owing  to  which  fish  is  regarded   as  a  food  to  be  taken   during  fasts)  but  involve  no 
question  of  principle  and  have  no  universal  significance. 


stages  of  moral  life  which  were  sometimes  attained  even  in  the 
pagan  world — for  instance  by  Socrates  (see  Plato's  Symposium] — 
the  energy  of  the  organism  serves  the  spiritual  rather  than  the 
carnal  purposes.  In  that  case  the  increase  of  nervous  energy  (of 
course  within  the  limits  compatible  with  bodily  health)  heightens 
the  activity  of  the  spirit  and  therefore,  in  a  certain  measure,  may 
be  harmless  or  even  directly  useful.  There  can  be  here  only  one 
absolute  and  universal  rule  to  preserve  spiritual  sobriety  and  a  clear 

The  most  important  and  decisive  significance  in  the  struggle 
of  the  spirit  with  the  flesh  in  the  physiological  sphere  belongs  to 
the  sexual  function.  The  element  of  moral  wrong  (the  sin  of 
the  flesh)  is  not  to  be  found  of  course  in  the  physical  fact  of 
childbirth  (and  conception)  which  is,  on  the  contrary,  a  certain 
redemption  of  the  sin — but  only  in  the  unlimited  and  blind  desire 
(lust  of  the  flesh,  concupiscentia]  for  an  external,  animal,  and 
material  union  with  another  person  (in  reality  or  imagination),  a 
union  taken  to  be  an  end  in  itself,  an  independent  object  of  en 
joyment.  The  predominance  of  flesh  over  spirit  expresses  itself 
most  strongly,  clearly,  and  permanently  in  the  carnal  union  of  two 
persons.  It  is  not  for  nothing  that  the  immediate  feeling  of 
shame  is  connected  precisely  with  this  act.  To  stifle  or  to 
pervert  its  testimony  j  after  many  thousands  of  years  of  inward 
and  outward  development,  and  from  the  heights  of  a  refined  in 
telligence  to  pronounce  good  that  which  even  the  simple  feeling  of 
the  savage  acknowledges  to  be  wrong — this  is,  indeed,  a  disgrace 
to  humanity  and  a  clear  proof  of  our  demoralisation.  The  actual 
or  the  supposed  necessity  of  a  certain  act  for  other  purposes  can 
not  be  a  sufficient  reason  for  judging  of  its  essential  quality  as 
such.  In  some  diseases  it  may  be  necessary  to  take  poison,  but 
that  necessity  is  itself  an  anomaly  from  the  hygienic  point  of 

The  moral  question  with  regard  to  the  sexual  function  is  in 
the  first  place  the  question  of  one's  inner  relation  to  it,  of  passing 

1  At  the  present  moral  level  of  humanity  the  mastery  of  the  carnal  desires  is  the 
rule,  and  the  predominance  of  spiritual  motives  the  exception,  and  one  not  to  be  de 
pended  upon  ;  so  that  total  abstinence  from  strong  drinks  and  all  other  stimulants  may 
well  be  preached  without  any  practical  disadvantage.  But  this  is  a  pedagogical  and  pro 
phylactic  question  involving  no  moral  principle. 


judgment  upon  it  as  such.  How  are  we  inwardly  to  regard  this 
fact  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  final  norm,  of  the  absolute 
good — are  we  to  approve  of  it  or  to  condemn  it  ?  Which  path 
must  we  choose  and  follow  in  respect  to  it  :  to  affirm  and  develop 
or  to  deny,  limit,  and  finally  to  abolish  it  ?  The  feeling  of  shame 
and  the  voice  of  conscience  in  each  concrete  case  definitely  and 
clearly  give  the  second  answer,  and  all  that  is  left  for  the  moral 
philosophy  to  do  is  to  give  it  the  form  of  a  universal  rational 
principle.  The  carnal  means  of  reproduction  is  for  man  an  evil  j 
it  expresses  the  predominance  of  the  senseless  material  process 
over  the  self-control  of  the  spirit ;  it  is  contrary  to  the  dignity  of 
man,  destructive  of  human  love  and  life.  Our  moral  relation  to 
this  fact  must  be  absolutely  negative.  We  must  adopt  the  path 
that  leads  to  its  limitation  and  abolition  ;  how  and  when  it  will 
be  abolished  in  humanity  as  a  whole  or  even  in  ourselves  is  a 
question  that  has  nothing  to  do  with  ethics.  The  entire  trans 
formation  of  our  carnal  life  into  spiritual  life  does  not  as  an  event 
lie  within  our  power,  for  it  is  connected  with  the  general  con 
ditions  of  the  historical  and  cosmical  process.  It  cannot  therefore 
be  the  object  of  moral  duty,  rule,  or  law.  What  is  binding  upon 
us,  and  what  has  moral  significance,  is  our  inner  relation  to  this 
fundamental  expression  of  the  carnal  life.  We  must  regard  it  as 
an  evil,  be  determined  not  to  submit  to  that  evil,  and,  so  far  as  in 
us  lies,  conscientiously  carry  out  this  determination.  From  this 
point  of  view  we  may  of  course  judge  our  external  actions,  but 
we  may  only  do  so  because  we  know  their  connection  with  their 
inner  moral  conditions  ;  other  people's  actions  in  this  sphere  we 
may  not  judge — we  may  only  judge  their  principles.  As  a 
principle  the  affirmation  of  the  carnal  relation  of  the  sexes  is  in 
any  case  an  evil.  Man's  final  acceptance  of  the  kingdom  of 
death  which  is  maintained  and  perpetuated  by  carnal  repro 
duction  deserves  absolute  condemnation.  Such  is  the  positive 
Christian  point  of  view  which  decides  this  all-important  ques 
tion  according  to  the  spirit  and  not  according  to  the  letter, 
and  consequently  without  any  external  exclusiveness.  "  He 
that  is  able  to  receive  it,  let  him  receive  it."  Marriage  is 
approved  and  sanctified,  child-bearing  is  blessed,  and  celibacy 
is  praised  as  c  the  condition  of  the  angels.'  But  this  very  de 
signation  of  it  as  angelic  seems  to  suggest  a  third  and  higher 


path — the  divine.     For    man   in   his  ultimate  destiny  is  higher 
than  the  angels.1 

If  the  Divine  Wisdom,  according  to  its  wont,  brings  forth 
out  of  evil  a  greater  good  and  uses  our  carnal  sins  for  the  sake  of 
perfecting  humanity  by  means  of  new  generations,xthis,  of  course, 
tends  to  its  glory  and  to  our  comfort,  but  not  to  our  justification. 
It  treats  in  exactly  the  same  way  all  other  evils,  but  this  fact 
cancels  neither  the  distinction  between  good  and  evil  nor  the 
obligatoriness  of  the  former  for  us.  Besides,  the  idea  that  the 
preaching  of  sexual  abstinence,  however  energetic  and  successful, 
may  prematurely  stop  the  propagation  of  the  human  race  and  lead 
to  its  annihilation  is  so  absurd  that  one  may  justly  doubt  the 
sincerity  of  those  who  profess  to  hold  it.  It  is  not  likely  that 
any  one  can  seriously  fear  this  particular  danger  for  humanity. 
So  long  as  the  change  of  generations  is  necessary  for  the  develop 
ment  of  the  human  kind,  the  taste  for  bringing  that  change  about 
will  certainly  not  disappear  in  men.  But  in  any  case,  the  moment 
when  all  men  will  finally  overcome  the  fleshly  lust  and  become 
entirely  chaste — even  if  that  moment,  per  impossibile^  came  to 
morrow — will  be  the  end  of  the  historical  process  and  the  begin 
ning  of  'the  life  to  come'  for  all  humanity;  so  that  the  very 
idea  of  child-bearing  coming  to  an  end  *  too  soon '  is  absolute 
nonsense,  invented  by  hypocrites.  As  if  any  one,  in  surrendering 
to  the  desire  of  the  flesh,  had  ever  thought  of  safeguarding  thereby 
the  future  of  humanity  !  2 


All  the  rules  of  ascetic  morality  in  the  sphere  of  the  bodily 
life — to  acquire  power  over  breathing  and  sleep,  to  be  temperate  in 
food  and  to  abstain  from  fleshly  lust — have  essentially  an  inward 
and  morally  psychological  character,  as  rules  for  the  will ;  but 
owing  to  the  difference  in  their  objects  they  do  not  stand  in  the 

1  See  Smysl  liub-vi  (The  Meaning  of  Love]  and  also  Zhlznennaya  drama  Platona  (The 
Drama  of  Plato's  Life}. 

2  I  am  not  speaking  here  of  the  marriage  union  in  its  highest  spiritual  sense,  which 
has  nothing  to  do  either  with  the  sin  of  the  flesh  or  with   child-bearing,  but  is  the 
pattern  of  the  most  perfect  union  between  beings  :   "  This  is  a  great  mystery  ;  but  I 
speak  concerning    Christ   and    the    Church."     Concerning  this  mystical    meaning  of 
marriage  see  The  Meaning  of  Love. 


same  relation  to  the  psychological  side  of  the  carnal  life.  The 
first  and  partly  the  second  rule  (with  regard  to  breathing  and 
sleep)  have  for  their  object  purely  physiological  functions  which 
are  not,  as  such,  hostile  to  the  spirit,  nor  a  source  of  danger  to  it. 
The  spirit  simply  wants  to  control  them  for  the  sake  of  increas 
ing  its  own  power  for  the  more  important  struggle  before  it. 
Nutrition  and  reproduction — and  consequently  the  ascetic  rules 
with  regard  to  them — have  a  different  character.  The  positive 
feeling  of  pleasure  which  accompanies  these  functions  may 
become  an  end  for  the  will,  bind  the  spiritual  forces  and  draw 
them  into  the  stream  of  the  carnal  life.  The  latter  of  the  two 
functions  is  particularly  incompatible  (under  ordinary  conditions) 
with  the  preservation  of  spiritual  self-control.  On  the  other 
hand,  breathing  and  sleep  are  merely  processes  in  our  own 
organism,  while  nutrition  and  reproduction  are  connected  with 
external  objects  which,  apart  from  their  actual  existence  and 
relation  to  us,  may,  as  subjective  presentations^  dominate  the 
imagination  and  the  will  and  encroach  on  the  domain  of  the 
spirit ;  hence  the  necessity  of  ascetic  struggle  with  the  inward 
sins  of  the  flesh,  still  more  shameful  than  the  outward.  An 
epicure  whose  mouth  waters  at  the  very  idea  of  recherche  dishes, 
no  doubt  falls  away  from  human  dignity  more  than  a  person 
who  indulges  himself  at  the  table  without  particularly  thinking 
about  the  matter. 

In  this  sense  the  ascetic  attitude  to  the  nutritive  and  the 
sexual  functions  belongs  to  the  psychological  and  not  to  the 
physiological  side  of  the  struggle  between  the  flesh  and  the 
spirit.  The  struggle  in  this  case  is  not  against  the  functions  of 
the  organism  as  such,  but  against  the  states  of  the  soul — gluttony, 
drunkenness,  sensuality.  These  sinful  propensities,  which  may 
become  passions  and  vices,  are  on  a  level  with  evil  emotions  such 
as  anger,  envy,  cupidity,  etc.  The  latter  passions,  which  are  evil 
and  not  merely  shameful^  fall  within  the  province  of  altruistic 
and  not  of  ascetic  morality,  for  they  involve  a  certain  relation 
to  one's  neighbours.  But  there  are  some  general  rules  for  the 
inner,  morally-psychological  struggle  with  sinful  inclinations  as 
such,  whether  they  refer  to  other  men  or  to  our  own  material 

The  inner  process  in  and  through  which  an  evil  desire  takes 


possession  of  the  self  has  three  main  stages.  To  begin  with, 
there  arises  in  the  mind  the  idea  of  some  object  or  some  action 
which  corresponds  to  one  of  the  bad  propensities  of  our  nature. 
This  idea  causes  the  spirit  to  reflect  upon  it.  At  that  first  stage 
a  simple  act  of  will  rejecting  such  reflection  is  sufficient.  The 
spirit  must  simply  show  its  firmness  or  impermeability  to  foreign 
elements.1  If  this  is  not  done,  the  reflection  develops  into  an 
imaginary  picture  of  this  or  that  nature — sensual,  vindictive, 
vain,  and  so  on.2  This  picture  forces  the  mind  to  attend  to  it, 
and  cannot  be  got  rid  of  by  a  mere  negative  act  of  will ;  it  is 
necessary  to  draw  the  mind  away  by  thinking  in  the  opposite 
direction  (for  instance,  by  thinking  about  death).  But  if  at  this 
second  stage  the  mind,  instead  of  being  drawn  away  from  the 
picture  of  sin,  dwells  upon  it  and  identifies  itself  with  it, 
then  the  third  moment  inevitably  comes  when  not  only  the 
mind,  secretly  impelled  by  the  evil  desire,  but  the  whole  spirit 
gives  itself  up  to  the  sinful  thought  and  enjoys  it.  Neither  a 
rejecting  act  of  will  nor  a  distracting  reflection  of  the  mind 
can  then  save  the  spirit  from  bondage — practical  moral  work 
is  necessary  to  re-establish  the  inner  equilibrium  in  the  whole 
man.  Otherwise  the  victory  of  the  sinful  emotion  over  the 
spirit  will  become  a  passion  and  a  vice.  Man  will  lose  his 
rational  freedom,  and  moral  rules  will  lose  their  power  over 

1  Ecclesiastical  writers  describe  this  rule  as  "dashing  the  babes  of  Babylon  against 
the  stones,"  following  the  allegorical  line  in  the  Psalms  :  "  O  daughter  of  Babylon  who 
art  to  be  destroyed  ;  happy  shall  he  be  that  taketh   and   dashes  thy  little  ones  against 
the  stones"  (Babylon  =  the  kingdom  of  sin;  a  babe  of  Babylon  =  a  sin  conceived  in 
thought  and  as  yet  undeveloped  ;  stone  =  the  firmness  of  faith). 

2  When  one  is  young  and  has  a  lively  imagination  and  little  spiritual  experience, 
the  evil  thought  develops  very  rapidly,  and,  reaching  absurd   proportions,  calls  forth  "a 
strong  moral  reaction.     Thus  you  think  of   a  person  you  dislike,  and   experience  a 
slight  emotion  of  injury,  indignation,  and  anger.     If  you  do  not  immediately  dash  this 
'babe  of  Babylon'  against  the  stones,  your  imagination,  obedient  to  the  evil  passion,  will 
immediately  draw  a  vivid  picture  before  you.      You  meet  your  enemy  and  put  him  into 
an  awkward  position.      All  his  worthlessness  is  exposed.     You  experience  the  -velhitas  of 
magnanimity,  but  the  passion  is  roused  and  overwhelms  you.     At  first  you  keep  within 
the  limits  of  good  breeding.     You  make  subtly  stinging  remarks  which,  however,  soon 
become  more  stinging  than  subtle  ;  then  you  '  insult  him  verbally,'  and  then  you  'assault 
him.'     Your  devilishly  strong  fist  deals  victorious  blows.     The  scoundrel  is  felled  to  the 
ground,  the  scoundrel  is  killed,  and  you  dance  on  his  corpse  like  a  cannibal.     One  can 
go  no  further — nothing  is  left  but  to  cross  oneself  and  renounce  it  all  in  disgust. 


Ethics    is    the    hygiene    and    not    the    therapeutics    of    the 
spiritual  life. 


The  supremacy  of  the  spirit  over   the   flesh  is  necessary  in 
order  to  preserve  the  moral  dignity  of  man.     The  principle  of 
true    asceticism    is    the    principle    of   spiritual    self-preservation. 
But  the  inner  self-preservation  of  a  separate  man,  of  a  being  who, 
though  spiritual  (i.e.  possessing  reason  and  will),  is  nevertheless 
limited  or  relative  in  his  separateness,  cannot  be  the  absolute  good  or 
the  supreme  and  final  end  of  life.     The  slavery  of  man  to  fleshly 
desires  in  the  wide  sense  of  the  term,  i.e.  to  all  that  is  senseless 
and   contrary  to  reason,  transforms   him  into  the  worst   species 
of  animal,   and   is,   no   doubt,  evil.     In   this   sense  no  one  can 
honestly  argue  against  asceticism,  that  is,  against  self-restraint  as 
a  principle.     Every  one  agrees  that  incapacity  to  resist  animal 
instincts  is  a  weakness  of  the  spirit,  shameful  for  a  human  being, 
and  therefore  bad.     The  capacity   for  such    resistance    or    self- 
restraint  is  then  a  good,  and  must  be  accepted  as  a  norm  from 
which  definite  rules  of  conduct  may  be  deduced.     On  this  point, 
as  on  others,  moral  philosophy  merely  explains  and  elaborates  the 
testimony  of  ordinary  human    consciousness.     Apart   from  any 
principles,  gluttony,  drunkenness,  lewdness  immediately  call  forth 
disgust  and  contempt,  and  abstinence  from  these  vices  meets  with 
instinctive  respect,  i.e.  is  acknowledged  as  a  good.     This  good, 
however,  taken  by  itself,  is  not  absolute.     The  power  of  the  spirit 
over  the  flesh,  or  the  strength  of  will  acquired  by  rightful  abstin 
ence,  may  be  used  for  immoral  purposes.    A  strong  will  may  be  evil. 
A  man  may  suppress  his  lower  nature  in  order  to  boast  or  to  pride 
himself  on  his  superior  power  j  such  a  victory  of  the  spirit  is  not 
a  good.     It  is  still  worse  if  the  self-control  of  the  spirit  and  the 
concentration  of  the  will  are  used  to  the  detriment  of  other  people, 
even  apart  from  the  purposes  of  low  gain.     Asceticism  has  been, 
and  is,  successfully   practised    by  men   given    to  spiritual  pride, 
hypocrisy,  and  vanity,  and  even  by  vindictive,  cruel,  and  selfish 
men.     According  to  the  general  verdict,  such  an  ascetic  is  in  the 
moral  sense  far  inferior  to  a  simple-hearted  drunkard  or  glutton  or 
to  a  kind  profligate.    Asceticism  in  itself  is  not  necessarily  a  good, 


and  cannot  therefore  be  the  supreme  or  the  absolute  principle  of 
morality.  The  true  (the  moral)  ascetic  acquires  control  over  the 
flesh,  not  simply  for  the  sake  of  increasing  the  powers  of  the  spirit, 
but  for  furthering  the  realisation  of  the  Good.  Asceticism  which 
liberates  the  spirit  from  shameful  (carnal)  passions  only  to  attach 
it  more  closely  to  evil  (spiritual)  passions  is  obviously  a  false  or 
immoral  asceticism.1  Its  true  prototype,  according  to  the  Christian 
idea,  is  the  devil,  who  does  not  eat  or  drink  and  remains  in  celibacy. 
If,  then,  from  the  moral  point  of  view  we  cannot  approve  of  a 
wicked  or  a  pitiless  ascetic,  it  follows  that  the  principle  of  asceticism 
has  only  a  relative  moral  significance,  namely,  that  it  is  conditioned 
by  its  connection  with  the  principle  of  altruism,  the  root  of  which 
is  pity.  I  now  pass  to  consider  this  second  moral  principle. 

1  If  the  suppression  of  the  flesh  is  taken  not  as  a  means  for  good  or  evil  but  as  an 
end  in  itself,  we  get  a  peculiar  kind  of  false  asceticism  which  identifies  flesh  with  the 
physical  body,  and  considers  every  bodily  torment  a  virtue.  Although  this  false  asceticism 
of  self-laceration  has  no  evil  purpose  to  begin  with,  in  its  further  development  it  easily 
becomes  an  evil :  it  either  proves  to  be  a  slow  suicide  or  becomes  a  peculiar  kind  of 
sensuality.  It  would  be  unwise,  however,  thus  to  condemn  all  cases  of  self- laceration. 
Natures  that  have  a  particularly  strong  material  life  may  require  heroic  means  for  its 
suppression.  One  mustnot  therefore  indiscriminately  condemn  Stylitism,  fetters,and  other 
similar  means  of  mortifying  the  flesh  that  were  in  use  in  the  heroic  times  of  asceticism. 



IT  has  for  a  long  time  been  thought — and  many  are  beginning  to 
think  so  again — that  the  highest  virtue  or  holiness  is  to  be  found 
in  asceticism  and  c  mortification  of  the  flesh,'  in  suppressing  natural 
inclinations  and  affections,  in  abstinence  and  freedom  from 
passions.  We  have  seen  that  this  ideal  undoubtedly  contains  some 
truth,  for  it  is  clear  that  the  higher  or  the  spiritual  side  of 
man  must  dominate  the  lower  or  the  material.  The  efforts  of 
will  in  this  direction  are  acts  of  spiritual  self-preservation  and  are 
the  first  condition  of  all  morality.  The  first  condition^  however, 
cannot  be  taken  to  be  the  ultimate  end.  Man  must  strengthen  his 
spirit  and  subordinate  his  flesh,  not  because  this  is  the  purpose  of 
his  life,  but  because  it  is  only  when  he  is  free  from  the  bondage  to 
blind  and  evil  material  desires  that  he  can  serve  truth  and  goodness 
in  the  right  way  and  attain  real  perfection. 

The  rules  of  abstinence  strengthen  the  spiritual  power  of  the 
man  who  practises  them.  But  in  order  that  the  strong  spirit 
may  have  moral  worth — i.e.  that  it  may  be  good  and  not  evil — it 
must  unite  the  power  over  its  own  flesh  with  a  rightful  and 
charitable  attitude  to  other  beings.  History  has  shown  that,  apart 
from  this  condition,  the  supremacy  of  the  ascetic  principle,  even 
when  combined  with  a  true  religion,  leads  to  terrible  conse 
quences.  The  ministers  of  the  Mediaeval  Church,  who  used  to 
torture  and  burn  heretics,  Jews,  sorcerers  and  witches,  were  for  the 
most  part  men  irreproachable  from  the  ascetic  point  of  view.  But 
the  one-sided  force  of  the  spirit  and  the  absence  of  pity  made 
them  devils  incarnate.  The  bitter  fruits  of  mediaeval  asceticism 



sufficiently  justify  the  reaction  against  it,  which,  in  the  sphere  of 
moral  philosophy,  has  led  to  the  supremacy  of  the  altruistic  principle 
in  morality. 

This  principle  is  deeply  rooted  in  our  being  in  the  form  of 
the  feeling  of  pity  which  man  has  in  common  with  other  living 
creatures.  If  the  feeling  of  shame  differentiates  man  from  the 
rest  of  nature  and  distinguishes  him  from  other  animals,  the  feel 
ing  of  pity,  on  the  contrary,  unites  him  with  the  whole  world  of 
the  living.  It  does  so  in  a  double  sense  :  in  the  first  place 
because  man  shares  it  with  all  other  living  creatures,  and  secondly 
because  all  living  creatures  can  and  must  be  the  objects  of  that 
feeling  to  man. 


That  the  natural  basis  of  our  moral  relation  to  others  is  the 
feeling  of  pity  or  compassion,  and  not  the  feeling  of  unity  or 
solidarity  in  general,  is  a  truth  which  is  independent  of  any 
system  of  metaphysics  l  and  in  no  way  involves  a  pessimistic  view 
of  the  world  and  of  life.  As  is  well  known,  Schopenhauer  main 
tains  that  the  ultimate  nature  of  the  universe  is  Will,  and  will  is 
essentially  a  state  of  dissatisfaction  (for  satisfaction  implies  that 
there  is  nothing  to  wish  for).  Hence  dissatisfaction  or  suffering 
is  the  fundamental  and  positive  determination  of  all  existence  in 
its  inward  aspect,  and  the  inner  moral  bond  between  beings  is 
compassion.  But  altogether  apart  from  this  doubtful  theory 
— and  the  equally  doubtful  calculations  of  Hartmann,  who  tries 
to  prove  that  the  amount  of  pain  in  humanity  is  incomparably 
greater  than  the  amount  of  pleasure — we  find  that  from  the  nature 
of  the  case  the  only  basis  of  the  moral  relation  to  other  beings  is, 
as  a  matter  of  principle^  to  be  found  in  pity  or  compassion,  and 
certainly  not  in  co-rejoicing  or  co-pleasure. 

Human  delight,  pleasure,  and  joy  may  of  course  be  innocent 
and  even  positively  good — and  in  that  case  sharing  in  them  has 
a  positive  moral  character.  But,  on  the  other  hand,  human 
pleasures  may  be,  and  often  are,  immoral.  A  wicked  and  vindictive 
man  finds  pleasure  in  insulting  and  tormenting  those  near  him, 
rejoices  in  their  humiliation,  delights  in  the  harm  he  has  done. 

1  Such  as  the  doctrine  of  Buddhism  or  Schopenhauer's  '  Philosophy  of  the  Will.' 


A  sensual  man  finds  the  chief  joy  of  life  in  profligacy  ;  a  cruel  man 
in  killing  animals  or  even  human  beings ;  a  drunkard  is  happy 
when  he  is  stupefying  himself  with  drink,  etc.  In  all  these  cases  the 
feeling  of  pleasure  cannot  be  separated  from  the  bad  actions  which 
produce  it,  and  sometimes,  indeed,  the  pleasure  gives  an  immoral 
character  to  actions  which  would  in  themselves  be  indifferent. 
Thus  when  a  soldier  in  war  kills  an  enemy  at  the  word  of  command 
from  no  other  motive  than  '  his  duty  as  a  soldier,'  no  one  would 
accuse  him  of  immoral  cruelty,  whatever  our  attitude  to  war  might 
be.  But  it  is  a  different  thing  if  he  finds  pleasure  in  killing  and 
bayonets  a  man  with  relish.  In  more  simple  cases  the  thing  is 
clearer  still ;  thus  it  is  obvious  that  the  immorality  of  drunkenness 
consists  not  in  the  external  action  of  swallowing  certain  drinks  but 
in  the  inner  pleasure  which  a  man  finds  in  artificially  stupefying 

But  if  a  certain  pleasure  is  in  itself  immoral,  the  participation 
in  it  by  another  person  (co-rejoicing,  co-pleasure)  also  receives  an 
immoral  character.  The  fact  is  that  positive  participation  in  a 

pleasure  implies  the  approval  of  that  pleasure.     Thus  in  sharing 

"^*-j1P%t-—  ^a]Uu_ 
the   drunkard's  .defight  Tn '  nis    ravourite    pleasure  I  approve    of 

drunkenness  ;  in  sharing  somebody's  joy  at  successful  revenge 
I  approve  of  vindictiveness.  And  since  these  pleasures  are  bad 
pleasures,  those  who  sympathise  with  them  approve  of  what  is 
evil,  and  consequently  are  themselves  guilty  of  immorality.  Just 
as  participation  in  a  crime  is  itself  regarded  as  a  crime,  so 
sympathy  with  vicious  pleasure  or  delight  must  itself  be  pro 
nounced  vicious.  And  indeed  sympathy  with  an  evil  pleasure 
not  only  involves  an  approval  of  it,  but  also  presupposes  the  same 
bad  propensity  in  the  sympathiser.  Only  a  drunkard  delights  in 
another  person's  drunkenness,  only  a  vindictive  man  rejoices  in 
another's  revenge.  Participation  in  the  pleasures  or  joys  of  others 
may  then  be  good  or  bad  according  to  their  object  ;  and  if  it  may 
be  immoral,  it  cannot  as  such  be  the  basis  of  the  moral  relation. 

The  same  thing  cannot  be  said  about  suffering  and  compas 
sion.  According  to  the  very  idea  of  it,  suffering  is  a  state  in 
which  the  will  of  the  one  who  suffers  has  no  direct  and  positive 
part.  When  we  speak  of  '  voluntary  suffering,'  we  mean,  not 
that  suffering  is  desired  as  such,  but  that  the  object  of  will  is 
that  which  makes  suffering  necessary,  in  other  words,  that  the 


object  of  will  is  the  good  which  is  attained  by  suffering.  A 
martyr  undergoes  torments,  not  for  their  own  sake,  but  because 
in  the  circumstances  they  are  a  necessary  consequence  of  his 
faith  and 'a  means  to  higher  glory  and  to  the  kingdom  of 
heaven.  On  the  other  hand,  suffering  may  be  deserved,  i.e. 
its  cause  may  lie  in  bad  actions  ;  but  the  suffering  as  such  is 
distinct  from  its  cause  and  contains  no  moral  guilt  ;  on  the 
contrary,  it  is  regarded  as  its  expiation  and  redemption.  Though 
drunkenness  is  a  sin,  no  moralist,  however  stern,  would  pronounce 
the  headache  that  results  from  drinking  to  be  a  sin  also.  For 
this  reason  participation  in  the  suffering  of  others  (even  when 
they  deserve  it) — i.e.  pity  or  compassion — can  never  be  immoral. 
In  commiserating  with  one  who  suffers  I  do  not  in  the  least 
approve  of  the  evil  cause  of  his  suffering.1  Pity  for  the  criminal's 
suffering  does  not  mean  approval  or  justification  of  his  crime. 
On  the  contrary,  the  greater  my  pity  for  the  sad  consequences  of 
a  man's  sin,  the  greater  my  condemnation  of  the  sin. 

Participation  in  the  pleasures  of  others  may  always  have  an 
element  of  self-interest.  Even  in  the  case  of  an  old  man  sharing 
the  joy  of  a  child  doubt  may  be  felt  with  regard  to  the  altruistic 
nature  of  his  sentiment ;  for  in  any  case  it  is  pleasant  for  the  old 
,man  to  refresh  the  memory  of  his  own  happy  childhood.  On 
the  contrary,  all  genuine  feeling  of  regret  at  the  suffering  of 
others,  whether  moral  or  physical,  is  painful  for  the  person  who 
experiences  that  feeling,  and  is  therefore  opposed  to  his  egoism. 
This  is  clear  from  the  fact  that  sincere  grief  about  others  disturbs 
our  personal  joy,  damps  our  mirth,  that  is,  proves  to  be  in 
compatible  with  the  state  of  selfish  satisfaction.  Genuine  com 
passion  or  pity  can  have  no  selfish  motives  and  is  purely 
altruistic^  while  the  feeling  of  co-rejoicing  or  co-pleasure  is,  from 
the  moral  point  of  view,  a  mixed  and  indefinite  feeling. 

1  An  apparent  instance  to  the  contrary  is  the  case  of  a  person  sympathising  with 
another  who  is  grieved  at  the  failure  of  his  crime.  But,  in  truth,  even  in  this  case  in  so 
far  as  sympathy  arises  solely  out  of  pity  it  does  not  in  the  least  refer  to  the  bad  cause 
of  the  grief,  in  no  way  presupposes  an  approval  of  it,  and  therefore  is  good  and  innocent. 
But  if,  in  being  sorry  for  the  murderer  who  missed  his  aim,  I  also  deplore  his  failure, 
the  immorality  will  lie  not  in  my  pity  for  the  criminal,  but  in  my  lack  of  pity  for 
his  victim.  Speaking  generally,  when  several  persons  prove  to  be  at  one  in  some 
wrong,  the  moral  condemnation  refers  not  to  the  fact  of  their  solidarity,  but  only  to 
the  bad  object  of  it. 



There    is    another   reason   why   participation   in   the  joys  or 
pleasures  of  others  cannot  in  itself  have  the  same   fundamental 
importance    for    ethics    as    the    feeling    of  pity    or    compassion. 
The   demand   of  reason   is   that   morality   should   only   be   based 
upon   such    feelings   as   always   contain   an   impulse    for   definite 
action    and,    being    generalised,    give    rise    to    a    definite     moral 
principle  or  principles.     But  pleasure  or  joy  is  the  end  of  action  ; 
in  it  the  purpose  of  the  activity  is  reached,  and  participation  in 
the  pleasure  of  others   as  well  as  the  experience  of  one's   own 
pleasure  contains  no  impulse  and  no  ground  for  further  action. 
Pity,  on  the  contrary,  directly  urges  us  to  act  in  order  to  help  a 
fellow-being  and  to  save  him  from  suffering.     The  action  may 
be    purely    inward — thus  pity   for  my   enemy  may   prevent  me 
from  insulting  or  injuring  him — but  in  any  case  it  is  an  action, 
and  not  a  passive  state  like  joy  or  pleasure.     Of  course,  I  may  find 
inward  satisfaction  in  the  fact  that  I  did  not  hurt  my  neighbour, 
but  this  can  only  happen  after  the  act  of  will  has  taken  place. 
Similarly  in  the  case  of  rendering  help  to  a  fellow-being  who  is 
in  pain  or  in  need,  the  pleasure  or  joy  resulting  therefrom,  both 
for  him   and   for  the    person  who    helps  him,  is   only   the    final 
consequence  and  the  culmination  of  the  altruistic  act,  and  not 
its   source  or   its   ground.     If  I   see  or  hear  that   some  one  is 
suffering,  one  of  two  things  happens.     Either  that  other  person's 
suffering  calls  forth  in  me  also  a  certain  degree  of  pain  and   I 
experience    pity — in    which    case    that    feeling    is    a    direct    and 
sufficient  reason  for  me  to  render  active  help.     Or,  if  another's 
suffering    does    not    rouse    pity    in    me,    or    does    not    rouse    it 
sufficiently  to  incite  me  to  act,  the  idea  of  the  pleasure  which 
would  ensue  from  my  action  would  obviously  be  still  less  likely 
to  do  so.     It  is  clear  that  an  abstract  and  conditioned  thought 
of  a  future  mental  state  cannot  possibly  have  more  effect  than 
the  immediate  contemplation  or  concrete  representation  of  actual 
physical  and   mental  states  which  call  for  direct  action.     There 
fore  the  true  ground  or  the  producing  cause  (causa  efficient]   of 
every  altruistic  action  is  the  perception  or  the  idea  of  another 
person's  suffering  as  it  actually  exists  at  the  moment,  and  not 


the  thought  of  the  pleasure  which  may  arise  in  the  future  as 
the  result  of  the  benevolent  act.  Of  course,  if  a  person  decides 
out  of  pity  to  help  a  fellow- being  in  distress,  he  may,  if  he 
have  time  to  do  so,  imagine — especially  on  the  ground  of  the 
remembered  experiences  in  the  past — the  joy  he  will  thereby  give 
to  himself  and  to  that  other  person.  But  to  take  this  con 
comitant  and  accidental  thought  for  the  true  motive  of  action  is 
contrary  both  to  logic  and  to  psychological  experience. 

On  the  one  hand,  then,  participation  in  the  actual  joys  and 
pleasures  of  others  cannot  from  the  very  nature  of  the  case  contain 
either  a  stimulus  for  action  or  a  rule  of  conduct,  for  in  these 
states  satisfaction  is  already  attained.  On  the  other  hand,  a  con 
ditional  representation  of  future  pleasures,  which  are  supposed  to 
follow  upon  the  removal  of  the  suffering,  can  only  be  a  secondary 
and  an  indirect  addition  to  the  actual  feeling  of  compassion  or 
pity  which  moves  us  to  do  active  good.  Consequently  it  is  this 
feeling  alone  which  must  be  pronounced  to  be  the  true  ground 
of  altruistic  conduct. 

Those  who  pity  the  sufferings  of  others  will  certainly  partici 
pate  in  their  joys  and  pleasures  when  the  latter  are  harmless  and 
innocent.  But  this  natural  consequence  of  the  moral  relation  to 
others  cannot  be  taken  as  the  basis  of  morality.  That  alone  is 
truly  good  which  is  good  in  itself,  and  therefore  always  preserves 
its  good  character,  never  becoming  evil.  Therefore  the  morality 
(or  the  good)  in  any  given  sphere  of  relations  can  only  be  based 
upon  such  data  from  which  a  general  and  absolute  rule  of 
conduct  may  be  deduced.  Such  precisely  is  the  nature  of  pity 
towards  our  fellow-beings.  To  pity  all  that  suffers  is  always  and 
unconditionally  good ;  it  is  a  rule  that  requires  no  reservations. 
But  participation  in  the  joys  and  pleasures  of  others  may  be 
approved  conditionally  only,  and  even  when  it  is  laudable  it 
contains,  as  we  have  seen,  no  rule  of  conduct. 


The  unquestionable  and  familiar  fact  that  a  distinct  individual 
being  may,  as  it  were,  transcend  in  feeling  the  limits  of  his 
individuality,  and  respond  painfully  to  the  suffering  of  others, 
experiencing  it  as  if  it  were  his  own  pain,  may  appear  to  some 


minds  mysterious  and  enigmatic.  It  was  regarded  as  such  by  the 
philosopher  who  found  in  compassion  the  sole  foundation  of 

"  How  is  it  possible,"  he  asks,  "  that  suffering  which  is  not 
mine  should  become  an  immediate  motive  of  my  action  in  the 
same  way  as  my  own  suffering  does  ?  "  "  This  presupposes," 
he  goes  on,  "  that  I  have  to  a  certain  extent  identified  myself 
with  another,  and  that  the  barrier  between  the  self  and  the  not 
self  has  been  for  the  moment  removed.  It  is  then  only  that 
the  position  of  another,  his  want,  his  need,  his  suffering, 
immediately  (?)  becomes  mine.  I  no  longer  see  him  then  as  he  is 
given  me  in  empirical  perception — as  something  foreign  and 
indifferent  (?)  to  me,  as  something  absolutely  (?)  separate  from 
me.  On  the  contrary,  in  compassion  it  is  I  who  suffer  in  him, 
although  his  skin  does  not  cover  my  nerves.  Only  through 
such  identification  can  his  suffering,  his  need,  become  a  motive 
for  me  in  a  way  in  which  ordinarily  only  my  own  suffering  can. 
This  is  a  highly  mysterious  phenomenon — it  is  a  real  mystery 
of  Ethics,  for  it  is  something  for  which  reason  cannot  directly 
account  (? !)  and  the  grounds  of  which  cannot  be  discovered 
empirically.  And  yet  it  is  of  everyday  occurrence.  Each  has 
experienced  it  himself  and  seen  it  in  other  people.  It  happens 
every  day  before  our  eyes  on  a  small  scale  in  individual  cases 
every  time  that,  moved  by  an  immediate  impulse,  without 
any  further  reflection,  a  man  helps  another  and  defends  him, 
sometimes  risking  his  own  life  for  the  sake  of  a  person  whom 
he  sees  for  the  first  time,  thinking  of  nothing  but  the  obvious 
distress  and  need  of  that  person.  It  happens  on  a  large  scale  when 
a  whole  nation  sacrifices  its  blood  and  its  property  for  the  sake  of 
defending  or  setting  free  another,  oppressed,  nation.  For  such 
actions  to  deserve  unconditional  moral  approval,  it  is  necessary 
that  there  should  be  present  that  mysterious  act  of  compassion 
or  of  inner  identification  of  oneself  with  another,  without  any 
ulterior  motives."  * 

This  discussion  of  the  mysterious  character  of  compassion  is 
distinguished  by  literary  eloquence  more  than  by  philosophic 
truth.  The  mystery  is  not  to  be  found  in  the  fact  itself,  but 

1    Schopenhauer,    Die    beiden    Grundprobleme    der    Ethik,    2nd    ed.,    Leipzig,    1860, 
p.  230. 



is  due  to  a  false  description,  which  lays  exaggerated  emphasis 
on  the  extreme  terms  of  the  relation,  and  leaves  the  connecting 
links  between  them  entirely  out  of  account.  In  his  sphere 
Schopenhauer  abused  the  rhetorical  method  of  contrast  or 
antithesis  quite  as  much  as  Victor  Hugo  did  in  his.  The 
matter  is  described  in  such  a  way  as  if  a  given  being,  absolutely 
separate  from  another,  all  of  a  sudden  immediately  identified 
itself  with  that  other  in  the  feeling  of  compassion.  This 
would,  indeed,  be  highly  mysterious.  But,  in  truth,  neither 
the  absolute  separateness  nor  the  immediate  identification  of 
which  Schopenhauer  speaks  exists  at  all.  To  understand  any 
relation  one  must  take  first  the  earliest  and  most  elementary 
instance  of  it.  Take  the  maternal  instinct  of  animals.  When  a 
dog  defends  her  puppies  or  suffers  at  losing  them,  where  does 
all  the  mystery  of  which  Schopenhauer  speaks  come  in  ?  Are 
these  puppies  something  4  foreign  and  indifferent '  to  their  mother, 
and  'absolutely  separate'  from  her?  Between  her  and  them 
there  was  from  the  first  a  real  physical  and  organic  connection, 
clear  and  obvious  to  the  simplest  observation  and  independent 
of  all  metaphysics.  These  creatures  were  for  a  time  actually  a 
part  of  her  own  body,  her  nerves  and  theirs  had  been  covered  by 
one  and  the  same  skin,  and  the  very  beginning  of  their  existence 
involved  a  change  in  her  organism,  and  was  painfully  reflected 
in  her  sensations.1  At  birth  this  real  organic  connection  is 
weakened,  becomes  looser,  so  to  speak,  but  it  is  not  completely 
severed  or  replaced  by  'absolute  separateness.'  Therefore  the 
participation  of  a  mother  in  the  sufferings  of  her  children  is  as 
much  a  natural  fact  as  the  pain  we  feel  when  we  cut  a  finger 
or  dislocate  a  leg.  In  a  sense,  of  course,  this,  too,  is  mysterious — 
but  not  in  the  sense  in  which  the  philosopher  of  compassion 
takes  it  to  be.  Now  all  the  other  and  more  complex  manifesta 
tions  of  the  feeling  of  pity  have  a  similar  ground.  All  that 
exists,  and,  in  particular,  all  living  beings  are  connected  by  the 
fact  of  their  compresence  in  one  and  the  same  world,  and  by  the 
unity  of  origin  ;  all  spring  from  one  common  mother — nature, 

1  Certain  animals,  like  human  mothers,  have  been  observed  to  suffer  from  nausea 
a  conceftu.  The  maternal  feeling  established  on  the  physical  basis  may  afterwards,  like 
all  feelings,  be  diverted  from  its  natural  object  and  transferred  to  the  young  of  another 
animal  that  have  been  substituted  for  her  own. 


of  which  they  are  a  part ;  nowhere  do  we  find  the  l  absolute 
separateness '  of  which  Schopenhauer  speaks.  The  natural  organic 
connection  of  all  beings  as  parts  of  one  whole  is  given  in 
experience,  and  is  not  merely  a  speculative  idea.  Hence  the 
psychological  expression  of  that  connection — the  inner  partici 
pation  of  one  being  in  the  suffering  of  others,  compassion  or 
pity — can  be  understood  even  from  the  empirical  point  of  view 
as  the  expression  of  the  natural  and  obvious  solidarity  of  all 
that  exists.  This  participation  of  beings  in  one  another  is  in 
keeping  with  the  general  plan  of  the  universe,  is  in  harmony 
with  reason  or  perfectly  rational.  What  is  senseless  or  irrational 
is  the  mutual  estrangement  of  beings,  their  subjective  separate- 
ness,  contradictory  of  their  objective  unity.  It  is  this  inner 
egoism  and  not  the  mutual  sympathy  between  the  different  parts 
of  one  nature  that  really  is  mysterious  and  enigmatic.  Reason 
can  give  no  direct  account  of  it,  and  its  grounds  are  not  to 
be  found  empirically. 

Absolute  separateness  is  merely  affirmed  but  is  not  established 
by  egoism  ;  it  neither  does  nor  can  exist  as  a  fact.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  mutual  connection  between  beings  which  finds  its 
psychological  expression  in  sympathy  or  pity  is  certainly  not  of 
the  nature  of  immediate  identification  as  Schopenhauer  takes  it 
to  be.  When  I  am  sorry  for  my  friend  who  has  a  headache  the 
feeling  of  sympathy  does  not  as  a  rule  become  a  headache.  So  far 
from  my  being  identified  with  him  even  our  states  remain  distinct, 
and  I  clearly  distinguish  my  head,  which  does  not  ache,  from  his, 
which  does.  Also,  so  far  as  I  am  aware,  it  has  never  happened  that  a 
compassionate  man,  who  jumps  into  the  water  to  save  another  from 
drowning,  should  take  that  other  person  for  himself  or  himself  for 
that  other.  Even  a  hen — a  creature  more  noted  for  her  maternal 
instinct  than  for  intelligence — clearly  understands  the  distinction 
between  herself  and  her  chicks,  and,  therefore,  behaves  in  relation 
to  them  in  a  certain  way,  which  would  be  impossible  if  in  her 
maternal  compassion  *  the  barrier  between  the  self  and  the  not  self 
were  removed.'  If  this  were  the  case,  the  hen  might  confuse  herself 
with  her  chickens,  and,  when  hungry,  might  ascribe  that  sensation 
to  them  and  start  feeding  them,  although  in  reality  they  were 
satisfied  and  she  almost  starving  ;  or,  another  time,  she  might  feed 
herself  at  their  expense.  In  truth,  in  all  these  real  cases  of  pity, 


the  barriers  between  the  being  who  pities  and  those  whom  it  pities 
are  not  removed  at  all ;  they  simply  prove  not  to  be  so  absolute 
and  impermeable  as  the  abstract  reflection  of  scholastic  philosophers 
would  make  them. 

The  removal  of  barriers  between  the  self  and  the  not  self  or 
immediate  identification  is  merely  a  figure  of  speech  and  not  an 
expression  of  real  fact.  Like  the  vibration  of  chords  that  sound 
in  unison,  so  the  bond  of  compassion  between  living  beings  is  not 
simply  identity  but  harmony  of  the  similar.  From  this  point  of 
view,  too,  the  fundamental  moral  fact  of  pity  or  compassion  com 
pletely  corresponds  to  the  real  nature  of  things  or  to  the  meaning 
of  the  universe.  For  the  indissoluble  oneness  of  the  world  is  not 
a  mere  empty  unity,  but  embraces  the  whole  range  of  determinate 

As  befits  an  ultimate  moral  principle,  the  feeling  of  pity  has  no 
external  limits  for  its  application.  Starting  with  the  narrow  sphere 
of  maternal  love,  strongly  developed  even  in  the  higher  animals, 
it  may,  in  the  case  of  man,  as  it  gradually  becomes  wider,  pass 
from  the  family  to  the  clan  and  the  tribe,  to  the  civic  com 
munity,  the  entire  nation,  to  all  humanity,  and  finally  embrace  all 
that  lives.  In  individual  cases,  when  confronted  with  actual  pain 
or  need,  we  may  actively  pity  not  only  every  man — though  belong 
ing  to  a  different  race  or  religion — but  even  every  animal ;  this  is 
beyond  dispute  and  is,  indeed,  quite  usual.  Less  usual  is  such  a 
breadth  of  compassion  which,  without  any  obvious  reason,  at  once 
embraces  in  a  keen  feeling  of  pity  all  the  multitude  of  living  beings 
in  the  universe.  It  is  difficult  to  susp'ect  of  artificial  rhetoric  or 
exaggerated  pathos  the  following  description  of  universal  pity  as  an 
actual  mental  state — very  unlike  the  state  of  the  so-called  '  world- 
woe  '  (Weltschmerz}.  "  And  I  was  asked  what  is  a  pitying  heart  ? 
And  I  answered  :  the  glow  in  a  man's  heart  for  all  creation,  for 
men,  for  birds,  for  animals,  for  demons^  and  for  creatures  of  all 
kinds.  When  he  thinks  of  them  or  looks  upon  them,  his  eyes 
gush  with  tears.  Great  and  poignant  pity  possesses  him  and  his 
heart  is  wrung  with  suffering,  and  he  cannot  bear  either  to  hear 
or  to  see  any  harm  or  grief  endured  by  any  creature.  And  hence 
every  hour  he  prays  with  tears  even  for  the  dumb  beasts,  and  for 


the  enemies  of  truth  and  those  who  do  him  wrong,  that  God  may 
preserve  them  and  have  mercy  on  them  ;  and  for  all  of  the 
crawling  kind  he  prays  with  great  pity  which  rises  up  in  his  heart 
beyond  measure  so  that  in  that  he  is  made  like  to  God."  l 

In  this  description  of  the  fundamental  altruistic  motive  in  its 
highest  form  we  find  neither  '  immediate  identification '  nor 
'  removing  the  barriers  between  the  self  and  the  not  se/f.'  It 
differs  from  Schopenhauer's  account  like  living  truth  from  literary 
eloquence.  These  words  of  the  Christian  writer  also  prove  that 
there  is  no  need,  as  Schopenhauer  mistakenly  thought,  to  turn  to 
Indian  dramas  or  to  Buddhism  in  order  to  learn  the  prayer  'May 
all  that  lives  be  free  from  suffering.' 


The  universal  consciousness  of  humanity  decidedly  pronounces 
pity  to  be  a  good  thing.  A  person  who  manifests  this  feeling  is  called 
good ;  the  more  deeply  he  experiences  and  the  more  he  acts  upon 
it,  the  more  good  he  is  considered  to  be.  A  pitiless  man  more  than 
any  other  is  called  wicked.  It  does  not  follow,  however,  that  the 
whole  of  morality  or  the  essence  of  all  good  can  be  reduced,  as  it 
often  is,  to  compassion  or  '  sympathetic  feeling.' 

"  Boundless  compassion  to  all  living  beings,"  observes 
Schopenhauer,  "  is  the  surest  guarantee  of  moral  conduct  and 
requires  no  casuistry.  The  man  who  is  full  of  that  feeling  will  be 
certain  not  to  injure  any  one,  not  to  cause  suffering  to  any  one  ;  all 
his  actions  will  be  sure  to  bear  the  stamp  of  truth  and  mercy.  Let 
any  one  say, 'This  man  is  virtuous,  but  he  knows  no  compassion,'  or 
'He  is  an  unrighteous  and  wicked  man,  but  he  is  very  compassionate,' 
and  the  contradiction  will  be  at  once  apparent." ;  These  words 
are  only  true  with  considerable  reservations.  There  is  no  doubt 
that  pity  or  compassion  is  a  real  basis  of  morality,  but  Schopenhauer's 
obvious  mistake  is  in  regarding  that  feeling  as  the  only  foundation 
of  all  morality.3 

1  The  Sayings  of  the  Holy  Father  Isaac  the  Syrian,  Hermit  and  Ascetic,  Bishop  of  the 
City  of  Ninety,  p.  277. 

2  Die  beiden  Grundprobleme  der  Ethik,  2nd  ed.,  p.  23. 

3  It  is  all  the  more  necessary  for  me  to  indicate  this  important  error  of  the  fashionable 
philosopher  as  I  myself  was  guilty  of  it  when  I  wrote  my  dissertation  Kritika  otvletchonnih 
natchal  (The  Critique  of  Abstract  Principles}. 


In  truth  it  is  only  one  of  the  three  ultimate  principles  of 
morality  and  it  has  a  definite  sphere  of  application,  namely,  it 
determines  our  rightful  relation  to  other  beings  in  our  world.  Pity 
is  the  only  true  foundation  of  altruism^  but  altruism  and  morality 
are  not  identical :  the  former  is  only  a  part  of  the  latter.  It  is 
true  that  '  boundless  compassion  for  all  living  beings  is  the  surest 
and  most  secure  foundation,'  not  of  moral  action  in  general,  as 
Schopenhauer  mistakenly  affirms,  but  of  moral  action  in  relation 
to  other  beings  who  are  the  object  of  compassion.  This  relation 
however,  important  as  it  is,  does  not  exhaust  the  whole  of  morality. 
Besides  the  relation  to  his  fellow-men,  man  stands  also  in  a  certain 
relation  to  his  own  material  nature  and  to  the  higher  principles 
of  all  existence,  and  these  relations,  too,  require  to  be  morally 
determined  so  that  the  good  in  them  may  be  distinguished  from 
the  evil.  A  man  who  is  full  of  pity  will  certainly  not  injure  or 
cause  suffering  to  any  one — that  is,  he  will  not  injure  any  one  else^ 
but  he  may  very  well  injure  himself  by  indulging  in  carnal  passions 
which  lower  his  human  dignity.  In  spite  of  a  most  compassionate 
heart  one  may  be  inclined  to  profligacy  and  other  low  vices,  which, 
though  not  opposed  to  compassion,  are  opposed  to  morality — and 
this  fact  shows  that  the  two  ideas  do  not  coincide.  Schopenhauer 
rightly  insists  that  one  cannot  say,  l  This  man  is  malicious  and  un 
just,  but  he  is  very  compassionate  ' ;  curiously  enough,  however,  he 
forgets  that  one  may,  and  often  has  to  say,  c  So  and  so  is  a  sensual 
and  dissolute  man — a  profligate,  a  glutton,  a  drunkard — but  he  is 
very  kind-hearted ' ;  equally  familiar  is  the  phrase,  '  Although  so 
and  so  lives  an  exemplary  asceti.c  life,  he  is  pitiless  to  his  neighbours.' 
This  means  that  on  the  one  hand  the  virtue  of  abstinence  is  possible 
apart  from  pity,  and  on  the  other  that  although  strongly  developed 
sympathetic  feelings — pity,  kindness — exclude  the  possibility  of 
evil  actions  in  the  narrow  sense  of  the  term,  i.e.  cruel  actions 
directly  hurtful  to  others,  they  do  not  by  any  means  prevent 
shameful  actions.  And  yet  such  actions  are  not  morally  indifferent 
even  from  the  altruistic  point  of  view.  A  kind  drunkard  and 
profligate  may  be  sorry  for  other  people  and  never  wish  to  hurt  them, 
yet  by  his  vice  he  certainly  injures  not  only  himself  but  his  family, 
which  he  may  finally  ruin  without  the  least  intention  of  doing  them 
harm.  If  then  pity  does  not  prevent  such  conduct,  our  inward 
opposition  to  it  must  be  founded  upon  another  aspect  of  our  moral 


nature,  namely,  upon  the  feeling  of  shame.  The  rules  of 
asceticism1  spring  from  it  in  the  same  way  as  the  rules  of  altruism 
develop  out  of  the  feeling  of  pity. 


The  true  essence  of  pity  or  compassion  is  certainly  not  the 
immediate  identification  of  oneself  with  another,  but  the  re 
cognition  of  the  inherent  worth  of  that  other — the  recognition  of 
his  right  to  existence  and  to  possible  welfare.  When  I  pity 
another  man  or  animal,  I  do  not  confuse  myself  with  him  or  take 
him  for  myself  and  myself  for  him.  I  merely  see  in  him  a 
creature  that  is  akin  and  similar  to  me,  with  a  consciousness  like 
mine,  and  wishing,  like  I  do,  to  live  and  to  enjoy  the  good  things 
of  life.  In  admitting  my  own  right  to  the  fulfilment  of  such 
a  desire,  I  admit  it  in  the  case  of  others  ;  being  painfully  con 
scious  of  every  violation  of  this  right  in  relation  to  me,  of  every 
injury  to  myself,  I  respond  in  like  manner  to  the  violation  of  the 
rights  of  others,  to  the  injury  of  others.  Pitying  myself,  I  pity 
others.  When  I  see  a  suffering  creature  I  do  not  identify  or 
confuse  it  with  myself,  I  merely  imagine  myself  in  its  place  and, 
admitting  its  likeness  to  myself,  compare  its  states  to  my  own, 
and,  as  the  phrase  is,  'enter  into  its  position.'  This  equalisation 
(but  not  identification)  between  myself  and  another  which  im 
mediately  and  unconsciously  takes  place  in  the  feeling  of  pity,  is 
raised  by  reason  to  the  level  of  a  clear  and  distinct  idea. 

The  intellectual  content  (the  idea)  of  pity  or  compassion,  taken 
in  its  universality,  independently  of  the  subjective  mental  states 
in  which  it  is  manifested — i.e.  taken  logically  and  not  psychologic 
ally, — is  truth  and  justice.  It  is  true  that  other  creatures  are 
similar  to  me,  and  it  is  just  that  I  should  feel  about  them  as  I  do 
about  myself.  This  position,  clear  in  itself,  becomes  still  more 
clear  when  tested  negatively.  When  I  am  pitiless  or  indifferent 
to  others,  consider  myself  at  liberty  to  injure  them  and  do 
not  think  it  my  duty  to  help  them,  they  appear  to  me  not  what 
they  really  are.  A  being  appears  as  merely  a  thing,  something 

1  It  is  curious  that  Schopenhauer  admitted  and  even  greatly  exaggerated  the  im 
portance  of  asceticism,  but  for  some  reason  he  completely  excluded  it  from  his  moral 
teaching.  It  is  one  of  the  instances  of  the  incoherent  thinking  of  the  famous  writer. 


living  appears  as  dead,  conscious — as  unconscious,  what  is  akin  to 
me  appears  as  foreign,  and  what  is  like  me  as  absolutely  differ 
ent.  The  relation  in  which  an  object  is  taken  to  be  not  what 
it  really  is  is  a  direct  denial  of  truth  ;  and  actions  that  follow 
from  it  will  be  unjust.  Therefore  the  opposite  relation  which  is 
subjectively  expressed  as  the  inner  feeling  of  sympathy,  pity,  or 
compassion  is,  from  the  objective  point  of  view,  expressive  of 
truth)  and  actions  following  from  it  will  be  Just.  To  measure  by  a 
different  measure  is  acknowledged  by  all  to  be  an  elementary  in 
stance  of  injustice  ;  but  when  I  am  pitiless  to  others,  i.e.  treat 
them  as  soulless  and  rightless  things,  and  affirm  myself  as  a 
conscious  being  fully  possessed  of  rights,  I  evidently  measure 
with  different  measures  and  crudely  contradict  truth  and  justice. 
On  the  contrary,  when  I  pity  others  as  I  do  myself,  I  measure 
with  one  measure  and  consequently  act  in  accordance  with  truth 
and  justice. 

In  so  far  as  it  is  a  constant  quality  and  a  practical  principle, 
pitilessness  is  called  egoism.  In  its  pure  and  unmixed  form  consist 
ent  egoism  does  not  exist,  at  any  rate  not  among  human  beings. 
But  in  order  to  understand  the  general  nature  of  egoism  as  such, 
it  is  necessary  to  characterise  it  as  a  pure  and  unconditional 
principle.  Its  essence  consists  in  this  :  an  absolute  opposition, 
an  impassable  gulf  is  fixed  between  one's  own  self  and  other 
beings.  I  am  everything  to  myself  and  must  be  everything  to 
others,  but  others  are  nothing  in  themselves  and  become  some 
thing  only  as  a  means  for  me.  My  life  and  welfare  is  an  end  in 
itself,  the  life  and  welfare  of-  others  are  only  a  means  for  my 
ends,  the  necessary  environment  for  my  self-assertion.  I  am  the 
centre  and  the  world  only  a  circumference.  Such  a  point  of 
view  is  seldom  put  forward,  but  with  some  reservations  it  un 
doubtedly  lies  at  the  root  of  our  natural  life.  Absolute  egoists 
are  not  to  be  found  on  earth  :  every  human  being  appears  to  feel 
pity  at  least  for  some  one,  every  human  being  sees  a  fellow-creature 
in  some  one  person  at  least.  But  restricted  within  certain 
limits  —  usually  very  narrow  ones — egoism  manifests  itself  all 
the  more  clearly  in  other,  wider  spheres.  A  person  who  does 
not  take  up  the  egoistic  attitude  towards  his  own  relatives,  i.e. 
who  includes  his  family  within  his  self,  all  the  more  mercilessly 
opposes  this  widened  self  to  all  that  is  external  to  it.  A  person 


who  extends  his  self — quite  superficially  as  a  rule — to  include 
his  whole  nation,  adopts  the  egoistic  point  of  view,  with  all  the 
greater  fierceness,  both  for  himself  and  for  his  nation,  in  relation 
to  other  nations  and  races,  etc.  The  fact  that  the  circle  of  inner 
solidarity  is  widened  and  the  egoism  is  transferred  from  the  in 
dividual  to  the  family,  the  nation,  and  the  state  is  unquestionably 
of  great  moral  significance  to  the  life  of  humanity,  for  within  a 
given  circle  selfishness  is  restricted,  outweighed,  or  even  com 
pletely  replaced  by  humane  and  moral  relations.  But  this  does 
not  destroy  the  principle  of  egoism  in  humanity,  which  consists  in 
the  absolute  inner  opposition  of  oneself  and  one's  own  to  what  is 
other  than  it — in  fixing  a  gulf  between  the  two.  This  principle 
is  essentially  false,  for  in  reality  there  is  not,  and  there  cannot  be, 
any  such  gulf,  any  absolute  opposition.  It  is  clear  that  exclusive- 
ness,  egoism,  pitilessness  is  essentially  the  same  thing  as  untruth. 
Egoism  is  in  the  first  place  fantastic  and  unreal^  it  affirms  what 
does  not  and  cannot  exist.  To  consider  oneself  (in  the  narrow 
or  in  the  wide  sense)  as  the  exclusive  centre  of  the  universe  is  at 
bottom  as  absurd  as  to  believe  oneself  to  be  a  glass  seat  or  the 
constellation  of  Ursa  Major.1 

If,  then,  egoism  is  condemned  by  reason  as  a  senseless  affirma 
tion  of  what  is  non-existent  and  impossible,  the  opposite  principle 
of  altruism,  psychologically  based  upon  the  feeling  of  pity,  is 
entirely  justified  both  by  reason  and  by  conscience.  In  virtue  of 
this  principle  the  individual  person  admits  that  other  beings  are, 
just  like  himself,  relative  centres  of  being  and  of  living  force. 
This  is  an  affirmation  of  truth,  an  admission  of  what  truly  is. 
From  this  truth,  to  which  the  feeling  of  pity,  roused  by  other 
beings  akin  and .  alike  to  us,  inwardly  bears  witness  in  every  soul, 
reason  deduces  a  principle  or  a  law  with  regard  to  all  other  beings  : 
Do  unto  others  as  you  would  they  should  do  unto  you. 

1  Theoretical  proof  of  the  reality  of  the  external  world  and  of  the  inner  conscious 
life  of  beings  is  offered  in  metaphysics.  Moral  philosophy  is  concerned  only  with  a 
general  consciousness  of  this  truth,  which  even  the  extreme  egoist  involuntarily  accepts. 
When  for  his  selfish  purposes  he  wants  the  help  of  other  people  not  dependent  on  him, 
he  treats  them,  contrary  to  his  fundamental  principle,  as  actual,  independent  persons 
fully  possessed  of  rights  ;  he  tries  to  persuade  them  to  side  with  him,  takes  their  own 
interests  into  consideration.  Thus  egoism  contradicts  itself,  and  is  in  any  case  a.  false 
point  of  view. 



The  general  rule  or  principle  of  altruism  l  naturally  falls  into 
two  more  particular  ones.  The  beginning  of  this  division  may 
be  seen  already  in  the  fundamental  altruistic  feeling  of  pity.  If 
I  am  genuinely  sorry  for  a  person,  in  the  first  place  I  would  not 
myself  cause  him  harm  or  suffering,  would  not  injure  him,  and 
secondly,  when,  independently  of  me,  he  suffers  pain  or  injury, 
I  would  help  him.  Hence  follow  two  rules  of  altruism,  the 
negative  and  the  positive  :  (i)  Do  not  to  others  what  you  do  not 
wish  others  to  do  to  you.  (2)  Do  to  others  what  you  would  wish 
others  to  do  to  you.  More  briefly  and  simply,  these  two  rules,  which 
are  usually  joined  together,  are  expressed  as  follows :  Do  not  injure 
any  one^  and  help  every  one  so  far  as  you  are  able  (Neminem  laede, 
imo  omneSy  quantum  potesy  juva). 

The  first,  negative,  rule  is,  more  particularly,  called  the  rule  of 
justice,  and  the  second  the  rule  of  mercy.  But  this  distinction  is 
not  quite  correct,  for  the  second  rule,  too,  is  founded  upon  justice  : 
if  I  want  others  to  help  me  when  in  need,  it  is  just  that  I,  too, 
should  help  them.  On  the  other  hand,  if  I  do  not  wish  to  injure 
any  one,  it  is  because  I  recognise  others  to  be  living  and  sentient 
beings  like  myself;  and  in  that  case  I  will,  of  course,  as  much  as 
in  me  lies,  save  them  from  suffering.  I  do  not  injure  them  because 
I  pity  them,  and  if  I  pity  them,  I  will  also  help  them.  Mercy 
presupposes  justice,  and  justice  demands  mercy — they  are  merely 
different  aspects  or  different  manifestations  of  one  and  the  same 


1  This  term,  introduced  by  the  founder  of  Positivism,  Auguste  Comte,  is  the  exact 
expression  of  the  logical  antithesis  to   egoism  and  therefore   answers  to  a  real  need  of 
philosophical  language  (altruism,  from  alter,  other,  like  egoism,  from  ego,  self).     Our 
violent  opponents  of  foreign  words  ought  to  be  consistent,  and  if  they  object  to  altruism, 
they  should  also  renounce  the  word  egoism.       Instead  of  these  terms  they  may  use  the 
words  'yatchest-vo  '  ('  selfness  ')  and  '  druzhatchestvo  '  ('  otherism  ')  ;    the  former  term,  I 
believe,  has  already  been  used.     If  it  were  a  question  of  merely  psychological  definitions, 
the  words  self-love  and  love  of  others  could   be  substituted,  but  including  as  they  do  the 
idea  of  love,  they  are  unsuitable  for  the  designation  of   ethical  principles  which  are 
concerned  not  with  feelings  but  with  rules  of  action.     One  may  love  oneself  far  more 
than  others,  and  yet,  on  principle,  work  for  the  good  of  others  as  much  as  for  one's 
own.     Such  a  person  would  undoubtedly  be  an  altruist,  but  it  would  be  equally  absurd 
to  speak  of  him  as  'a  lover  of  self  or  'a  lover  of  others.' 

2  In  Hebrew  sedek   means  'just,'  and    the    noun    derived    from    it,  sedeka,  means 
'  benevolence." 


There  is  a  real  distinction  between  these  two  sides  or  degrees 
of  altruism,  but  there  is  not,  and  there  cannot  be,  any  opposition 
or  contradiction.  Not  to  help  others  means  to  injure  them  ;  a 
consistently  just  man  will  inevitably  do  works  of  mercy,  and  the 
truly  merciful  man  cannot  at  the  same  time  be  unjust.  The 
fact  that  the  two  altruistic  rules,  in  spite  of  all  the  difference 
between  them,  are  inseparable^  is  very  important  as  providing 
the  foundation  for  the  inner  connection  between  legal  justice 
and  morality,  and  between  the  political  and  the  spiritual  life  of 
the  community. 

The  general  rule  of  altruism — 'do  unto  others  as  you  would  they 
should  do  unto  you  ' — by  no  means  presupposes  the  material  or  the 
qualitative  equality  of  all  the  individuals.  There  exists  no  such 
equality  in  nature,  and  it  would  be  meaningless  to  demand  it.  It 
is  not  a  question  of  equality,  but  simply  of  the  equal  right  to  exist 
and  to  develop  the  good  potentialities  of  one's  nature.  A  wild 
man  of  the  Bush  has  as  much  right  to  exist  and  to  develop  in  his 
way,  as  St.  Francis  of  Assisi  or  Goethe  had  in  theirs.  And  we 
must  respect  this  right  equally  in  all  cases.  The  murder  of  a 
savage  is  as  much  a  sin  as  the  murder  of  a  genius  or  a  saint.  But 
this  does  not  imply  that  they  are,  therefore,  of  the  same  value  in 
other  respects,  and  must  be  treated  equally  outside  the  scope  of 
this  universal  human  right.  Material  equality,  and  therefore 
equality  of  rights,  does  not  exist  either  between  different  beings 
or  in  one  and  the  same  being  whose  particular  and  definite  rights 
and  duties  change  with  the  changes  in  age  and  position  ;  they 
are  not  the  same  in  children  and  in  adults,  in  mental  disease  or  in 
health.  And  yet  a  person's  fundamental  or  universally  human  rights 
and  his  moral  value  as  an  individual  remain  the  same.  Nor  is 
it  destroyed  by  the  infinite  variety  and  inequality  of  separate 
persons,  tribes,  and  classes.  In  all  these  differences  there  must 
be  preserved  something  identical  and  absolute,  namely,  the 
significance  of  each  person  as  an  end  in  himself^  that  is  to  say, 
his  significance  as  something  that  cannot  be  merely  a  means  for 
the  ends  of  others. 

The  logical  demands  of  altruism  are  all-embracing,  reason 
shows  no  favours,  knows  no  barriers ;  in  this  respect  it  coincides 
with  the  feeling  upon  which  altruism  is  psychologically  based. 
Pity,  as  we  have  seen,  is  also  universal  and  impartial,  and  through 


it  man  may  be  'made  like  to  God,'  for  his  compassion  equally 
embraces  all,  without  distinction — the  good  and  '  the  enemies 
of  truth,'  men  and  demons,  and  even  call  of  the  crawling 

1  The  question  as  to  our  moral  duties  to  animals  will  be  considered  in  a  special 
appendix  at  the  end  of  the  book,  in  addition  to  special  references  to  it  in  Part  II.  and 
Part  III. 




ALTHOUGH  the  moral  rules  of  justice  and  mercy,  psychologically 
based  upon  the  feeling  of  pity,  include  in  their  extension  the  whole 
realm  of  living  creatures,  their  intension  does  not  exhaust  the  moral 
relations  that  hold  even  between  human  beings.  Take,  in  the 
first  place,  the  moral  relation  of  children — young,  but  already  able 
to  understand  the  demands  of  morality — to  their  parents.  It 
undoubtedly  contains  a  peculiar,  specific  element,  irreducible  either 
to  justice  or  to  kindness  and  underivable  from  pity.  A  child 
immediately  recognises  his  parents'  superiority  over  himself,  his 
dependence  upon  them  ;  he  feels  reverence  for  them,  and  there 
follows  from  it  the  practical  duty  of  obedience.  All  this  lies 
outside  the  boundaries  of  simple  altruism,  the  logical  essence  of 
which  consists  in  my  recognising  another  as  my  equal,  as  a  being 
like  myself  and  in  attaching  the  same  significance  to  him  as  I  do 
to  myself.  The  moral  relation  of  children  to  their  parents,  so 
far  from  being  determined  by  equality,  has  quite  the  opposite 
character — it  is  based  upon  the  recognition  of  that  in  which  the 
two  are  unequal.  And  the  ultimate  psychological  basis  of  the 
moral  relation  in  this  case  cannot  be  the  participation  in  the 
sufferings  of  others  (pity),  for  the  parents  immediately  appear  to 
the  child  not  as  needing  the  help  of  others,  but  as  being  able  to 
help  it  in  its  needs. 

This  relation  is  not,  of  course,  opposed  to  justice,  but  it 
contains  something  in  addition  to  it.  The  general  principle  of 
justice  requires  that  our  relation  to  others  should  be  what  we  wish 
their  relation  to  be  to  us.  It  may  logically  include  the  moral 



relation  of  children  to  parents  :  in  loving  its  mother  or  father,  the 
child,  of  course,  wants  them  to  love  it.  But  there  is  an  essential 
difference  between  these  two  forms  of  love — that  which  the  child 
feels  for  its  parents,  and  that  which  it  wants  them  to  feel  for  it — and 
the  difference  does  not  spring  From  the  general  principle  itself. 
The  first  relation  is  characterised  by  the  feeling  of  admiration  for 
the  higher  and  by  the  duty  of  obedience  to  it,  while  no  such 
reverence  and  submission  is  required  by  the  child  from  the  parents. 
Of  course,  formal  reflection  may  be  pursued  further,  and  it  may 
be  affirmed  that  the  children  (when  they  reach  the  years  of  discre 
tion,  of  course),  in  revering  their  parents  and  obeying  them,  wish 
to  be  treated  in  the  same  way  by  their  own  children  in  the  future. 
This  circumstance,  however,  merely  establishes  the  abstract 
relation  between  the  general  idea  of  justice  and  filial  love  ;  it 
certainly  does  not  account  for  the  peculiar  nature  of  that  love. 
Apart  from  all  problematic  thought  of  future  children,  the  moral 
feeling  of  a  real  child  to  its  parents  has  a  sufficient  bash  in  the 
actual  relationship  between  this  child  and  its  parents — namely,  in 
its  entire  dependence  upon  them  as  its  Providence.  This  fact 
inevitably  involves  the  admission  of  their  essential  superiority,  and 
from  it  logically  follows  the  duty  of  obedience.  Thus  filial  love 
acquires  quite  a  peculiar  character  of  respect  or  reverence  (pietas 
erga  parentes\  which  carries  it  beyond  the  general  limits  of  simple 

It  may  be  observed  that  parental  (especially  maternal)  love,  or 
pity,  which  is  the  first  and  the  most  fundamental  expression  of  the 
altruistic  attitude,  presupposes  the  same  inequality,  but  in  the 
opposite  direction.  Here,  however,  the  inequality  is  not  essential. 
When  parents  pity  their  helpless  children  and  take  care  of  them, 
they  know  from  their  own  experience  the  pain  of  hunger,  cold,  etc., 
which  rouse  their  pity,  so  that  this  is  really  a  case  of  comparing 
or  equalising  the  states  of  another  person  with  one's  own  states  of 
the  same  kind.  A  child,  on  the  contrary,  has  never  experienced 
for  itself  the  advantages  of  mature  age,  which  call  forth  in  it  a 
feeling  of  respect  or  reverence  for  its  parents,  and  make  it  see 
higher  beings  in  them.  Parents  pity  their  children  because  of  their 
likeness  to  themselves,  because  of  their  being  the  same,  though,  as 
a  matter  of  fact,  unequal.  Inequality,  in  this  case,  is  purely 
accidental.  But  the  specific  feeling  of  children  to  their  parents 


is  essentially  determined  by  the  superiority  of  the  latter,  and  is 
therefore  directly  based  upon  inequality. 

If  one  carefully  observes  a  child  who  tries  to  defend  its  mother 
from  an  actual  or  imaginary  insult,  it  will  be  easily  seen  that  its 
dominant  feelings  are  anger  and  indignation  at  the  blasphemer. 
It  is  not  so  much  sorry  for  the  offended  as  angry  with  the  offender. 
The  child's  feelings  are  essentially  similar  to  those  that  animate 
the  crowd  defending  its  idol.  "  Great  is  Diana  of  the  Ephesians  ! 
death  to  the  ungodly  ! " 

All  manifestations  of  pity  and  of  altruism  that  follow  from  it 
are  essentially  conditioned  by  equality.  Inequality  is  merely  an 
accidental  and  transitory  element  in  them.  In  pitying  another, 
I  assimilate  myself  to  him,  imagine  myself  in  his  place,  get,  so  to 
speak,  into  his  skin— and  this  in  itself  presupposes  my  equality 
with  him  as  a  fellow-creature.  In  recognising  another  as  equal 
to  himself,  the  person  who  experiences  pity,  compares  the  state  of 
that  other  to  similar  states  of  himself,  and  from  the  likeness  between 
them  deduces  the  moral  duty  of  sympathy  and  help. 

Non  ignara  mali  miseris  succurrere  discord  To  pity  another, 
I  must  compare  myself  to  him  or  him  to  me.  The  assumption 
of  essential  inequality  or  heterogeneity,  excluding  as  it  does  the 
thought  of  similar  states,  destroys  the  very  root  of  pity  and  of  all 
altruistic  relation.  c  The  twice  born '  Hindu  is  pitiless  to  the 
Sudras  and  Pariahs.  His  relation  to  them  is  based  on  inequality, 
i.e.  precisely  on  the  impossibility  of  comparing  himself  with  them. 
He  cannot  put  himself  in  their  place,  assimilate  their  states  to  his, 
and  cannot,  therefore,  sympathise  with  them.  In  this  case,  just 
as  in  the  case  of  the  white  planters'  attitude  to  the  negroes,  or  of 
our  old  serf-owners  to  'the  brood  of  Ham,'  it  was  sought  to 
justify  the  cruel  relation  which  existed  as  a  fact  by  the  conception 
of  a  fundamental  inequality  or  heterogeneity. 

Such  recognition  of  inequality  is  purely  negative  ;  it  severs  the 
bond  of  union  between  beings  and  generates  or  justifies  all  kinds 
of  immoral  relations.  A  different  character  attaches  to  that 
positive  inequality  which  we  find  in  filial  love  or  piety.  The 
inequality  between  a  Brahmin  and  a  Pariah,  or  between  a  planter 
and  a  negro,  destroys  the  unity  of  feeling  and  of  interests  between 

1  'Having  known  trouble  myself,  I  learn  to  help  those  who  suffer'  (the  words  of 
Dido  in  Virgil's  Aeneid). 


them  ;  but  the  superiority  of  the  parents  over  the  children  is,  on 
the  contrary,  the  condition  of  their  unity  and  the  basis  of  a 
particular  kind  of  moral  relation.  This  is  the  natural  root  of 
religious  morality^  which  forms  a  distinct  and  important  part  in  the 
spiritual  life  of  man,  independently  of  all  particular  religions  and 
systems  of  metaphysics. 


Since  the  appearance  of  De  Brosses's  book  in  the  last  century 
the  theory  of  the  '  gods-fetishes '  began  to  gain  ground,  and  of 
late  has  become  extremely  popular  under  the  influence  of  Auguste 
Comte's  positive  philosophy.  According  to  this  view,  the  primitive 
form  of  religion  is  fetishism,  i.e.  the  deification  of  material  objects, 
partly  natural  (stones,  trees)  and  partly  artificial,  which  have 
accidentally  drawn  attention  to  themselves  or  have  been  arbitrarily 
chosen.  The  beginnings  or  the  remains  of  such  a  material  cult 
are  undoubtedly  found  in  all  religions  ;  but  to  regard  fetishism  as 
the  fundamental  and  primitive  religion  of  humanity  is  contrary 
both  to  the  evidence  of  history  and  sociology  and  to  the  demands 
of  logic.  (Fetishism  may,  however,  have  a  deeper  meaning,  as  the 
founder  of  positivism  himself  began  to  suspect  in  the  second  half 
of  his  career.) 

In  order  to  recognise  a  stone,  a  bit  of  tree,  or  a  shell  as  a  god, 
i.e.  as  a  being  of  superior  power  and  importance,  one  must  already 
possess  the  idea  of  a  higher  being.  I  could  not  mistake  a  rope  for 
a  snake  did  I  not  already  possess  the  idea  of  the  snake.  But  what 
could  the  idea  of  the  deity  be  derived  from  ?  The  material  objects 
which  are  made  into  fetishes  and  idols  have  in  themselves,  in  their 
actual  sensuous  reality,  no  attributes  of  a  higher  being.  The  idea, 
therefore,  cannot  be  derived  from  them.  To  call  it  innate  is  not 
to  give  an  answer  to  the  question.  All  that  takes  place  in  man  is 
in  a  sense  innate  in  him.  There  is  no  doubt  that  man  is  by  nature 
capable  of  forming  an  idea  of  a  higher  being,  for  otherwise  he 
would  not  have  formed  it.  The  question  is  asked  not  about  the 
existence  of  this  capacity  but  about  its  original  application^  which 
must  have  some  immediate  sufficient  reason.  In  order  to  pass  into 
actual  consciousness  every  idea,  even  when  potentially  present  in 
the  human  intellect,  and  in  this  sense  innate,  requires  that  certain 


sensuous  impressions  or  perceptions  should  call  it  forth  and  give 
it  a  living  concrete  form,  which  subsequently  undergoes  a  further 
process  of  intellectual  modification,  and  is  made  wider  and  deeper, 
more  complex  and  more  exact.  But  the  actual  impressions  from 
a  chunk  of  wood  or  a  rudely  fashioned  figure  are  not  a  sufficient 
ground  for  calling  forth  for  the  first  time  in  the  mind  the  idea  of 
a  higher  being,  or  for  helping  to  fashion  that  idea.  More  suitable 
in  this  respect  are  the  impressions  from  the  sun  and  the  moon, 
the  starry  heaven,  thunderstorm,  sea,  rivers,  etc.  But  long  before 
the  mind  becomes  capable  of  dwelling  on  these  events  and  of 
judging  their  significance,  it  has  been  given  impressions  of  another 
kind — more  familiar  and  more  powerful— for  generating  in  it  the 
idea  of  a  higher  being.  When  dealing  with  the  origin  of  some 
fundamental  idea  in  human  consciousness,  we  must  think  of  the 
child  and  not  of  the  adult.  Now  it  is  perfectly  certain  that  the 
child  is  far  more  conscious  of  its  dependence  upon  its  mother,  who 
feeds  and  takes  care  of  it  (and  later  on,  on  its  father),  than  of  its  de 
pendence  upon  the  sun,  the  thunderstorm,  or  the  river  that  irrigates 
the  fields  of  its  native  land.  The  impressions  it  has  from  the  first 
of  its  parents  contain  sufficient  ground  for  evoking  in  it  the  idea 
of  a  higher  being  as  well  as  the  feelings  of  reverential  love  and 
fear  of  an  immeasurable  power.  These  feelings  are  associated 
with  the  idea  of  a  higher  being  and  form  the  basis  of  the  religious 
attitude.  It  is  an  unquestionable  fact,  and  a  perfectly  natural  one, 
that  until  they  reach  a  certain  age  children  pay  no  attention  at  all 
to  the  most  important  natural  phenomena.  The  sun  appears  no 
more  remarkable  to  them  than  a  simple  lamp,  and  the  thunder 
produces  no  more  impression  upon  them  than  the  rattle  of  crockery. 
In  my  own  case  the  first  impression  of  the  starry  sky  that  I 
remember  refers  to  my  sixth  year,  and  even  then  it  was  due  to  a 
special  reason  (the  comet  of  1859),  while  the  series  of  clear  and 
connected  family  memories  begins  in  my  fourth  year.  Neither  in 
life  nor  in  literature  have  I  seen  any  indications  to  the  reverse 
order  of  development  in  children  ;  and  if  we  saw  a  baby  of  three 
years  old  suddenly  develop  an  interest  in  astronomical  phenomena, 
I  think  we  should  feel  distinctly  alarmed. 

Not  in  accidental  fetishes  and  hand-made  idols,  not  in  majestic 
or  terrible  phenomena  of  nature,  but  in  the  living  image  of  parents 
is  the  idea  of  Godhead  for  the  first  time  embodied  for  humanity 



in  its  childhood.  For  this  reason  the  moral  element — contrary  to 
current  opinion — has  from  the  first  an  important  though  not  an 
exclusive  significance  for  religion.  According  to  the  elementary 
conception  of  it  the  deity  has  pre-eminently  the  character  of 

At  first  Providence  is  embodied  in  the  mother.  At  the  lower 
stages  of  social  development,  so  long  as  the  marriage  relation  is 
not  yet  organised,  the  importance  of  the  mother  and  the  cult  of 
motherhood  predominate.  Different  peoples,  like  individual  men, 
have  lived  through  an  epoch  of  matriarchy  or  mother- right,  the  traces 
of  which  are  still  preserved  in  history,  in  ancient  customs,  and  also 
in  the  present  life  of  certain  savages.1  But  when  the  patriarchal 
type  of  family  comes  to  be  established,  the  mother  retains  the  part 
of  Providence  only  while  the  children  are  materially  dependent 
upon  her  for  food  and  their  first  education.  At  that  period  the 
mother  is  the  only  higher  being  for  the  child  ;  but  as  he  reaches 
the  age  of  reflection  he  sees  that  his  mother  is  herself  dependent 
upon  another  higher  being — his  father,  who  provides  food  for  and 
protects  all  his  family  j  he  is  the  true  Providence,  and  the  religious 
worship  is  naturally  transferred  to  him. 


The  religious  attitude  of  children  to  their  parents  as  to  their 
living  Providence,  arising  naturally  in  primitive  humanity,  ex 
presses  itself  most  clearly  and  fully  when  the  children  are  grown 
up  and  the  parents  are  dead.  Worship  of  dead  fathers  and  ancestors 
unquestionably  occupies  the  foremost  place  in  the  development  of 
the  religious,  moral,  and  social  relations  of  humanity.  The  immense 
population  of  China  still  lives  by  the  religion  of  ancestor- worship, 
upon  which  all  the  social,  political,  and  family  structure  of  the 
Middle  Kingdom  is  founded.  And  among  other  peoples  of  the 
globe — savage,  barbarous,  or  civilised,  including  modern  Parisians — 
there  is  not  one  which  does  not  do  homage  to  the  memoryof  the  dead 
in  one  form  or  another.  The  relation  to  living  parents,  although  it 
is  the  first  basis  of  religion,  cannot  have  a  purely  religious  character 

1  There  is  a  special  literature  on  the  subject  which  first  arose  in  connection  with 
classical  archeology  (Bahofen.  Das  Mutttrrechi),  and  subsequently  passed  into  the 
domain  of  comparative  ethnography  and  sociology. 


owing  to  the  intimacy  and  constant  interaction  in  everyday  life. 
As  a  child  grows  up  he  hears  from  his  father  about  his  ancestors 
who  died  and  are  the  object  of  an  already  established  religious 
cult ;  thus  the  religion  of  parents  who  are  still  living  is  naturally 
merged  into  the  religion  of  parents  who  have  gone,  and  who,  clothed 
in  mysterious  majesty,  are  raised  above  all  that  surrounds  us.  The 
father  in  his  lifetime  is  merely  a  candidate  for  deity,  and  is  only 
the  mediator  and  the  priest  of  the  real  god — the  dead  ancestor. 
//  is  not  fear  but  death  that  gives  humanity  its  first  gods.  The 
feeling  of  dependence  and  the  conception  of  Providence,  trans 
ferred  from  the  mother  to  the  father,  become  associated  with  the 
idea  of  the  forefathers  when  the  child  learns  that  the  parents  upon 
whom  he  depends  are  in  a  far  greater  dependence  upon  the  dead, 
whose  power  is  not  limited  by  any  conditions  of  the  material 
and  corporeal  existence.  The  idea  of  Providence  and  the  moral 
duties  of  respect,  service,  and  obedience  that  follow  from  it  for 
man  are  thus  transferred  to  them.  To  obey  the  will  of  the 
dead,  one  must  know  it.  Sometimes  they  announce  it  directly, 
appearing  in  a  vision  or  a  dream  ;  in  other  cases  it  must  be  learnt 
through  divination.  The  mediators  between  this  higher  divine 
power  and  ordinary  men  are,  first,  the  living  fathers  or  the  elders 
of  the  tribe,  but  afterwards,  as  the  social  relations  become  more 
complex,  there  arises  a  separate  class  of  priests,  diviners,  sorcerers, 
and  prophets. 

It  is  only  a  subjective  misanthropic  mood  that  can  reduce 
filial  sentiments  even  in  the  primitive  races  to  fear  alone,  to  the 
exclusion  of  gratitude  and  of  a  disinterested  recognition  of 
superiority.  If  these  moral  elements  are  unquestionably  present 
in  the  relation  of  a  dog  to  its  master  in  whom  it  sees  its  living 
Providence,  they  must  a  fortiori  form  part  of  the  feelings  of  man 
to  his  Providence,  originally  embodied  for  him  in  his  parents. 
When  this  interpretation  is  transferred  to  the  dead  ancestors,  their 
cult  also  carries  with  it  the  moral  element  of  filial  love,  which 
is  in  this  case  clearly  differentiated  from  simple  altruism  and 
acquires  a  predominantly  religious  character. 

According  to  a  well-known  theory,  whose  chief  representative 
is  Herbert  Spencer,  the  whole  of  religion  can  be  traced  to  ancestor- 
worship.  Although  this  view  does  not  express  the  complete  truth, 
it  is  far  more  correct  and  suggestive  than  the  theory  of  primitive 


fetishism  or  the  theories  which  reduce  all  religion  to  the  deification 
of  the  sun,  the  thunder,  and  other  natural  phenomena.  The 
objects  of  religious  worship  were  always  active  beings  or  spirits  in 
the  likeness  of  man.  There  can  hardly  be  a  doubt  that  the 
prototype  of  spirits  were  the  souls  of  the  departed  ancestors.  In 
Lithuania  and  Poland  the  general  name  for  all  spirits  is  forefathers 
— dzlady  ;  with  us  the  elementary  spirits  are  spoken  of  as 
grandfather  water- sprite,  grandfather  of  the  forest,  the  master 
house-spirit.  Ovid's  Metamorphoses,  chiefly  borrowed  from  the 
popular  beliefs  of  the  Greeks  and  Romans,  are  full  of  stories 
of  the  dead  or  dying  men  passing  into  the  elementary,  the 
zoomorphic,  and  the  phytomorphic  (vegetative)  deities  and  spirits. 
The  most  widespread  form  of  fetishism — the  stone  worship — is 
undoubtedly  connected  with  the  cult  of  the  dead.  Among  the 
Laps,  Buriates,  and  other  peoples,  the  names  of  the  ancestors  or  the 
sorcerers  who  were  transformed  into  the  sacred  stones  are  re 
membered  after  death.1  This  transformation  cannot  be  understood 
in  the  sense  that  the  spirit  of  the  dead  becomes  a  stone,  i.e.  a  soulless 
thing  ;  on  the  contrary,  it  retains  the  power  that  it  had  in  its  life 
time,  and  is  indeed  more  powerful  than  it  was  then.  Thus  among 
the  Laps  the  petrified  sorcerers  foretell  and  cause  storms  and  bad 
weather  in  all  the  neighbourhood.  The  stone  in  this  case  is  merely 
the  visible  abode  of  the  spirit,  the  instrument  of  its  action.  Among 
the  Semites  sacred  stones  were  called  beth-el,  that  is, c  house  of  god.' 
The  same  thing  must  be  said  about  sacred  trees. 

It  is  a  well-known  fact  that  among  the  Africans  and  other 
peoples  the  sorcerers  are  supposed  to  have  for  their  chief  character 
istic  the  power  of  controlling  atmospheric  events,  of  producing 
good  and  bad  weather.  This  power  is  ascribed  in  a  still  greater 
degree  and  more  directly  to  the  spirits  of  the  dead  sorcerers,  whose 
living  successors  serve  merely  as  their  mediators  and  messengers. 
Now  such  a  powerful  spirit  of  a  dead  sorcerer,  who  produces 
at  his  will  thunder  and  storm,  differs  in  no  way  from  a  thunder 
god.  There  is  no  rational  necessity  to  seek  for  a  different 
explanation  of  father  Zeus  or  of  grandfather  Percunas. 

It  is  not  my  object  here  to  expound  and  explain  the  history 
of  religious  development,  and  I  will  not  attempt  to  solve  the 

1  See,  among  other  things,  Harusin's  book  on  Laplanders,  and   my  article  Ostatki 
peri'obitnago  yaxitchestva  (The  Remains  of  Primitive  Paganism). 


question  as  to  how  far  a  genetic  tie  may  be  established  between 
the  cult  of  the  dead  and  the  solar,  lunar,  and  stellar  mythology.  I 
will  only  mention  some  suggestive  facts.  In  Egypt  the  solar  deity 
Osiris  reigned  over  the  unseen  world  of  the  dead.  In  classical 
mythology  Hecate  was  one  of  the  deities  of  Hades.  According  to 
an  ancient  belief  preserved  in  Manicheism  the  moon  is  an  inter 
mediate  resting-place  for  the  souls  of  the  departed.  I  would  also 
like  to  observe  that  the  end  of  the  theogonic  process  is  true  to  its 
beginning  —  that  the  religious  consciousness  at  its  highest  stage 
merely  deepens  and  widens  the  content  we  find  at  the  primitive 
stages.  The  religion  of  a  primitive  human  family  centres  round 
the  idea  of  the  father  or  the  nearest  ancestor,  first  as  living,  then 
as  dead.  Their  own  particular  parent  is  the  highest  principle  for 
the  family,  the  source  of  its  life  and  welfare,  the  object  of  respect, 
gratitude,  and  obedience — in  a  word,  its  Providence.  Through  a 
natural  historical  process  there  arise  the  communal  and  the  tribal 
gods,  until  at  last  the  religious  consciousness  of  humanity,  united 
in  thought  if  not  in  fact,  rises  to  the  idea  of  the  universal 
Heavenly  Father  with  His  all-embracing  Providence. 


The  development  of  a  religious  idea  involves  a  change  in  its 
extension,  and  also  in  the  nature  of  the  intellectual  concepts  and 
practical  rules  contained  in  it.  But  it  does  not  affect  the  moral 
content  of  religion,  i.e.  man's  fundamental  relation  to  what  he 
admits  as  higher  than  himself —  to  what  he  recognises  as  his 
Providence.  That  relation  remains  unchanged  in  all  the  forms  and 
at  all  the  stages  of  religious  development.  The  ideas  of  the  child 
about  its  parents,  of  the  members  of  a  tribe  about  the  spirit  of  their 
first  ancestor,  the  ideas  of  entire  peoples  about  their  national 
gods,  and  finally,  the  general  human  idea  of  the  one  all-good 
Father  of  all  that  is,  differ  essentially  from  one  another,  and 
there  is  also  great  difference  in  the  forms  of  worship.  The  real 
tie  between  father  and  children  needs  no  special  institutions  and 
no  mediation  ;  but  the  relation  with  the  invisible  spirit  of  the 
ancestor  must  be  maintained  by  special  means.  The  spirit  cannot 
partake  of  ordinary  human  food.  It  feeds  on  the  evaporation  of 
blood,  and  has  therefore  to  be  fed  by  sacrifices.  Family  sacrifices 


to  the  spirit  of  the  tribe  naturally  differ  from  communal  sacrifices 
to  the  national  gods ;  the  '  god  of  war '  has  greater  and  different 
requirements  than  the  patron-spirit  of  the  home,  and  the  all- 
embracing  and  all-pervading  Father  of  the  universe  requires  no 
material  sacrifices  at  all,  but  only  worship  in  spirit  and  in  truth. 
But  in  spite  of  all  these  differences,  the  filial  relation  to  the  higher 
being  remains  essentially  the  same  at  all  these  different  stages. 
The  crudest  cannibal  and  the  most  perfect  saint  in  so  far  as  they  are 
religious  agree  in  that  they  both  equally  desire  to  do  not  their  own 
will  but  the  will  of  the  Father.  This  permanent  and  self-identical 
filial  relation  to  the  higher  (whatever  this  higher  may  be  supposed 
to  be)  forms  that  principle  of  true  pietism  which  connects  religion 
with  morality,  and  may  equally  well  be  described  as  the  religious 
element  in  morality  or  the  moral  element  in  religion.1 

Can  this  principle  be  affirmed  as  a  generally  binding  moral 
rule,  side  by  side  with  the  principles  of  asceticism  and  altruism  ? 
Apparently  the  filial  relation  to  the  supreme  will  depends  upon 
the  faith  in  that  will,  and  one  cannot  require  such  faith  from  those 
who  have  not  got  it ;  when  there  is  nothing  to  be  had,  it  is  no 
use  making  demands.  But  there  is  a  misunderstanding  here. 
The  recognition  of  what  is  higher  than  us  is  independent  of  any 
definite  intellectual  ideas,-  and  therefore  of  any  positive  beliefs, 
and  in  its  general  character  it  is  undoubtedly  binding  upon  every 
moral  and  rational  being.  Every  such  being,  in  trying  to 
attain  the  purpose  of  its  life,  is  necessarily  convinced  that  the 
attainment  of  it,  or  the  final  satisfaction  of  will,  is  beyond  the 
power  of  man — that  is,  every  rational  being  comes  to  recognise 
its  dependence  upon  something  invisible  •  and  unknown.  Such 
dependence  cannot  be  denied.  The  only  question  is  whether 
that  upon  which  I  am  dependent  has  a  meaning.  If  it  has  not, 
my  existence,  dependent  upon  what  is  meaningless,  is  meaningless 
also.  In  that  case  there  is  no  point  in  speaking  of  any  rational 
and  moral  principles  and  purposes.  They  can  only  have 
significance  on  condition  that  there  is  a  meaning  in  my  exist 
ence,  that  the  world  is  a  rational  system,  that  meaning 

1  I  am  speaking  here  of  pietism  in  the  direct  and  general  sense  of  the  term  as 
designating  the  feeling  of  piety  (pittas)  raised  to  the  rank  of  a  moral  principle.  Usually 
the  term  '  pietism  '  in  a  special  historical  sense  is  applied  to  a  certain  religious  movement 
among  the  Protestants. 


predominates  over  what  is  meaningless  in  the  universe.  If  there 
is  no  rational  purpose  in  the  world  as  a  whole,  there  cannot  be 
any  in  that  part  of  it  which  is  composed  of  human  actions 
determined  by  moral  rules.  But  in  that  case  these  rules  too 
fall  to  the  ground,  for  they  do  not  lead  to  anything  and  cannot 
in  any  way  be  justified.  If  my  higher  spiritual  nature  is  merely 
an  accident,  ascetic  struggle  with  the  flesh  may  destroy  my 
spiritual  being  instead  of  strengthening  it ;  and  in  that  case 
why  should  I  observe  the  rules  of  abstinence  and  deprive  myself 
of  real  pleasures  for  the  sake  of  an  empty  dream  ?  In  the  same 
way,  if  there  is  no  rational  and  moral  order  in  the  universe,  and 
our  work  for  the  benefit  of  our  neighbours  may  bring  them 
harm  instead  of  the  intended  help,  the  moral  principle  of 
altruism  is  destroyed  by  inner  self-contradiction.  If,  for  instance, 
I  suppose,  with  Schopenhauer,  that  the  ultimate  reality  is  blind 
and  senseless  Will,  and  that  all  existence  is  essentially  pain,  why 
should  I  try  and  help  others  to  support  their  existence  ?  On 
such  a  supposition  it  would  be  far  more  logical  to  use  every 
effort  to  put  to  death  the  largest  possible  number  of  living 

I  can  do  good  consciously  and  rationally  only  if  I  believe 
in  the  good  and  in  its  objective  independent  significance  in  the 
world,  i.e.  in  other  words,  if  I  believe  in  the  moral  order,  in 
Providence,  in  God.  This  faith  is  logically  prior  to  all  particular 
religious  beliefs  and  institutions,  as  well  as  to  all  systems  of 
metaphysics,  and  in  this  sense  it  forms  the  so-called  natural 

The  natural  religion  gives  rational  sanction  to  all  the 
demands  of  morality.  Suppose  reason  directly  tells  us  that  it  is 
good  to  subordinate  the  flesh  to  the  spirit,  that  it  is  good  to  help 
others  and  to  recognise  the  rights  of  other  people  like  our  own. 
Now  in  order  to  obey  these  demands  of  reason,  one  must  believe 
in  reason — believe  that  the  good  it  requires  from  us  is  not  a 
subjective  illusion,  but  has  real  grounds  and  expresses  the 
truth,  and  that  that  truth  £  is  great  and  overcomes.'  Not  to 
have  this  faith  is  to  disbelieve  that  one's  own  existence  has  a 
meaning — is  to  renounce  the  dignity  of  a  rational  being. 


The  absence  of  a  natural  religion  is  often  fictitious.  A 
negative  relation  to  this  or  that  form  or  degree  of  religious 
consciousness,  predominant  at  a  given  time  and  at  a  given  place, 
is  easily  taken  for  denial  of  religion  as  such.  Thus  the  Pagans 
of  the  Roman  Empire  thought  the  Christians  godless  (a&oi), 
and  from  their  point  of  view  they  were  right,  for  the  Christians 
did  reject  all  their  gods.  Apart  from  this,  however,  there  exist 
cases  of  real  godlessness  or  unbelief,  i.e.  of  denying  on  principle 
anything  higher  than  oneself — of  denying  good,  reason,  truth. 
But  the  fact  of  such  denial,  which  coincides  with  the  denial  of 
morality  in  general,  can  be  no  more  an  argument  against  the 
generally  binding  character  of  the  religiously-moral  principle 
than  the  existence  of  shameless  and  carnal,  or  of  pitiless  and  cruel 
men  is  an  argument  against  the  moral  duty  of  abstinence  and 

Religious  morality,  as  all  morality  in  general,  is  not  a 
confirmation  of  everything  that  is,  but  an  affirmation  of  the  one 
thing  that  ought  to  be.  Independently  of  all  positive  beliefs  or 
of  any  unbelief,  every  man  as  a  rational  being  must  admit  that 
the  life  of  the  world  as  a  whole  and  his  own  life  in  particular  has 
a  meaning^  and  that  therefore  everything  depends  upon  a  supreme 
rational  principle,  in  virtue  of  which  this  meaning  is  preserved 
and  realised.  And  in  admitting  this,  he  must  put  himself  into 
a  filial  position  in  relation  to  the  supreme  principle  of  life,  that 
is,  gratefully  surrender  himself  to  its  providence,  and  submit  all 
his  actions  to  the  'will  of  the  Father,'  which  speaks  through 
reason  and  conscience. 

Just  as  the  intellectual  ideas  about  the  parents  and  the 
external  practical  relations  to  them  alter  according  to  the  age  of 
the  children,  while  the  filial  love  must  remain  unchanged,  so 
the  theological  conceptions  and  the  forms  of  worship  of  the 
Heavenly  Father  assume  many  forms  and  undergo  many  changes 
with  the  spiritual  growth  of  humanity  ;  but  the  religiously-moral 
attitude  of  free  subordination  of  one's  will  to  the  demands  of 
a  higher  principle  must  always  and  everywhere  remain  the 



Speaking  generally,  in  morality  the  higher  demands  do  not 
cancel  the  lower,  but  presuppose  and  include  them.  This  might 
seem  to  be  a  matter  of  course  ;  and  yet  many  have  failed,  and 
still  fail,  to  understand  this  simple  and  obvious  truth.  Thus, 
according  to  the  teaching  of  some  Christian  sects,  both  ancient 
and  modern,  the  higher  rule  of  celibacy  cancels  the  seventh 
commandment  as  inferior,  and  therefore,  in  rejecting  marriage, 
these  sectarians  readily  allow  all  kinds  of  fornication.  It  is 
obvious  that  they  are  in  error.  Similarly,  it  is  thought  by 
many  that  the  higher  rule  of  pitying  all  living  creatures  absolves 
them  from  the  lower  duty  of  pitying  their  family  and  relatives, 
although,  one  would  think,  there  could  be  no  doubt  about  the 
latter  also  belonging  to  the  class  of  living  creatures. 

Still  more  often  such  mistakes  are  made  in  the  domain  of 
religious  morality.  The  higher  stages  of  spiritual  consciousness 
once  reached,  subordinate  to  themselves  and  consequently  change, 
but  by  no  means  cancel,  the  demands  which  had  force  on  the 
lower  stages.  A  man  who  has  a  conception  of  the  Heavenly 
Father  cannot,  of  course,  regard  his  earthly  father  in  the  same 
way  as  does  a  babe  for  whom  the  latter  is  the  only  higher  being  ; 
but  it  does  not  follow  that  the  first  and  the  second  command 
ments  cancel  the  fifth.  We  cannot  now  render  our  dead 
ancestors  the  religious  worship  which  they  had  in  the  patriarchal 
times  ;  but  this  does  not  mean  that  we  have  no  duties  to  the 
departed.  We  may  well  be  conscious  of  our  dependence  upon 
the  One  Father  of  the  universe,  but  this  dependence  is  not 
immediate  ;  our  existence  is,  without  a  doubt,  closely  determined 
by  heredity  and  environment.  Heredity  means  the  forefathers, 
and  it  is  by  them  that  our  environment  has  been  made.  The 
supreme  Will  has  determined  our  existence  through  our  ancestors, 
and,  bowing  down  before  Its  action,  we  cannot  be  indifferent  to 
Its  instruments.  I  know  that  if  I  were  born  among  cannibals 
I  should  be  a  cannibal  myself,  and  I  cannot  help  feeling  gratitude 
and  reverence  to  men  who  by  their  labour  and  exploits  have 
raised  my  people  from  the  savage  state  and  brought  them  to  the 
level  of  culture  upon  which  they  are  standing  now.  This  has  been 


done  by  Providence  through  men  who  have  been  specially  called 
and  who  cannot  be  separated  from  their  providential  work.  If 
I  praise  and  value  the  fact  that  it  has  been  given  to  my  native 
land,  with  which  my  existence  is  so  closely  interwoven,  to  be  a 
Christian  and  a  European  country,  I  am  bound  to  hold  in  pious 
remembrance  the  Kiev  prince  who  christened  Russia,  and  that 
northern  giant  who  with  powerful  blows  shattered  the  Muscovo- 
Mongolian  exclusiveness  and  brought  Russia  within  the  circle 
of  educated  nations,  as  well  as  all  those  men  who  in  the  different 
spheres  of  life  moved  us  forward  along  the  path  opened  by 
those  two  historical  forefathers  of  Russia.  It  is  sometimes 
maintained  that  individuals  count  for  nothing  in  history,  and 
that  what  has  been  done  by  certain  men  would  have  been  done 
just  as  well  by  others.  Speaking  in  the  abstract,  we  might 
of  course  have  been  born  of  other  parents  and  not  of  our  actual 
father  and  mother  ;  but  this  idle  thought  about  possible  parents 
does  not  cancel  our  duties  to  the  actual  ones. 

The  providential  men  who  gave  us  a  share  in  the  higher 
religion  and  in  human  enlightenment  did  not  themselves  create 
these  in  the  first  instance.  What  they  gave  us  they  had  them 
selves  received  from  the  geniuses,  heroes,  and  saints  of  the 
former  ages,  and  our  grateful  memory  must  include  them  too. 
We  must  reconstruct  as  completely  as  possible  the  whole  line 
of  our  spiritual  ancestors — men  through  whom  Providence  has 
led  humanity  on  the  path  to  perfection.  The  pious  memory  of  our 
ancestors  compels  us  to  do  service  to  them  actively.  The  nature 
of  that  service  is  conditioned  .by  the  ultimate  character  of  the 
world  as  a  whole,  and  cannot  be  understood  apart  from  theoretical 
philosophy  and  aesthetics.  Here  one  can  only  point  to  the 
moral  principle  involved,  namely,  the  pious  and  grateful  reverence 
due  to  the  forefathers. 

Such  a  cult  of  human  ancestors  in  spirit  and  in  truth  does  not 
belittle  the  religion  of  the  one  Heavenly  Father.  On  the 
contrary,  it  makes  it  definite  and  real.  It  is  what  He  put  into 
these  *  chosen  vessels '  that  we  revere  in  them  ;  in  these  visible 
images  of  the  unseen,  the  Deity  Itself  is  revealed  and  glorified. 
A  person  in  whose  mind  the  concrete  images  of  providential 
action  incarnate  in  history  fail  to  evoke  gratitude,  reverence, 
and  homage  will  be  still  less  likely  to  respond  to  the  pure  idea  of 


Providence.  A  truly  religious  attitude  to  the  higher  is  impossible 
for  one  who  has  never  experienced  the  feelings  to  which  the 
poet  gives  expression  : 

When,  in  the  drunkenness  of  crime, 

The  crowd  goes  forth  in  violent  rage, 

And  evil  genius  through  the  mire 

Drags  name  of  prophet  and  of  sage, 

My  knees  are  bent  in  one  desire, 

My  head  is  bowed  towards  the  page 

Where  clear  and  open  for  all  time 

They  wrote  the  message  for  their  age. 

I  call  up  their  majestic  shades 

In  the  dim  church  where  tumult  fades, 

In  clouds  of  incense  learn  and  glean, 

And  forgetting  the  mob  and  its  vulgar  noise, 

I  give  my  ears  to  the  noble  voice 

And  take  full  breath  of  all  they  mean. 



EACH  of  the  moral  foundations  I  have  laid  down — shame,  pity,  and 
the  religious  feeling — may  be  considered  from  three  points  of 
view  :  as  a  virtue,  as  a  rule  of  action,  and  as  the  condition  of  a 
certain  good. 

Thus,  in  relation  to  shame,  we  distinguish,  first  of  all,  persons 
modest  or  shameless  by  nature,  approving  of  the  former  and  con 
demning  the  latter ;  modesty^  therefore,  is  recognised  as  a  good 
natural  quality  or  as  a  virtue.  But  by  that  very  fact  it  is 
abstracted  from  particular  cases  and  is  made  the  norm  or  the 
general  rule  of  action  (and,  through  this,  a  basis  for  passing 
judgment  on  actions)  independently  of  the  presence  or  absence 
of  this  virtue  in  this  or  in  that  individual.  If  modesty  is  not 
sometimes  good  and  sometimes  bad  (in  the  way  in  which  a  loud 
voice  is  good  at  a  public  meeting  and  bad  in  the  room  of  a 
sleeping  invalid) ;  if  modesty  is  a  good  in  itself,  reason  requires 
us  in  all  cases  to  act  in  accordance  with  it,  namely,  to  abstain 
from  actions  that  are  shameful — i.e.  that  express  the  predominance 
of  the  lower  nature  over  the  higher — and  to  practise  actions  of 
the  opposite  character.  Behaviour  in  conformity  with  this  rule 
leads  in  the  end  to  permanent  self-control,  to  freedom  of  the 
spirit,  and  its  power  over  the  material  existence  ;  that  is,  it  leads 
to  a  state  which  affords  us  a  certain  higher  satisfaction  and  is  a 
moral  good. 

In  the  same  way,  the  capacity  for  feeling  pity  or  compassion 
(in  opposition  to  selfishness,  cruelty,  and  malice)  is,  in  the  first 
place,  a  good  personal  quality  or  virtue.  In  so  far  as  it  is 



recognised  as  such,  or  is  approved,  it  provides  the  norm  for 
altruistic  actions  in  accordance  with  the  rules  of  justice  and 
mercy.  And  such  activity  leads  to  the  moral  good  of  true  com 
munity  or  oneness  with  other  men,  and,  finally,  with  all  living 

In  a  similar  manner,  a  grateful  recognition  of  that  which  is 
higher  than  us,  and  upon  which  we  depend,  is  the  natural  founda 
tion  of  the  virtue  of  piety,  and  at  the  same  time  provides  a 
rational  rule  of  religious  conduct.  It  also  leads  to  the  moral 
good  of  unity  with  the  first  causes  and  bearers  of  existence  : 
with  our  forefathers,  with  the  departed  in  general,  and  with  the 
whole  of  the  invisible  world  which  conditions  our  life  from  this 
point  of  view. 

Since  there  is  an  indissoluble  inner  connection  between  any 
given  virtue,  the  rules  of  action  corresponding  to  it,  and  the 
moral  good  ensuing  therefrom,  there  is  no  need,  in  inquiring 
into  the  subject  more  closely,  to  adopt  every  time  all  the  three 
points  of  view.  It  will  be  sufficient  to  take  one  only,  viz.  the 
point  of  view  of  virtue,  for  it  logically  contains  the  other  two, 
and  no  sharp  line  of  demarcation  can  be  drawn  between  them. 
It  would  be  impossible  to  deny  that  the  man  who  invariably  acted 
in  accordance  with  the  rules  of  virtue  was  virtuous,  even  though 
he  happened  to  possess  but  a  small  degree  of  the  corresponding 
natural  faculty,  or  was  noted,  indeed,  by  the  presence  of  the 
opposite  characteristic.  On  the  other  hand,  that  which,  in 
contradistinction  to  virtue,  I  call  a  moral  good,  is  also  a  virtue, 
though  not  as  originally  given  but  as  acquired — it  is  the  norm  of 
activity  which  has  become  second  nature. 


A  virtuous  man  is  man  as  he  ought  to  be.  In  other  words, 
virtue  is  man's  normal  or  due  relation  to  everything  (for  unrelated 
qualities  or  properties  are  unthinkable).  The  due  relation  does 
not  mean  the  same  relation.  In  drawing  the  distinction  between 
the  self  and  the  not  self,  we  necessarily  posit  or  determine  the 
not  self  in  three  ways  :  either  as  the  lower  (by  nature),  or  as 
similar  to  us  (of  the  same  kind),  or  as  higher  than  we.  It  is 
obvious  that  there  cannot  be  a  fourth  alternative.  Hence  it 


logically  follows  that  the  right  or  the  moral  relation  must  have  a 
threefold  character.  It  is  clear  that  we  ought  not  to  regard  the 
lower  (say,  an  inclination  of  the  material  nature)  as  if  it  were 
the  higher  (e.g.  a  decree  of  the  divine  will) ;  it  would  be 
equally  opposed  to  what  is  right  to  regard  a  being  like 
ourselves — say,  a  human  being — either  as  lower  than  we  (i.e. 
regard  it  as  a  soulless  thing),  or  as  higher  (look  upon  it  as  a 

Thus,  instead  of  one,  we  have  three  right  or  moral  relations, 
or  three  kinds  of  virtue,  corresponding  to  the  three  divisions  into 
which  the  totality  of  objects  correlated  with  us  necessarily  falls. 
I  say  necessarily^  because  man  finds  himself  to  be  neither  the 
absolutely  supreme  or  highest  being,  nor  the  absolutely  sub 
ordinate  or  lowest,  nor,  finally,  alone  of  his  kind.  He  is  conscious 
of  himself  as  an  intermediate  being  and,  moreover,  one  of  the  many 
intermediate.  The  direct  logical  consequence  of  this  fact  is  the 
threefold  character  of  his  moral  relations.  In  virtue  of  it,  one 
and  the  same  quality  or  action  may  have  quite  a  different  and 
even  opposite  significance,  according  to  the  kind  of  object  to 
which  it  refers.  Thus,  belittling  oneself  or  recognising  one's 
worthlessness  is  called  humility^  and  is  a  virtue  when  it  refers  to 
objects  of  superior  dignity  ;  but  in  relation  to  unworthy  objects 
it  is  considered  base  and  is  immoral.1  In  the  same  way,  enthusiasm^ 
when  roused  by  high  principles  and  ideals,  is  no  doubt  a  virtue  ; 
in  relation  to  indifferent  objects  it  is  an  amusing  weakness ;  and 
directed  upon  objects  of  the  lower  order  it  becomes  a  shameful 
mania.  Virtues  in  the  proper  sense  are  always  and  in  every  one 
the  same,  for  they  express  a  quality  determined  in  the  right  way, 
and  correspond  to  the  very  meaning  of  one  or  other  of  the  three 
possible  spheres  of  relation.  But  from  these  definite  and  deter 
mining  virtues  must  be  distinguished  qualities  of  will  and  ways  of 
action  which  are  not  in  themselves  morally  determined,  and  do 
not  permanently  correspond  to  a  definite  sphere  of  duty.  These 
may  sometimes  be  virtues,  sometimes  indifferent  states,  and  some 
times  even  vices  ;  but  the  change  in  the  moral  significance  is 

1  In  English  the  word  humility  has  possibly  a  less  conditional  sense,  as  a  state  of 
mind  or  an  attitude  towards  life.  From  a  Christian  point  of  view  one  can  never  be 
too  humble.  Though  of  course  there  is  '  the  pride  that  apes  humility '  and  the 
condition  of  mind  of  Uriah  Heep  (Ec.). 


not  always  accompanied   by  a  corresponding  change  in  the  name 
of  the  psychological  quality  in  question. 

It  is  clear,  then,  that  even  if  we  did  not  find  in  our  psychical 
experience  the  three  fundamental  moral  feelings  of  shame,  pity, 
and  reverence,  it  would  be  necessary  on  logical  grounds  alone  to 
divide  the  totality  of  moral  relations  into  three  parts,  or  to 
accept  three  fundamental  types  of  virtue,  expressing  man's  relation 
to  what  is  lower  than  himself,  to  what  is  like  him,  and  to  what  is 
above  him. 


If  in  addition  to  the  foundations  of  morality  recognised  by  us 
— shame,  pity,  and  reverence  for  the  higher — we  go  over  all 
the  other  qualities  which  have,  in  ancient  and  modern  times,  been 
considered  as  virtues,  not  a  single  one  of  them  will  be  found  to 
deserve  that  name  of  itself.  Each  of  these  various  qualities  can 
only  be  regarded  as  a  virtue  when  it  accords  with  the  objective 
norms  of  right,  expressed  in  the  three  fundamental  moral  data 
indicated  above.  Thus  abstinence  or  temperance  has  the  dignity 
of  virtue  only  when  it  refers  to  shameful  states  or  actions.  Virtue 
does  not  require  that  we  should  be  abstinent  or  temperate  in 
general  or  in  everything,  but  only  that  we  should  abstain  from 
that  which  is  below  our  human  dignity,  and  from  the  things  in 
which  it  would  be  a  shame  to  indulge  ourselves  unchecked. 
But  if  a  person  is  moderate  in  seeking  after  truth,  or  abstains 
from  goodwill  to  his  neighbours,  no  one  would  consider  or 
call  him  virtuous  on  that  account ;  he  would,  on  the  contrary, 
be  condemned  as  lacking  in  generous  impulses.  It  follows  from 
this  that  temperance  is  not  in  itself  or  essentially  a  virtue, 
but  becomes  or  does  not  become  one  according  to  its  right  or 
wrong  application  to  objects.  In  the  same  way,  courage  or 
fortitude  is  only  a  virtue  in  so  far  as  it  expresses  the  right 
relation  of  the  rational  human  being  to  his  lower  material 
nature,  the  relation,  namely,  of  mastery  and  power,  the 
supremacy  of  the  spirit  over  the  animal  instinct  of  self- 
preservation.1  Praiseworthy  courage  is  shown  by  the  man  who 
does  not  tremble  at  accidental  misfortunes,  who  keeps  his  self- 

1  Concerning  this  virtue,  see  above,  Chap.  I.  p.  36. 


control  in  the  midst  of  external  dangers,  and  bravely  risks  his  life 
and  material  goods  for  the  sake  of  things  that  are  higher  and 
more  worthy.  But  the  bravest  unruliness,  the  most  daring 
aggressiveness,  and  the  most  fearless  blaspheming  are  not  praised 
as  virtues  ;  nor  is  the  horror  of  sin  or  the  fear  of  God  reckoned 
as  shameful  cowardice.  In  this  case  then,  again,  the  quality  of 
being  virtuous  or  vicious  depends  upon  a  certain  relation  to  the 
object  and  not  on  the  psychological  nature  of  the  emotional  and 
volitional  states. 

The  third  of  the  so-called  cardinal  virtues,1  wisdom^  i.e.  the 
knowledge  of  the  best  ways  and  means  for  attaining  the  purpose 
before  us,  and  the  capacity  to  apply  these  means  aright,  owes  its 
significance  as  a  virtue  not  to  this  formal  capacity  for  the  most 
expedient  action  as  such,  but  necessarily  depends  upon  the  moral 
worth  of  the  purpose  itself.  Wisdom  as  a  virtue  is  the  faculty  of 
attaining  the  best  purposes  in  the  best  possible  way,  or  the  know 
ledge  of  applying  in  the  most  expedient  way  one's  intellectual 
forces  to  objects  of  the  greatest  worth.  There  may  be  wisdom 
apart  from  this  condition,  but  such  wisdom  would  not  be  a  virtue. 
The  Biblical  'serpent '  had  certainly  justified  its  reputation  as  the 
wisest  of  earthly  creatures  by  the  understanding  he  showed  of 
human  nature,  and  the  skill  with  which  he  used  this  understand 
ing  for  the  attainment  of  his  purpose.  Since  however  the  purpose 
was  an  evil  one,  the  serpent's  admirable  wisdom  was  not  recog 
nised  as  a  virtue,  but  was  cursed  as  the  source  of  evil ;  and  the 
wisest  creature  has  remained  the  symbol  of  an  immoral  creeping 
mind,  absorbed  in  what  is  low  and  unworthy.  Even  in  everyday 
life  we  do  not  recognise  as  virtue  that  worldly  wisdom  which 
goes  no  further  than  understanding  human  weaknesses  and  arrang 
ing  its  own  affairs  in  accordance  with  selfish  ends. 

The  conception  of  justice  (the  fourth  cardinal  virtue)  has  four 
different  meanings.  In  the  widest  sense  'just'  is  synonymous 
with  due,  correct,  normal,  or  generally  right — not  only  in  the 
moral  sphere  (with  regard  to  will  and  action)  but  also  in  the  in 
tellectual  (with  regard  to  knowledge  and  thinking) ;  for  instance, 

1  From  the  early  days  of  the  scholastics  the  name  of  cardinal  or  philosophic  virtues 
(in  contradistinction  to  the  three  theological  virtues  of  faith,  hope,  and  charity)  has  been 
reserved  to  the  four  virtues  which  Plato  defined  in  the  Republic,  namely,  temperance, 
courage,  wisdom,  and  justice.  I  take  the  names  of  these  four  virtues  in  their  general 
sense,  independently  of  the  meaning  they  may  bear  in  Plato's  philosophy. 


4  you  reason  justly  '  or  i  cette  solution  (d*un  probleme  mathlmatique  ou 
rne'taphysique)  est  juste.1  Taken  in  this  sense  the  conception  of 
justice,  approaching  that  of  truth,  is  wider  than  the  conception  of 
virtue  and  belongs  to  the  theoretical  rather  than  to  the  moral 
philosophy.  In  the  second,  more  definite  sense,  justice  {at quit  as) 
corresponds  to  the  fundamental  principle  of  altruism,  which 
requires  that  we  should  recognise  everybody's  equal  right  to  life 
and  well-being  which  each  recognises  for  himself.  In  this 
sense  justice  is  not  special  virtue,  but  merely  a  logical  objective 
expression  of  the  moral  principle,  which  finds  its  subjective 
psychological  expression  in  the  fundamental  feeling  of  pity  (com 
passion  or  sympathy).  The  idea  of  justice  is  used  in  the  third 
sense  when  a  distinction  is  made  between  degrees  of  altruism  (or 
of  moral  relation  to  our  fellow-creatures)  and  when  the  first, 
negative  stage  ('not  to  injure  anyone')  is  described  as  justice 
proper  (justitia\  while  the  second,  positive  stage  (cto  help  every 
one')  is  designated  as  charity  (caritas,  charitl].  As  already 
pointed  out  (in  Chapter  III.)  this  distinction  is  purely  relative, 
and  is  certainly  insufficient  for  making  justice  into  a  special 
virtue.  No  one  would  call  just  a  man  who  decidedly  refused  to 
help  any  one  or  to  alleviate  anybody's  suffering,  even  though  he 
did  not  injure  his  neighbours  by  direct  acts  of  violence.  The 
moral  motive  both  for  abstaining  from  inflicting  injury  and  for 
rendering  help,  is  one  and  the  same — namely,  a  recognition  of 
the  right  of  others  to  live  and  to  enjoy  life.  No  moral  motive 
could  be  found  to  make  any  one  halt  half-way  and  be  content  with 
the  negative  side  of  the  moral  demand.  It  is  clear,  then,  that 
such  pause  or  such  limitation  cannot  possibly  correspond  to  any 
special  virtue,  and  merely  expresses  a  lesser  degree  of  the  general 
altruistic  virtue — the  sympathetic  feeling.  And  there  is  no 
universally  binding  or  constant  measure  for  the  lesser  and  the 
greater,  so  that  each  case  must  be  judged  upon  its  own  merits. 
When  moral  consciousness  in  the  community  reaches  a  certain 
level  of  development,  the  refusal  to  help  even  a  stranger  or  an 
enemy  is  condemned  by  the  conscience  as  a  direct  wrong. 
This  is  perfectly  logical,  for  if,  speaking  generally,  I  ought  to  help 
my  neighbour,  I  wrong  him  by  not  helping  him.  Even  on  the 
lower  stages  of  moral  consciousness  a  refusal  to  help  is,  within 
certain  limits,  regarded  as  a  wrong  and  a  crime — for  instance 



within  the  limits  of  the  family,  the  tribe,  the  army.  Among 
barbarous  people  everything  is  permissible  so  far  as  enemies  are 
concerned,  so  that  the  idea  of  wrong  does  not  even  apply  with 
respect  to  them  ;  but  a  peaceful  traveller  or  guest  has  a  right  to 
the  most  active  help  and  generous  gifts.  If,  however,  justice 
demands  charity  and  mercy  (among  the  barbarians  in  relation  to 
some  men  only,  and  with  the  progress  of  morality,  in  relation  to 
all)  it  clearly  cannot  be  a  virtue  by  itself,  distinct  from  charity. 
It  is  simply  an  expression  of  the  general  moral  principle  of 
altruism  which  has  different  degrees  and  forms  of  application,  but 
always  contains  an  idea  of  justice. 

Finally,  there  is  a  fourth  sense  in  which  the  term  may  be  used. 
On  the  supposition  that  the  objective  expression  of  what  is  right  is 
to  be  found  in  laws  (the  laws  of  the  state  or  of  the  Church),  it 
may  be  maintained  that  an  unswerving  obedience  to  laws  is  an 
absolute  moral  duty,  and  that  a  corresponding  disposition  to  be 
strictly  law-abiding  is  a  virtue  identical  with  that  of  justice. 
This  view  is  only  valid  within  the  limits  of  the  supposition  on 
which  it  is  based — that  is,  it  is  wholly  applicable  to  laws  that 
proceed  from  the  Divine  perfection,  and  therefore  express  the 
supreme  truth,  but  is  applicable  to  other  laws  only  on  condition 
that  they  agree  with  that  truth  ;  for  one  ought  to  obey  God  more 
than  men.  Justice  in  this  sense,  then — that  is,  the  striving  to  be 
law-abiding — is  not  in  itself  a  virtue  ;  it  may  or  may  not  be  that, 
according  to  the  nature  and  the  origin  of  the  laws  that  claim 
obedience.  For  the  source  of  human  laws  is  a  turbid  source. 
The  limpid  stream  of  moral  truth  is  hardly  visible  in  it  under  the 
layer  of  other,  purely  historical  elements,  which  express  merely  the 
actual  correlation  of  forces  and  interests  at  this  or  that  moment  of 
time.  Consequently  justice  as  a  virtue  by  no  means  always  coin 
cides  with  legality  or  judicial  right,  and  is  sometimes  directly 
opposed  to  it,  as  the  jurists  themselves  admit :  summum  jus — 
summa  injuria.  But  while  fully  admitting  the  difference  and  the 
possible  conflict  between  the  inner  truth  and  the  law,  many 
people  think  that  such  conflicts  should  always  be  settled  in  favour 
of  legality.  They  maintain,  that  is,  that  justice  requires  us  in  all 
cases  to  obey  the  law,  even  if  the  law  be  unjust.  In  support  of 
their  view  they  quote  the  authority  and  the  example  of  a  righteous 
man  of  antiquity,  Socrates,  who  thought  it  wrong  to  run  away 


from  the  lawful,  though  unjust,  sentence  of  the  Athenian  judges 
against  him.  But  in  truth  this  famous  example  teaches  something 
very  different. 

So  far  as  we  know  from  Xenophon  and  Plato,  Socrates  was 
led  to  his  decision  by  two  different  motives.  In  the  first  place,  he 
thought  that  to  save  by  flight  the  small  remainder  of  life  to  which 
he,  an  old  man  of  seventy,  could  look  forward,  would  be  shameful 
and  cowardly,  especially  for  him,  who  believed  in  the  immortality 
of  the  soul,  and  taught  that  true  wisdom  was  continual  dying  (to 
the  material  world).  Secondly,  Socrates  thought  that  a  citizen 
ought  to  sacrifice  his  personal  welfare  to  the  laws  of  his  country,  even 
if  they  were  unjust,  for  the  sake  of  filial  piety.  Socrates,  then,  was 
guided  by  the  moral  motives  of  asceticism  and  piety,  and  certainly 
not  by  the  conception  of  the  absolute  value  of  legality,  which  he 
never  admitted.  Besides,  in  the  case  of  Socrates,  there  was  no 
conflict  between  two  duties,  but  only  a  conflict  between  a 
personal  right  and  a  civic  duty^  and  it  may  be  accepted  as  a  matter 
of  general  principle  that  right  must  give  way  to  duty.  No  one 
is  bound  to  defend  his  own  material  life  :  it  is  merely  his  right, 
which  it  is  always  permissible,  and  sometimes  laudable,  to  sacrifice. 
It  is  a  different  matter  when  the  civic  duty  of  obedience  to  laws 
conflicts  not  with  a  personal  right,  but  with  a  moral  duty,  as  in 
the  famous  classical  case  of  Antigone.  She  had  to  choose  between 
the  moral  and  religious  duty  of  giving  honourable  burial  to  her 
brother,  and  the  civic  duty  of  obeying  the  prohibition  to  do  so — a 
prohibition  impious  and  inhuman,  though  legally  just,  for  it  pro 
ceeded  from  the  lawful  ruler  of  her  native  town.  Here  comes 
into  force  the  rule  that  one  ought  to  obey  God  more  than  men, 
and  it  is  made  abundantly  clear  that  justice  in  the  sense  of  legality, 
or  of  external  conformity  of  actions  to  established  laws,  is  not  in 
itself  a  virtue,  but  may  or  may  not  be  such  according  to  circum 
stances.  Therefore  the  heroism  of  Socrates,  who  submitted  to  an 
unjust  law,  and  the  heroism  of  Antigone,  who  violated  such  a  law, 
are  equally  laudable — and  not  only  because  in  both  cases  there  was 
sacrifice  of  life,  but  from  the  nature  of  the  case.  Socrates  re 
nounced  his  own  material  right  for  the  sake  of  the  higher  ideas  of 
human  dignity  and  patriotic  duty.  Antigone  defended  the  right 
of  another^  and  thereby  fulfilled  her  duty — for  the  burial  of  her 
brother  was  his  right  and  her  duty,  while  it  was  in  no  sense 

Socrates'  duty  to  escape  from  prison.  Speaking  generally,  pietas 
erga  patriam^  like  pietas  erga  parentes^  can  only  compel  us  to 
sacrifice  our  own  right,  but  certainly  not  the  right  of  others. 
Suppose,  for  instance,  that  filial  piety  developed  to  the  point  of 
heroism  induced  a  man  not  to  resist  his  father  who  intends  to  kill 
him.  The  moral  worth  of  such  heroism  may  be  disputed,  but  it 
would  certainly  never  even  occur  to  any  one  to  justify  or  to  call 
heroic  that  same  man  if,  out  of  obedience  to  his  father,  he  thought 
it  his  duty  to  kill  his  own  brother  or  sister.  The  same  is  appli 
cable  to  unjust  and  inhuman  laws,  and  from  this  it  follows  that 
justice,  in  the  sense  of  obedience  to  laws  as  such,  according  to  the 
rule  ^fiat  justitia,  pereat  mundus'*  is  not  in  itself  a  virtue. 


The  three  so-called  theological  virtues  recognised  in  the 
patristic  and  the  scholastic  ethics — -faith,  hope,  and  charity  1 — also 
have  no  unconditional  moral  worth  in  themselves,  but  are 
dependent  upon  other  circumstances.  Even  for  theologians,  not 
every  kind  of  faith  is  a  virtue.  The  character  of  virtue  does  not 
attach  to  faith  which  has  for  its  object  something  non-existent,  or 
unworthy,  or  which  unworthily  regards  that  which  is  worthy. 
Thus,  in  the  first  case,  if  a  person  firmly  believes  in  the  philo 
sopher's  stone,  i.e.  a  powder,  liquid,  or  gas  which  transforms  all  metals 
to  gold,  such  faith  in  an  object  which  does  not  exist  in  the  nature 
of  things,  is  not  regarded  as  a  virtue,  but  as  self-deceit.  In  the 
second  case,  if  a  person  not  merely  admits — and  rightly  so — the 
existence  of  the  power  of  evil  as  a  fact,  but  makes  that  power  an 
object  of  faith  in  the  sense  of  confidence  in  and  devotion  to  it, 
forms  a  compact  with  it,  sells  his  soul  to  the  devil,  and  so  on, 
such  faith  is  justly  regarded  as  a  terrible  moral  fall,  for  its  object, 
though  actual,  is  evil  and  unworthy.  Finally,  in  the  third 
case,  the  faith  of  the  devils  themselves,  of  whom  the  apostle  writes 
that  they  believe  (in  God)  and  tremble,2  is  not  recognised  as  a 
virtue,  for  although  it  refers  to  an  object  that  exists,  and  is  of 
absolute  worth,  it  regards  that  object  in  an  unworthy  way  (with 
horror  instead  of  joy,  with  repulsion  instead  of  attraction).  Only 

1  According  to  the  well-known  text  of  St.  Paul,  in  which,  however,  the  term 
'virtue'  is  not  used.  2  St.  James  ii.  13. 


that  faith  in  the  higher  being  may  be  regarded  as  a  virtue,  which 
regards  it  in  a  worthy  manner,  namely,  with  free  filial  piety.  And 
such  faith  entirely  coincides  with  the  religious  feeling  which  we 
found  to  be  one  of  the  three  ultimate  foundations  of  morality. 

The  second  theological  virtue — hope — comes  really  to  the  same 
thing.  There  can  be  no  question  of  virtue  when  some  one  trusts 
in  his  own  strength  or  wisdom,  or  indeed  in  God,  if  in  the  sole 
expectation  of  material  gain  from  Him.  That  hope  alone  is  a 
virtue  which  looks  to  God  as  the  source  of  true  blessings  to  come  ; 
and  this  is,  again,  the  same  fundamental  religious  relation,  to  which 
is  added  an  idea  of  the  future  and  a  feeling  of  expectation. 

Finally,  the  moral  significance  of  the  third  and  greatest  theo 
logical  virtue — love — entirely  depends  upon  the  given  objective 
determinations.  Love  in  itself,  or  love  in  general,  is  not  a  virtue — 
if  it  were,  all  beings  would  alike  be  virtuous,  for  they  all  without 
exception  love  something  and  live  by  their  love.  But  selfish  love 
for  oneself  and  one's  property,  passionate  love  of  drink  or  of 
horse-racing,  is  not  reckoned  as  a  virtue. 

4 II  faut  en  ce  has  monde  aimer  beaucoup  de  chosesj  teaches  a  neo- 
pagan  poet.  Such  'love'  had  been  expressly  rejected  by  the 
apostle  of  love  : 

lLove  not  the  world,  neither  the  things  that  are  in  the  world?  l 
This  is  the  first,  negative  part  of  the  commandment  of  love, 
and  it  should  not  be  overlooked  as  it  usually  is.  It  is  simply  the 
expression  of  the  fundamental  principle  of  asceticism  :  to  guard 
ourselves  from  the  lower  nature  and  to  struggle  against  its 
dominion.  For  it  is  clear  from  the  context  that  by  '  the  world  ' 
which  we  must  not  love,  the  apostle  means  neither  mankind  as  a 
whole,  nor  the  totality  of  the  creation  which  proclaims  the  glory 
of  God,  but  precisely  the  dark  and  irrational  basis  of  the  material 
nature  which  ceases  to  be  passive  and  potential,  as  it  ought  to  be, 
and  unlawfully  invades  the  domain  of  the  human  spirit.  Further 
on  it  is  directly  said  that  in  the  world  there  is  the  lust  of  the  flesh,  i.e. 
the  desire  of  immoderate  sensuality,  the  lust  of  the  eyes,  i.e.  greed 
or  love  of  money,  and  the  pride  of  life ,  i.e.  vainglory  and  ambition. 
Biblical  ethics  adds  to  the  negative  '•love  not  the  world"*  two 
positive  commands  :  love  God  with  all  thy  heart,  and  love  thy 
neighbour  as  thyself.  These  two  kinds  of  love  are  rightly  dis- 

1  i  John  ii.  15. 


tinguished,  for  the  particular  nature  of  the  object  necessarily  con 
ditions  the  particular  moral  relation  to  be  adopted  towards  them. 
Love  to  our  neighbours  has  its  source  in  pity,  and  love  towards 
God  in  reverence.  To  love  one's  neighbour  as  oneself  really 
means  to  feel  for  him  as  one  does  for  oneself.  Whole-hearted 
love  of  God  means  entire  devotion  to  Him,  full  surrender  of  one's 
own  will  to  His — i.e.  the  perfection  of  the  filial  or  the  religious 
feeling  and  relation. 

Thus  the  commandment  of  love  is  not  connected  with  any 
particular  virtue,  but  is  the  culmination  of  all  the  fundamental 
demands  of  morality  in  the  three  necessary  respects :  in  relation  to 
the  lower,  to  the  higher,  and  to  that  which  is  on  a  level  with  us. 

I  have  shown  that  the  four  c  cardinal '  as  well  as  the  three 
1  theological '  virtues  can  be  reduced,  in  one  way  or  another,  to  the 
three  ultimate  foundations  of  morality,  indicated  above.  It  can 
now  be  left  to  the  goodwill  and  the  intelligence  of  the  reader  to 
continue  the  analysis  of  the  other  so-called  virtues.  There  exists 
no  generally  recognised  list  of  them,  and,  by  means  of  scholastic 
distinctions,  their  number  can  be  increased  indefinitely.  But  for 
the  sake  of  completing  what  has  gone  before,  I  should  like  to  say 
a  few  words  about  five  virtues  which  present  a  certain  interest 
in  one  respect  or  another,  namely,  concerning  magnanimity, 
disinterestedness,  generosity,  patience,  and  truthfulness. 

We  call  magnanimous  a  man  who  •  is  ashamed,  or  finds  it 
beneath  his  dignity,  to  insist  on  his  material  rights  to  the  detriment 
of  other  people,  or  to  bind  his  will  by  lower  worldly  interests 
(such  as  vanity),  which  he  therefore  readily  sacrifices  for  the  sake 
of  higher  considerations.  We  also  call  magnanimous  the  man 
who  is  undisturbed  by  adversities  and  changes  of  fortune,  because, 
again,  he  is  ashamed  of  allowing  his  peace  of  mind  to  be  dependent 
upon  material  and  accidental  things.  The  words  italicised  are 
sufficient  to  indicate  that  this  virtue  is  simply  a  special  expression 
or  form  of  the  first  root  of  morality — viz.  of  the  self-assertion  of  the 
human  spirit  against  the  lower,  material  side  of  our  being.  The 
essential  thing  here  is  the  feeling  of  human  dignity,  which,  in  the 
first  instance,  manifests  itself  in  the  feeling  of  shame. 


Disinterestedness  is  the  freedom  of  the  spirit  from  attachment 
to  a  certain  kind  of  material  goods,  namely,  to  possessions.  It  is 
clearly  a  particular  expression  of  that  same  feeling  of  human 
dignity.  In  a  corresponding  manner,  vices  opposed  to  this  viitue 
— miserliness  and  cupidity — are  felt  to  be  shameful. 

Generosity  in  its  external  manifestations  coincides  with 
magnanimity  and  disinterestedness,  but  it  has  a  different  inner 
basis,  namely,  an  altruistic  one.  A  virtuously  generous  man 
is  one  who  shares  his  property  with  others  out  of  justice  or  bene 
volence  (for  in  so  far  as  he  does  it  out  of  vanity  or  pride,  he  is  not 
virtuous).  But  at  the  same  time  such  a  man  may  be  attached 
to  the  property  he  gives  away  to  the  degree  of  miserliness,  and  in 
that  case  he  cannot,  in  strictness,  be  called  disinterested.  It  must 
only  be  said  that  the  altruistic  virtue  of  generosity  overcomes  in 
him  the  vice  of  cupidity. 

Patience  (as  a  virtue)  is  only  the  passive  aspect  of  that  quality 
of  the  soul  which,  in  its  active  manifestation,  is  called  magna 
nimity  or  spiritual  fortitude.  The  difference  is  almost  entirely 
subjective,  and  no  hard  and  fast  line  can  be  drawn  between  the 
two.  A  man  who  calmly  endures  torment  or  misfortune  will 
be  called  magnanimous  by  some,  patient  by  others,  courageous 
by  the  third,  while  the  fourth  will  see  in  him  an  example  of 
a  special  virtue — serenity  (arapa^ia)  and  so  on.  The  discussion 
of  the  comparative  appropriateness  of  these  definitions  can  have 
only  a  linguistic  and  not  an  ethical  interest.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  identity  of  the  external  expression  may  (as  in  the  case 
of  generosity)  conceal  important  differences  in  the  moral  content. 
A  man  may  patiently  endure  physical  or  mental  suffering  owing 
to  a  low  degree  of  nervous  sensitiveness,  dullness  of  mind  and 
an  apathetic  temperament,  and  in  that  case  patience  is  not  a 
virtue  at  all.  Or  patience  may  be  due  to  the  inner  force  of  the 
spirit,  which  does  not  give  way  to  external  influences — and  then  it 
is  an  ascetic  virtue  (reducible  to  our  first  basis  of  morality) ; 
or  it  may  arise  from  meekness  and  love  of  one's  neighbours 
(caritas\  which  does  not  wish  to  pay  back  evil  for  evil  and 
injury  for  injury — and  in  that  case  it  is  an  altruistic  virtue  (re 
ducible  to  the  second  principle — pity,  which  here  extends  even 
to  enemies  who  inflict  the  injury).  Finally,  patience  may 
spring  from  obedience  to  the  higher  will  upon  which  all  that 


happens  depends — and  then  it  is  a  religious  virtue  (reducible  to 
the  third  principle). 

A  particuliar  variety  of  patience  is  the  quality  which  is 
designated  in  the  Russian  language  by  the  grammatically  incorrect 
term  l  terpimost ' — tolerance  (passivum  pro  activo).  It  means  the 
admission  of  other  people's  freedom  even  when  it  seems  to  lead 
to  error.  This  attitude  is  in  itself  neither  a  vice  nor  a  virtue, 
but  may,  in  different  circumstances,  become  either.  It  depends 
on  the  object  to  which  it  refers  (thus  injury  of  the  weak  by  the 
strong  must  not  be  tolerated,  and  'tolerance'  of  it  is  immoral 
and  not  virtuous),  and  still  more,  on  the  inner  motives  from 
which  it  arises.  It  may  spring  from  magnanimity  or  from 
cowardice,  from  respect  for  the  rights  of  others  and  from  contempt 
of  the  good  of  others,  from  profound  faith  in  the  conquering 
power  of  the  higher  truth  and  from  indifference  to  that  truth.1 


Among  the  derivative  or  secondary  virtues  truthfulness  must  be 
recognised  as  the  most  important,  both  owing  to  its  specifically 
human  character  (for  in  the  strict  sense  it  is  only  possible  for  a 
being  endowed  with  the  power  of  speech2)  and  to  its  significance 
for  social  morality.  At  the  same  time  this  virtue  has  been  and 
still  is  the  subject  of  much  disagreement  between  different  schools 
of  moralists. 

The  word  is  the  instrument  of  reason  for  expressing  that 
which  is,  that  which  may  be,  and  that  -which  ought  to  be,  i.e. 
for  expressing  the  actual,  the  formal,  and  the  ideal  truth.  The 
possession  of  such  an  instrument  is  part  of  the  higher  nature  of 
man,  and  therefore  when  he  misuses  it,  giving  expression  to  un 
truth  for  the  sake  of  lower  material  ends,  he  does  something 
contrary  to  human  dignity,  something  shameful.  At  the  same 
time  the  word  is  the  expression  of  human  solidarity,  the  most 
important  means  of  communication  between  men.  But  this 
applies  only  to  true  words.  Therefore  when  an  individual  person 
uses  speech  to  express  untruth  for  his  own  selfish  ends  (not  only 

1  A  more  detailed    discussion  of  it  will  be  found  at  the   beginning  of  my  article 
Sfor  o  spra-vcdlivosti  (The  Dispute  about  Justice). 

2  Animals  may  be  nai've  or  cunning,  but  only  man  can  be  truthful  or  deceitful. 


individually  selfish,  but  collectively  selfish  also,  e.g.  in  the  interests 
of  his  family,  his  class,  his  party,  etc.)  he  violates  the  rights  of 
others  and  injures  the  community.  A  lie  is  thus  both  shameful 
for  the  liar,  and  damaging  and  insulting  to  the  deceived.  The 
demand  for  truthfulness  has  then  a  twofold  moral  foundation. 
It  is  based,  first,  on  the  human  dignity  of  the  subject  himself, 
and  secondly  upon  justice^  i.e.  upon  a  recognition  of  the  right  of 
others  not  to  be  deceived  by  me,  in  as  much  as  I  myself  cannot 
wish  to  be  deceived  by  them. 

All  this  is  in  direct  conformity  with  the  demands  of  reason 
and  contains  nothing  dubious.  But  by  abstracting  the  demand  for 
truthfulness  from  its  moral  basis,  and  turning  it  into  a  special 
virtue  possessed  of  absolute  worth  in  itself^  the  scholastic  philo 
sophy  has  created  difficulties  and  contradictions  which  do  not 
follow  from  the  nature  of  the  case.  If  by  a  lie  is  meant  the 
contrary  of  truth  in  the  full  sense  of  the  word,  i.e.  not  only  of  the 
real  and  formal,  but  also  and  chiefly  of  the  ideal  or  purely  moral 
truth  (of  that  which  ought  to  be),  it  would  be  perfectly  correct 
and  indisputable  to  ascribe  absolute  significance  to  the  rule  £do 
not  lie,'  and  to  admit  of  no  exception  to  it  under  any  circum 
stances  ;  for,  clearly,  truth  ceases  to  be  truth  if  there  may  be  a 
single  case  in  which  it  is  permissible  to  depart  from  it.  There 
could  be  no  question  of  it,  at  any  rate  not  between  people  who 
understand  that  A  =  A  and  that  2x2  =  4.  But  the  trouble  is 
that  the  philosophers  who  particularly  insist  on  the  rule  '  do  not 
lie,'  as  allowing  of  no  exception,  are  themselves  guilty  of  a  falsity 
by  arbitrarily  limiting  the  meaning  of  truth  (in  each  given  case) 
to  the  real,  or  more  exactly,  to  the  matter  of  fact  aspect  of  it,  taken 
separately.  Adopting  this  point  of  view,  they  come  to  the  following 
absurd  dilemma  (I  give  the  usual  instance  as  the  clearest  and 
simplest).  When  a  person,  having  no  other  means  at  his  com 
mand  for  frustrating  a  would-be  murderer  in  pursuit  of  his 
innocent  victim,  hides  the  latter  in  his  house,  and  to  the  pursuer's 
question  whether  that  person  is  there,  answers  in  the  negative, 
or,  for  greater  plausibility,  £  puts  him  off  the  track '  by  mention 
ing  quite  a  different  place, — in  lying  thus  he  acts  either  in  con 
formity  with  the  moral  law  or  in  opposition  to  it.  If  the  first,  it 
is  permissible  to  violate  the  moral  command  c  do  not  lie  '  ;  morality 
is  thus  deprived  of  its  absolute  value,  and  the  way  is  open  to  justify 

every  kind  of  evil.  If  the  second — if  the  man  has  sinned  by 
telling  a  lie — it  appears  that  the  moral  duty  of  truthfulness  actu 
ally  compelled  him  to  become  a  real  accomplice  of  the  murderer 
in  his  crime — which  is  equally  opposed  to  reason  and  to  the  moral 
sense.  There  can  be  no  middle  course,  for  it  is  obvious  that  a 
refusal  to  answer  or  an  evasive  answer  would  simply  confirm  the 
pursuer's  suspicion  and  would  finally  give  away  the  victim. 

It  will  be  remembered  that  great  moralists  like  Kant  and 
Fichte,  who  insist  on  the  absolute  and  formal  character  of  the  moral 
law,  maintain  that  even  in  such  circumstances  a  lie  would  be 
unjustifiable,  and  that,  therefore,  the  person  questioned  ought  to 
fulfil  the  duty  of  truthfulness  without  thinking  of  the  con 
sequences,  for  which  (it  is  urged)  he  is  not  responsible.  Other 
moralists,  who  reduce  all  morality  to  the  feeling  of  pity  or  the 
principle  of  altruism,  believe  that  lying  is  permissible  and  even 
obligatory  when  it  can  save  the  life  or  promote  the  welfare  of 
others.  This  assertion,  however,  is  too  wide  and  indefinite  and 
easily  leads  to  all  kinds  of  abuse. 

How  then  are  we  to  decide  the  question  whether  that  un 
fortunate  man  ought  to  have  told  a  lie  or  not  ?  When  both 
horns  of  a  dilemma  equally  lead  to  an  absurdity,  there  must  be 
something  wrong  in  the  formulation  of  the  dilemma  itself. 
In  the  present  case  the  '  something  wrong '  is  to  be  found  in  the 
ambiguity  of  the  words  'lie,'  c false,'  and  'lying,'  which  are 
here  taken  to  have  one  meaning  only,  or  to  combine  both  meanings 
in  one,  which  is  not  really  the  case.  Thus  the  main  term  is 
falsely  understood  at  the  very  beginning  of  the  argument,  and  this 
can  lead  to  nothing  but  false  conclusions. 

I  propose  to  consider  it  in  detail,  and  let  not  the  reader  grudge 
a  certain  pedanticism  of  this  examination.  The  question  itself 
has  arisen  solely  owing  to  the  scholastic  pedantry  of  the  abstract 

According  to  the  formal  definition  of  it  a  lie  is  a  contradiction 
between  somebody's  assertion  *  concerning  a  given  fact  and  the 
actual  existence,  or  manner  of  existence,  of  that  fact.  But  this 
formal  conception  of  a  lie  has  no  direct  bearing  on  morality.  An 

1  The  general  definition  must  include  both  affirmations  and  denials,  and  I  therefore 
use  the  term  assertion  to  cover  both.  The  words  'judgment '  and  '  proposition  '  involve 
a  shade  of  meaning  unsuitable  in  the  present  case. 


assertion  that  contradicts  reality  may  sometimes  be  simply  mistaken^ 
and  in  that  case  its  actual  falsity  will  be  limited  to  the  objective 
(or  more  exactly,  to  the  phenomenal)  sphere,  without  in  the 
least  touching  upon  the  moral  aspect  of  the  subject ;  that  is,  it 
will  contain  no  lie  in  the  moral  sense  at  all :  a  mistake  is  not  a 
falsehood.  Take  an  extreme  case.  It  is  no  sin  against  truthful 
ness  to  talk  nonsense  through  absent-mindedness,  or  through 
ignorance  of  language,  like  the  German  in  the  well-known 
anecdote  who  mixed  up  English  and  German  words  and  affirmed 
that  he  c  became  a  cup  of  tea.'  But  apart  from  mistakes  of  speech, 
the  same  thing  must  be  said  of  the  mistakes  of  thought  or  errors. 
Many  people  have  affirmed,  and  are  still  affirming,  both  in  speech 
and  in  writing,  things  as  false  (in  the  objective  sense)  as  the 
assertion  that  a  man  became  a  cup  of  tea,  but  do  so  consciously, 
intending  to  say  precisely  what  they  do  say.  If,  however,  they 
sincerely  take  falsity  for  truth,  no  one  will  call  them  liars  or  see 
anything  immoral  in  their  error.  Thus  neither  the  contradiction 
between  speech  and  reality,  nor  the  contradiction  between 
thought  and  reality  is  a  lie  in  the  moral  sense.  Is  it  to  be 
found  in  the  contradiction  between  the  will  and  reality  as 
such,  i.e.  in  the  simple  intention  to  lie  ?  But  there  never 
is  such  simple  intention.  People  —  at  any  rate  those  who 
can  be  held  morally  responsible — lie  for  the  sake  of  something, 
with  some  object.  Some  lie  to  satisfy  their  vanity,  to  make  a 
show,  to  draw  attention  to  themselves,  to  be  noted  ;  others  for 
the  sake  of  material  gain,  in  order  to  deceive  some  one  with  profit 
to  themselves.  Both  these  kinds  of  lie,  of  which  the  first  is  called 
bragging,  and  the  second  cheating,  fall  within  the  moral  sphere, 
and  are  to  be  condemned  as  shameful  to  the  person  who  tells 
them,  and  as  insulting  and  injurious  to  others.  But  in  addition 
to  the  vainglorious  lie  or  bragging,  and  the  lie  for  the  sake  of  gain 
or  cheating,  there  exists  a  more  subtle  kind  of  lie,  which  has  no 
immediately  low  purpose,  but  must  nevertheless  be  condemned  as 
insulting  to  one's  neighbours.  I  mean  the  lie  out  of  contempt 
for  humanity,  beginning  with  the  usual  CI  am  not  at  home'  and 
down  to  the  most  complex  political,  religious,  and  literary 
humbug.  There  is  nothing  shameful  in  the  narrow  sense  of  the 
word  in  this  kind  of  lie  (unless  of  course  it  is  made  for  purposes 
of  gain),  but  it  is  immoral  from  the  altruistic  point  of  view,  as 


violating  the  rights  of  the  deceived.  The  person  who  hoaxes 
others  would  obviously  dislike  to  be  deceived  himself,  and  would 
regard  an  attempt  to  hoax  him  as  a  violation  of  his  human  rights. 
Consequently  he  ought  to  respect  the  same  right  in  other  people. 
The  case  of  a  man  who  deceives  the  evil-doer  for  the  sake  of 
preventing  murder  obviously  does  not  -fall  within  the  first  two 
kinds  of  immoral  lie,  i.e.  it  is  neither  bragging  nor  cheating  ; 
could  it  possibly  be  classed  with  the  last  kind,  that  is,  with 
hoaxing,  which  is  immoral  in  the  sense  of  being  insulting  to 
another  person  ?  Is  it  not  a  case  of  despising  humanity  in  the 
person  of  the  would-be  murderer,  who  is,  after  all,  a  human 
being,  and  must  not  be  deprived  of  any  of  his  human  rights  ? 
But  the  right  of  the  criminal  to  have  me  for  his  accomplice  in 
the  perpetration  of  the  murder  can  certainly  not  be  reckoned 
among  his  human  rights  ;  and  it  is  precisely  the  demand  for  an 
accomplice  and  it  alone  that  is  contained  in  his  question  as  to  the 
whereabouts  of  his  victim.  Is  it  permissible  for  a  moralist  to 
have  recourse  to  what  he  knows  to  be  fiction,  especially  when 
it  is  a  question  of  a  man's  life  ?  For  it  is  sheer  fiction  to  suppose 
that  in  asking  his  question  the  would-be  murderer  is  thinking 
about  the  truth,  wants  to  know  the  truth,  and  is,  therefore,  like 
any  other  human  being,  entitled  to  have  a  correct  answer  from 
those  who  know  it.  In  reality  there  is  nothing  of  the  kind.  The 
man's  question  does  not  exist  as  a  separate  and  independent  fact 
expressing  his  interest  as  to  the  place  where  his  victim  really  is  ; 
the  question  is  only  an  inseparable  moment  in  a  whole  series  of 
actions  which,  in  their  totality,'  form  an  attempt  at  murder.  An 
affirmative  answer  would  not  be  a  fulfilment  of  the  universal  duty 
to  speak  the  truth  at  all ;  it  would  simply  be  criminal  connivance 
which  would  convert  the  attempt  into  actual  murder. 

If  we  are  to  talk  of  truthfulness,  truthfulness  demands,  in  the 
first  place,  that  we  should  take  a  case  as  it  really  zV,  in  its  actual 
completeness  and  its  proper  inner  significance.  Now  the  words 
and  actions  of  the  would-be  murderer  in  the  instance  we  are 
considering  are  held  together  by,  and  derive  their  actual  meaning 
solely  from,  his  intention  to  kill  his  victim  ;  therefore  it  is  only  in 
connection  with  this  intention  that  one  can  truly  judge  of  his 
words  and  actions,  and  of  the  relation  to  them  on  the  part  of 
another  person.  Since  we  know  the  criminal  intention,  we 



have  neither  a  theoretical  ground  nor  a  moral  right  to  separate  the 
man's  question  (and  consequently  our  answer  to  it)  from  the 
object  to  which  it  actually  refers.  From  this  point  of  view,  which 
is  the  only  true  one,  the  man's  question  means  nothing  but  c  help 
me  to  accomplish  the  murder?  A  correct  answer  to  it,  overlooking 
the  real  meaning  of  the  question,  and,  contrary  to  obvious  fact, 
taking  it  to  have  some  relation  to  truth — would  befa/se  from  the 
theoretical  point  of  view,  and  from  the  practical  would  simply 
mean  compliance  with  the  criminal  request.  The  only  possible 
means  of  refusing  that  request  would  be  to  put  the  would-be 
murderer  off  the  track  :  such  refusal  is  morally  binding  both  in 
relation  to  the  victim  whose  life  it  saves,  and  in  relation  to 
the  criminal  whom  it  gives  time  to  think  and  to  give  up 
his  criminal  intention.  Still  less  can  there  be  question  here  of 
the  violation  of  the  man's  right ;  it  would  be  too  crude  an  error 
to  confuse  a  request  for  criminal  assistance  with  the  right  of 
learning  the  truth  from  the  person  who  knows  it.  It  would  be 
equally  mistaken  to  insist  that  the  man  who,  for  motives  of 
moral  duty,  prevented  the  murder  by  the  only  possible  means, 
had  nevertheless  told  a  lie  and  therefore  acted  badly.  This  would 
mean  a  confusion  between  the  two  senses  of  the  word  c  lie  '- 
the  formal  and  the  moral — the  essential  difference  between  which 
has  been  indicated  above. 

The  upholders  of  the  pseudo-moral  rigorism  may  still  seek 
refuge  on  religious  ground.  Although  no  human  right  is 
violated  by  putting  the  murderer  on  the  false  track,  perhaps  the 
divine  right  is  violated  by  it.  If  there  existed  a  commandment 
from  above  cdo  not  lie,'  we  should  be  bound  to  obey  it  un 
conditionally,  leaving  the  consequences  to  God.  But  the  fact  is 
that  there  exists  in  the  word  of  God  no  abstract  commandment x 
forbidding  lying  in  general  or  lying  in  the  formal  sense,  while 
the  command  to  sacrifice  our  very  souls — and  not  merely  the 
formal  correctness  of  our  words — for  our  neighbours  undoubtedly 
exists  and  must  be  fulfilled.  It  might  however  be  thought  that 
from  the  mystical  point  of  view  a  means  might  be  found  to 
carry  out  the  chief  commandment  with  regard  to  love,  and  yet 

The  commandment  '  do  not  bear  false  witness  against  thy  neighbour,'  i.e.  do  not 
slander,  has  no  bearing  on  this  question,  for  it  forbids  not  lying  in  general  but  only  one 
definite  kind  of  lie,  which  is  always  immoral. 


to  avoid  the  formal  lie.  Thus  we  could,  after  surrendering  the 
victim  to  his  murderer,  turn  to  God  with  a  prayer  to  prevent 
the  murder  by  some  miracle.  There  certainly  are  cases  on 
record  of  prayers  producing  the  desired  effect  against  all  human 
probability.  This  however  only  happened  in  hopeless  extremity, 
when  there  were  no  natural  means  left.  But  to  require  from 
God  a  miracle  when  you  can  yourself,  by  a  simple  and  harmless 
means,  prevent  the  disaster,  would  be  extremely  impious.  It 
would  be  a  different  matter  if  the  last  human  means  available 
were  immoral ;  but  to  fall  back  upon  the  immorality  of  the 
formal  lie  as  such  would  mean  to  beg  precisely  that  which  is  in 
question  and  which  cannot  be  logically  proved,  for  it  is  based  on 
the  confusion  between  two  utterly  distinct  ideas  of  falsity  and 
falsehood.  In  the  instance  we  are  considering,  the  answer  to  the 
murderer's  question  is  undoubtedly^/^,  but  it  is  not  to  be  con 
demned  as  a  lie.  The  formal  falsity  of  a  person's  words  has  as 
such  no  relation  to  morality,  and  cannot  be  condemned  from  the 
moral  point  of  view.  Falsehood^  on  the  other  hand,  is  subject  to 
such  condemnation  as  the  expression  of  an  intention  which  is  in 
some  way  immoral^  and  it  is  in  this  alone  that  it  differs  from 
simple  falsity.  But  in  the  present  case  it  is  impossible  to  find 
any  such  immoral  intention,  and  consequently  any  falsehood. 

Put  briefly,  our  long  argument  may  be  expressed  as  follows. 
An  assertion  which  is  formally  false,  that  is,  which  contradicts 
the  fact  to  which  it  refers,  is  not  always  a  lie  in  the  moral  sense. 
It  becomes  such  only  when  it  proceeds  from  the  evil  will  which 
intentionally  misuses  words  for  its  own  ends  ;  and  the  evil 
character  of  the  will  consists  not  in  its  contradicting  any  fact 
but  in  its  contradicting  that  which  ought  to  be.  Now  that  which 
ought  to  be  is  of  necessity  determined  in  three  ways — in  relation, 
namely,  to  that  which  is  below  us,  on  a  level  with  us,  and  above  us 
— and  amounts  to  three  demands :  to  submit  the  lower  nature  to 
the  spirit,  to  respect  the  rights  of  our  fellow-creatures,  and  to  be 
wholly  devoted  to  the  higher  principle  of  the  world.  An  expres 
sion  of  our  will  can  be  bad  or  immoral  only  if  it  violates  one  of 
these  three  duties,  that  is,  when  the  will  affirms  or  sanctions 
something  shameful,  or  injurious,  or  impious.  But  the  will  of  the 
man  who  puts  the  would-be  murderer  off  his  victim's  track  does 
not  violate  any  of  the  three  duties — there  is  nothing  either 


shameful  or  injurious  or  impious  about  his  will.  Thus  it  is  not  a 
case  of  a  lie  in  the  moral  sense  at  all,  or  of  a  breach  of  any  com 
mandment,  and,  in  allowing  such  a  means  of  preventing  evil,  we 
do  not  allow  any  exceptions  to  the  moral  law.  For  reasons 
indicated,  the  given  case  cannot  be  said  to  fall  under  the  moral 
rule  within  which  it  is  sought,  in  contradiction  to  fact,  to 
include  it. 

One  of  the  disputants  maintains  :  since  this  is  a  lie,  this 
bad  means  ought  not  to  have  been  used  even  to  save  another 
person's  life.  The  other  side  answers  :  although  it  is  a  lie,  it  is 
permissible  to  use  this  bad  means  to  save  the  life  of  another,  for 
the  duty  to  save  another  person's  life  is  more  important  than  the 
duty  to  speak  the  truth.  Both  these  false  assertions  are  cancelled 
by  the  third,  true  one.  Since  this  is  not  a  lie  (in  the  moral  sense), 
the  recourse  to  this  innocent  means,  necessary  for  the  prevention 
of  murder,  is  morally  binding  on  the  person.1 


To  make  truthfulness  into  a  separate  formal  virtue  involves, 
then,  an  inner  contradiction  and  is  contrary  to  reason.  Truth 
fulness,  like  all  other  'virtues,'  does  not  contain  its  moral 
quality  in  itself,  but  derives  it  from  its  conformity  to  the 
fundamental  norms  of  morality.  A  pseudo-truthfulness  divorced 
from  them  may  be  a  source  of  falsehood,  that  is,  of  false  valuations. 
It  may  stop  at  the  request  that  our  words  should  merely  be  an 
exact  reflection  of  the  external  reality  of  isolated  facts,  and  thus 
lead  to  obvious  absurdities.  From  this  point  of  view  a  priest  who 
repeated  exactly  what  he  was  told  at  a  confession  would  satisfy  the 
demands  of  truthfulness.  Real  truthfulness,  however,  requires 
that  our  words  should  correspond  to  the  inner  truth  or  meaning 
of  a  given  situation,  to  which  our  will  applies  the  moral  norms. 

The  analysis  of  the  so-called  virtues  shows    that   they  have 

1  Although  in  this  question  Kant  sides  with  the  rigorists,  in  doing  so  he  is  really 
inconsistent  with  his  own  principle  that  an  action,  to  be  moral,  must  be  capable  of 
b%ing  made  into  a  universal  rule.  It  is  clear  that  in  putting  the  would-be  murderer  off 
the  place  where  his  victim  is,  I  can,  in  reason  and  conscience,  affirm  my  way  of  action 
as  a  universal  rule  :  every  one  ought  always  thus  to  conceal  the  victim  from  the  intending 
murderer ;  and  if  I  put  myself  into  the  latter's  place,  I  should  wish  that  I  might,  in  the 
same  way,  be  prevented  from  committing  the  murder. 


moral  significance  only  in  so  far  as  they  are  determined  by  the 
three  norms  of  morality.  And  although  these  norms  are  psycho 
logically  based  upon  the  corresponding  primitive  feelings  of  shame, 
pity,  and  reverence,  they  do  not  entirely  rest  upon  this  empirical 
basis,  but  are  logically  developed  out  of  the  idea  of  right  or  truth 
(in  the  wide  sense).  Truth  demands  that  we  should  regard  our 
lower  nature  as  lower,  that  is,  should  subordinate  it  to  rational  ends ; 
if,  on  the  contrary,  we  surrender  to  it,  we  recognise  it  not  for 
what  it  really  is,  but  for  something  higher — and  thus  pervert  the 
true  order  of  things,  violate  the  truth,  regard  that  lower  sphere  in 
a  wrong  or  immoral  way.  Likewise,  truth  demands  that  we 
should  regard  our  fellow-creatures  as  such,  should  admit  their 
rights  as  equal  to  ours,  should  put  ourselves  into  their  place  ;  but 
if,  whilst  recognising  ourselves  as  individuals  possessed  of  full 
rights,  we  regard  others  as  empty  masks,  we  obviously  depart  from 
truth,  and  our  relation  to  them  is  wrong.  Finally,  if  we  are 
conscious  of  a  higher  universal  principle  above  us,  truth  demands 
that  we  should  regard  it  as  higher,  that  is,  with  religious  devotion. 

This  moral  conception  of  right  or  truth  could  certainly  not 
have  arisen  were  not  the  feelings  of  shame,  pity,  and  reverence, 
which  immediately  determine  man's  rightful  attitude  to  the  three 
fundamental  conditions  of  his  life,  present  in  his  nature  from  the 
first.  But  once  reason  has  deduced  from  these  natural  data  their 
inner  ethical  content  and  affirmed  it  as  a  duty^  it  becomes  an  in 
dependent  principle  of  moral  activity,  apart  from  its  psychological 
basis.1  One  may  imagine  a  man  whose  feeling  of  modesty  is  by 
nature  little  developed,  but  who  is  rationally  convinced  that  it 
is  his  duty  to  oppose  the  encroachments  of  the  lower  nature,  and 
conscientiously  fulfils  this  duty.  Such  a  man  will  prove  in  fact 
to  be  more  moral  in  this  particular  respect  than  a  man  who  is 
modest  by  nature,  but  whose  reason  is  defenceless  against  the 
temptations  of  sense  that  overcome  his  modesty.  The  same  is 
true  of  natural  kindness  (the  point  dwelt  upon  by  Kant)  and 
natural  religious  feeling.  Without  a  consciousness  of  duty  all 
these  natural  impulses  to  moral  conduct  are  unstable,  and  can  have 
no  decisive  significance  in  the  conflict  of  opposing  motives. 

But  does  the  consciousness  of  duty  or  of  right  possess  such  a 
decisive  power  ?  If  righteousness  from  natural  inclination  is  an 

1  See  Kritika  otvletchonnih  natckal  (The  Critique  of  Abstract  Principles). 


unstable  thing,  righteousness  from  a  sense  of  duty  is  an  extremely 
rare  thing.  The  idea  of  right  as  actually  realised  thus  proves  to 
be  lacking  in  the  characteristics  of  universality  and  necessity.  The 
vital  interests  of  moral  philosophy  and  the  formal  demands  of  reason 
cannot  acquiesce  in  this  and  consequently  there  arises  a  new 
problem  for  reason  :  to  find  a  practical  principle  which  would  not 
only  be  morally  right,  but  also  highly  desirable  in  itself  and  for 
every  one,  possessing  as  such  the  power  to  determine  human 
conduct  with  necessity,  independently  of  the  natural  inclinations 
of  the  soul  or  of  the  degree  of  spiritual  development — a  principle 
equally  inherent  in,  understandable  to,  and  actual  for  all  human 

When  reason  dwells  exclusively  or  mainly  on  this  aspect  of 
the  case,  the  moral  end  is  understood  as  the  highest  good  (summum 
bonum\  and  the  question  assumes  the  following  form  :  Does  there 
exist,  and  what  is  the  nature  of,  the  highest  good,  to  which  all 
other  goods  are  necessarily  subordinate  as  to  the  absolute  criterion 
of  the  desirable  in  general  ? 


(A  Critique  of  Abstract  Hedonism  in  its  Different  Forms') 

THE  moral  good  is  determined  by  reason  as  truth  (in  the  wide 
sense),  or  as  the  right  relation  to  everything.  This  idea  of  the 
good,  inwardly  all-embracing  and  logically  necessary,  proves  in  fact 
to  be  lacking  in  universality  and  necessity.  The  good  as  the  ideal 
norm  of  will  does  not,  in  point  of  fact,  coincide  with  the  good  as 
the  actual  object  of  desire.  The  good  is  that  which  ought  to 
be,  but  (i)  not  every  one  desires  what  he  ought  to  desire ; 
(2)  not  every  one  who  desires  the  good  is  able  to  overcome,  for 
its  sake,  the  bad  propensities  of  his  nature  j  and  finally  (3)  the 
few  who  have  attained  the  victory  of  the  good  over  the  evil  in 
themselves— the  virtuous,  righteous  men  or  saints — are  powerless 
to  overcome  by  their  good  "the  wickedness  in  which  the  whole 
world  lieth."  But  in  so  far  as  the  good  is  not  desired  by  a  person 
at  all,  it  is  not  a  good  for  him  ;  in  so  far  as  it  fails  to  affect  the 
will,  even  though  it  may  be  affirmed  as  desirable  by  the  rational 
consciousness,  it  is  only  an  ideal  and  not  a  real  good  ;  finally,  in 
so  far  as  it  fails  to  empower  a  given  person  to  realise  the  moral 
order  in  the  world  as  a  whole,  even  though  it  may  affect  the  will 
of  that  person  by  making  him  inwardly  better,  it  is  not  a 
sufficient  good. 

This  threefold  discrepancy  between  the  moral  and  the  real 
good  seems  to  render  the  idea  of  the  good  self-contradictory. 
The  definition  of  the  good  as  that  which  ought  to  be  involves, 
in  addition  to  its  ideal  content,  a  real  demand  that  the  moral 



content  should  not  remain  merely  theoretical,  but  that  it  should 
be  realised  in  practice.  The  very  conception  of  that  which  ought 
to  be  implies  that  it  ought  to  be  realised.  The  powerlessness  of 
the  good  is  not  a  good.  It  cannot  be  right  that  only  a  part  of 
humanity  should  desire  what  they  ought  to  desire,  that  only  a  few 
should  live  as  they  ought,  and  that  none  should  be  able  to  make  the 
world  what  it  ought  to  be.  All  agree  that  the  moral  good  and 
happiness  ought  to  coincide  ;  the  latter  ought  to  be  the  direct, 
universal,  and  necessary  consequence  of  the  former,  and  express 
the  absolute  desirability  and  actuality  of  the  moral  good.  But 
in  fact  they  do  not  coincide  ;  the  real  good  is  distinct  from 
the  moral  good,  and,  taken  separately,  is  understood  as  welfare. 
The  actual  insufficiency  of  the  idea  of  the  good  leads  us 
to  this  conception  of  welfare,  which,  as  a  motive  for  action, 
apparently  possesses  the  concrete  universality  and  necessity  which 
are  lacking  to  the  purely  moral  demands.  For  every  end  of 
action  without  exception  is  directly  or  indirectly  characterised 
by  the  fact  that  the  attainment  of  that  end  satisfies  the  agent  or 
tends  to  his  welfare,  while  by  no  means  every  end  of  action  can 
be  directly  or  even  indirectly  characterised  as  morally  good. 
Every  desire  as  such  is  apparently  simply  a  desire  for  its 
satisfaction,  i.e.  for  welfare  ;  to  desire  calamity  or  dissatisfaction 
would  be  the  same  as  to  desire  that  which  is  known  to  be 
undesirable,  and  would,  therefore,  be  manifestly  absurd.  And 
if,  in  order  to  be  realised  in  practice,  the  moral  good  must 
become  the  object  of  desire,  the  ethical  principle  will  be  seen  to 
depend  upon  the  practical  idea  (practical  in  the  narrow  sense)  of 
the  real  good  or  welfare,  which  is  thus  raised  to  the  rank  of  the 
supreme  principle  of  human  action. 

This  eudaemonic  principle  (from  the  Greek  ev8eu/«w'a, — 
the  condition  of  blessedness,  well-being)  has  the  obvious  advantage 
of  not  raising  the  question  Why  ?  One  may  ask  why  I  should 
strive  for  the  moral  good  when  this  striving  is  opposed  to  my 
natural  inclinations  and  causes  me  nothing  except  suffering ;  but 
one  cannot  ask  why  I  should  desire  my  welfare,  since  I  desire  it 
naturally  and  necessarily.  This  desire  is  inseparably  connected 
with  my  existence,  and  is  a  direct  expression  of  it.  I  exist  as 
desiring,  and  I  desire  only  that,  of  course,  which  satisfies  me 
or  what  is  pleasant  to  me.  Every  one  finds  his  welfare  either  in 


what  immediately  gives  him  pleasure  or  in  what  leads  to  it — 
that  is,  in  what  serves  as  a  means  for  bringing  about  pleasurable 
states.  Thus  welfare  is  defined  more  closely  through  the  idea  of 
pleasure  (Greek  rjSov^  hence  the  theory  of  Hedonism). 


When  that  which  ought  to  be  is  replaced  by  that  which  is 
desired,  the  end  of  life  or  the  highest  good  is  reduced  to  pleasure. 
This  idea,  clear,  simple,  and  concrete  as  it  appears  to  be,  involves 
insuperable  difficulties  when  applied  in  the  concrete.  It  is  im 
possible  to  deduce  any  general  principle  or  rule  of  action  from 
the  general  fact  that  every  one  desires  that  which  is  pleasing  to 
him.  The  assertion  that  the  final  end  of  action  is  directly  or 
indirectly  pleasure,  i.e.  satisfaction  of  the  subject  desiring,  is  as 
indisputable  and  as  pointless  as  the  assertion,  e.g.^  that  all  actions 
end  in  something  or  lead  to  something.  In  concrete  reality  we 
do  not  find  one  universal  pleasure,  but  an  indefinite  multitude 
of  all  kinds  of  pleasures,  having  nothing  in  common  between  them. 
One  person  finds  the  highest  bliss  in  drinking  vodka,  and  another 
seeks  "  a  bliss  for  which  there  is  no  measure  and  no  name "  ; 
but  even  the  latter  person,  when  extremely  hungry  or  thirsty, 
forgets  all  transcendental  joys,  and  desires  above  all  things  food 
and  drink.  On  the  other  hand,  under  certain  conditions,  things 
which  had  given  enjoyment  or  seemed  pleasant  in  the  past  cease 
to  be  attractive,  and,  indeed,  life  itself  loses  all  value. 

In  truth  the  idea  of  pleasure  refers  to  a  variety  of  accidental 
desires  which  differ  according  to  the  individual  taste  and 
character,  the  degree  of  mental  development,  age,  external 
position,  and  momentary  mood.  No  definite  expression  can  be 
given  to  pleasure  as  a  universal  practical  principle,  unless  it  is  to 
be  *  Let  every  one  act  so  as  to  get  for  himself,  as  far  as  possible, 
what  is  pleasing  to  him  at  the  given  moment.'  This  rule,  on 
the  whole  firmly  established  and  more  or  less  successfully  applied 
in  the  animal  kingdom,  is  inconvenient  in  the  human  world  for 
two  reasons :  (i)  the  presence  in  man  of  unnatural  inclinations, 
the  satisfaction  of  which,  though  yielding  the  desired  pleasure, 
leads  at  the  same  time  to  clear  and  certain  destruction,  i.e.  to 
what  is  highly  undesirable  for  every  one  ;  (2)  the  presence  in 


man  of  reason,  which  compares  the  various  natural  impulses  and 
pleasures  with  one  another,  and  passes  judgment  on  them  from 
the  point  of  view  of  the  consequences  they  involve.  In  a 
rudimentary  form  we  find  such  judgment  even  among  the 
animals  who  act  or  refrain  from  action,  not  from  motives  of 
immediate  pleasant  or  unpleasant  feeling  only,  but  also  from 
considerations  of  further,  pleasant  or  unpleasant,  consequences 
following  upon  certain  behaviour.  But  with  animals  these 
considerations  do  not  extend  beyond  simple  associations  of  ideas. 
Thus,  the  idea  of  the  piece  of  meat  seized  without  permission  is 
accompanied  by  the  idea  of  the  blows  of  the  whip,  etc.  The 
more  abstract  character  of  the  human  reason  allows  us,  in  addition 
to  such  elementary  considerations,  to  make  a  general  comparison 
of  the  immediate  motives  of  pleasure  with  their  remote  conse 
quences.  And  it  is  in  following  this  line  of  reflection  that  the 
most  thorough-going  hedonist  of  the  ancient  philosophy,  Hegesias 
of  Cyrenae,  came  to  the  conclusion  that  from  the  point  of  view  of 
pleasure  life  is  not  worth  living.  The  desire  for  pleasure  is 
either  fruitless  and  in  this  sense  painful,  or,  in  achieving  its 
object,  it  proves  to  be  deceptive,  for  a  momentary  feeling  of 
pleasure  is  inevitably  followed  by  tedium  and  a  new  painful 
search  after  illusion.  Since  it  is  impossible  to  reach  true  pleasure, 
we  must  strive  to  free  ourselves  from  pain,  and  the  surest  means 
to  do  so  is  to  die.  Such  was  the  outcome  of  Hegesias's 
philosophy,  for  which  he  was  nicknamed  '  the  advocate  of  death  ' 
(7T€io-i#avaTos).  But  even  apart  from  such  extreme  conclusions, 
the  analysis  of  the  idea  of  pleasure  makes  it  abundantly  clear  that 
4  pleasure '  cannot  furnish  us  with  a  satisfactory  principle  of 


A  simple  striving  for  pleasure  cannot  be  a  principle  of  action 
because  in  itself  it  is  indefinite  and  devoid  of  content.  Its 
actual  content  is  wholly  unstable  and  is  to  be  found  solely  in  the 
accidental  objects  which  call  it  forth.  The  only  universal  and 
necessary  element  in  the  infinite  variety  of  pleasurable  states  is 
the  fact  that  the  moment  of  the  attainment  of  any  purpose  or 
object  of  desire  whatsoever  is  necessarily  experienced  and  is 


imagined  beforehand  as  a  pleasure,  i.e.  as  satisfied  or  realised 
desire.  But  this  elementary  psychological  truth  does  not  contain 
the  slightest  indication  either  as  to  the  nature  of  the  object  of 
desire  or  as  to  the  means  of  obtaining  it.  Both  remain  empiric 
ally  variable  and  accidental.  The  point  of  view  of  pleasure  does 
not  in  itself  give  us  any  actual  definition  of  the  highest  good  to 
which  all  other  goods  must  be  subordinate,  and  consequently 
gives  us  no  rule  or  principle  of  conduct.  This  becomes  still 
more  clear  if,  instead  of  taking  pleasure  in  the  general  sense  of 
satisfied  desire,  we  take  concrete  instances  of  it — i.e.  particular 
pleasurable  states.  These  states  are  never  desired  as  such, 
for  they  are  simply  the  consequence  of  satisfied  volition  and  not 
the  object  of  desire.  What  is  desired  are  certain  definite  realities 
and  not  the  pleasant  sensations  that  follow  from  them.  For  a 
person  who  is  hungry  and  thirsty,  bread  and  water  are  im 
mediate  objects  of  desire  and  not  a  means  for  obtaining  pleasure 
of  the  sense  of  taste.  We  know,  of  course,  from  experience  that 
it  is  very  pleasant  to  eat  when  one  is  hungry  ;  but  a  baby  wants 
to  suck  previously  to  any  experience  whatever.  And  later,  on 
reaching  a  certain  age,  the  child  has  a  very,  strong  desire  for 
objects,  about  the  actual  pleasurableness  of  which  it  knows,  as  yet, 
nothing  at  all.  It  is  useless  to  have  recourse  to  'heredity'  in 
this  case,  for  then  we  should  have  to  go  as  far  back  as  the  chemical 
molecules,  of  which  probably  no  one  would  say  that  they  seek  to 
enter  into  definite  combinations  simply  because  they  remember 
the  pleasure  they  had  derived  from  it  in  the  past. 

There  is  another  circumstance  which  does  not  permit  of 
identifying  the  good  with  the  fact  of  pleasure.  Every  one  knows 
from  experience  that  the  degree  of  the  desirability  of  an  object  or 
a  state  does  not  always  correspond  to  the  actual  degree  of  pleasure 
to  be  derived  from  the  attainment  of  it.  Thus,  in  the  case  of 
strong  erotic  attraction  to  a  person  of  the  opposite  sex,  the  fact 
of  possessing  this  particular  person  is  desired  as  the  highest  bliss, 
in  comparison  with  which  the  possession  of  any  other  person  is 
not  desired  at  all ;  but  the  actual  pleasure  to  be  derived  from  this 
infinitely  desirable  fact  has  certainly  nothing  to  do  with  infinity, 
and  is  approximately  equal  to  the  pleasure  of  any  other  satisfaction 
of  the  instinct  in  question.  Speaking  generally,  the  desirability 
of  particular  objects  or  their  significance  as  goods  is  determined 


not  by  the  subjective  states  of  pleasure  that  follow  the  attainment 
of  them,  but  by  the  objective  relation  of  these  objects  to  our 
bodily  or  mental  nature.  The  source  and  the  character  of  that 
relation  is  not  as  a  rule  sufficiently  clear  to  us ;  it  manifests  itself 
simply  as  a  blind  impulse. 

But  although  pleasure  is  not  the  essence  of  the  good  or  the 
desirable  as  such,  it  is  certainly  its  constant  attribute.  Whatever 
the  ultimate  reasons  of  the  desirability  of  the  objects  or  states 
that  appear  to  us  as  good  may  be,  at  any  rate  there  can  be  no 
doubt  that  the  achieved  good  or  the  fulfilled  desire  is  always 
accompanied  by  a  sensation  of  pleasure.  This  sensation,  in 
separably  connected  with  the  good  as  the  necessary  consequence 
of  it,  may  then  serve  to  determine  the  highest  good  as  a  practical 

The  highest  good  is  from  this  point  of  view  a  state  which 
affords  the  greatest  amount  of  satisfaction.  This  amount  is 
determined  both  directly  through  the  addition  of  pleasant  states 
to  one  another,  and  indirectly  through  the  subtraction  of  the  un 
pleasant  states.  In  other  words,  the  highest  good  consists  in  the 
possession  of  goods  which,  in  their  totality,  or  as  the  final  result, 
afford  the  maximum  of  pleasure  and  the  minimum  of  pain.1 
The  actions  of  the  individual  are  no  longer  prompted  by  a  mere 
desire  for  immediate  pleasure,  but  by  prudence  which  judges  of 
the  value  of  the  different  pleasures  and  selects  those  among  them 
which  are  the  most  lasting  and  free  from  pain.  The  man  who 
from  this  point  of  view  is  regarded  as  happy  is  not  one  who  at 
the  given  moment  is  experiencing  the  most  intense  pleasure,  but 
one  in  whose  life  as  a  whole  pleasant  sensations  predominate  over 
the  painful — who  in  the  long-run  enjoys  more  than  he  suffers. 
"The  wise  man,"  writes  Aristotle,  "seeks  freedom  from  pain,  and 
not  pleasure  "  (6  <£/oovi/xo?  rb  dAim-ov  StwKei,  ov  T&  -^Sv).  This  is 
the  point  of  view  of  eudaemonism  proper  or  of  prudent  hedonism. 
A  follower  of  this  doctrine  will  not c  wallow  in  the  mire  of  sensuous 
pleasures,'  which  destroy  both  body  and  soul.  He  will  find  his 

1  Apart  from  any  pessimistic  theories,  freedom  from  pain  is  from  the  hedonistic 
point  of  view  of  more  importance  than  the  positive  fact  of  pleasure.  The  pain  of  an 
unsatisfied  and  strongly  individualised  sexual  passion,  which  not  unfrequently  drives 
people  to  suicide,  is  incomparably  greater  than  the  pleasure  of  the  satisfaction.  The 
latter  can  be  pronounced  to  be  a  great  good  only  in  so  far  as  it  gives  relief  from  the 
great  pain  of  the  unsatisfied  desire. 


greatest  satisfaction  in  the  higher  intellectual  and  aesthetic  pleasures, 
which,  being  the  most  durable,  involve  the  least  degree  of  pain. 


In  spite  of  its  apparent  plausibility,  prudent  hedonism  shares 
the  fate  of  hedonism  in  general :  it  too  proves  to  be  an  illusory 
principle.  When  the  good  is  determined  as  happiness,  the 
essential  thing  is  the  attainment  and  the  secure  possession  of  it. 
But  neither  can  be  secured  by  any  amount  of  prudence. 

Our  life  and  destiny  depend  upon  causes  and  factors  beyond 
the  control  of  our  worldly  wisdom  ;  and  in  most  cases  the  wise 
egoist  simply  loses  the  opportunities  of  actual,  though  fleeting 
pleasure,  without  thereby  acquiring  any  lasting  happiness.  The 
insecurity  of  all  pleasures  is  all  the  more  fatal  because  man, 
in  contradistinction  to  animals,  knows  it  beforehand  :  the  inevit 
able  failure  of  all  happiness  in  the  future  throws  its  shadow  even 
over  moments  of  actual  enjoyment.  But  even  in  the  rare  cases  in 
which  a  wise  enjoyment  of  life  does  actually  lead  to  a  quantitative 
surplus  of  the  painless  over  the  painful  states,  the  triumph  of 
hedonism  is  merely  illusory.  It  is  based  upon  an  arbitrary  ex 
clusion  of  the  qualitative  character  of  our  mental  states  (taking 
quality  not  in  the  moral  sense,  which  may  be  disputed,  but  simply  in 
the  psychological  or,  rather,  in  the  psychophysical  sense  of  the  inten 
sity  of  the  pleasurable  states).  There  is  no  doubt  that  the  strongest, 
the  most  overwhelming  delights  are  not  those  recommended  by 
prudence  but  those  to  be  found  in  wild  passions.  Granted  that 
in  the  case  of  passions  also  the  pleasure  of  satisfaction  is  out  of 
proportion  to  the  strength  of  desire,  it  is  at  any  rate  incom 
parably  more  intense  than  the  sensations  which  a  well-regulated 
and  carefully  ordered  life  can  yield.  When  prudence  tells  us  that 
passions  lead  to  ruin,  we  need  not  in  the  least  dispute  this 
truth,  but  may  recall  another : 

All,  all  that  holds  the  threat  of  fate 
Is  for  the  heart  of  mortal  wight 
Full  of  inscrutable  delight. 

No  objection  can  be  brought  against  this  from  the  hedonistic 
point  of  view.  Why  should  I  renounce  the  <  inscrutable  delight ' 
for  the  sake  of  dull  well-being  ?  Passions  lead  to  destruction, 


but  prudence  does  not  save  from  destruction.  No  one  by  means 
of  prudent  behaviour  alone  has  ever  conquered  death. 

It  is  only  in  the  presence  of  something  higher  that  the  voice 
of  passions  may  prove  to  be  wrong.  It  is  silenced  by  the  thunder 
of  heaven,  but  the  tame  speeches  of  good  sense  are  powerless  to 
drown  it. 

The  satisfaction  of  passions  which  lead  to  destruction  cannot 
of  course  be  the  highest  good  ;  but  from  the  hedonistic  point  of 
view  it  may  have  distinct  advantage  over  the  innocent  pleasures  of 
good  behaviour  which  do  not  save  from  destruction.'  It  is  true  that 
intellectual  and  aesthetic  pleasures  are  not  only  innocent  but  noble  ; 
they  involve  limitations,  however,  which  preclude  them  from 
being  the  highest  good. 

(1)  These  'spiritual'  pleasures  are  from  the  nature  of  the  case 
accessible  only  to  persons  of  a  high  degree  of  aesthetic  and  intel 
lectual   development,  that   is,  only  to  a  few,  while   the   highest 
good  must  necessarily  be  universal.     No  progress  of  democratic 
institutions  would  give  an  ass  the  capacity  of  enjoying  Beethoven's 
symphonies,  or  enable  a  pig,  which  cannot  appreciate  even  the 
taste  of  oranges,  to  enjoy  the  sonnets  of  Dante  or  Petrarch  or 
the  poems  of  Shelley. 

(2)  Even  for  those  to  whom  aesthetic  and  intellectual  pleasures 
are  accessible,  they  are  insufficient.     They  cannot  fill  the  whole 
of  one's  life,  for  they  only  have  relation  to  some  of  our  mental 
faculties,  without  affecting  the  others.     It  is  the  theoretic,  con 
templative  side  of  human  nature  that  is  alone  more  or  less  satisfied 
by  them,  while  the  active,  practical  life  is  left  without  any  definite 
guidance.     The   intellectual   and    aesthetic   goods,   as   objects   of 
pure  contemplation,  do  not  affect  the  practical  will. 

Whilst  we  admire  the  heavenly  stars 
We  do  not  want  them  for  our  own. 

When  a  person  puts  the  pleasures  of  science  and  of  art  above 
everything  from  the  hedonistic  point  of  view,  his  practical  will 
remains  without  any  definite  determination,  and  falls  easy  prey 
to  blind  passions.  And  this  shows  that  prudent  hedonism  is 
unsatisfactory  as  a  guiding  principle  of  life. 

( 3)  Its  unsatisfactoriness  is  also  proved  by  the  fact  that  hedonism 
is  powerless  against  theoretical  scepticism,  which  undermines  the 


value  of  the  actual  objects  of  intellectual  and  aesthetic  activity. 
Suppose  I  find  a  real  enjoyment  in  the  contemplation  of  beauty  and 
in  the  pursuit  of  truth.  But  my  reason — the  highest  authority 
for  'prudent'  hedonism — tells  me  that  beauty  is  a  subjective 
mirage  and  that  truth  is  unattainable  by  the  human  mind.  My 
pleasure  is  thus  poisoned,  and,  in  the  case  of  a  logical  mind,  is 
altogether  destroyed.  Even  apart  from  real  consistency,  how 
ever,  it  is  clear  that  the  delight  in  what  is  known  to  be  a 
deception  cannot  be  the  highest  good. 

(4)  Now,  suppose  that  our  epicurean  is  free  from  such 
scepticism,  and  unreflectively  gives  himself  up  to  the  delights  of 
thought  and  of  creative  art,  without  questioning  the  ultimate 
significance  of  these  objects.  To  him  these  *  spiritual  goods '  may 
appear  eternal ;  but  his  own  capacity  for  enjoying  them  is 
certainly  far  from  being  so  ;  it  can  at  best  survive  for  a  brief 
period  his  capacity  for  sensuous  pleasures. 

And  yet  it  is  precisely  the  security  or  the  continuity  of  pleasures 
that  is  the  chief  claim  of  prudent  hedonism  and  the  main  advantage 
it  is  supposed  to  possess  over  the  simple  striving  for  immediate 
pleasure.  Of  course  if  our  pleasures  were  abiding  realities  that 
could  be  hoarded  like  property,  a  prudent  hedonist  in  his  decrepit 
old  age  might  still  consider  himself  richer  than  a  reckless 
profligate  who  had  come  to  premature  death.  But  since,  in  truth, 
past  pleasures  are  mere  memories,  the  wise  epicurean — if  he 
remains  till  his  death  true  to  the  hedonistic  point  of  view — will 
be  sure  to  regret  that  for  the  sake  of  faint  memories  of  the 
innocent  intellectual  and  aesthetic  pleasures  he  sacrificed  oppor 
tunities  of  pleasures  far  more  intense.  Just  because  he  never 
experienced  them,  they  will  now  evoke  in  him  painful  and  fruitless 
desire.  The  supposed  superiority  of  prudent  hedonism  to  a 
reckless  pursuit  of  pleasure  is  based  upon  an  illegitimate  confusion 
between  two  points  of  view.  It  must  be  one  or  the  other. 
Either  we  mean  the  present  moment  of  enjoyment,  and  in  that 
case  we  must  give  up  prudence  which  is  exhibited  even  in  animal 
behaviour,  or  we  are  thinking  of  the  future  consequences  of  our 
actions,  and  in  that  case  the  question  must  be  asked  :  What 
precise  moment  of  the  future  is  to  be  put  at  the  basis  of  our 
reckoning  ?  It  would  be  obviously  irrational  to  take  any 
moment  except  the  last,  which  expresses  the  total  result  of  the  whole 


life.  But  at  that  last  moment  before  death  all  hedonistic  calculus 
is  reduced  to  naught,  and  every  possible  advantage  of  the  prudent 
over  the  reckless  pleasures  disappears  completely.  All  pleasures 
when  they  are  over  cease  to  be  pleasures,  and  we  know  this  before 
hand.  Hence  the  idea  of  the  mm  of  pleasures  is  meaningless :  the 
sum  of  zeros  is  not  any  larger  than  a  simple  zero. 

The  possession  of  external  goods — whether  they  be  pleasures 
of  the  moment  or  the  more  lasting  happiness  supposed  to  be 
secured  by  prudence — proves  to  be  deceptive  and  impossible.  Is, 
then,  true  welfare  or  the  highest  good  to  be  found  in  freedom 
from  external  desires  and  affections  which  deceive  and  enslave 
man  and  thus  make  him  miserable  ?  All  external  goods  either 
prove  to  be  not  worth  seeking,  or,  depending  as  they  do  upon 
external  causes  beyond  the  control  of  man,  they  are  taken  away 
from  him  before  their  essential  unsatisfactoriness  has  even  been 
discovered  ;  and  man  is  thus  made  doubly  miserable.  No  one 
can  escape  misfortune,  and  therefore  no  one  can  be  happy  so  long 
as  his  will  is  attracted  to  objects  the  possession  of  which  is  acci 
dental.  If  true  welfare  is  the  state  of  abiding  satisfaction,  then 
that  man  alone  can  be  truly  blessed  who  finds  satisfaction  in  that 
of  which  he  cannot  be  deprived,  namely,  in  himself. 

Let  man  be  inwardly  free  from  attachment  to  external  and 
accidental  objects,  and  he  will  be  permanently  satisfied  and  happy. 
Not  submitting  to  anything  foreign  to  him,  fully  possessing  him 
self,  he  will  possess  all  things  and  even  more  than  all  things.  If 
I  am  free  from  the  desire  for  a  certain  thing,  I  am  more  master  of 
it  than  the  person  who  possesses  it  and  desires  it  ;  if  I  am  in 
different  to  power,  I  am  more  than  the  ruler  who  cares  for  it ;  if 
I  am  indifferent  to  everything  in  the  world,  I  am  higher  than  the 
lord  of  all  the  world. 

This  principle  of  self-sufficiency  ( airra/>/<eia),  though  expressing 
an  unconditional  demand,  is  in  truth  purely  negative  and  con 
ditional.  In  the  first  place,  its  force  depends  upon  those  very 
external  goods  which  it  rejects.  So  long  as  man  is  attached  to 
them,  freedom  from  such  attachment  is  desirable  for  his  higher 
consciousness  and  gives  a  meaning  to  his  activity.  Similarly,  so 


long  as  man  is  sensitive  to  the  accidental  pains  of  the  external 
life,  triumph  over  them,  steadfastness  in  adversity,  can  give  him 
supreme  satisfaction.  But  once  he  has  risen  above  the  attachment 
to  external  goods  and  the  fear  of  external  misfortune,  what 
is  to  be  the  positive  content  of  his  life  ?  Can  it  consist  simply 
in  the  enjoyment  of  that  victory  ?  In  that  case  the  principle 
of  self-sufficiency  becomes  vain  self-satisfaction  and  acquires  a 
comical  instead  of  a  majestic  character.  The  unsatisfactoriness  of 
the  final  result  renders  it  superfluous  to  insist  upon  the  fact  that 
the  force  of  spirit  necessary  for  the  attainment  of  it  is  not  given 
to  every  one,  and  even  when  it  is,  is  not  always  preserved  to  the 
end.  The  principle  of  self-sufficiency  thus  proves  to  be  lacking 
in  power  of  realisation,  and  shows  itself  in  this  respect  also  to  be 
only  a  pseudo- principle.  Freedom  from  slavery  to  the  lower 
accidental  goods  can  only  be  a  condition  of  attaining  the  highest 
good,  but  not  itself  be  that  good.  A  temple  cleared  of  idols 
which  had  once  filled  it,  does  not  thereby  become  God's  holy 
tabernacle.  It  simply  remains  an  empty  place.1 


The  individual  finds  no  final  satisfaction  or  happiness  either 
in  the  outer  worldly  goods  or  in  himself  (i.e.  in  the  empty  form  of 
self-consciousness).  The  only  way  out  seems  to  be  afforded  by 
the  consideration  that  man  is  not  merely  a  separate  individual 
entity  but  also  part  of  a  collective  whole,  and  that  his  true 
welfare,  the  positive  interest  of  his  lifej  is  to  be  found  in  serving 
the  common  good  or  universal  happiness. 

This  is  the  principle  of  Utilitarianism^  obviously  correspond 
ing  to  the  moral  principle  of  altruism,  which  demands  that  we 
should  live  for  others,  help  all  so  far  as  we  are  able,  and  serve 
the  good  of  others  as  if  it  were  our  own.  In  the  opinion  of  the 
utilitarian  thinkers  their  teaching  must  coincide  in  practice  with 
the  altruistic  morality  or  with  the  commandments  of  justice  and 

1  The  principle  of  self-sufficiency  in  its  practical  application  partly  coincides  with 
the  moral  principle  of  asceticism  ;  but  the  essential  difference  between  the  two  is  in 
their  starting-point  and  their  ultimate  motive.  Asceticism  seeks  to  attain  the  mastery 
of  the  spirit  over  the  flesh,  or  the  right  attitude  of  man  to  what  is  lower  than  he. 
The  demand  for  self-sufficiency  springs  from  a  desire  for  happiness,  so  that  the  principle 
of  avrdpKeia  may  be  rightly  described  as  hedonistic  asceticism. 


mercy.  "  I  must  again  repeat,"  writes  J.  S.  Mill,  e.g.^  "  what  the 
assailants  of  utilitarianism  seldom  have  the  justice  to  acknowledge, 
that  the  happiness  which  forms  the  utilitarian  standard  of  what  is 
right  in  conduct,  is  not  the  agent's  own  happiness,  but  that  of  all 
concerned.  As  between  his  own  happiness  and  that  of  others, 
utilitarianism  requires  him  to  be  as  strictly  impartial  as  a  dis 
interested  and  benevolent  spectator.  In  the  golden  rule  of  Jesus 
of  Nazareth  we  read  the  complete  spirit  of  the  ethics  of  utility. 
To  do  as  one  would  be  done  by,  and  to  love  one's  neighbour  as 
oneself,  constitutes  the  ideal  perfection  of  utilitarian  morality." l 

But  Mill  does  not  see  that  the  distinction  between  these  two 
principles,  the  utilitarian  and  the  altruistic,  consists  in  the  fact 
that  the  command  to  live  for  others  is  enjoined  by  altruism  as  the 
expression  of  the  right  relation  of  man  to  his  fellow-creatures,  or 
as  a  moral  duty  which  follows  from  the  pure  idea  of  the  good  ; 
while,  according  to  the  utilitarian  doctrine,  man  ought  to  serve 
the  common  good  and  to  decide  impartially  between  his  own 
interest  and  those  of  others  simply  because,  in  the  last  resort,  this 
course  of  action  (so  it  is  contended)  is  more  advantageous  or  useful 
to  himself.  Moral  conduct  thus  appears  to  stand  in  no  need  of 
any  special  independent  principle  opposed  to  egoism,  but  to  be  a 
consequence  of  egoism  rightly  understood.  And  since  egoism  is 
a  quality  possessed  by  every  one,  utilitarian  morality  is  suited  to  all 
without  exception,  which,  in  the  opinion  of  its  followers,  is  an 
advantage  over  the  morality  of  pure  altruism,  whether  based  upon 
the  simple  feeling  of  sympathy  or  upon  the  abstract  conception  of 
duty.  Another  advantage  of  utilitarianism  is,  it  is  contended,  to 
be  found  in  the  fact  that  the  utilitarian  principle  is  the  expression 
of  the  actual  historical  origin  of  the  moral  feelings  and  ideas.  All 
of  these  are  supposed  to  be  the  result  of  the  gradual  extension 
and  development  of  self-interested  motives,  so  that  the  highest 
system  of  morality  is  simply  the  most  complex  modification  of 
the  primitive  egoism.  Even  if  this  contention  were  true,  the 
advantage  that  would  follow  therefrom  to  the  utilitarian  theory 
would  be  illusory.  From  the  fact  that  the  oak  tree  grows  out  of  the 
acorn  and  that  acorns  are  food  for  pigs,  it  does  not  follow  that  oak 
trees  are  also  food  for  pigs.  In  a  similar  manner,  the  supposition 
that  the  highest  moral  doctrine  is  genetically  related  to  selfishness, 

1  J.  S.  Mill,  Utilitarianism,  2nd  ed.,  London,  1864,  pp.  24-25. 


that  is,  has  developed  from  it  through  a  series  of  changes  in  the 
past,  does  not  warrant  the  conclusion  that  therefore  this  highest 
morality  in  its  present  perfect  form  can  also  be  based  upon  self- 
interest  or  put  at  the  service  of  egoism.  Experience  obviously 
contradicts  this  conclusion  :  the  majority  of  people — now  as 
always — find  it  more  profitable  to  separate  their  own  interests  from  the 
common  good.  On  the  other  hand,  the  assumption  that  selfishness 
is  the  only  and  the  ultimate  basis  of  conduct  is  contrary  to  truth. 

The  view  that  morality  develops  out  of  individual  selfishness 
is  sufficiently  disproved  by  the  simple  fact  that  at  the  early  stages 
of  the  organic  life,  the  chief  part  is  played  not  by  the  individual 
but  by  the  generic  self-assertion,  which,  for  separate  entities,  is 
self-denial.  A  bird  giving  up  its  life  for  its  young,  or  a  working 
bee  dying  for  the  queen  bee,  can  derive  no  personal  advantage 
and  no  gratification  to  its  individual  egoism  from  its  act.1  A 
decisive  predominance  of  the  personal  over  the  generic  motives, 
and  at  the  same  time  the  possibility  of  theoretical  and  consistent 
selfishness,  only  arises  in  humanity  when  a  certain  stage  in  the 
development  of  the  individual  consciousness  has  been  reached. 
In  so  far,  then,  as  utilitarianism  requires  that  the  individual 
should  limit  and  sacrifice  himself,  not  for  the  sake  of  any  higher 
principles,  but  for  the  sake  of  his  own  selfishness  rightly  under 
stood,  it  can  have  practical  significance  only  as  addressed  to  human 
individuals  at  a  definite  stage  of  development.  It  is  from  this 
point  of  view  alone  that  utilitarianism  ought  to  be  considered 
here,  especially  because  the  questions  as  to  the  empirical  origin  of 
any  given  ideas  and  feelings  have  no  direct  bearing  upon  the  subject 
of  moral  philosophy. 


"  Every  one  desires  his  own  good  ;  but  the  good  of  each  consists 
in  serving  the  good  of  all ;  therefore  every  one  ought  to  serve 
the  common  good."  The  only  thing  that  is  true  in  this  formula 
of  pure  utilitarianism  is  its  conclusion.  But  its  real  grounds  are 

1  Concerning  the  primitive  character  of  self-surrender  or  'struggle  for  the  life  of 
others,'  see,  in  particular,  Henry  Drummond,  Ascent  of  Man.  The  fact  that  self- 
sacrifice  of  the  individual  for  the  species  is  based  upon  real  genetic  solidarity  does  not  in 
the  least  prove  that  such  sacrifice  is  the  same  thing  as  self-interest. 


not  in  the  least  contained  in  the  two  premisses  from  which  it  is 
here  deduced.  The  premisses  are  false  in  themselves  and  placed 
in  a  false  relation  with  one  another. 

It  is  not  true  that  every  one  desires  his  own  good,  for  a  great 
many  persons  desire  simply  what  affords  them  immediate  pleasure, 
and  find  that  pleasure  in  things  which  are  not  in  the  least  good 
for  them,  or,  indeed,  in  things  that  are  positively  harmful — in 
drinking,  gambling,  pornography,  etc.  Of  course  the  doctrine 
of  the  common  good  may  be  preached  to  such  people  also,  but  it 
must  rest  upon  some  other  basis  than  their  own  desires. 

Further,  even  persons  who  admit  the  advantages  of  happiness 
or  of  lasting  satisfaction  over  momentary  pleasures,  find  their 
good  in  something  very  different  from  what  utilitarianism 
affirms  it  to  be.  A  miser  is  very  well  aware  that  all  fleeting 
pleasures  are  dust  and  ashes  in  comparison  with  the  real  lasting 
goods  which  he  locks  up  in  a  strong  safe  ;  and  utilitarians  have 
no  arguments  at  their  command  whereby  they  could  induce  him 
to  empty  his  safe  for  philanthropic  purposes.  They  may  say  to 
him  that  it  is  in  his  own  interests  to  bring  his  advantage  into 
harmony  with  the  advantage  of  others.  But  he  has  fulfilled  this 
condition  already.  Suppose,  indeed,  that  he  obtained  his  riches  by 
lending  money  at  interest ;  this  means  that  he  has  done  service  to 
his  neighbours  and  helped  them,  when  they  were  in  need,  by  giving 
them  loans  of  money.  He  risked  his  capital  and  received  a  certain 
profit  for  it,  and  they  lost  that  profit  but  used  his  capital  when 
they  had  none  of  their  own.  Everything  was  arranged  to  mutual 
advantage,  and  both  sides  judged  impartially  between  their  own 
and  the  other  person's  interests.  But  why  is  it  that  neither  Mill 
nor  any  of  his  followers  will  agree  to  pronounce  the  behaviour  of 
this  sagacious  money-lender  to  be  a  true  pattern  of  utilitarian 
morality  ?  Is  it  because  he  made  no  use  of  the  money  he 
hoarded  ?  He  made  the  utmost  use  of  it,  finding  the  highest 
satisfaction  in  the  possession  of  his  treasures  and  in  the  conscious 
ness  of  his  power  (see  Pushkin's  poem  The  Avaricious  Knight] ; 
besides,  the  greater  the  wealth  hoarded,  the  more  useful  it  will  be 
to  other  people  afterwards,  so  that  on  this  side,  too,  self-interest 
and  the  interest  of  others  are  well  balanced. 

The  reason  that  utilitarians  will  not  admit  the  conduct  of  a 
prudent  money-lender  to  be  the  normal  human  conduct  is  simply 


that  they  really  demand  far  more  than  mere  harmony  between 
self-interest  and  the  interest  of  others.  They  demand  that  man 
should  sacrifice  his  personal  advantage  for  the  sake  of  the  common 
good,  and  that  he  should  find  in  this  his  true  interest.  But  this 
demand,  directly  contradicting  as  it  does  the  idea  of  'self-interest,' 
is  based  upon  metaphysical  assumptions  that  are  completely  foreign 
to  the  doctrine  of  pure  utilitarianism,  and  is,  apart  from  them, 
absolutely  arbitrary. 

Actual  cases  of  self-sacrifice  are  due  either  (i)  to  an  immediate 
impulse  of  sympathetic  feeling — when,  for  instance,  a  person  saves 
another  from  death  at  the  risk  of  his  own  life  without  any  reflec 
tions  on  the  subject ;  (2)  or  it  may  be  due  to  compassion  as  the 
dominating  trait  of  character,  as  in  the  case  of  persons  who  from 
personal  inclination  devote  their  life  to  serving  those  who  suffer  ; 
(3)  or  to  a  highly  developed  consciousness  of  moral  duty  ;  (4)  or, 
finally,  it  may  arise  from  inspiration  with  some  religious  idea. 
All  these  motives  in  no  way  depend  upon  considerations  of  self- 
interest.  Persons  whose  will  can  be  sufficiently  influenced  by 
these  motives,  taken  separately  or  together,  will  sacrifice  them 
selves  for  the  good  of  others,  without  feeling  the  slightest  neces 
sity  for  motives  of  a  different  kind.1 

But  a  number  of  people  are  unkind  by  nature,  incapable  of 
being  carried  away  by  moral  or  religious  ideas,  lacking  in  a  clear 
sense  of  duty,  and  not  sensitive  to  the  voice  of  conscience.  It  is 
precisely  over  this  type  of  person  that  utilitarianism  ought  to 
show  its  power,  by  persuading  -them  that  their  true  advantage 
consists  in  serving  the  common  good,  even  to  the  point  of  self- 
sacrifice.  This,  however,  is  clearly  impossible,  for  the  chief 
characteristic  of  these  people  is  that  they  find  their  good  not  in 
the  good  of  others,  but  exclusively  in  their  own  selfish  well-being. 

By  happiness  as  distinct  from  pleasure  is  meant  secure  or  lasting 
satisfaction  ;  and  it  would  be  utterly  absurd  to  try  and  prove  to 
a  practical  materialist  that  in  laying  down  his  life  for  others  or 
for  an  idea  he  would  be  securing  for  himself  an  abiding  satisfaction 
of  his  own^  that  is,  of  his  material  interests. 

1  A  fifth  possible  motive  is  the  thought  of  the  life  beyond  the  grave,  the  desire  to 
obtain  the  eternal  blessings  of  paradise.  Although  this  motive  is  a  utilitarian  one  in 
the  broad  sense,  it  is  connected  with  ideas  of  a  different  order,  which  the  modern  utili 
tarian  doctrine  rejects  on  principle. 


It  is  clear  that  the  supposed  connection  between  the  good 
which  each  desires  for  himself  and  the  true  or  real  good,  as  the 
utilitarians  understand  it,  is  simply  a  crude  sophism  based  upon 
the  ambiguity  of  the  word  c  good.'  First  we  have  the  axiom  that 
each  desires  that  which  satisfies  him  ;  then  all  the  actual  multi 
plicity  of  the  objects  and  the  means  of  satisfaction  is  designated 
by  one  and  the  same  term  '  good.'  This  term  is  then  applied  to 
quite  a  different  conception  of  general  happiness  or  of  the  common 
good.  Upon  this  identity  of  the  term  which  covers  two  distinct 
and  even  opposed  conceptions  the  argument  is  based  that  since 
each  person  desires  his  own  good  and  the  good  consists  in  general 
happiness,  each  person  ought  to  desire  and  to  work  for  the  happi 
ness  of  all.  But  in  truth  the  good  which  each  desires  for  himself  is 
not  necessarily  related  to  general  happiness,  and  the  good  which 
consists  in  general  happiness  is  not  that  which  each  desires  for 
himself.  A  simple  substitution  of  one  term  for  another  is  not 
enough  to  make  a  person  desire  something  different  from  what 
he  really  does  desire  or  to  find  his  good  not  in  what  he  actually 
finds  it. 

The  various  modifications  of  the  utilitarian  formula  do  not 
make  it  more  convincing.  Thus,  starting  with  the  idea  of 
happiness  as  abiding  satisfaction,  it  might  be  argued  that  personal 
happiness  gives  no  abiding  satisfaction,  for  it  is  connected  with 
objects  that  are  transitory  and  accidental,  while  the  general 
happiness  of  humanity,  in  so  far  as  it  includes  future  generations, 
is  lasting  and  permanent,  and  may,  therefore,  give  permanent 
satisfaction.  If  this  argument  is  addressed  to  'each  person,'  each 
can  reply  to  it  as  follows  :  "  To  work  for  my  personal  happiness 
may  give  me  no  abiding  satisfaction  ;  but  to  work  for  the  future 
happiness  of  humanity  gives  me  no  satisfaction  whatever.  I  cannot 
possibly  be  satisfied  with  a  good  which,  if  realised  at  all,  would 
certainly  not  be  my  good,  for  in  any  case  I  should  not  then  exist. 
Therefore,  if  personal  happiness  does  not  profit  me,  general 
happiness  does  so  still  less.  For  how  can  I  find  my  good,  in 
that  which  will  never  be  of  any  good  to  me  ?  " 

The  true  thought  involved  in  utilitarianism  as  worked  out  by 
its  best  representatives  is  the  idea  of  human  solidarity^  in  virtue  of 
which  the  happiness  of  each  is  connected  with  the  happiness  of 
all.  This  idea,  however,  has  no  organic  connection  with  utili- 



tarianism,  and,  as  a  practical  principle,  is  incompatible  with  the 
utilitarian,  or,  speaking  generally,  with  the  hedonistic  range  of 
ideas.  One  may  quite  well  admit  the  fact  of  the  oneness  of  the 
human  race,  the  universal  solidarity  and  the  consequences  that  follow 
from  it  in  the  natural  order  of  things,  and  yet  not  deduce  from 
it  any  moral  rule  of  conduct.  Thus,  for  instance,  a  rich  profligate, 
who  lives  solely  for  his-  own  pleasure  and  never  makes  the  good 
of  others  the  purpose  of  his  actions,  may  nevertheless  justly  point 
out  that,  owing  to  the  natural  connection  between  things,  his 
refined  luxury  furthers  the  development  of  commerce  and  industry, 
of  science  and  arts,  and  gives  employment  to  numbers  of  poor 

Universal  solidarity  is  a  natural  law,  which  exists  and  acts 
through  separate  individuals  independently  of  their  will  and 
conduct  ;  and  if,  in  thinking  of  my  own  good  only,  I  unwillingly 
contribute  to  the  good  of  all,  nothing  further  can  be  required 
from  me  from  the  utilitarian  point  of  view.  On  the  other  hand, 
universal  solidarity  is  a  very  different  thing  from  universal 
happiness.  From  the  fact  that  humanity  is  essentially  one,  it  by 
no  means  follows  that  it  must  necessarily  be  happy  :  it  may  be 
one  in  misery  and  destruction.  Suppose  I  make  the  idea  of  uni 
versal  solidarity  the  practical  rule  of  my  own  conduct,  and,  in 
accordance  with  it,  sacrifice  my  personal  advantage  to  the  common 
good.  But  if  humanity  is  doomed  to  perdition  and  its  c  good '  is  a 
deception,  of  what  use  will  my  self-sacrifice  be  either  to  me  or  to 
humanity  ?  Thus,  even  if  the  idea  of  universal  solidarity  could, 
as  a  practical  rule  of  conduct,  .be  connected  with  the  principle 
of  utilitarianism,  this  would  be  of  no  use  At  all  for  the  latter. 

In  utilitarianism  the  hedonistic  view  finds  its  highest  ex 
pression  ;  if,  therefore,  utilitarianism  be  invalid  the  whole  of  the 
practical  philosophy  which  finds  the  highest  good  in  happiness  or 
self-interested  satisfaction  stands  condemned  also.  The  apparent 
universality  and  necessity  of  the  hedonistic  principle,  consisting 
in  the  fact  that  all  necessarily  desire  happiness,  proves  to  be 
purely  illusory.  For,  in  the  first  place,  the  general  term 
4  happiness '  covers  an  infinite  multiplicity  of  different  objects, 
irreducible  to  any  inner  unity,  and  secondly,  the  universal 
desire  for  one's  own  happiness  (whatever  meaning  might  be 
ascribed  to  this  word)  certainly  contains  no  guarantee  that  the 


object  desired  can  be  attained,  nor  indicates  the  means  for  its 
attainment.  Thus  the  principle  of  happiness  remains  simply  a 
demand^  and  therefore  has  no  advantage  whatever  over  the  principle 
of  duty  or  of  the  moral  good,  the  only  defect  of  which  is  precisely 
that  it  may  remain  a  demand,  not  having  in  itself  the  power 
necessary  for  its  realisation.  This  defect  is  common  to  both  prin 
ciples,  but  the  moral  principle  as  compared  with  the  hedonistic  has 
the  enormous  advantage  of  inner  dignity  and  of  ideal  universality 
and  necessity.  The  moral  good  is  determined  by  the  universal 
reason  and  conscience  and  not  by  arbitrary  personal  choice,  and  is 
therefore  necessarily  one  and  the  same  for  all.  By  happiness,  on 
the  other  hand,  every  one  has  a  right  to  understand  what  he  likes. 

So  far  then  we  are  left  with  two  demands — the  rational  demand 
of  duty  and  the  natural  demand  for  happiness — (i)  all  men  must 
be  virtuous  and  (2)  all  men  want  to  be  happy.  Both  these  demands 
have  a  natural  basis  in  human  nature,  but  neither  contains  in 
itself  sufficient  grounds  or  conditions  for  its  realisation.  More 
over,  in  point  of  fact  the  two  demands  are  disconnected  ;  very 
often  they  are  opposed  to  one  another,  and  the  attempt  to  establish 
a  harmony  of  principle  between  them  (utilitarianism)  does  not 
stand  the  test  of  criticism. 

These  demands  are  not  of  equal  value,  and  if  moral  philosophy 
compelled  us  to  choose  between  the  clear,  definite,  and  lofty — 
though  not  sufficiently  powerful — idea  of  the  moral  good  and  the 
equally  powerless  but  also  confused,  indefinite,  and  low  idea  of 
welfare,  certainly  all  rational  arguments  would  be  in  favour  of  the 

Before  insisting,  however,  upon  the  sad  necessity  of  such  a 
choice,  we  must  consider  more  closely  the  moral  basis  of 
human  nature  as  a  whole.  So  far  we  have  only  considered  it 
with  reference  to  the  particular  development  of  its  three  partial 





WHEN  a  man  does  wrong  by  injuring  his  neighbour  actively  or  by 
refusing  to  assist  him,  he  afterwards  feels  ashamed.  This  is  the 
true  spiritual  root  of  all  human  good  and  the  distinctive  character 
istic  of  man  as  a  moral  being. 

What  precisely  is  here  experienced  ?  To  begin  with,  there  is 
a  feeling  of  pity  for  the  injured  person  which  was  absent  at  the 
actual  moment  of  injury.  This  proves  among  other  things  that 
our  mental  nature  may  be  stirred  by  impulses  more  profound  and 
more  powerful  than  the  presence  of  sensuous  motives.  A  purely 
ideal  train  of  reflection  is  able  to  arouse  a  feeling  which  external 
impressions  could  not  awake  ;  the  invisible  distress  of  another 
proves  to  be  more  effective  than  the  visible. 

Secondly,  to  this  simple  feeling  of  pity,  already  refined  by  the 
absence  of  the  visible  object,  there  is  added  a  new  and  still  more 
spiritualised  variation  of  it.  We  both  pity  those  whom  we  did 
not  pity  before,  and  regret  that  we  did  not  pity  them  at  the 
time.  We  are  sorry  for  having  been  pitiless — to  the  regret  for 
the  person  injured  there  is  added  regret  for  oneself  as  the  injurer. 

But  the  experience  is  not  by  any  means  exhausted  by  these 
two  psychological  moments.  The  feeling  in  question  derives  all 
its  spiritual  poignancy  and  moral  significance  from  the  third  factor. 
The  thought  of  our  pitiless  action  awakens  in  us,  in  addition  to 
the  reaction  of  the  corresponding  feeling  of  pity,  a  still  more 
powerful  reaction  of  a  feeling  which  apparently  has  nothing  to  do 
with  the  case — namely,  the  feeling  of  shame.  We  not  only  regret 
our  cruel  action,  but  are  ashamed  of  it,  though  there  might  be 


nothing  specifically  shameful  in  it.  This  third  moment  is  so 
important  that  it  colours  the  whole  mental  state  in  question.  In 
stead  of  saying,  *  My  conscience  reproaches  me,'  we  simply  say,  1 1 
am  ashamed,'  j'ai  hontey  ich  schame.  In  the  classical  languages 
the  words  corresponding  to  our  term  c  conscience '  were  not  used 
in  common  parlance,  and  were  replaced  by  words  corresponding  to 
'shame' — a  clear  indication  that  the  ultimate  root  of  conscience  is 
to  be  found  in  the  feeling  of  shame.  We  must  now  consider 
what  this  implies. 


The  thought  of  having  violated  any  moral  demand  arouses 
shame,  in  addition  to  the  reaction  of  the  particular  moral  element 
concerned.  This  happens  even  when  the  demands  of  shame  in  its 
own  specific  sphere  (man's  relation  to  his  lower  or  carnal  nature) 
have  not  been  violated.  The  action  in  question  may  not  in  any 
way  have  been  opposed  to  modesty  or  to  the  feeling  of  human 
superiority  over  material  nature.  Now  this  fact  clearly  shows 
that,  although  we  may  distinguish  the  three  roots  of  human  morality, 
we  must  not  separate  them.  If  we  go  deep  enough  they  will  be 
seen  to  spring  from  one  common  root ;  the  moral  order  in  the 
totality  of  its  norms  is  essentially  a  development  of  one  and  the 
same  principle  which  assumes  now  this  and  now  that  form.  The 
feeling  of  shame  most  vitally  connected  with  the  facts  of  the  sexual 
life  transcends  the  boundaries  of  material  existence,  and,  as  the 
expression  of  moral  disapproval,  accompanies  the  violation  of  every 
moral  norm  to  whatever  sphere  of  relations  it  might  belong.  In  all 
languages,  so  far  as  I  am  aware,  the  words  corresponding  to  our 
1  stid '  (shame)  are  invariably  characterised  by  two  peculiarities  :  (i) 
by  their  connection  with  the  sexual  life  (cu'Sws — cu'Sota,  pudor — 
pudenda,  honte — parties  honteuses,  Scham — Schamteile],  and  (2)  by  the 
fact  that  these  words  are  used  to  express  disapproval  of  the  violation 
of  any  moral  demands  whatsoever.  To  deny  the  specific  sexual 
meaning  of  shame  (that  is,  the  special  shamefulness  of  the  carnal 
relation  between  the  sexes),  or  to  limit  shame  to  this  significance 
alone,  one  must  reject  human  language  and  acknowledge  it  to  be 
senseless  and  accidental. 

The  general  moral  significance  of  shame  is  simply  a  further 


development   of  what    is    already   contained   in    its  specific  and 
original  manifestation  with  regard  to  the  facts  of  the  sexual  life. 


The  essence  and  the  chief  purpose  of  the  animal  life  un 
doubtedly  consists  in  perpetuating,  through  reproduction,  the 
particular  form  of  organic  being  represented  by  this  or  by  that 
animal.  It  is  the  essence  of  life/or  the  animal  and  not  merely  in 
him,  for  the  primal  and  unique  importance  of  the  genital  instinct 
is  inwardly  experienced  and  sensed  by  him,  though,  of  course, 
involuntarily  and  unconsciously.  When  a  dog  is  waiting  for  a 
savoury  piece,  its  attitude,  the  expression  of  its  eyes,  and  its  whole 
being  seem  to  indicate  that  the  chief  nerve  of  its  subjective 
existence  is  in  the  stomach.  But  the  greediest  dog  will  altogether 
forget  about  food  when  its  sexual  instinct  is  aroused — and  a  bitch 
will  readily  give  up  its  food  and  even  its  life  for  its  young.  The 
individual  animal  seems  in  this  case  to  recognise,  as  it  were, 
conscientiously  that  what  matters  is  not  its  own  particular  life  as 
such,  but  the  preservation  of  the  given  type  of  the  organic  life 
transmitted  through  an  infinite  series  of  fleeting  entities.  It 
is  the  only  image  of  infinity  that  can  be  grasped  by  the 
animal.  We  can  understand,  then,  the  enormous,  the  fundamental 
significance  of  the  sexual  impulse  in  the  life  of  man.  If  man  is 
essentially  more  than  an  animal,  his  differentiation  out  of  the 
animal  kingdom,  his  inner  self-determination  as  a  human  being 
must  begin  precisely  in  this  centre  and  source  of  organic  life. 
Every  other  point  would  be  comparatively  superficial.  It  is 
only  in  this  that  the  individual  animal  becomes  conscious  of  the 
infinity  of  the  generic  life,  and,  recognising  itself  as  merely  a  final 
event,  as  merely  a  means  or  an  instrument  of  the  generic  process, 
surrenders  itself  without  any  struggle  or  holding  back  to  the 
infinity  of  the  genus  which  absorbs  its  separate  existence.  And 
it  is  here^  in  this  vital  sphere,  that  man  recognjses  the  insufficiency 
of  the  generic  infinity  in  which  the  animal  finds  its  supreme  goal. 
Man,  too,  is  claimed  by  his  generic  essence,  through  him,  too,  it 
seeks  to  perpetuate  itself — but  his  inner  being  resists  this  demand. 
It  protests  '  I  am  not  what  thou  art,  I  am  above  thee,  I  am  not 
the  genus,  though  I  am  of  it — I  am  not  c genus''  but  ''genius.''  I 


want  to  be  and  I  can  be  immortal  and  infinite,  not  in  thee  only, 
but  in  myself.  Thou  wouldst  entice  me  into  the  abyss  of  thy 
bad,  empty  infinity  in  order  to  absorb  and  destroy  me — but  I 
seek  for  myself  the  true  and  perfect  infinity  which  I  could  share 
with  thee  also.  That  which  I  have  from  thee  wants  to  be  mingled 
with  thee  and  to  drag  me  down  into  the  abyss  above  which  I  have 
risen.  But  my  own  being,  which  is  not  of  thee,  is  ashamed  of 
this  mingling  and  opposed  to  it ;  it  desires  the  union  which  alone 
is  worthy  of  it — the  true  union  which  is  for  all  eternity.' 

The  enormous  significance  of  sexual  shame  as  the  foundation 
both  of  the  material  and  the  formal  morality  is  due  to  the  fact 
that  in  that  feeling  man  acknowledges  as  shameful,  and  therefore 
bad  and  wrong,  not  any  particular  or  accidental  deviation  from 
some  moral  norm  but  the  very  essence  of  that  law  of  nature  which 
the  whole  of  the  organic  world  obeys.  That  which  man  is  ashamed 
of  is  more  important  than  the  general  fact  of  his  being  ashamed. 
Since  man  possesses  the  faculty  of  shame,  which  other  animals  do 
not  possess,  he  might  be  defined  as  the  animal  capable  of  shame. 
This  definition,  though  better  than  many  others,  would  not  make 
it  clear,  however,  that  man  is  the  citizen  of  a  different  world,  the 
bearer  of  a  new  order  of  being.  But  the  fact  of  his  being 
ashamed  above  all  and  first  of  all  of  the  very  essence  of  animal 
life,  of  the  main  and  the  supreme  expression  of  natural  existence, 
directly  proves  him  to  be  a  super-natural  and  super-animal  being. 
It  is  in  this  shame  that  man  becomes  in  the  full  sense  human. 


The  sexual  act  expresses  the  infinity  of  the  natural  process, 
and  in  being  ashamed  of  the  act  man  rejects  that  infinity  as 
unworthy  of  himself.  It  is  unworthy  of  man  to  be  merely  a 
means  or  an  instrument  of  the  natural  process  by  which  the  blind 
life-force  perpetuates  itself  at  the  expense  of  separate  entities 
that  are  born  and  perish  and  replace  one  another  in  turn.  Man 
as  a  moral  being  does  not  want  to  obey  this  natural  law  of 
replacement  of  generations,  the  law  of  eternal  death.  He  does 
not  want  to  be  that  which  replaces  and  is  replaced.  He  is 
conscious — dimly  at  first — both  of  the  desire  and  the  power  to 
include  in  himself  all  the  fulness  of  the  infinite  life.  Ideally  he 


possesses  it  already  in  that  very  act  of  human  consciousness,  but 
this  is  not  enough  ;  he  wants  to  express  the  ideal  in  the  real— 
for  otherwise  the  idea  is  only  a  fancy  and  the  highest  self- 
consciousness  is  but  self-conceit.  The  power  of  eternal  life 
exists  as  a  fact ;  nature  lives  eternally  and  is  resplendent  with 
eternal  beauty;  but  it  is  can  indifferent  nature' — indifferent  to 
the  individual  entities  which  by  their  change  preserve  its 
eternity.  Among  these  beings,  however,  there  is  one  who 
refuses  to  play  this  passive  part.  He  finds  that  his  involuntary 
service  to  nature  is  a  thing  to  be  ashamed  of,  and  that  the 
reward  for  it,  in  the  form  of  personal  death  and  generic 
immortality,  is  not  enough.  He  wants  to  be  not  the  instrument 
but  the  bearer  of  eternal  life.  To  achieve  this  he  need  not 
create  any  new  vital  force  out  of  nothing  ;  he  has  only  to  gain 
possession  of  the  force  which  exists  in  nature  and  to  make  better 
use  of  it. 

We  call  man  a  genius  when  his  vital  creative  force  is  not 
wholly  spent  on  the  external  activity  of  physical  reproduction, 
but  is  also  utilised  in  the  service  of  his  inner  creative  activity  in 
this  or  that  sphere.  A  man  of  genius  is  one  who  perpetuates 
himself  apart  from  the  life  of  the  genus  and  lives  in  the  general 
posterity,  even  though  he  has  none  of  his  own.  But  if  such 
perpetuation  be  taken  as  final,  it  obviously  proves  to  be 
illusory.  It  is  built  upon  the  same  basis  of  changing  generations 
which  replace  one  another  and  disappear,  so  that  neither  he  who 
is  remembered  nor  those  who  remember  him  have  the  true  life. 
The  popular  meaning  of  the  word  genius  gives  only  a  hint  of 
the  truth.  The  true  'genius'  inherent  in  us  and  speaking  most 
clearly  in  sexual  shame  does  not  require  that  we  should  have  a 
gift  for  art  or  science  and  win  a  glorious  name  in  posterity.  It 
demands  far  more  than  this.  Like  the  true  c  genius ,'  i.e.  as 
connected  with  the  entire  genus  though  standing  above  it,  it 
speaks  not  to  the  elect  only  but  to  all  and  each,  warning  them 
against  the  process  of  bad  infinity  by  means  of  which  earthly 
nature  builds  up  life  upon  dead  bones — for  ever,  but  in  vain. 



The  object  of  sexual  shame  is  not  the  external  fact  of  the 
animal  union  of  two  human  beings,  but  the  profound  and 
universal  significance  of  this  fact.  This  significance  lies 
primarily,  though  not  entirely,  in  the  circumstance  that  in  such 
union  man  surrenders  himself  to  the  blind  impetus  of  an 
elementary  force.  If  the  path  on  to  which  it  draws  him  were 
good  in  itself,  one  ought  to  accept  the  blind  character  of  the 
desire  in  the  hope  of  grasping,  in  time,  its  rational  meaning 
and  of  following  freely  that  which  at  first  commanded  our 
involuntary  submission.  But  the  true  force  of  sexual  shame  lies 
in  the  fact  that  in  it  we  are  not  ashamed  simply  of  submitting 
to  nature  but  of  submitting  to  it  in  a  bad  thing,  wholly  bad. 
For  the  path  to  which  the  carnal  instinct  calls  us,  and  against 
which  we  are  warned  by  the  feeling  of  shame,  is  a  path  which  is 
to  begin  with  shameful,  and  proves  in  the  end  to  be  both  pitiless 
and  impious.  This  clearly  shows  the  inner  connection  between 
the  three  roots  of  morality,  all  of  which  are  thus  seen  to  be 
involved  in  the  first.  Sexual  continence  is  not  only  an  ascetic, 
but  also  an  altruistic  and  a  religious  demand. 

The  law  of  animal  reproduction  of  which  we  are  ashamed 
is  the  law  of  the  replacement  or  the  driving  out  of  one  generation 
by  another — a  law  directly  opposed  to  the  principle  of  human 
solidarity.  In  turning  our  life -force  to  the  procreation  of 
children  we  turn  away  from  the  fathers,  to  whom  nothing  is 
left  but  to  die.  We  cannot  create  anything  out  of  ourselves — 
that  which  we  give  to  the  future  we  take  away  from  the  past, 
and  through  us  our  descendants  live  at  the  expense  of  our 
ancestors,  live  by  their  death.  This  is  the  way  of  nature  ;  she 
is  indifferent  and  pitiless,  and  for  that  we  are  not  responsible. 
But  our  participation  in  the  indifferent  and  pitiless  work  of 
nature  is  our  own  fault,  though  an  involuntary  one — and  we 
are  dimly  aware  of  that  fault  beforehand,  in  the  feeling  of  sexual 
shame.  And  we  are  all  the  more  guilty  because  our  participation 
in  the  pitiless  work  of  nature,  which  replaces  the  old  generations 
by  the  new,  immediately  affects  those  to  whom  we  owe  the 
greatest  and  special  duty  —  our  own  fathers  and  forefathers. 
Thus  our  conduct  proves  to  be  impious  as  well  as  pitiless. 



There  is  a  great  contradiction  here,  a  fatal  antinomy,  which 
must  be  recognised  even  if  there  is  no  hope  of  solving  it. 
Child-bearing  is  a  good  thing  ;  it  is  good  for  the  mother,  who,  in 
the  words  of  the  Apostle,  is  saved  by  child-bearing,  and  is  of  course 
also  good  for  those  who  receive  the  gift  of  life.  But  at  the 
same  time  it  is  equally  certain  that  there  is  evil  in  physical 
reproduction  —  not  the  external  and  accidental  evil  of  any  par 
ticular  calamities  which  the  newly  born  inherit  with  their  very 
life,  but  the  essential  and  moral  evil  of  the  carnal  physical  act 
itself,  in  and  through  which  we  sanction  the  blind  way  of  nature 
shameful  to  us  because  of  its  blindness,  pitiless  to  the  last 
generation,  and  impious  because  it  is  to  our  own  fathers  that  we  are 
pitiless.  But  the  evil  of  the  natural  way  for  man  can  only  be  put 
right  by  man  himself,  and  what  has  not  been  done  by  the  man  of 
the  present  may  be  done  by  the  man  of  the  future,  who,  being 
born  in  the  same  way  of  animal  nature,  may  renounce  it  and  change 
the  law  of  life.  This  is  the  solution  of  the  fatal  antinomy  :  the 
evil  of  child-bearing  may  be  abolished  by  child-bearing  itself, 
which  through  this  becomes  a  good.  This  saving  character  of 
child-bearing  will,  however,  prove  illusory  if  those  who  are  born 
will  do  the  same  thing  as  those  who  bore  them,  if  they  sin  and 
die  in  the  same  way.  The  whole  charm  of  children,  their 
peculiar  human  charm,  is  inevitably  connected  with  the  thought 
and  the  hope  that  they  will  not  be  what  we  are,  that  they  will 
be  better  than  we — not  quantitatively  better  by  one  or  two 
degrees,  but  essentially, — that  they  will  be  men  of  a  different  life, 
that  in  them  indeed  is  our  salvation — for  us  and  for  our  fore 
fathers.  The  human  love  for  children  must  contain  something 
over  and  above  the  hen's  love ;  it  must  have  a  rational  meaning. 
But  what  rational  meaning  can  there  be  in  regarding  a  future 
scoundrel  as  the  purpose  of  one's  life,  and  in  feeling  delight  and 
tenderness  for  him,  while  condemning  the  present  scoundrels  ? 
If  the  future  for  which  children  stand  differs  from  the  present 
only  in  the  order  of  time,  in  what  does  the  special  charm  of 
children  lie  ?  If  a  poisonous  plant  or  a  weed  will  grow  out  of 
the  seed,  what  is  there  in  the  seed  to  admire  ?  But  the  fact  is 
that  the  possibility  of  a  better,  a  different  way  of  life,  of  a 


different  and  higher  law  which  would  lift  us  above  nature  with  its 
vague  and  impotent  striving  for  the  fulness  of  light  and  power — 
this  possibility^  present  both  in  us  and  in  the  children,  is  greater 
in  them  than  in  us,  for  in  them  it  is  still  complete  and  has  not  yet 
been  wasted,  as  in  our  case,  in  the  stream  of  bad  and  empty  reality. 
These  beings  have  not  yet  sold  their  soul  and  their  spiritual  birth 
right  to  the  evil  powers.  Every  one  is  agreed  that  the  special 
charm  of  children  is  in  their  innocence.  But  this  actual  inno 
cence  could  not  be  a  source  of  joy  and  delight  to  us  were  we 
certain  that  it  is  bound  to  be  lost.  There  would  be  nothing  com 
forting  or  instructive  in  the  thought  that  their  angels  behold  the 
face  of  the  heavenly  Father  were  it  accompanied  by  the  con 
viction  that  these  angels  will  be  sure  to  become  immediately  blind. 
If  the  special  moral  charm  of  children  upon  which  their 
aesthetic  attractiveness  is  based  depends  upon  a  greater  possibility 
open  to  them  of  a  different  way  of  life,  ought  we  not,  before 
bearing  children  for  the  sake  of  that  possibility^  actually  to  alter  our 
own  bad  way  ?  In  so  far  as  we  are  unable  to  do  this  child-bearing 
may  be  a  good  and  a  salvation  for  us  ;  but  what  ground  have  we 
for  deciding  beforehand  that  we  are  unable  ?  And  is  the  certitude 
of  our  own  impotence  a  guarantee  for  the  future  strength  of  those 
to  whom  we  shall  pass  on  our  life  ? 


Sexual  shame  refers  not  to  the  physiological  fact  taken  in  itself 
and  as  such  morally  indifferent,  nor  to  the  sexual  love  as  such  which 
may  be  unashamed  and  be  the  greatest  good.  The  warning  and, 
later,  the  condemning  voice  of  sexual  shame  refers  solely  to  the 
way  of  the  animal  nature,  which  is  essentially  bad  for  man,  though 
it  may,  at  the  present  stage  of  human  development,  be  a  lesser 
.and  a  necessary  evil — that  is,  a  relative  good. 

But  the  true,  the  absolute  good  is  not  to  be  found  on  this 
path,  which  begins,  for  human  beings  at  any  rate,  with  abuse. 
Sexual  human  love  has  a  positive  side,  which,  for  the  sake  of  brevity 
and  clearness,  I  will  describe  as  '  being  in  love.''  This  fact  is  of 
course  analogous  to  the  sexual  desire  of  animals  and  develops  on 
the  basis  of  it,  but  clearly  it  cannot  be  reduced  to  such  desire — 
unless  man  is  to  be  altogether  reduced  to  animal.  Being  in  love 


essentially  differs  from  the  sexual  passion  of  animals  by  its  in 
dividual,  super-generic  character  :  the  object  for  the  lover  is  this 
definite  person,  and  he  strives  to  preserve  for  all  eternity  not  the 
genus  but  that  person  and  himself  with  it.  Being  in  love  differs 
from  other  kinds  of  individual  human  love — parental,  filial, 
brotherly,  etc. — chiefly  by  the  indissoluble  unity  there  is  in  it 
between  the  spiritual  and  the  physical  side.  More  than  any  other 
love  it  embraces  the  whole. being  of  man.  To  the  lover  both 
the  mental  and  the  physical  nature  of  the  beloved  are  equally 
interesting,  significant,  and  dear  ;  he  is  attached  to  them  with  an 
equal  intensity  of  feeling,  though  in  a  different  way.1  What  is 
the  meaning  of  this  from  the  moral  point  of  view  ?  At  the  time 
when  all  the  faculties  of  man  are  in  their  first  blossom  there  springs 
in  him  a  new,  spiritually- physical  force  which  fills  him  with 
enthusiasm  and  heroic  aspirations.  A  higher  voice  tells  him  that 
this  force  has  not  been  given  him  in  vain,  that  he  may  use  it  for 
great  things ;  that  the  true  and  eternal  union  with  another  being, 
which  the  ecstasy  of  his  love  demands,  may  restore  in  them  both 
the  image  of  the  perfect  man  and  be  the  beginning  of  the  same 
process  in  all  humanity.  The  ecstasy  of  love  does  not  of  course 
say  the  same  words  to  all  lovers,  but  the  meaning  is  the  same.  It 
represents  the  other,  or  the  positive,  side  of  what  is  meant  by 
sexual  shame.  Shame  restrains  man  from  the  wrong,  animal,  way  ; 
the  exultation  of  love  points  to  the  right  way  and  the  supreme 
goal  for  the  positive  overflowing  force  contained  in  love.  But 
when  man  turns  this  higher  force  to  the  same  old  purpose — to  the 
animal  work  of  reproduction — he  wastes  it.  It  is  not  in  the  least 
necessary  for  the  procreation  of  children  whether  in  the  human  or 
in  the  animal  kingdom.  Procreation  is  carried  on  quite  successfully 
by  means  of  the  ordinary  organic  functions,  without  any  lofty 
ecstasy  of  personal  love.  If  a  simple  action  b  is  sufficient  to 
produce  result  f,  and  a  complex  action  a  +  b  is  used  instead,  it  is 
clear  that  the  whole  force  of  a  is  wasted. 


The  feeling  of  shame  is  the  natural  basis  of  the  principle  of 
asceticism,  but  the  content  of  that  feeling  is  not  exhausted  by  the 

1  See  my  article  Smysl  liubiii  (The  Meaning  of  Love). 


negative  rules  of  abstinence.  In  addition  to  the  formal  principle 
of  duty,  which  forbids  shameful  and  unworthy  actions  and  con 
demns  us  for  committing  them,  shame  contains  a  positive  side 
(in  the  sexual  sphere  connected  with  'being  in  love'),  which 
points  to  the  vital  good  that  is  preserved  through  our  con 
tinence  and  is  endangered  or  even  lost  through  yielding  to  the 
c  works  of  the  flesh.'  In  the  fact  of  shame  it  is  not  the  formal 
element  of  human  dignity  or  of  the  rational  super-animal  power 
of  infinite  understanding  and  aspiration  which  alone  resists  the 
lure  of  the  animal  way  of  the  flesh.  The  essential  vital  wholeness 
of  man,  concealed  but  not  destroyed  by  his  present  condition, 
resists  it  also. 

We  are  touching  here  upon  the  domain  of  metaphysics  j  but 
without  entering  it  or  forsaking  the  ground  of  moral  philosophy, 
we  can  and  must  indicate  this  positive  aspect  of  the  fundamental 
moral  feeling  of  shame,  indubitable  both  from  the  logical  and  from 
the  real  point  of  view. 

Shame  in  its  primary  manifestation  would  not  have  its  peculiar 
vital  character,  would  not  be  a  localised  spiritually  -  organic 
feeling,  if  it  expressed  merely  the  formal  superiority  of  human 
reason  over  the  irrational  desires  of  the  animal  nature.  This 
superiority  of  intellectual  faculties  is  not  lost  by  man  on  the  path 
against  which  shame  warns  him.  It  is  something  else  that  is  lost 
— something  really  and  essentially  connected  with  the  direct  object 
of  shame  ;  and  it  is  not  for  nothing  that  sexual  modesty  is  also 
called  continence.1 

Man  has  lost  the  wholeness  of  his  being  and  his  life,  and  in  the 
true,  continent  love  to  the  other  sex  he. seeks,  hopes,  and  dreams 
to  re-establish  this  wholeness.  These  aspirations,  hopes,  and  dreams 
are  destroyed  by  the  act  of  the  momentary,  external,  and  illusory 
union  which  nature,  stifling  the  voice  of  shame,  substitutes  for  the 
wholeness  that  we  seek.  Instead  of  the  spiritually-corporeal  inter- 
penetration  and  communion  of  two  human  beings  there  is 
simply  a  contact  of  organic  tissues  and  a  mingling  of  organic 
secretions  ;  and  this  superficial,  though  secret,  union  confirms, 
strengthens,  and  perpetuates  the  profound  actual  division  of  the 

1  The  word  translated  by  '  continence '  is  in  the  Russian  tsclomudric,  which,  by 
derivation,  means  '  the  wisdom  of  wholeness '  (from  tselost — wholeness,  and  mudrost — 
wisdom). — Translator's  Note. 


human  being.  The  fundamental  division  into  two  sexes  or  in 
half  is  followed  by  the  division,  conditioned  by  the  external 
union  of  the  sexes,  into  successive  series  of  generations  that 
replace  and  expel  one  another,  and  into  a  multitude  of  co 
existing  entities  which  are  external,  foreign,  and  hostile  to  one 
another.  The  wholeness  or  unity  of  man  is  broken  in  depth, 
in  breadth,  and  in  length.  But  this  striving  for  division,  this 
centrifugal  force  of  life,  though  everywhere  realised  to  some  extent, 
can  never  be  realised  wholly.  In  man  it  assumes  the  inward 
character  of  wrong  or  sin,  and  is  opposed  to  and  in  conflict  with 
the  wholeness  of  the  human  being,  which  is  also  an  inward  con 
dition.  The  opposition  expresses  itself,  to  begin  with,  in  the 
fundamental  feeling  of  shame  or  modesty,  which,  in  the  sphere  of 
sensuous  life,  resists  nature's  striving  for  mingling  and  division.  It 
expresses  itself  also  in  the  positive  manifestation  of  shame — in  the 
exultation  of  chaste  love,  which  cannot  reconcile  itself  either  to 
the  division  of  the  sexes  or  to  the  external  and  illusory  union. 
In  the  social  life  of  man  as  already  broken  up  into  many,  the 
centrifugal  force  of  nature  manifests  itself  as  the  egoism  of  each 
and  the  antagonism  of  all,  and  it  is  once  more  opposed  by  the 
wholeness  which  now  expresses  itself  as  the  inner  unity  of 
externally  separated  entities,  psychologically  experienced  in  the 
feeling  of  pity. 


The  centrifugal  and  the  disruptive  force  of  nature  which 
strives  to  break  up  the  unity  of  man  both  in  his  psychophysical 
and  in  his  social  life,  is  also  directed  against  the  bond  which  unites 
him  to  the  absolute  source  of  his  being.  Just  as  there  exists  in 
man  a  natural  materialism — the  desire  to  surrender  slavishly,  with 
grovelling  delight,  to  the  blind  forces  of  animality  ;  as  there  exists 
in  him  a  natural  egoism — the  desire  inwardly  to  separate  himself 
from  everything  else  and  to  put  all  that  is  his  own  unconditionally 
above  all  that  appertains  to  others — so  there  exists  in  man  a  natural 
atheism  or  a  proud  desire  to  renounce  the  absolute  perfection, 
to  make  himself  the  unconditional  and  independent  principle  of 
his  life.  (I  am  referring  to  practical  atheism,  for  the  theoretical 
often  has  a  purely  intellectual  character  and  is  merely  an  error  of 



the  mind,  innocent  in  the  moral  sense.)  This  is  the  most  im 
portant  and  far-reaching  aspect  of  the  centrifugal  force,  for  it 
brings  about  a  separation  from  the  absolute  centre  of  the  universe, 
and  deprives  man  not  only  of  the  possibility,  but  even  of  the  desire 
for  the  all-complete  existence.  For  man  can  only  become  all 
through  being  inwardly  united  to  that  which  is  the  essence  of  all 
things.  This  atheistic  impulse  calls  forth  a  powerful  opposition 
from  the  inmost  wholeness  of  man  which  in  this  case  finds 
expression  in  the  religious  feeling  of  piety.  This  feeling  directly 
and  undoubtedly  testifies  to  our  dependence,  both  individual  and 
collective,  upon  the  supreme  principle  in  its  different  manifesta 
tions,  beginning  with  our  own  parents  and  ending  with  the 
universal  Providence  of  the  heavenly  Father.  To  the  exceptional 
importance  of  this  relation  (the  religiously  moral  one)  corresponds 
the  peculiar  form  which  the  consciousness  of  wrong  assumes  when 
it  is  due  to  the  violation  of  a  specifically  religious  duty.  We  are 
no  longer  'ashamed'  or  'conscience-stricken,'  but  'afraid.'  The 
spiritual  being  of  man  reacts  with  special  concentration  and 
intensity  in  the  feeling  of  the  'fear  of  God,'  which  may,  when 
the  divine  law  has  been  even  involuntarily  violated,  become  panic 
terror  (horror  sacrilegii),  familiar  to  the  ancients. 

Horror  sacrilegii  (in  the  classical  sense)  disappears  as  man 
grows  up  spiritually,  but  the  fear  of  God  remains  as  the  necessary 
negative  aspect  of  piety — as  '  religious  shame.'  To  have  fear  of 
God,  or  to  be  God-fearing,  does  not  of  course  mean  to  be  afraid 
of  the  Deity,  but  to  be  afraid  of  one's  opposition  to  the  Deity,  or 
of  one's  wrong  relation  to  Him.  It  is  the  feeling  of  being  out  of 
harmony  with  the  absolute  good  or  perfection,  and  it  is  the 
counterpart  of  the  feeling  of  reverence  or  piety  in  and  through 
which  man  affirms  his  right  or  due  relation  to  the  higher  principle 
— namely,  his  striving  to  participate  in  its  perfection,  and  to 
realise  the  wholeness  of  his  own  being. 

If  we  understand  shame  rooted  in  the  sexual  life  as  the  mani 
festation  of  -the  wholeness  of  the  human  being,  we  shall  not  be 
surprised  to  find  that  feeling  overflowing  into  other  moral  spheres. 

Speaking   generally,  it  is  necessary  to  distinguish  the  inner 


essence  of  morality  both  from  its  formal  principle,  or  the  moral 
law,  and  from  its  concrete  expressions.  The  essence  of  morality 
is  in  itself  one — the  wholeness  of  man,  inherent  in  his  nature  as  an 
abiding  norm,  and  realised  in  life  and  history  as  moral  doing,  as  the 
struggle  with  the  centrifugal  and  the  disruptive  forces  of  existence. 
The  formal  principle,  or  the  law  of  that  doing,  is  in  its  purely 
rational  expression  as  duty  also  one  :  thou  oughtest  in  all  things  to 
preserve  the  norm  of  human  existence,  to  guard  the  wholeness  of 
the  human  being,  or,  negatively,  thou  oughtest  not  to  allow 
anything  that  is  opposed  to  the  norm,  any  violation  of  the 
wholeness.  But  the  one  essence  and  the  one  law  of  morality 
are  manifested  in  various  ways,  according  to  the  concrete 
actual  relations  of  human  life.  Such  relations  are  indefinitely 
numerous,  though  both  logical  necessity  and  facts  of  experience 
equally  compel  us,  as  we  have  seen,  to  distinguish  three  main 
kinds  of  relation  that  fall  within  the  range  of  morality  —  the 
relations  to  the  world  below  us,  to  the  world  of  beings  like  us,  and 
to  the  higher. 

The  roots  of  all  that  is  real  are  hidden  in  darkest  earth,  and 
morality  is  no  exception.  It  does  not  belong  to  a  kingdom  where 
trees  grow  with  their  roots  uppermost.  Its  roots  too  are  hidden 
in  the  lower  sphere.  The  whole  of  morality  grows  out  of  the 
feeling  of  shame.  The  inner  essence,  the  concrete  expression, 
and  the  formal  principle  or  law  of  morality  are  contained  in  that 
feeling  like  a  plant  in  a  seed,  and  are  distinguished  only  by  reflec 
tive  thought.  The  feeling  of  shame  involves  at  one  and  the  same 
time  a  consciousness  of  the  moral  nature  of  man  which  strives 
to  maintain  its  wholeness,  a  special  expression  of  that  wholeness — 
continence, — and  a  moral  imperative  which  forbids  man  to  yield 
to  the  powerful  call  of  the  lower  nature,  and  reproaches  him  for 
yielding  to  it.  The  commands  and  the  reproaches  of  shame  are 
not  merely  negative  and  preventive  in  meaning.  They  have  a 
positive  end  in  view.  We  must  preserve  our  inner  potential 
wholeness  in  order  to  be  able  to  realise  it  as  a  fact,  and  actually 
to  create  the  whole  man  in  a  better  and  more  lasting  way  than  the 
one  which  nature  offers  us.  'That's  not  it,  that's  not  it  ! '  says  the 
feeling  of  shame,  thus  promising  us  the  true,  the  right  thing,  for 
the  sake  of  which  it  is  worth  while  to  renounce  the  way  of  the  flesh. 
This  way,  condemned  by  shame,  is  the  way  of  psychophysical 


disruption — spiritual  as  well  as  corporeal, — and  to  such  disruption 
is  opposed  not  only  the  spiritual,  but  also  the  physical  wholeness 
of  man. 

But  realisation  of  complete  wholeness,  of  which  continence  is 
merely  the  beginning,  requires  the  fulness  of  conditions  embracing 
the  whole  of  human  life.  This  realisation  is  complicated  and 
delayed,  though  not  prevented  by  the  fact  that  man  has  already 
multiplied,  and  that  his  single  being  has  been  divided  into  a 
number  of  separate  entities.  Owing  to  this  new  condition 
which  creates  man  as  a  social  being^  the  abiding  wholeness  of  his 
nature  expresses  itself  no  longer  in  continence  alone  that  safe 
guards  him  from  natural  disruption  but  also  in  social  solidarity 
which,  through  the  feeling  of  pity,  re-establishes  the  moral  unity 
of  the  physically  divided  man.  At  this  stage  the  difference 
between  the  moral  elements,  merged  into  one  in  the  primary 
feeling  of  shame,  becomes  more  clear.  The  feeling  of  pity 
expresses  the  inner  solidarity  of  living  beings,  but  is  not  identical 
with  it,  and  it  preserves  its  own  psychological  distinctness  as 
compared  with  the  instinctive  shame.  The  formally -moral 
element  of  shame  which  at  first  was  indistinguishable  from  its 
psychophysical  basis,  now  develops  into  the  more  subtle  and 
abstract  feeling  of  conscience  (in  the  narrow  sense).  Correspond 
ing  to  the  transformation  of  the  carnal  instinct  into  egoism, 
we  have  the  transformation  of  shame  into  conscience.  But  the 
ultimate  and  fundamental  significance  of  shame  shows  itself  here 
also,  for,  as  already  pointed  out,  the  words  c  conscience '  and 
'shame'  are  interchangeable  even  in  the  case  of  actions  that  are 
purely  egoistic  and  have  nothing  to  do  with  sex.  Morality  is 
one,  and  being  fully  expressed  in  shame,  it  reacts  both  against 
the  works  of  the  flesh  and  (implicit  e)  against  the  bad  con 
sequences  of  these  works — among  them,  against  the  egoism  of  the 
man  already  made  multiple.  The  specific  moral  reaction  against 
this  new  evil  finds  its  psychological  expression  in  pity,  and  its 
formally-moral  expression  in  conscience — this  '  social  shame.' 

But  neither  the  moral  purity  of  continence  preserved  by 
shame,  nor  the  perfect  moral  solidarity  which  inspires  our  heart 
with  equal  pity  for  all  living  beings,  empowers  us  to  realise  that 
which  chaste  love  and  all-embracing  pity  demand.  And  yet 
conscience  clearly  tells  us  *  you  must,  therefore  you  can.' 


Man  is  ashamed  of  the  carnal  way  because  it  is  the  way  of  the 
breaking  up  and  scattering  of  the  life-force,  and  the  end  of  it  is 
death  and  corruption.  If  he  is  really  ashamed  of  it  and  feels  it  to 
be  wrong,  he  must  follow  the  opposite  path  of  wholeness  and 
concentration  leading  to  eternal  life  and  incorruptibility.  If, 
further,  he  really  pities  all  his  fellow-creatures,  his  aim  must  be 
to  make  all  immortal  and  incorruptible.  His  conscience  tells  him 
that  he  must  do  it,  and  that  therefore  he  can. 

And  yet  it  is  obvious  that  the  task  of  gaining  immortal  and 
incorruptible  life  for  all  is  above  man.  But  he  is  not  divided  by 
any  impermeable  barrier  from  that  which  is  above  him.  In  the 
religious  feeling  the  hidden  normal  being  of  man  reacts  against 
human  impotence  as  clearly  as  in  the  feeling  of  shame  it  reacts 
against  carnal  desires,  and  in  pity  against  egoism.  And  conscience, 
assuming  the  new  form  of  the  fear  of  God,  tells  him  :  all  that 
you  ought  to  be  and  have  the  power  to  be  is  in  God  ;  you  ought 
and  therefore  you  can  surrender  yourself  to  Him  completely, 
and  through  Him  fulfil  your  wholeness  —  gaining  the  abiding 
satisfaction  of  your  chaste  love  and  your  pity,  and  obtaining 
for  yourself  and  for  all  immortal  and  incorruptible  life.  Your 
impotence  is  really  as  anomalous  as  shamelessness  and  pitilessness  ; 
this  anomaly  is  due  to  your  separation  from  the  absolute  principle 
of  right  and  power.  Through  your  reunion  with  Him,  you  must 
and  can  correct  it.1 

The  supreme  principle  to  which  we  are  united  through  the 
religious  feeling  is  not  merely  an  ideal  perfection.  Perfection  as 
an  idea  is  possible  for  man.  But  man  is  powerless  to  make  his 
perfection  actual,  to  make  his  good  the  concrete  good.  Herein 
is  the  deepest  foundation  of  his  dependence  upon  the  Being  in 
whom  perfection  is  given  as  an  eternal  reality,  and  who  is  the 
indivisible  and  unchangeable  identity  of  Good,  Happiness,  and 
Bliss.  In  so  far  as  we  are  united  to  It  by  the  purity  and  the 
whole-heartedness  of  our  aspirations,  we  receive  the  corresponding 
power  to  fulfil  them,  the  force  to  render  actual  the  potential 
wholeness  of  all  humanity. 

This   is   the  reason  why  we  are   so  ashamed  or  conscience- 

1  In  the  Church  prayer  human  impotence  is  put  side  by  side  with  sins  and  trans 
gressions  :  "  Lord,  cleanse  our  sins  ;  God,  forgive  our  transgressions  5  Holy  One,  Visit 
and  heal  our  frailties."  Frailties  is  here  used  especially  in  opposition  to  holiness. 


stricken  at  every  bad  action  or  even  a  bad  thought.  It  is  not  an 
abstract  principle  or  any  arbitrary  rule  that  is  violated  thereby. 
But  a  false  step  is  taken,  a  delay  is  caused  on  the  only  true  path 
to  the  one  goal  that  is  worth  reaching — the  restoration  of  immortal 
and  incorruptible  life  for  all 

Shame  and  conscience  and  fear  of  God  are  merely  the 
negative  expressions  of  -the  conditions  that  are  indispensable  to 
the  real  and  great  work  of  manifesting  God  in  man. 


The  moral  good  then  is  from  its  very  nature  a  way  of 
actually  attaining  true  blessedness  or  happiness — such  happiness, 
that  is,  as  can  give  man  complete  and  abiding  satisfaction. 
Happiness  (and  blessedness)  in  this  sense  is  simply  another 
aspect  of  the  good,  or  another  way  of  looking  at  it — there  is  as 
much  inner  connection  and  as  little  possibility  of  contradiction 
between  these  two  ideas  as  between  cause  and  effect,  purpose  and 
means,  etc.  One  ought  to  desire  the  good  for  its  own  sake^  but 
the  purity  of  the  will  is  not  in  the  least  marred  by  the  conscious 
ness  that  the  good  must  itself  necessarily  mean  happiness  for  the 
one  who  fulfils  its  demands.  On  the  other  hand,  the  circum 
stance  that  it  is  natural  to  desire  happiness  does  not  in  any  way 
prevent  us  from  understanding  and  bearing  in  mind  the  empirical 
fact  that  all  happiness  which  is  not  fictitious  or  illusory  must  be  con 
ditioned  by  the  good,  i.e.  by  the  fulfilment  of  the  moral  demands. 

If  the  law  of  blessedness  or  of  true  evSai/jiovia  is  determined 
by  the  moral  good,  there  can  be  no  opposition  between  the 
morality  of  pure  duty  and  eudaemonism  in  general.  The  good 
will  must  be  autonomous  ;  but  the  admission  that  right  conduct 
leads  to  true  happiness  does  not  involve  the  heteronomy  of  the 
will.  Such  an  admission  bases  happiness  upon  the  moral  good, 
subordinates  it  to  the  latter,  and  is  therefore  in  perfect  agreement 
with  the  autonomy  of  the  will.  Heteronomy  consists,  on  the 
contrary,  in  separating  happiness  from  what  is  morally  right,  in 
subordinating  the  desirable  not  to  the  moral  law,  but  to  a  law 
foreign  to  morality.  Thus  the  fundamental  opposition  is  not 
between  morality  and  eudaemonism  as  such,  but  between  morality 
and  eudaemonism  which  is  abstract  or,  more  exactly,  which 


abstracts  happiness  from   its   true   and   purely  moral   conditions, 
thus  rendering  it  fictitious  and  illusory. 

Why  then  does  the  fulfilment  of  duty  so  often  fail  to  give 
complete  satisfaction  ?  I  so  little  wish  to  avoid  this  objection  that 
I  would  make  it  stronger,  and  urge  that  human  virtue  never  gives 
complete  satisfaction.  But  is  this  virtue  itself  ever  complete^ 
and  is  there  any  one  born  £e/<  ^eA-^/xaros  <rapKos'  '  «K  tfeA^aros 
dvSpos '  who  has  ever  perfectly  fulfilled  his  duty  ?  It  is  clear  that 
the  perfect  good  has  never  been  realised  by  any  individual  human 
being  ;  and  it  is  just  as  clear  that  a  superhuman  being,  capable  of  real 
ising  the  perfect  good,  will  find  complete  or  perfect  satisfaction  in 
doing  so.  It  follows  also  that  the  autonomy  of  the  will,  that  is,  the 
power  to  desire  the  pure  good  for  its  own  sake  aloney  apart  from 
any  extraneous  considerations,  and  to  desire  the  complete  good — is 
merely  a  formal  and  subjective  characteristic  of  man.  Before  it  can 
become  real  and  objective,  man  must  acquire  the  power  actually 
to  fulfil  the  whole  good,  and  thus  obtain  perfect  satisfaction. 
Apart  from  this  condition,  virtue  has  a  negative  and  insufficient 
character,  which  is  not  due  to  the  nature  of  the  moral  principle 
itself.  Thus  when,  in  the  first  place,  the  moral  principle  demands 
that  the  spirit  should  have  power  over  the  flesh,  this  demand 
involves  no  external  limitations.  The  norm  is  the  perfect  and 
absolute  power  of  the  spirit  over  the  flesh,  its  complete  and  actual 
autonomy,  in  virtue  of  which  it  must  not  submit  to  the  extrane 
ous  law  of  carnal  existence — the  law  of  death  and  corruption.  In 
this  respect,  then,  immortal  and  incorruptible  life  is  alone  a  perfect 
good,  and  it  also  is  perfect  happiness.  Morality  which  does  not 
lead  to  a  really  immortal  and  incorruptible  life,  cannot  in 
strictness  be  called  autonomous,  for  it  obviously  submits  to  the  law 
of  material  life  that  is  foreign  to  it.  Similarly,  with  reference  to 
altruism  the  moral  demand  to  help  every  one  puts  no  limit  to  that 
help,  and  obviously  the  complete  good  here  requires  that  we  should 
obtain  for  all  our  fellow-beings  perfect  blessedness  or  absolute 
happiness.  Our  altruism  does  not  fulfil  this  demand  ;  but  the 
insufficiency  of  our  good  is  due  not  to  the  moral  law,  whose 
requirements  are  unlimited,  but  to  the  law  of  limited  material 
being  that  is  alien  to  it.  Consequently,  altruism  which  obeys  this 
foreign  law  cannot  in  the  strict  sense  be  called  an  expression  of 
autonomous  morality,  but  proves  to  be  heteronomous. 



The  good  then  is  accompanied  by  dissatisfaction  or  absence  of 
happiness  only  when  and  in  so  far  as  it  is  incomplete  and  imperfect, 
only  in  so  far  as  the  moral  law  is  not  fulfilled  to  the  end  and  still 
gives  way  before  another  law,  extraneous  to  it.  But  the  perfect 
or  the  purely  autonomous  good  gives  also  perfect  satisfaction. 
In  other  words,  the  good  is  separated  from  happiness  not  by  the 
nature  of  its  demands,  but  by  the  external  obstacles  in  the  way  of 
their  realisation.  Moral  principle  consistently  carried  out  to  the 
end,  duty  perfectly  fulfilled  inevitably  leads  to  the  highest  good 
or  happiness.  The  opposition,  therefore,  between  the  theory  of 
general  happiness  and  pure  morality  is  merely  accidental,  due  to 
the  empirical  imperfection  of  the  human  good  or  to  a  wrong 
conception  both  of  good  and  of  happiness.  In  the  first  case,  the 
discrepancy  between  good  and  happiness  (sufferings  of  the  right 
eous)  proves  merely  the  insufficiency  or  the  incompleteness — the 
unfinished  character  of  the  given  moral  condition.  In  the  second 
case,  that  of  a  wrong  conception,  the  moral  interest  is  absent 
altogether,  both  when  the  wrongly  conceived  good  coincides  or 
when  it  does  not  coincide  with  the  wrongly  conceived  happiness. 
Thus,  for  instance,  if  a  person  zealously  prays  that  he  might  pick 
up  in  the  street  a  purse  full  of  money,  or  win  in  a  lottery,  the 
failure  of  such  prayer  has  no  bearing  whatever  upon  the  question 
as  to  the  disharmony  between  virtue  (in  this  case  religious  virtue) 
and  well-being,  or  good  and  happiness.  For  in  this  case  both  are 
wrongly  understood.  Prayer  as  a'means  to, a  low  and  selfish  end  is 
opposed  to  the  Divine  and  the  human  dignity,  and  is  not  a  real  good  ; 
nor  is  the  acquisition  of  money  which  one  has  not  deserved  a  blessing 
or  real  happiness.  On  the  other  hand,  when  a  man  does  philan 
thropic  work  not  out  of  pity  or  altruistic  motives,  but  only  for  the 
sake  of  obtaining  an  order  of  merit,  and  actually  receives  such  an 
order,  such  coincidence  between  the  wrongly  conceived  good  and 
the  wrongly  conceived  happiness  is  of  as  little  interest  to  ethics 
as  the  discrepancy  between -the  two  in  the  first  case.  There  is 
no  need  to  prove  that  although  such  philanthropy  may  be  useful 
from  the  social  and  practical  point  of  view,  it  is  not  a  virtue,  nor 
that  an  order  of  merit  is  but  an  illusory  blessing.  It  is  clear 


that  true  welfare  can  only  be  born  of  feelings  and  actions 
that  are  themselves  well  conceived,  i.e.  that  possess  moral 
dignity  and  are  in  harmony  with  the  good  ;  and  that  real  good  in 
its  turn  cannot  in  the  long  run  lead  to  misfortune,  i.e.  to  evil. 
It  is  very  significant  indeed  that  the  same  conception  of  cevil' 
equally  expresses  the  opposition  both  to  virtue  and  to  happiness. 
Evil  actions  and  evil  fortune  are  equally  called  evil,  which  clearly 
indicates  the  inner  kinship  between  the  good  and  blessedness ; 
and  indeed  these  two  ideas  are  often  identified  in  ordinary  speech, 
one  term  being  substituted  for  the  other.  The  separation  between 
moral  good  and  happiness  is  then  merely  conditional :  the  absolute 
good  involves  also  the  fulness  of  happiness. 

The  ultimate  question  as  to  the  meaning  of  life  is  not  then 
finally  solved  either  by  the  existence  of  good  feelings  inherent  in 
human  nature,  or  by  the  principles  of  right  conduct  which  reason 
deduces  from  the  moral  consciousness  of  these  feelings.  Moral 
sentiments  and  principles  are  a  relative  good,  and  they  fail  to  give 
complete  satisfaction.  We  are  compelled  both  by  reason  and  by 
feeling  to  pass  from  them  to  the  good  in  its  absolute  essence,  un 
conditioned  by  anything  accidental  or  by  any  external  limitations, 
and  consequently  giving  real  satisfaction,  and  true  and  complete 
meaning  to  life  as  a  whole. 


That  the  pure  moral  good  must  finally  be  experienced  as 
blessedness,  that  is,  as  perfect  satisfaction  or  bliss,  was  admitted 
by  the  stern  preacher  of  the  categoric  imperative  himself.  But 
the  method  whereby  he  sought  to  reconcile  these  two  ultimate 
conceptions  can  certainly  not  be  pronounced  satisfactory. 

The  great  German  philosopher  admirably  defined  the  formal 
essence  of  morality  as  the  absolutely  free  or  autonomous  activity 
of  pure  will.  But  he  was  unable  to  avoid  in  the  domain  of 
ethics  the  one-sided  subjective  idealism  which  is  characteristic  of 
his  philosophy  as  a  whole.  On  this  basis  there  can  only  be  a 
fictitious  synthesis  of  good  and  happiness,  only  an  illusory  realisa 
tion  of  the  perfect  moral  order. 

Subjectivism,  in  the  crude  and  elementary  sense,  is  of  course 
excluded  by  the  very  conception  of  the  pure  will^  of  a  will,  that  is, 


free  from  any  empirical  and  accidental  motives,  and  determined 
only  by  the  idea  of  absolute  duty  (das  Sollen\  i.e.  by  the  universal 
and  necessary  norm  of  practical  reason.  In  virtue  of  this  norm 
the  moral  principle  of  our  conduct  (and  of  our  every  action) 
must,  without  inner  contradiction,  be  capable  of  being  affirmed 
as  a  universal  and  necessary  law,  applicable  to  ourselves  in  exactly 
the  same  way  as  to  everybody  else. 

This  formula  is  in  itself  (i.e.  logically)  perfectly  objective  ;  but 
wherein  does  its  real  power  lie  ?  Insisting  upon  the  unconditional 
character  of  the  moral  demand,  Kant  answers  only  for  the 
possibility  of  fulfilling  it :  you  must,  therefore  you  can.  But  the 
possibility  by  no  means  warrants  the  actuality,  and  the  perfect 
moral  order  may  remain  altogether  unrealised.  Nor  is  it  clear 
from  the  Kantian  point  of  view  what  is  the  ultimate  inner  founda 
tion  of  the  moral  demand  itself.  In  order  that  our  will  should  be 
pure  or  (formally)  autonomous  it  must  be  determined  solely  by 
respect  for  the  moral  law — this  is  as  clear  as  A  =  A.  But  why 
should  this  A  be  necessary  at  all  ?  Why  demand  a  l  pure  '  will  ? 
If  I  want  to  get  pure  hydrogen  out  of  water,  I  must  of  course 
take  away  the  oxygen.  If,  however,  I  want  to  wash  or  to  drink 
I  do  not  need  pure  hydrogen,  but  require  a  definite  combination 
of  it  with  oxygen,  H2O,  called  water. 

Kant  must  undoubtedly  be  recognised  as  the  Lavoisier  of  moral 
philosophy.  His  analysis  of  morality  into  the  autonomous  and  the 
heteronomous  elements,  and  his  formulation  of  the  moral  law,  is 
one  of  the  greatest  achievements  of  the  human  mind.  But  we 
cannot  rest  satisfied  with  the  theoretical  intellectual  interest  alone. 
Kant  speaks  of  practical  reason  as  the  unconditional  principle  of 
actual  human  conduct,  and  in  doing  so  he  resembles  a  scientist 
who  would  demand  or  think  it  possible  that  men  should  use  pure 
hydrogen  instead  of  water. 

Kant  finds  in  conscience  the  actual  foundation  of  his  moral 
point  of  view.  Conscience  is  certainly  more  than  a  demand — it 
is  a  fact.  But  in  spite  of  the  philosopher's  sincere  reverence  for 
this  testimony  of  our  higher  nature,  it  lends  him  no  help.  In  the 
first  place,  the  voice  of  conscience  says  not  exactly  what  according 
to  Kant  it  ought  to  say,  and  secondly,  the  objective  significance 
of  that  voice  remains,  in  spite  of  all,  problematic  from  the  point 
of  view  of  our  philosopher. 


Kant,  it  will  be  remembered,  pronounces  all  motives  other  than 
pure  reverence  for  the  moral  law  to  be  foreign  to  true  morality.  This 
is  unquestionably  true  of  motives  of  selfish  gain,  which  induce  us 
to  do  good  for  our  own  advantage.  According  to  Kant,  however, 
a  man  who  helps  his  neighbour  in  distress  out  of  a  simple  feeling 
of  pity  does  not  manifest  a  '  pure '  will  either,  and  his  action,  too, 
is  devoid  of  moral  worth.  In  this  case  Kant  is  again  right  from 
the  point  of  view  of  his  moral  chemistry  ;  but  the  supreme  court 
of  appeal  to  which  he  himself  refers — conscience — does  not  adopt 
this  point  of  view.  It  is  only  as  a  joke  that  one  can  imagine — 
as  Schiller  does  in  his  well-known  epigram  —  a  man  whose 
conscience  reproaches  him  for  pitying  his  neighbours  and  helping 
them  with  heartfelt  compassion  : 

"  Willingly  serve  I  my  friends,  but  I  do  it,  alas,  with  affection, 
Hence  I  am  plagued  with  the  doubt,  virtue  I  have  not  attained." 

"  This  is  your  only  resource,  you  must  stubbornly  seek  to  abhor  them, 
Then  you  can  do  with  disgust  that  which  the  law  may  enjoin." 

In  truth,  conscience  simply  demands  that  we  should  stand  in 
the  right  relation  to  everything,  but  it  says  nothing  as  to  whether 
this  right  relation  should  take  the  form  of  an  abstract  conscious 
ness  of  general  principles,  or  directly  express  itself  as  an  immediate 
feeling,  or — what  is  best — should  unite  both  these  aspects.  This 
is  the  question  as  to  the  degrees  and  forms  of  moral  development 
and,  though  very  important  in  itself,  it  has  no  decisive  significance 
for  the  general  valuation  of  the  moral  character  of  human  conduct. 

Apart,  however,  from  the  circumstance  that  Kant's  ethical 
demands  are  at  variance  with  the  deliverances  of  conscience 
to  which  he  appeals,  it  may  well  be  asked  what  significance  can 
attach  to  the  very  fact  of  conscience  from  the  point  of  view  of 
*  transcendental  idealism.'  The  voice  of  conscience  bearing  witness 
to  the  moral  order  of  the  universe  filled  Kant's  soul  with  awe. 
He  was  inspired  with  the  same  awe,  he  tells  us,  at  the  sight  of  the 
starry  heaven.  But  what  is  the  starry  heaven  from  Kant's  point  of 
view  ?  It  may  have  had  some  reality  for  the  author  of  The  Natural 
History  and  Theory  of  the  Heavens  J-  but  the  author  of  the  Critique  of 
Pure  Reason  has  dispelled  the  delusions  of  simple-hearted  realism. 
The  starry  heaven,  like  the  rest  of  the  universe,  is  merely  a  presenta- 

1  The  chief  work  of  Kant's  pre-critical  period. 


tion,  an  appearance  in  our  consciousness.  Though  due  to  an 
unknown  action  upon  us  of  something  independent  of  us,  the 
phenomenon  as  actually  presented  has  nothing  to  do  with  those 
utterly  mysterious  entities,  and  does  not  in  any  way  express  the  true 
nature  of  things  :  it  entirely  depends  upon  the  forms  of  our  sensuous 
intuition  and  the  power  of  our  imagination  acting  in  accordance 
with  the  categories  of  our  understanding.  And  if  Kant  felt  awe 
struck  at  the  grandeur  of  the  starry  heaven,  the  true  object  of 
that  feeling  could  only  be  the  grandeur  of  human  intellect,  or, 
rather,  of  intellectual  activity,  which  creates  the  order  of  the 
universe  in  order  to  cognise  it. 

Kant's  l  idealism '  deprives  the  mental  as  well  as  the  visible 
world  of  its  reality.  In  his  criticism  of  Rational  Psychology  he 
proves  that  the  soul  has  no  existence  on  its  own  account,  that  in 
truth  all  that  exists  is  the  complex  totality  of  the  phenomena  of  the 
inner  sense,  which  are  no  more  real  than  the  events  of  the  so-called 
external  world.  The  connection  between  the  inner  (as  between 
the  c  outer ')  phenomena  is  not  due  to  the  fact  that  they  are  ex 
perienced  by  one  and  the  same  being,  who  suffers  and  acts  in  and 
through  them.  The  connectedness  or  the  unity  of  the  mental  life 
depends  entirely  upon  certain  laws  or  general  correlations  which  form 
the  definite  order  or  the  working  mechanism  of  psychical  events. 

If  we  do  happen  to  find  in  this  mechanism  an  important  spring 
called  conscience,  this  phenomenon,  however  peculiar  it  may  be, 
takes  us  as  little  beyond  the  range  of  subjective  ideas  as  does  the  ring 
of  Saturn,  unique  of  its  kind,  which  we  observe  through  the 


Kant  suffered  from  his  subjectivism  in  moral  philosophy  quite 
as  much  as  he  prided  himself  on  it  in  theoretical  philosophy  ;  and 
he  was  well  aware  that  the  fact  of  conscience  is  not  in  itself  a  way 
of  escape.  If  conscience  is  merely  a  psychological  phenomenon, 
it  can  have  no  compelling  force.  And  if  it  is  something  more, 
then  the  moral  law  has  its  foundation  not  in  us  only,  but  also 
independently  of  us.  In  other  words,  this  unconditional  law 
presupposes  an  absolute  lawgiver. 

At  the  same  time  Kant,  who  in   spite  of  the    influence  of 


Rousseau  had  none  of  the  moral  optimism  of  the  latter,  clearly  saw 
the  gulf  between  what  ought  to  be  according  to  the  unconditional 
moral  law  and  what  is  in  reality.  He  well  understood  that  the 
gulf  cannot  be  bridged,  the  good  cannot  completely  triumph,  the 
ideal  cannot  be  perfectly  realised  in  the  conditions  of  the  given 
empirical  existence  or  of  the  mortal  life.  And  so  he  c  postulated  ' 
the  immortality  of  the  soul — of  that  very  soul  the  existence  of 
which  he  disproved  in  the  Critique  of  Pure  Reason. 

Thus,  notwithstanding  his  critical  philosophy,  Kant  wanted  to 
find  God  behind  the  starry  heaven  above  us, — and  behind  the 
voice  of  conscience  in  us  an  immortal  soul  in  the  image  and 
likeness  of  God. 

He  called  these  ideas  postulates  of  practical  reason  and  objects  of 
rational faith.^  But  there  is  no  faith  about  it,  for  faith  cannot  be 
a  deduction,  and  there  is  not  much  rationality  either,  for  the 
whole  argument  moves  in  a  vicious  circle  :  God  and  immortality 
of  the  soul  are  deduced  from  morality,  while  morality  itself 
depends  upon  God  and  the  immortal  soul. 

No  certainty  can  attach,  from  Kant's  point  of  view,  to  these 
two  metaphysical  ideas  themselves,  but  they  must  be  admitted  as 
valid  truths,  since  the  reality  of  the  moral  law  demands  the  reality 
of  God  and  immortality.  Every  sceptic  or  c  critical  philosopher ' 
has,  however,  a  perfect  right  to  turn  this  argument  against  Kant. 
Since  pure  morality  can  only  be  based  upon  the  existence  of  God 
and  of  an  immortal  soul,  and  the  certainty  of  these  ideas  cannot  be 
proved,  pure  morality  dependent  upon  these  ideas  cannot  be 
proved  either,  and  must  remain  a  mere  supposition. 

If  the  moral  law  has  absolute  significance,  it  must  rest  upon 
itself  and  stand  in  no  need  of  *  postulates,'  the  object  of  which 
has  been  so  systematically  put  to  shame  in  the  Critique  of  Pure 
Reason.  But  if,  in  order  to  have  real  force,  the  moral  law  must 
be  based  upon  something  other  than  itself,  its  foundations  must  be 
independent  of  it  and  possess  certainty  on  their  own  account. 
The  moral  law  cannot  possibly  be  based  upon  things  which  have 
their  ground  in  it. 

Kant  rightly  insisted  that  morality  is  autonomous.  This 
great  discovery,  connected  with  his  name,  will  not  be  lost  for 

1  I  confine  myself  here  to  these  two  postulates  only,  for  the  question  of  the  freedom 
of  will  belongs  to  a  different  order  of  ideas. 


humanity.  Morality  is  autonomous  precisely  because  its  essence 
is  not  an  abstract  formula  hanging  in  the  air,  but  contains  in 
itself  all  the  conditions  of  its  realisation.  The  necessary  presup 
position  of  morality,  namely,  the  existence  of  God  and  of  an 
immortal  soul,  is  not  a  demand  for  something  extraneous  to 
morality  and  additional  to  it,  but  is  its  own  inner  basis.  God 
and  the  soul  are  not  the  postulates  of  the  moral  law,  but  the  direct 
creative  forces  of  the  moral  reality. 

The  fact  that  the  good  is  not  finally  and  universally  realised 
for  us,  that  virtue  is  not  always  effective  and  never^  in  our 
empirical  life,  wholly  effective,  does  not  disprove  the  fact  that  the 
good  exists  and  that  the  measure  of  good  in  humanity  is,  on  the 
whole,  on  the  increase.  It  is  not  increasing  in  the  sense  that 
individual  persons  are  becoming  more  virtuous  or  that  there  is  a 
greater  number  of  virtuous  people,  but  in  the  sense  that  the 
average  level  of  the  universally  binding  moral  demands  that  are 
fulfilled  is  gradually  raised.  This  is  a  historical  fact,  against  which 
one  cannot  honestly  argue.  What  then  is  the  source  of  this  in 
crease  of  good  in  humanity  as  a  collective  whole,  independently  of 
the  moral  state  of  human  units  taken  separately  ?  We  know  that 
the  growth  of  a  physical  organism  is  due  to  the  superabundance 
of  nourishment  which  it  receives  from  its  actual  physico-organic 
environment,  the  existence  of  which  precedes  its  own.  In  a 
similar  way,  moral  growth,  which  cannot  logically  be  explained  by 
the  physical  (for  such  explanation  would  in  the  long  run  mean 
deducing  the  greater  from  the  lesser,  or  something  from  nothing, 
which  is  absurd),  can  also  only  be  explained  by  a  superabundance 
of  nourishment,  that  is,  by  the  general  positive  effect  of  the  actual 
moral  or  spiritual  environment.  In  addition  to  the  inconstant 
and,  for  the  most  part,  doubtful  growth  of  separate  human  beings, 
traceable  to  the  educative  effect  of  the  social  environment,  there 
is  a  constant  and  undoubtful  spiritual  growth  of  humanity,  or  of 
the  social  environment  itself — and  this  is  the  whole  meaning  of 
history.  To  account  for  this  fact  we  must  recognise  the  reality 
of  a  superhuman  environment  which  spiritually  nourishes  the 
collective  life  of  humanity  and,  by  the  superabundance  of  this 
nourishment,  conditions  its  moral  progress.  And  if  the  reality 
of  the  superhuman  good  must  be  admitted,  there  is  no  reason  to 
deny  its  effect  upon  the  individual  moral  life  of  man.  It  is  clear 


that  this  higher  influence  extends  to  everything  capable  of  receiv 
ing  it.  The  effect  of  the  social  environment  must  not,  however, 
be  regarded  as  the  source,  but  only  as  one  of  the  necessary  con 
ditions  of  the  moral  life  of  the  individual.  If  moral  life,  both 
collective  and  personal,  be  understood  as  the  interaction  between 
man  (and  humanity)  and  the  perfect,  superhuman  good,  it  cannot 
belong  to  the  sphere  of  the  transitory  material  events.  In  other 
words,  both  the  individual  and  the  collective  soul  must  be  im 
mortal.  Immortality  does  not  necessarily  presuppose  the  soul  as 
an  independent  substance.  Each  soul  can  be  conceived  as  one 
of  a  number  of  inseparably  connected,  constant  and  therefore 
immortal  relations  of  the  Deity  to  some  universal  substratum  of 
the  life  of  the  world,  a  closer  definition  of  which  does  not  directly 
belong  to  the  scope  of  moral  philosophy.  We  know  nothing  as 
yet — i.e.  before  a  theoretical  inquiry  into  metaphysical  questions — 
about  the  substantiality  of  the  soul  or  the  substantiality  of  God  j 
but  one  thing  we  know  with  certainty :  '  As  the  Lord  liveth,  my 
soul  liveth.'  If  we  give  up  this  fundamental  truth  we  cease  to 
understand  and  to  affirm  ourselves  as  moral  beings,  that  is,  we 
give  up  the  very  meaning  of  our  life. 

NEITHER  the  natural  inclination  to  the  good  in  individual  men, 
nor  the  rational  consciousness  of  duty,  are  in  themselves  sufficient 
for  the  realisation  of  the  good.  But  our  moral  nature  contains 
an  element  of  something  greater  than  itself. 

Even  the  first  two  foundations  of  morality — shame  and  pity — 
cannot  be  reduced  either  to  a  certain  mental  condition  of  this  or  that 
person,  or  to  a  universal  rational  demand  of  duty.  When  a  man 
is  ashamed  of  desires  and  actions  that  spring  from  his  material 
nature,  he  does  more  than  express  thereby  his  personal  opinion  or 
the  state  of  his  mind  at  the  given  moment.  He  actually  apprehends 
a  certain  reality  independent  of  his  opinions  or  accidental  moods — 
the  reality,  namely,  of  the  spiritual,  supermaterial  essence  of  man. 
In  the  feeling  of  shame  the  fundamental  material  inclinations  are 
rejected  by  us  as  foreign  and  hostile  to  us.  It  is  clear  that  the 
person  who  rejects  and  the  thing  which  is  rejected  cannot  be 
identical.  The  man  who  is  ashamed  of  a  material  fact  cannot 
himself  be  a  mere  material  fact.  A  material  fact  that  is  ashamed 
of  and  rejects  itself,  that  judges  itself  and  acknowledges  itself  un 
worthy,  is  an  absurdity  and  is  logically  impossible. 

The  feeling  of  shame  which  is  the  basis  of  our  right  relation 
to  the  material  nature  is  something  more  than  a  simple  psychical 
fact.  It  is  a  self-evident  revelation  of  a  certain  universal  truth, — 
of  the  truth,  namely,  that  man  has  a  spiritual  supermaterial  nature. 
In  shame,  and  in  ascetic  morality  founded  upon  it,  this  spiritual 
essence  of  man  manifests  itself  not  only  as  a  possibility  but  also  as 
an  actuality^  not  as  a  demand  only  but  also  as  a  certain  reality. 

1 60 


Men  whose  spirit  dominates  their  material  nature  have  actually 
existed  in  the  past  and  exist  now.  The  fact  that  they  are  com 
paratively  few  in  number  simply  proves  that  the  moral  demand  has 
not  yet  been  fully  and  finally  realised  ;  it  does  not  prove  that  it 
is  not  realised  at  all  and  remains  a  mere  demand.  It  cannot  be 
said  that  the  moral  principle  of  shame  is  lacking  in  actuality,  or, 
what  is  the  same  thing,  in  actual  perfection. 

In  a  similar  manner,  the  feeling  of  pity  or  compassion  which  is 
the  basis  of  man's  right  relation  to  his  fellow-beings  expresses  not 
merely  the  mental  condition  of  a  given  person,  but  also  a  certain 
universal  objective  truth,  namely,  the  unity  of  nature  or  the  real 
solidarity  of  all  beings.  If  they  were  alien  and  external  to  one 
another,  one  being  could  not  put  himself  into  the  place  of  another, 
could  not  transfer  the  sufferings  of  others  to  himself  or  feel 
together  with  others  ;  for  compassion  is  an  actual  and  not  an 
imagined  state,  not  an  abstract  idea.  The  bond  of  sympathy 
between  separate  beings,  which  finds  expression  in  the  funda 
mental  feeling  of  pity  and  is  developed  in  the  morality  of  altruism, 
is  not  merely  a  demand,  but  a  beginning  of  realisation.  This  is 
proved  by  the  solidarity  of  human  beings,  which  exists  as  a  fact,  and 
increases  throughout  the  historical  development  of  society.  The 
defect  of  the  social  morality  is  not  that  it  is  not  realised  at  all,  but 
that  it  is  not  fully  and  perfectly  realised.  The  feeling  of  shame 
gives  us  no  theoretical  conception  of  the  spiritual  principle  in  man, 
but  indubitably  proves  the  existence  of  that  principle.  The  feeling 
of  pity  tells  us  nothing  definite  about  the  metaphysical  nature  of 
the  universal  unity,  but  concretely  indicates  the  existence  of  a  certain 
fundamental  connection  between  distinct  entities,  prior  to  all  ex 
perience.  And  although  these  entities  are  empirically  separate  from 
one  another,  they  become  more  and  more  united  in  the  empirical 
reality  itself. 


In  the  two  moral  spheres  indicated  by  shame  and  pity,  the  good 
is  already  known  as  truth,  and  is  realised  in  fact,  but  as  yet  im 
perfectly.  In  the  third  sphere  of  moral  relations,  determined  by 
the  religious  feeling  or  reverence,  the  true  object  of  that  feeling 
reveals  itself  as  the  highest  or  perfect  good,  wholly  and  absolutely 



realised  from  all  eternity.  The  inner  basis  of  religion  involves 
more  than  a  mere  recognition  of  our  dependence  upon  a  power 
immeasurably  greater  than  we.  Religious  consciousness  in  its  pure 
form  is  a  joyous  feeling  that  there  is  a  Being  infinitely  better  than 
ourselves,  and  that  our  life  and  destiny,  like  everything  that  exists, 
is  dependent  upon  It — not  upon  an  irrational  fate,  but  upon  the 
actual  and  perfect  Good,  the  One  which  embraces  all. 

In  true  religious  experience  the  reality  of  that  which  is  ex 
perienced  is  immediately  given  ;  we  are  directly  conscious  of  the 
real  presence  of  the  Deity,  and  feel  Its  effect  upon  us.  Abstract 
arguments  can  have  no  force  against  actual  experience.  When 
a  man  is  ashamed  of  his  animal  desires,  it  is  impossible  to  prove 
to  him  that  he  is  a  mere  animal.  In  the  very  fact  of  shame  he  is 
aware  of  himself  as  being,  and  proves  himself  to  be,  more  and 
higher  than  an  animal.  When  in  the  feeling  of  pity  we  are 
affected  by  the  sufferings  of  another  person,  and  are  conscious  of 
him  as  of  a  fellow-being,  no  force  can  attach  to  the  theoretical 
argument  that  perhaps  that  other,  for  whom  my  heart  aches,  is 
only  my  presentation,  devoid  of  all  independent  reality.  If  I  am 
conscious  of  the  inner  connection  between  myself  and  another, 
that  consciousness  testifies  to  the  actual  existence  of  the  other  no 
less  than  to  my  own.  This  conclusion  holds  good  of  the  religious 
feeling  as  well  as  of  pity  and  compassion.  The  only  difference  is 
that  the  object  of  the  former  is  experienced  not  as  equal  to  us  but 
as  absolutely  superior,  all-embracing,  and  perfect.  It  is  impossible 
that  a  creature  which  excites  in  me  a  living  feeling  of  compassion 
should  not  actually  live  and  suffer.  It  is  still  more  impossible 
that  the  highest,  that  which  inspires  us  with  reverence  and  fills 
our  soul  with  "unutterable  bliss,  should'  not  exist  at  all.  We 
cannot  doubt  the  reality  of  that  which  perceptibly  affects  us,  and 
whose  effect  upon  us  is  given  in  the  very  fact  of  the  experience. 
The  circumstance  that  I  do  not  always  have  the  experience,  and 
that  other  people  do  not  have  it  at  all,  no  more  disproves  its 
reality  and  the  reality  of  its  object  than  the  fact  of  my  not  seeing 
the  sun  at  night,  and  of  persons  born  blind  never  seeing  it  at  all, 
disproves  the  existence  of  the  sun  and  of  vision.  Moreover, 
many  people  have  a  wrong  conception  of  the  sun,  taking  it  to  be 
small  and  to  move  round  the  earth,  and  this,  indeed,  was  the 
universal  belief  in  former  days.  But  neither  the  existence  of  the 


sun  nor  my  certainty  of  its  existence  are  in  the  least  affected 
by  this  fact.  In  the  same  way,  theological  errors  and  con 
tradictions  do  not  in  any  way  touch  upon  the  real  object  of 
religion.  Theological  systems,  like  the  astronomical  ones,  are 
the  work  of  human  intellect,  and  depend  upon  the  degree  of 
its  development  and  the  amount  of  positive  knowledge.  Correct 
theology,  like  correct  astronomy,  is  important  and  necessary  ;  but 
it  is  not  a  thing  of  the  first  importance.  The  epicycles  of  the 
Alexandrian  astronomers  and  the  division  of  the  solar  system  accord 
ing  to  the  theory  of  Tycho  Brahe  did  not  prevent  any  one  from 
enjoying  the  light  and  the  warmth  of  the  sun  ;  and  when  these 
astronomers  were  proved  to  be  in  error,  no  one  was  led  thereby  to 
doubt  the  actual  existence  of  the  sun  and  the  planets.  In  the 
same  way  the  most  false  and  absurd  theological  doctrine  cannot 
prevent  any  one  from  experiencing  the  Deity,  nor  cause  any 
doubt  as  to  the  reality  of  what  is  given  in  experience. 

Abstract  theoretical  doubts  had  arisen  in  the  past  and  still 
arise,  not  only  with  regard  to  the  existence  of  God,  but  to  all 
other  existence.  No  one  at  all  familiar  with  philosophical  specula 
tion  can  imagine  that  the  existence  of  the  physical  world,  or  even 
of  our  neighbours,  is  self-evident  to  the  intellect.  A  doubt  of  that 
existence  is  the  first  foundation  of  all  speculative  philosophy 
worthy  of  the  name.  These  theoretical  doubts  are  disposed  of  in 
one  way  or  another  by  means  of  various  epistemological  and  meta 
physical  theories.  But  however  interesting  and  important  these 
theories  may  be,  they  have  no  direct  bearing  upon  life  and 
practice.  Such  direct  significance  attaches  to  moral  philosophy, 
which  is  concerned  with  the  actual  data  of  our  spiritual  nature  and 
the  guiding  practical  truths  which  logically  follow  from  them. 

The  parallelism  between  spiritual  and  physical  blindness  is 
also  borne  out  by  the  following  consideration.  It  is  well  known 
that  people  blind  from  birth  are  perfectly  sound  in  other  respects, 
and  have  indeed  an  advantage  over  the  persons  with  normal  sight 
in  that  their  other  senses — hearing,  touch — are  better  developed. 
In  a  similar  way  persons  lacking  in  receptivity  to  the  divine 
light  are  perfectly  normal  in  all  other  respects,  both  practical 
and  theoretical,  and,  indeed,  they  generally  prove  superior  to 
others  in  their  capacity  for  business  and  for  learning.  It  is 
natural  that  a  person  who  is  particularly  drawn  to  the  absolute 


centre  of  the  universe  cannot  pay  equal  attention  to  objects  that 
are  relative.  It  is  not  to  be  wondered  at,  therefore,  that  in  the 
special,  worldly  tasks  of  humanity,  a  great  share  of  work  and  of 
success  falls  to  the  men  for  whom  the  higher  world  is  closed. 
Such  c  division  of  labour '  is  natural,  and  it  provides  a  certain 
teleological  explanation  of  atheism  which  must  serve  some 
positive  good  purpose  "on  the  whole,  whatever  its  negative  causes 
in  each  particular  case  may  be.  If  the  work  of  history  is 
necessary,  if  the  union  of  mankind  is  to  become  a  fact, 
if  it  is  necessary  that  at  a  given  epoch  men  should  invent 
and  make  all  sorts  of  machines,  dig  the  Suez  Canal,  discover 
unknown  lands,  etc.,  then  it  is  also  necessary  for  the  successful 
performance  of  all  these  tasks  that  some  men  should  not  be 
mystics,  or  even  earnest  believers.  It  is  clear,  of  course,  that  the 
supreme  will  does  not  make  any  one  an  atheist  for  the  sake  of  its 
historical  purposes  ;  but  once  the  complex  chain  of  causes, 
finally  confirmed  by  this  or  that  voluntary  decision  of  the  man 
himself,  has  produced  in  a  given  case  spiritual  blindness,  it  is  the 
business  of  Providence  to  give  such  a  direction  to  this  '  ill '  that 
it  too  should  be  not  wholly  devoid  of  'good' — that  a  subjective 
wrong  should  have  an  objective  justification. 


The  reality  of  the  Deity  is  not  a  deduction  from  religious 
experience  but  the  content  of  it — that  which  is  experienced.  If 
this  immediate  reality  of  the  higher  principle  be  taken  away, 
there  would  be  nothing  left  of  religious  experience.  It  would 
no  longer  exist.  But  it  does  exist,  and  therefore  that  which  is 
given  and  experienced  in  it  exists  also.  God  is  in  us,  therefore 
He  is. 

However  complete  the  feeling  of  our  inner  unity  with  God 
may  be,  it  never  becomes  a  consciousness  of  mere  identity,  of 
simple  merging  into  one.  The  feeling  of  unity  is  inseparably 
connected  with  the  consciousness  that  the  Deity  with  which  we 
are  united,  and  which  acts  and  reveals  itself  in  us,  is  something 
distinct  and  independent  of  us — that  it  is  prior  to  us,  higher  and 
greater  than  we.  God  exists  on  His  own  account.  That  which 
is  experienced  is  logically  prior  to  any  given  experience.  The 


actuality  of  an  object  does  not  depend  upon  the  particular  way 
in  which  it  acts.  When  one  has  to  say  to  a  person  '  there  is  no 
God  in  youj  every  one  understands  that  this  is  not  a  denial  of  the 
Deity,  but  merely  a  recognition  of  the  moral  worthlessness  of  the 
person  in  whom  there  is  no  room  for  God,  i.e.  no  inner 
receptivity  to  the  action  of  God.  And  this  conclusion  would 
stand  even  if  we  had  to  admit  that  all  men  were  thus 
impenetrable  to  the  Deity. 

My  compassion  for  another  person  does  not  in  the  least 
imply  that  I  am  identical  with  that  other.  It  simply  means  that 
I  am  of  the  same  nature  as  he  is  and  that  there  is  a  bond  of 
union  between  us.  In  the  same  way,  the  religious  experience 
of  God  in  us  or  of  ourselves  in  God  by  no  means  implies  that 
He  is  identical  with  us,  but  simply  proves  our  inner  relationship 
to  Him — 'for  we  are  also  His  offspring.'  The  relation  is  not 
brotherly,  as  with  our  fellow-beings,  but  filial — it  is  not  the  bond 
of  equality,  but  the  bond  of  dependence.  The  dependence  is  not 
external  or  accidental,  but  inward  and  essential.  True  religious 
feeling  regards  the  Deity  as  the  fulness  of  all  the  conditions  of 
our  life  —  as  that  without  which  life  would  be  senseless  and 
impossible  for  us,  as  \\\&  first  beginning,  as  the  true  medium,  and  as 
the  final  end  of  existence.  Since  everything  is  already  contained 
in  God  we  can  add  nothing  to  Him  from  ourselves,  no  new 
content  ;  we  cannot  make  the  absolute  perfection  more  perfect. 
But  we  can  partake  of  it  more  and  more,  be  united  with  it  more 
and  more  closely.  Thus  our  relation  to  the  Deity  is  that  of 
form  to  content. 

A  further  analysis  of  what  in  religious  feeling  is  given  as  a 
living  experience  of  the  reality  of  Godhead  shows  that  we  stand 
in  a  threefold  relation  to  this  perfect  reality,  this  absolute  or 
supreme  good,  (i)  We  are  conscious  of  our  difference  from  it ; 
and  since  it  contains  the  fulness  of  perfection,  we  can  only  differ 
from  it  by  negative  qualities  or  determinations — by  our  im 
perfection,  impotence,  wickedness,  suffering.  In  this  respect 
we  are  the  opposite  of  the  Deity,  its  negative  other  ;  this  is  the 
lower  earthly  principle  out  of  which  man  is  created  (his  vX-rj  or 
causa  materialis\  that  which  is  called  in  the  Bible  'the  dust  of 
the  ground  '  (gaphar  haadam}.  (2)  But  although  we  are  nothing 
but  a  complex  of  all  possible  imperfections,  we  are  conscious  of 


the  absolute  perfection  as  of  that  which  truly  is,  and  in  this 
consciousness  are  ideally  united  to  it,  reflect  it  in  ourselves. 
This  idea  of  the  all-embracing  perfection  as  the  informing 
principle  of  our  life  (eiSos,  causa  forma/is)  is,  in  the  words  of  the 
Bible,  'the  image  of  God'  in  us  (or,  more  exactly,  'the  reflection': 
zelem  from  z*7,  'shadow').  (3)  In  God  the  ideal  perfection  is 
fully  realised  ;  hence  we  are  not  content  with  being  conscious 
of  Him  as  an  idea,  or  in  reflecting  Him  in  ourselves,  but  want, 
like  God,  to  be  actually  perfect.  And  since  our  empirical 
existence  is  opposed  to  this,  we  seek  to  transform,  to  perfect 
our  bad  reality,  and  to  assimilate  it  to  the  absolute  ideal. 
Thus  although  in  our  given  (or  inherited)  condition  we  are 
opposed  to  the  Deity,  we  approximate  to  It  in  that  towards 
which  we  aspire.  The  end  of  our  life,  that  for  the  sake  of 
which  we  exist  (ov  eye/cci,  causa  finalis\  is  the  'likeness  of  God' 

The  religious  attitude  necessarily  involves  discriminating  and 
comparing.  We  can  stand  in  a  religious  relation  to  the  higher 
only  if  we  are  aware  of  it  as  such,  only  if  we  are  conscious  of  its 
superiority  to  us,  and  consequently  of  our  own  unworthiness. 
But  we  cannot  be  conscious  of  our  unworthiness  or  imperfection 
unless  we  have  an  idea  of  its  opposite — i.e.  an  idea  of  perfection. 
Further,  the  consciousness  of  our  own  imperfection  and  of  the 
divine  perfection  cannot,  if  it  be  genuine,  stop  at  this  opposition. 
It  necessarily  results  in  a  desire  to  banish  it  by  making  our 
reality  conform  to  the  highest  ideal,  that  is,  to  the  image  and 
likeness  of  God.  Thus  the  religious  attitude  as  a  whole  logically 
involves  three  moral  categories  :  (i)  irnperfection  (in  us)  ;  (2) 
perfection  (in  God)  ;  and  (3)  the  process  of  becoming  perfect  or 
of  establishing  a  harmony  between  the  first  and  the  second  as  the 
task  of  our  life. 


The  logical  analysis  of  the  religious  attitude  into  its  three 
component  elements  finds  confirmation  both  from  the  psycho 
logical  and  the  formally  moral  point  of  view. 

Psychologically,  i.e.  as  a  subjective  state,  the  typical  religious 
attitude  finds  expression  in  the  feeling  of  reverence,  or,  more 


exactly,  of  reverent  love.1  This  feeling  necessarily  involves  (i)  self- 
depreciation  on  the  part  of  the  person  who  experiences  it,  or  his 
disapproval  of  himself  as  he  actually  is  at  the  present  moment ;  (2)  Jft/* 
positive  awareness  of  the  higher  ideal  as  of  a  reality  of  a  different 
order,  as  of  that  which  truly  is — since  to  feel  reverence  for  what 
one  knows  to  be  an  invention  or  an  image  of  fancy  is  psychologic 
ally  impossible ;  (3)  a  striving  to  work  a  real  change  in  oneself,  and 
to  draw  nearer  to  the  highest  perfection.  Apart  from  this  striving 
the  religious  feeling  becomes  an  abstract  idea.  On  the  contrary, 
real  striving  towards  God  is  the  beginning  of  union  with  Him. 
By  experiencing  His  reality  in  ourselves  we  become  united  to  this 
supreme  reality,  and  make  a  beginning — an  inner  and  subjective 
one — of  the  future  complete  union  of  all  the  world  with  God. 
This  is  the  reason  why  the  true  religious  attitude  is  characterised 
by  the  feeling  of  bliss  and  enthusiasm,  which  the  Apostle  calls 
"the  earnest  of  the  Spirit  in  our  hearts"  and  "joy  of  the  Holy 
Ghost."  It  is  the  prophetic  spirit  anticipating  our  complete  and 
final  union  with  the  Deity  :  the  union  is  not  yet  attained  but  it 
has  begun,  and  we  have  a  foretaste  of  the  joy  of  fulfilment. 

From  the  formally  moral  point  of  view,  the  consciousness 
(involved  in  the  religious  feeling)  that  the  supreme  ideal  actually 
exists  and  that  we  are  out  of  harmony  with  it  compels  us  to  become 
more  perfect.  That  which  excites  our  reverence,  affirms  thereby 
its  right  to  our  devotion.  And  if  we  are  conscious  of  the  actual 
and  absolute  superiority  of  the  Deity  over  ourselves,  our  devotion 
to  it  must  be  real  and  unlimited,  i.e.  it  must  be  the  unconditional 
rule  of  our  life. 

The  religious  feeling  expressed  in  the  form  of  the  categorical 
imperative  commands  us  not  merely  to  desire  perfection  but  to  be 
perfect.  And  this  means  that,  in  addition  to  having  a  good  will, 
being  honest,  well-behaved  and  virtuous,  we  must  be  free  from 
pain,  immortal  and  incorruptible,  and  must,  moreover,  make  all 
our  fellow-beings  morally  perfect  and  free  from  pain,  deathless, 
and  incorruptible  in  their  bodies.  For,  indeed,  true  perfection 
must  embrace  the  whole  of  man,  must  include  all  his  reality — and 
of  that  reality  other  beings,  too,  form  part.  If  we  do  not  want 

1  This  subjective  basis  of  religion  is  best  rendered  by  the  German  Ehrfurcht, 
chrfurchtsvolle  Liebe.  It  may  also  be  called  an  ascending  love,  amor  ascendent.  See 
the  conclusion  of  this  book. 


that,  in  addition  to  moral  perfection,  they  should  be  free  from  pain, 
immortal  and  incorruptible,  we  have  no  pity  for  them,  that  is,  we 
are  inwardly  imperfect.  And  if  we  want  it,  but  cannot  do  it,  we 
are  impotent,  that  is,  our  inner  perfection  is  not  sufficient  to 
manifest  itself  objectively  ;  it  is  merely  a  subjective,  incomplete 
perfection,  or,  in  other  words,  it  is  imperfection.  In  either  case 
we  have  not  fulfilled  the  demand,  "  Be  ye  perfect." 

But  what  can  the  demand  mean  ?  It  is  clear  that  by  willing 
alone,  however  pure  and  intense  the  will  may  be,  we  cannot  even — 
contrary  to  the  claim  of  '  mental  healing ' — save  ourselves  or  our 
neighbours  from  toothache  or  gout,  let  alone  raise  the  dead. 

The  imperative  c  be  ye  perfect '  does  not  refer,  then,  to  separate 
acts  of  will,  but  puts  before  us  a  life-long  task.  A  simple  act  of 
pure  will  is  necessary  for  accepting  the  task,  but  is  not  in  itself 
sufficient  for  fulfilling  it.  The  process  of  becoming  perfect  is  a 
necessary  means  to  perfection.  Thus  the  unconditional  demand 
c  be  perfect '  means,  in  fact,  ( become  perfect? 

Perfection,  i.e.  the  completeness  of  good,  or  the  unity  of 
good  and  happiness,  expresses  itself  in  three  ways:  (i)  as  the 
absolutely  real,  eternally  actual  perfection  in  God  ;  (2)  as 
potential  perfection  in  human  consciousness  which  contains  the 
absolute  fulness  of  being  in  the  form  of  an  idea,  and  in  human 
will  which  makes  that  fulness  of  being  its  ideal  and  its  norm  ; 
(3)  as  the  actual  realisation  of  perfection  or  as  the  historical  pro 
cess  of  becoming  perfect. 

The  adherents  of  abstract  morality  put  at  this  point  a  question, 
the  answer  to  which  they  prejudge  from  the  first.  They  ask 
what  need  is  there  for  this  third  aspect — for  perfection  as  con 
cretely  realised,  for  historical  doing  with  its  political  problems  and 
its  work  of  civilisation.  If  the  light  of  truth  and  a  pure  will  is 
within  us,  why  trouble  about  anything  further  ? 

But  the  purpose  of  historical  doing  is  precisely  the  final  justifi 
cation  of  the  good  given  in  our  true  consciousness  and  our  good 
will.  The  historical  process  as  a  whole  creates  the  concrete 
conditions  under  which  the  good  may  really  become  common 
property,  and  apart  from  which  it  cannot  be  realised.  The  whole 

of  historical  development,  both  of  the  human  and  of  the  physical 
world,  is  the  necessary  means  to  perfection.  No  one  will  argue 
that  a  mollusc  or  a  sponge  can  know  the  truth,  or  bring  their 
will  into  harmony  with  the  absolute  good.  It  was  necessary 
for  more  and  more  complex  and  refined  organic  forms  to  be 
evolved  until  a  form  was  produced  in  which  the  consciousness  of 
perfection  and  the  desire  for  it  could  be  manifested.  This  con 
sciousness  and  desire  contain,  however,  only  the  possibility  of 
perfection  ;  and  if  man  is  conscious  of  and  desires  that  which  he 
does  not  possess,  it  is  clear  that  the  consciousness  and  the  will 
cannot  be  the  completion,  but  are  only  the  beginning  of  his  life 
and  activity.  A  speck  of  living  protoplasm,  the  production  of 
which  also  demanded  much  creative  energy,  contains  the  possi 
bility  of  the  human  organism.  But  that  possibility  could  only 
be  realised  through  a  long  and  complex  biological  process.  A 
formless  bit  of  organic  matter,  or  an  insufficiently  formed  living 
being  like  a  sponge,  a  polypus,  a  cuttle-fish,  cannot  of  themselves 
produce  man,  though  they  contain  him  potentially.  In  the  same 
way  a  formless  horde  of  savages,  or  an  insufficiently  formed 
barbarian  state,  cannot  directly  give  birth  to  the  Kingdom  of  God, 
that  is,  to  the  image  of  the  perfect  unity  of  the  human  and  the 
universal  life — even  though  the  remote  possibility  of  such  unity 
may  be  contained  in  the  thoughts  and  feelings  of  the  savages  and 

Just  as  the  spirit  of  man  in  nature  requires  for  its  concrete 
expression  the  most  perfect  of  physical  organisms,  so  the  spirit  of 
God  in  humanity  or  the  Kingdom  of  God  requires  for  its  actual 
manifestation  the  most  perfect  social  body  which  is  being  slowly 
evolved  through  history.  In  so  far  as  the  ultimate  constituents  of 
this  historical  process — human  individuals — are  more  capable  of 
conscious  and  free  action  than  the  ultimate  constituents  of  the 
biological  process — the  organic  cells — the  process  of  evolving  the 
collective  universal  body  is  more  conscious  and  voluntary  in 
character  than  the  organic  processes  which  determine  the  evolu 
tion  of  our  corporeal  being.  But  there  is  no  absolute  opposition 
between  the  two.  On  the  one  hand,  rudiments  of  consciousness 
and  will  are  undoubtedly  present  in  all  living  beings,  though 
they  are  not  a  decisive  factor  in  the  general  process  of  perfecting 
the  organic  forms.  On  the  other  hand,  the  course  and  the  final 


outcome  of  universal  history  are  not  exhausted  by  the  conscious 
and  purposive  activity  of  historical  persons.  But  in  any  case,  at 
a  certain  level  of  intellectual  and  moral  development  the  human 
individual  must  inevitably  determine  his  own  attitude  with 
regard  to  the  problems  of  history. 

The  significance  of  the  historical,  as  distinct  from  the 
cosmical,  process  lies  in  the  fact  that  the  part  played  in  it  by 
individual  agents  is  always  increasing  in  importance.  And  it  is 
strange  that  at  the  present  day,  when  this  characteristic  fact  of 
history  has  become  sufficiently  clear,  the  assertion  should  be 
made  that  man  must  renounce  all  historical  doing,  and  that  the 
state  of  perfection  for  humanity  and  for  all  the  universe  will 
be  attained  of  itself.  'Of  itself  does  not,  of  course,  in  this 
connection  mean  through  the  play  of  blind  physical  forces 
which  have  neither  the  desire  nor  the  power  to  create  the 
Kingdom  of  God  out  of  themselves.  'Of  itself  here  means  by 
the  immediate  action  of  God.  But  how  are  we  to  explain  from 
this  point  of  view  the  fact  that  hitherto  God  has  never  acted 
immediately  ?  If  for  the  realisation  of  the  perfect  life  two 
principles  only  are  necessary — God  and  the  human  soul,  poten 
tially  receptive  of  Him — then  the  Kingdom  of  God  might  have 
been  established  with  the  advent  of  the  first  man.  What  was  the 
need  for  all  these  centuries  and  millenniums  of  human  history  ? 
And  if  this  process  was  necessary  because  the  Kingdom  of  God 
can  as  little  be  revealed  among  wild  cannibals  as  among  wild 
beasts,  if  it  was  necessary  for  humanity  to  work  up  from  the 
brutal  and  formless  condition  of  separateness  to  definite  organisa 
tion  and  unity,  it  is  as  clear  as  day  that  this  process  is  not  yet 
completed.  Historical  doing  is  as  necessary  to-day  as  it  was 
yesterday,  and  will  be  as  necessary  to-morrow,  until  the  conditions 
are  ripe  for  the  actual  and  perfect  realisation  of  the  Kingdom  of 


The  historical  process  is  a  long  and  difficult  transition  from 
the  bestial  man  to  the  divine  man.  No  one  can  seriously 
maintain  that  the  last  step  has  already  been  taken,  that  the 
image  and  likeness  of  the  beast  has  been  inwardly  abolished  in 
humanity  and  replaced  by  the  image  and  likeness  of  God,  that 


there  is  no  longer  any  historical  task  left  demanding  the 
organised  activity  of  social  groups,  and  that  all  we  have  to  do  is 
to  bear  witness  to  this  fact  and  trouble  no  further.  This  view 
when  expressed  simply  and  directly  is  absurd,  and  yet  it  sums  up 
the  doctrine  so  often  preached  nowadays  of  social  disruption  and 
individual  quietism — a  doctrine  which  claims  to  be  the  expression 
of  the  unconditional  principle  of  morality. 

The  unconditional  principle  of  morality  cannot  be  a  deception. 
But  it  is  obvious  deception  for  a  separate  individual  to  pretend 
that  his  own  impotence  to  realise  the  ideal  of  universal  perfection 
proves  such  realisation  to  be  unnecessary.  The  truth  which,  on 
the  basis  of  genuine  religious  feeling,  our  reason  and  our  con 
science  tell  us  is  this  :  — 

I  cannot  alone  carry  out  in  practice  all  that  ought  to  be ; 
I  cannot  do  anything  alone.  But,  thank  God,  there  is  no  such 
thing  as  c  I  alone ' ;  my  impotence  and  isolation  is  only  a 
subjective  state  which  depends  upon  myself.  Although  in  my 
thoughts  and  my  will  I  can  separate  myself  from  everything,  it  is 
mere  self-deception.  Apart  from  these  false  thoughts  and  this 
bad  will  nothing  exists  separately,  everything  is  inwardly  and 
externally  connected. 

I  am  not  alone.  With  me  is  God  Almighty  and  the  world — 
that  is,  all  that  is  contained  in  God.  And  if  both  these  exist,  there 
is  positive  interaction  between  them.  The  very  idea  of  Godhead 
implies  that  things  to  which  God  stands  in  a  purely  negative 
relation,  or  things  to  which  He  is  unconditionally  opposed, 
cannot  exist  at  all.  But  the  world  does  exist,  therefore  there 
must  be  the  positive  activity  of  God  in  it.  The  world  cannot, 
however,  be  the  end  of  that  activity,  for  it  is  imperfect.  And  if 
it  cannot  be  the  end,  it  must  be  the  means.  It  is  the  system  of 
conditions  for  realising  the  kingdom  of  ends.  That  in  it  which 
is  capable  of  perfection  will  enter  that  kingdom  with  full  rights  ; 
all  the  rest  is  the  material  and  the  means  for  bringing  it  about. 
All  that  exists,  exists  only  in  virtue  of  being  approved  by  God. 
But  God  approves  in  two  ways  :  some  things  are  good  as  a 
means  and  others  as  a  purpose  and  an  end  (shabbath}.  Each 
stage  in  the  world  creation  is  approved  of  from  above,  but  the 
Scriptures  distinguish  between  simple  and  enhanced  praise.  Of 
all  things  created  in  the  first  six  days  of  the  world  it  says  that 


they  are  good  (tob^  /caAa),  but  only  the  last  creature — man — is 
said  to  be  very  good  (tob  meod^  KaXa  Ai'av).  In  another  holy 
book  it  is  said  that  the  Divine  Wisdom  looks  after  all  creatures, 
but  that  her  joy  is  in  the  sons  of  man.  In  man's  consciousness 
and  his  freedom  lies  the  inner  possibility  for  each  human  being 
to  stand  in  an  independent  relation  to  God,  and  therefore  to 
be  His  direct  purpose,  to  be  a  citizen  possessed  of  full  rights  in 
the  kingdom  of  ends.  Universal  history  is  the  realisation  of  this 
possibility  for  every  one.  Man  who  takes  part  in  it  attains  to 
actual  perfection  through  his  own  experience,  through  his  inter 
action  with  other  men.  This  perfection  attained  by  himself, 
this  full,  conscious,  and  free  union  with  Godhead,  is  what  God 
wills  for  its  own  sake  —  is  an  unconditional  good.  Inner 
freedom,  i.e.  voluntary  and  conscious  preference  of  good  to  evil  in 
everything,  is,  from  the  point  of  view  of  principle,  the  chief 
condition  of  this  perfection  or  of  the  absolute  good  (tob  meod}. 

Man  is  dear  to  God,  not  as  a  passive  instrument  of  His  will — 
there  are  enough  of  such  instruments  to  be  found  in  the  physical 
world — but  as  a  voluntary  ally  and  participator  in  His  work  in 
the  universe.  This  participation  of  man  must  necessarily  be 
included  in  the  very  purpose  of  God's  activity  in  the  world. 
Were  this  purpose  thinkable  apart  from  human  activity,  it  would 
have  been  attained  from  all  eternity,  for  in  God  Himself  there  can 
be  no  process  of  becoming  perfect,  but  only  an  eternal  and  un 
changeable  fulness  of  all  that  is  good.  Just  as  it  is  unthinkable 
for  an  absolute  being  to  increase  in  goodness  or  perfection,  so  it 
is  unthinkable  for  man  to  attain  perfection  at  once,  apart  from 
the  process  of  becoming  perfect.  'Perfection  is  not  a  thing  which 
one  person  can  make  a  gift  of  to  another  ;  it  is  an  inner  condition 
attainable  through  one's  own  experience  alone.  No  doubt  perfec 
tion,  like  every  positive  content  of  life,  is  received  by  man  from 
God.  But  in  order  to  be  capable  of  receiving  it,  in  order  to 
become  a  receptive  form  for  the  divine  content  (and  it  is  in  this 
alone  that  human  perfection  consists),  it  is  necessary  that  man 
should  through  actual  experience  get  rid  of  and  be  purged  of  all 
that  is  incompatible  with  this  perfect  state.  For  mankind  as  a 
whole  this  is  attained  through  the  historical  process,  by  means  of 
which  God's  will  is  realised  in  the  world. 

This  will  reveals  itself  to  the  individual — not  of  course  as  he 


is  in  his  false  separateness,  but  as  he  truly  is.  And  man's  true 
nature  consists  not  in  separating  himself  from  all  else,  but  in 
being  together  with  all  that  is. 


The  moral  duty  of  religion  demands  that  we  should  unite  our 
will  with  the  will  of  God.  The  will  of  God  is  all-embracing,  and 
in  being  united  to  it,  or  in  entering  into  true  harmony  with  it, 
we  obtain  an  absolute  and  universal  rule  of  action.  The  idea  of 
God  that  reason  deduces  from  what  is  given  in  true  religious 
experience  is  so  clear  and  definite  that  we  always  can  know,  if 
we  want  to,  what  God  demands  of  us.  In  the  first  place,  God 
wants  us  to  be  conformable  to  and  like  Him.  We  must  manifest 
our  inner  kinship  with  the  Deity,  our  power  and  determination 
to  attain  free  perfection.  This  idea  can  be  expressed  in  the  form 
of  the  following  rule  :  Have  God  in  you. 

A  man  who  has  God  in  him  regards  everything  in  accordance 
with  God's  thought  or  *  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  absolute.' 
The  second  rule,  then,  is  Regard  everything  in  God's  way. 

God's  relation  to  everything  is  not  indifference.  Inanimate 
objects  are  indifferent  to  good  and  evil,  but  this  lower  state  cannot 
be  attributed  to  the  Deity.  Although,  according  to  the  words  of 
the  Gospel,  God  lets  the  sun  shine  on  the  just  and  the  unjust,  it 
is  precisely  this  single  light  which,  in  illuminating  different  persons 
and  actions,  shows  the  difference  between  them.  Although, 
according  to  the  same  words,  God  sends  His  rain  to  the  righteous 
and  to  the  sinners,  yet  this  one  and  the  same  moisture  of  God's 
grace  brings  forth  from  the  different  soil  and  different  seed  fruits 
that  are  not  identical.  God  cannot  be  said  either  to  affirm  evil  or 
to  deny  it  unconditionally.  The  first  is  impossible,  because  in 
that  case  evil  would  be  good,  and  the  second  is  impossible,  because 
in  that  case  evil  could  not  exist  at  all — and  yet  it  does  exist. 
God  denies  evil  as  final  or  abiding,  and  in  virtue  of  this  denial  it 
perishes.  But  He  permits  it  as  a  transitory  condition  of  freedom^  i.e. 
of  a  greater  good.  On  the  one  hand,  God  permits  evil  inasmuch  as  a 
direct  denial  or  annihilation  of  it  would  violate  human  freedom  and 
be  a  greater  evil,  for  it  would  render  perfect  (i.e.  free)  good  impossible 
in  the  world  ;  on  the  other  hand,  God  permits  evil  inasmuch  as  it 


is  possible  for  His  Wisdom  to  extract  from  evil  a  greater  good  or 
the  greatest  possible  perfection,  and  this  is  the  cause  of  the  existence 
of  evil.1  Evil,  then,  is  something  subservient,  and  an  unconditional 
rejection  of  it  would  be  wrong.  We  must  regard  evil  also  in  God's 
way,  i.e.  without  being  indifferent  to  it,  we  must  rise  above  absolute 
opposition  to  it  and  allow  it — when  it  does  not  proceed  from  us 
— as  a  means  of  perfection,  in  so  far  as  a  greater  good  can  be 
derived  from  it.  We  must  recognise  the  possibility,  i.e.  the 
potentiality,  of  good  in  all  that  is,  and  must  work  for  that 
possibility  to  become  an  actuality.  The  direct  possibility  of 
perfect  good  is  given  in  rational  and  free  beings  like  ourselves. 
Recognising  our  own  unconditional  significance  as  bearers  of  the 
consciousness  of  the  absolute  ideal  (the  image  of  God),  and  of  the 
striving  to  realise  it  completely  (the  likeness  of  God),  we  must  in 
justice  recognise  the  same  thing  of  all  other  persons.  Our  duty 
of  attaining  perfection  we  must  regard  not  merely  as  the  task  of 
the  individual  life,  but  as  an  inseparable  part  of  the  world-wide 
work  of  history. 

The  unconditional  principle  of  morality  can  therefore  be 
expressed  as  follows  : — 

In  complete  inner  harmony  with  the  higher  will  and  recognising 
the  absolute  worth  or  significance  of  all  other  persons,  since  they  too  are 
in  the  image  and  likeness  of  God,  participate,  as  fully  as  in  thee  lies, 
in  the  work  of  making  thyself  and  every  one  more  perfect,  so  that  the 
Kingdom  of  God  may  be  finally  revealed  in  the  world. 


It  will  be  easily  seen  that  the  unconditional  principle  of 
morality  includes  and  gives  expression  to  all  positive  moral 
principles,  and  that  at  the  same  time  it  completely  satisfies  the 
natural  demand  for  happiness  in  the  sense  of  possessing  the 
highest  good. 

In  demanding  that  man  should  be  a  friend  and  helper  of  God, 
the  unconditional  principle  of  morality  does  not  cancel  the 
particular  moral  demands.  On  the  contrary,  it  confirms  them  ; 

1  I  must  content  myself  here  with  a  general  logical  reflection.  A  real  solution  of 
the  question  must  be  based  upon  a  metaphysical  inquiry  into  the  nature  of  God  and  the 
origin  of  evil  in  the  world. 


it    puts    them    in    a    higher    light    and    gives    them    a   supreme 


In  the  first  place,  it  refers  to  the  religious  basis  of  morality,  of 
which  it  is  the  direct  development  and  the  final  expression.  The 
higher  demand  presupposes  the  lower.  A  babe  at  the  breast 
naturally  cannot  be  his  father's  friend  and  helper.  In  the  same 
way,  a  man  spiritually  under  age  is  inwardly  precluded  from 
standing  in  the  relation  of  free  and  immediate  harmony  with 
God.  In  both  cases  authoritative  guidance  and  education  is 
necessary.  This  is  the  justification  of  external  religious  institu 
tions — of  sacrifices,  hierarchy,  etc.  Apart  from  their  profound 
mystical  significance,  which  makes  them  an  abiding  link  between 
heaven  and  earth,  they  are  undoubtedly  of  the  first  importance 
to  humanity  from  the  pedagogical  point  of  view.  There  never 
was,  and  never  could  be,  a  time  when  all  men  would  be  spiritually 
equal  to  one  another.  Making  use  of  this  inevitable  inequality, 
Providence  has  from  the  first  elected  the  best  to  be  the  spiritual 
teachers  of  the  crowd.  Of  course  the  inequality  was  merely 
relative — the  teachers  of  savages  were  half-savage  themselves. 
Therefore  the  character  of  religious  institutions  changes  and 
becomes  more  perfect  in  conformity  with  the  general  course  of 
history.  But  so  long  as  the  historical  process  is  not  yet  com 
pleted,  no  one  could  in  all  conscience  consider  unnecessary  for 
himself  and  for  others  the  mediation  of  religious  institutions 
which  connect  us  v/ith  the  work  of  God  that  has  already  found 
concrete  embodiment  in  history.  And  even  if  such  a  man  could 
be  found,  he  would  certainly  not  reject  the  c  external '  side  of 
religion.  Indeed  for  him  it  would  not  be  merely  external^  for  he 
would  understand  the  fulness  of  the  inner  meaning  inherent  in  it 
and  its  connection  with  the  future  realisation  of  that  meaning. 
A  person  who  is  above  school  age  and  has  reached  the  heights  of 
learning  has  certainly  no  reason  to  go  to  school.  But  he  has  still 
less  reason  to  reject  schools  and  to  persuade  the  schoolboys  that 
their  teachers  are  a  pack  of  idle  swindlers,  and  that  they  themselves 
are  perfect  men  or  that  educational  institutions  are  the  root  of  all 
evil  and  ought  to  be  wiped  off  the  face  of  the  earth. 

The  true  c  friend  of  God '  understands  and  cares  for  all  mani 
festations  of  the  divine  both  in  the  physical  world  and,  still  more 
so,  in  human  history.  And  if  he  stands  on  one  of  the  upper 


rungs  of  the  ladder  that  leads  from  man  to  God,  he  will  certainly 
not  cut  down  the  lower  rungs  on  which  his  brethren  are  standing 
and  which  are  still  supporting  him  too. 

Religious  feeling  raised  to  the  level  of  an  absolute  and  all- 
embracing  principle  of  life  lifts  to  the  same  height  the  other  two 
fundamental  moral  feelings,  as  well  as  the  duties  that  follow  from 
them — namely,  the  feeling  of  pity  which  determines  our  right 
relation  to  our  fellow-creatures,  and  the  feeling  of  shame  upon 
which  our  right  attitude  to  the  lower  material  nature  is  based. 


Pity  which  we  feel  towards  a  fellow-being  acquires  another 
significance  when  we  see  in  that  being  the  image  and  likeness  of 
God.  We  then  recognise  the  unconditional  worth  of  that  person  ; 
we  recognise  that  he  is  an  end  in  himself  for  God,  and  still  more 
must  be  so  for  us.  We  realise  that  God  Himself  does  not  treat 
him  merely  as  a  means.  We  respect  that  being  since  God  respects 
him^  or,  more  exactly,  we  consider  him  since  God  considers  him. 
This  higher  point  of  view  does  not  exclude  pity  in  cases  when  it 
would  naturally  be  felt — on  the  contrary,  pity  becomes  more 
P9Jgnarit-  and_profound.  I  pity  in  that  being  not  merely  his 
sufferings  but  also  the  cause  of  them — I  regret  that  his  actual 
reality  falls  so  short  of  his  true  dignity  and  possible  perfection. 
The  duty  that  follows  from  the  altruistic  sentiment  also  acquires 
a  higher  meaning.  We  can  no  longer  be  content  with  refraining 
from  injuries  to  our  neighbour  or  even  with  assisting  him  in  his 
troubles.  We  must  help  him-  to  become  more  perfect,  so  that 
the  image  and  likeness  of  God  which  we  recognise  in  him  might 
be  actually  realised.  But  no  human  being  can  alone  realise  either 
in  himself  or  in  any  one  else  that  absolute  fulness  of  perfec 
tion  in  seeking  which  we  are  likened  to  God.  Altruism  at  its 
highest  religious  stage  compels  us,  therefore,  actively  to  participate 
in  the  universal  historical  process  which  brings  about  the  con 
ditions  necessary  for  the  revelation  of  the  Kingdom  of  God.  Con 
sequently  it  demands  that  we  should  take  part  in  the  collective 
organisations — especially  in  that  of  the  state  as  inclusive  of  all  the 
others — by  means  of  which  the  historical  process  is,  by  the  will 
of  Providence,  carried  on.  Not  every  one  is  called  to  political 


activity  or  to  the  service  of  the  state  in  the  narrow  sense  of  the 
term.  But  it  is  the  duty  of  every  one  to  serve,  in  his  own  place, 
that  same  purpose — the  common  good — which  the  state  ought 
to  serve  also. 

In  the  domain  of  religion  the  unconditional  principle  of 
morality  leads  us  to  accept  ecclesiastical  institutions  and  traditions 
as  educational  means  whereby  humanity  is  led  in  the  end  to 
ultimate  perfection.  In  a  similar  way  in  the  domain  of  purely 
human  relations  inspired  by  pity  and  altruism  the  unconditional 
moral  principle  demands  that  we  should  give  active  service 
to  the  collective  organisations,  such  as  the  state,  by  means  of 
which  Providence  prevents  humanity  from  material  disruption, 
holds  it  together,  and  enables  it  to  become  more  perfect. 
We  know  that  only  in  virtue  of  that  which  has  been  and  is 
being  given  to  humanity  by  the  historical  forms  of  religion 
can  we  truly  attain  to  that  free  and  perfect  union  with  the 
Divine,  the  possibility  and  the  promise  of  which  are  contained 
in  our  inner  religious  feeling.  Similarly,  we  know  that  apart 
from  the  concentrated  and  organised  social  force  which  is  found 
in  the  state  we  cannot  give  all  our  neighbours  that  help  which 
we  are  bidden  to  give  both  by  the  simple  moral  feeling  of 
pity  for  their  sufferings  and  by  the  religious  principle  of  respect 
for  their  unconditional  dignity  which  demands  to  be  realised. 

In  both  cases  we  connect  our  allegiance  to  the  ecclesiastical 
and  the  political  forms  of  social  life  with  the  unconditional 
principle  of  morality,  and  in  doing  so  we  recognise  that  allegiance 
as  conditional^  as  determined  by  this  higher  truth  and  dependent 
upon  it.  Institutions  which  ought  to  serve  the  good  in  humanity 
may  more  or  less  deviate  from  their  purpose  or  even  be  wholly  false 
to  it.  In  that  case  the  duty  of  man  true  to  the  good  consists  neither 
in  entirely  rejecting  the  institutions  in  question  on  the  ground  of 
the  abuses  connected  with  them — which  would  be  unjust — nor  in 
blindly  submitting  to  them  both  in  good  and  in  evil,  which  would 
be  impious  and  unworthy.  His  duty  would  be  to  try  and  actively 
reform  the  institutions,  insisting  on  what  their  function  ought  to 
be.  If  we  know  why  and  for  what  sake  we  ought  to  submit  to  a 
certain  institution,  we  also  know  the  form  and  the  measure  ot 
such  submission.  It  will  never  become  unlimited,  blind,  and 
slavish.  We  shall  never  be  passive  and  senseless  instruments  of 



external  forces ;  we  shall  never  put  the  Church  in  the  place  of 
God,  or  the  state  in  the  place  of  humanity.  We  shall  not  take 
the  transitory  forms  and  instruments  of  the  providential  work  in 
history  for  the  essence  and  the  purpose  of  that  work.  We  sub 
ordinate  our  personal  impotence  and  insufficiency  to  the  historical 
forces,  but  in  our  higher  consciousness  we  regard  them  in  God's 
way,  using  them  as  the  means  or  the  conditions  of  the  perfect 
good.  In  doing  so  we  do  not  renounce  our  human  dignity — 
rather  we  affirm  it  and  realise  it  as  unconditional. 

When  I  make  use  of  physical  force  and  move  my  arms  in 
order  to  save  a  drowning  man  or  to  give  food  to  the  hungry, 
I  do  not  in  any  way  detract  from  my  moral  dignity  ;  on  the 
contrary,  I  increase  it.  Why  then  should  it  be  a  detriment, 
rather  than  a  gain,  to  our  morality  to  take  advantage  of  the 
spiritually-material  forces  of  the  state  and  use  them  for  the  good 
of  nations  and  of  humanity  as  a  whole  ?  To  submit  to  material 
powers  is  shameful,  but  to  deny  their  right  to  existence  is  perilous 
and  unjust.  In  any  case  the  unconditional  principle  of  morality 
extends  to  the  domain  of  matter  also. 


The  natural  feeling  of  shame  bears  witness  to  the  autonomy 
of  our  being,  and  safeguards  its  wholeness  from  the  destructive 
intrusion  of  foreign  elements.  At  the  lower  stages  of  develop 
ment,  when  sensuous  life  predominates,  special  significance 
attaches  to  bodily  chastity,  and  the  feeling  of  shame  is  originally 
connected  with  this  side  of  life.  But  as  moral  feelings  and 
relations  are  developed  further,  man  begins  to  form  a  wider 
conception  of  his  dignity.  He  is  ashamed  not  only  of  yielding  to 
the  lower  material  nature,  but  also  of  all  violations  of  duty  in 
relation  to  gods  and  men.  The  unconscious  instinct  of  shame 
becomes  now,  as  we  have  seen,  the  clear  voice  of  conscience  which 
reproaches  man  not  for  carnal  sins  alone  but  also  for  all  wrong 
doing — for  all  unjust  and  pitiless  actions  and  feelings.  At  the 
same  time  there  is  developed  a  special  feeling  of  the  fear  of  God, 
which  restrains  us  from  coming  into  conflict  with  anything  that 
expresses  for  us  the  holiness  of  God.  When  the  relation  between 
man  and  God  is  raised  to  the  level  of  absolute  consciousness,  the 


feeling  which  protects  the  wholeness  of  man  is  also  raised  to  a  new 
and  final  stage.  What  is  now  being  safeguarded  is  not  the  relative 
but  the  absolute  dignity  of  man,  that  is,  his  ideal  perfection  which 
is  to  be  realised.  The  negative  voice  of  shame,  conscience,  and  the 
fear  of  God  becomes  at  this  stage  a  direct  and  positive  conscious 
ness  in  man  of  his  own  divinity  or  a  consciousness  of  God  in  him. 
This  consciousness  no  longer  reproaches  him  for  doing  what  is 
bad  and  injurious,  but  for  feeling  and  acting  as  an  imperfect  being, 
while  perfection  is  his  duty  and  his  goal.  Instead  of  the  demon 
which  restrained  Socrates  from  wrong  actions,  we  hear  the  Divine 
voice  :  "  Be  ye  perfect  even  as  your  Father  in  heaven  is  perfect." 
If  perfection  is  to  be  perfectly  realised  it  must  include  the 
material  life.  The  unconditional  principle  gives  a  new  mean 
ing  to  the  ascetic  morality.  We  refrain  from  carnal  sins  no 
longer  out  of  the  instinct  of  spiritual  self-preservation  or  for  the 
sake  of  increasing  our  inner  power,  but  for  the  sake  of  our  body 
itself,  as  the  uttermost  limit  of  the  manifestation  of  God  in  man, 
as  the  predestined  abode  of  the  Holy  Ghost. 



THE  unconditional  principle  of  morality,  logically  involved  in 
religious  experience,  contains  the  complete  good  (or  the  right 
relation  of  all  to  everything)  not  merely  as  a  demand  or  an  idea, 
but  as  an  actual  power  that  can  fulfil  this  demand  and  create 
the  perfect  moral  order  or  the  Kingdom  of  God  in  which  the 
absolute  significance  of  every  being  is  realised.  It  is  by  virtue  of 
this  supreme  principle  alone  that  the  moral  good  can  give  us  final 
and  complete  satisfaction,  can  be  for  us  a  true  blessing  and  a 
source  of  infinite  bliss. 

We  experience  the  reality  of  God  not  as  something  in 
definitely  divine — Sai/j.6vi6v  ™,  but  we  are  conscious  of  Him  as  He 
really  is,  all-perfect  or  absolute.  And  our  soul  too  is  revealed  to 
us  in  our  inner  experience  not  merely  as  something  distinct  from 
material  facts,  but  as  a  positive  force  which  struggles  with  the 
material  processes  and  overcomes  them.  The  experience  of 
physiological  asceticism  does  more  than  support  the  truth  that  the 
soul  is  immortal — a  postulate  beyond  which  Kant  would  not  go  ; 
it  also  justifies  the  hope  of  the  resurrection  of  the  body.  For  in 
the  triumph  of  the  spirit  over  matter,  as  we  know  from  our  own 
preliminary  and  rudimentary  experience,  matter  is  not  destroyed 
but  is  made  eternal  as  the  image  of  a  spiritual  quality  and  an 
instrument  of  the  activity  of  the  spirit. 

We  do  not  know  from  experience  what  matter  is  in  itself; 
this  is  a  subject  for  metaphysical  investigation.  The  psychical 
and  the  physical  phenomena  are  qualitatively  distinct  so  far  as 
knowledge  is  concerned  :  the  first  are  known  by  direct  intro- 



spection  and  the  second  by  means  of  the  outer  senses.  But 
experience — both  the  immediate  individual  and  the  universal, 
scientific,  and  historical  experience — undoubtedly  proves  that  in 
spite  of  this  there  is  no  gulf  between  the  real  essence  of  the 
spiritual  and  the  material  nature,  that  the  two  are  most  intimately 
connected  and  constantly  interact.  Since  the  process  whereby 
the  universe  attains  perfection  is  the  process  of  manifesting 
God  in  man,  it  must  also  be  the  process  of  manifesting  God  in 

The  chief  concrete  stages  of  this  process,  given  in  our 
experience,  bear  the  traditional  and  significant  name  of  kingdoms. 
It  is  significant  because  it  really  is  applicable  only  to  the  last  and 
highest  stage,  which  is  usually  not  taken  into  account  at  all. 
Counting  this  highest  stage  there  are  five  kingdoms  altogether  : 
the  mineral  (or,  more  generally,  the  inorganic)  kingdom,  the 
vegetable  kingdom,  the  animal  kingdom,,  the  human  kingdom^and 
God's  kingdom.  Minerals,  plants,  animals,  natural  humanity  and 
spiritual  humanity — such  are  the  typical  forms  of  existence  from 
the  point  of  view  of  the  ascending  process  of  universal  perfection. 
From  other  points  of  view  the  number  of  these  forms  and  stages 
might  be  increased,  or,  on  the  contrary,  be  reduced  to  four,  three, 
and  two.  Plants  and  animals  may  be  grouped  together  into  one 
organic  world.  Or  the  whole  realm  of  physical  existence,  both 
organic  and  inorganic,  may  be  united  in  the  one  conception  of 
nature.  In  that  case  there  would  be  a  threefold  division  only, 
into  the  Divine,  the  human,  and  the  natural  kingdoms.  Finally, 
one  may  stop  at  the  simple  opposition  between  the  Kingdom  of 
God  and  the  kingdom  of  this  world. 

Without  in  the  least  rejecting  these  and  all  other  divisions,  it 
must  be  admitted  that  the  five  kingdoms  indicated  above  represent 
the  most  characteristic  and  clearly  defined  grades  of  existence  from 
the  point  of  view  of  the  moral  meaning  realised  in  the  process 
of  manifesting  God  in  matter. 

Stones  and  metals  are  distinguished  from  all  else  by  their 
extreme  self-sufficiency  and  conservatism  ;  had  it  rested  with 
them,  nature  would  never  have  wakened  from  her  dreamless 
slumber.  But,  on  the  other  hand,  without  them  her  further 
growth  would  have  been  deprived  of  a  firm  basis  or  ground. 
Plants  in  unconscious,  unbroken  dreams  draw  towards  warmth, 


light,  and  moisture.  Animals  by  means  of  sensations  and  free 
movements  seek  the  fulness  of  sensuous  being  :  repletion,  sexual 
satisfaction,  and  the  joy  of  existence  (their  games  and  singing). 
Natural  humanity,  in  addition  to  all  these  things,  rationally  strives 
to  improve  its  life  by  means  of  sciences,  arts,  and  social  institu 
tions,  actually  improves  it  in  various  respects,  and  finally  rises  to 
the  idea  of  absolute  perfection.  Spiritual  humanity  or  humanity 
born  of  God  not  only  understands  this  absolute  perfection  with 
the  intellect  but  accepts  it  in  its  heart  and  its  conduct  as  the 
true  beginning  of  that  which  must  be  fulfilled  in  all  things.  It 
seeks  to  realise  it  to  the  end  and  to  embody  it  in  the  life  of  the 

Each  preceding  kingdom  serves  as  the  immediate  basis  of  the 
one  that  follows.  Plants  derive  their  nourishment  from  inorganic 
substances,  animals  exist  at  the  expense  of  the  vegetable  kingdom, 
men  live  at  the  expense  of  animals,  and  the  Kingdom  of  God  is 
composed  of  men.  If  we  consider  an  organism  from  the  point 
of  view  of  its  material  constituents  we  shall  find  in  it  nothing 
but  elements  of  inorganic  substance.  That  substance,  however, 
ceases  to  be  a  mere  substance  in  so  far  as  it  enters  into  the  plan  of 
the  organic  life,  which  makes  use  of  the  chemical  and  physical 
properties  of  substance  but  is  not  reducible  to  them.  In  a  similar 
way,  human  life  on  its  material  side  consists  of  animal  processes, 
which,  however,  have  in  it  no  significance  on  their  own  account 
as  they  do  in  the  animal  world.  They  serve  as  a  means  or  an 
instrument  for  new  purposes  and  new  objects  which  follow 
from  the  new,  higher  plan  of  rational  or  human  life.  The  sole 
purpose  of  the  typical  animal  is  satisfaction  of  hunger  and  of 
the  sexual  instinct.  But  when  a  human  being  desires  nothing 
further  he  is  rightly  called  bestial,  not  only  as  a  term  of  abuse, 
but  precisely  in  the  sense  of  sinking  to  a  lower  level  of  existence. 
Just  as  a  living  organism  consists  of  chemical  substances  which 
cease  to  be  mere  substances,  so  humanity  consists  of  animals 
which  cease  to  be  merely  animal.  Similarly,  the  Kingdom  of 
God  consists  of  men  who  have  ceased  to  be  merely  human  and 
form  part  of  a  new  and  higher  plan  of  existence  in  which  their 
purely-human  ends  become  the  means  and  instruments  for  another 
final  purpose. 



The  stone  exists  ;  the  plant  exists  and  is  living  ;  the  animal 
lives  and  is  conscious  of  its  life  in  its  concrete  states ;  man  under 
stands  the  meaning  of  life  according  to  ideas  ;  the  sons  of  God 
actively  realise  this  meaning  or  the  perfect  moral  order  in  all 
things  to  the  end. 

The  stone  exists,  this  is  clear  from  its  sensible  effect  upon  us. 
A  person  who  denies  it  can  easily  convince  himself  of  his  error, 
as  has  been  observed  long  ago,  by  knocking  his  head  against 
the  stone.1  Stone  is  the  most  typical  embodiment  of  the  category 
of  being  as  such,  and,  in  contradistinction  to  Hegel's  abstract  idea 
of  being,  it  shows  no  inclination  whatever  to  pass  into  its 
opposite  :  2  a  stone  is  what  it  is  and  has  always  been  the  symbol 
of  changeless  being.  It  merely  exists — //  does  not  live  and  it  does 
not  die,  for  the  parts  into  which  it  is  broken  up  do  not  qualitatively 
differ  from  the  whole.3  The  plant  not  merely  exists  but  lives, 
which  is  proved  by  the  fact  that  it  dies.  Life  does  not  presuppose 
death,  but  death  obviously  presupposes  life.  There  is  a  clear  and 
essential  difference  between  a  growing  tree  and  logs  of  wood, 
between  a  fresh  and  a  faded  flower — a  difference  to  which  there 
is  nothing  corresponding  in  the  mineral  kingdom. 

1  Kant  rightly  points  out  that  this  argument  is  insufficient  for  theoretical  philosophy  ; 
and  when  dealing  with  the  theory  of  knowledge  I  propose  to  discuss  the  question  as  to 
the  being  of  things.  But  in  moral  philosophy  the  above  argument  is  sufficient,  for  in  all 
contciencc  it  is  convincing. 

8  It  will  be  remembered  that  in  Hegel's  Dialectic  pure  being  passes  into  pure 
nothing.  In  answer  to  a  learned  critic,  I  would  like  to  observe  that  although  I  regard 
the  stone  as  the  most  typical  embodiment  and  symbol  of  unchanging  being,  I  do  not  in 
the  least  identify  the  stone  with  the  category  of  being  and  do  not  deny  the  mechanical 
and  physical  properties  of  the  concrete  stone.  Every  one,  for  instance,  takes  the  pig 
to  be  the  most  typical  embodiment  and  symbol  of  the  moral  category  of  unrestrained 
carnality,  which  is  on  that  account  called  '  piggishness.'  But  in  doing  so  no  one  denies 
that  a  real  pig  has  in  addition  to  its  piggishness  four  legs,  two  eyes,  etc. 

3  I  am  speaking  here  of  the  stone  as  the  most  characteristic  and  concrete  instance 
of  inorganic  bodies  in  general.  Such  a  body  taken  in  isolation  hag  no  real  life  of  its  own. 
But  this  in  no  way  prejudges  the  metaphysical  question  as  to  the  life  of  nature  in 
general  or  of  the  more  or  less  complex  natural  wholes  such  as  the  sea,  rivers,  mountains, 
forests.  And  indeed,  separate  inorganic  bodies  too,  such  as  stones,  though  devoid  of 
life  on  their  own  account,  may  serve  as  constant  mediums  for  the  localised  living 
activity  of  spiritual  beings.  Of  this  nature  were  the  sacred  stones — the  so-called  bethels 
or  bethils  (houses  of  God)  which  were  associated  with  the  presence  and  activity  of  angeU 
or  Divine  powers  that  seemed  to  inhabit  these  stones. 


It  is  as  impossible  to  deny  life  to  plants  as  to  deny  consciousness 
to  animals.  It  can  only  be  done  with  the  help  of  an  arbitrary 
and  artificial  terminology,  which  is  not  binding  upon  any  one. 
According  to  the  natural  meaning  of  the  word,  consciousness  in 
general  is  a  definite  and  regular  correspondence  or  interrelation 
between  the  inner  psychical  life  of  a  given  being  and  its 
external  environment.  Such  correlation  is  undoubtedly  present  in 
animals.  The  presence  of  life  in  the  vegetable  kingdom  is  clearly 
seen  in  the  distinction  between  a  living  and  a  dead  plant  ;  the 
presence  of  consciousness  in  animals  is,  at  any  rate  in  the  case  of 
the  higher  and  typical  animals,  clearly  seen  in  the  distinction 
between  a  sleeping  and  a  waking  animal.  For  the  distinction 
consists  precisely  in  the  fact  that  a  waking  animal  consciously 
takes  part  in  the  life  that  surrounds  it,  while  the  psychical  world 
of  a  sleeping  animal  is  cut  off  from  direct  communication  with 
that  life.1  An  animal  not  merely  has  sensations  and  images  j  it 
connects  them  by  means  of  correct  associations.  And  although 
it  is  the  interests  and  the  impressions  of  the  present  moment  that 
predominate  in  its  life,  it  remembers  its  past  states  and  foresees  the 
future  ones.  If  this  were  not  the  case,  the  education  or  training 
of  animals  would  be  impossible,  yet  such  training  is  a  fact.  No 
one  will  deny  memory  to  a  horse  or  a  dog.  But  to  remember  a 
thing  or  to  be  conscious  of  it  is  one  and  the  same.  To  deny 
consciousness  to  animals  is  merely  an  aberration  of  the  human 
consciousness  in  some  philosophers. 

One  fact  of  comparative  anatomy  ought  alone  to  be  sufficient 
to  disprove  this  crude  error.  To  deny  consciousness  to  animals 
means  to  reduce  the  whole  of  thei'r  life  to  the  blind  promptings  of 
instinct.  But  how  are  we  to  explain  in  that  case  the  gradual 
development  in  the  higher  animals  of  the  organ  of  conscious  mental 
activity — the  brain  ?  How  could  this  organ  have  appeared  and 
developed  if  the  animals  in  question  had  no  corresponding 
functions  ?  Unconscious,  instinctive  life  does  not  need  the 
bnain.  This  is  shown  by  the  fact  that  the  development  of  instinct 

1  The  usual  ways  in  which  an  animal  becomes  conscious  of  his  environment  are 
closed  in  sleep.  But  this  does  not  by  any  means  exclude  the  possibility  of  a  different 
environment  and  of  other  means  of  mental  correlation,  i.e.  of  another  sphere  of  conscious 
ness.  In  that  case,  however,  the  periodical  transition  of  a  given  mental  life  from  one 
sphere  of  consciousness  into  another  would  prove  still  more  clearly  the  general  conscious 
character  of  that  life. 


is  prior  to  the  appearance  of  that  organ,  and  that  it  reaches  its 
highest  development  in  creatures  that  have  no  brain.  The 
excellence  of  ants'  and  bees'  social,  hunting,  and  constructive 
instincts  depends  of  course  not  on  the  brain,  which,  strictly  speak 
ing,  they  have  not  got,  but  upon  their  well-developed  sympathetic 
nervous  system. 

Man  differs  from  animals  not  by  being  conscious,  since  the 
same  is  true  of  them  also,  but  by  possessing  reason  or  the 
faculty  of  forming  general  concepts  and  ideas.  The  presence  of 
consciousness  in  animals  is  proved  by  their  purposive  movements, 
mimicry,  and  their  language  of  various  sounds.  The  fundamental 
evidence  of  the  rationality  of  man  is  the  word^  which  expresses  not 
only  the  states  of  a  particular  consciousness,  but  the  general  mean 
ing  of  all  things.  The  ancient  wisdom  rightly  defined  man  not 
as  a  conscious  being — which  is  not  enough — but  as  a  being 
endowed  with  language  or  a  rational  being. 

The  power  inherent  in  the  very  nature  of  reason  and  of 
language  to  grasp  the  all-embracing  and  all-uniting  truth  has 
acted  in  many  different  ways  in  various  and  separate  peoples, 
gradually  building  up  the  human  kingdom  upon  the  basis  of  the 
animal  life.  The  ultimate  essence  of  this  human  kingdom  is  the 
ideal  demand  for  the  perfect  moral  order,  i.e.  a  demand  for  the 
Kingdom  of  God.  By  two  paths — of  prophetic  inspiration  among 
the  Jews,  and  of  philosophic  thought  among  the  Greeks — has  the 
human  spirit  approached  the  idea  of  the  Kingdom  of  God,  and 
the  ideal  of  the  God-man.1  Parallel  to  this  double  inner  process, 
but  naturally  more  slow  than  it,  was  the  external  process  of  bringing 
about  political  unity  and  unity  of  culture  among  the  chief  historical 
peoples  of  East  and  West,  completed  by  the  Roman  Empire.  In 
Greece  and  Rome  natural  or  pagan  humanity  reached  its  limit. 
In  the  beautiful  sensuous  form  and  speculative  idea  among  the 
Greeks,  and  in  the  practical  reason,  will,  or  power  among  the 
Romans,  it  has  affirmed  its  absolute  divine  significance.  There 
arose  the  idea  of  the  absolute  man  or  man-god.  This  idea  cannot, 
from  its  very  nature,  remain  abstract  or  purely  speculative.  It 
demands  embodiment.  But  it  is  as  impossible  for  man  to  make 

1  Both  these  paths — the  Biblical  and  the  philosophical — coincided  in  the  mind  of  the 
Alexandrian  Jew  Philo,  who  is,  from  this  point  of  view,  the  last  and  the  most  significant 
thinker  of  antiquity. 


himself  a  god  as  it  is  impossible  for  animals  by  their  own  efforts 
to  attain  human  dignity,  rationality,  and  power  of  speech.  Re 
maining  upon  its  own  level  of  development,  animal  nature  could 
only  produce  the  ape,  and  human  nature — the  Roman  Caesar.  Just 
as  the  ape  is  the  forerunner  of  man,  so  the  deified  Caesar  is  the 
forerunner  of  the  God-man. 


At  the  period  when  the  pagan  world  contemplated  its  spiritual 
failure  in  the  person  of  the  supposed  man-god — the  Caesar  im- 
potently  aping  the  deity,  individual  philosophers  and  earnest 
believers  were  awaiting  the  incarnation  of  the  Divine  Word  or 
the  coming  of  the  Messiah,  the  Son  of  God  and  the  King  of 
Truth.  The  man-god,  even  if  he  were  lord  of  all  the  world,  is 
but  an  empty  dream  ;  the  God-man  can  reveal  His  true  nature 
even  in  the  guise  of  a  wandering  rabbi. 

The  historical  existence  of  Christ,  as  well  as  the  reality  of 
His  character  recorded  in  the  Gospels,  is  not  open  to  serious 
doubt.  It  was  impossible  to  invent  Him,  and  no  one  could  have 
done  it.  And  this  perfectly  historical  image  is  the  image  of  the 
perfect  man — not  of  a  man,  however,  who  says,  '  I  have  become 
god,'  but  of  one  who  says,  c  I  am  born  of  God  and  am  sent  by 
Him,  I  was  one  with  God  before  the  world  was  made.'  We  are 
compelled  by  reason  to  believe  this  testimony,  for  the  historical 
coming  of  Christ  as  God  made  manifest  in  man  is  inseparably 
connected  with  the  whole  of  the  world-process.  If  the  reality  of 
this  event  is  denied,  there  can -be  no  meaning  or  purpose  in  the 

When  the  first  vegetable  forms  appeared  in  the  inorganic 
world,  developing  subsequently  into  the  luxurious  kingdom  of 
trees  and  flowers,  they  could  not  have  appeared  of  themselves,  out 
of  nothing.  It  would  be  equally  absurd  to  suppose  that  they  had 
sprung  from  the  accidental  combinations  of  inorganic  elements. 
Life  is  a  new  positive  content,  something  more  than  lifeless  matter  ; 
and  to  reduce  the  greater  to  the  lesser  is  to  assert  that  something 
can  come  out  of  nothing,  which  is  obviously  absurd.  The 
phenomena  of  vegetable  life  are  continuous  with  the  phenomena 
of  the  inorganic  world  ;  but  that  of  which  they  are  the  phenomena 


is  essentially  distinct  in  the  two  kingdoms,  and  the  heterogeneity 
becomes  more  and  more  apparent  as  the  new  kingdom  develops 
further.  In  the  same  way,  the  world  of  plants  and  the  world  of 
animals  spring,  as  it  were,  from  one  root ;  the  elementary  forms 
of  both  are  so  similar  that  biology  recognises  a  whole  class  of 
animal-plants  (the  Zoophites).  But  under  this  apparent  or 
phenomenal  homogeneity  there  is  undoubtedly  concealed  a  funda 
mental  and  essential  difference  of  type,  which  evinces  itself  later 
in  the  two  divergent  directions  or  planes  of  being — the  vegetable 
and  the  animal.  In  this  case,  again,  that  which  is  new  and  greater 
in  the  animal,  as  compared  with  the  vegetable  type,  cannot, 
without  obvious  absurdity,  be  reduced  to  the  lesser,  i.e.  to  the 
qualities  they  have  in  common.  This  would  mean  identifying 
a  +  b  with  #,  or  recognising  something  as  equal  to  nothing.  In 
exactly .  the  same  way  there  is  close  proximity  and  intimate 
material  connection,  in  the  phenomenal  order,  between  the  human 
and  the  animal  world.  But  the  essential  peculiarity  of  the  latter — 
which  is  certainly  more  apparent  in  a  Plato  or  a  Goethe  than  in  a 
Papuan  or  an  Esquimo — is  a  new  positive  content,  a  certain  plus 
of  existence,  which  cannot  be  deduced  from  the  old  animal  type. 
A  cannibal  may  not  in  himself  be  much  above  the  ape  ;  but  then 
he  is  not  a  final  type  of  humanity.  An  uninterrupted  series  of 
more  perfect  generations  lead  from  the  cannibal  to  Plato  and 
Goethe,  while  an  ape,  so  long  as  it  is  an  ape,  does  not  become 
essentially  more  perfect.  We  are  connected  with  our  half-savage 
ancestors  by  the  bond  of  historical  memory,  or  the  unity  of 
collective  consciousness — which  animals  do  not  possess.  Their 
memory  is  individual  only,  and  the  physiological  bond  between 
generations  that  finds  expression  in  heredity  does  not  enter  their 
consciousness.  Therefore,  though  animals  participate  to  a  certain 
extent  in  the  process  of  making  the  animal  form  more  perfect 
(in  accordance  with  the  evolutionary  theory),  the  results  and  the 
purpose  of  this  process  remain  external  and  foreign  to  them.  But 
the  process  whereby  humanity  is  made  more  perfect  is  conditioned 
by  the  faculties  of  reason  and  will  which  are  found  in  the  lowest 
savage,  though  in  a  rudimentary  degree  only.  Just  as  these 
higher  faculties  cannot  be  deduced  from  the  animal  nature  and 
form  a  separate  human  kingdom,  so  the  qualities  of  the  spiritual 
man — of  man  made  perfect  or  of  the  God -man  —  cannot  be 


deduced  from  the  states  and  qualities  of  the  natural  man.  Conse 
quently,  the  Kingdom  of  God  cannot  be  taken  to  be  the  result  of 
the  unbroken  development  of  the  purely-human  world.  The  God- 
man  is  not  the  same  as  the  man-god^  even  though  distinct  individuals 
among  natural  humanity  may  have  anticipated  the  higher  life 
which  was  to  come.  As  the  '  water  lily '  appears  at  first  sight  to 
be  a  plant,  while  it  undoubtedly  is  an  animal,  so,  at  the  beginning, 
the  bearers  of  the  Kingdom  of  God  apparently  do  not  seem  in 
any  way  to  differ  from  men  of  this  world,  though  there  lives  and 
acts  within  them  the  principle  of  a  new  order  of  being. 

The  fact  that  the  higher  forms  or  types  of  being  appear,  or 
are  revealed,  after  the  lower  does  not  by  any  means  prove  that 
they  are  a  product  or  a  creation  of  the  lower.  The  order  of 
reality  is  not  the  same  as  the  order  of  appearance.  The  higher, 
the  richer,  and  the  more  positive  types  and  states  of  being  are 
metaphysically  prior  to  the  lower,  although  they  are  revealed  or 
manifested  subsequently  to  them.  This  is  not  a  denial  of  evolu 
tion  ;  evolution  cannot  be  denied,  it  is  a  fact.  But  to  maintain  that 
evolution  creates  the  higher  forms  out  of  the  lower,  or,  in  the  long- 
run,  out  of  nothing,  is  to  substitute  a  logical  absurdity  for  the  fact. 
Evolution  of  the  lower  types  of  being  cannot  of  itself  create  the 
higher.  It  simply  produces  the  material  conditions  or  brings 
about  the  environment  necessary  for  the  manifestation  or  the 
revelation  of  the  higher  type.  Thus,  every  appearance  of  a  new 
type  of  being  is  in  a  certain  sense  a  new  creation.  But  it  is  not 
created  out  of  nothing.  The  material  basis  for  the  appearance  of 
the  new  is  the  old  type.  The  special  positive  content  of  the 
higher  type  does  not  arise  de  novo^  but  exists  from  all  eternity.  It 
simply  enters,  at  a  certain  moment  in  the  process,  into  a  different 
order  of  being — the  phenomenal  world.  The  conditions  of  the 
appearance  are  due  to  the  natural  evolution  of  the  material  world  ; 
that  which  appears  comes  from  God.1 


The  interrelation  between  the  fundamental  types  of  being — 
which  are  the  chief  stages  in  the  world-process — is  not  exhausted 

1  The  primordial  relation  of  God  to  nature  lies  outside  the  boundaries  of  the  world- 
process  and  is  a  subject  for  pure  metaphysics,  which  I  will  not  touch  upon  here. 


by  the  negative  fact  that  these  types,  each  having  its  own  peculiar 
nature,  are  not  reducible  to  one  another.  There  is  a  direct  con 
nection  between  them  which  gives  positive  unity  to  the  process  as  a 
whole.  This  unity,  into  the  essential  nature  of  which  we  cannot 
here  inquire,  is  revealed  in  three  ways.  In  the  first  place,  each  new 
type  is  a  new  condition  necessary  for  the  realisation  of  the  supreme 
and  final  end,  namely,  for  the  actual  manifestation  in  the  world  of  the 
perfect  moral  order,  the  Kingdom  of  God,  or  for  '  the  revelation  of 
the  freedom  and  glory  of  the  sons  of  God.'  In  order  to  attain  its 
highest  end  or  manifest  its  absolute  worth,  a  being  must  in  the  first 
place  be^  then  it  must  be  living^  then  be  conscious^  then  be  rational^ 
and  finally  be  perfect.  The  defective  conceptions  of  not  being,  < 

lifelessness,  unconsciousness,  and  irrationality  are  logically  incom 
patible  with  the  idea  of  perfection.  The  concrete  embodiment 
of  each  of  the  positive  states  of  existence  forms  the  actual  king 
doms  of  the  world,  so  that  even  the  lower  enter  into  the  moral 
order  as  the  necessary  conditions  of  its  realisation.  This  instru 
mental  relation,  however,  does  not  exhaust  the  unity  of  the  world  as 
given  in  experience.  The  lower  types  are  inwardly  drawn  to  the 
higher,  strive  to  attain  to  them,  having  in  them,  as  it  were,  their 
purpose  and  their  end.  This  fact  also  indicates  the  purposive 
character  of  the  process  as  a  whole  (the  most  obvious  instance  of 
the  striving  is  the  likeness,  already  indicated,  of  the  ape  to  man). 
Finally,  the  positive  connection  of  the  graduated  kingdoms  shows 
itself  in  the  fact  that  each  type  includes  or  embraces  the  lower 
types  within  itself — and  the  higher  it  is,  the  more  fully  it  does  so. 
The  world-process  may  thus  be  said  to  be  the  process  of  gathering 
the  universe  together,  as  well  as  of  developing  and  perfecting  it. 
Plants  physiologically  absorb  their  environment  (the  inorganic  sub 
stances  and  physical  phenomena  which  nourish  them  and  promote 
their  growth).  Animals,  in  addition  to  feeding  on  plants,  psycho 
logically  absorb,  i.e.  take  into  their  consciousness,  a  wider  circle 
of  events  correlated  with  them  through  sensation.  Man,  in 
addition  to  this,  grasps,  by  means  of  reason,  remote  spheres  of 
being  which  are  not  immediately  sensed  ;  at  a  high  stage  of 
development  he  can  embrace  all  in  one  or  understand  the  meaning 
of  all  things.  Finally  the  God-man  or  the  Living  Reason 
(Logos)  not  only  abstractly  understands  but  actively  realises  the 
meaning  of  everything,  or  the  perfect  moral  order,  as  he  embraces 


and  connects  together  all  things  by  the  living  personal  power  of 
love.  The  highest  end  of  man  as  such  (pure  man)  and  of  the 
human  world  is  to  gather  the  universe  together  in  thought.  The 
end  of  the  God-man  and'  of  the  Kingdom  of  God  is  to  gather  the 
universe  together  in  reality. 

The  vegetable  world  does  not  abolish  the  inorganic  world,  but 
merely  relegates  it  to  a  lower,  subordinate  place.  The  same  thing 
happens  at  the  further  stages  of  the  world-process.  At  the  end  of 
it,  the  Kingdom  of  God  does  not,  when  it  appears,  abolish  the  lower 
types  of  existence,  but  puts  them  all  into  their  right  place,  no  longer 
as  separate  spheres  of  existence  but  as  the  spiritually-physical  organs 
of  a  collected  universe,  bound  together  by  an  absolute  inner  unity 
and  interaction.  This  is  the  reason  why  the  Kingdom  of  God  is 
identical  with  the  reality  of  the  absolute  moral  order,  or,  what  is 
the  same  thing,  with  universal  resurrection  and 

When  the  God- man  who  begins  the  Kingdom  of  God  is 
described  as  can  ideal,'  this  does  not  mean  that  he  is  thinkable  only 
and  not  real.  He  can  only  be  called  ideal  in  the  sense  in  which 
a  man  may  be  said  to  be  an  ideal  for  the  animal,  or  a  plant  an 
ideal  for  the  earth  out  of  which  it  grows.  The  plant  is  more  ideal 
in  the  sense  of  possessing  greater  worth,  but  it  has  a  greater  and 
not  a  lesser  reality  or  fulness  of  existence  as  compared  with  a  clod 
of  earth.  The  same  must  be  said  of  the  animal  as  compared  with 
the  plant,  of  the  natural  man  as  compared  with  the  animal,  and  of 
the  God-man  as  compared  with  the  natural  man.  On  the  whole, 
the  greater  worth  of  the  ideal  content  is  in  direct  proportion  to  the 
increase  in  real  power  :  the  plant  has  concrete  powers  (such  as  the 
power  to  transmute  inorganic  substances  for  its  own  purposes)  which 
the  clod  of  earth  has  not  ;  man  is  far  more  powerful  than  the  ape, 
and  Christ  has  infinitely  more  power  than  the  Roman  Caesar. 

The  natural  man  differs  from  the  spiritual  not  by  being  utterly 
devoid  of  the  spiritual  element,  but  by  not  having  the  power  to 
realise  that  element  completely.  To  obtain  this  power  the 
spiritual  being  of  man  must  be  fertilised  by  a  new  creative  act  or 
by  the  effect  of  what  in  theology  is  called  grace,  which  gives  the 


sons  of  men  '  the  power  to  become  the  children  of  God.'  Even 
according  to  orthodox  theologians  grace  does  not  abolish  nature 
in  general,  and  the  moral  nature  of  man  in  particular,  but  perfects  it. 
The  moral  nature  of  man  is  the  necessary  condition  and  pre 
supposition  of  the  manifestation  of  God  in  man.  Not  every 
inorganic  substance  but  only  certain  chemical  combinations  can  be 
affected  by  the  vital  force  and  form  part  of  vegetable  and  animal 
organisms.  Similarly,  not  all  living  beings  but  only  those  endowed 
with  a  moral  nature  can  receive  the  effects  of  grace  and  enter  into 
the  Kingdom  of  God.  The  beginnings  of  spiritual  life  are 
inherent  in  the  very  nature  of  man  and  are  to  be  found  in  the 
feelings  of  shame,  pity,  and  reverence,  as  well  as  in  the  rules 
of  conduct  that  follow  from  these  feelings  and  are  safeguarded 
by  conscience  or  the  consciousness  of  duty.  This  natural 
good  in  man  is  an  imperfect  good,  and  it  is  logically  inevitable 
that  it  should,  as  such,  remain  for  ever  imperfect.  Otherwise 
we  should  have  to  admit  that  the  infinite  can  be  the  result  of  the 
addition  of  finite  magnitudes,  that  the  unconditional  can  arise  out 
of  the  conditioned,  and,  finally,  that  something  can  come  out  of 
nothing.  Human  nature  does  not  contain  and  therefore  cannot 
of  itself  give  rise  to  the  real  infinity  or  fulness  of  perfection.  But 
by  virtue  of  reason  or  universal  meaning  inherent  in  it,  it  contains 
the  possibility  of  this  moral  infinity  and  a  striving  for  its  realisation, 
i.e.  for  the  apprehension  of  the  Divine.  A  dumb  creature  striving 
towards  reason  is  a  mere  animal,  but  a  being  actually  possessed  of 
reason  ceases  to  be  an  animal  and  becomes  man,  forming  a  new 
kingdom  not  to  be  deduced  by  a  simple  continuous  evolution  from 
the  lower  types.  Similarly,  this  new  being,  rational,  though  not 
wholly  rational,  imperfect  and  only  striving  towards  perfection,  is 
a  mere  man,  while  a  being  possessing  perfection  cannot  be  merely 
human.  He  is  a  revelation  of  a  new  and  final  Kingdom  of  God, 
in  which  not  the  relative  but  the  absolute  Good  or  worth  is 
realised,  not  to  be  deduced  from  the  relative  ;  for  the  distinction 
is  one  of  quality  and  not  of  quantity  or  degree. 

The  divine  man  differs  from  the  ordinary  man  not  by  being 
a  represented  ideal  but  by  being  a  realised  ideal.  The  false  idealism 
which  takes  the  ideal  to  be  non-existent,  and  thinks  its  realisation 
unnecessary,  is  not  worth  criticising.  But  there  is  another  question 
involved  here  which  must  be  reckoned  with.  While  admitting 


that  the  divine  or  perfect  man  must  have  reality,  and  not  merely 
significance  for  thought,  one  may  deny  the  historical  fact  of  His 
appearance  in  the  past.  Such  denial,  however,  has  no  rational 
grounds,  and,  moreover,  it  robs  the  process  of  universal  history  of 
all  meaning.  If  the  historical  person  known  to  us  from  the  books 
of  the  New  Testament  was  not  the  God-man  or,  in  Kant's 
terminology,  the  realised  '  ideal,'  He  could  only  be  the  natural 
product  of  historical  evolution.  But  in  that  case  why  did  not  this 
evolution  go  further  in  the  same  direction  and  produce  other  persons 
still  more  perfect  ?  Why  is  it  that  after  Christ  there  is  progress 
in  all  spheres  of  life  except  in  the  fundamental  sphere  of  personal 
spiritual  power  ?  Every  one  who  does  not  deliberately  shut  his 
eyes  must  admit  the  gulf  there  is  between  the  noblest  type  of 
natural,  searching  wisdom  immortalised  by  Xenophanes  in  his 
notes  and  by  Plato  in  his  dialogues,  and  the  radiant  manifestation 
of  triumphant  spirituality  which  is  preserved  in  the  Gospels  and 
had  blinded  Saul  in  order  to  regenerate  him.  And  yet,  less  than 
four  centuries  elapsed  between  Socrates  and  Christ.  If  during 
this  short  period  historical  evolution  could  produce  such  an  increase 
of  spiritual  force  in  human  personality,  how  is  it  that  during  a 
far  longer  time,  and  in  a  period  of  rapid  historical  progress,  evolution 
has  proved  utterly  powerless  not  only  to  bring  about  a  corresponding 
advance  in  personal  spiritual  perfection,  but  even  to  keep  it  on  the 
same  level  ?  Spinoza  and  Kant,  who  lived  sixteen  and  seventeen 
centuries  after  Christ,  and  were  very  noble  types  of  natural  wisdom, 
may  well  be  compared  with  Socrates,  but  it  would  not  occur  to  any 
one  to  compare  them  with  Christ.  It  is  not  because  they  had  a 
different  sphere  of  activity.  Take  men  celebrated  in  the  religious 
sphere — Mahomet,  Savonarola,  Luther,  Calvin,  Ignatius  Loyola,1 
Fox,  Swedenborg.  All  these  were  men  of  powerful  personality  j 
but  try  honestly  to  compare  them  with  Christ  !  And  historical 
characters,  such  as  St.  Francis,  who  come  nearest  to  the  moral 
ideal,  definitely  acknowledge  their  direct  dependence  upon  Christ 
as  a  higher  being. 

1  It  will  be  remembered  that  Auguste  Comte,  in  some  letters  he  wrote  shortly 
before  his  death,  declared  Ignatius  Loyola  to  be  higher  than  Christ.  But  this  judgment, 
as  well  as  other  similar  opinions  and  actions  of  the  founder  of  the  Positivist  philosophy, 
prove  to  all  unprejudiced  critics  that  the  thinker  in  question,  who  had  in  his  youth 
suffered  for  two  years  with  brain  disease,  was  in  the  last  years  of  his  life  once  more  on 
the  verge  of  insanity.  See  my  article  on  Comte  in  the  Brockfiaus-Efron  Encyclopaedia. 


If  Christ  represents  only  a  relative  stage  of  moral  perfection, 
the  absence  of  any  further  stages  during  almost  two  thousand 
years  of  the  spiritual  growth  of  humanity  is  utterly  incompre 
hensible.  If  He  is  the  absolutely  highest  type  produced  by  the 
process  of  natural  evolution,  He  ought  to  have  appeared  at  the  end 
and  not  in  the  middle  of  history.  But  indeed  He  could  not  in  any 
case  be  a  simple  product  of  historical  evolution,  for  the  difference 
between  absolute  and  relative  perfection  is  not  one  of  quantity  or 
degree,  but  is  qualitative  and  essential,  and  it  is  logically  impossible 
to  deduce  the  first  from  the  second. 

The  meaning  of  history  in  its  concrete  development  compels 
us  to  recognise  in  Jesus  Christ  not  the  last  word  of  the  human 
kingdom,  but  the  first  and  all-embracing  Word  of  the  Kingdom 
of  God — not  the  man-god,  but  the  God-man,  or  the  absolute 
individual.  From  this  point  of  view  it  can  be  well  understood 
why  He  first  appeared  in  the  middle  of  history  and  not  at  the  end 
of  it.  The  purpose  of  the  world-process  is  the  revelation  of  the 
Kingdom  of  God  or  of  the  perfect  moral  order  realised  by  a  new 
humanity  which  spiritually  grows  out  of  the  God-man.  It  is  clear, 
then,  that  this  universal  event  must  be  preceded  by  the  individual 
appearance  of  the  God-man  Himself.  As  the  first  half  of  history 
up  to  Christ  was  preparing  the  environment  or  the  external 
conditions  for  His  individual  birth,  so  the  second  half  prepares  the 
external  conditions  for  His  universal  revelation  or  for  the  coming 
of  the  Kingdom  of  God.  Here  once  more  the  general  and  logically 
certain  law  of  the  universe  finds  application :  the  higher  type  of 
being  is  not  created  by  the  preceding  process  but  is  phenomenally 
conditioned  by  it.  The  Kingdom  of  God  is  not  a  product  of 
Christian  history  any  more  than  Christ  was  a  product  of  the  Jewish 
and  the  Pagan  history.  History  merely  worked  out  in  the  past  and 
is  working  out  now  the  necessary  natural  and  moral  conditions 
for  the  revelation  of  the  God-man  and  the  divine  humanity. 


By  His  word  and  the  work  of  His  whole  life,  beginning  with 
the  victory  over  all  the  temptations  of  the  moral  evil  and  ending 



with  the  resurrection,  i.e.  the  victory  over  the  physical  evil  or  the 
law  of  death  and  corruption,  the  true  God-man  has  revealed  to  men 
the  Kingdom  of  God.  But,  according  to  the  very  meaning  and 
law  of  this  new  Kingdom,  revelation  cannot  in  this  case  coincide 
with  attainment.  In  making  real  the  absolute  significance  of  each 
person  the  perfect  moral  order  presupposes  the  moral  freedom  of 
each.  But  true  freedom  is  acquired  by  the  finite  spirit  through 
experience  only.  Free  choice  is  only  possible  for  the  person  who 
knows  or  has  experienced  that  which  he  is  choosing  as  well  as  its 
opposite.  And  although  Christ  finally  conquered  evil  in  the  true 
centre  of  the  universe,  i.e.  in  Himself,  the  victory  over  evil  on  the 
circumference  of  the  world,  i.e.  in  the  collective  whole  of  humanity, 
has  to  be  accomplished  through  humanity's  own  experience. 
This  necessitates  a  new  process  of  development  in  the  Christian 
world  which  has  been  baptized  into  Christ  but  has  not  yet  put 
on  Christ.1 

The  true  foundation  of  the  perfect  moral  order  is  the  uni 
versality  of  the  spirit  of  Christ  capable  of  embracing  and  re 
generating  all  things.  The  essential  task  of  humanity,  then,  is 
to  accept  Christ  and  regard  everything  in  His  spirit,  thus  enabling 
His  spirit  to  become  incarnate  in  everything.  For  this  incarnation 
cannot  be  a  physical  event  only.  The  individual  incarnation  of 
the  Word  of  God  required  the  consent  of  a  personal  feminine  will  : 
"  Be  it  unto  Me  according  to  Thy  word."  The  universal 
incarnation  of  the  Spirit  of  Christ  or  the  manifestation  of  the 
Kingdom  of  God  requires  the  consent  of  the  collective  will  of 
humanity,  that  all  things  should  be  united  to  God.  In  order  that 
this  consent  should  be  fully  conscious,  Christ  must  be  understood 
not  only  as  the  absolute  principle  of  the  good,  but  as  thefu/ness  of 
good.  In  other  words,  there  must  be  established  a  Christian  (and 
an  antichristian)  relation  to  all  aspects  and  spheres  of  human 
life.  In  order  that  this  consent  should  be  perfectly  free,  that  it 
should  be  a  true  moral  act  or  a  fulfilment  of  the  inner  truth  and 
not  the  effect  of  an  overwhelming  superior  force,  it  was  necessary 
for  Christ  to  withdraw  into  the  transcendental  sphere  of  the 

1  The  least  attention  on  the  part  of  the  reader  will  convince  him  that  I  have  not 
given  any  ground  for  serious  critics  to  reproach  me  with  the  absurd  identification  of  the 
Kingdom  of  God  with  historical  Christianity  or  the  visible  Church  (which  one  ?).  I 
reject  such  identification  both  implicitly  and  explicitly  ;  nor  do  I  recognise  every 
scoundrel  who  has  been  baptized  as  a  spiritual'  man  or  'a  son  of  God.' 


invisible  reality  and  to  withhold  His  active  influence  from  human 
history.  It  will  become  manifest  when  human  society  as  a 
whole,  and  not  merely  separate  individuals,  is  ready  for  a 
conscious  and  free  choice  between  the  absolute  good  and  its 
opposite.  The  unconditional  moral  demand,  "  Be  ye  perfect  even 
as  your  Father  in  heaven  is  perfect,"  is  addressed  to  each  man, 
not  as  a  separate  entity  but  as  together  with  others  (be  ye^  not 
be  thou}.  And  if  this  demand  is  understood  and  accepted  as 
an  actual  problem  of  life,  it  inevitably  introduces  us  into  the 
realm  of  conditions  which  determine  the  concrete  historical 
existence  of  society  or  the  collective  man. 





WE  know  that  the  good  in  its  full  sense,  including  the  idea  of 
happiness  or  satisfaction,  is  ultimately  defined  as  the  true  moral 
order  which  expresses  the  absolutely  right  and  the  absolutely  desirable 
relation  of  each  to  all  and  of  all  to  each.  It  is  called  the  Kingdom 
of  God.  From  the  moral  point  of  view  it  is  quite  clear  that  the 
realisation  of  the  Kingdom  of  God  is  the  only  final  end  of  life  and 
activity,  being  the  supreme  good,  happiness,  and  bliss.  It  is 
equally  clear,  if  one  thinks  of  the  subject  carefully  and  concretely, 
that  the  true  moral  order  or  the  Kingdom  of  God  is  both  perfegfly 
universal  and  perfectly  individual.  Each  wants _it  for  himself  and 
for  eyery  one,  and js  _onjy _abje ^ojittain .it  together j&ith,,  eii&r^-  one. 
Therefore  there  can  be  no  essential  opposition  between  the 
individual  and  society  ;  the  question  which  of  the  two  is  an  end 
and  which  is  merely  a  means  cannot  be  asked.  Such  a  question 
would  presuppose  the  real  existence  of  the  individual  as  a  self- 
sufficient  and  self-contained  entity.  In  truth,  however,  each 
individual  is  only  the  meeting-point  of  an  infinite  number  of 
relations  with  other  individuals.  To  abstract  him  from  these 
relations  means  to  deprive  his  life  of  all  its  concrete  filling-in  and 
to  transform  a  personality  into  an  empty  possibility  of  existence.  To 
imagine  that  the  personal  centre  of  our  being  is  really  cut  off  from  A- 
our  environment  and  from  the  general  life  which  connects  us  with  ~ 
other  minds  is  simply  a  morbid  illusion  of  self-consciousness. 

When  a  line  is  chalked  before  the  eyes  of  a  cock,  he  takes 
that  line  to  be  a  fatal  obstacle  which  he  cannot  possibly  over 
step.  He  is  evidently  incapable  of  understanding  that  the  fatal, 



overwhelming  significance  of  the  chalk  line  is  due  simply  to 
the  fact  that  he  is  exclusively  occupied  with  this  unusual  and 
unexpected  fact,  and  is  therefore  not  free  with  regard  to  it.  The 
delusion  is  quite  natural  for  a  cock,  but  is  less  natural  for  a 
rational  thinking  human  being.  Nevertheless  human  beings  fail 
but  too  frequently  to  grasp  that  the  given  limitations  of  our 
personality  are  insuperable  and  impermeable  solely  because  our 
attention  is  exclusively  concentrated  on  them.  The  fatal  separate- 
ness  of  our  cself '  from  all  else  is  due  simply  to  the  fact  that  we 
imagine  it  to  be  fatal.  We  too  are  victims  of  auto-suggestion, 
which,  though  it  has  certain  objective  grounds,  is  as  fictitious  and 
as  easily  got  over  as  the  chalked  line. 

The  self-deception  in  virtue  of  which  a  human  individual 
regards  himself  as  real  in  his  separateness  from  all  things,  and 
presupposes  this  fictitious  isolation  to  be  the  true  ground  and  the 
only  possible  starting-point  for  all  his  relations  —  this  self- 
deception  of  abstract  subjectivism  plays  terrible  havoc  not  only  in 
the  domain  of  metaphysics — which,  indeed,  it  abolishes  altogether 
— but  also  in  the  domain  of  the  moral  and  political  life.  It  is  the 
source  of  many  involved  theories,  irreconcilable  contradictions,  and 
insoluble  questions.  But  all  of  them  would  disappear  of  them 
selves  if,  without  being  afraid  of  authoritative  names,  we  would 
grasp  the  simple  fact  that  the  theories  and  the  insoluble  problems 
in  question  could  only  have  arisen  from  the  point  of  view  of  the 
hypnotised  cock. 


*        Human   personality,   and    therefore    every   individual    human 
^^*»**  'being,  is  capable  of  realising  infinite  fulness  of  being,  or,  in  other 

words,  it  is  a  particular  form  with  infinite  content.     The  reason  of   $iJL 
man  contains  an  infinite  possibility  of  a  truer  and  truer  know-       ^M 
ledge  of  the  meaning  of  all  things.     The  will  of  man  contains  an 
equally  infinite  possibility  of  a  more  and  more  perfect  realisation 
of  this  universal  meaning  in  the  particular  life  and  environment. 
Human  personality  is  infinite  :  this  is  an  axiom  of  moral  philo 
sophy.     But  the  moment  that  abstract  subjectivism  draws  its  chalk 
line  before  the  eyes  of  the  unwary  thinker  the  most  fruitful  of 
axioms    becomes    a    hopeless    absurdity.     Human    personality  as 


containing  infinite  possibilities  is  abstracted  from  all  the  concrete 
conditions  and  results  of  its  realisation  in  and  through  society — 
and  is  indeed  opposed  to  them.  There  ensues  insoluble  con 
tradiction  between  the  individual  and  society,  and  the  c  fatal 
question  '  arises  as  to  which  of  the  two  must  be  sacrificed  to  the 
other.  Persons  hypnotised  by  the  individualistic  view  affirm  the 
independence  of  separate  personality  which  determines  all  its 
relations  from  within,  and  regard  social  ties  and  collective  order  as 
merely  an  external  limit  and  an  arbitrary  restriction  which  must 
at  any  cost  be  removed.  On  the  other  hand,  thinkers  who  are 
under  the  spell  of  collectivism  take  the  life  of  humanity  to  be  simply 
an  interplay  of  human  masses,  and  regard  the  individual  as  an 
insignificant  and  transient  element  of  society,  who  has  no  rights 
of  his  own,  and  may  be  left  out  of  account  for  the  sake  of  the  so- 
called  common  good.  But  what  are  we  to  make  of  society 
consisting  of  moral  zeros,  of  rightless  and  non-individual  creatures  ? 
Would  it  be  human  society  ?  Where  would  its  dignity  and 
the  inner  value  of  its  existence  spring  from,  and  wherein  would  it 
lie  ?  And  how  could  such  a  society  hold  together  ?  It  is  clear 
that  this  is  nothing  but  a  sad  and  empty  dream,  which  neither 
could  nor  ought  to  be  realised.  The  opposite  ideal  of  self- 
sufficient  personality  is  equally  chimeric.  Deprive  a  concrete 
human  personality  of  all  that  is  in  any  way  due  to  its  relations 
with  social  and  collective  wholes,  and  the  only  thing  left  will  be 
an  animal  entity  containing  only  a  pure  possibility  or  an  empty 
form  of  man — that  is,  something  that  does  not  really  exist  at  all. 
Those  who  had  occasion  to  go  down  to  hell  or  to  rise  up  to 
heaven,  as,  for  instance,  Dante  and  Swedenborg,  did  not  find 
even  there  any  isolated  individuals,  but  saw  only  social  groups  and 

Social  life  is  not  a  condition  superadded  to  the  individual  life, 
but  is  contained  in  the  very  definition  of  personality  which  is 
essentially  a  rationally-knowing  and  a  morally-active  force — both 
knowing  and  acting  being  only  possible  in  the  life  of  a  com 
munity.  Rational  knowledge  on  its  formal  side  is  conditioned  by 
general  notions  which  express  a  unity  of  meaning  in  an  endless 
multiplicity  of  events  ;  real  and  objective  universality  (the  general 
meaning)  of  notions  manifests  itself  in  language  as  a  means  of 
communication,  without  which  rational  activity  cannot  develop, 


and,  for  lack  of  realisation,  gradually  disappears  altogether  or 
becomes  merely  potential.  Language — this  concrete  reason — 
could  not  have  been  the  work  of  an  isolated  individual,  and  con 
sequently  such  an  individual  could  not  be  rational,  could  not  be 
human.  On  its  material  side  knowledge  of  truth  is  based  upon 
experience — hereditary,  collective  experience  which  is  being 
gradually  stored  up.  The  experience  of  an  absolutely  isolated 
being,  even  if  such  a  being  could  exist,  would  obviously  be  quite 
insufficient  for  the  knowledge  of  truth.  As  to  the  moral 
determination  of  personality,  it  is  clear  that,  although  the  idea  of 
the  good  or  of  moral  value  is  not  wholly  due  to  social  relations  as 
is  often  maintained,  concrete  development  of  human  morality 
or  the  realisation  of  the  idea  of  the  good  is  only  possible  for  the 
individual  in  a  social  environment  and  through  interaction  with  it. 
In  this  all-important  respect  society  is  nothing  but  the  objective 
realisation  of  what  is  contained  in  the  individual. 

Instead  of  an  insoluble  contradiction  between  two  mutually  ex 
clusive  principles — between  two  abstract  isms, — we  really  find  two 
correlative  terms  each  of  which  logically  and  historically  requires 
and  presupposes  the  other.  In  its  essential  signification  society  is 
not  the  external  limit  of  the  individual  but  his  inner  fulfilment.  It 
is  not  an  arithmetical  sum  or  a  mechanical  aggregate  of  the  indi 
viduals  that  compose  it,  but  the  indivisible  whole  of  the  communal 
life.  This  life  has  been  partly  realised  in  the  past  and  is  preserved 
in  the  abiding  social  tradition^  is  being  partly  realised  in  the 
present  by  means  of  social  service^  and  finally,  it  anticipates  in 
the  form  of  a  social  ideal^  present  in  the  best  minds,  its  perfect 
realisation  in  the  future. 

Corresponding  to  these  three  fundamental  and  abiding 
moments  of  the  individually-social  life — the  religious,  the  political, 
and  the  prophetic — there  are  three  main  concrete  stages  through 
which  human  life  and  consciousness  pass  in  the  course  of  the 
historical  development,  namely,  (i)  the  stage  of  organisation  based 
upon  kinship,  which  belongs  to  the  past  though  it  is  still  preserved 
in  a  changed  form  in  the  family  ;  (2)  the  national  state^  prevalent 
at  the  present  time  ;  and  finally  (3)  the  universal  communion  of 
life,  as  the  ideal  of  the  future. 

At  all  these  stages  society  is  essentially  the  moral  fulfilment  or 
the  realisation  of  the  individual  in  a  given  environment.  But  the 


environment  is  not  always  the  same.  At  the  first  stage  it  is 
limited  for  each  to  his  own  tribe  ;  at  the  second,  to  his  own  father 
land  ;  and  it  is  only  at  the  third  that  the  human  personality,  having 
attained  a  clear  consciousness  of  its  inner  infinity,  endeavours  to 
realise  it  in  a  perfect  society,  abolishing  all  limitations  both  in  the 
nature  and  in  the  extent  of  concrete  interaction. 


Each  single  individual  possesses  as  such  the  potentiality  of 
perfection  or  of  positive  infinity,  namely,  the  capacity  to  under 
stand  all  things  with  his  intellect  and  to  embrace  all  things  with 
his  heart,  or  to  enter  into  a  living  communion  with  everything. 
This  double  infinity — the  power  of  conception  and  the  power  of 
striving  and  activity,  called  in  the  Bible,  according  to  the  inter 
pretation  of  the  Fathers  of  the  Church,  the  image  and  likeness  of 
God — necessarily  belongs  to  every  person.  It  is  in  this  that  the 
absolute  significance,  dignity,  and  worth  of  human  personality 
consists,  and  this  is  the  basis  of  its  inalienable  rights.1  It  is  clear 
that  the  realisation  of  this  infinity,  or  the  actuality  of  the 
perfection,  demands  that  all  should  participate  in  it.  It  cannot 
be  the  private  possession  of  each  taken  separately^  but  becomes  his 
through  his  relation  to  all.  In  other  words,  by  remaining  isolated 
and  limited  an  individual  deprives  himself  of  the  real  fulness  of 
life,  Le.  deprives  himself  of  perfection  and  of  infinity.  A  con 
sistent  affirmation  of  his  own  separateness  or  isolation  would 
indeed  be  physically  impossible  for  the  individual  person.  All 
that  the  life  of  the  community  contains  is  bound  in  one  way  or 
another  to  affect  individual  persons  ;  it  becomes  a  part  of  them 
and  in  and  through  them  alone  attains  its  final  actuality  or 
completion.  Or  if  we  look  at  the  same  thing  from  another  point 
of  view — all  the  real  content  of  the  personal  life  is  obtained  from 
the  social  environment  and,  in  one  way  or  another,  is  conditioned 
by  its  state  at  the  given  time.  In  this  sense  it  may  be  said  that 

1  This  meaning  of  the  image  and  likeness  of  God  is  essentially  the  same  as  that 
indicated  in  Part  II.  It  is  clear,  indeed,  that  an  infinite  power  of  conception  and 
understanding  can  only  give  us  the  image  ('  the  schema  ')  of  perfection,  while  an  infinite 
striving,  having  for  its  purpose  the  actual  realisation  of  'perfection,  is  the  beginning  of 
our  likeness  to  God,  who  is  the  real  and  not  only  the  ideal  perfection. 


society  is  the  completed  or  magnified  individual^  and  the  individual 
is  compressed  or  concentrated  society. 

The  world  purpose  is  not  to  create  a  solidarity  between  each 
and  all,  for  it  already  exists  in  the  nature  of  things,  but  to  make 
each  and  all  aware  of  this  solidarity  and  spiritually  alive  to  it  ;  to 
transform  it  from  a  merely  metaphysical  and  physical  solidarity 
into  a  morally-metaphysical  and  a  morally-physical  one.  The 
life  of  man  already  is,  both  at  its  lower  and  its  upper  limit,  an  in 
voluntary  participation  in  the  developing  life  of  humanity  and  of 
the  whole  world.  But  the  dignity  of  human  life  and  the  meaning 
of  the  universe  as  a  whole  demand  that  this  involuntary  partici 
pation  of  each  in  everything  should  become  voluntary  and  be 
more  and  more  conscious  and  free,  i.e.  really  personal — that  each 
should  more  and  more  understand  and  fulfil  the  common  work  as 
if  it  were  his  own.  It  is  clear  that  in  this  way  alone  can  the 
infinite  significance  of  personality  be  realised  or,  in  other  words, 
pass  from  possibility  to  actuality. 

But  this  transition  itself — this  spiritualisation  or  moralisation 
of  the  natural  fact  of  solidarity — is  also  an  inseparable  part  of  the 
common  work.  The  fulfilment  of  this  supreme  task  depends  not 
upon  personal  efforts  alone,  but  is  also  necessarily  conditioned  by 
the  general  course  of  the  world's  history,  or  by  the  actual  state  of 
the  social  environment  at  a  given  moment  in  history.  Thus  the 
individual  improvement  in  each  man  cannot  be  severed  from  the 
universal,  nor  the  personal  morality  from  the  social. 


True  morality  is  the  rightful  interaction  between  the  indi 
vidual  and  his  environment — taking  the  term  environment  in  the 
wide  sense  to  embrace  all  spheres  of  reality — the  higher  as  well  as 
the  lower — with  which  man  stands  in  the  practical  relation.  The 
true  personal  dignity  of  each  undoubtedly  finds  expression  and 
embodiment  in  his  relations  to  his  surroundings.  The  infinite 
possibilities  inherent  in  the  very  nature  of  man  gradually  become 
realised  in  this  individually-social  reality.  Historical  experience 
finds  man  as  already  having  his  completion  in  a  certain  social 
milieu,  and  the  subsequent  course  of  history  is  nothing  but  a 


refinement  and  enlargement  of  this  double-sided  individually-social 
life.  The  three  main  stages  or  strata  in  this  process  that  have 
been  indicated  above — the  patriarchal,  the  national,  and  the 
universal — are  of  course  connected  by  a  number  of  intermediate 
links.  A  higher  form  does  not  replace  or  entirely  cancel  the 
lower,  but,  absorbing  it  into  itself,  makes  it  a  subordinate  part 
instead  of  an  independent  whole.  Thus  with  the  appearance  of 
the  state  the  tribal  union  becomes  a  subordinate  part  of  it  in  the 
form  of  the  family.  But  the  relation  of  kinship,  so  far  from  being 
abolished,  acquires  a  greater  moral  depth.  It  merely  changes  its 
sociological  and  judicial  significance,  ceasing  to  be  a  seat  of 
independent  authority  or  of  jurisdiction  of  its  own. 

As  the  lower  forms  of  the  collective  life  pass  into  the  higher, 
the  individual,  in  virtue  of  the  infinite  potentiality  of  understanding 
and  of  striving  for  the  better  latent  in  him,  appears  as  the  principle 
of  progress  and  of  movement  (the  dynamic  element  in  history), 
while  the  social  environment,  being  a  reality  already  achieved, 
a  completed  objectification  of  the  moral  content  in  a  certain 
sphere  and  at  a  certain  stage,  naturally  represents  the  stable, 
conservative  principle  (the  static  element  of  history).  When  in 
dividuals  who  are  more  gifted  or  more  developed  than  others 
begin  to  be  conscious  that  their  social  environment  is  no  longer  a 
realisation  or  a  completion  of  their  life,  but  is  simply  an  external 
barrier  and  obstacle  to  their  positive  moral  aspirations,  they 
become  the  bearers  of  a  higher  social  consciousness  which  seeks 
embodiment  in  new  forms  and  in  a  new  order  of  life  that  would 
correspond  to  it. 

All  social  environment  is  the  objective  expression  or  embodi 
ment  of  morality  (of  right  relations)  at  a  certain  stage  of  human 
development.  But  the  moral  agent,  in  virtue  of  his  striving 
towards  the  absolute  good,  outgrows  a  given  limited  form  of 
morality  embodied  in  the  social  structure  and  takes  up  a  negative 
attitude  towards  it — not  towards  it  as  such,  but  towards  the  given 
lower  stage  of  its  embodiment.  It  is  obvious  that  such  a  conflict 
is  not  an  opposition  of  principle  between  the  individual  and  the 
social  element,  but  is  simply  an  opposition  between  the  earlier  and 
the  later  stages  of  the  individually-social  development. 



The  moral  worth  and  dignity  of  man  finds  its  first  expression 
in  social  life  as  determined  by  kinship}-  We  find  in  it  a  rudimentary 
embodiment  or  organisation  of  morality  as  a  whole — religious, 
altruistic,  and  ascetic.  In  other  words,  a  group  held  together  by 
the  tie  of  kinship  is  the  realisation  of  personal  human  dignity  in 
the  narrowest  and  most  fundamental  sphere  of  society.  The  first 
condition  of  the  true  dignity  of  man — reverence  for  that  which 
is  higher  than  himself,  for  the  super-material  powers  that  rule 
his  life — here  finds  expression  in  the  worship  of  the  ancestors  or 
of  the  founders  of  the  clan.  The  second  condition  of  personal 
dignity — the  recognition  of  the  dignity  of  others — is  found  in  the 
solidarity  of  the  members  of  the  group,  their  mutual  affection  and 
consideration.  The  third,  or,  from  another  point  of  view,  the 
first  condition  of  human  dignity — freedom  from  the  predominance 
of  carnal  desires — is  here  to  some  extent  attained  by  means  of 
certain  compulsory  limitation  or  regulation  of  the  sexual  relations 
through  the  different  forms  of  marriage  and  also  by  means  of 
other  restraining  rules  of  the  communal  life,  all  of  which  de 
mand  the  shame  to  which  the  ancient  chronicler  refers. 

Thus  in  this  primitive  circle  of  human  life  the  moral  dignity 
of  the  person  is  in  all  respects  realised  by  the  community  and  in 
the  community.  How  can  there  be  any  contradiction  and  con 
flict  here  between  the  individual  and  the  collective  principle  and 
what  expression  can  it  assume  ?  The  relation  between  the  two 
is  direct  and  positive.  The  social  law  is  not  extraneous  to  the 
individual,  it  is  not  imposed  upon  him  from  without  contrary  to 
his  nature  ;  it  merely  gives  a  definite,  objective,  and  constant  form 
to  the  inward  motives  of  personal  morality.  Thus  the  person's 
inner  religious  feeling  (rudiments  of  which  are  already  found  in 
certain  animals)  impels  him  to  hold  in  reverence  the  secret  causes 
and  conditions  of  his  existence — and  the  cult  of  ancestor  worship 
merely  gives  an  objective  expression  to  this  desire.  The  feeling 
of  pity,  equally  inherent  in  man,  inclines  him  to  treat  his  relatives 
with  fairness  —  the  social  law  merely  confirms  this  personal 

1  I  am  speaking  of  kinship  in  the  wide  sense  and  have  in  mind  a  group  of  persons 
forming  one  self-contained  community,  united  by  the  blood-tie  and  intermarriage, 
whether  the  connection  between  them  takes  the  form  of  mother-right  or  of  father-right. 


altruism  by  giving  it  a  fixed  and  definite  form  and  making  it 
capable  of  realisation  ;  thus  the  defence  of  the  weak  members  of 
the  social  group  from  injury  is  impossible  for  a  single  individual 
to  undertake,  but  is  organised  by  the  clan  as  a  whole  or  by  a 
union  of  clans.  Finally,  man's  inherent  modesty  finds  realisation 
in  definite  social  rules  of  abstinence.  Personal  morality  cannot 
be  separated  from  the  social,  for  the  first  is  the  inner  beginning  of 
the  second,  and  the  second  the  objective  realisation  of  the  first. 
The  rules  of  social  life  at  the  patriarchal  stage — worship  of  common 
ancestors,  mutual  help  between  the  individual  members  of  the 
clan,  limitation  of  sensuality  by  marriage — have  a  moral  source 
and  character,  and  it  is  clear  that  to  carry  out  these  social  rules  is 
a  gain  and  not  a  loss  to  the  individual.  The  more  an  individual 
member  of  a  clan  enters  into  the  spirit  of  its  social  structure, 
which  demands  reverence  for  the  unseen,  solidarity  with  his 
neighbours,  and  control  of  carnal  passions,  obviously  the  more 
moral  he  becomes  ;  and  the  more  moral  he  is,  the  higher  is  his 
inner  worth  or  personal  dignity  ;  thus  subordination  to  society  up 
lifts  the  individual.  On  the  other  hand,  the  more  free  this  sub 
ordination,  the  more  independently  does  the  individual  follow  the 
inner  promptings  of  his  own  moral  nature  which  accord  with  the 
demands  of  social  morality,  the  greater  support  does  the  society 
find  in  such  a  person  ;  therefore  the  independence  of  the  individual 
lends  strength  to  the  social  order.  In  other  words,  the  relation 
between  the  true  significance  of  the  individual  and  the  true  force 
of  society  is  a  direct  and  not  an  inverse  one. 

What  concrete  form,  then,  could  the  principle  of  the  opposition 
of  the  individual  to  society  and  of  his  superiority  to  it  take  at 
this  early  stage  ?  Perhaps  the  supposed  champion  of  the  rights 
of  the  individual  would  desecrate  the  tombs  of  his  ancestors, 
insult  his  father,  outrage  his  mother,  kill  his  brothers,  and  marry 
his  own  sisters  ?  It  is  clear  that  such  actions  are  below  the  very 
lowest  social  level,  and  it  is  equally  clear  that  true  realisation  of 
absolute  human  dignity  cannot  be  based  upon  a  simple  rejection 
of  a  given  social  structure. 


The  moral  content  of  social  life  as  determined  by  kinship  is 
permanent ;  its  external  and  limited  form  is  inevitably  outgrown 


by  the  historical  process,  with  the  active  help  of  individuals. 
The  first  expansion  of  the  primitive  life  is,  of  course,  due  to  the 
natural  increase  of  population.  Within  the  limits  of  one  and 
the  same  family  the  more  intimate  degrees  of  kinship  are  followed 
by  the  more  remote,  although  the  moral  duties  extend  to  the 
latter  also.  Similarly  to  the  progressive  division  of  a  living 
organic  cell,  the  social  cell — the  group  united  by  kinship — divides 
into  many  groups,  which  preserve,  however,  their  connection 
and  the  memory  of  their  common  descent.  Thus  a  new  social 
unit  is  formed — the  tribe  —  which  embraces  several  contiguous 
clans.  For  instance,  the  North  American  Red  Indian  tribe 
Seneca,  described  by  the  well-known  sociologist  Morgan, 
consisted  of  eight  independent  clans,  evidently  formed  by  the 
subdivision  of  one  original  clan,  and  standing  in  definite  relation 
to  one  another.  Each  clan  was  based  on  kinship,  and  marriages 
within  the  clan  were  strictly  forbidden  as  incestuous.  Each  clan 
was  autonomous,  though  in  certain  respects  subordinate  to  the 
common  authority  of  the  whole  tribe,  namely,  to  the  tribal 
council,  which  consisted  of  the  representatives  of  all  the  eight 
clans.  In  addition  to  this  political  and  military  institution,  the 
unity  of  the  tribe  found  expression  in  a  common  language  and 
common  religious  celebrations.  The  transition  stage  between 
the  clan  and  the  tribe  were  the  groups  which  Morgan  designates 
by  the  classical  name  offratrias.  Thus  the  tribe  of  Seneca  was 
divided  into  twofratrias,  each  consisting  of  an  equal  number  of 
clans.  The  first  contained  the  clans  of  Wolf,  Bear,  Tortoise, 
Beaver ;  the  second,  Deer,  Wood-cock,  Heron,  Falcon.  The 
clans  in  each  group  were  regarded  as  brother  clans,  and  in  relation 
to  the  clans  of  the  other  group  as  cousins.  It  is  clear  that  the 
original  clan  from  which  the  Seneca  tribe  was  descended  was  first 
divided  into  two  new  clans,  each  of  which  became  subdivided 
into  four,  and  this  succession  has  been  preserved  in  the  common 

There  is  no  reason  why  the  consciousness  of  social  solidarity, 
extended  to  a  group  of  clans,  should  stop  at  the  limits  of  the 
tribe.  The  widening  of  the  moral  outlook  on  the  one  hand, 
and  the  recognised  advantages  of  common  action  on  the  other, 
induce  many  tribes  to  form  first  temporary  and,  later,  permanent 
alliances  with  one  another.  Thus  the  tribe  of  Seneca,  together 


with  many  others,  entered  into  the  union  of  tribes  bearing  the 
common  name  of  Iroquois.  The  tribes  forming  such  unions 
are  generally,  though  not  necessarily,  supposed  to  have  a  common 
ancestor.  It  often  happens  that  when  several  tribes  whose 
ancestors  had  parted  in  times  immemorial,  and  which  had  grown 
and  developed  independently  of  one  another,  come  together  again 
under  new  conditions,  they  form  a  union  by  means  of  treaties  for 
the  sake  of  mutual  defence  and  common  enterprise.  The  treaty 
in  this  case  is  certainly  regarded  as  of  far  greater  significance 
than  the  blood-tie,  which  need  not  be  presupposed  at  all. 

The  union  of  tribes,  especially  of  those  that  have  reached 
a  certain  degree  of  culture  and  occupy  a  definite  territory,  is  the 
transition  to  a  state,  the  embryo  of  a  nation.  The  Iroquois, 
like  most  Red  Indian  tribes  who  remained  in  the  wild  forests 
and  prairies  of  North  America,  did  not  advance  further  than 
such  an  embryo  of  a  nation  and  state.  But  other  representatives 
of  the  same  race,  moving  southwards,  fairly  rapidly  passed  from 
the  military  union  of  tribes  to  a  permanent  political  organisation. 
The  Aztecs  of  Mexico,  the  Incas  of  Peru  founded  real  national 
states  of  the  same  type  as  the  great  theocratical  monarchies  of 
the  Old  World.  The  essential  inner  connection  between  the 
original  social  cell — the  group  united  by  kinship — and  the  wide 
political  organisation  is  clearly  expressed  in  the  word  fatherland^ 
which  almost  in  all  languages  designates  the  national  state. 
The  term  fatherland,  implying  as  it  does  a  relation  of  kinship 
(patria^  Voter  land)  etc.),  indicates  not  that  the  state  is  an  expansion 
of  the  family — which  is  not  true — but  that  the  moral  principle  of 
this  new  great  union  must  be  essentially  the  same  as  the  principle 
of  the  narrower  union  based  upon  kinship.  In  truth,  states  have 
arisen  out  of  wars  and  treaties,  but  this  does  not  alter  the  fact 
that  the  purpose  or  meaning  for  which  they  came  into  being 
was  to  establish  in  the  wide  circle  of  the  national,  and  even  the 
international,  relations  the  same  solidarity  and  peaceable  life  as  had 
existed  of  old  within  the  limits  of  the  family. 

The  process  of  the  formation  of  states  and  the  external 
changes  in  the  human  life  connected  with  it  do  not  concern  us 
here.  What  is  of  interest  to  ethics  is  the  moral  position  of  the 
individual  with  regard  to  his  new  social  environment.  So  long 
as  the  only  higher  forms  of  social  life,  in  contradistinction  to 



the  clan,  were  found  in  the  tribe  and  the  union  of  tribes,  the 
position   of  the   individual   was  not  essentially  altered.     It  only 
changed,    so    to     speak,    quantitatively :     moral     consciousness 
received    greater  satisfaction   and   was   more   completely   realised 
as  the  sphere  of  practical  interaction  became  wider ;  and  that  was 
all.     The  divine  ancestor  of  a  given  clan  found  brothers  in  the 
ancestors    of    other    clans,    each    other's    deities    were    mutually 
recognised,  the  religions  of  separate   peoples   were  amalgamated 
and   to   a    certain    extent   received  a   universal   meaning  (at  the 
periods  of  tribal  festivities),  but  the  character  of  worship  remained 
the  same.     The  expression  of  human  solidarity — the  defence  of 
one's   kinsmen   and    the    duty    of  avenging    their    wrongs — also 
remained   intact   when   the   tribe  and   the   union  of  tribes  came 
to    be    formed.       Essential    change    took    place    only    with    the 
appearance    of    the    fatherland    and    the   state.      The    national 
religion  may  have  developed  out  of  ancestor  worship,    but  the 
people    have    themselves    forgotten    its    origin ;    similarly,    the 
dispassionate  justice    of  the    state    is    essentially    different    from 
blood-vengeance.      Here    we    have    not  simply    an  expansion  of 
the  old  order  based  upon  kinship,  but  the  appearance  of  a  new 
one.     And  in  connection  with  this  new  order  of  the  national  state 
there  may  have  arisen,  and  there  did  arise,  a  conflict  of  principle 
between    the    constituent    forces    of   society — a    conflict    which 
might,  to  a  superficial  observer,  appear  as  the  conflict  between 
the  individual  and  the  society  as  such. 


Neither  the  tribe,  nor  the  union  of  tribes,  nor  the  national 
state — the  fatherland — destroys  the  original  social  cell ;  it  only 
alters  its  signification.  The  change  may  be  expressed  in  the 
following  short  but  perfectly  correct  formula  :  the  state  order  trans 
forms  the  clan  into  the  family.  Indeed,  until  the  state  is  formed, 
family  life,  strictly  speaking,  does  not  exist.  The  group  of 
individuals  held  together  by  a  more  or  less  intimate  blood-tie, 
which  in  primitive  times  forms  the  social  unit,  differs  from  the  real 
family  in  one  essential  respect.  The  distinguishing  characteristic 
of  the  family  is  that  it  is  a  form  of  private,  in  contradistinction  to 
public,  life:  ca  public  family*  is  a  contradiction  in  terms.  But 


the  difference  between  public  and  private  could  only  have  arisen 
with  the  formation  and  thedevelopment  of  the  state  which  essentially 
stands  for  the  public  aspect  of  common  life.  Until  then,  so  long 
as  the  legal  and  political  functions  of  the  social  life  were  still 
undifferentiated — when  judgment  and  execution,  war  and  peace 
were  still  the  private  concerns  of  the  primitive  groups  connected  by 
the  blood-tie — such  groups,  even  the  smallest  of  them,  obviously 
could  not  possess  the  distinguishing  characteristic  of  the  family 
or  home.  They  acquired  this  new  character  only  when  the 
functions  in  question  were  taken  over  by  the  state  as  a  public 
or  national  organisation. 

Now  this  transformation  of  the  clan,  i.e.  of  the  political 
and  social  union,  into  the  family,  i.e.  into  an  exclusively  social, 
private,  or  home  union,  could  be  looked  upon  in  two  ways.  It 
might  be  regarded  as  involving  the  purification  of  the  tie  of 
kinship  which  thus  acquires  greater  inward  dignity,  or  as 
involving  its  external  lessening  and  degradation.1  Since  the 
duties  of  the  individual  to  his  clan  were  for  a  long  time  the 
sole  expression  of  individual  morality,  conservative  and  passive 
natures  might  regard  the  submission  of  the  clan  to  a  new  and 
higher  unity  of  the  state  or  fatherland  as  immoral.  The  personal 
consciousness  was  for  the  first  time  confronted  with  the  question 
as  to  which  of  the  two  social  unions  it  was  to  side  with — with 
the  more  narrow  and  intimate,  or  with  the  wider  and  more  remote. 
But  whichever  way  this  question  might  be  settled  by  this  or  that 
individual,  it  is  in  any  case  clear  that  this  is  not  a  question  of  con 
flict  between  the  individual  and  society,  nor  even  between  two 
kinds  of  social  relation — the  relation  of  kinship  and  of  nationality. 
It  is  simply  a  question  whether  human  life  should  stop  at  the  stage 
of  kinship  or  be  further  developed  by  means  of  the  organisation 
of  the  state. 

In  the  social  group  determined  by  kinship  with  its  moral 
conditions  and  institutions,  the  human  individual  can  realise  his 
inner  dignity  better  than  in  the  state  of  brutal  isolation.  History 

1  This  double  point  of  view  may  be  brought  out  by  an  analogous  example  from  quite 
a  different  sphere  of  relations.  The  loss  by  the  Pope  of  his  political  power,  or 
the  abolition  of  the  Church-state,  may  be  regarded  even  by  good  and  genuine  Roman 
Catholics  in  two  different  and,  indeed,  opposite  ways.  It  may  be  taken  to  be  either  a 
favourable  condition  for  the  increase  of  the  inward  moral  authority  of  the  Pope,  or  a 
lamentable  detraction  and  decrease  in  the  scope  of  his  political  activity. 



has  proved  that  the  further  development  or  improvement  of  the 
individual  demands  the  more  complex  conditions  of  life  which  are 
to  be  found  in  civilised  states  only.  The  immature  fancy  of  the 
young  poet  may  glorify  the  half-savage  life  of  nomadic  gypsies ; 
the  unanswerable  criticism  of  his  view  is  contained  in  the  simple 
fact  that  Pushkin,  a  member  of  a  civilised  community,  could  create 
his  Gypsies^  while  the  gypsies,  in  spite  of  all  their  alleged  ad 
vantages,  could  not  create  a  Pushkin.1 

All  the  things  whereby  our  spiritual  nature  is  nurtured,  all 
that  lends  beauty  and  dignity  to  our  life  in  the  sphere  of  religion, 
science  and  art,  has  sprung  from  the  foundation  of  ordinary 
civilised  life,  conditioned  by  the  order  of  the  state.  It  has  all  been 
created  not  by  the  clan  but  by  the  fatherland.  When  the  clan  life 
still  predominated,  the  men  who  took  their  stand  with  the 
fatherland,  which  till  then  was  non-existent  or  only  just  dawning 
on  their  own  inner  vision,  were  bearers  of  a  higher  consciousness, 
of  a  better  individually-social  morality.  They  were  benefactors 
of  humanity  and  saints  of  history,  and  it  is  not  for  nothing  that 
the  grateful  city-states  of  Greece  and  other  countries  did  homage 
to  them  as  their  heroes — the  eponyms. 

Social  progress  is  not  an  impersonal  work.  The  conflict  of 
individual  initiative  with  its  immediate  social  environment  led  to 
the  foundation  of  a  wider  and  more  important  social  whole — the 
fatherland.  The  bearers  of  the  super-tribal  consciousness,  or,  more 
exactly,  of  the  half-conscious  striving  towards  a  wider  moral  and 
social  life,  felt  cramped  in  the  narrow  sphere  of  the  clan  life,  broke 
away  from  it,  gathered  a  band  of  free  followers  round  themselves, 
and  founded  states  and  cities.  The  pseudo- scientific  criticism 
has  arbitrarily  converted  into  a  myth  the  fugitive  Dido  who  founded 
Carthage,  and  the  outlaw  brothers,  founders  of  Rome.  In  quite 
historical  times,  however,  we  find  a  sufficient  number  of  instances 
to  inspire  us  with  legitimate  confidence  in  those  legends  of 
antiquity.  Personal  exploit  breaking  down  the  given  social  limits 
for  the  sake  of  creating  new  and  higher  forms  of  political  and 
social  life,  is  a  fact  so  fundamental  that  it  is  bound  to  be  met  with 
at  all  periods  of  human  development.2 

1  The  same  poet,  however, '  with  reverence'  dedicates  one  of  his  more  mature  works 
to  the  historian  of  the  Russian  Empire. 

2  The  absurdity  of  the  point  of  view  generally  assumed   by  the  negative  historical 


The  historical  as  well  as  the  naturally-scientific  experience 
shows  that  it  is  impossible  for  a  given  organised  group  to  break  up 
or  undergo  any  substantial  transformation  (for  instance,  to  enter 
into  another  and  a  greater  whole)  apart  from  the  activity  of  the  finite 
units  which  compose  it.  The  ultimate  unit  of  human  society  is 
the  individual  who  has  always  been  the  active  principle  of  historical 
progress,  i.e.  of  the  transition  from  the  narrow  and  limited  forms 
of  life  to  social  organisations  that  are  wider  and  richer  in  content. 


A  given  narrow  social  group  (say,  a  clan)  has  a  claim  upon  the 
individual,  for  it  is  only  in  and  through  it  that  he  can  begin  to 
realise  his  own  inner  dignity.  But  the  rights  of  the  community 
over  the  individual  cannot  be  absolute,  for  a  given  group  in  its 
isolation  is  only  one  relative  stage  of  the  historical  development, 
while  human  personality  may  pass  through  all  the  stages  in  its 
striving  for  infinite  perfection,  which  is  obviously  not  exhausted 
or  finally  satisfied  by  any  limited  social  organisation.  In  other 
words,  in  virtue  of  his  inner  infinity  the  individual  can  be  absolutely 
and  entirely  at  one  with  the  social  environment  not  in  its  given  limita 
tions^  but  only  in  its  infinite  completeness,  which  becomes  gradually 
manifest  as  the  forms  of  social  life,  in  their  interaction  with  individual 
persons ,  become  wider,  higher •,  and  more  perfect.  It  is  only  in  a  com 
munity  that  personal  achievement  is  fruitful,  but  in  a  community 
which  develops.  Unconditional  surrender  to  any  limited  and 
immovable  form  of  social  life,  so  far  from  being  the  duty  of  the 
individual,  is  positively  wrong,  for  it  could  only  be  to  the 
detriment  of  his  human  dignity. 

An  enterprising  member  of  the  clan  is,  then,  morally  right  in 
rebelling  against  the  conservatism  of  the  clan,  and  in  helping  to  create 

criticism  escapes  general  ridicule  simply  owing  to  the  'darkness  of  time,"  which  conceals 
the  objects  upon  which  it  is  exercised.  If  its  favourite  methods  and  considerations  were 
applied,  e.g.,  to  Mahomet  or  Peter  the  Great,  there  would  be  as  little  left  of  these 
historical  heroes  as  of  Dido  or  Romulus.  Every  one  who  has  read  Whateley's  admirable 
pamphlet  on  Napoleon  will  agree  that  the  solar  significance  of  this  mythological  hero  is 
proved  in  it,  in  accordance  with  the  strict  rules  of  the  critical  school,  and  is  worked  out 
with  a  consistency,  clearness,  and  completeness  not  often  to  be  found  in  the  more  or  less 
famous  works  of  the  negative  critics,  although  the  latter  wrote  without  the  least  irony 
but  with  the  most  serious  intentions. 


the  state  which  transforms  the  once  independent  social  groups 
into  elementary  cells  of  a  new  and  greater  whole.  But  this  implies 
that  the  new  social  organisation  has  no  absolute  rights  over  the 
old,  tribal,  or,  henceforth,  family  relations.  The  order  of  the 
state  is  a  relatively  higher  but  by  no  means  a  perfect  form  of 
social  life,  and  it  therefore  has  only  a  relative  advantage  over  the 
organisation  based  upon  kinship.  And  although  the  latter  is  merely 
a  transitory  stage  in  the  social  development,  it  contains  a  moral 
element  of  absolute  value,  which  retains  its  force  in  the  state  and 
must  be  sacred  to  it.  Indeed,  two  aspects  are  clearly  apparent 
in  primitive  morality.  In  the  first  place,  certain  moral  con 
ceptions  are  connected  with  the  idea  of  the  clan  as  an  independent 
or  autonomous  form  of  common  life — which,  in  fact,  it  had  been 
once,  but  ceased  to  be  when  the  state  was  formed.  This  is 
the  transitory  and  supersedable  element  of  the  clan  morality.  In 
the  second  place,  certain  natural  duties  arise  from  the  intimate  tie 
of  kinship  and  common  life,  and  these  obviously  retain  all  their 
significance  in  the  transition  to  the  state,  or  in  the  transformation 
of  the  clan  into  the  family.  The  hard  shell  of  the  clan  organisa 
tion  has  burst  and  fallen  apart,  but  the  moral  kernel  of  the  family  has 
remained,  and  will  remain  to  the  end  of  history.  Now  when  the 
transition  from  one  organisation  to  another  has  just  been  effected, 
the  representatives  of  the  newly-formed  state-power,  conscious  of 
its  advantages  over  the  clan  structure,  might  easily  ascribe  to  the 
new  order  an  absolute  significance  which  does  not  belong  to  it, 
and  place  the  law  of  the  state  above  the  law  of  nature.  In  con 
flicts  which  arise  on  this  ground,  moral  right  is  no  longer  on  the 
side  of  these  representatives  of  the  relatively  higher  social  order,  but 
on  the  side  of  the  champions  of  what  is  absolute  in  the  old,  and  of 
what  must  remain  equally  sacred  under  any  social  order.  Con 
servatism  now  ceases  to  be  a  blind  or  selfish  inertness,  and  becomes 
a  pure  consciousness  of  supreme  duty.  Woman,  the  incarnation 
of  the  conservative  principle,  the  bulwark  of  low  routine,  now 
becomes  the  embodiment  of  moral  heroism.  Sophocles's  Antigone 
impersonates  the  element  of  absolute  value  contained  in  the  old 
order  of  life — the  element  which  retains  its  permanent  significance 
as  the  clan  becomes  the  family  within  the  new  organisation  of  the 
state.  She  has  no  thought  of  the  political  autonomy  of  the  clan, 
of  the  right  of  blood-vengeance,  etc.  ;  she  simply  stands  up  for 


her  unconditional  right  to  fulfil  her  unconditional  duty  of  piety 
and  sisterly  love — to  give  honourable  burial  to  her  nearest  kinsman 
who  can  receive  it  from  no  one  but  her.  She  has  no  enmity 
towards  the  moral  foundations  of  the  state ;  she  simply  feels — 
and  quite  rightly — that  apart  from  these  foundations  the  demands 
of  the  positive  law  are  not  absolute  but  are  limited  by  the  natural 
law  which  is  sanctified  by  religion  and  safeguards  family  duties 
against  the  state  itself  if  need  be,  when  it  appropriates  what  does 
not  belong  to  it.  The  conflict  between  Creon  and  Antigone 
is  not  a  conflict  between  two  moral  forces — the  social  and  the 
individual ;  it  is  a  conflict  of  the  moral  and  the  anti-moral  force. 
It  is  impossible  to  agree  with  the  usual  view  of  Antigone  as  of 
the  bearer  and  champion  of  personal  feeling  against  a  universal 
law,  embodied  in  the  representative  of  the  state — Creon.  The 
true  meaning  of  the  tragedy  is  entirely  different.  A  religious 
attitude  to  the  dead  is  a  moral  duty,  the  fulfilment  of  which  lies 
at  the  basis  of  all  social  life  j  personal  feeling  expresses  merely  the 
subjective  aspect  of  the  matter.  In  our  own  day,  the  burial  of 
dead  relatives  and  the  homage  paid  to  them  is  not  due  to  personal 
feeling  only  ;  and  this  was  still  more  the  case  in  ancient  times. 
The  feeling  may  not  be  there,  but  the  duty  remains.  Antigone 
had  heartfelt  affection  for  both  her  brothers,  but  sacred  duty 
bound  her  to  the  one  who  needed  her  religious  help.  Being  the 
pattern  of  a  moral  individual,  Antigone  at  the  same  time  is  the 
representative  of  true  social  order,  which  is  only  preserved  by  the 
fulfilment  of  duty.  She  does  not  in  the  least  conceal  her  feelings, 
and  yet  as  the  motive  of  her  action  she  gives  not  her  feelings 
but  a  sacred  obligation  which  has  to  be  fulfilled  to  the  end 
(0i'A?7  per  avrov  KCICTO/ZCU,  (£i'Aov  /zrra, — ocrta  Travovpy^cracra).  This 
obligation  is  not  of  course  an  abstract  duty,  but  an  expression  of 
the  eternal  order  of  reality  : 

"  I  owe  a  longer  allegiance  to  the  dead  than  to  the  living,  in 
that  world  /  shall  abide  for  ever.  But  if  thou  wilt  be  guilty  of 
dishonouring  laws  which  the  gods  have  stablished  in  honour  "... 

To  Creon's  question,  "And  thou  didst  dare  to  transgress 
the  law  ?  "  she  answers  not  by  referring  to  her  personal  feeling 
but  to  the  absolute  supremacy  of  the  eternal  moral  order  which 
cannot  be  cancelled  by  civil  laws  : 

"  For   it   was   not  Zeus   that  had  published  me   that  edict  : 


net  such  are  the  laws  set  among  men  by  the  Justice  who  dwells 
with  the  gods  below  ;  nor  deemed  I  that  thy  decrees  were  of 
such  force,  that  a  mortal  could  override  the  unwritten  and  un 
failing  statutes  of  heaven." 

As  for  Creon,  he  certainly  does  not  represent  the  principle  of 
the  state,  the  moral  basis  of  which  is  the  same  as  that  of  the 
family,  though  with  the  advantage  of  a  fuller  realisation.  He  is 
the  representative  of  the  state  that  has  become  perverted  or  has 
put  itself  into  a  false  position — of  the  state  that  has  forgotten  its 
place.  But  since  such  perversion  does  not  form  part  of  the  essence 
or  the  purpose  of  the  state,  it  can  only  arise  from  the  evil  passions 
of  its  representatives — in  this  case,  of  Creon.  It  would  then  be 
right  to  say,  in  direct  opposition  to  the  popular  view,  that 
Antigone  stands  for  the  universal  and  Creon  for  the  individual 
element.  Both  statements,  however,  would  be  incorrect  and 
inexact.  It  is  clear  that  the  opposition  between  the  individual 
and  society,  the  particular  and  the  general,  does  not  as  such  ever 
correspond  to  reality.  The  true  opposition  and  conflict  is  not 
sociological  but  purely  moral ;  it  is  the  conflict  between  good  and 
evil,  each  of  which  finds  expression  both  in  the  individual  and 
in  the  social  life.  Cain  killed  Abel  not  because  he  represented 
the  principle  of  individuality  as  against  the  family  union — for  in 
that  case  all  developed  '  personalities  '  would  have  to  kill  their 
brothers  ;  he  killed  him  because  he  stood  for  the  principle  of 
evil,  which  may  manifest  itself  both  individually  and  collectively 
privately  or  publicly.  Creon  in  his  turn  forbade  the  citizens  to 
fulfil  certain  religiously-moral  duties,  not  because  he  was  the 
head  of  the  state,  but  because  he  was  wicked  and  followed  the 
same  principle  which  was  active  in  Cain  previously  to  any  state. 
Every  law  is  of  course  a  state  enactment,  but  Creon's  position  is 
determined  not  by  the  fact  that  he  enacted  a  law,  but  that  he 
enacted  an  impious  law.  This  is  not  the  fault  of  the  state-power 
but  of  Creon's  own  moral  worthlessness  ;  for  it  could  hardly  be 
maintained  that  the  function  of  the  state  consists  precisely  in 
enacting  impious  and  inhuman  laws. 

Creon  then  does  not  stand  for  the  principle  of  the  state  but  for 
the  principle  of  evil  which  is  rooted  in  the  personal  will,  though 
it  also  finds  expression  and  embodiment  in  the  life  of  the  com 
munity — in  the  present  case  in  the  form  of  a  bad  law  of  the  stxte. 


On  the  other  hand,  Antigone,  who  lays  down  her  life  for  the  fulfil 
ment  of  a  religious  and  moral  duty  that  lies  at  the  basis  of  social 
life,  is  simply  the  representative  of  the  principle  of  good,  which  is 
also  rooted  in  the  personal  will,  but  is  realised  in  the  true  communal 

All  human  conflict  is  in  the  last  resort  reducible  not  to  the 
relative  sociological  oppositions  but  to  the  absolute  opposition  of 
the  good  and  the  self-asserting  evil.  The  inmost  essence  of  the 
question  is  always  one  and  the  same  ;  but  it  does  not  follow  that 
the  various  historical  situations  in  which  it  is  revealed  again  and 
again  are  therefore  devoid  of  interest  and  importance  of  their  own 
even  from  the  ethical  point  of  view.  The  inner  essence  of  good 
and  evil  can  only  be  clearly  known  through  their  typical  mani 
festations.  Thus,  the  evil  which  expresses  itself  as  the  perversion 
of  the  idea  of  the  state,  or  as  putting  the  law  of  the  state  above 
the  law  of  morality,  is  quite  a  specific  form  of  evil.  It  is  a  higher 
grade  of  evil  than,  for  instance,  a  simple  murder  or  even  fratricide  ; 
but  precisely  because  it  is  more  complex  and  subtle,  it  is  more 
excusable  from  the  subjective  point  of  view  and  is  less  blame 
worthy  than  the  cruder  crimes.  Therefore  Creon,  for  instance, 
though  socially  he  is  more  pernicious,  is  personally  less  guilty 
than  Cain. 

There  is  another  important  shade  of  meaning  in  this  profound 
tragedy.  Speaking  generally,  the  state  is  a  higher  stage  of 
historical  development  than  the  clan.  This  higher  stage  had  just 
been  attained  in  Greece.  The  memory  of  how  it  came  to  be 
established,  of  the  struggle  and  the  triumph,  is  still  fresh  in  the 
minds  of  its  representatives.  This  recent  victory  of  the  new  over 
the  old,  of  the  higher  over  the  lower,  is  not  merely  accidental.  In 
view  of  the  obvious  advantages  of  the  state  union  over  the  feuds 
of  the  clans,  its  triumph  is  recognised  as  something  necessary, 
rightful,  and  progressive.  Hence  Creon's  self-confidence  at  the 
beginning  of  the  play.  The  bad  law  proclaimed  by  him,  putting 
as  it  does  the  loyalty  to  the  new  state  above  the  original  religious 
duties,  is  not  merely  an  abuse  of  the  power  of  the  state,  but  an 
abuse  of  victory — not  of  the  local  victory  of  the  Thebans  over  the 
Argives,  but  of  the  general  victory  of  the  state  order — of  the 
city  state — over  the  clan.  Creon  cannot  therefore  be  looked  upon 
simply  as  a  tyrant,  or  a  representative  of  personal  arbitrariness  and 


material  power — and  this  is  not  the  way  in  which  the  ancients 
regarded  him.1  The  law  he  enacted  was  supposed  to  be  the 
expression  of  the  common  will  of  the  citizens.  The  short  preface 
by  Aristophanes  the  grammarian,  usually  placed  at  the  beginning 
of  the  tragedy,  begins  thus  :  "  Antigone  who  buried  Polinices 
against  the  order  of  the  city  (or  the  state) — napa  TT)V  irpoa-ragiv  TTJS 
TroAecos."  In  the  play  itself,  Ismene  justifies  her  refusal  to  help 
Antigone  by  saying  that  she  cannot  do  violence  to  the  will  of  her 
fellow-citizens.  Creon,  too,  bases  his  argument  not  upon  the 
principle  of  autocracy  but  upon  the  unconditional  significance  of 
patriotism  : 

"  If  any  makes  a  friend  of  more  account  than  his  fatherland, 
that  man  has  no  place  in  my  regard." 

The  ethico-psychological  basis  of  the  bad  law  lies  of  course  in 
Creon's  bad  will.  This  will,  however,  is  not  merely  senseless  and 
arbitrary  but  is  connected  with  a  general  although  a  false  idea 
according  to  which  the  power  of  the  state  and  the  laws  of  the 
state  are  higher  than  the  moral  law.  Creon  formulates  this  false 
idea  with  perfect  clearness  : 

"  Whomsoever  the  city  may  appoint,  that  man  must  be 
obeyed,  in  little  things  and  great,  in  just  things  and  unjust" 

This  idea,  outrageously  false  as  it  is,  has  been  and  still  is  the 
inspiration  of  men  who  have  not  even  Creon's  excuse,  namely, 
intoxication  with  the  recent  victory  of  the  state  order  over  the 
tribal  anarchy.  In  those  half-historical  times  no  clear  protest — 
such  as  Sophocles  puts  into  the  mouth  of  his  Antigone — may 
have  been  raised  by  the  better;  consciousness  against  this  idea, 
but,  at  the  epoch  of  Sophocles  himself,  the  best  minds  were 
well  aware  that  historical  progress  in  bringing  about  new 
forms  of  society  cannot  possibly  supersede  the  essential  foundations 
of  all  social  life.  They  understood  that  although  such  progress  is 
both  important  and  necessary,  it  is  relative  and  subordinate  to  a 
higher  purpose,  and  that  it  loses  all  justification  when  it  is  turned 
against  the  unconditional  moral  good,  the  realisation  of  which  is  the 
sole  object  of  the  historical  development.  And  however  highly  we 

1  It  will  be  remembered  that  the  Greek  word  rvpavvos  did  not  originally  have  a  bad 
meaning,  but  designated  every  monarch.  In  the  same  trilogy  of  Sophocles,  the  first 
play  is  called  Qldiirovs  rtipavvos,  which  is  rightly  translated  Oedipus  rex  ;  and  the  word 
ought  to  be  translated  in  the  same  way  in  the  Antigone  in  reference  to  Creon. 


might  value  those  who  further  the  triumphant  march  of  progress, 
the  highest  dignity  of  man,  worthy  of  whole-hearted  sympathy  and 
approval,  consists  not  in  winning  temporal  victories,  but  in  observ 
ing  eternal  limits  equally  sacred  both  for  the  past  and  for  the 




WITH  the  establishment  of  the  national  state  the  moral  outlook 
of  the  individual  is  no  doubt  considerably  widened  and  a  greater 
field  is  opened  for  the  exercise  of  his  good  feelings  and  of  his  active 
will  in  moral  conduct.  The  conception  of  the  deity  becomes 
higher  and  more  general,  a  certain  religious  development  takes 
place.  Altruism,  or  moral  solidarity  with  other  human  beings, 
increases  quantitatively  or  in  extension  and  becomes  qualitatively 
higher,  losing  its  dominant  character  of  natural  instinct  and  being 
directed  upon  invisible  and  ideal  objects — the  state,  the  fatherland. 
These  ideal  objects  are  sensuously  realised  in  the  unity  of  language, 
customs,  in  the  actual  representatives  of  authority,  etc.,  but,  as  is 
clear  to  every  one,  they  are  not  exhausted  by  these  concrete  facts. 
The  nation  does  not  disappear  with  the  change  of  its  customs,  the 
state  does  not  cease  to  exist  when  its  particular  rulers  pass  away. 
The  spiritual  nature  and  the  ideal  significance  of  objects  such  as 
the  nation  and  the  state  are  preserved  in  any  case,  and  the  in 
dividual's  moral  relation  to  them,  expressing  itself  as  true  patriotism 
or  civic  virtue,  is  in  this  sense,  other  conditions  being  equal,  a  higher 
stage  of  morality  than  the  simple  feeling  of  kinship  or  of  the  blood- 
tie.  On  the  other  hand,  however,  it  is  often  pointed  out  that  as 
the  range  of  moral  relations  or  the  social  environment  becomes 
wider,  the  inner  personal  basis  of  morality  loses  its  living  force 
and  reality.  It  is  urged  that  the  intensity  of  moral  motives  is  in 
inverse  ratio  to  their  objective  extension  ;  that  it  is  impossible  to 
love  one's  country  as  sincerely  and  immediately  as  one's  friends  or 



relatives,  and  that  the  living  interest  in  one's  private  welfare  can 
never  be  compared  with  the  abstract  interest  in  the  welfare  of  the 
state,  not  to  speak  of  the  general  welfare  of  humanity.  The  interest 
in  the  latter  is  indeed  often  denied  as  fictitious. 

Leaving  aside  for  the  moment  the  question  of  humanity,  it 
must  be  admitted  that  the  argument  concerning  the  inverse 
relation  between  the  intensity  and  the  extension  of  moral  feelings 
has  a  foundation  in  fact.  But  to  be  correctly  understood  it 
requires  the  following  three  reservations  : 

(1)  Independently  of  the  relation  of  individual  persons,  taken 
separately,  to   the   more  or  less  wide   social  whole,  there  exists 
collective  morality,  which  embraces  these  persons  in  their  totality 
— as  a   crowd   or  as   a  people.     There   is   such  a   thing  as    the 
criminal  crowd,  upon  which  the  criminologists  have  now  turned 
their  attention  ;  still  more  prominent  is  the  senseless  crowd,  the 
human  herd  ;  but   there  is  also  the  splendid,  the  heroic  crowd. 
The    crowd    excited    by    brutal    or   bestial    instincts    lowers  the 
spiritual   level   of  individuals   that  are   drawn  into  it.     But   the 
human  mass  animated  by  collectively-moral  motives  lifts  up  to 
its  level  individuals  in  whom  these  motives  are,  as  such,  devoid  of 
genuine  force.     At  the  kinship-group  stage,  the  striving  of  the  best 
men  for  a  wider  collective  morality  conditioned  the  appearance  of 
the  state  or  the  nation,  but  once  this  new  social  whole,  real  and 
powerful  in  spite  of  its  ideal  nature,  has  been  created,   it  begins 
to  exert  direct  influence  not  only  upon  the  best^  but  also   upon  the 
average  and  even  the  bad  men  that  form  part  of  it. 

(2)  Apart  from  collective  morality,  the  quantitative  fact  that 
most  men  taken  separately  are   bad  patriots  and    poor  citizens, 
is  qualitatively  counterbalanced  by  the  few  high  instances  of  true 
patriotism  and  civic  virtue  which  could  not  have  arisen  in  the 
primitive  conditions  of  life,  and  only  became  possible  when  the 
state,  the  nation,  the  fatherland  had  come  into  being. 

(3)  Finally,  whether  the  moral  gain  obtained  by  the  widening 
of  the  social  environment  in  the  national  state  be  great  or  small, 
it   is   in   any  case  a  gain.     The   good   contained    in    the   tribal 
morality  is  not  annulled  by  this  extension  but  is  merely  modified 
and  made  more  pure  as  it  assumes  the  form  of  family  ties  and 
virtues,  which  are  supplemented    and    not    replaced    by  patriot 
ism.      Thus,  even  from  the  individual   point  of  view,  our  love 


for  millions  of  our  fellow-citizens,  even  though  it  cannot  be  as 
great  as  our  love  for  some  dozens  of  our  friends,  is  a  direct  gain, 
for  the  wider  love  that  is  less  intense  does  not  destroy  the  more 
intense  one.  Consequently,  from  whatever  point  of  view  we  look 
at  it,  the  extension  of  the  sphere  of  life  from  the  limits  of  the 
clan  to  the  state  unquestionably  means  moral  progress.  This 
progress  is  apparent  both  in  man's  relation  to  the  gods  and  to  his 
neighbours,  and  also,  as  will  be  presently  shown,  in  man's  relation 
to  his  lower  material  nature. 


The  moral  principle  which  demands  from  man  subordination 
to  the  higher  and  solidarity  with  his  neighbours,  requires  him  to 
dominate  physical  nature  as  the  basis  upon  which  reason  works. 
This  domination  has  for  its  immediate  object  the  body  of  the 
individual  himself — hence  the  ascetic  morality  in  the  narrow  sense 
of  the  term.  But  the  material  life  of  the  single  individual  is  only 
a  portion  of  the  general  material  life  that  surrounds  him,  and  to 
separate  this  portion  from  the  whole  is  neither  logically  legitimate 
nor  practically  possible.  So  long  as  the  outer  nature  completely 
overwhelms  man,  who,  helpless  and  lost  in  virginal  forests  among 
wild  beasts,  is  compelled  to  think  of  nothing  but  the  preservation 
and  maintenance  of  his  existence,  the  thought  of  the  mastery  of 
the  spirit  over  the  flesh  can  hardly  even  arise,  let  alone  the  attempt 
to  carry  it  out.  Man  who  starves  from  necessity  is  not  given  to 
fasting  for  ascetic  purposes.  Suffering  all  kinds  of  privations  from 
his  birth  onwards,  living  under  the  constant  menace  of  violent 
death,  man  in  the  savage  state  is  an  unconscious  and  involuntary 
ascetic,  and  his  marvellous  endurance  has  as  little  moral  worth  as 
the  sufferings  of  small  fish  pursued  by  pikes  or  sharks. 

The  manifestation  of  the  inner  moral  power  of  the  spirit  over 
the  flesh  presupposes  that  man  is  to  a  certain  extent  secure  from 
the  destructive  powers  of  external  nature.  Now  such  security 
cannot  be  attained  by  a  single  individual — it  requires  social  union. 
Although  ascetic  morality  in  some  of  its  aspects  seeks  to  sever  the 
social  ties,  it  is  clear  that  such  a  striving  could  only  have  arisen  on 
the  basis  of  an  already  existing  society.  Both  in  India  of  the 
Brahmins  and  in  Christian  Egypt  ascetic  hermits  were  the 


product  of  a  civilised  social  environment.  They  had  spiritually 
outgrown  it,  but  without  it  they  themselves  would  have  been 
historically  and  physically  impossible.  Solitary  hermits  who  had 
voluntarily  forsaken  society  for  the  desert  by  their  very  presence 
subdued  wild  beasts,  which  had  no  reason  whatever  for  being 
subdued  by  the  enforced  solitude  of  vagrant  savages,  inferior  to 
them  in  physical  strength,  but  inwardly  very  much  on  their  level. 
For  the  victory  both  over  evil  beasts  without  and  over  evil 
passions  within  a  certain  amount  of  civilisation  was  necessary, 
which  could  only  be  attained  through  the  development  of  social  life. 
Consequently  ascetic  morality  is  not  the  work  of  the  individual 
taken  in  the  abstract ;  it  can  only  be  manifested  by  man  as  a 
social  being.  The  inner  foundations  of  the  good  in  man  do  not 
depend  upon  the  forms  of  social  life,  but  the  actual  realisation  of 
them  does  presuppose  such  forms. 

At  the  early  beginnings  of  social  life — at  the  kinship-group 
stage  —  ascetic  morality  is  purely  negative  in  character.  In 
addition  to  the  regulation  of  the  sexual  life  by  marriage,  we  find 
prohibitions  of  certain  kinds  of  food  (e.g.  of  the  '  totemic '  animals, 
connected  with  a  given  social  group  as  its  protecting  spirits  or 
as  the  incarnation  of  its  ancestors),  and  also  the  restriction  of 
meat  foods  to  sacrificial  feasts  (thus,  among  the  Semitic  peoples 
especially,  the  flesh  of  domestic  animals  was  originally  for  religious 
uses  only.1) 

But  in  the  conditions  of  the  tribal  life  asceticism  could  not 
from  the  very  nature  of  the  case  go  beyond  such  elementary 
restrictions.  So  long  as  personal  dignity  finds  its  realisation  in  a 
social  organisation  determined  by  kinship,  or,  at  any  rate,  is 
conditioned  by  it,  there  can  be  no  question  of  the  ideal  of  com 
plete  continence  or  of  the  moral  duty  to  struggle  with  such 
passions  upon  which  the  very  existence  of  the  tribe  depends. 
The  virtuous  tribesman  must  be  distinguished  by  vindictiveness 
and  acquisitiveness,  and  has  no  right  to  dream  of  perfect  purity. 
The  ideal  representative  of  tribal  morality  is  the  Biblical  Jacob, 
who  had  two  wives  and  several  concubines,  who  begat  twelve  sons, 
and  increased  the  family  property  without  troubling  about  the 
means  whereby  he  did  it. 

The  formation  of  the  state  had  an  enormous,  though  indirect, 

1   See  Robertson  Smith's  The  Religion  of  the  Semites. 


influence  upon  ascetic  morality  in  the  wide  sense  of  the  term,  i.e. 
upon  that  aspect  of  morality  which  is  concerned  with  the  material 
nature  of  man  and  of  the  world,  and  aims  at  the  complete  mastery 
of  the  rational  spirit  over  the  blind  material  forces.  Power  over 
nature  is  utterly  impossible  for  a  lonely  savage  or  for  the  bestial  man, 
and  only  a  rudimentary  degree  of  it  is  acquired  at  the  barbarous 
stage  of  the  tribal  life.  Under  the  conditions  of  civilised  existence 
in  strong  and  extensive  political  unions  it  becomes  considerable 
and  lasting,  and  is  continually  on  the  increase.  The  means  of 
spiritual  development  for  the  individual,  the  school  of  practical 
asceticism  for  the  masses  of  the  people,  and  the  beginning  of  sub 
jugating  the  earth  for  humanity,  is  to  be  found  in  the  military 
and  theocratic  empires  which  united  men  into  large  groups  for 
carrying  on  the  work  of  civilisation  in  four  different  quarters  of 
the  globe — between  the  Blue  and  the  Yellow  rivers,  between  the 
Ind  and  the  Ganges,  between  the  Tigris  and  Euphrates,  and, 
finally,  in  the  valley  of  the  Nile.  These  military  and  theocratic 
monarchies  —  which  Araktcheev's  'military  settlements'1  re 
called  to  us  in  miniature — were,  of  course,  very  far  from  the  ideal 
of  human  society.  But  their  great  historical  importance  as  a 
necessary  moral  school  for  primitive  humanity  is  recognised  even 
by  the  champions  of  absolute  anarchism.2 

Speaking  generally,  in  order  to  rise  above  the  compulsory  form 
of  social  morality^  savage  humanity  had  to  pass  through  it  —  in 
order  to  outgrow  despotism  it  had  to  experience  it.  More  particu 
larly,  three  considerations  are  undoubtedly  involved  here,  (i) 
The  harder  the  original  struggle  with  primitive  nature  was,  the 
more  necessary  it  was  for  men  to  be  united  into  wide  but  closely- 

1  The  so-called  '  military  settlements '  were  villages  in  which  every  peasant  was 
compelled  to  be  a  soldier  and   to  live  under  military  discipline.      Minute  regulations 
with  regard  to  the  home  life,  work,  dress,  etc.,  were  enforced  with  ruthless  severity 
and    made    the    life    of   the    settlers    intolerable.     The    idea    of   establishing    military 
settlements  belonged  to  Alexander  I.  and  was  carried  out  by  Araktcheev,  his  favourite, 
who  founded  the  first  settlement  in  1810.      Military  settlements  were  finally  abolished 
by  Alexander  II.  in  1857. — Translator's  Note. 

2  I  would  like  especially  to  mention  the   interesting  work  by  Leon  Metchnikov, 
La  Civilisation   et  les  grands  jleu-ves.     See  my  article  about  it,  "  Iz  istorii   philosophii  " 
(Concerning  the  philosophy  of  history),  in  the  F'ofrosi  Philosophii  (1891),  and  also  Professor 
Vinogradov's  article  in  the  same  magazine.     One  worthy  critic  imagined  that  in  speaking 
of  the  military  theocracy  as  the  historical  school  of  asceticism  I  was  referring  to  the 
personal  intentions  of  the  Egyptian  Pharaohs  and  Chaldean  kings  !  ! 


connected  communities.  And  the  wide  extension  of  a  social  group 
could  only  be  combined  with  an  intimate  and  strong  tie  between 
its  members  by  means  of  the  strictest  discipline^  supported  by  the 
most  powerful  of  all  sanctions,  namely,  the  religious  sanction. 
Therefore  political  unions  which  had  for  the  first  time  subdued 
wild  nature  and  laid  the  corner-stone  of  human  culture  were  bound 
to  have  the  character  of  a  religious  and  military  monarchy,  or  of 
compulsory  theocracy.  This  work  of  civilisation  done  under  the 
pressure  of  the  moral  and  the  material  needs — this  *  Egyptian 
labour ' — was  by  its  very  nature  a  school  of  human  solidarity  for 
the  masses  and,  from  the  point  of  view  of  its  objective  purpose 
and  result,  it  was  the  first  achievement  of  collective  asceticism 
in  humanity,  the  first  historical  triumph  of  reason  over  the  blind 
forces  of  matter. 

(2)  The  compulsory  character  of  this  collective  achievement 
prevents  us  from  ascribing  ideal  worth  to  it,  but  does  not  alto 
gether  deprive  it  of  moral  significance.  For  compulsion  was  not 
merely  material.  It  rested  in  the  last  resort  upon  the  faith  of 
the  masses  themselves  in  the  divine  character  of  the  power  which 
compelled  them  to  work.  However  imperfect  in  its  form  and 
content  that  faith  might  be,  to  subordinate  one's  life  to  it,  to 
endure  at  its  behest  all  kinds  of  privation  and  hardship,  is  in  any 
case  a  moral  course  of  action.  Both  its  general  historical  result 
and  its  inner  psychological  effect  upon  each  individual  composing 
the  mass  of  the  people  had  the  character  of  true,  though  imperfect, 
asceticism — that  is,  of  victory  of  the  spiritual  principle  over  the 
carnal.  If  the  innumerable  Chinese  genuinely  believe  that  their 
Emperor  is  the  son  of  the  sky  ;  if  the  Hindus  were  seriously 
convinced  that  the  priests  sprang  from  the  head  of  Brahma  and 
the  kings  and  princes  from  his  arms  ;  if  the  Assyrian  king  really 
was  in  the  eyes  of  his  people  the  incarnation  of  the  national  deity 
Assur,  and  the  Pharaoh  truly  was  for  the  Egyptians  the  manifesta 
tion  of  the  solar  deity — then  absolute  submission  to  such  rulers 
was  for  these  peoples  a  religiously-moral  duty,  and  compulsory 
work  at  their  command  an  ascetic  practice.  This,  however, 
did  not  apply  to  slaves  in  the  strict  sense — prisoners  of  war  to 
whom  their  masters'  gods  were  strange  gods.  And  even  apart 
from  this  national  limitation  the  whole  structure  of  these  primitive 
religiously-political  unions  was  essentially  imperfect  because  the 



gods  who  received  the  voluntary  and  involuntary  human  sacrifices 
(both  in  the  literal  and  in  the  indirect  sense)  did  not  possess 
absolute  inner  worth.  They  stood  merely  for  the  infinity  of  force, 
not  for  the  infinity  of  goodness.  Man  is  morally  superior  to  such 
gods  by  his  power  of  renunciation  ;  and  therefore  in  sacrificing 
himself  for  these  gods  and  their  earthly  representatives  he  does  not 
find  the  higher  for  the  sake  of  which  it  is  worth  while  to  sacrifice 
the  lower.  If  the  meaning  of  the  sacrifice  is  to  be  found  in  the 
progress  of  civilisation,  this  meaning  is  purely  relative,  for  progress 
itself  is  obviously  only  a  means,  a  way,  a  direction,  and  not  the 
absolute  and  final  goal.  But  human  personality  contains  an  element 
of  intrinsic  value,  which  can  never  be  merely  a  means — the 
possibility,  namely,  inherent  in  it,  of  infinite  perfection  through 
the  contemplation  of  and  union  with  the  absolute  fulness  of  being. 
A  society  in  which  this  significance  of  personality  is  not  recognised 
and  in  which  the  individual  is  regarded  as  having  only  a  relative 
value,  as  a  means  for  political  and  cultural  ends — even  the  most 
lofty  ones, — cannot  be  the  ideal  human  society  but  is  merely  a 
transient  stage  of  the  historical  development.  This  is  particu 
larly  true  of  the  military  and  theocratic  monarchies  with  which 
universal  history  begins. 

(3)  The  primitive  forms  of  the  religiously-political  union 
were  so  imperfect  that  they  made  further  progress  inevitable,  and 
at  the  same  time  they  naturally  produced  the  external  conditions 
necessary  for  that  progress.  Within  the  limits  of  the  tribal  life 
each  member  of  a  given  social  group  was  both  physically  and  morally 
compelled  to  prey,  plunder,  and  kill,  to  fight  wild  beasts,  breed  cattle, 
and  produce  numerous  offspring.  Obviously  there  was  no  room 
there  for  the  higher  spiritual  development  of  the  human  person 
ality.  It  only  became  possible  when,  with  the  compulsory  division 
of  labour  in  the  great  religiously-political  organisations  of  the  past, 
there  arose,  in  addition  to  the  masses  doomed  to  hard  physical 
work,  the  leisurely,  propertied  class  of  free  men.  By  the  side  of 
warriors  there  appeared  professional  priests,  scribes,  diviners,  etc., 
among  whom  the  higher  consciousness  was  first  awakened.  This 
great  historical  moment  is  recorded  in  the  Bible  in  the  significant 
and  majestic  story  of  the  best  representative  of  the  patriarchal 
order,  Abraham,  with  the  crowd  of  his  armed  dependants,  bowing 
down  before  the  priest  of  the  Most  High,  Melchizedek,  who  was 


without  descent  and  came  before  him  with  the  gifts  of  the  new 
higher  culture — bread  and  wine  and  the  spiritual  blessing  of  Truth 
and  Peace.1 

While  by  the  sword  of  the  great  conquerors  the  hard  collective 
work  of  the  masses  was  gradually  made  to  'extend  over  a  wider 
and  wider  area,  securing  the  external  material  success  of  human 
culture,  the  inner  work  of  thought  among  the  leisured  and  peace 
ful  representatives  of  the  nationally-theocratic  states  was  leading 
human  consciousness  to  a  more  perfect  ideal  of  individual  and 
social  universallsm. 


In  the  course  of  the  world-history  the  first  awakening  of 
human  self-consciousness  took  place  in  the  land  where  its  sleep 
had  most  abounded  with  fantastic  and  wild  dreams — in  India.  Xo 
the  overwhelming  variety  of  Indian  mythology  corresponded  a 
confusing  variety  of  religious,  political,  and  customary  forms  and 
conditions  of  life.  Nowhere  else  had  the  theocratic  order  been 
so  complex  and  burdensome,  so  full  of  national  and  class  exclusive- 
ness.  Not  from  Egypt  or  China,  not  from  the  Chaldeans, 
Phoenicians,  or  the  Greco-Roman  world,  but  from  India  have  we 
borrowed  conceptions  expressive  of  the  extreme  degree  of  separa 
tion  between  the  classes  of  men  2  and  of  the  denial  of  human 
dignity.  The  '  pariahs '  were  deprived  of  human  dignity  as 
standing  outside  the  law  ;  men  belonging  to  castes  within  the 
law  and  even  to  the  highest  of  them  were  deprived  of  all  freedom 
owing  to  a  most  complex  system  of  religious  and  customary  rites 
and  regulations.  But  the  more  narrow  and  artificial  the  fetters 
fashioned  by  the  spirit  for  itself  and  out  of  itself,  the  more  they 
testify  to  its  inner  strength  and  to  the  fact  that  nothing  external 
can  finally  bind  and  conquer  it.  The  spirit  awakes  from  the 
nightmare  of  sacrificial  rites,  compulsory  actions,  and  ascetic 
tortures,  and  says  to  itself:  All  this  is  my  own  invention  which  in 
my  sleep  I  took  to  be  reality  ;  if  only  I  can  keep  awake,  the  fear 
and  the  pain  will  vanish.  But  what  will  then  remain  ?  A  subtle 

1  I  am  referring  here,  of  course,  simply  to  the  historical  meaning  of  the  fact,  and  not 
to  its  mystical  significance. 

2  Although  the  word  caste  is  Portuguese  and  not  Indian,  it  had  arisen  (in  the  sense 
in  question)  precisely  for  the  designation  of  the  social  relations  of  India. 


and  significant,  though  not  at  first  sight  a  clear,  answer  is  given 
to  this  question  by  the  religion  of  awakening.  It  perpetuates  the 
moment  when  human  personality  turns  from  external  objects  into 
itself,  and  comes  to  know  its  purely  negative  or  formal  infinity 
devoid  of  all  definite  content.  The  individual  is  aware  of  his 
infinitude,  freedom,  and  universality  simply  because  he  transcends 
all  given  determination,  relation,  and  character,  because  he  is 
conscious  of  something  within  himself  which  is  more  and  higher 
than  this  caste,  this  nationality,  this  cult,  this  manner  of  life — of 
something  that  is  higher  than  all  this.  Whatever  objective 
determination  a  self-conscious  person  might  put  before  himself, 
he  does  not  stop  there  ;  he  knows  that  he  had  himself  posited  it 
and  that  his  own  creation  is  not  worthy  of  him  and  therefore  he 
forsakes  it:  c all  is  empty.'  All  that  belongs  to  the  external  world 
is  rejected,  nothing  is  found  to  be  worthy  of  existence,  but  man's 
spiritual  power  of  rejecting  remains ;  and  it  is  very  significant 
that  Buddhism  recognises  this  power  not  as  belonging  to  the 
solitary  individual,  but  as  having  an  individually-social  form  of 
the  so-called  Triratna^  i.e.  *  three  jewels'  or  'three  treasures,'  in 
which  every  Buddhist  must  believe  :  "  I  take  my  refuge  in  the 
Buddha  ;  I  take  my  refuge  in  the  doctrine  or  the  law  (Dharma] ; 
I  take  my  refuge  in  the  order  of  the  disciples  (Sangha]"  Thus 
even  in  the  consciousness  of  its  negative  infinity  human  personality 
cannot  remain  separate  and  isolated,  but  by  means  of  a  universal 
doctrine  is  inevitably  led  to  a  social  organisation. 

All  is  deception  except  three  things  that  are  worthy  of  belief: 
(i)  the  spiritually-awakened  man  ;  (2)  the  word  of  awakening  ; 
(3)  the  brotherhood  of  those  who  are  awake.  This  is  the  true 
essence  of  Buddhism  which  still  nurtures  millions  of  souls  in 
distant  Asia.1  This  is  the  first  lasting  stage  of  human  universalism 

1  It  should  be  noted,  by  the  way,  that  after  the  fashion  set  by  Schopenhauer,  who  was 
prejudiced  in  favour  of  Buddhism,  the  number  of  Buddhists  is  usually  exaggerated  beyond 
all  measure  ;  one  hears  of  400,  600,  700  million  followers  of  this  religion.  These 
figures  would  be  probable  were  China  and  Japan  wholly  populated  by  Buddhists.  In 
truth,  however,  the  teaching  of  Buddha  in  its  various  modifications  is  the  religion  of  the 
masses  only  in  Ceylon,  Indo-China,  Nepal,  Tibet,  Mongolia,  and  among  the  Bouriats 
and  Kalmucks  ;  this  amounts  at  most  to  75  or  80  millions.  In  China  and  Japan 
Buddhism  is  simply  one  of  the  permitted  religions  which  is  more  or  less  closely  followed 
by  the  educated  people,  who  do  not,  however,  give  up  their  national  cult  ;  in  a  similar 
manner  in  Russia,  for  instance,  under  Alexander  I.  many  Orthodox  people  used  to 
frequent  the  meetings  of  the  Freemasons. 


that  rose  above  the  national  and  political  exclusiveness  of  the 
religious  and  social  life. 

Born  in  the  country  of  caste,  Buddhism  did  not  in  the  least 
reject  the  division  of  society  into  castes,  or  seek  to  destroy  it ;  its 
followers  simply  ceased  to  believe  in  the  principle  of  that  organisa 
tion,  in  the  absolute  hereditary  inequality  of  the  classes.  Appear 
ing  in  the  midst  of  a  nation  with  a  distinct  character  of  its  own,  it 
did  not  reject  nationality,  but  simply  transferred  human  conscious 
ness  into  the  domain  of  other,  universal  and  super-national  ideas. 
In  consequence  of  this,  this  Indian  religion,  the  outcome  of 
Hindu  philosophy,  was  able,  when  finally  rejected  in  India,  to 
take  root  among  many  various  peoples  of  different  race  and 
different  historic  education. 

The  negative  infinity  of  human  personality  had  been  apparent 
to  individual  philosophers  before  the  time  of  Buddhism.1  But 
it  was  in  Buddhism  that  this  view  found  its  first  historical 
expression  in  the  collective  life  of  humanity.  Owing  to  his 
morally-practical  universalism  which  proceeded  from  the  heart 
even  more  than  from  the  mind,  Buddha  Sakya-muni  created  a 
form  of  common  life  hitherto  unknown  in  humanity  —  the 
brotherhood  of  beggar-monks  from  every  caste  and  nation, — the 
'listeners'  (Shravaki)  of  the  true  doctrine,  the  followers  of  the  true 
way.  Here  for  the  first  time  the  worth  of  the  individual  and  his 
relation  to  society  was  finally  determined  not  by  the  fact  of  being 
born  into  a  certain  class  or  a  definite  national  and  political 
organisation,  but  by  the  inner  act  of  choosing  a  certain  moral 
ideal.  The  theoretical  conceptions  of  the  first  Buddha  and  the 

1  Many  fantastic  ideas  used  to  prevail  with  regard  to  the  antiquity  of  the  Hindu 
philosophy,  but  they  are  beginning  to  disappear  in  the  light  of  the  more  scientific  . 
inquiry.  Most  of  their  philosophic  wealth  the  Hindus  acquired  in  later  times,  partly 
under  the  direct  influence  of  Greeks  after  Alexander  the  Great,  and  partly  later  still 
with  the  help  of  the  Arabs  who  brought  Aristotle  to  the  East  no  less  than  to  the  West. 
But,  on  the  other  hand,  there  is  no  doubt  that  even  the  Greeks — not  to  speak  of  Arabs 
— on  their  first  acquaintance  with  India  found  there  a  peculiar  local  philosophy  of  the 
1  naked  wise  men '  (GymnosofAists)  as  a  typical  and  traditional  institution  of  ancient 
standing.  From  their  outward  appearance  these  Indian  adamites  cannot  be  identified 
with  the  followers  of  Buddhism  ;  most  probably  they  were  adepts  of  ascetic  mysticism — 
Yoga,  which  existed  before  the  time  of  Buddha.  Still  more  ancient  was  the  pantheism 
of  the  Upanishads.  There  is  ground  to  believe  that  the  immediate  forerunner  of  Sakya- 
muni  was  the  author  of  the  system  of  spiritualistic  dualism  (expounded  in  Sankya- 
Karika),  although  the  person  and  even  the  name  of  this  sage — Kapila — are  somewhat 


conditions  of  life  of  his  monastic  brotherhood  have  undergone  a 
number  of  changes  in  the  course  of  history,  but  the  moral  essence 
of  his  teaching  and  work  has  remained  in  a  clear-cut,  crystallised 
form  in  the  Lamaian  monasteries  of  Mongolia  and  Tibet. 

The  moral  essence  of  Buddhism  as  an  individually- social 
system  has,  during  the  two  and  a  half  thousand  years  of  its 
historical  existence,  evinced  itself  as  the  feeling  of  religious 
reverence  for  the  blessed  master,  who  was  the  first  to  awake  to 
the  true  meaning  of  reality,  and  is  the  spiritual  progenitor  of  all 
who  subsequently  became  awake  ;  as  the  demand  for  holiness  or 
perfect  absence  of  will  (the  inner  asceticism  in  contradistinction  to 
the  external  mortification  of  the  flesh  which  had  been  and  still 
is  practised  by  the  c  Gymnosophists,'  and  which  did  not  satisfy 
Buddha  Sakya-muni)  ;  and,  finally,  as  the  commandment  of  universal 
benevolence  or  kindly  compassion  to  all  beings.  It  is  this  latter, 
the  simplest  and  most  attractive  aspect  of  Buddhism,  that  brings 
to  light  the  defects  of  the  whole  doctrine. 


What,  from  the  Buddhistic  point  of  view,  is  the  difference 
between  the  man  who  is  spiritually  awake  and  the  man  who 
is  not  ?  The  latter,  influenced  by  the  delusions  of  sense,  takes 
apparent  and  transitory  distinctions  to  be  real  and  final,  and 
therefore  desires  some  things  and  fears  others,  is  attracted  and 
repelled,  feels  love  and  hate.  The  one  who  has  awakened  from 
these  dream-'emotions  understands  that  their  objects  are  illusory 
and  is  therefore  at  rest.  Finding  nothing  upon  which  it  would 
be  worth  his  while  to  concentrate  his  will,  he  becomes  free  from 
all  willing,  preference,  and  fear,  and  therefore  loses  all  cause  for 
dissension,  anger,  enmity  and  hatred,  and,  free  from  these  passions, 
he  experiences  for  everything,  without  exception,  the  same 
feeling  of  benevolence  or  compassion.  But  why  should  he 
experience  precisely  this  feeling  ?  Having  convinced  himself 
that  all  is  empty^  that  the  objective  conditions  of  existence  are 
vain  and  illusory,  the  awakened  sage  ought  to  enter  a  state  of 
perfect  impassibility^  equally  free  both  from  malice  and  from  pity. 
For  both  these  opposed  feelings  equally  presuppose  to  begin  with 
a  conviction  of  the  reality  of  living  beings  j  secondly,  their 


distinction  from  one  another  (e.g.  the  distinction  between  the 
man  who  suffers  in  his  ignorance  and  appeals  to  my  pity,  and 
the  perfectly  blessed  Buddha  who  stands  in  no  need  of  it)  ;  and, 
thirdly,  pity,  no  less  than  malice,  prompts  us  to  perform  definite 
actions,  determined  by  the  objective  qualities  and  conditions 
of  the  given  facts.  Now  all  this  is  absolutely  incompatible 
with  the  fundamental  principle  of  universal  emptiness  and 
indifference.  The  moral  teaching  of  Buddhism  demands  active 
self-sacrifice,  which  is  involved  in  the  very  conception  of  a 
Buddha.  The  perfect  Buddha — such  as  Gautama  Sakya-muni 
— differs  from  the  imperfect  or  solitary  Buddha  (Pratyeka  Buddha) 
precisely  by  the  fact  that  he  is  not  satisfied  by  his  own  know 
ledge  of  the  agonising  emptiness  of  existence,  but  decides  to 
free  from  this  agony  all  living  beings.  This  decision  was  pre 
ceded  in  his  former  incarnations  by  individual  acts  of  extreme 
self-sacrifice,  descriptions  of  which  abound  in  Buddhist  legends. 
Thus  in  one  of  his  previous  lives  he  gave  himself  up  to  be 
devoured  by  a  tiger  in  order  to  save  a  poor  woman  and  her 
children.  Such  holy  exploits,  in  contradistinction  to  the  aimless 
self-destruction  of  the  ancient  ascetics  of  India,  are  a  direct 
means  to  the  highest  bliss  for  every  one  who  is  'awake.'  A 
well-known  and  typical  story  is  told  of  one  of  the  apostles  of 
Buddhism — Arya-Deva.  As  he  was  approaching  a  city,  he 
saw  a  wounded  dog  covered  with  worms.  To  save  the  dog 
without  destroying  the  worms,  Arya-Deva  cut  a  piece  off  his 
own  body  and  placed  the  worms  upon  it.  At  that  moment  both 
the  city  and  the  dog  disappeared  from  his  eyes,  and  he  entered  at 
once  into  Nirvana. 

Active  self-sacrifice  out  of  pity  for  all  living  beings,  so 
characteristic  of  Buddhist  morality,  cannot  be  logically  reconciled 
with  the  fundamental  principle  of  Buddhism — the  doctrine  that 
all  things  are  empty  and  indifferent.  To  feel  equal  pity  for 
every  one,  beginning  with  Brahma  and  Indra,  and  ending  with 
a  worm,  is  certainly  not  opposed  to  the  principle  of  indifference  ; 
but  as  soon  as  the  feeling  of  universal  compassion  becomes  the 
work  of  mercy,  the  indifference  must  be  given  up.  If  instead 
of  a  dog  with  worms,  Arya-Deva  had  met  a  man  suffering  from 
vice  and  ignorance,  pity  to  this  living  creature  would  require 
from  him  not  a  piece  of  his  flesh,  but  words  of  true  doctrine — 


while  to  address  words  of  rational  persuasion  to  a  hungry  worm 
would  be  no  less  absurd  than  to  feed  with  his  own  flesh  a  satisfied, 
but  erring,  man.  Equal  pity  to  all  beings  demands  not  the  same^ 
but  quite  a  different  active  relation  to  each  one  of  them.  Even 
for  a  Buddhist  this  difference  proves  to  be  not  merely  illusory, 
for  he  too  would  certainly  admit  that  had  Arya-Deva  not 
distinguished  a  worm  or  a  dog  from  a  human  being,  and  offered 
moral  books  to  suffering  animals,  he  would  hardly  be  likely 
to  have  performed  any  holy  exploit  and  deserved  Nirvana.  All- 
embracing  pity  necessarily  involves  discriminating  truth^  which 
gives  each  his  due  :  a  piece  of  meat  to  the  animal,  and  words  of 
spiritual  awakening  to  the  rational  being.  But  we  cannot  stop 
at  this.  Pity  for  every  one  compels  me  to  desire  for  all  and  each 
the  supreme  and  final  blessedness  which  consists  not  in  satiety, 
but  in  complete  freedom  from  the  pain  of  limited  existence 
and  of  the  necessity  of  rebirth.  This  freedom,  this  only  true 
blessedness,  the  worm — so  long  as  it  remains  a  worm — cannot 
attain  ;  it  is  possible  only  to  a  self-conscious  and  rational  being. 
Therefore  if  I  am  to  extend  my  pity  to  the  lower  creatures, 
I  cannot  be  content  with  simply  alleviating  their  suffering  at 
a  given  moment.  I  must  help  them  to  attain  the  final  end 
through  rebirth  in  higher  forms.  But  the  objective  conditions 
of  existence  are  rejected  by  Buddhism  as  an  illusion  and  empty 
dream,  and  consequently  the  ascent  of  living  beings  up  the 
ladder  of  rebirths  depends  exclusively  on  their  own  actions 
(the  law  of  Karma).  The  form  of  the  worm  is  the  necessary 
outcome  of  former  sins,  and  no  help  from  without  can  lift  that 
worm  to  the  higher  stage  of  dog  or  elephant.  Buddha  himself 
could  directly  act  only  upon  rational  self-conscious  beings,  and 
that  only  in  the  sense  that  his  preaching  enabled  them  to  accept 
or  to  reject  the  truth,  and,  in  the  first  case,  to  escape  from  the 
torture  of  rebirth,  and,  in  the  second,  continue  to  endure  it. 
The  work  of  salvation  that  those  who  are  '  awake '  can 
accomplish  amounts  simply  to  pushing  their  sleeping  neigh 
bours,  some  of  whom  are  awakened  by  it,  while  others  merely 
exchange  one  series  of  bad  dreams  for  another,  still  more 

The   principle  of  active   pity   to  all    living  beings,  however 
true  it  is  in  itself,  can,  from  the  Buddhist  point  of  view,  have 


no  real  application.  We  are  utterly  incapable  of  bringing  true 
salvation  to  the  lower  creatures,  and  our  power  of  influencing 
rational  creatures  in  this  respect  is  extremely  limited.  What 
ever  their  commandments  and  legends  may  be,  the  very  formula 
of  the  faith1  indicates  that  the  true  sphere  of  moral  relations 
and  activity  is  for  the  Buddhist  limited  to  the  brotherhood  of 
those  who,  like  himself,  are  'awake,'  and  support  one  another 
in  a  peaceful  life  of  contemplation — the  last  remainder  of  their 
former  activities — before  they  finally  pass  into  Nirvana. 

The  significance  of  Buddhism  in  the  world-history  lies  in  the 
fact  that  in  it  the  human  individual  was  for  the  first  time  valued 
not  as  the  member  of  a  tribe,  a  caste,  a  state,  but  as  the  bearer 
of  a  higher  consciousness,  as  a  being  capable  of  awakening  from 
the  deceptive  dream  of  everyday  existence,  of  becoming  free 
from  the  chain  of  causality.  This  is  true  of  man  belonging  to 
any  caste  or  nationality,  and  in  this  sense  the  Buddhist  religion 
signalises  a  new  stage  in  the  history  of  the  world — the  universal 
as  opposed  to  the  particular  tribal  or  national  stage.  It  is  clear, 
however,  that  the  universality  of  Buddhism  is  merely  abstract  or 
negative  in  character.  It  proclaims  the  principle  of  indifference, 
rejects  the  importance  of  the  caste  or  the  national  distinctions, 
gathers  into  a  new  religious  community  men  of  all  colours  and 
classes — and  then  leaves  everything  as  it  was  before.  The  problem 
of  gathering  together  the  disjecta  membra  of  humanity  and  forming 
out  of  them  a  new  and  higher  kingdom,  is  not  even  contemplated. 
Buddhism  does  not  go  beyond  the  universalism  of  a  monastic  order. 
When  the  transition  is  effected  from  the  clan  to  the  state,  the 
former  independent  social  wholes — the  clans — enter  as  subordinate 
parts  into  the  new  and  higher  whole,  the  organised  political  union. 
Similarly,  the  third  and  highest  stage  of  human  development — the 
universal — demands  that  states  and  nations  should  enter  as  con 
stituent  parts  into  the  all-embracing  new  organisation.  Other 
wise,  however  broad  the  theoretical  principles  might  be,  the 
positive  significance  in  concrete  life  will  entirely  remain  with  the 
already  existing  national  and  political  groups.  c  All  men  '  and, 

1  See  above. 


still  more,  'all  living  beings'  will  simply  be  an  abstract  idea 
symbolically  expressed  by  the  monastery  that  is  severed  from  life. 
Buddhism  remains  perfectly  strange  to  the  task  of  truly  uniting  all 
living  beings,  or  even  the  scattered  parts  of  humanity,  in  a  new, 
universal  kingdom.  It  therefore  proves  to  be  merely  the  first 
rudimentary  stage  of  the  human  understanding  of  life. 

The  personality  manifests  here  its  infinite  worth  in  so  far  as 
the  absolute  self  negates  all  limitation,  in  so  far  as  it  asserts,  "  I 
am  not  bound  by  anything,  I  have  experienced  all  things,  and 
know  that  all  is  an  empty  dream  and  I  am  above  it  all."  Negation 
of  existence  through  the  knowledge  of  it — this  is  in  what,  from 
the  Buddhist  point  of  view,  the  absolute  nature  of  the  human 
spirit  consists.  It  lifts  man  above  all  earthly  creatures  and  even 
above  all  gods,  for  they  are  gods  by  nature  only,  while  the  awakened 
sage  becomes  god  through  his  own  act  of  consciousness  and  will : 
he  is  an  auto-god^  a  god  self-made.  All  creation  is  material  for 
the  exercise  of  will  and  of  knowledge,  by  means  of  which  the 
individual  is  to  become  divine.  Single  individuals  who  have 
entered  upon  the  path  that  leads  to  this  end  form  the  normal  society 
or  brotherhood  (the  monastic  order)  which  is  included  in  the 
Buddhist  confession  of  faith  (I  take  my  refuge  ...  in  the 
Sangha).  But  this  society  obviously  has  significance  temporarily 
only,  until  its  members  attain  perfection  ;  in  Nirvana  communal 
life,  like  all  other  determinations,  must  disappear  altogether.  In 
so  far  as  the  absolute  character  of  the  personality  is  understood  in 
Buddhism  in  the  negative  sense  only,  as  freedom  from  all  things, 
the  individual  stands  in  no  need  of  completion.  All  his  relations 
to  other  persons  simply  form  a  ladder  which  is  pushed  away  as  soon 
as  the  height  of  absolute  indifference  is  attained.  The  negative 
character  of  the  Buddhist  ideal  renders  morality  itself,  as  well 
as  all  social  life,  a  thing  of  purely  transitory  and  conditional 

The  religiously-moral  feeling  of  reverence  (pietas]  has  in 
Buddhism  no  true  and  abiding  object.  The  sage  who  knows  all 
things  and  has  become  free  from  everything  finds  no  longer  any 
thing  to  worship.  When  Buddha  Sakya-muni  attained  to  the 
supreme  understanding,  not  only  Indra  with  the  host  of  all  the 
Vedanta  deities,  but  the  supreme  god  of  the  all-powerful  priests, 
Brahma,  came  like  a  humble  listener  to  hear  the  new  doctrine, 


and,  becoming  enlightened,  worshipped  the  teacher.  And  yet 
Buddha  was  a  man,  who  by  his  own  power  became  god  or  reached 
the  absolute  state — and  this  is  the  supreme  goal  for  every  human 
being.  Buddhists  reverence  the  memory  and  the  relics  of  their 
teacher  to  the  point  of  idolatry,  but  this  is  only  possible  so 
long  as  the  worshippers  are  still  imperfect.  The  perfect 
disciple  who  has  attained  Nirvana  no  longer  differs  from  Buddha 
himself,  and  loses  all  object  of  religious  feeling.  Therefore,  in 
principle,  the  Buddhist  ideal  destroys  the  possibility  of  the  religious 
relation,  and,  in  its  inmost  essence,  Buddhism  is  not  only  a  religion 
of  negation,  but  a  religion  of  self-negation. 

The  altruistic  part  of  morality  also  disappears  at  the  higher 
stages  of  the  true  way,  for  then  all  distinctions  are  seen  to  be 
illusory,  including  those  which  evoke  in  us  a  feeling  of  pity  towards 
certain  objects,  events,  and  states.  "  Be  merciful  to  all  beings," 
proclaims  the  elementary  moral  teaching  of  the  Sutras.  u  There 
are  no  beings,  and  all  feeling  is  the  fruit  of  ignorance,"  declares 
the  higher  metaphysics  of  Abhidhamma.1  Not  even  the  ascetic 
morality  has  positive  justification  in  Buddhism,  in  spite  of  its 
monasteries.  These  monasteries  are  simply  places  of  refuge  for 
contemplative  souls  who  have  given  up  worldly  vanity  and  are 
awaiting  their  entrance  into  Nirvana.  But  the  positive  moral 
asceticism — struggle  with  the  flesh  for  strengthening  the  spirit 
and  spiritualising  the  body — lies  altogether  outside  the  range  of 
Buddhist  thought.  The  spirit  is  for  it  only  the  knower,  and  the 
body  a  phantom  known  as  such.  Bodily  death,  the  sight  of 
which  had  so  struck  Prince  Siddhartha,  merely  proves  that  life  is 
illusion,  from  which  we  must  become  free  ;  but  no  Buddhist 
would  dream  of  resurrection.  If,  however,  the  supreme  goal  of 
asceticism  is  absent,  the  means  towards  it  can  have  no  significance. 
From  the  point  of  view  of  absolute  indifference  ascetic  rules,  like 
all  other,  lose  their  own  inherent  meaning.  They  are  preserved 
in  the  external  practice  of  Buddhism  simply  as  pedagogical  means 
for  spiritual  babes,  or  as  the  historical  legacy  of  Brahmanism.  The 
perfect  Buddhist  will  certainly  not  refrain  from  plentiful  food,  or 
distinguish  between  meat  and  vegetable  diet.  It  is  very  remark- 

1  The  Buddhist  doctrine  is  divided  into  three  sections  of  the  Holy  Law,  called,  there 
fore,  'The  three  baskets '  (Tripitaka)  :  Sutra  contains  the  moral  doctrine,  Vinaya  the 
monastic  rules,  and  Abhidhamma  the  transcendental  wisdom. 


able  that  according  to  the  legend,  the  truth  of  which  there  is  no 
reason  to  doubt,  the  founder  of  this  religion,  which  is  supposed 
to  demand  strict  vegetarianism,  died  of  having  unwisely  partaken 
of  pig's  flesh. 


Like  every  negative  doctrine  Buddhism  is  dependent  upon 
what  it  denies — upon  this  material  world,  this  sensuous  and  mortal 
life.  "All  this  is  illusion,"  it  repeats — and  it  gets  no  further,  for 
to  it  this  illusion  is  everything.  It  knows  with  certainty  only 
what  it  denies.  Of  what  it  affirms,  of  what  it  regards  as  not 
illusory,  it  has  no  positive  idea  at  all,  but  determines  it  negatively 
only  :  Nirvana  is  inaction,  immovability,  stillness,  non-existence.  ^ 
Buddhism  knows  only  the  lower,  the  illusory  ;  the  higher  and  the  ' 
perfect  it  does  not  know,  but  merely  demands  it.  Nirvana  is  only 
a  postulate,  and  not  the  idea  of  the  absolute  good.  The  idea  came 
from  the  Greeks  and  not  from  the  Hindus. 

Human  reason,  having  discovered  its  own  universal  and 
absolute  nature  by  rejecting  everything  finite  and  particular, 
could  not  rest  content  with  this  first  step.  From  the  conscious 
ness  that  the  material  existence  is  illusory  it  was  bound  to  pass 
to  that  which  is  not  illusory,  to  that  for  the  sake  of  which  it 
rejected  deceptive  appearance.  In  Indian  Buddhism  the  person 
ality  finds  its  absolute  significance  in  the  rejection  of  being  that  is 
unworthy  of  it.  In  Greek  thought,  which  found  its  practical 
embodiment  in  Socrates,  and  was  put  into  a  theoretical  form  by 
his  pupil,  the  absolute  value  of  personality  is  justified  by  the  affirma 
tion  of  being  that  is  worthy  of  it — of  the  world  of  ideas  and  ideal 
relations.  Greek  idealism  no  less  than  Buddhism  realises  that 
all  transitory  things  are  illusory,  that  the  flux  of  material  reality 
is  only  the  phantom  of  being,  is  essentially  non-being  (rb  /IT)  ov). 
The  practical  pessimism  of  the  Buddhist  is  entirely  shared  by 
the  Greek  consciousness. 

"  Whoso  craves  the  ampler  length  of  life,  not  content  to 
desire  a  modest  span,  him  will  I  judge  with  no  uncertain  voice  : 
he  cleaves  to  folly.  For  the  long  days  lay  up  full  many  things 
nearer  grief  than  joy  ;  but  as  for  thy  delights,  their  place  shall 


know  them  no  more,  when  a  man's  life  hath  lapsed  beyond  the 
fitting  term." 1 

Although  there  is  here  involved  the  conception]of  measure  so 
characteristic  of  the  Greek  mind,  reflection  does  not  stop  at  this. 
Not  onlyadisproportionately  long  life,  but  all  life  is  nothing  but  pain. 

"  Not  to  be  born  is,  past  all  prizing,  best ;  but  when  a  man 
hath  seen  the  light,  this  is  next  best  by  far,  that  with  all  speed  he 
should  go  thither,  whence  he  hath  come. 

"  For  when  he  hath  seen  youth  go  by,  with  its  light  follies, 
what  troublous  affliction  is  strange  to  his  lot,  what  suffering  is  not 
therein  ? — envy,  frictions,  strife,  battles,  and  slaughters  ;  and  last 
of  all,  age  claims  him  for  her  own — age,  dispraised,  infirm, 
unsociable,  unfriended,  with  whom  all  woe  of  woe  abides."  2 

It  was  as  clear  to  the  Greek  higher  consciousness  as  to  the 
Hindu  that  human  will  blindly  striving  for  material  satisfaction 
cannot  find  it  under  any  material  conditions,  and  that  therefore 
the  real  good  from  this  point  of  view  is  not  the  enjoyment  of  life 
but  the  absence  of  life. 

"The  Deliverer  comes  at  the  last  to  all  alike — when  the  doom 
of  Hades  is  suddenly  revealed,  without  marriage  song,  or  lyre,  or 
dance — even  Death  at  the  last."3 

This  pessimistic  conception  expressed  by  poetry  was  also 
confirmed  by  Greek  philosophy  in  sentences  which  have  become  x 
the  alphabetic  truths  of  all  idealistic  and  spiritualistic  morality  :^ 
sensuous  life  is  the  prison  of  the  spirit,  body  is  the  coffin  of  the  ^ 
soul,  true  philosophy  is  the  practice  of  death,  etc.  But  although 
the  Greek  genius  appropriated  this  fundamental  conception  of 
Buddhism,  it  did  not  stop  there.  The  non-sensuous  aspect  of 
reality  revealed  to  it  its  ideal  content.  In  the  place  of  Nirvana 
the  Greeks  put  the  Cosmos  of  eternal  intelligible  essences 
(Platonic  Ideas)  or  the  organism  of  universal  reason  (in  the  philo 
sophy  of  the  Stoics).  Human  personality  now  affirms  its 
absolute  significance  not  by  merely  denying  what  is  false,  but  by 
intellectually  participating  in  what  is  true.  The  personal  bearer 
of  this  higher  universal  consciousness  is  not  the  monk  who 
renounces  the  illusion  of  the  real  being,  in  accordance  with 
the  principle  of  indifference,  but  the  philosopher  who  shares  in 
the  fulness  of  the  ideal  being  in  the  inner  unity  of  its  many 

1  The  Otdiput  Coloneus.  2  Ibid.  3  Ibid. 


forms.  Neither  the  one  nor  the  other  wishes  to  live  by  the  senses, 
but  the  second  lives  by  his  intellect  in  the  world  of  pure  Ideas, 
that  is,  of  what  is  worthy  of  existence,  and  is  therefore  true  and 
eternal.  It  is  a  dualistic  point  of  view  :  all  that  exists  has  a  true 
positive  aspect,  in  addition  to  the  false,  material  side.  With 
regard  to  the  latter  the  Greek  philosophers  adopt  an  attitude  as 
negative  as  the  Hindu  '  Gymnosophists.'  That  which  to  the 
senses  and  sensibility  is  a  deceptive  appearance  contains  for  reason 
ca  reflection  of  the  Idea,'  according  to  Plato,  or  c  the  seed  of 
Reason,'  according  to  the  Stoics  (Adyoi  o-Tre/a/xan/cot).  Hence  in 
human  life  there  is  an  opposition  between  that  which  is  con 
formable  to  Ideas  and  in  harmony  with  Reason,  and  that  which 
contradicts  the  ideal  norm.  The  true  sage  is  no  longer  a  simple 
hermit  or  a  wandering  monk,  who  has  renounced  life  and  is 
mildly  preaching  the  same  renunciation  to  others ;  he  is  one  who 
boldly  denounces  the  wrong  and  irrational  things  of  life.  Hence 
the  end  is  different  in  the  two  cases.  Buddha  Sakya-muni  peacefully 
dies  after  a  meal  with  his  disciples,  while  Socrates,  condemned  and 
put  to  prison  by  his  fellow-citizens,  is  sentenced  by  them  to 
drink  a  poisoned  cup.  But  in  spite  of  this  tragic  ending,  the 
attitude  of  the  Greek  idealist  to  the  reality  unworthy  of  him  is 
not  one  of  decisive  opposition.  The  highest  representative  of 
humanity  at  this  stage — the  philosopher — is  conscious  of  his 
absolute  worth  in  so  far  as  he  lives  by  pure  thought  in  the  truly- 
existent  intelligible  realm  of  Ideas  or  of  the  all-embracing 
rationality,  and  despises  the  false,  the  merely  phenomenal  being  of 
the  material  and  sensuous  world.  This  contempt,  when  bold  and 
genuine,  rouses  the  anger  of  the  crowd  which  is  wholly  engrossed 
with  the  lower  things,  and  the  philosopher  may  have  to  pay  for 
his  idealism  with  his  life — as  was  the  case  with  Socrates.  But 
in  any  case  his  attitude  to  the  unworthy  reality  is  merely  one  of 
contempt.  The  contempt  is  certainly  different  in  kind  from  that 
characteristic  of  Buddhism.  Buddha  despises  the  world  because 
everything  is  illusion.  The  very  indefiniteness  of  this  judgment, 
however,  takes  away  its  sting.  If  all  is  equally  worthless,  no 
one  in  particular  is  hurt  by  it,  and  if  nothing  but  Nirvana  is 
opposed  to  the  bad  reality,  the  latter  may  sleep  in  peace.  For 
Nirvana  is  an  absolute  state  and  not  the  norm  for  relative  states. 
Now  the  idealist  does  possess  such  a  norm  and  he  despises  and 


condemns  the  life  that  surrounds  him  not  because  it  inevitably 
shares  in  the  illusory  character  of  everything,  but  because  it  is 
abnormal,  irrational,  opposed  to  the  Idea.  Such  condemnation  is 
no  longer  neutral,  it  has  an  element  of  defiance  and  demand.  It 
is  slighting  to  all  who  are  bound  by  worldly  irrationality  and 
therefore  leads  to  hostility,  and  sometimes  to  persecution  and  the 
cup  with  poison. 

And  yet  there  is  something  accidental  about  this  conflict. 
Socrates  condemned  Athenian  customs  all  his  life  long  but  he 
was  not  persecuted  for  it  until  he  was  an  old  man  of  seventy  ;  the 
persecution  was  obviously  due  to  a  change  in  political  circum 
stances.  The  irrationality  of  the  Athenian  political  order  was  a 
local  peculiarity  ;  the  customs  of  Sparta  were  better.  The  great 
est  of  Socrates'  pupils,  Plato,  went  later  on  to  Sicily  in  order  to 
found  there,  with  the  help  of  Dionysius  of  Syracuse,  an  ideal  state 
in  which  philosophers  would  receive  the  reins  of  government 
instead  of  a  cup  of  poison.  He  did  not  succeed,  but  on 
returning  to  Athens  he  was  able  to  teach  in  his  academy  without 
hindrance,  and  lived  undisturbed  to  a  profound  old  age.  The 
disciples  of  Socrates,  as  well  as  other  preachers  of  idealism,  never 
suffered  systematic  persecution  ;  they  were  disliked  but  tolerated. 
The  fact  is  that  idealism  by  the  nature  of  the  case  has  its  centre 
of  gravity  in  the  intelligible  world.  The  opposition  it  establishes 
between  the  normal  and  the  abnormal,  the  right  and  the  wrong, 
though  comparatively  definite,  remains  essentially  intellectual  and 
theoretical.  It  touches  upon  the  reality  it  condemns  but  does 
not  penetrate  to  the  heart  of  it.  We  know  how  superficial  were 
the  practical  ideals  of  Plato,  the  greatest  of  the  idealists.  They 
come  much  nearer  to  the  bad  reality  than  to  what  truly  is.  The 
realm  of  Ideas  is  an  all-embracing,  absolutely-universal  unity  ; 
there  are  no  limitations,  dissensions,  or  hostility  in  it.  But  Plato's 
pseudo-ideal  state,  though  involving  some  bold  conceptions  and  a 
general  beauty  of  form,  is  essentially  connected  with  such  limita 
tions  of  which  humanity  soon  freed  itself  not  in  idea  only  but  in 
reality.  His  state  of  philosophers  is  nothing  more  than  a  narrow, 
local,  nationally  Greek  community  based  upon  slavery,  constant 
warfare,  and  such  relations  between  the  sexes  as  remind  one  of 
stables  for  covering.  It  is  clear  that  the  political  problem  is  not 
in  any  inner  connection  with  Plato's  main  interest  and  that  he 


does  not  really  care  in  what  way  men  are  going  to  live  upon 
earth,  where  truth  does  not  and  will  not  dwell.  He  finds  his  own 
true  satisfaction  in  the  contemplation  of  eternal  intelligible  truth. 
The  natural  impulse  to  realise  or  embody  truth  in  the  environ 
ment  is  checked  by  two  considerations,  which  idealism  necessarily 
involves.  The  first  is  the  conviction  that  though  the  ideal  truth 
can  be  reflected  or  impressed  upon  the  surface  of  real  existence, 
it  cannot  become  substantially  incarnate  in  it.  The  second  is 
the  belief  that  our  own  spirit  is  connected  with  this  reality  in  a 
purely  transitory  and  external  fashion,  and  therefore  can  have  no 
absolute  task  to  fulfil  in  it. 

The  dying  Socrates  rejoiced  at  leaving  this  world  of  false 
appearance  for  the  realm  of  what  truly  is.  Such  an  attitude 
obviously  excludes  in  the  last  resort  all  practical  activity  ;  there 
can  in  that  case  be  neither  any  obligation  nor  any  desire  to  devote 
oneself  to  the  changing  of  this  life,  to  the  salvation  of  this  world. 
Platonic  idealism,  like  Buddhist  nihilism,  lifts  up  human  person 
ality  to  the  level  of  the  absolute,  but  does  not  create  for  it  a  social 
environment  corresponding  to  its  absolute  significance.  The 
brotherhood  of  monks,  like  the  state  of  philosophers,  is  merely  a 
temporal  compromise  of  the  sage  with  the  false  existence.  His 
true  satisfaction  is  in  the  pure  indifference  of  Nirvana,  or  in 
the  purely  intelligible  world  of  Ideas.  Are  we  to  say,  then,  that 
for  idealism  too  the  actual  life  is  devoid  of  meaning  ?  We  discover 
at  this  point  so  great  an  inner  contradiction  in  the  idealistic  line 
of  thought  that  human  consciousness  is  unable  to  stop  at  this 
stage  and  to  accept  it  as  the  highest  truth. 


If  the  world  in  which  we  live  did  not  share  in  the  ideal  or  the 
true  being  at  all,  idealism  itself  would  be  impossible.  The  direct 
representative  of  the  ideal  principle  in  this  world  is,  of  course,  the 
philosopher  himself,  who  contemplates  that  which  truly  is.  But 
the  philosopher  did  not  drop  down  from  heaven  ;  his  reason  is 
only  the  highest  expression  of  the  universal  human  reason  em 
bodied  in  the  word  which  is  an  essentially  universal  fact  and  is  the 
real  idea  or  the  sensible  reason.  This  was  clearly  perceived  by 
Heraclitus,  worked  out  and  explained  by  Socrates,  Plato,  Aristotle, 


and  Zeno  the  Stoic.  But  the  presence  of  the  higher  principle  is 
not  limited  to  the  human  world.  The  purposive  organisation  and 
movements  of  living  creatures  and  the  general  teleological  con 
nection  of  events  provided  Socrates  himself  with  his  favourite 
argument  for  proving  the  presence  of  reason  in  the  world.  The 
ideal  principle,  however,  is  found  not  only  where  there  is  evidence 
of  purpose  ;  it  extends  to  all  determinate  being  and  excludes  only 
the  principle  directly  opposed  to  it — the  unlimited,  the  chaos 
(TO  a-rretpov  =  TO  p)  6'v).  Measure,  limit,  norm,  necessarily  in 
volve  Reason  and  Idea.  But  if  so,  the  opposition,  so  essential  for 
idealism,  between  the  world  of  sensible  appearances  and  the  world 
of  intelligible  essences  proves  to  be  relative  and  changeable. 
Since  all  determinate  existence  participates  in  Ideas,  the  difference 
can  only  be  in  the  degree  of  the  participation.  A  plant  or  an 
animal  exhibits  a  greater  wealth  of  definitely-thought  content,  and 
stands  in  more  complex  and  intimate  relations  to  all  other  things 
than  a  simple  stone  or  an  isolated  natural  event.  Therefore  we 
must  admit  that  animal  and  vegetable  organisms  have  a  greater 
share  of  the  Idea  or  a  greater  degree  of  ideality  than  a  stone  or  a 
pool  of  water.  Further,  every  human  being  as  possessing  the 
power  of  speech  or  capable  of  rational  thought,  presents,  as  com 
pared  with  an  animal,  a  greater  degree  of  ideality.  The  same 
relation  holds  between  an  ignorant  man  given  to  passions  and 
vices  and  the  philosopher  whose  word  is  an  expression  of  reason 
not  only  in  the  formal  sense  but  in  its  concrete  application. 
Finally,  even  philosophers  differ  from  one  another  in  the  degree 
to  which  they  have  mastered  the  higher  truth.  This  difference 
in  the  degree  of  rationality  in  the  world,  ranging  from  a  cobble 
stone  to  the  '  divine '  Plato,  is  not  anything  meaningless  or 
opposed  to  the  Idea.  It  would  be  that  if  reason  demanded  in 
difference  and  the  *  Idea '  designated  uniformity.  But  reason  is 
the  universal  connectedness  of  all  things,  and  the  Idea  is  the  form 
of  the  inner  union  of  the  many  in  the  one.  (Take,  e.g,,  the  idea  of 
the  organism  which  includes  many  parts  and  elements  subservient 
to  a  common  end  ;  or  the  idea  of  the  state  combining  a  multitude 
of  interests  in  one  universal  good  ;  or  the  idea  of  science,  in  which 
many  pieces  of  information  form  a  single  truth.)  Therefore  our 
reality,  in  which  innumerable  things  and  events  are  combined  and 
coexist  in  one  universal  order,  must  be  recognised  as  essentially 



rational  or  conformable  to  the  Idea.  Condemnation  of  this  reality 
on  the  part  of  the  idealist  can  in  justice  refer  not  to  the  general 
nature  of  the  world,  or  to  the  differences  of  degree  that  follow 
from  it  and  are  essential  to  the  higher  unity,  but  only  to  such 
mutual  relation  of  degrees  as  does  not  correspond  to  their  inner 
dignity.  The  Idea  of  man  is  not  violated  but  completed  by  the 
fact  that  in  addition  to  intellect  man  has  active  will  and  sensuous 
receptivity.  But  since  intellect,  which  contemplates  universal 
truth,  is  essentially  higher  than  desires  and  sensations,  which  are 
limited  to  the  particular,  it  ought  to  dominate  them.  If,  on  the 
contrary,  these  lower  aspects  gain  the  upper  hand  in  the  life  of 
man,  his  Idea  becomes  distorted  and  what  takes  place  in  him  is 
abnormal  and  meaningless.  In  the  same  way,  the  distinction  of 
state  or  class  is  not  opposed  to  the  idea  of  civic  community  pro 
vided  the  interrelation  between  the  classes  is  determined  by  their 
inner  quality.  But  if  a  group  of  men  who  have  more  capacity 
for  menial  work  than  for  knowledge  and  realisation  of  higher 
truth  dominate  the  community  and  take  into  their  hands  the 
government  and  the  education  of  the  people,  while  men  of  true 
knowledge  and  wisdom  are  forced  to  devote  their  powers  to 
physical  labour,  then  the  state  contradicts  its  Idea  and  loses  all  its 
meaning.  The  supremacy  of  the  lower  faculties  of  the  soul  over 
reason  in  the  individual,  and  the  supremacy  of  the  material  class 
over  the  intellectual  in  society,  are  instances  of  one  and  the  same 
kind  of  distortion  and  absurdity.  This  is  how  idealism  regards 
it  when  it  resolutely  denounces  the  fundamental  evil  both  of  the 
mental  and  of  the  social  life  of  man.  It  is  for  thus  denouncing 
it  that  Socrates  had  to  die,  but,  strarige  to  say,  not  even  this 
tragic  fact  made  his  disciples  realise  that  in  addition  to  the  moral 
and  political  there  exists  in  the  world  a  third  kind  of  evil — the 
physical  evil,  death.  This  illogical  limitation  to  the  first  two 
anomalies — the  bad  soul  and  the  bad  society, — this  artificial  break 
between  the  morally- social  and  the  naturally- organic  life  is 
characteristic  of  the  idealist  point  of  view  as  of  an  intermediary 
and  transitional  stage  of  thought,  a  half-hearted  and  half-expressed 

And  yet  it  is  clear  that  the  dominion  of  death  in  the  world  of 
the  living  is  the  same  kind  of  disorder,  the  same  distortion  of 
degrees,  as  the  mastery  of  blind  passions  in  the  rational  soul  or  the 


mastery  of  the  mob  in  human  society.  There  is  no  doubt  that 
the  inwardly  purposive  structure  and  life  of  the  organism  realises 
the  ideal  principle  in  nature  in  a  greater  measure  and  a  higher 
degree  than  do  the  elementary  forces  of  inorganic  substance.  It 
is  clear  then  that  the  triumph  of  these  forces  over  life,  their  escape 
from  its  power  and  the  final  disruption  of  the  organism  by  them, 
is  contradictory  to  the  normal,  ideal  order,  is  senseless  or  anomalous. 
Life  does  not  destroy  the  lower  forces  of  substance  but  subordinates 
them  to  itself  and  thereby  vivifies  them.  It  is  clear  that  such 
subordination  of  the  lower  to  the  higher  is  the  norm,  and  that 
therefore  the  reverse  relation,  involving,  as  it  does,  the  destruction 
of  the  higher  form  of  existence  in  its  given  reality,  cannot  be 
justified  or  pronounced  legitimate  from  the  point  of  view  of  reason 
and  of  the  Idea.  Death  is  not  an  Idea,  but  the  rejection  of  the 
Idea,  the  rebellion  of  blind  force  against  reason.  Therefore 
Socrates'  joy  at  his  death  was,  strictly  speaking,  simply  an  excus 
able  and  touching  weakness  of  an  old  man  wearied  by  the  troubles 
of  life,  and  not  an  expression  of  the  higher  consciousness.  In  a 
mind  occupied  with  the  essence  of  things  and  not  with  personal 
feeling,  this  death  ought  to  evoke,  instead  of  joy,  a  double  grief. 
Grievous  was  the  sentence  of  death  as  a  social  wrong,  as  the 
triumph  of  the  wicked  and  ignorant  over  the  righteous  and  the 
wise  ;  grievous  was  the  process  of  death  as  a  physical  wrong,  as 
the  triumph  of  the  blind  and  soulless  power  of  a  poisonous  substance 
over  a  living  and  organised  body,  the  abode  of  a  rational  spirit. 

All  the  world — not  merely  the  mental  and  political,  but  the 
physical  world  as  well — suffers  from  the  violated  norm  and  stands 
in  need  of  help.  And  it  can  be  helped  not  by  the  will-lessness  of 
the  ascetic,  renouncing  all  life  and  all  social  environment,  not  by 
the  intellectual  contemplation  of  the  philosopher  who  lives  by 
thought  alone  in  the  realm  of  Ideas,  but  by  the  living  power  of  the 
entire  human  being  possessing  absolute  significance  not  negatively 
or  ideally  only,  but  as  a  concrete  reality.  Such  a  being  is  the 
perfect  man  or  the  God-man,  who  does  not  forsake  the  world 
for  Nirvana  or  the  realm  of  Ideas,  but  comes  into  the  world  in 
order  to  save  it  and  regenerate  it  and  make  it  the  Kingdom  ot 
God,  so  that  the  perfect  individual  could  find  his  completion  in 
the  perfect  society. 



The  absolute  moral  significance  of  human  personality  demands 
perfection  or  fulness  of  life.  This  demand  is  not  satisfied  either 
by  the  mere  negation  of  imperfection  (as  in  Buddhism)  or  by 
the  merely  ideal  participation  in  perfection  (as  in  Platonism 
and  all  idealism).  It  can  only  be  satisfied  by  perfection  being 
actually  present  and  realised  in  the  whole  man  and  in  the  whole 
of  human  life.  This  is  what  true  Christianity  stands  for  and 
wherein  it  essentially  differs  from  Buddhism  and  Platonism. 
Without  going  at  present  into  the  metaphysical  aspect  of  Chris 
tianity,  I  am  simply  referring  here  to  the  fact  that  Christianity 
— and  it  alone — is  based  upon  the  idea  of  the  really  perfect  man 
and  perfect  society,  and  therefore  promises  to  fulfil  the  demand  for 
true  infinity,  inherent  in  our  consciousness.  It  is  clear  that  in 
order  to  attain  this  purpose  it  is  necessary  first  of  all  to  cease  to  be 
satisfied  with  the  limited  and  unworthy  reality,  and  to  renounce  it. 
It  is  equally  clear,  however,  that  this  is  only  the  first  step,  and  that 
if  man  goes  no  further  he  is  left  with  a  mere  negation.  This 
first  step  which  the  universal  human  consciousness  had  to  take,  but 
at  which  it  ought  not  to  stop,  is  represented  by  Buddhism.  Having 
renounced  the  unworthy  reality,  I  ought  to  replace  it  by  what  is 
worthy  of  existence.  But  to  do  so  I  must  first  understand  or 
grasp  the  very  idea  of  worthy  existence — this  is  the  second  step, 
represented  by  idealism.  And  once  more  it  is  clear  that  we 
cannot  stop  at  this.  Truth  which  is  thinkable  only  and  not 
realisable — truth  which  does  not  embrace  the  whole  of  life — is  not 
what  is  demanded,  is  not  absolute  perfection.  The  third  and  final 
step  which  Christianity  enables  us  to  take  consists  in  a  positive 
realisation  of  worthy  existence  in  all  things. 

The  Nirvana  of  the  Buddhists  is  external  to  everything — it  is 
negative  universalism.  The  ideal  cosmos  of  Plato  represents  only 
the  intelligible  or  the  thinkable  aspect  of  everything — it  is  incomplete 
universalism.  The  Kingdom  of  God,  revealed  by  Christianity, 
alone  actually  embraces  everything,  and  is  positive,  complete,  and 
perfect  universalism.  It  is  clear  that  at  the  first  two  stages  of  univer 
salism  the  absolute  element  in  man  is  not  developed  to  the  end,  and 
therefore  remains  fruitless.  Nirvana  lies  outside  the  boundaries  of 
every  horizon  ;  the  world  of  Ideas,  like  the  starry  heaven,  envelops 


the  earth  but  is  not  united  to  it  ;  the  absolute  principle  incarnate 
in  the  Sun  of  Truth  alone  penetrates  to  the  inmost  depths  of 
earthly  reality,  brings  forth  a  new  life,  and  manifests  itself  as 
a  new  order  of  being — as  the  all-embracing  Kingdom  of  God  : 
virtus  ejus  Integra  si  versa  fuerit  in  terra?n.1  And  without  the 
earth  there  can  be  no  heaven  for  man. 

We  have  seen  that  Buddhism,  unable  to  satisfy  the  uncondi 
tional  principle  of  morality  and  bring  about  the  fulness  of  life  or 
the  perfect  society,  is  destructive,  when  consistently  worked  out,  of 
the  chief  foundations  of  morality  as  such.  The  same  thing  must 
be  said  with  regard  to  Platonism.  Where  is  a  consistent  idealist 
to  find  an  object  for  his  piety  ?  The  popular  gods  he  regards 
sceptically,  or  at  best  with  wise  restraint.  The  ideal  essences, 
which  are  for  him  the  absolute  truth,  cannot  be  an  object  of  religious 
worship  neither  for  his  mortal  c  body,'  which  knows  nothing 
about  them,  nor  for  his  immortal  spirit,  which  knows  them  too 
intimately  and,  in  immediate  contemplation,  attains  complete 
equality  with  them.  Religion  and  religious  morality  is  a  bond 
between  the  higher  and  the  lower — a  bond  which  idealism,  with 
its  dual  character,  breaks  up,  leaving  on  the  one  side  the  divine 
incorporeal  and  sterile  spirit,  and  on  the  other,  the  material  body 
utterly  lacking  in  what  is  divine.  But  the  bond  thus  severed  by 
idealism  extends  farther  still.  It  is  the  basis  of  pity  as  well  as 
of  reverence.  What  can  be  an  object  of  pity  for  a  consistent 
idealist  ?  He  knows  only  two  orders  of  being — the  false,  material, 
and  the  true,  ideal  being.  The  false  being,  as  Anaximander  of 
Miletus  had  taught  before  Plato,  ought  in  justice  to  suffer  and  to 
perish,  and  it  deserves  no  pity.  The  true,  from  its  essence,  can 
not  suffer,  and  therefore  cannot  excite  pity  —  and  this  was  the 
reason  why  the  dying  Socrates  did  nothing  but  rejoice  at  leaving 
a  world  unworthy  of  pity  for  a  realm  where  there  is  no  object 
for  it.  Finally,  idealism  provides  no  real  basis  for  the  ascetic 
morality  either.  A  consistent  idealist  is  ashamed  of  the  general 
fact  of  having  a  body,  in  the  words  of  the  greatest  of  Plato's 
followers — Plotinus,  but  such  shame  has  no  significance  from  the 
moral  point  of  view.  It  is  impossible  for  man  so  long  as  he  lives 
on  earth  to  be  incorporeal,  and,  according  to  the  indisputable  rule 
ad  impossibilia  nemo  obligatur^  the  shame  of  one's  corporeality 

1  "Its  power  is  whole  when  it  turns  to  the  earth  "  (Tabula  smaragdina). 


either  demands  that  we  should  commit  suicide  or  demands  nothing 
at  all. 

If  instead  of  taking  Buddhism  and  Platonism  to  be  what  they 
really  were,  viz.  necessary  stages  of  human  consciousness,  we  regard 
either  the  one  or  the  other  as  the  last  word  of  universal  truth,  the 
question  is,  what  precisely  had  they  given  to  humanity,  what  did 
they  gain  for  it  ?  Taken  in  and  for  themselves  they  have  neither 
given  nor  promised  anything.  There  had  been  from  all  eternity 
the  opposition  between  Nirvana  and  Sansara — empty  bliss  for  the 
spiritually  awake,  and  empty  pain  for  the  spiritually  asleep  ;  there 
had  been  the  inexorable  law  of  causal  actions  and  caused  states — 
the  law  of  Karma,  which  through  a  series  of  innumerable  rebirths 
leads  a  being  from  painful  emptiness  to  empty  bliss.  As  it  was 
before  Buddha,  so  it  remained  after  him,  and  so  it  will  remain  for 
all  eternity.  From  the  point  of  view  of  Buddhism  itself,  not  one 
of  its  followers  capable  of  critical  reflection  can  affirm  that 
Buddha  had  changed  anything  in  the  world  order,  had  created 
anything  new,  had  actually  saved  anyone.  Nor  is  there  any  room 
for  promise  in  the  future.  The  same  thing  must  in  the  long-run 
be  said  of  idealism.  There  is  the  eternal  realm  of  intelligible 
essences  which  truly  is  and  the  phenomenal  world  of  sensuous 
appearance.  There  is  no  bridge  between  the  two  j  to  be  in  the 
one  means  not  to  be  in  the  other.  Such  duality  has  always  been 
and  will  remain  for  ever.  Idealism  gives  no  reconciliation  in  the 
present  and  no  promise  of  it  in  the  future.1 

Christianity  has  a  different  message.  It  both  gives  and 
promises  to  humanity  something  new.  It  gives  the  living  image 
of  a  personality  possessing  not  the  merely  negative  perfection 
of  indifference  or  the  merely  ideal  perfection  of  intellectual 
contemplation,  but  perfection  absolute  and  entire,  fully  realised, 
and  therefore  victorious  over  death.  Christianity  reveals  to 
men  the  absolutely  perfect  and  therefore  physically  immortal 
personality.  It  promises  mankind  a  perfect  society  built  upon 
the  pattern  of  this  personality.  And  since  such  a  society  cannot 
be  created  by  an  external  force  (for  in  that  case  it  would  be  imper- 

1  Plato's  thought  rose  for  a  moment  to  the  conception  of  Eros  as  the  bridge  between 
the  world  of  true  being  and  the  material  reality,  but  did  not  follow  it  out.  In  enigmatic 
expressions  the  philosopher  indicated  this  bridge,  but  was  incapable  of  crossing  it  him 
self  or  leading  others  across  it. 


feet),  the  promise  of  it  sets  a  task  before  humanity  as  a  whole 
and  each  man  individually,  to  co-operate  with  the  perfect  personal 
power  revealed  to  the  world  in  so  transforming  the  universe  that 
it  might  become  the  embodiment  of  the  Kingdom  of  God.  The 
final  truth,  the  absolute  and  positive  universalism  obviously  can 
not  be  either  exclusively  individual  or  exclusively  social :  it  must 
express  the  completeness  and  fulness  of  the  individually-social  life. 
True  Christianity  is  a  perfect  synthesis  of  three  inseparable 
elements  :  (i)  the  absolute  event — the  revelation  of  the  perfect 
personality,  the  God-man — Christ,  who  had  bodily  risen  from  the 
dead  ;  (2)  the  absolute  promise — of  a  community  conformable  to  the 
perfect  personality,  or,  in  other  words,  the  promise  of  the  Kingdom 
of  God  ;  (3)  the  absolute  task — to  further  the  fulfilment  of  that 
promise  by  regenerating  all  our  individual  and  social  environment 
in  the  spirit  of  Christ.  If  any  one  of  these  three  foundations  is 
forgotten  or  left  out  of  account  the  whole  thing  becomes  paralysed 
and  distorted.  This  is  the  reason  why  the  moral  development  and 
the  external  history  of  humanity  have  not  stopped  after  the 
coming  of  Christ,  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  Christianity  is  the 
absolute  and  final  revelation  of  truth.  That  which  has  been  ful 
filled  and  that  which  has  been  promised  stands  firmly  wfthin  the 
precincts  of  eternity  and  does  not  depend  upon  us.  But  the  task 
of  the  present  is  in  our  hands ;  the  moral  regeneration  of  our  life 
must  be  brought  about  by  ourselves.  It  is  with  this  general 
problem  that  the  special  task  of  moral  philosophy  is  particularly 
concerned.  It  has  to  define  and  explain,  within  the  limits  of 
historical  fact,  what  the  relation  between  all  the  fundamental 
elements  and  aspects  of  the  individually-social  whole  ought  to  be 
in  accordance  with  the  unconditional  moral  norm. 



AT  the  historical  stage  reached  by  human  consciousness  in 
Christianity,  moral  life  reveals  itself  as  a  universal  and  all- 
embracing  task.  Before  going  on  to  discuss  its  concrete  historical 
setting,  we  must  consider  the  view  which,  on  principle,  rejects 
morality  as  a  historical  problem  or  as  the  work  of  collective 
man,  and  entirely  reduces  it  to  the  subjective  moral  impulses  of 
individuals.  This  view  arbitrarily  puts  such  narrow  limits  to  the 
human  good  as  in  reality  it  has  never  known.  Strictly  speaking, 
morality  never  has  been  solely  the  affair  of  personal  feeling  or  the 
rule  of  private  conduct.  At  the  patriarchal  stage  the  moral 
demands  of  reverence,  pity,  and  shame  were  inseparably  connected 
with  the  duties  of  the  individual  to  his  kinsmen.  The  c  moral ' 
was  not  distinguished  from  the  'social,'  or  the  individual  from  the 
collective.  And  if  the  result  was  a  morality  of  rather  a  low  and 
limited  order,  this  was  not  due  to  the  fact  of  its  being  a  collective 
morality,  but  to  the  generally  low  level  and  narrow  limits  of  the 
tribal  life,  which  expressed  merely  the  rudimentary  stage  of  the 
historical  development.  It  was  low  and  limited,  however,  only  by 
comparison  with  the  further  progress  of  morality,  and  certainly 
not  by  comparison  with  the  morality  of  savages  living  in  caves  and 
in  trees.  When  the  state  came  into  being,  and  the  domestic  life 
became  to  a  certain  extent  a  thing  apart,  morality  in  general 
was  still  determined  by  the  relation  between  individuals  and  the 
collective  whole  to  which  they  belonged — henceforth  a  wider 
and  a  more  complex  one.  It  was  impossible  to  be  moral 
apart  from  a  definite  and  positive  relation  to  the  state ; 



morality  was  in  the  first  place  a  civic  virtue.  And  the  reason 
that  this  virtus  antiqua  no  longer  satisfies  us,  is  not  that  it  was 
a  civic  and  not  merely  a  domestic  virtue,  but  that  the  civic  life 
itself  was  too  remote  from  the  true  social  ideal,  and  was  merely 
a  transition  from  the  barbarous  to  the  truly  human  culture. 
Morality  was  rightly  taken  to  consist  in  honourably  serving  the 
social  whole — the  state,  but  the  state  itself  was  based  upon  slavery, 
constant  wars,  etc.  ;  what  is  to  be  condemned  is  not  the  social 
character  of  morality,  but  the  immoral  character  of  the 
social  whole.  In  a  similar  way  we  condemn  the  ecclesi 
astical  morality  of  the  Middle  Ages,  not  of  course  because  it  was 
ecclesiastical,  but  because  the  Church  itself  was  then  far  from  being 
a  truly  moral  organisation,  and  was  responsible  for  evil  as  well  as 
for  good — the  terrible  evil  of  religious  persecutions  and  torture — 
thus  violating  the  unconditional  principle  of  morality  in  its  own 
inner  domain. 

Christianity  as  the  c  Gospel  of  the  Kingdom  '  proclaims  an 
ideal  that  is  unconditionally  high,  demands  an  absolute  morality. 
Is  this  morality  to  be  subjective  <?«/y,  limited  to  the  inner  states 
and  individual  actions  of  the  subject  ?  The  question  contains  its 
own  answer  ;  but  to  make  the  matter  quite  clear,  let  us  first  grant 
all  that  is  true  in  the  exclusively -subjective  interpretation  of 
Christianity.  There  is  no  doubt  that  a  perfect  or  absolute  moral 
state  must  be  inwardly  fully  experienced  or  felt  by  the  subject — 
must  become  his  own  state,  the  content  of  his  life.  If  perfect 
morality  were  recognised  as  subjective  in  this  sense,  the  difference 
would  be  purely  verbal.  But  something  else  is  really  meant. 
The  question  is,  how  is  this  moral  perfection  to  be  attained  by 
the  individual  ?  Is  it  enough  that  each  should  strive  to  make 
himself  inwardly  better  and  act  accordingly,  or  is  it  attained 
with  the  help  of  a  certain  social  process  the  effects  of  which  are 
collective  as  well  as  individual  ?  The  adherents  of  the  former 
theory,  which  reduces  everything  to  individual  moral  activity, 
do  not  reject,  of  course,  either  the  social  life  or  the  moral  im 
provement  of  its  forms.  They  believe,  however,  that  such  im 
provement  is  simply  the  inevitable  consequence  of  the  personal 
moral  progress :  like  individual,  like  society.  As  soon  as  each 
person  understands  and  reveals  to  others  his  own  true  nature,  and 
awakens  good  feelings  in  his  soul,  the  earth  will  become  paradise. 


Now  it  is  indisputable  that  without  good  thoughts  and  feelings 
there  can  be  neither  individual  nor  social  morality.  It  is  equally 
indisputable  that  z/all  individual  men  were  good,  society  would  be 
good  also.  But  to  think  that  the  actual  virtue  of  the  few  best  men 
is  sufficient  for  the  moral  regeneration  of  all  the  others,  is  to  pass 
into  the  world  where  babies  are  born  out  of  rose-bushes,  and  where 
beggars,  for  lack  of  bread,  eat  cakes.  The  question  we  are  mainly 
concerned  with  is  not  whether  the  individual's  moral  efforts  are 
sufficient  to  make  him  perfect,  but  whether  those  unaided 
individual  efforts  can  induce  other  people^  who  are  making  no 
moral  efforts  at  all,  to  begin  to  make  them. 


The  insufficiency  of  the  subjective  good  and  the  necessity  for 
a  collective  embodiment  of  it  is  unmistakably  proved  by  the  whole 
course  of  human  history.  I  will  give  one  concrete  illustration. 

At  the  end  of  Homer's  Odyssey  it  is  related,  with  obvious 
sympathy,  how  this  typical  hero  of  the  Hellenes  re-established 
justice  and  order  in  his  house,  having  overcome  at  last  the  enmity 
of  gods  and  men  and  destroyed  his  rivals.  With  his  son's  help 
he  executed  those  of  his  servants  who,  during  his  twenty  years' 
absence,  when  everybody  had  given  him  up  for  dead,  sided  with 
Penelope's  suitors  and  did  not  oppose  the  latter  making  themselves 
at  home  in  Odysseus's  house  : 

"Now  when  they  had  made  an  end  of  setting  the  hall  in  order, 
they  led  the  maidens  forth  from  the  stablished  hall,  and  drove 
them  up  in  a  narrow  space  between  the  vaulted  room  and  the 
goodly  fence  of  the  court,  whence  none  might  avoid  ;  and  wise 
Telemachus  began  to  speak  to  his  fellows,  saying  :  '  God  forbid 
that  I  should  take  these  women's  lives  by  a  clean  death,  these  that 
have  poured  dishonour  on  my  head  and  on  my  mother,  and  have 
lain  with  the  wooers.'  With  that  word  he  tied  the  cable  of  a 
dark-prowed  ship  to  a  great  pillar  and  flung  it  round  the  vaulted 
room,  and  fastened  it  aloft,  that  none  might  touch  the  ground 
with  her  feet.  And  even  as  when  thrushes,  long  of  wing,  or 
doves  fall  into  a  net  that  is  set  in  a  thicket,  as  they  seek  to  their 
roosting-place,  and  a  loathly  bed  harbours  them,  even  so  the 
women  held  their  heads  all  in  a  row,  and  about  all  their  necks 


nooses  were  cast,  that  they  might  die  by  the  most  pitiful  death. 
And  they  writhed  with  their  feet  for  a  little  space,  but  for  no  long 
while.  Then  they  led  out  Melanthius  through  the  doorway  and  the 
court  and  cut  off  his  nostrils  and  his  ears  with  the  pitiless  sword, 
and  drew  forth  his  vitals  for  the  dogs  to  devour  raw,  and  cut  off 
his  hands  and  feet  in  their  cruel  anger"  (Odyssey^  xxii.  457-477). 

Odysseus  and  Telemachus  were  not  monsters  of  inhumanity  ; 
on  the  contrary,  they  represented  the  highest  ideal  of  the  Homeric 
epoch.  Their  personal  morality  was  irreproachable,  they  were 
full  of  piety,  wisdom,  justice,  and  all  the  family  virtues.  Odysseus 
had,  into  the  bargain,  an  extremely  sensitive  heart,  and  in  spite  of 
his  courage  and  firmness  in  misfortune,  shed  tears  at  every  con 
venient  opportunity.  This  very  curious  and  characteristic  feature 
attaches  to  him  throughout  the  poem.  As  I  have  not  in  literature 
come  across  any  special  reference  to  this  peculiar  characteristic 
of  the  Homeric  hero,  I  will  allow  myself  to  go  into  some  detail. 

At  his  first  appearance  in  the  Odyssey  he  is  represented  as 
weeping  : — 

"  Odysseus  ...  sat  weeping  on  the  shore  even  as  aforetime, 
straining  his  soul  with  tears  and  groans  and  griefs,  and  as  he  wept 
he  looked  wistfully  over  the  unharvested  deep "  (v.  82-84  ;  also 
151,  152,  156-158). 

In  his  own  words :  "  There  I  abode  for  seven  years  continually, 
and  watered  with  my  tears  the  imperishable  raiment  that  Calypso 
gave  me  "  (vii.  259-260). 

He  wept  at  the  thought  of  his  distant  native  land  and  family, 
and  also  at  remembering  his  own  exploits : — 

"...  The  Muse  stirred  the  minstrel  to  sing  the  songs  or 
famous  men.  .  .  .  The  quarrel  between  Odysseus  and  Achilles, 
son  of  Peleus.  .  .  .  This  song  it  was  that  the  famous  minstrel 
sang ;  but  Odysseus  caught  his  great  purple  cloak  with  his 
stalwart  hands,  and  drew  it  down  over  his  head,  and  hid  his 
comely  face,  for  he  was  ashamed  to  shed  tears  beneath  his  brows 
in  presence  of  the  Phaeacians  "  (viii.  73-86). 

Further  : — 

"This  was  the  song  that  the  famous  minstrel  sang.  But  the 
heart  of  Odysseus  melted,  and  the  tear  wet  his  cheeks  beneath  the 
eyelids.  And  as  a  woman  throws  herself  wailing  about  her  dead 
lord,  who  hath  fallen  before  his  city  and  the  host,  warding  from 


his  town  and  his  children  the  pitiless  day  .  .  .  even  so  pitifully 
fell  the  tears  beneath  the  brows  of  Odysseus"  (viii.  521-525). 

He  weeps  on  being  told  by  Circe  of  the  journey — though  a 
perfectly  safe  one — he  has  to  make  to  Hades  : — 

"Thus  spake  she,  but  as  for  me,  my  heart  was  broken,  and  I 
wept  as  I  sat  upon  the  bed,  and  my  soul  had  no  more  care  to  live 
and  to  see  the  sunlight "  (x.  496-499). 

It  is  no  wonder  that  Odysseus  weeps  when  he  sees  his  mother's 
shadow  (xi.  87),  but  he  is  affected  just  as  much  by  the  shadow  of 
the  worst  and  most  worthless  of  his  followers,  of  whom  "an  evil 
doom  of  some  god  was  the  bane  and  wine  out  of  measure" 
(xi.  61). 

"There  was  one,  Elpenor,  the  youngest  of  us  all,  not  very 
valiant  in  war,  neither  steadfast  in  mind.  He  was  lying  apart 
from  the  rest  of  my  men  on  the  housetop  of  Circe's  sacred 
dwelling,  very  fain  of  the  cool  air,  as  one  heavy  with  wine.  Now 
when  he  heard  the  noise  of  the  voices  and  of  the  feet  of  my  fellows 
as  they  moved  to  and  fro,  he  leaped  up  of  a  sudden  and  minded 
him  not  to  descend  again  by  the  way  of  the  tall  ladder,  but  fell 
right  down  from  the  roof,  and  his  neck  was  broken  from  the  bones 
of  the  spine,  and  his  spirit  went  down  to  the  house  of  Hades " 
(x.  552-56i). 

"At  the  sight  of  him  I  wept  and  had  compassion  on  him" 

(xi-  55)- 

He  weeps,  too,  at  the  sight  of  Agamemnon  : — 

"  Thus  we  twain  stood  sorrowing,  holding  sad  discourse,  while 
the  big  tears  fell  fast"  (xi.  465-466). 

He  weeps  bitterly  at  rinding  himself  at  last  in  his  native 
Ithaca  (xiii.  219-221),  and  still  more  so  on  beholding  his  son  : — 

"...  In  both  their  hearts  arose  the  desire  of  lamentation. 
And  they  wailed  aloud,  more  ceaselessly  than  birds,  sea-eagles  or 
vultures  of  crooked  claws,  whose  younglings  the  country  folk  have 
taken  from  the  nest,  ere  yet  they  are  fledged.  Even  so  pitifully 
fell  the  tears  beneath  their  brows"  (xvi.  215-220). 

Odysseus  shed  tears,  too,  at  the  sight  of  his  old  dog  Argus  :  — 

"  Odysseus  looked  aside  and  wiped  away  a  tear  that  he  easily 
hid  from  Eumaeus"  (xvii.  304-305). 

He  weeps  before  assassinating  the  suitors,  he  weeps  as  he  em 
braces  the  godlike  swine-herd  Eumaeus,  and  the  goodly  cow-herd 


Philoetius  (xxi.  225-227),  and  also  after  the  brutal  murder  of  the 
twelve  maid-servants  and  the  goat-herd  Melanthius  : — 

"A  sweet  longing  came  upon  him  to  weep  and  to  moan,  for 
he  remembered  them  every  one"  (xxii.  500-501). 

The  last  two  chapters  of  the  Odyssey  also  have,  of  course,  an 
abundant  share  of  the  hero's  tears : — 

"...  in  his  heart  she  stirred  yet  a  greater  longing  to  lament, 
and  he  wept  as  he  embraced  his  beloved  wife  and  true"  (xxiii. 

And  further  : — 

"  Now  when  the  steadfast  goodly  Odysseus  saw  his  father  thus 
wasted  with  age  and  in  great  grief  of  heart,  he  stood  still  beneath 
a  tall  pear  tree  and  let  fall  a  tear  "  (xxiv.  233-235). 

So  far  as  the  personal,  subjective  feeling  is  concerned  Odysseus 
was  obviously  quite  equal  to  the  most  developed  and  highly-strung 
man  of  our  own  day.  Speaking  generally,  Homeric  heroes  were 
capable  of  all  the  moral  sentiments  and  emotions  of  the  heart  that 
we  are  capable  of — and  that  not  only  in  relation  to  their  neighbours 
in  the  narrow  sense  of  the  term,  i.e.  to  men  immediately  connected 
with  them  by  common  interests,  but  also  in  relation  to  people 
remote  and  distant  from  them.  The  Phaeacians  were  strangers 
to  the  shipwrecked  Odysseus,  and  yet  what  kindly  human  relations 
were  established  between  him  and  them  !  And  if,  in  spite  of  all 
this,  the  heroes  of  antiquity  performed  with  a  clear  conscience  deeds 
which  are  now  morally  impossible  for  us,  this  was  certainly  not 
due  to  their  lack  of  personal,  subjective  morality.  These  men  were 
certainly  as  capable  as  we  are  of  good  human  feelings  towards  both 
neighbours  andstrangers.  What  then  is  the  differenceand  whatisthe 
ground  of  the  change  ?  Why  is  it  that  virtuous,  wise,  and  sentimental 
men  of  the  Homeric  age  thought  it  permissible  and  praiseworthy 
to  hang  frivolous  maid-servants  like  thrushes  and  to  chop  unworthy 
servants  as  food  for  the  dogs,  while  at  the  present  day  such  actions 
can  only  be  done  by  maniacs  or  born  criminals  ?  Reasoning  in 
an  abstract  fashion  one  might  suppose  that  although  the  men  of 
that  distant  epoch  had  good  mental  feelings  and  impulses,  they  had 
no  conscious  good  principles  and  rules.  Owing  to  the  absence  of 
a  formal  criterion  between  right  and  wrong,  or  a  clear  consciousness 
of  the  distinction  between  good  and  evil,  morality  was  purely 
empirical  in  character,  and  even  the  best  of  men,  capable  of  the 


finest  moral  emotions,  could  indulge  unchecked  in  wild  outbursts 
of  brutality.  In  truth,  however,  we  find  no  such  formal  defect  in 
the  thought  of  the  ancients. 

Men  of  antiquity,  just  like  ourselves,  both  had  their  good  and 
bad  qualities  as  a  natural  fact,  and  drew  the  distinction  of  principle 
between  good  and  evil,  recognising  that  the  first  was  to  be 
preferred  unconditionally  to  the  second.  In  those  same  poems  of 
Homer  which  often  strike  us  by  their  ethical  barbarisms,  the  idea 
of  moral  duty  appears  with  perfect  clearness.  Certainly  Penelope's 
mode  of  thought  and  expression  does  not  quite  coincide  with 
that  of  Kant;  nevertheless  the  following  words  of  the  wife  of 
Odysseus  contain  a  definite  affirmation  of  the  moral  good  as  an 
eternal,  necessary,  and  universal  principle  : — 

"  Man's  life  is  brief  enough  !  And  if  any  be  a  hard  man  and 
hard  at  heart,  all  men  cry  evil  on  him  for  the  time  to  come,  while 
yet  he  lives,  and  all  men  mock  him  when  he  is  dead.  But  if  any 
be  a  blameless  man  and  blameless  of  heart,  his  guests  spread  abroad 
his  fame  over  the  whole  earth^  and  many  people  call  him  noble  " 
(xix.  328-334). 


The  form  of  moral  consciousness,  the  idea,  namely,  of  the  good 
as  absolutely  binding  and  of  evil  as  absolutely  unpermissible,  was 
present  in  the  mind  of  the  ancients  as  it  is  in  our  own.  It  might 
be  thought,  however,  that  the  important  difference  between  us 
and  them  in  the  moral  valuation  of  the  same  actions  is  due  to 
the  change  in  the  actual  content  of  the  moral  ideal.  There  can  be 
no  doubt  that  the  Gospel  has  raised  our  ideal  of  virtue  and  holiness 
and  made  it  much  higher  and  wider  than  the  Homeric  ideal.  But 
it  is  equally  certain  that  this  perfect  ideal  of  morality,  when  it  has 
no  objective  embodiment  and  is  accepted  purely  in  the  abstract, 
produces  no  change  whatever  either  in  the  life  or  in  the  actual 
moral  consciousness  of  men,  and  does  not  in  any  way  raise  their 
practical  standards  for  judging  their  own  and  other  people's  actions. 

It  is  sufficient  to  refer  once  more  to  the  representatives  of 
mediaeval  Christianity,  who  treated  the  supposed  enemies  of  their 
Church  with  greater  cruelty  than  Odysseus  treated  the  enemies 
of  his  family — and  did  so  with  a  clear  conscience,  and  even  with 


the  conviction  of  fulfilling  a  moral  duty.  At  a  time  more  en 
lightened  and  less  remote  the  American  planters  who  belonged  to 
the  Christian  faith,  and  therefore  stood  under  the  sign  of  an  un 
conditionally  high  moral  ideal,  treated  their  black  slaves  on  the 
whole  no  better  than  the  pagan  Odysseus  treated  his  faithless 
servants,  and,  like  him,  considered  themselves  right  in  doing  so. 
So  that  not  only  their  actions  but  even  their  practical  consciousness 
remained  unaffected  by  the  higher  truth  which  they  theoretically 
professed  in  the  abstract. 

I.  I.  Dubasov's  Historical  Sketches  of  the  Tambov  District 
contain  an  account  of  the  exploits  of  K.,  a  landowner  in  the 
district  of  Yelatma,  who  flourished  in  the  'forties  of  the  present 
century.  The  Commission  of  Inquiry  established  that  many  serfs 
(children  especially)  had  been  tortured  by  him  to  death,  and  that 
on  his  estate  there  was  not  a  single  peasant  who  had  not  been 
flogged,  and  not  a  single  serf-girl  who  had  not  been  outraged.  But 
more  significant  than  this  'misuse  of  power'  was  the  relation  of 
the  public  to  it.  When  cross-examined,  most  of  the  gentry  in 
the  district  spoke  of  K.  as  'a  true  gentleman.'  Some  added, 
"K.  is  a  true  Christian  and  observes  all  the  rites  of  the  Church." 
The  Marshal  of  Nobility  wrote  to  the  Governor  of  the  province  : 
"  All  the  district  is  alarmed  by  the  troubles  of  Mr.  K."  In  the 
end  the  '  true  Christian '  was  excused  from  legal  responsibility, 
and  the  local  gentry  could  set  their  hearts  at  rest.1  The  same 
sympathy  from  men  of  his  own  class  was  enjoyed  by  another  and 
still  more  notorious  Tambov  landowner,  Prince  U.  N.  G — n,  of 
whom  it  was  written  with  good  reason  to  the  Chief  of  the  Police  : 
"  Even  animals  on  meeting  U.  N.  instinctively  seek  to  hide  wher 
ever  they  can."  2 

Some  three  thousand  years  elapsed  between  the  heroes  of 
Homer  and  the  heroes  of  Mr.  Dubasov,  but  no  essential  and  stable 
change  had  taken  place  in  the  conduct  and  the  moral  consciousness 
of  men  with  regard  to  the  enslaved  part  of  the  population.  The 
same  inhuman  relations  that  were  approved  of  by  the  ancient 
Greeks  in  the  Homeric  age  were  regarded  as  permissible  by  the 
American  and  Russian  slave -owners  in  the  first  half  of  the 
nineteenth  century.  These  relations  are  revolting  to  us  now, 

1   Ocherki  ;'«  istorii  Tambo-vskago   Kraia,  by  I.   I.   Dubasov,  vol.   i.,  Tambov, 
pp.  162-167.  2  Ibid.  p.  92. 


but  our  ethical  standards  have  been  raised  not  in  the  course  of  the 
three  thousand  years,  but  only  of  the  last  thirty  years  (in  our  case 
and  that  of  the  Americans,  and  a  few  dozens  of  years  earlier  in 
Western  Europe).  What,  then,  had  happened  so  recently  ? 
What  has  produced  in  so  short  a  period  the  change  which  long 
centuries  of  historical  development  were  unable  to  accomplish  ? 
Has  some  new  moral  conception,  some  new  and  higher  ideal  of 
morality  appeared  in  our  day  ? 

There  has  been  and  there  could  have  been  nothing  of  the  kind. 
No  ideal  can  be  conceived  higher  than  that  revealed  eighteen 
hundred  years  ago.  That  ideal  was  known  to  the  c  true  Christians' 
of  the  American  States  and  the  Russian  provinces.  They  could 
learn  no  new  idea  in  this  respect ;  but  they  experienced  a  new  fact. 
The  idea  restricted  to  the  subjective  sphere  of  personal  morality 
could  not  during  thousands  of  years  bear  the  fruit  which  it  bore  in 
the  course  of  the  few  years  when  it  was  embodied  as  a  social  force, 
and  became  the  common  task.  Under  very  different  historical 
conditions  the  organised  social  whole  invested  with  power  decided, 
both  in  America  and  in  Russia,  to  put  an  end  to  the  too  glaring 
violation  of  Christian  justice — both  human  and  divine — in  the  life 
of  the  community.  In  America  it  was  attained  at  the  price  of 
blood,  through  a  terrible  civil  war  ;  in  Russia — by  the  authoritative 
action  of  the  Government.  It  is  owing  to  this  fact  alone  that  the 
fundamental  demands  of  justice  and  humanity,  presupposed  by 
the  supreme  ideal  though  not  exhaustive  of  it,  were  transferred 
from  the  narrow  and  unstable  limits  of  subjective  feeling  to  the 
wide  and  firm  ground  of  objective  reality  and  transformed  into 
a  universally  binding  law.  And  we  ,see  that  this  external 
political  act  immediately  raised  the  standard  of  our  inner  con 
sciousness,  that  is,  achieved  a  result  which  millenniums  of  moral 
preaching  alone  could  not  achieve.  The  social  movement  and  the 
action  of  the  Government  were  of  course  themselves  conditioned  by 
the  previous  moral  preaching,  but  that  preaching  had  effect  upon 
the  majority,  upon  the  social  environment  as  a  whole,  only  when 
embodied  in  measures  organised  by  the  Government.  Owing 
to  external  restraint,  brutal  instincts  were  no  longer  able  to  find 
expression  j  they  had  to  pass  into  a  state  of  inactivity,  and  were 
gradually  atrophied  from  lack  of  exercise  ;  in  most  people  they 
disappeared  altogether  and  were  no  longer  passed  on  to  the 


generations  that  followed.  At  present  even  men  who  openly  sigh 
for  the  serfdom  make  sincere  reservations  with  regard  to  the  abuse 
of  the  owners'  power,  while  forty  years  ago  that  abuse  was 
regarded  as  compatible  with  c  true  nobility,'  and  even  with  *  true 
Christianity.'  And  yet  there  is  no  reason  to  believe  that  the 
fathers  were  intrinsically  worse  than  the  sons. 

Let  it  be  granted  that  the  heroes  of  Mr.  Dubasov's  chronicle, 
whom  the  Tambov  gentry  defended  simply  from  class  interests, 
were  really  below  the  average  of  the  society  around  them.  But 
apart  from  them  there  was  a  multitude  of  perfectly  decent  men, 
free  from  all  brutality,  who  conscientiously  felt  they  had  a  right  to 
make  full  use  of  the  privileges  of  their  class  —  for  instance,  to  sell 
their  serfs  like  cattle,  retail  or  wholesale.  And  if  such  things  are 
now  impossible  even  for  scoundrels,  —  however  much  they  might 
wish  for  them,  —  this  objective  success  of  the  good,  this  concrete 
improvement  of  life  cannot  possibly  be  ascribed  to  the  progress  of 
personal  morality. 

-  moral    nature    of    man    is    unchangeable    in    its   inner 

subjective  foundations.  The  relative  number  of  good  and  bad 
men  also,  probably,  remains  unchanged.  It  would  hardly  be 
argued  by  any  one  that  there  are  now  more  righteous  men  than 
there  were  some  hundreds  or  thousands  of  years  ago.  Finally, 
there  can  be  no  doubt  that  the  highest  moral  ideas  and  ideals, 
taken  in  the  abstract,  do  not  as  such  produce  any  stable  improve 
ment  in  life  and  in  moral  consciousness.  I  have  referred  to  an 
indisputable  and  certain  fact  of  history  :  the  same  and  even  worse 
atrocities  which  were  committed  by  a  virtuous  pagan  of  the 
Homeric  poem  with  the  approval  of  the  community  were  done 
thousands  of  years  after  him  by  the  champions  of  Christian  faith 
—  the  Spanish  inquisitors,  and  by  Christian  slave-owners,  also 
with  the  approval  of  the  community,  and  this  in  spite  of  the  fact 
that  a  higher  ideal  of  individual  morality  has  meanwhile  been 
evolved.  In  our  day  such  actions  are  only  possible  for  lunatics 
and  professional  criminals.  And  this  sudden  progress  is  solely  due 
to  the  fact  that  the  organised  social  force  was  inspired  by  moral 
demands  and  transformed  them  into  an  objective  law  of  life. 



The  principle  of  the  perfect  good  revealed  in  Christianity  does 
not  abolish  the  external  structure  of  human  society,  but  uses  it  as 
a  form  and  an  instrument  for  the  embodiment  of  its  own  absolute 
moral  content.  It  demands  that  human  society  should  become 
morally  organised.  Experience  unmistakably  proves  that  when 
the  social  environment  is  not  morally  organised,  the  subjective 
demands  of  the  good  in  oneself  and  in  others  are  inevitably  lowered. 
It  is  not,  then,  really  a  choice  between  personal  or  subjective 
and  social  morality,  but  between  weak  and  strong,  realised  and 
unrealised  morality.  At  every  stage  the  moral  consciousness  in 
evitably  strives  to  realise  itself  both  in  the  individual  and  in  the 
society.  The  final  stage  differs  from  the  lower  stages,  not,  of 
course,  by  the  fact  that  morality  at  its  highest  remains  for  ever 
subjective,  i.e.  powerless  and  unrealised — this,  indeed,  would  be  a 
strange  advantage! — but  by  the  fact  that  the  realisation  must  be 
full  and  all-embracing^  and  therefore  requires  a  far  more  difficult, 
long,  and  complex  process  than  was  necessary  in  the  case  of  the 
former  collective  embodiments  of  morality.  In  the  patriarchal  life 
the  degree  of  the  good  of  which  it  is  capable  becomes  realised 
freely  and  easily — without  any  history.  The  formation  of  exten 
sive  nationally  political  groups,  which  is  to  realise  a  greater  sum 
and  a  higher  grade  of  the  good,  fills  many  centuries  with  its 
history.  The  moral  task  left  us  by  Christianity — to  form  the 
environment  for  the  actual  realisation  of  absolute  and  universal 
good — is  infinitely  more  complex.  The  positive  conception  of 
this  good  embraces  the  totality  of  human  relations.  Humanity 
morally  regenerated  cannot  be  poorer  in  content  than  natural 
humanity.  The  task  then  consists  not  in  abolishing  the 
already  existing  social  distinctions,  but  in  bringing  them  into 
right,  good,  or  moral  relation  with  one  another.  When  the 
higher  animal  forms  came  to  be  evolved  in  the  course  of  the 
cosmical  process,  the  lower  form — that  of  worm — was  not  ex 
cluded  as  intrinsically  unworthy,  but  received  a  new  and  more 
fitting  position.  It  ceased  to  be  the  sole  and  obvious  foundation 
of  life,  but  decently  clothed  it  still  exists  within  the  body  in  the 
form  of  the  alimentary  canal — a  subservient  part  of  the  organism. 


Other  forms,  predominant  at  the  lower  stages,  were  also  preserved, 
both  materially  and  formally,  as  subordinate  constituent  parts  and 
organs  of  a  higher  whole.  In  a  similar  way,  Christian  humanity 
— the  highest  form  of  collective  spiritual  life — finds  realisation 
not  by  destroying  the  different  forms  of  the  social  life  evolved  in 
the  course  of  history,  but  by  bringing  them  into  due  relation  to 
itself  and  to  each  other,  in  harmony  with  the  unconditional  prin 
ciple  of  morality. 

The  demand  for  such  harmony  deprives  moral  subjectivism, 
based  on  the  wrongly  conceived  view  of  the  autonomy  of  the  will, 
of  all  justification.  The  moral  will  must  be  determined  to  action 
solely  through  itself;  any  subordination  of  it  to  an  external  rule 
or  command  violates  its  autonomy  and  must  therefore  be  recog 
nised  as  unworthy — this  is  the  true  principle  of  moral  autonomy. 
But  the  organisation  of  social  environment  in  accordance  with 
the  principle  of  the  absolute  good  is  not  a  limitation  but  a  fulfilment 
of  the  personal  moral  will — it  is  the  very  thing  which  it  desires. 
As  a  moral  being  I  want  the  good  to  reign  upon  earth,  I  know 
that  alone  I  cannot  bring  this  to  pass,  and  I  find  a  collective 
organisation  intended  for  this  purpose  of  mine.  It  is  clear  that 
such  an  organisation  does  not  in  any  sense  limit  me  but,  on  the 
contrary,  removes  my  individual  limitations,  widens  and  strengthens 
my  moral  will.  Every  one,  in  so  far  as  his  will  is  moral,  inwardly 
participates  in  this  universal  organisation  of  morality,  and  it  is 
clear  that  relative  external  limitations,  which  may  follow  therefrom 
for  the  individual  persons,  are  sanctioned  by  their  own  higher 
consciousness  and  consequently  cannot  be  opposed  to  moral  freedom. 
For  the  moral  individual  one  thing  only  is  important  in  this  con 
nection,  namely,  that  the  collective  organisation  should  be  really 
dominated  by  the  unconditional  principle  of  morality,  that  the  social 
life  should  indeed  conform  to  moral  standards — to  the  demands  of 
justice  and  mercy  in  all  human  affairs  and  relations — that  the 
individually-social  environment  should  really  become  the  organised 
good.  It  is  clear  that  in  subordinating  himself  to  a  social  environ 
ment  which  is  itself  subordinate  to  the  principle  of  the  absolute  good 
and  conformable  to  it,  the  individual  cannot  lose  anything.  Such 
a  social  environment  is  from  the  nature  of  the  case  incompatible 
with  any  arbitrary  limitation  of  personal  rights  and  still  less  with 
rude  violence  or  persecution.  The  degree  of  subordination  of  the 


individual  to  society  must  correspond  to  the  degree  of  subordination 
of  society  to  the  moral  good,  apart  from  which  social  environment 
has  no  claim  whatever  upon  the  individual.  Its  rights  arise 
simply  from  the  moral  satisfaction  which  it  gives  to  every  person. 
This  aspect  of  moral  universalism  will  be  further  developed  and 
explained  in  the  next  chapter. 

As  to  the  autonomy  of  the  bad  will,  no  organisation  of  the 
good  can  prevent  conscious  evil-doers  from  desiring  evil  for  its 
own  sake  and  from  acting  in  that  direction.  The  organisation  of 
the  good  is  concerned  merely  with  external  limitations  of  the 
evil  reality — limitations  that  inevitably  follow  from  the  nature 
of  man  and  the  meaning  of  history.  These  objective  limits  to 
objective  evil,  necessarily  presupposed  by  the  organisation  of 
the  good  but  not  by  any  means  exhaustive  of  it,  will  be  dis 
cussed  later  on  in  the  chapters  on  punishment  and  on  the  relation 
between  legal  justice  and  morality. 



THE  true  definition  of  society  as  an  organised  morality  disposes  of 
the  two  false  theories  that  are  fashionable  in  our  day — the  view  of 
moral  subjectivism  which  prevents  the  moral  will  from  being  con 
cretely  realised  in  the  life  of  the  community,  and  the  theory  of 
social  realism^  according  to  which  given  social  institutions  and  in 
terests  are  of  supreme  significance  in  and  for  themselves,  so  that 
the  highest  moral  principles  prove  at  best  to  be  simply  the  means  or 
the  instrument  for  safeguarding  those  interests.  From  this  point 
of  view,  at  present  extremely  prevalent,  this  or  that  concrete  form 
of  social  life  is  essential  per  se^  although  attempts  are  made  to  give 
it  a  moral  justification  by  connecting  it  with  moral  norms  and 
principles.  But  the  very  fact  of  seeking  a  moral  basis  for  human 
society  proves  that  neither  any  concrete  form  of  social  life  nor 
social  life  as  such  is  the  highest  or  the  final  expression  of  human 
nature.  If  man  were  defined  as  essentially  a  social  animal  (£3ov 
TToAtrtKoi/)  and  nothing  more^  the  intension  of  the  term  *  man  '  would 
be  very  much  narrowed  and  its  extension  would  be  considerably 
increased.  Humanity  would  then  include  animals  such  as  ants,  of 
whom  social  life  is  as  essential  a  characteristic  as  it  is  of  man. 
Sir  John  Lubbock,  the  greatest  authority  on  the  subject,  writes  : 
"  Their  nests  are  no  mere  collections  of  independent  individuals, 
nor  even  temporary  associations  like  the  flocks  of  migratory  birds, 
but  organised  communities  labouring  with  the  utmost  harmony 
for  the  common  good." l  These  communities  sometimes  contain 
a  population  so  numerous  that,  in  the  words  of  the  same  naturalist, 

1  Ants,  Bees,  and  Wasps,  by  Sir  John  Lubbock,  yth  ed.,  p.  119. 


of  human  cities  London  and  Pekin  can  alone  be  compared  to 
them.1  Far  more  important  are  the  three  following  inner 
characteristics  of  the  ants'  community.  They  have  a  complex 
social  organisation.  There  is  a  distinct  difference  between  differ 
ent  communities  in  the  degree  of  that  organisation — a  difference 
completely  analogous  to  the  gradual  development  in  the  forms  of 
human  culture  from  the  hunting  to  the  agricultural  stage.  It 
proves  that  the  social  life  of  ants  did  not  arise  in  any  accidental 
or  exceptional  fashion  but  developed  according  to  certain  general 
sociological  laws.  Finally,  the  social  tie  is  remarkably  strong  and 
stable,  and  there  is  wonderful  practical  solidarity  between  the 
members  of  the  ants'  community,  so  far  as  the  common  good  is 

With  regard  to  the  first  point,  if  division  of  labour  be  the 
characteristic  feature  of  civilised  life,  it  is  impossible  to  deny 
civilisation  to  ants.  Division  of  labour  is  in  their  case  carried 
out  very  sharply.  They  have  very  brave  soldiers  armed  with 
enormously  developed  pincer-like  jaws  by  which  they  adroitly 
seize  and  snap  off  the  heads  of  their  enemies,  but  who  are  in 
capable  of  doing  anything  else.  They  have  workmen  remarkable 
for  their  skill  and  industry.  They  have  gentlemen  with  opposite 
characteristics  who  go  so  far  that  they  can  neither  feed  them 
selves  nor  move  about  and  only  know  how  to  use  other  ants' 
services.  Finally,  they  have  slaves  (not  to  be  confused  with 
workmen2)  who  are  obtained  by  conquest  and  belong  to  other 
species  of  ants,  which  fact  does  not,  however,  prevent  them  from 
being  completely  devoted  to  their  masters.  Apart  from  such 
division  of  labour,  the  high  degree  of  civilisation  possessed  by  ants 
is  proved  by  their  keeping  a  number  of  domestic  animals  (i.e. 
tamed  insects  belonging  to  other  zoological  groups),  "So  that  we 
may  truly  say,"  Sir  John  Lubbock  remarks,  of  course  with  some 
exaggeration,  "  that  our  English  ants  possess  a  much  greater  variety 
of  domestic  animals  than  we  do  ourselves." 3 

Some  of  these  domestic  insects  carefully  brought  up  by  ants 
serve  for  food  (in  particular  the  plant-lice  aphidae^  which  Linnaeus 

1  Ants,  Bees,  and  Wasps,  by  Sir  John  Lubbock,  yth  ed.,  p,  119. 

2  Working  ants  (like  working  bees)  do  not  form  a  distinct  species  ;  they  are   de 
scended  from  the  common  queen  but  are  sexually  under-developed. 

*  Ibid.  p.  73. 


calls  ants'  cows  (Aphis  formicarum  vacca] ;  others  perform  certain 
necessary  work  in  the  community,  e.g.  act  as  dustmen  ;  the  third, 
in  Lubbock's  opinion,  are  kept  simply  for  amusement  like  our 
pug-dogs  or  canaries.  The  entomologist  Andr6  has  made  a  list 
of  584  species  of  insects  which  are  usually  found  in  ants'  com 

At  the  present  time  many  large  and  well-populated  communities 

of  ants  live  chiefly  on  the  large  stores  of  vegetable  products  they 

collect.     Crowds  of  working  ants  skilfully  and  systematically  cut 

blades  of  grass  and  stems  of  leaves — reap  them,  as  it  were.     But 

this  semblance  of  agriculture  is  neither  their  only  nor  their  original 

means  of  subsistence.      "  We   find,"  writes   Lubbock,  "  in   the 

different   species  of  ants    different    conditions    of  life,  curiously 

answering  to  the  earlier  stages  of  human  progress.     For  instance, 

some  species,  such  as  Formica  fusca^  live  principally  on  the  produce 

of  the  chase  ;  for  though  they  feed  partly  on  the  honey-dew  of 

aphides,  they  have  not  domesticated  those   insects.     These  ants 

probably  retain  the  habits  once  common  to  all  ants.     They  resemble 

the  lower  races  of  men,  who  subsist  mainly  by  hunting.     Like 

them  they  frequent  woods  and  wilds,  live  in  comparatively  small 

communities,  and  the  instincts  of  collective  action  are  but  little 

developed  among  them.     They  hunt  singly,  and  their  battles  are 

single  combats,  like  those  of  the  Homeric  heroes.     Such  species 

as  Lassius  flavus  represent  a  distinctly  higher  type  of  social  life  ; 

they  show  more  skill  in  architecture,  may  literally  be  said  to  have 

domesticated  certain  species  of  aphides,  and  may  be  compared  to 

the  pastoral  stage  of  human  progress,  to  the  races  which  live  on  the 

produce  of  their  flocks  and  herds.     Their  communities  are  more 

numerous  ;  they  act  much  more  in  concert  j  their  battles  are  not 

mere  single  combats,  but  they  know  how  to  act  in  combination. 

I  am  disposed  to  hazard  the  conjecture  that  they  will  gradually 

exterminate   the  mere  hunting  species,  just  as  savages  disappear 

before  more  advanced  races.     Lastly,  the  agricultural  nations  may 

be  compared  with  the  harvesting  ants.     Thus  there  seem  to  be 

three  principal  types,  offering  a  curious  analogy  to  the  three  great 

phases — the  hunting,  pastoral,  and  agricultural  stages  in  the  history 

of  human  development."1 

In    addition  to  the   complexity   of  social    structure  and   the 

1  P.  91. 


graduated  stages  in  the  development  of  culture,  ants'  societies  are 
also  noted,  as  has  been  said  above,  for  the  remarkable  stability  of 
the  social  tie.  Our  author  continually  remarks  on  l  the  greatest 
harmony  that  reigns  between  members  of  one  and  the  same  com 
munity.'  This  harmony  is  exclusively  conditioned  by  the  common 
good.  On  the  ground  of  many  observations  and  experiments,  Sir 
John  Lubbock  proves  that  whenever  an  individual  ant  undertakes 
something  useful  for  the  community  and  exceeding  its  own  powers, 
e.g.  attempts  to  bring  to  the  ant-heap  a  dead  fly  or  beetle  it  has 
come  across,  it  always  calls  and  finds  comrades  to  help  it.  When, 
on  the  contrary,  an  individual  ant  gets  into  trouble  which  concerns 
it  alone,  this  does  not  as  a  rule  excite  any  sympathy  whatever  and 
no  help  is  rendered  to  it.  The  patient  scientist  had  a  number  of 
times  brought  separate  ants  into  a  state  of  insensibility  by  chloroform 
or  spirits  and  found  that  their  fellow-citizens  either  did  not  take  the 
slightest  notice  of  the  unfortunate  ones  or  threw  them  out  as  dead. 
Tender  sympathy  with  personal  grief  is  not  connected  with  any 
social  function  and  therefore  does  not  form  part  of  the  idea  of  social 
life  as  such.  But  the  feeling  of  civic  duty  or  the  devotion  to 
general  order  are  so  great  among  ants  that  they  never  have  any 
quarrels  or  civil  wars.  Their  armies  are  intended  solely  for  outside 
wars.  And  even  in  the  highly  developed  communities,  which  have 
a  special  class  of  dustmen  and  a  breed  of  domestic  clowns,  not  a 
single  observer  could  discover  any  trace  of  organised  police  or 


Social  life  is  at  least  as  essential  a  characteristic  of  these  insects 
as  it  is  of  man.  If,  however,  we  do  not  admit  that  they  are  equal 
to  ourselves — if  we  do  not  agree  to  bestow  upon  each  of  the  in 
numerable  ants  living  in  our  forests  the  rights  of  man  and  of 
citizen,  it  means  that  man  has  another  and  a  more  essential 
characteristic,  one  that  is  independent  of  social  instincts  and,  on 
the  contrary,  conditions  the  distinctive  character  of  human  society. 
This  characteristic  consists  in  the  fact  that  each  man,  as  such,  is 
a  moral  being — i.e.  a  being  who,  apart  from  his  social  utility,  has 
absolute  worth  and  absolute  right  to  live  and  freely  develop  his 
positive  powers.  It  directly  follows  from  this  that  no  man  under 


any  conditions  and  not  for  any  reason  may  be  regarded  as  only  a  means 
for  purposes  extraneous  to  himself.  We  cannot  be  merely  an 
instrument  either  for  the  good  of  another  person  or  for  the  good  of  a 
whole  class  or  even  for  the  so-called  common  good^  i.e.  the  good  of 
the  majority  of  men.  This  t  common  good '  or  <  general  utility  ' 
has  a  claim  not  upon  man  as  a  person,  but  upon  his  activity  or 
work  to  the  extent  to  which  that  work,  being  useful  for  the  com 
munity,  secures  at  the  same  time  a  worthy  existence  to  the  worker. 
The  right  of  the  person  as  such  is  based  upon  his  human  dignity 
inherent  in  him  and  inalienable,  upon  the  formal  infinity  of  reason 
in  every  human  being,  upon  the  fact  that  each  person  is  unique  and 
individual,  and  must  therefore  be  an  end  in  himself  and  not  merely 
a  means  or  an  instrument.  This  right  of  the  person  is  from  its 
very  nature  unconditional^  while  the  rights  of  the  community  with 
regard  to  the  person  are  conditioned  by  the  recognition  of  his  in 
dividual  rights.  Society,  therefore,  can  compel  a  person  to  do 
something  only  through  an  act  of  his  own  will, — otherwise  it  will 
not  be  a  case  of  laying  an  obligation  upon  a  person,  but  of  making 
use  of  a  thing.  This  does  not  mean,  of  course  (as  one  of  my 
critics  imagined),  that  in  order  to  pass  a  legal  or  administrative 
measure,  the  central  power  must  ask  the  individual  consent  of  each 
person.  The  moral  principle  in  its  application  to  politics  logically 
involves  not  an  absurd  liberum  veto  of  this  kind,  but  the  right  of 
each  responsible  person  freely  to  change  his  allegiance  as  well  as 
his  religion.  In  other  words,  no  social  group  or  institution  has  a 
right  forcibly  to  detain  any  one  among  its  members. 

The  human  dignity  of  each  person  or  his  nature  as  a  moral 
being  does  not  in  any  way  depend  upon  his  particular  qualities  or 
his  social  utility.  Such  qualities  and  utility  may  determine  man's 
external  position  in  society  and  the  relative  value  set  upon  him  by 
other  people  ;  they  do  not  determine  his  own  worth  and  his  human 
rights.  Many  animals  are  by  nature  far  more  virtuous  than  many 
human  beings.  The  conjugal  virtue  of  pigeons  and  storks,  the 
maternal  love  of  hens,  the  gentleness  of  deer,  the  faithfulness  and 
devotion  of  dogs,  the  good  nature  of  seals  and  dolphins,  the  industry 
and  civic  virtues  of  ants  and  bees,  etc.,  are  characteristic  qualities 
adorning  our  younger  brothers,  while  they  are  by  no  means  pre 
dominant  in  the  majority  of  human  beings.  Why  is  it  then  that 
it  has  never  occurred  to  any  one  to  deprive  the  most  worthless  of 


men  of  his  human  rights  in  order  to  pass  them  to  the  most  excellent 
of  animals  as  a  reward  for  its  virtue  ?  As  to  utility,  not  only  one 
strong  horse  is  more  useful  than  a  number  of  sick  beggars,  but 
even  inanimate  objects,  such  as  the  printing-press  or  the  steam- 
boiler,  have  undoubtedly  been  of  far  more  use  to  the  historical 
process  as  a  whole  than  entire  tribes  of  savages  or  barbarians. 
And  yet  if  (per  impossible]  Gutenberg  and  Watt  had,  for  the  sake 
of  their  great  inventions,  intentionally  and  consciously  to  sacrifice 
the  life  even  of  a  single  savage  or  barbarian,  the  usefulness  of  their 
work  would  not  prevent  their  action  from  being  decidedly  con 
demned  as  immoral — unless  indeed  the  view  be  taken  that  the 
purpose  justifies  the  means. 

If  the  common  good  or  the  general  happiness  is  to  have  the 
significance  of  a  moral  principle,  they  must  be  in  the  full  sense 
general,  i.e.  they  must  refer  not  merely  to  many  or  to  the 
majority  of  men  but  to  all  without  exception.  That  which  is 
truly  the  good  of  all  is  for  that  very  reason  the  good  of  each — 
no  one  is  excluded  and,  therefore,  in  serving  such  a  social  good  as 
an  end,  the  individual  does  not  thereby  become  merely  a  means 
or  an  instrument  of  something  extraneous  and  foreign  to  himself. 
True  society  which  recognises  the  absolute  right  of  each  person 
is  not  the  negative  limit  but  the  positive  complement  of  the 
individual.  In  serving  it  with  whole-hearted  devotion,  the  in 
dividual  does  not  lose  but  realises  his  absolute  worth  and  signifi 
cance.  For  when  taken  in  isolation  he  is  only  potentially  absolute 
and  infinite,  and  becomes  so  actually  only  by  being  inwardly 
united  to  all.1 

The  only  moral  norm  is  the  principle  of  human  dignity  or  of  the 
absolute  worth  of  each  individual^  in  virtue  of  which  society  is 
determined  as  the  inward  and  free  harmony  of al!.2  It  is  just  as  im 
possible  that  there  should  be  many  moral  norms  in  the  strict  sense 
of  the  term,  as  it  is  impossible  that  there  should  be  many  supreme 
goods  or  many  moralities.  It  is  not  difficult  to  show  that  religion 
(as  concretely  given  in  history),  family,  and  property  do  not  as 
such  contain  a  moral  norm  in  the  strict  sense  of  the  term.  A 

1  See  above,  Part  III.,  Chapter  I.,  'The  Individual  and  Society.' 

2  This  position  is  logically  established  in  moral  philosophy  in  its  elementary  part, 
which,  thanks  to  Kant,  became  as  strictly  scientific  in  its  own  sphere  as  pure  mechanics 
is  in  another. 


thing  which,  taken  by  itself,  may  or  may  not  be  moral,  must 
obviously  be  determined  as  one  or  the  other  by  means  of  something 
else.  It  cannot,  therefore,  be  a  moral  norm  on  its  own  account 
— that  is,  it  cannot  give  to  other  things  a  character  which 
it  itself  does  not  possess.  Now  there  is  no  doubt  that  religion 
may  or  may  not  be  moral.  Such  religions  as,  for  instance,  the  cult 
of  Moloch  or  Astarte  (the  survivals  or  analogies  of  which  are  to 
be  met  now  and  then  to  this  day),  cannot  possibly  serve  as  a  moral 
norm  of  anything,  since  their  very  essence  is  directly  opposed  to 
all  morality.  When,  therefore,  we  are  told  that  religion  is  the 
norm  and  the  moral  foundation  of  society,  we  must  first  see 
whether  religion  itself  has  a  moral  character  and  agrees  with  the 
principle  of  morality  ;  and  this  means  that  the  ultimate  criterion 
is  that  principle  and  not  religion  as  such.  The  only  reason  why 
we  regard  Christianity  as  the  true  foundation  and  norm  of  all  that 
is  good  in  the  world  is  that,  being  a  perfect  religion,  Christianity 
contains  the  unconditional  moral  principle  in  itself.  But  if  a 
separation  be  introduced  between  the  demand  for  moral  perfection 
and  the  actual  life  of  Christian  society,  Christianity  at  once  loses 
its  absolute  significance  and  becomes  historically  accidental. 

If  now  we  take  the  family,  it  cannot  be  denied  that  the  family 
too  may  or  may  not  be  moral,  both  in  individual  cases  and  in  the 
whole  given  structure  of  society.  Thus  the  family  of  ancient 
Greece  had  no  moral  character.  I  refer  not  to  the  exceptional 
heroic  families  in  which  wives  murdered  their  husbands  and  were 
killed  by  their  sons,  or  sons  killed  their  fathers  and  married  their 
mothers,  but  to  the  usual  normal  family  of  a  cultured  Athenian, 
which  required  as  its  necessary  complement  the  institution  of 
hetaeras  and  worse  things  than  that.  The  Arabic  family  (before 
Islam),  in  which  new-born  girl  babies,  if  there  were  more  than 
one  or  two  of  them,  were  buried  alive,  had  no  moral  character 
either,  though  it  was  stable  in  its  way.  The  very  stable  family 
of  the  Romans  in  which  the  head  of  the  house  had  the  right  of 
life  and  death  over  his  wife  and  children,  also  cannot  be  said  to 
have  been  moral.  Thus  the  family,  like  religion,  has  no  intrinsic 
ally  moral  character,  and,  before  it  can  become  the  norm  for  any 
thing  else,  must  itself  be  put  upon  a  moral  basis. 

As  to  property,  to  recognise  it  as  the  moral  foundation  of 
normal  society,  i.e.  as  something  sacred  and  inviolable,  is  neither 

logically  nor,  in  my  own  case  (and  I  think  in  that  of  my  con 
temporaries),  psychologically  possible.  The  first  awakening  of 
conscious  life  and  thought  in  our  generation  was  accompanied  by 
the  thunder  of  the  destruction  of  property  in  its  two  fundamental 
historical  forms  of  serfdom  and  slavery.  And  this  abolition  of 
property,  both  in  America  and  in  Russia,  was  demanded  and  ac 
complished  in  the  name  of  social  morality.  The  alleged  inviolability 
was  brilliantly  disproved  by  the  fact  of  so  successful  a  violation, 
approved  by  the  conscience  of  all.  It  is  obvious  that  property  is 
a  thing  which  stands  in  need  of  justification,  and  so  far  from  con 
taining  a  moral  norm,  demands  such  a  norm  for  itself. 

All  historical  institutions — whether  religious  or  social — are  of 
a  mixed  character.  But  there  is  no  doubt  that  the  moral  norm 
can  only  be  found  in  a  pure  principle,  and  not  in  a  mixed  fact. 
A  principle  which  unconditionally  affirms  that  which  ought  to  be 
is  something  essentially  inviolable.  It  may  be  rejected  and 
disobeyed,  but  this  is  detrimental  not  to  the  principle  but  to  the 
person  who  rejects  and  disobeys  it.  The  law  which  proclaims 
'  you  ought  to  respect  the  human  dignity  of  each  person,  you  ought 
to  make  no  one  a  means  or  an  instrument,'  does  not  depend  upon 
any  fact,  does  not  affirm  any  fact,  and  therefore  cannot  be  affected 
by  any  fact. 

The  principle  of  the  absolute  worth  of  human  personality 
does  not  depend  upon  any  one  or  anything  ;  but  the  moral  char 
acter  of  societies  and  institutions  depends  entirely  upon  it.  We 
know  in  ancient  and  modern  heathendom  of  highly  civilised  great 
national  bodies  in  which  the  institutions,  of  family,  of  religion,  of 
property  were  extremely  stable,  but  which  nevertheless  were 
devoid  of  the  moral  character  of  a  human  society.  At  best  they 
resembled  communities  of  wise  insects  in  which  the  mechanism 
of  the  good  order  is  present,  but  that  which  the  mechanism  is 
to  subserve — the  good  itself — is  absent,  for  the  bearer  of  it,  the 
free  personality,  is  not  there. 


A  vague  and  distorted  consciousness  of  the  essence  of  morality 
and  of  the  true  norm  of  human  society  exists  even  where  the 
moral  principle  has  apparently  no  application.  Thus,  in  the 


despotic  monarchies  of  the  East,  the  real  man  or  person  was 
rightly  regarded  as  possessed  of  full  rights,  but  such  dignity  was 
ascribed  to  one  man  only.  Thus  transformed,  however,  into  an 
exclusive  and  externally  determined  privilege,  human  right  and 
worth  loses  its  moral  character.  The  sole  bearer  of  it  ceases 
to  be  a  person,  and  since  as  a  concrete  real  being  it  cannot 
become  a  pure  ideal,  it  becomes  an  idol.  The  moral  principle 
demands  of  the  individual  that  he  should  respect  human  dignity 
as  such — that  is,  should  respect  it  in  other  people  as  in  himself. 
It  is  only  in  treating  others  as  persons  that  the  individual  is 
himself  determined  as  a  person.  The  Eastern  despot,  however, 
finds  in  his  world  no  persons  possessed  of  rights,  but  only  rightless 
things.  And  since  it  is  thus  impossible  for  him  to  have  personal 
moral  relations  to  any  one,  he  inevitably  himself  loses  his  personal 
moral  character,  and  becomes  a  thing — the  most  important, 
sacred,  divine,  worshipped  thing — in  short,  a  fetish  or  an  idol. 

In  the  civic  communities  of  the  classical  world  the  fulness  of 
rights  was  the  privilege  not  of  one  man  but  of  a  few  (in  the 
aristocracies)  or  of  many  (in  the  democracies).  This  extension 
was  very  important  for  it  rendered  possible,  though  within  narrow 
limits  only,  independent  moral  interaction  of  individuals,  and 
consequently  personal  self-consciousness,  and  realised,  at  any  rate 
for  the  given  social  union,  the  idea  of  justice  or  equality  of  rights.1 
But  the  moral  principle  is  in  its  essence  universal,  since  it 
demands  the  recognition  of  the  absolute  inner  worth  of  man  as 
such,  without  any  external  limitations.  The  communities  of  the 
ancients,  however,  —  the  aristocracy  of  Sparta,  the  Athenian 
demos,  and  the  peculiar  combination  of  the  two — senatus  populusque 
Romanus — recognised  the  true  dignity  of  man  only  within  the 
limits  of  their  civic  union.  They  were  not  therefore  societies 
based  upon  the  moral  principle,  but  at  best  approached  and 
anticipated  such  a  society. 

This  structure  of  life  has  more  than  merely  a  historical 
interest  for  us  :  in  truth,  we  have  not  outlived  it  yet.  Consider, 
indeed,  what  it  was  that  limited  the  moral  principle  and  prevented 

1  In  the  despotic  monarchies  of  the  East  there  could  be  no  question  of  any  equality 
of  rights — there  was  only  the  negative  equality  of  general  rightlessness.  But  equal 
distribution  of  an  injustice  does  not  render  it  just.  The  idea  of  equality  taken  in  the 
abstract  is  mathematical  only,  not  ethical. 


its  realisation  in  the  world  of  antiquity.  There  were  three 
classes  of  men  who  were  not  recognised  as  bearers  of  any  rights  or 
as  objects  of  any  duties.  They  were  therefore  in  no  sense  an  end 
of  action,  were  not  included  in  the  idea  of  the  common  good  at  all, 
and  were  regarded  merely  as  material  instruments  of,  or  material 
obstacles  to,  that  good.  Namely,  these  were  (i)  enemies^  i.e. 
originally  all  strangers,1  then  (2)  slaves^  and,  finally,  (3)  criminals. 
In  spite  of  individual  differences  the  legalised  relation  to  these 
three  categories  of  men  was  essentially  the  same,  for  it  was 
equally  immoral.  There  is  no  need  to  represent  the  institution 
of  slavery,  which  replaced  the  simple  slaughter  of  the  prisoners  of 
war,  in  an  exaggeratedly  horrible  form.  Slaves  had  means  of 
livelihood  secured  to  them,  and  on  the  whole  were  not  badly 
treated.  This,  however,  was  an  accident — though  one  of  frequent 
occurrence — and  not  a  duty,  and,  therefore,  had  no  moral  signi 
ficance.  Slaves  were  valued  for  their  utility,  but  this  had  nothing 
to  do  with  the  recognition  of  their  worth  as  human  beings.  In 
contradistinction  to  these  useful  things,  which  ought  to  be  looked 
after  for  reasons  of  expediency,  external  and  internal  enemies,  as 
things  unquestionably  harmful^  were  to  be  mercilessly  extermin 
ated.  With  regard,  however,  to  the  enemy  in  war,  mercilessness 
might  be  tempered  by  the  respect  for  his  force  or  the  fear  of 
revenge ;  but  with  regard  to  defenceless  criminals,  real  or 
supposed,  cruelty  knew  no  limits.  In  cultured  Athens,  persons 
accused  of  ordinary  crimes  were  tortured  as  soon  as  they  were 
taken  into  custody,  previously  to  any  trial. 

All  these  facts — war,  slavery,  executions — were  legitimate  for 
the  ancient  world,  in  the  sense'  that  they  logically  followed  from 

1  Hospitality  to  peaceful  strangers  is  a  fact  of  very  ancient  date,  but  can  hardly  be 
said  to  be  primitive.  In  Greece  its  founder  was  supposed  to  be  Zeus — the  repre 
sentative  of  the  third  generation  of  gods  (after  Chronos  and  Uranus).  Before  being  a 
guest  in  the  sense  of  simply  a  friendly  visitor,  the  stranger  was  a  '  guest '  in  the  sense  of 
'  merchant,'  and  earlier  still  he  was  only  regarded  in  the  sense  of  the  Latin  hostis 
(enemy).  In  times  still  more  ancient,  accounts  of  which  have  been  handed  down  in 
classical  tradition,  a  good  guest  was  met  with  still  greater  joy  than  in  the  later, 
hospitable  times,  but  only  as  a  savoury  dish  at  the  family  feast.  Apart  from  such 
extremes,  the  prevalent  attitude  to  strangers  in  primitive  society  was  no  doubt 
similar  to  that  observed  by  Sir  John  Lubbock  among  ants.  When  a  stranger  ant 
belonging  to  a  different  community,  though  one  of  the  same  species,  came  to  an 
ant  heap,  ants  would  drag  it  about  for  a  while  by  its  antennae  till  it  was  half-dead,  and 
then  either  finish  it  off  or  drive  it  away. 


the  view  held  by  every  one,  and  were  conditioned  by  the  general 
level  of  consciousness.  If  the  worth  of  man  as  an  independent 
individual  and  the  fulness  of  his  rights  and  dignity  depend 
exclusively  upon  his  belonging  to  a  certain  civic  union,  the 
natural  consequence  is  that  men  who  do  not  belong  to  that  union 
and  are  strange  and  hostile  to  it,  or  men  who,  though  they  belong 
to  it,  violate  its  laws  and  are  a  menace  to  common  safety,  are  by 
that  very  fact  deprived  of  human  rights  and  dignity,  and  that 
with  regard  to  them  all  things  are  lawful. 

This  point  of  view,  however,  came  to  be  changed.  The 
development  of  ethical  thought  first  among  the  Sophists  and  in 
Socrates,  then  among  the  Greco-Roman  Stoics,  the  work  of  Roman 
lawyers  and  the  very  character  of  the  Roman  Empire,  which 
embraced  many  peoples  and  nations,  and  therefore  inevitably 
widened  the  theoretical  and  practical  outlook, — all  this  has 
gradually  effaced  the  old  limits  and  established  a  consciousness  of 
the  moral  principle  in  its  formal  universality  and  infinity.  At  the 
same  time,  in  the  East  the  religiously  moral  teaching  of  the  Jewish 
prophets  was  evolving  a  living  ideal  of  absolute  human  dignity. 
And  while  a  Roman  in  the  theatre  of  the  eternal  city  proclaimed, 
by  the  mouth  of  the  actor,  the  new  word  '  homo  sum1  as  the 
expression  of  the  highest  personal  dignity,  instead  of  the  old 
1  civis  RomanusJ  another  Roman  in  a  remote  Eastern  province 
and  at  a  scene  more  tragic  completed  the  statement  of  this  new 
principle  by  simply  pointing  to  the  actual  personal  incarnation  of 
it  :  Ecce  homo! 

The  inner  change  which  took  place  in  humanity  as  the  result 
of  the  interaction  of  the  events  in  Palestine  and  the  Greco- 
Roman  theories  ought,  it  would  seem,  to  have  been  the  beginning 
of  an  entirely  new  order  of  things.  Indeed,  a  complete  regenera 
tion  of  the  physical  world  was  expected  ;  and  yet  the  social  and 
moral  world  of  heathendom  still  stands  essentially  unchanged. 
This  will  not  be  an  object  for  grief  and  wonder  if  the  problem  of 
the  moral  regeneration  of  humanity  is  considered  in  its  full 
scope.  It  is  clear  from  the  nature  of  the  case,  and  is  foretold  in 
the  Gospels,1  that  this  problem  can  only  be  solved  by  a  gradual 
process  before  the  final  catastrophe  comes.  The  process  of  such 
preparation  is  not  yet  completed,  but  is  being  carried  on,  and 

1  In  the  parables  of  the  leaven,  of  wheat  and  tares,  of  the  mustard  seed,  etc. 


there  is  no  doubt  that  from  the  fifteenth  and  especially  from 
the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century  there  has  been  a  noticeable 
change  in  the  rate  of  the  historical  progress.  It  is  important 
from  the  practically  moral  point  of  view  to  make  clear  to  ourselves 
what  has  been  done  already  and  what  still  remains  to  be  done  in 
certain  definite  directions. 


When  men  of  different  nationality  and  social  position  wore 
spiritually  united  in  worshipping  a  foreigner  and  a  beggar — the 
Galilean  who  was  executed  as  a  criminal  in  the  name  of  national 
and  class  interests — international  wars,  rightlessness  of  the  masses, 
and  executions  of  criminals  were  inwardly  undermined.  Granted 
that  the  inner  change  took  eighteen  centuries  to  manifest  itself 
even  to  a  small  extent ;  granted  that  its  manifestation  is  becoming 
noticeable  just  at  the  time  when  its  first  mover — the  Christian 
faith — is  weakened,  and  seems  to  disappear  from  the  surface  of 
consciousness — still,  man's  inner  attitude  towards  the  old  heathen 
foundations  of  society  is  changing,  and  the  change  shows  itself 
more  and  more  in  his  life.  Whatever  the  thoughts  of  individual 
men  may  be,  advanced  humanity  as  a  collective  whole  has 
reached  a  degree  of  moral  maturity,  a  state  of  feeling  and 
consciousness,  which  is  beginning  to  make  impossible  for  it  things 
which  to  the  ancient  world  were  natural.  And  even  individual 
men,  if  they  have  not  renounced  reason  altogether,  hold,  in  the 
form  of  rational  conviction  if  not  in  the  form  of  religious  faith, 
the  moral  principle  which  does  not  permit  the  legalisation  of 
collective  crimes.  The  very  fact  of  the  remotest  parts  of 
humanity  coming  into  contact,  of  getting  to  know  one  another 
and  becoming  mutually  connected,  does  much  to  abolish  the 
barriers  and  estrangement  between  men,  natural  from  the  narrow 
point  of  view  of  the  ancients,  for  whom  the  Straits  of  Gibraltar 
were  the  extreme  limit  of  the  universe,  and  the  banks  of  the 
Dnieper  or  the  Don  were  populated  by  men  with  dogs'  heads. 

International  wars  are  not  yet  abolished,  but  the  point  of  view 
with  regard  to  them  has  changed  in  a  striking  degree,  especially 
of  late.  The  fear  of  war  has  become  the  predominant  motive  of 
international  policy,  and  no  Government  would  venture  to  confess 


to  harbouring  plans  of  conquest.  Slavery  in  the  proper  sense  has 
been  finally  and  wholly  abolished.  Other  crude  forms  of  personal 
dependence  which  survived  till  the  last  century,  and,  in  places,  till 
the  middle  of  the  present,  have  also  been  done  away  with.  What 
remains  is  only  the  indirect  economic  slavery,  but  this  too  is  a 
question  whose  turn  has  come.  Finally,  the  point  of  view  with 
regard  to  criminals  has  since  the  eighteenth  century  been  clearly 
tending  to  become  more  moral  and  Christian.  And  to  think 
that  this  progress — belated,  but  quick  and  decisive — along  the 
path  mapped  out  nineteen  centuries  ago,  should  cause  anxiety 
for  the  moral  foundations  of  society  !  In  truth,  a  false  conception 
of  these  foundations  is  the  chief  obstacle  to  a  thorough  moral 
change  in  the  social  life  and  consciousness.  Religion,  family, 
property  cannot  as  such,  that  is,  simply  as  existent  facts,  be  the 
norm  or  the  moral  foundation  of  society.  The  problem  is  not 
to  preserve  these  institutions  at  any  cost  in  statu  quo  but  to 
make  them  conformable  to  the  one  and  only  moral  standard,  so 
that  they  might  be  wholly  permeated  by  the  one  moral  principle. 
This  principle  is  essentially  universal,  the  same  for  all. 
Now,  religion  as  such  need  not  be  universal,  and  all  religions 
of  antiquity  were  strictly  national.  Christianity,  however,  being 
the  embodiment  of  the  absolute  moral  ideal,  is  as  universal  as 
the  moral  principle  itself,  and  at  the  beginning  it  had  this 
character.  But  historical  institutions,  which  in  the  course  of 
history  came  to  be  connected  with  it,  ceased  to  be  universal 
and  therefore  lost  their  pure  and  all-embracing  moral  character- 
And  so  long  as  we  affirm  our  religion,  first^  in  its  denominational 
peculiarity,  and  then  only  as  universal  Christianity,  we  deprive  it 
both  of  a  sound  logical  basis  and  of  moral  significance,  and  make 
it  an  obstacle  in  the  way  of  the  spiritual  regeneration  of  humanity. 
Further,  universality  expresses  itself  not  only  by  the  absence  of 
external,  national,  denominational  and  other  limitations,  but  still 
more  by  freedom  from  inner  limitations.  To  be  truly  universal, 
religion  must  not  separate  itself  from  intellectual  enlightenment, 
from  science,  from  social  and  political  progress.  A  religion 
which  fears  all  these  things  has  obviously  no  faith  in  its  own 
power  and  is  inwardly  permeated  with  unbelief.  While  claiming 
to  be  the  sole  moral  norm  of  society,  it  fails  to  fulfil  the  most 
elementary  moral  condition  of  being  genuine. 



The  positive  significance  of  the  family^  in  virtue  of  which  it 
may,  in  a  sense,  be  the  moral  norm  of  society,  is  apparent  from 
the  following  consideration.  It  is  physically  impossible  for  a 
single  individual  concretely  to  realise  in  his  everyday  life  his  moral 
relation  to  all.  However  sincerely  a  man  may  recognise  the 
absolute  demands  of  the  moral  ideal,  he  cannot,  in  real  life, 
apply  these  demands  to  all  human  beings,  for  the  simple  reason 
that  the  'all'  do  not  concretely  exist  for  him.  He  cannot 
give  practical  proof  of  his  respect  for  the  human  dignity  of  the 
millions  of  men  about  whom  he  knows  nothing  ;  he  cannot 
make  them  in  concreto  the  positive  end  of  his  activity.  And 
yet,  unless  the  moral  demand  is  completely  realised  in  perceptible 
personal  relations,  it  remains  an  abstract  principle  which 
enlightens  the  mind,  but  does  not  regenerate  the  life  of  man. 
The  solution  of  this  contradiction  is  that  moral  relations  ought 
to  be  fully  realised  within  a  certain  limited  environment  in 
which  each  man  is  placed  in  his  concrete  everyday  existence. 
This  is  precisely  the  true  function  of  the  family.  Each  member 
of  it  is  not  only  intended  and  meant  to  be,  but  actually  is,  an 
end  for  all  the  others  ;  each  is  perceptibly  recognised  to  have 
absolute  significance,  each  is  irreplaceable.  From  this  point  of 
view  the  family  is  the  pattern  and  the  elementary  constitutive  cell 
of  universal  brotherhood  or  of  human  society  as  it  ought  to  be. 
But  in  order  to  preserve  such  a  significance,  the  family  obviously 
must  not  become  the  embodiment  of  mutual  egoism.  It  must 
be  the  first  stage  from  which  each  of  its  members  may  be  always 
able  to  ascend,  as  much  as  in  him  lies,  to  a  greater  realisation  of 
the  moral  principle  in  the  world.  The  family  is  either  the  crown- 
Ing  stage  of  egoism  or  the  beginning  of  world-wide  union.  To 
uphold  it  in  the  first  sense  does  not  mean  to  uphold  a  '  moral 
foundation '  of  society. 

Property  as  such  has  no  moral  significance.  No  one  is 
morally  bound  either  to  be  rich  or  to  enrich  other  people. 
General  equality  of  property  is  as  impossible  and  unnecessary 
as  sameness  in  the  colouring  or  in  the  quantity  of  hair.  There 
is  one  condition,  however,  which  renders  the  question  as  to 
the  distribution  of  property  a  moral  question.  It  is  inconsistent 
with  human  dignity  and  with  the  moral  norm  of  society  that 
a  person  should  be  unable  to  support  his  existence,  or,  that  in 


order  to  do  so  he  should  spend  so  much  time  and  strength  as 
to  have  none  left  for  looking  after  his  human,  intellectual  and, 
moral  improvement.  In  that  case  man  ceases  to  be  an  end  for 
himself  and  for  others,  and  becomes  merely  a  material  instrument 
of  economic  production,  on  a  level  with  soulless  machines. 
And  since  the  moral  principle  unconditionally  demands  that  we 
should  respect  the  human  dignity  of  all  and  each,  and  regard 
every  one  as  an  end  in  himself  and  not  only  as  a  means,  a  society 
that  desires  to  be  morally  normal  cannot  remain  indifferent  to 
such  a  position  of  any  one  of  its  members.  It  is  its  direct  duty 
to  secure  to  each  and  all  a  certain  minimum  of  well-being,  just 
as  much  as  is  necessary  to  support  a  worthy  human  existence. 
The  way  to  attain  this  is  a  problem  for  economics  and  not 
for  ethics.  In  any  case  it  ought  to  be,  and  therefore  it  can 
be,  done. 

All  human  society,  and  especially  society  that  professes  to 
be  Christian,  must,  if  it  is  to  go  on  existing  and  to  attain  to  a 
higher  dignity,  conform  to  the  moral  standard.  What  matters  is 
not  the  external  preservation  of  certain  institutions,  which  may 
be  good  or  bad,  but  a  sincere  and  consistent  striving  inwardly  to 
improve  all  institutions  and  social  relations  which  may  be  good, 
by  subordinating  them  more  and  more  to  the  one  unconditional 
moral  ideal  of  the^r^  union  of  all  in  the  perfect  good. 

Christianity  put  forward  this  ideal  as  a  practical  task  for 
all  peoples  and  nations,  answered  for  its  being  realisable — given 
a  good  will  on  our  part — and  promised  help  from  above  in  the 
execution  of  it — help,  of  which  there  is  sufficient  evidence  both 
in  personal  and  in  historical  experience.  But  just  because 
the  task  Christianity  sets  before  us  is  a  moral  and  therefore  a 
free  one,  the  supreme  Good  cannot  help  man  by  thwarting  the 
evil  will  or  externally  removing  the  obstacles  which  that  will 
puts  in  the  way  of  the  realisation  of  the  kingdom  of  God. 
Humanity  as  represented  by  individuals  and  nations  must  itself 
outlive  and  overcome  these  obstacles,  which  are  to  be  found  both 
in  the  individual  evil  will  and  in  the  complex  effects  of  the 
collective  evil  will.  This  is  the  reason  why  progress  in  the 
Christian  world  is  so  slow,  and  why  Christianity  appears  to  be 
lifeless  and  inactive. 



THE  work  of  embodying  perfect  morality  in  the  collective 
whole  of  mankind  is  hindered,  in  addition  to  individual  passions 
and  vices,  by  the  inveterate  forms  of  collective  evil  which  act 
like  a  contagion.  In  spite  of  the  slow  but  sure  progress  in  the 
life  of  humanity,  that  evil  shows  itself  now,  as  it  did  of  old,  in 
a  threefold  hostility,  a  threefold  immoral  relation — between 
different  nations,  between  society  and  the  criminal,  between 
the  different  classes  of  society.  Listen  to  the  way  in  which  the 
French  speak  of  the  Germans,  the  Portuguese  of  the  Dutch, 
the  Chinese  of  the  English,  and  Americans  of  the  Chinese. 
Consider  the  thoughts  and  feelings  of  the  audience  at  a  criminal 
trial,  the  behaviour  of  a  crowd  using  lynch  law  in  America, 
or  settling  accounts  with  a  witch  or  a  horse-stealer  in  Russia. 
Hear  or  read  the  remarks  exchanged  between  socialist  workmen 
and  representatives  of  the  propertied  classes  at  meetings,  and  in 
the  newspapers.  It  will  then  become  evident  that  apart  from 
the  anomalies  of  the  personal  will  we  must  also  take  into  account 
the  power  of  the  superpersonal  or  collective  hostility  in  its  three 
aspects.  The  national,  the  penal  and  the  socially  economic 
questions  have,  independently  of  all  considerations  of  internal  and 
external  policy,  a  special  interest  for  the  moral  consciousness. 
To  deal  with  them  from  this  point  of  view  is  all  the  more 
essential,  because  a  new  and  worse  evil  has  been  added  of  late  to 
the  calamity  of  the  hereditary  disease — namely,  the  rash  attempt 
to  cure  it  by  preaching  new  forms  of  social  violence  on  the  one 
hand,  and  a  passive  disintegration  of  humanity  into  its  individual 
units  on  the  other. 




Man's  relation  to  nationality  is  in  our  day  generally  determined 
in  two  ways  :  as  nationalistic  or  as  cosmopolitan.  There  may  be 
many  shades  and  transition  stages  in  the  domain  of  feeling  and  of 
taste,  but  there  are  only  two  clear  and  definite  points  of  view. 
The  first  may  be  formulated  as  follows  :  We  must  love  our  own 
nation  and  serve  it  by  all  the  means  at  our  command^  and  to  other 
nations  we  may  be  indifferent.  If  their  interests  conflict  with  ours, 
we  must  take  up  a  hostile  attitude  to  the  foreign  nations.  The  essence 
of  the  cosmopolitan  view  is  this  :  Nationality  is  merely  a  natural 
fact^  devoid  of  all  moral  significance  ;  we  have  no  duties  to  the  nation 
as  such  (neither  to  our  own  nor  to  any  other]  ;  our  duty  is  only  to 
individual  men  without  any  distinction  of  nationality. 

It  is  at  once  apparent  that  neither  view  expresses  the  right 
attitude  towards  the  fact  of  national  difference.  The  first  ascribes 
to  this  fact  an  absolute  significance  which  it  cannot  possess,  and 
the  second  deprives  it  of  all  significance.  It  will  be  easily  seen 
also  that  each  view  finds  its  justification  solely  in  the  negative 
aspect  of  the  opposite  view. 

No  rational  believer  in  cosmopolitanism  would,  of  course,  find 
fault  with  the  adherents  of  nationalism  for  loving  their  own 
country.  He  would  only  blame  them  for  thinking  that  it  is 
permissible,  and  in  some  cases  even  obligatory,  to  hate  and  despise 
men  of  a  different  race  and  nationality.  In  the  same  way  the 
most  ardent  nationalist  will  not,  unless  he  is  altogether  devoid  of 
reason,  attack  the  champions  of  cosmopolitanism  for  demanding 
justice  for  other  nations,  but  will  accuse  them  of  being  indifferent 
to  their  own.  So  that  in  each  of  these  views  even  its  direct 
opponents  cannot  help  distinguishing  the  good  side  from  the  bad, 
and  the  question  naturally  arises  whether  these  two  sides  are 
necessarily  connected.  Does  love  for  one's  own  people  necessarily 
imply  the  view  that  all  means  of  serving  it  are  permissible,  and 
justify  an  indifferent  and  hostile  relation  to  other  nations  ?  Does 
the  same  moral  relation  to  all  human  beings  necessarily  mean 
indifference  to  nationality  in  general,  and  to  one's  own  in 
particular  ? 

The  first  question  is  easily  solved  by  analysing  the  content  of 


the  idea  of  true  patriotism  or  love  for  one's  country.  The 
necessity  for  such  an  elementary  analysis  will  be  recognised  by 
every  one.  For  every  one  will  agree  that  patriotism  may  be 
irrational^  do  harm  instead  of  the  intended  good,  and  lead  nations 
to  disaster  ;  that  patriotism  may  be  vain,  and  based  on  unfounded 
pretensions  ;  and,  finally,  that  it  may  be  directly  fa/se,  and  serve 
merely  as  a  cloak  for  low  and  selfish  motives.  In  what,  then, 
does  true  or  real  patriotism  consist  ? 

When  we  really  love  some  one,  we  wish  and  strive  to  obtain 
for  them  both  moral  and  material  good, — the  latter,  however, 
only  on  condition  of  the  former.  To  every  one  whom  I  love 
I  wish,  among  other  things,  material  prosperity,  provided,  of 
course,  that  it  is  attained  by  honourable  means  and  made  good 
use  of.  But  if,  when  my  friend  is  in  need,  I  were  to  assist  him 
in  making  his  fortune  by  fraud,  even  supposing  that  he  would 
be  certain  to  escape  punishment — or,  if  he  were  a  writer,  and  I 
advised  him  to  increase  his  literary  fame  by  a  successful  plagiarism, 
I  should  be  rightly  considered  by  every  one  to  be  either  a  madman 
or  a  scoundrel,  and  certainly  not  a  good  friend. 

It  is  clear  then  that  the  goods  which  love  leads  us  to  desire  for 
our  neighbours  differ  both  in  their  external  character  and  in  their 
inner  meaning  for  the  will.  Spiritual  goods  exclude,  by  the  very 
conception  of  them,  the  possibility  of  being  attained  by  bad 
means  j  one  cannot  steal  moral  dignity,  or  plunder  justice,  or 
appropriate  benevolence.  These  goods  are  unconditionally  desirable. 
Material  goods,  which,  from  the  nature  of  the  case,  admit  of  bad 
means,  are  on  the  contrary  desirable  on  condition  that  such  means 
are  not  used,  i.e.  on  condition  that  material  ends  are  subordinate 
to  the  moral  end. 

Up  to  a  certain  point  every  one  will  agree  with  this  element 
ary  truth.  Every  one  would  grant  that  it  is  wrong  to  enrich 
oneself  at  the  cost  of  a  crime,  or  to  enrich  a  friend,  one's  own  or 
his  family,  or  even  one's  town  or  province  at  the  cost  of  a  crime. 
But  this  elementary  moral  truth  which  is  as  clear  as  day  suddenly 
becomes  dim  and  altogether  obscure  as  soon  as  we  get  to  one's 
country.  Everything  becomes  permissible  in  the  service  of  its 
supposed  interests,  the  purpose  justifies  the  means,  the  black 
becomes  white,  falsehood  is  preferred  to  truth,  violence  is  extolled 
as  a  virtue.  Nationality  here  becomes  the  final  end,  the  highest 


good  and  the  standard  of  good  for  human  activity.  Such  undue 
glorification  is,  however,  purely  illusory,  and  is  in  truth  degrading 
to  the  nation.  The  highest  human  goods  cannot,  as  we  have 
seen,  be  attained  by  immoral  means.  By  admitting  bad  means 
into  our  service  of  the  nation  and  by  justifying  them  we  limit  the 
national  interest  to  the  lower  material  goods  which  may  be 
obtained  and  preserved  by  wrong  and  evil  methods.  This  is  a 
direct  injury  to  the  very  nation  we  wish  to  serve.  It  means 
transferring  the  centre  of  gravity  of  the  national  life  from  the 
higher  sphere  to  the  lower,  and  serving  national  egoism  undei 
the  guise  of  serving  the  nation.  The  moral  worthlessness  of  such 
nationalism  is  proved  by  history  itself.  There  is  abundant 
evidence  that  nations  prospered  and  were  great  only  so  long  as 
they  did  not  make  themselves  their  final  end,  but  served  the 
higher,  the  universal  ideal  ends.  History  shows  also  that  the 
very  conception  of  the  nation  as  a  final  and  ultimate  bearer  of 
the  collective  life  of  humanity  is  ill-founded. 


The  division  of  humanity  into  definite  and  stable  groups 
possessing  a  national  character  is  a  fact  which  is  neither  universal 
nor  first  in  the  order  of  time.  Not  to  speak  of  savages  and 
barbarians,  who  are  still  living  in  separate  families,  clans  or 
nomadic  bands,  division  into  nations  did  not  exclusively  pre 
dominate  even  in  the  civilised  part  of  humanity  when  the  tribe 
was  finally  superseded  by  the  £  city  '  or  *  country.'  The  country 
and  the  nation,  though  more  or  less  closely  associated,  do  not  alto 
gether  coincide.  In  the  ancient  world  we  find  hardly  any  clear 
division  into  nations  at  all.  We  find  either  independent  civic  com 
munities,  i.e.  groups  smaller  than  the  nation  and  united  politically 
only  and  not  by  the  bond  of  nationality — such  as  the  cities  of 
Phoenicia,  Greece  and  Italy — or,  on  the  contrary,  groups  larger 
than  the  nation — the  so-called  c  world  empires  '  which  included 
many  peoples,  from  the  Assyro-Babylonic  down  to  the  Roman. 
In  these  crude  precursors  of  the  universal  unity  of  mankind 
national  considerations  had  merely  a  material  significance  and 
were  not  the  determining  factor.  The  idea  of  nationality 
as  the  supreme  principle  of  life  found  neither  the  time  nor 


the  place  for  its  application  in  the  ancient  world.  The 
opposition  between  one's  own  people  and  aliens  was  then 
far  more  sharp  and  ruthless  than  it  is  now,  but  it  was 
not  determined  by  nationality.  In  the  kingdom  of  Darius  and 
Xerxes  men  of  different  race  and  nationality  were  all  regarded  as 
members  of  one  body,  since  they  were  equally  subject  to  one 
common  authority  and  one  supreme  law.  Enemies  or  aliens  were 
the  men  who  were  not  yet  brought  under  the  rule  of  '  the  great 
king.'  On  the  other  hand,  in  Greece,  the  fact  that  Spartans  and 
Athenians  spoke  the  same  language,  had  the  same  gods  and  realised 
that  they  belonged  to  the  same  nation,  did  not  prevent  them  from 
treating  each  other  as  foreigners  throughout  their  history,  or  even 
from  being  mortal  enemies.  Similar  relations  held  between  other 
cities  or  civic  communities  of  Greece,  and  only  once  in  a  thousand 
years  did  the  true  national  or  pan-Greek  patriotism  actively  show 
itself,  namely,  during  the  Persian  war.  The  coincidence — and  that 
only  an  approximate  one — between  practical  solidarity  and  national 
character  hardly  lasted  for  forty  years,  and  was  superseded  by  a 
fierce  and  prolonged  slaughter  of  the  Greeks  by  the  Greeks  during 
the  Peloponnesian  war.  This  state  of  deadly  struggle  between 
small  communities  belonging  to  one  and  the  same  nation  was  con 
sidered  perfectly  normal  and  continued  up  to  the  moment  when 
all  these  communities  together  lost  their  independence.  They 
lost  it  not  in  order  to  form  a  national  unity,  but  in  order  that  the 
Greek  nation  might,  under  the  power  of  foreign  kings,  immediately 
pass  from  its  state  of  political  disruption  to  becoming  the  uniting 
and  civilising  element  in  the  whole  of  the  ancient  world.  The 
opposition  between  fellow-citizens  and  aliens  (i.e.  inhabitants  of 
another  city,  though  a  Greek  one)  had  now  lost  its  meaning  as  a 
supreme  political  principle,  and  was  not  replaced  by  the  opposition 
between  their  own  and  other  nations.  What  remained  was  the 
wider  opposition  between  Hellenism  and  barbarism,  meaning  by 
the  former  participation  in  the  higher  intellectual  and  aesthetic 
culture,  and  not  necessarily  the  fact  of  being  a  Greek  by  birth,  or  of 
using  the  Greek  language.  Not  even  the  most  arrogant  of  Greeks 
ever  regarded  Horaceand  Vergil,  Augustusor  Maecenas  as  barbarians. 
Indeed  the  founders  of  the  Hellenic  '  world  empire '  themselves — 
the  Macedonian  kings  Philip  and  Alexander,  were  not  Greeks 
in  the  ethnographical  sense.  And  it  was  owing  to  these  two 


foreigners  that  Greeks  immediately  passed  from  the  narrow  local 
patriotism  of  separate  civic  communities  to  the  consciousness  of 
themselves  as  bearers  of  a  world-wide  culture,  without  ever  return 
ing  to  the  stage  of  the  national  patriotism  of  the  Persian  wars. 
As  to  Rome,  the  whole  of  Roman  history  was  a  continuous 
transition  from  the  policy  of  a  city  to  the  policy  of  a  world 
Empire — ab  urbe  ad  orbem — without  pausing  at  a  purely  national 
stage.  When  Rome  was  defending  herself  against  the  Punic 
invasion,  she  was  merely  the  most  powerful  of  the  Italian  cities. 
When  she  crushed  her  enemy,  she  imperceptibly  overstepped  the 
ethnographical  and  the  geographical  boundaries  of  Latinism  and 
became  conscious  of  herself  as  a  moving  force  in  the  world-history, 
anticipating  by  two  centuries  the  poet's  reminder — 

But,  Rome,  'tis  thine  alone,  with  awful  sway, 
To  rule  mankind  and  make  the  world  obey, 
Disposing  peace  and  war  thy  own  majestic  way, 
To  tame  the  proud,  the  fetter'd  slave  to  free. 

Roman  citizenship  soon  became  accessible  to  all,  and  the  formula 
1  Rome  for  the  Romans '  appealed  to  no  one  on  the  banks  of  the 
Tiber  :  Rome  was  for  the  world. 

While  Alexanders  and  Caesars  were  politically  abolishing  in 
East  and  West  the  vague  limits  of  nationality,  cosmopolitanism  as 
a  philosophical  doctrine  was  developed  and  disseminated  by  the 
representatives  of  the  two  most  popular  schools  of  thought — the 
wandering  Cynics  and  the  dispassionate  Stoics.  They  preached 
the  supremacy  of  nature  and  reason,  the  unity  underlying  all 
existence  and  the  insignificance  of  all  artificial  and  historical 
limitations  and  divisions.  They  taught  that  man  by  his  very 
nature  and  therefore  every  man  had  a  supreme  destination  and 
dignity,  consisting  in  freedom  from  external  affections,  errors  and 
passions,  in  the  steadfast  courage  of  the  man  who  "  if  the  whole 
world  were  dashed  to  fragments,  would  remain  serene  among  the 
ruins.  "  1  Hence  they  inevitably  recognised  all  the  externally  given 
determinations,  social,  national,  etc.,  as  conventional  and  illusory. 
Roman  jurisprudence,2  in  its  own  sphere  and  from  its  own  point 

1   Si  fractus  illabatur  orbis 

Impavidum  ferient  ruinae. 

2  For  confirmation  of  these  statements   see   last  chapter   of  Part   I.  of  Natsionalny 
Fopros  (The  national  question},  by  the  present  author. 


of  view,  also  supported  the  philosophical  ideas  of  natural  and 
therefore  universal  reason,  of  virtue  which  is  the  same  for  all,  and 
of  the  equality  of  human  rights.  As  a  result  of  this  collective 
intellectual  work  the  conception  c  Roman '  became  identical 
with  the  conception  of  c  universal,'  both  in  its  external  range  of 
application  and  in  its  inner  content.1 


At  the  beginning  of  the  Christian  era  the  Jewish  people  were 
the  only  one  within  the  civilised  world  of  antiquity  who  had  a 
strong  national  consciousness.  But  in  their  case  it  was  intimately 
associated  with  their  religion,  with  the  true  feeling  of  its  inner 
superiority  and  a  presentiment  of  world-wide  historical  destiny. 
The  national  consciousness  of  the  Jews  had  no  real  satis 
faction  ;  it  lived  by  hopes  and  expectations.  The  short-lived 
greatness  of  David  and  Solomon  was  idealised  and  transformed 
into  a  golden  age.  But  the  vital  historical  instinct  of  the  people 
who  were  the  first  to  evolve  a  philosophy  of  history  (in  the  book 
of  Daniel  on  the  world  empires  and  on  the  kingdom  of  truth  of 
the  Son  of  man)  did  not  allow  them  to  stop  at  the  glorified  image 
of  the  past  and  made  them  transfer  their  ideal  into  the  future.  This 
ideal,  however,  had  from  the  first  certain  features  of  universal 
significance,  and  when,  by  the  inspiration  of  the  prophets,  it  was 
transferred  to  the  future  it  became  finally  free  from  all  narrow 
nationalistic  limitations.  Isaiah  proclaimed  the  Christ  as  the 
banner  that  is  to  gather  all  natio'ns  round  Himself,  and  the  author 
of  the  book  of  Daniel  entirely  adopted  the  point  of  view  of  universal 

This  universalistic  conception  of  the  Messiah,  expressing  the 
true  national  self-consciousness  of  the  Jews  as  the  finest  ideal 
flower  of  the  spirit  of  the  people,  was  held  only  by  the  elect  few. 
When  the  banner  for  all  the  peoples  was,  as  foretold  by  the 
prophets,  raised  in  Jerusalem  and  Galilee,  the  majority  of  the  Jews 
with  their  official  leaders  (the  Sadducees),  and  partly  with  their 
unofficial  teachers  (the  Pharisees),  proved  to  be  on  the  side  of  the 

1  Although  the  Stoic  philosophy  originated  in  Greece,  independently  of  Rome,  it 
developed  only  in.  the  Roman  era,  was  particularly  prevalent  among  the  Romans,  and 
manifested  its  practical  influence  chiefly  through  Roman  lawyers. 


national  and  religious  exclusiveness  as  against  the  highest  realisation 
of  the  prophetic  ideal.  The  inevitable  conflict  and  breach  between 
these  two  tendencies — these  l  two  souls,' l  as  it  were — of  the 
Jewish  people  sufficiently  explains  (from  the  purely  historical  point 
of  view)  the  great  tragedy  of  Golgotha,  with  which  Christianity 

It  would,  however,  be  an  obvious  mistake  to  associate 
Christianity  with  the  principle  of  cosmopolitanism.  There  was 
no  occasion  for  the  Apostles  to  preach  against  nationality.  The 
dangerous  and  immoral  aspect  of  national  divisions,  namely,  mutual 
hatred  and  malignant  struggle,  no  longer  existed  within  the  limits 
of  the  c  universe ' 3  of  that  day  ;  Roman  peace — pax  Romana — had 
abolished  wars  between  nations.  Christfan  universalism  was 
directed  against  other  and  more  profound  divisions,  which  remained 
in  full  force  in  practical  life  in  spite  of  the  ideas  of  the  prophets, 
the  philosophers,  and  the  jurists.  There  remained  the  distinction 
of  religion  between  Judaism  and  paganism,  the  distinction  of 
culture  between  Hellenism  (which  included  educated  Romans) 
and  barbarism,  and,  finally,  the  worst  distinction — the  socially- 
economic  one — between  freemen  and  slaves.  It  had  retained  all 
its  force  in  practice,  in  spite  of  the  theoretical  protests  of  the  Stoics. 
These  divisions  were  in  direct  opposition  to  the  moral  principle — 
which  was  not  the  case  with  the  national  distinctions  of  that  time. 
The  latter  had  in  the  Roman  Empire  as  innocent  a  character  as, 
for  instance,  the  provincialism  of  Gascogne  or  Brittany  has  in 
modern  France.  But  the  opposition  between  the  Jews  and  the 
Gentiles,  the  Hellenes  and  the  barbarians,  freemen  and  slaves, 
involved  the  denial  of  all  solidarity  between  them  ;  it  was  an  opposi 
tion  of  the  higher  beings  to  the  lower,  the  lower  having  their  moral 
dignity  and  human  rights  denied  to  them.4  This  is  the  reason  why 
St.  Paul  had  to  proclaim  that  in  Jesus  Christ  there  is  neither  Jew 

1  Two  souls  live  in  my  breast, 

They  struggle,  and  long  to  be  parted. 


2  That  the  best  among  the  Pharisees  took  no  part  in  the  persecution  of  Jesus  Christ, 
and  were  favourable  to  primitive  Christianity,  is  shown  in  Professor  Hvolson's  excellent 
article  in  the  Memuari  Akademii  Nauk  (Proceedings  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences],  1893. 

3  OlKOfdv-r}  (i.e.  777),  the  Greek  name  for  the  Roman  Empire. 

4  In  speaking  of  the  opposition  between  Judaism  and   paganism,  I  am  referring,  of 
course,  not  to  the  teaching  of  Moses  and  the  prophets  and  sages — they  all  recognised  in 
principle  that  the  pagans  had  human  rights — but  to  the  spirit  of  the  crowd  and  its  leaders 


nor  Greek,  neither  bond  nor  free,  but  a  new  creation — a  new  creation, 
however,  and  not  simple  reduction  of  the  old  to  one  denominator. 
In  the  place  of  the  negative  ideal  of  the  dispassionate  Stoic  un 
moved  by  the  downfall  of  the  world,  the  Apostle  puts  the  positive 
ideal  of  a  man  full  of  compassion  and  at  one  with  all  that  lives, 
who  shares  in  the  sufferings  of  the  universal  man,  Christ,  and  in 
His  death  that  redeems  the  world,  and  therefore  participates  in 
His  triumph  over  death  and  in  the  salvation  of  the  whole  world. 
In  Christianity  the  mind  passes  from  the  abstract  man  in  general 
of  the  philosophers  and  jurists  to  the  concrete  universal  man. 
The  old  hostility  and  estrangement  between  different  sections  of 
humanity  is  thereby  completely  abolished.  Every  man,  if  only 
he  lets  '  Christ  be  formed  in  him,' 1  i.e.  if  he  enters  into  the  spirit 
of  the  perfect  man,  and  determines  all  his  life  and  activity  by  the 
ideal  revealed  in  the  image  of  Christ,  participates  in  the  Godhead 
through  the  power  of  the  Son  of  God  abiding  in  him.  For  the 
regenerated  man  individuality,  like  all  other  characteristics  and 
distinctions,  including  that  of  nationality,  ceases  to  be  a  limit ^  and 
becomes  the  basis  of  positive  union  with  the  collective  all- 
embracing  humanity  or  Church  (in  its  true  nature),  which  is 
complementary  to  him.  According  to  the  well-known  saying 
of  St.  Paul  the  peculiarities  of  structure  and  of  function  which 
distinguish  a  given  bodily  organ  from  other  organs  do  not  separate 
it  from  them  and  from  the  rest  of  the  body,  but  on  the  contrary 
are  the  basis  of  its  definite  positive  participation  in  the  life  of  the 
organism,  and  make  it  of  unique  value  to  all  the  other  organs 
and  the  body  as  a  whole.  Likewise  in  the  c  body  of  Christ '  in 
dividual  peculiarities  do  not  separate  one 'person  from  others,  but 
unite  each  with  all,  being  the  ground  of  his  special  significance 
for  all  and  of  his  positive  interaction  with  them.  Now  this  ob 
viously  applies  to  nationality  as  well.  The  all-embracing  humanity 
(or  the  Church  which  the  Apostle  preached)  is  not  an  abstract  idea, 
but  is  a  harmonious  union  of  all  the  concrete  positive  characteristics 
of  the  new  or  the  regenerated  creation.  It  therefore  includes  the 
national  as  well  as  the  personal  characteristics.  The  body  of 
Christ  is  a  perfect  organism  and  cannot  consist  of  simple  cells 
alone  ;  it  must  contain  larger  and  more  complex  organs,  which 
in  this  connection  are  naturally  represented  by  the  different  nations. 

1  St.  Paul's  expression. 


The  difference  between  the  personal  and  the  national  character 
is  not  one  of  principle l  but  of  greater  stability  and  wider  range  in 
the  case  of  the  latter.  Since  Christianity  does  not  demand  absence 
of  individual  character,  it  cannot  demand  absence  of  national  char 
acter.  The  spiritual  regeneration  it  demands  both  of  individuals 
and  of  nations  does  not  mean  a  loss  of  the  natural  qualities  and 
powers  ;  it  means  that  these  qualities  are  transformed,  that  a  new 
direction  and  a  new  content  are  given  them.  When  Peter  and  John 
were  regenerated  by  the  spirit  of  Christ,  they  did  not  lose  any  of 
their  positive  peculiarities  and  distinct  characteristic  features.  So 
far  from  losing  their  individuality,  they  developed  and  strengthened 
it.  This  is  how  it  must  be  with  entire  nations  converted  to 

Actual  adoption  of  the  true  religion  containing  the  uncondi 
tional  principle  of  morality  must  sweep  away  a  great  deal  from  the 
national  as  well  as  from  the  individual  life.  But  that  which  is  in 
compatible  with  the  unconditional  principle  and  has  therefore  to  be 
destroyed  does  not  constitute  a  positive  characteristic  or  peculiarity. 
There  is  such  a  thing  as  collective  evil  will,  as  historical  sin 
burdening  the  national  conscience,  as  a  wrong  direction  of  the  life 
and  activity  of  a  nation.  From  all  these  wrongs  a  nation  must  set 
itself  free,  but  such  freedom  can  only  strengthen  it,  and  increase 
and  widen  the  expression  of  its  positive  character. 

The  first  preachers  of  the  Gospel  had  no  reason  to  occupy 
themselves  with  the  national  question  which  the  life  of  humanity 
had  not  yet  brought  to  the  fore,  since  there  were  hardly  any 
distinct,  independent  nations  conscious  of  themselves  as  such  on 
the  historical  arena  of  the  time.  Nevertheless  we  find  in  the  New 

1  This  is  brought  out  by  the  fact  that  the  only  rational  way  of  accounting  for  the 
genesis  of  a  stable  national  character,  such  as  the  Jewish — which  is  not  affected  by  the 
external  influences  of  climate,  history,  etc.,  is  to  suppose  that  it  is  the  inherited,  personal 
character  of  the  national  ancestor.  The  inner  truth  of  the  Biblical  characteristic  of 
Jacob — the  ancestor  of  the  Jews — and  also  of  Ishmail,  the  ancestor  of  the  Northern 
Arabs,  will  be  recognised  by  any  impartial  reader,  whatever  his  attitude  to  the  historical 
side  of  the  narrative  may  be.  Even  granting  that  the  man  named  Jacob,  who  did  all 
that  in  the  book  of  Genesis  he  is  said  to  have  done,  never  existed  at  all,  anyway  the 
Jews,  or  at  any  rate  the  chief  tribe  of  Judah,  must  have  had  a  common  progenitor  ;  and 
starting  with  the  national  character  of  the  Jews  we  must  conclude  that  that  progenitor 
had  precisely  the  typical  peculiarities  which  the  Bible  ascribes  to  Jacob.  See  S.  M. 
Solovyov's  Nabludeniya  nad  istoricheskoiu  •zh'mnyu  narodo-v  (Observations  on  the  historical 
life  of  nations'),  and  also  my  Filosofia  Bibleiskoi  Istorii  (The  Philosophy  of  the  Biblical 
History)  in  the  Istoria  Teokratii  (History  of  Theocracy). 


Testament  definite  indications  of  a  positive  attitude  to  nationality. 
The  words  spoken  to  the  Samaritan  woman,  "salvation  is  of  the 
Jews" x  and  the  preliminary  direction  to  the  disciples,  " go  rather 
to  the  lost  sheep  of  the  house  of  Israel,"  2  clearly  show  Christ's 
love  for  His  own  people.  And  His  final  command  to  the  Apostles, 
"  Go  ye  therefore,  and  teach  all  nations"  3  implies  that  even  out 
side  Israel  He  contemplated  not  separate  individuals  only,  but 
entire  peoples.4  When  St.  Paul  became  the  Apostle  of  the  Gentiles 
he  did  not  thereupon  become  a  cosmopolitan.  Though  separated 
from  the  majority  of  his  compatriots  in  the  all-important  question 
of  religion,  he  was  not  indifferent  to  his  people  and  their  special 
destination  : 

"  I  say  the  truth  in  Christ,  I  lie  not,  my  conscience  also  bearing 
me  witness  in  the  Holy  Ghost,  that  I  have  great  heaviness  and 
continual  sorrow  in  my  heart.  For  I  could  wish  that  myself 
were  accursed  from  Christ  for  my  brethren,  my  kinsmen  according 
to  the  flesh  :  who  are  Israelites  ;  to  whom  pertaineth  the  adoption, 
and  the  glory,  and  the  covenants,  and  the  giving  of  the  law,  and 
the  service  of  God,  and  the  promises;  whose  are  the  fathers,  and  of 
whom,  as  concerning  the  flesh,  Christ  came.  .  .  .  Brethren,  my 
heart's  desire  and  prayer  to  God  for  Israel  is,  that  they  might  be 
saved." 5 


Before  they  could  realise  the  ideal  of  universal  humanity, 
nations  had  first  to  be  formed  as  distinct  independent  bodies. 
Let  us  consider  this  process  with  special  reference  to  Western 
Europe,  where  it  is  finally  completed.  The  Apostles'  successors,  to 
whom  the  command  to  teach  all  nations  was  handed  down,  soon 
came  to  deal  with  nations  in  their  infancy,  standing  in  need  of 
elementary  upbringing  before  they  could  be  taught.  The  Church 
nurtured  them  conscientiously  and  with  self-sacrificing  devotion, 

1  St.  John  iv.  22.  2  St.  Matthew  x.  6.  3  St.  Matthew  xxviii.  19. 

4  The  words  in  the  Acts  of  the  Apostles  (i.  8),  "  Ye  shall  be  witnesses  unto  me  both 
in  Jerusalem,  and  in  all  Judea,  and  in  Samaria,  and  unto  the  uttermost  part  of  the 
earth,"  show  still  more  clearly  that  the  Saviour  of  the  world  recognised  a  definite,  local 
and  national  starting-point  for  His  world-wide  work. 

5  Romans  ix.  1-5,  x.  i. 


and  then  continued  to  act  as  their  guardian,  making  them  pass 
through  a  school  that  was  somewhat  one-sided  though  not  bad. 
The  historical  childhood  and  youth  of  the  Romano-Germanic 
nations  under  the  guardianship  of  the  Roman  Catholic  Church — 
the  so-called  Middle  Ages — did  not  end  in  anything  like  a  normal 
way.  The  spiritual  authorities  failed  to  observe  that  their 
nurslings  had  come  of  age,  and,  from  natural  human  weakness, 
insisted  on  treating  them  in  the  same  old  way.  The  anomalies 
and  changes  that  arose  from  this  fact  have  no  bearing  on  our 
subject.  What  is  of  importance  to  us  is  the  phenomenon  which 
took  place  in  the  development  of  every  European  nation.  It  un 
doubtedly  indicates  a  certain  general  ethico-historical  law,  for  it 
was  manifested  under  the  most  various  and  often  directly  opposed 

For  reasons  sufficiently  obvious  Italy  was  the  first  of  European 
countries  to  attain  to  national  self-consciousness.  The  Lombard 
League  in  the  middle  of  the  twelfth  century  clearly  indicates 
national  awakening.  The  external  struggle,  however,  was  only  an 
impetus  that  called  to  life  the  true  forces  of  the  Italian  genius.  At 
the  beginning  of  the  next  century  the  newly-born  Italian  language 
was  used  by  St.  Francis  to  express  ideas  and  feelings  of  universal 
significance  that  could  be  understood  by  Buddhists  and  Christians 
alike.  At  the  same  period  began  Italian  painting  (Cimabue), 
and  at  the  beginning  of  the  fourteenth  century  appeared  Dante's 
comprehensive  poem,  which  would  alone  have  been  sufficient 
to  make  Italy  great.  From  the  fourteenth  to  the  seventeenth 
centuries  Italy,  torn  asunder  by  the  hostilities  between  the  cities 
and  the  podestas,  the  Pope  and  the  Emperor,  the  French  and 
the  Spanish,  produced  all  for  which  humanity  loves  and  values 
her,  all,  of  which  Italians  may  justly  pride  themselves.  All  these 